Overview of Titan Siege game classes. Walkthrough SIEGE: Titan Wars - tips and tactics Titan siege walkthrough

Official website of the game: gamenet.ru/games/titansiege

Commonwealth of Ancient Cultures

Titan Siege is a full-scale online role-playing project developed by Chengdu Storm Totem Studio. The plot of the game is based on the symbiosis of the epics of Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia. After setting appearance in the hero in the character editor, the gamer's attention is attracted by the game scene. In it, several people are talking about the upcoming rebellion in the camp of the Vikings. The current government is trying with all its might to suppress the impending uprising of the rebels, asking for help from the sovereigns of neighboring kingdoms. The player is one of the members of the allied group, heading towards the general military camp. After arriving at the destination, control is transferred to the hands of the user.


All arriving soldiers are required to undergo training. There is nothing fundamentally new in management. Keyboard arrows or WASD keys are responsible for movement. The viewing angle is changed with the mouse. After completing all the required procedures, you approach your mentor to talk to him. In a moment, the training center is attacked by enemy soldiers, saddled with huge mammoths, and your recruiter does not find a better way out than a newly arrived newcomer into the thick of battles.

Now you are in free swimming. Questions glow over active NPCs as hints, so you never lose your main objective. You are ordered to go outside the gate to deal with uninvited guests. Defending the fortress, the forces of the defending side are depleted and the main character is sent to open world to seek help. Before you go on an adventure, I would like to highlight the following points:

  • Interesting and thoughtful plot, which opens as you progress through the game;
  • Convenient controls, familiar to fans of the MMORPG genre, distinguished by their variability;
  • Availability detailed training;
  • No sagging;
  • Intuitive interface, where only the most necessary information is collected. In addition, the menu has many sub-items and categories, which makes a positive impression of the game;

Character classes

On this moment in the massively multiplayer role-playing project Titan Siege, five classes of heroes are available, each of which is divided into two subclasses.


Characterized as a physically powerful and extremely hardy soldier. Convicted in heavy armor, which hinders movement a little, but in return gives a higher defense indicator. In addition, the warrior is endowed with a sufficient number of health points, which in total allows him to withstand many attacks. Focuses on melee weapons.


  • The Warrior is a first-class fighter who, in spite of everything, is ready to break into the very epicenter of the battle, forgetting about his own defense. His special skills allow him to wield an indestructible two-handed sword.
  • A palladin is a stone wall that can withstand both magical and physical attacks. Of course, swinging for such a character is not so fun, but when it comes time for a castle siege or a collective boss fight, this character will become an indispensable link for victory.


Silent and extremely agile fighters. They prefer to attack suddenly and deliver the final blow with lightning speed. Representatives of hired killers are afraid all over the world. No one has seen them in person, but everyone knows how dangerous they are. The only drawback is the vulnerability in a head-on collision.


  • Rogue - despite his stealth, I can take the fight. Deftly wield any type of weapon. They carry out accurate and quick strikes, trying to exhaust the enemy as soon as possible.
  • Killer - prefers to remain incognito throughout the fight. Methodically hunts down its victim, and then waits for the moment when it is most vulnerable.


The secret patron of divine forces that will give him the gift of healing and mortification. Such characters are most effective in mass fights, as they can apply a positive buff to an ally and have a negative effect on the opponent.


  • The apostle is an excellent healer. It has spells aimed at healing friendly units, and is also able to impose positive effects, inspiring troops to new feats.
  • The Inquisitor is the complete opposite of the previous hero. He is not used to relying on someone, but independently makes efforts to destroy opponents.


A bright representative of the class of combat magicians. It differs from its counterparts in a wide arsenal of spells that can cripple both a single target and cripple a whole detachment of soldiers.


  • Archmage is the patron of the element of fire. It is in his power to direct the power of the scorching sun against any living creature, as well as cause red-hot lava.
  • Magistra is the commander of the air and ice elements. When he is on the battlefield, the heart and blood freeze in the veins of opponents.


Honorary member of the breaker caste. His skills are legendary, as the sorcerer is able to work miracles. After meeting with him, people begin to believe in other dimensions, because it is in his power to call on creatures that no one has seen before. Prefers to fight at a distance.


