Military-patriotic game methodical development. Scenario of the military-patriotic holiday game "One day from army life" for students Patriotic games for younger students

"Young Defenders of the Fatherland"

Targets and goals:

    Strengthening the health of the younger generation, involving them in systematic activities physical education and sports.

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle among students.

    Raising patriotism and camaraderie.


Children in grades 1-4, the team consists of 10 people.
Conditions for determining the offset and determining the winners and prize-winners:

    At the opening of the holiday, the participating teams receive “Route sheets” indicating the stations-tasks. Each of the teams is sent to the station. After completing the task, the team moves to the next station (in a circular system). At each station, the team earns points, which are entered in the “Route sheet”. At the end of the game, the points are added up. The team with the most points wins 1st place. Winners and prize-winners are awarded with diplomas of various degrees

Event progress:

Grand opening of the military-patriotic game "Young Defenders of the Fatherland"
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our game is dedicated to this significant day.
Today, as in the old days, our Army is famous for its warriors. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future.
And the future of our Army is you, our boys and girls today. And the power of our Army depends on how you grow up. The military-patriotic game "Young Defenders of the Fatherland" is considered open!

The boys show combat exercises.

Line up!




Calculate the first - the second!

Form two lines!

Step march!

Sing the song!

Stop one or two!


Build on orders!

Brainstorm Station.


    Who is said to be wrong only once? (Sapper)

    Which troops retired? (Cavalry)

    What are military shoulder badges called? (epaulettes)

    What does the word "ram" mean? (Taran - a direct blow to an aircraft, tank, ship)

    What types of edged weapons do you know? (Mace, sword, sword, knife, bayonet, saber)

    What year is considered the year of the birth of the Red Army? (1918)

    What medicinal plant can be used for bruises and abrasions? (Plantain)

    What can be used in the forest to make tea? (Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries)

    What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime science? (Cabin boy)

    What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk)

For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point. The result of the quiz is entered into the Route sheet.

Inventory: sheets of paper and pencils.
Task: For a certain time, name the military ranks and types of troops. The number and correctness of the names of military ranks and military branches are evaluated. The time to complete the task is 3-4 minutes. The team with the most complete answer gets 5 points. The result is entered in the Route sheet.
For reference: types of troops - Military Aviation (Air Force - assault, fighter, army, strategic), Navy (Navy - surface, underwater), Ground Forces (tank, artillery, engineering, special forces, airborne troops), Strategic Missile Forces Appointments (RVSN, Air Defense Forces).
Military ranks - private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, foreman, junior warrant officer, warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, General - Army, Marshal, Generalisimo, Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of Russia. (arrange in order)

AIR ALARM!!!(get dressed quickly and jump out into the street, count, line up on commands)

"Comrade Commander-in-Chief! The detachment (name) for the game "Zarnitsa" is ready. Commander (commander's name). Report submitted!" - "Report accepted, at ease!"

The Commander-in-Chief explains the rules of the game:

“Now each team will receive a military package indicating the route you must follow. A guard will be waiting for you at each transshipment point. He will explain your task to you, control how you complete the tasks and evaluate them ... Having reached the last point, you receive a package with secret information. In this package - the last, most important task.

Commanders, get military packages!"

    Having received military packages with tasks, the teams scatter along their routes.

Patriotic station.

Inventory: sheets of paper, brushes and paints (felt-tip pens or colored pencils).
Move: 1. Name the state symbols Russian Federation.

    State anthem of the Russian Federation.

    State Emblem of the Russian Federation.

    State flag of the Russian Federation.

2. Draw the flag of the Russian Federation. Particular importance in the evaluation of the competition should be given to the correct location and range of colors of the flag. For the correct performance of the task, the team receives 5 points. The flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top one is white, the middle one is blue and the bottom one is red. The ratio of the flag's width to its length is 2:3. White color represents freedom. Blue color - the Mother of God (patron of Russia). Red color - sovereignty (courage, generosity). The time to complete the task is 3-4 minutes. The flag is painted on the snow bottles of water sprinklers with red and blue paint.

Station "Sharpshooter".

Move: each hit - 1 point. One person can make one attempt. Throwing is carried out from a certain place, in turn.

Air Rifle Shooting

table, rifles, bullets, pen, bottles

The route sheet records the number of points scored by the team.

Station “Strongmen”.

Equipment: two sleds with players pull up to each other, winding the rope, who will reach the middle faster.

Station "Sappers"

Crawl lying on a sled through a minefield without touching the skittles.

Station "Medsanchast".

Inventory: bandages and cotton wool.
Venue: Medical office.
Task: In a certain time, the team must bandage the finger. The correctness and accuracy of the task is assessed on a 5-point scale. For incorrect and inaccurate performance of the task, 1 point is deducted.

Transport the wounded on a sled (bun).