  • A necromancer is a character who specializes in summoning fallen creatures. The resurrected poor fellows look like the revived dead, unquestioningly carrying out the orders of their master.
  • The Thunderer is a place analogous to the Greek god Zeus. In his hands is all the power of heaven, which, in the event of his anger, will fall on mere mortals.


Combat system

Titan Siege is a classic RPG. Its general style and gameplay features will appeal to fans of the Linage and Warcraft series. By tradition, the first time you will have to deal with a set of experience, receiving a task to kill mobs from various characters. Depending on the chosen class, a set of skills is unlocked that can be learned. You should spend the earned experience points wisely, since the victory of the hero in the PVP confrontation depends on their effectiveness. Each learned ability increases by one point as you gain a new level. In addition, available basic characteristics, which are canonical for games of this genre.

I would like to note right away that Titan Siege uses the target system. It follows from this that the opponent does not need to be aimed. The character will start attacking him as soon as he enters the area of ​​effect. This decision slightly simplifies the process of using spells and special skills, of which there are a huge number in the game. The second plus in the direction of this RPG project is the ability to collect items by area, that is, you will not need to click on each item to pick it up.

One of the most useful skills that remains relevant throughout the gameplay is accelerated running. With it, users get rid of the boring fermentation from one part of the location to another, which gives common game dynamism. In outline combat system done as follows:

  1. We see an enemy unit.
  2. We approach the radius of his defeat (may be different depending on the type of attack of the selected character).
  3. Click right button mouse for a normal physical attack, and also use the available skills to damage the target.

The boy grew up

After reaching the twentieth level, access to full-scale PvP opens. In this regard, the developers of Titan Siege decided to deviate a little from the usual standards, allowing gamers to fight outside the battle arenas. Willingness to accept a challenge is regulated by a special PvP status. The user has the right to configure it so that during attacks it will not cause damage to an allied character. It should be noted that when choosing a full-fledged PK-mode, killing other players is reflected in the karma indicator, tending to a negative value. With a low value of this indicator, there is a possibility that, being killed, you risk losing part of your inventory. Few will like this prospect, but such measures regulate the game balance quite well.

The creators of the project are pushing their users to socialize. Being a strong warrior, you will be interested in receiving support in unforeseen situations. Without reliable allies, danger awaits everywhere. Not a single boss kill is done by a single effort.

Gathering of like-minded people

In the event that one of the many guilds enters the camp, the player has a chance to take part in the siege of the castle. This event promises unprecedented profits and a huge amount of experience in the event of a successful capture of the territory. As expected, the siege of structures takes place in several stages, including:

  1. Preparatory procedures related to the purchase of relevant items, weapons, armor.
  2. Gathering of guild members at a predetermined time and place.
  3. The beginning of the offensive operation. The destruction of the castle gates with the help of various combat units, called siege weapons (trebuchets, battering rams, ballistas).
  4. Capturing opponent's control points.
  5. The final battle with the enemy boss.

It should be noted that in Titan Siege, such battles take on the appearance of large-scale battles. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence on the battlefield of not game characters fighting each other.

everyday problems

Having enough war, I want some peace and tranquility. In order to diversify the gameplay in Titan Siege, there is such a thing as production skills. Undoubtedly, each of the presented crafts will help improve armor, weapons or other items needed on the battlefield. A set of production points is accompanied by gaining experience in the field where he worked main character. It should be noted that only one skill can be mastered perfectly. In total, there are three types of production skills in the MMORPG, including:

  • gathering;
  • Alchemy;
  • Forging;


Mother nature is very rich in useful resources. Carefully studying the world around you can find useful plants, nutritious meat and much more. Success in this matter depends on the corresponding skill, the pumping of which increases the chance of finding valuable resources. There are tools for this skill:

  • Kirk - mining business;
  • Shovel - digging up plants;
  • Hunting knife - skinning and butchering dead animals;


Alchemy is a science whose main task was to turn any object into gold. In addition, scientists were actively engaged in the creation of other magical things. Thus, having learned alchemical magic, it will be possible to improve performance for free, create teleportation scrolls, brew various healing and poisoning potions. In order to fully engage in this craft, you must acquire the following items:

  • potions;
  • Crystals;
  • Crystal vessels;
  • White rune fragment;
  • Assessment stones;
  • other support resources;


Forging is one of the most prestigious professions in Titan Siege. With the help of this profession, it is possible to convene weapons with your own hands. Due to its complexity, it is an extremely energy-intensive craft. The probability of successful forging depends on the professionalism of the master. In order to start the forging process, you must:

  1. Find the item "Production" in the menu;
  2. Enter the parameters that determine the class, type and quality of the item;
  3. Familiarize yourself with the recipe;
  4. Find the necessary artifacts in the inventory, otherwise get them;
  5. Expect a result;


Titan Siege is the iconic MMORPG with its own twists and turns. The developers of the project managed to diversify the gameplay, giving it a multifaceted value. The game has a flair that is lacking in today's modern video games. The causality of most projects makes Titan Siege something special. This game not demanding on system characteristics and PC and takes only 2GB of memory on your hard drive. In addition, the game is quite well drawn and equipped with great music. For those who love constant adventure, a sea of ​​battles and a bunch of additional features, then you are welcome to download Titan Siege.

This hardcore game project is not so easy to pass. Therefore, for a successful gaming process, you will need knowledge game secrets and nuances. Some of them will be revealed to you by our Titan Siege knowledge base.

How to create a character

Even the most legendary campaigns start from the same step. The first chapter of your own legend in this game space is the creation of a hero with whom you will go through all the upcoming difficulties. The first time you enter the game and select the server on which your passage of Titan Siege will be, the character creation window automatically opens in front of you.

On the right is a list of all classes, one of which you need to choose. On the left you can read a short description of each class with abilities and tactics of the game. If this description is not enough for you to choose, then you can see each class in action. To do this, click the "presentation" button located under the character's image. You will be able to watch a short video that shows the most basic abilities of a particular class. If the video helped you make your choice, then you need to click on the "next" button to go to the hero's appearance settings menu.

In this window you can:

  • come up with and enter the name of the hero in the appropriate field;

  • view your character from different angles using the view buttons, with which you can zoom in, zoom out or rotate the camera;

  • choose the gender of your hero;

  • choose a face and hairstyle;

  • choose the color of the skin and hair, using the color palette;

  • choose jewelry for the face. It could be a tattoo;

  • set the size and angle of rotation of the decoration;

  • select tattoo locations (if available);

  • randomly generate appearance using the corresponding button;

  • return to the class selection menu;

  • complete the creation of your hero.

in-game store

Shop- this is one of the special places in the game where you can buy a large number of useful things with which you can speed up the development of the hero and make your gameplay much more enjoyable.

To open the store, you need to click on the chest icon located at the top right of the screen. You can get all possible help in the early stages from the following items:

  • pet– will help to collect loot on the battlefield, and also during the battle will impose useful buffs on your hero;

  • experience potions- give an increase to the experience that the hero receives. With such potions, you can reduce the time to get gaming experience twice;

  • transport- speeding up the movement of your character, which is extremely useful in this huge world. Moreover, some modes of transport have the ability to fly.

What is the maximum level of Titan Siege

To date, the maximum level in the game is 160. If you want to view the maximum level in the game at the moment, then you need to go to the "rating". In the window that opens, select the "player rating" tab, and then the "player rating by levels" table.

Getting good equipment is only the first step on your path to power. In further progress on gameplay it is recommended to improve items with a magic box, which can be opened by pressing the "J" key. There are six tabs in the box window.


Strengthening makes it possible to increase the basic parameters of equipment. To gain amplification, you need to open the "magic box", and then go to the first tab. In the window that opens you will see:
  • a slot for an item that needs a buff in your opinion;

  • the level of the current gain with bonuses;

  • the level of the next gain and its bonuses;

  • chances of success in strengthening;

  • select the resource with which you want to strengthen:

  • amplification stone- the item is enhanced with the help of special stones, which can be obtained, for example, by killing a world or regular boss. Setting the "personal stones" switch will use bound stones, and thus this item will be bound to your hero;

    sapphires- the item is enhanced with the help of sapphires, which can be obtained by using special coupons that are issued for gaming activity. With this enhancement, the item is also bound to the hero;

    coins- the item is enhanced with GN-coins;

  • a button to start the amplification process;

  • a safety gain switch, which is necessary to avoid reducing the gain level in case of failure. With such an increase, resources are consumed 12 times more;

  • button to conduct amplification in automatic mode for a given level. In this case, you will see a log of the amplification with the results of the attempts shown and the resources spent.

    Please note: only amplification stones and coins can be used for auto-enhancement.