Station "Crossing!"

Cross to the other side of the river. Two pull the rope crossing (hold the rope), the rest are crossing. In the boat (bun), grab the rope and pull.

« Scouts

Decipher the message.

A ♪ B ☼ C ☻ D◄

D ▼ Her. _ F ▲ W□

Iy ■ K ╬ L ╪ M⌡

H ⌠ O ⌂ P ≡ R ∩

S ∑ T ↕ U Ω F ♫

X & C ≤ H « W ®

Щ ¿ b ¶ S Õ b

E √ Yu ђ I ≈

Open the envelope to decipher the code.

In the envelope "Run to the playground to the school, look for the treasure!"

Brainstorm Station.


Patriotic station.

Station "Sharpshooter".

Station “Strongmen”.

Station "Sappers"

Station "Medsanchast".

Station "Crossing!"


Find the treasure!

Military patriotic game

"Young Defenders of the Fatherland"

Route sheet

Class 4b


Station 6 "Medical unit".

Station 4 "On the parade ground".

Station 8 “Half”.

Station 7 "Military Patriotic Song".

Station 1 "Sharpshooter".

Station 2 "Patriotic".

Station 3 “Strongmen”.

Station 5 Brainstorm.”


Work passport

Job title: A game for gifted teenagers "Where is our future?"

The purpose and objectives of the competitive work:




Estimated end results:

The procedure for monitoring and evaluating the results:

At the end of the game, upon completion of all its stages, a general event “Who is our future?” is held, at which children have the opportunity to express their opinion on the belonging of each to the state, country, attitude towards it and the desire to be responsible for its future. This event is an assessment of the results achieved during the game. The psychologist (leader) has the opportunity to find out the opinions of students on these issues in a relaxed atmosphere, during the game. In addition, this game helps children to hear each other and find out the opinion of their friends, group leaders on these issues.

Necessary resources for organizing the competitive work: Separate isolated rooms for organizing “stations”, chairs according to the number of participants, tables according to the number of stations, A4 paper, whatman paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, pens, paints, sensory board (table), speakers, microphone, computer, printer.

Explanatory note

The dynamics of the development of the world today is striking in its pace. Dozens of discoveries are made every day, previously unknown materials, structures, mechanisms and systems are explored, innovative methods for the development of various life systems are created, and human society is developing at a global pace. And most importantly, that at the head of all this is the Man. It is the Man who builds hypotheses and proves theories that seemed fantastic ten years ago, it is the Man who invents our future. The most important resource is the Human resource. We, those who are today observing the progress of the development of our country and the whole world, cannot help but understand that the future depends on the younger generation, or rather on how much effort will be invested in creating the development and socialization of our children.

The relevance of supporting young minds, creative and willing to act, was repeatedly emphasized at the very high level in the government of the Russian Federation. And as a particularly important part of the entire system of supporting the development of science and the development of Russian society, the need to identify and support gifted children is stated.

A gifted child is not just a little genius, who, having added years, will be a ready resource for creating scientific discoveries. Only at first glance it seems to us - let him gain years, we just have to wait and we will get a ready discoverer. Plunging into the world of science or creativity, the child does not always find mutual understanding with the outside world. As part of the work of the State Regional Budgetary Educational Institution "Center for the Support of Gifted Children" Strategy ", the most important work is being carried out to identify, support and provide psychological and pedagogical support for children with signs of giftedness.

But where will our great minds end up after the training - won't they want to turn their eyes to the West, with its colorful pictures and attractive slogans, in search of a "better future"? If you leave a young scientist, a growing "wise guy", an inquisitive and gifted child alone, then he will be more susceptible to the influence of Western propaganda. But our task is to instill in the child an understanding that his country needs him, that he is able to raise and develop science in Russia. Our young schoolboy, our growing specialist must feel that Russia needs him, that he is a part of his country. Pride for the country, love for the small Motherland, faith in one's strength and in the potential of one's state - this is the support for our future!

As part of the work of specialized shifts in the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Center for the Support of Gifted Children" Strategy ", work is being carried out to form the civic identity of gifted and highly motivated children, students of schools in the Lipetsk region during the shift, including in the form of a game of stations.

Target group: participants of specialized shifts, schoolchildren aged 12-17, who have signs of giftedness.

Target: contribute to the formation of civil and national identity of schoolchildren with signs of giftedness living in the Lipetsk region.


  • to form a sense of belonging to a team, society, state;
  • promote the development of a sense of pride in one's country, its scientific achievements;
  • to form an understanding of the importance of the contribution of each citizen of Russia to its development;
  • contribute to the generalization of schoolchildren's knowledge about the country;
  • development of interest in the study of the country;
  • the formation of pride in national natural wealth.