  • The current cost of the gain.

Upon completion of the enhancement, the item receives additional characteristics.

Gain Features

  • The safe level to which in case of failure the gain is not reduced is the 10th.

  • Upon reaching enhancement to level 10, in case of failure, the item's enhancement will decrease. However, there are also peculiar control points (+15, +20, +25), the drop in the level of sharpening below which is impossible. To reach such points, the use of safe amplification is recommended.

  • Reaching the level with " reference point”, the chance of enchanting an item to the next level is greatly increased.

  • A sharpened object changes the color and intensity of the glow. This is affected by the gain level.


By dismantling equipment, you can get some valuable components, as well as clear space in your inventory, getting rid of unnecessary items of equipment. To disassemble unnecessary equipment, you need to open the "magic box" and go to the appropriate tab.

Then you need to insert into the slot located in the very center the item you want to dismantle, get acquainted with the list of components and, of course, the chance to get them. To complete the disassembly, press the "disassembly" button.

Note: if you are disassembling a bound item, then the components obtained from it will also be bound.


You can also enhance your equipment by inlaying the selected item precious stones. This adds new features. Each item has up to 4 slots for matching gems.

The type of slot is affected by the type of equipment.

Weapons and Jewelry: Gem slots for Attack, Health, and Critical Strike.

Armor: Gem slots for Defense, Toughness, Evasion Chance, and Accuracy.

Before inlaying an item of equipment, it is necessary to drill cells in it. To do this, you need to open the "magic box" with the "J" key and go to the "inlay" tab. In the central cell, place the object that needs inlay, and in which you want to drill the cells. Decide on the required cell and the method of drilling and press the “drilling” button.

Important: using personal glowing gems or sapphires, you bind the item to the hero.

Once the drilling is completed, the corresponding stones can be inserted into the slots. In this case, inlay is possible in all slots at the same time. It depends only on the cost of inlay in game currency. However, this method will not help to encrust with completely identical stones. For example, only a level 1 holy attack gem and a level 1 electric attack gem can be inserted at the same time, but simultaneous insertion of 2 sacred attack gems is not possible.

To carry out the inlay, you must:

  • open the corresponding tab of the "magic box";

  • choose equipment in which holes are already drilled;

  • install the necessary stones in the slots;

  • choose a resource with which the inlay will be carried out;

  • press the "inlay" button.

Attention: if you use personal glowing gems or sapphires, the item will be bound to the hero.

Upon completion of the inlay, the item receives additional characteristics.

To extract a stone from an item, you must:

  • install the desired item of equipment in the slot;

  • select the slot with the stone you want to extract;

  • select the resource with which the extraction will be carried out;

  • click on the "extract" button.

The stone that was extracted will appear in the character's inventory.

Equipment Awakening

Each piece of equipment has six additional stats that can be awakened. To wake up you will need:
  • open the "magic box";

  • go to the "wake up" tab;

  • insert the equipment into the slot;

  • select a resource with which the awakening will be carried out;

  • press the "activate settings" button.

Upon completion of this, one and six parameters will be awakened.

Attention: awakened parameters have a gradation similar to equipment quality gradation (starting from white to gold).

Having awakened all six parameters, you have the opportunity to use the update function to replace unnecessary ones and to keep the ones you need. To update the awakened characteristics, click the "new properties" button. To save any parameters unchanged, before using the button, you must set the switches opposite those characteristics that you want to leave.

To use the refresh function, you need awakening gems, coins, or sapphires.

Attention: the more settings you want to keep during the update, the more resources you will need to change the rest. Also using personal awakening gems or sapphires, you bind the item to the hero.

In this game project there is a system for automatically updating the properties that you have awakened, thanks to which you can get gold-quality characteristics, and your direct participation is not required.

For this you will need:

  • set the switches near those characteristics that you want to leave;

  • select the resource with which you want to update;

  • press the "auto" button;

  • Specify the number of update attempts and click OK.

Upon completion of this, the automatic update process will begin. When obtaining a characteristic of gold quality, a dialog box appears, where the received parameter is indicated. The system will offer you three options:

  • save and fix - fixing the obtained characteristic and continuing the update process;

  • ignore – continuation of the update process without saving the received characteristics;

  • stop - completely stop the update process.

To transfer the gain from one item to another, you need to go to the "magic box" and open the corresponding tab.

You have to choose the equipment, the amplification level of which will be transferred to another piece of equipment. Then select the item to which you want to transfer the selected gain. And, of course, select the resource with which the transfer will be made:

  • star transfer gems– transferring with the help of special items, which can be obtained, for example, for killing world or ordinary bosses. When setting the "personal stones" switch, bound stones will be used, which will also bind the item to your hero;

  • sapphires- making a transfer using sapphires, which you can get if you use special coupons that are issued for gaming activity. During enhancement with sapphires, the item is bound to the hero;

  • coins– making a transfer using GN-coins.

Then determine the cost of the transfer in game currency and press the activation button.


  • If the item to which the transfer is carried out has any level of enhancement, then this enhancement will be removed.

  • During the transfer of gain to equipment whose level is higher than 40, the gain level will be lowered: at a gain level of up to 10 - a drop by 1 unit, from 11 to 20 levels - a drop by 2 units, from 21 -th to 25th level - a drop of 3 units, from 26th to 30th level - a drop of 4 units.

  • To prevent the gain level from dropping, a save function is provided, the use of which consumes resources 12 times more.


To transfer awakening from one item to another, you can use the inheritance function. To do this, use the "J" button to open the "magic box" and go to the appropriate tab.

To reschedule an awakening, you need to:

  • In the first slot, insert the item in which the characteristics are already awakened, and in the second - the item to which the characteristics need to be transferred;

  • Select a resource with which inheritance will be carried out;

  • Press the "inheritance" button.

Attention: using personal inheritance gems or sapphires, you bind the item to the hero.

With production skills, you get a lot of useful items and equipment by processing the extracted resources for this. It should be borne in mind that one character has the ability to master only one of the crafts. Making forging top-tier gear or brewing a powerful potion is a multi-player challenge.

There are three professions in Titan Siege:

  • gathering– the ability to mine and process various ores, crystals, leather and medicinal plants.

  • – the creation of useful elixirs (personal and for a pet), as well as various scrolls to summon mercenaries, recognize objects, teleport, and so on.
  • Forging- the ability to create weapons, armor, jewelry and siege weapons.

Successfully collecting or processing resources earns production experience. By accumulating enough experience, you are rewarded with one point of production skills, and with this, the maximum amount of energy is increased (each level yields 100 units of energy).

You will need Crafting Skill Points in order to develop Crafting Professions and increase the chance of success in crafting advanced items. It is recommended to choose the crafting profession that you want to improve to the maximum level in advance. Production skill points have a strict limit, so they will not be enough to increase the ranks of all professions. The amount of experience that you currently have and that is required to level up can be viewed in the "production" menu ("O" key). The maximum level for the profession is -10.


Belongs to the most prestigious, but at the same time, the most difficult crafting professions in the game. This is due to the fact that during forging a lot of resources are used, which are used in other craft professions or are obtained by destroying monsters. Moreover, this profession also belongs to the most energy-intensive professions.

With the help of forging, you can get not only armor, weapons and decorations for each class, but also siege weapons. It is worth remembering that upon completion of the creation of equipment, it will not be recognized, and therefore it is recommended to stock up on recognition scrolls in advance.

To forge equipment, you will need:

  • make a choice of the appropriate profession in the "production" menu ("O" key);

  • specify the type of item to create, its class and quality;

  • study the list of necessary components, the amount of energy and money spent;

  • make a choice of the required number of items that you want to produce, and then click the "start" button.

Forging success is affected by the rank of the profession, which can be increased using the “learn” button, however, for this you need 1 production skill point, as well as gold.

The craft is very useful. Specialists in this craft are engaged in the creation of various potions, scrolls of recognition, increase characteristics, scrolls of mercenaries, teleport and pet skills.

To engage in alchemy, you will need the following resources:

  • medicine - a special reagent, which is obtained in the process of processing medicinal herbs;

  • crystals - a resource that is obtained during the analysis of equipment in the "magic box";

  • white rune fragments, crystal vessels, evaluation stones, and other auxiliary resources can all be purchased from the crafting resources merchant.

To start making a scroll or brew a potion, you will need to: go to the "production" menu and press the "alchemy" button, then select the type of transformation and its recipe, get acquainted with the list of required components, the amount of energy and money, determine the number of potions to create and press the button "to begin". The success of production is affected by the rank of the alchemy craft and is shown at the bottom of the window. To increase the rank of the craft of alchemy, you must click the "learn" button, however, this will cost you one point of production skills and gold.