Expected results:

  1. Cohesion and unity of teams (as part of society) to achieve common results.
  2. Expansion of knowledge of schoolchildren about Russia, its riches.
  3. Raising awareness of world discoveries made by Russian scientists.
  4. Developing a sense of identification with Russian society.
  5. Overcoming imposed stereotypes about modern Russia, the formation of a sense of responsibility for the future of their country.

Also interesting work on the patriotic education of schoolchildren:

Today at in social networks and on various sites on the Internet you can find propaganda with anti-Russian overtones, as well as direct calls for the desire to leave their country in search of " a better life". Puberty children are most susceptible to such influence. In adolescence, the child is already forming a projection of his "I" in the future, he is going through a period of formation of a system of choices that ensure the integrity of his personality in the future (profession, gender identity, personal attitudes). Therefore, it is so important during this period to provide a teenager with an example of civic identity in adults, as well as to instill a sense of patriotism. In the process of this game, gifted and highly motivated schoolchildren get the opportunity to feel their involvement in the future of the country. The practical significance of this game lies in the fact that it is a practical experience of knowing the uniqueness of Russia and demonstrates the importance of each person for the future of their homeland. Work in this direction is the prevention of "brain drain" beyond the borders of our country.

To participate in this game, participants of the profile shift of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Strategy Center for Supporting Gifted Children” are invited. The shift involves 75 children, who are divided into 5 groups. Each group in the game represents one team. Teams consist of 15 people.

The game assumes the presence of a legend - the search for the "Manuscript of Truth". According to legend, a manuscript was lost in the Umnikum state, which contains the truth of knowledge for every inhabitant of this country. Without this manuscript, the inhabitants of the country cannot continue to live and work, chaos and unrest begin in the country. And the inhabitants of this country sent a message for the guys to come to their aid. Participants are invited to go on tests and answer questions, using knowledge about their country to help the inhabitants of a magical land.

The participants in the game are children, they pass tests (stations in the center building), which are marked on the test map, they receive it after the announcement of the legend, in a certain order (each team has its own order) so that the teams do not intersect in one test. For completing tasks, players are awarded points, in accordance with them they receive a large or small fragment of the map. The more fragments there are, the easier it will be to collect and guess what is shown on it. Children are invited to pass tests, and for each station, depending on the correctness of completing the tasks, they will receive a part of the map of Russia (the children do not know what this will not be collected yet), on which, on the other hand, a Person is depicted - a citizen of his country. At the end, when all the teams are gathered in the hall, their task will be to interpret what they have received and draw up a “Manuscript of Truth”.

Job title:

Station 1. "Great Wise Men"

Purpose: to increase the level of awareness of schoolchildren about the achievements of Russian scientists in world science, as well as the importance of Russian writers and politicians in the world community. Children receive a task - in response they must say about whom in question or what a discovery the person has made.

Question 1. The system he discovered made it possible to classify existing ones and predict the emergence of new ... elements and properties. The discovery is recognized as the greatest event in the history of materials science.

Answer: Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, Mendeleev's Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

Question 2. One of the first to find practical application of electromagnetic waves, including for radio communications. He created a version of the radio receiver that was perfect for its time.

Answer: Alexander Stepanovich Popov, creator of the radio.

Question 3. Created the science of higher nervous activity. The first Russian Nobel laureate. Awarded for research in the physiology of digestion. Hint: Studied reflexes.

Answer: Pavlov Ivan Petrovich, the doctrine of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes.

Question 4. Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich conducted a lot of research on magnetohydrodynamics, gravity, astrophysics, and plasma physics. In the mid-70s, he predicted the advent of the Internet. In 1975, the academician was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1949, together with his assistants, he developed a project for such a ... bomb. Which?

Answer: hydrogen bomb - the first Soviet thermonuclear weapon.

Question 5. An outstanding citizen of Russia ... was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the highest distinctions of many countries. He was the first in the history of mankind to do this…. April 12, 1961

Answer: Yuri Gagarin

Question 6. Creator of rocket and space technology and practical astronautics of the USSR. Among his main achievements are the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite (1957) and the flight of the first cosmonaut on the planet.

Answer: Korolev Sergei Pavlovich

Question 7. Soviet football player, goalkeeper, Olympic champion in 1956 and European champion in 1960, 5-time champion of the USSR, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1957). The best goalkeeper of the 20th century according to FIFA, IFFIIS, World Soccer, France Football and Placar. Included in the list the best players XX century according to Venerdì, Guerin Sportivo, Planète Foot and Voetbal International. The only goalkeeper in history to receive the Ballon d'Or.

Team Achievements:

  • Olympic champion: (1) 1956
  • European Cup Winner: (1) 1960
  • Silver medalist of the European Cup: (1) 1964
  • World Championship bronze medalist: (1) 1966

Answer: Lev Yashin

Question 8. Soviet and Russian designer of small arms, doctor of technical sciences, lieutenant general, creator of the world-famous machine gun ...... (named after the creator).