In this game world there is a fairly large amount of resources that can then be used in the creation of items. To extract any raw materials, you will need energy along with special tools, which can be purchased from shopkeepers. To collect resources, you need to have the following special tools in your inventory:
  • pickaxe - to extract ore and crystals in mines;

  • shovel - dig up herbs growing in Sivens;

  • hunting knife - skin the carcasses of killed monsters and get skins.

Attention: Each instrument has a limit on its use. The probability of successful extraction of a resource depends on the level of the "gathering" skill, therefore, in order to get high-level resources, it is recommended to first achieve the appropriate gathering skill.

To extract ore or crystals, you need to go to the mines, indicated by special icons on global map. Look for crystal and ore veins there, and then right-click on them to start the mining process.

To obtain medicinal plants, you need to look for them in the meadows and fields of Sivens. If you manage to find them, then you need to right-click on them to dig them up.

You can get the skin by killing monsters and animals. To do this, right-click on the carcass. The level of resources that you have already mined can be increased by combining low-level raw materials. For example, from 3 skins of the 1st level, you can get 1 skin of the 2nd level. To do this, right-click on the RMB resource whose parts you want to connect.

Upon completion of the connection, the extracted raw materials need to be processed with special auxiliary resources: ores (additives), crystals (liquid lava), medicinal herbs (solvent) and leather (softener). These resources can be purchased from a special trader "crafting resources", which can be found in almost every major city.

To start the processing process, you need to open the "gathering" menu by pressing the "O" key. Then select the resource you want to process and the recipe for it. Then you need to familiarize yourself with the list of necessary components and indicate the number of processing attempts. For start this process you need to press the "start" button.

To increase the likelihood of a successful collection of resources high level or their processing requires an increase in the rank of the gathering craft. This can be done by clicking the "explore" button.

Titan Siege is a client-side MMORPG developed by Chengdu Storm Totem and published by Gamesco. The most notable features of the game are open cards world, massive PvP events, and a fantastic landscape based on various myths.

Review of Titan Siege.

Titan Siege combinesyourself game elements taken from different cultures and historical eras. Players will encounter Greek legends, Egyptian myths and folklore tales from Northern Europe. Your heroes' journey through the fantasy world leads to the ultimate goal of destroying the Titans and freeing the world from their domination. Tons of story-related quests and missions will become available to you as you progress through the game. Each task unlocks a piece of knowledge in Titan Siege. The game features a class-based character creation option that allows players to choose from multiple classes and customize their characters with the right skills and special equipment.

There are 5 classes available in Titan Siege. Warriors are well trained in close combat, with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, they furiously break into the enemy's defenses. Assassin is another melee class that specializes in dealing heavy damage on the sly. The Priest keeps a safe distance from the line of battle and helps allies with Healing Spells. Magicians summon the elements of fire and ice to destroy the enemy.

Titan Siege features skill progressions that are typical of role-playing MMOs, allowing players to upgrade their skills as they level up. The talent development tree has many skills and abilities. You can invest points to unlock those skills that you prefer and consider necessary at this stage. Skill points are obtained by completing special quests.

Enemies range from zombies, elementals and fire dragons, werewolves and golems. Bosses are the most powerful mobs that require careful planning in advance. Athena, goddess of wisdom, Norwegian guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, Thor or Odin are some of the most powerful enemies.

Mount pets are faithful companions that follow and help their owners. Adjustments are possible to improve faster movement on the map. The game starts with a default pet, but as you progress, you can change them.

Auto promotion is another feature in the game. You can easily find the place you need by activating the automatic guiding system to reach the set point. This feature can be disabled if you prefer to explore the continents and find the right places yourself. The world map has several continents divided into several regions. Each region has different spheres of influence and interests. Over 300 PvE quests give players the opportunity to visit and explore the entire game world. Massive PvP battles, in which up to 2000 players participate simultaneously, are available for PvP lovers.

Friends, glad to see you again!

Nowadays, most studios in the gaming industry do not risk releasing projects that do not have their own unique features.

What they don’t come up with to attract us to online games is the most complex combo attacks, intricate pumping systems, dynamic battles, the ability to build ships, buildings, an exciting economy.

The developers of the new MMORPG called Titan Siege also excelled in this regard, having implemented in their project the most successful developments and chips from the classic games beloved by the players.

The main focus here is on large-scale PvP battles. Naturally, at first you have to choose your character with which you will begin the passage.

Classes in Titan Siege are interesting, and to find out their features, read short guide for each.

The heroes in the online game are unique, they have a variety of pumping options and have their own characteristics. An overview of the classes in Titan Siege will help you figure it out. After all, the hero is of paramount importance in every game!

From this article you will learn:


All classes in the game have a huge number of skills - there are more than fifty of them. That is why the hero can be developed in various ways, depending on your play style and preferences.

Moreover, skills in Titan Siege have two branches of development. A variety of options make the game unique, because you can choose your own development path.

There are five classes in the game:

  1. Sorcerers.
  2. Warriors.
  3. Priests.
  4. Wizards.
  5. Assassins.

We will consider each of them in more detail, but first I will give an example of the development of the priest class. He can choose the path of the inquisitor, and then he will quickly deal with rivals, or choose the skills of the apostle for the hero so that he heals.

Here is an interesting innovation. Now let's move on to the description of all the characters.

warrior class

Definitely one of the strongest heroes, dressed in heavy armor. The most persistent of all representatives of the classes. It has an increased supply of health, which allows the warrior to suppress opponents, especially in hand-to-hand combat.

Strong armor only enhances this characteristic. Works especially well with melee weapons.

For a character, you can choose the path of development of a paladin or a warrior. In the first version, the emphasis is on defense, which exhausts opponents in battles, after which the hero inflicts deadly attacks.

In the second, the character sacrifices defense, but at the same time has amazing attack power, the trick is the use of two-handed weapons.

assassin class

The character is armed with short blades, wearing light armor. This class is both despised and feared, a true killer that brings death. Skillfully wields weapons in close combat, has a good reaction and speed.

For this hero, the path of development of the killer or robber is chosen. The killer looks for the most vulnerable spots in opponents, solving issues with the most accurate killing blows, plus he has many camouflage skills, which make him invulnerable.

The rogue prefers to be covert, using his quick moves and inflicting a lot of cuts, which quickly wear down the opponent.

Priest class

By the name of the class, you can guess that he is endowed with divine power.

It can both absorb life and give it.

It is preferable to choose it for team play, only in this way the character will show himself in Titan Siege for real.

For this character, you can choose the path of development of the inquisitor or the apostle.

In the first case, the character uses his mighty power to destroy opponents and, in fact, plays the role of a battle mage.

If you choose the second path, then the priest will focus his divine skill on helping others and will be endowed with the strongest healing skills.

Wizard class

Belongs to a strong caste of battle mages. The hero is very afraid of opponents, this is a real thunderstorm in long-range battles, which is difficult to cope with.

Endowed with a diverse range of offensive spells.

Moreover, the character is dangerous both for multiple targets and for single ones.

For such strong hero the path of development of the master or archmage is chosen.

If you choose the path of development of the master, then the character becomes the commander of ice waves and receives an additional skill with which he can freeze the blood in the veins of opponents.

The archmage becomes the lord of the burning abysses, has power over fire and can simultaneously burn to the ground the bodies of numerous enemies at the same time.

Sorcerer class

The character is great for close combat, belongs to the summoner caste. Has a wide range of diverse knowledge, combined into a single whole. Feature - the ability to call from other dimensions of their minions, endowed with powerful power.

For a character, you can choose the path of development of a thunderer or a necromancer. In the first version, the character manifests himself in hand-to-hand combat and is endowed with a variety of energy spells.

If you choose the second path of development, then the hero will have power over the minions who have become his slaves, who, on his orders, perform all the dirty work for him.

Though online game Titan Siege has a lot in common with the MMORPG genres we love, but its classes are the main advantage because of the choice of development paths.

By choosing unique character, you will go with him through a huge exciting game world, in which you will be impressed by huge locations, you will plunge into dynamic PVP battles, take part in confrontation with various players, you will receive useful rewards for completing tasks and receive achievements.

In a word, it is incredibly interesting to play!

If this article was useful to you, and you want your friends to join you, let them read the guide on Titan classes Siege. I'm sure they'll be interested!

And it remains for me to wish you a happy journey and passage, no matter which hero you choose.

This concludes the review and I look forward to seeing you again!