Answer: Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK). Kalashnikov Mikhail Timofeevich.

Question 9. Alexander Alexandrovich Porohovshchikov said: “Every Russian person should have one concern - service to the Motherland!” He designed and built a machine weighing 3.5-4 tons, for 1 person, with a 15 kW engine, a planetary transmission, a maximum speed of 25 km / h. This machine is the first in the world…..

Hint: the car is referred to as "self-propelled", "advanced car", "self-propelled carriage".

Answer: tank.

Question 10. Russian biologist Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov devoted years of his life to research in the epidemiology of cholera, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. In 1882, Mechnikov was one of the first in the world to discover the property of some blood cells (in particular, leukocytes) to dissolve foreign objects. Based on this discovery, the scientist developed the comparative pathology of inflammation and, subsequently, the phagocytic theory of WHAT?, which brought him world recognition and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1908.

Answer: the theory of immunity.

Station 2. "My different country"

Purpose: the formation of belonging to one's country, the perception of its huge potential, the development of a new perception of life in the country.

The children are invited by the team to color in 15 minutes the layout of their country on paper, while on the map it is necessary to indicate important places, sights and features that Russia carries. For each unique historical and natural mark - 1 point.

Station 3. "How are we better than others?"

Purpose: to expand knowledge about Russia, its wealth, natural features, comparison with the features of other countries.

Question 1. Russia is largest country peace and animate:

A) 1/7 of the land

B) 1/8 of the land

C) 1/9 of the land

D) 1/10 of the land

Answer: 1/8 of sushi

Question 2. This is a drainless self-sustaining lake in the Pallas region of the Volgograd region of Russia, the largest salt lake in Europe with therapeutic brine and mud. The largest mineral lake in Europe by area. Its mineralization is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea. Due to the algae Dunaliella salina contained in the water, the color of the lake is reddish. Since the time of Ivan the Terrible, Elton has been used to extract salt. Translated from Kazakh means "golden bottom"

Answer options:

A) Pyakuto

B) Ubsu-Nur

Answer: Elton

Question 3. Mark the features that do not apply to Russia, explain why:

A) a huge area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory;

B) diversity of natural conditions and resources;

C) a small variety of landforms;

D) there is no free access to the World Ocean;

D) rich forest resources;

E) a large number of neighboring countries;

G) the presence of large navigable rivers.

Answer: c, g

Question 4. This ice cave is one of the largest in the world and the only cave in Russia specially equipped for excursions. It is located in the Urals, between Perm and Yekaterinburg. The age of this ice cave is almost 10-12 thousand years. The total length of the corridors is about 6000 meters, and the length of the tourist route is 1.5 km. The cave has 58 halls and about 70 lakes. Some grottoes reach 50-100 meters in length and 20 meters in height.

Answer options:

A) marble cave

B) Kungur cave

B) Blue Grotto

D) Vatnaekul Ice Cave

Answer: Kungur ice cave

Question 5.

Question 6.

Question 7.

Question 8.

Question 9.

Question 10. Russia borders on many countries. How many countries have a common border with Russia? Name them.

A) 14 countries

B) 9 countries

C) 19 countries

D) 13 countries

D) 10 countries

Answer: 14 countries. North Korea, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Norway.

The answer is counted if the participants name at least 12 countries.

Station 4: “In her name I will sing a song……”

Purpose: development of patriotic qualities, accounting positive aspects Russian statehood.

Participants are invited to come up with a poem, a poem, a song with the proposed words. Points for the task are awarded based on the size of the verse, as well as the use of all words in the context.

Words: country, pride, important, person, child, unique, future, scientist, creator, reward, honor, we.

Station 5. "Wisdom of the Ancestors"

Purpose: awareness of the wisdom of previous generations, acceptance by the child of himself as part of the Russian people.

Group members are invited to put together proverbs from a set of words and explain their meaning. Proverbs are selected according to the theme of the game. The words are given to the participants on the sensory board in a scatter. One point is awarded for each correct answer.


1. A good person and someone else's disease to the heart.

2. Where someone is born, it will come in handy there.

3. A fool looks with his mouth, listens with his belly.

4. If all the people breathe, there will be wind.

5. Consent is stronger than stone walls.

6. Throw good back, find yourself ahead.

7. Honor gives birth to the mind, and dishonor takes away the last.

8. A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

9. A good quarrel is better than a bad agreement.

10. What you do not want for your sister and brother, do not wish for your offenders either.

Station 6. "We are the president of the country"

Purpose: awareness of the unity of the team, people, nation. Acceptance of one's country, with its peculiarities, difficulties and successes.

Team members are invited to imagine that they are all one person - the president of the country, who was just elected to the post today. An important condition for completing the task is the equal contribution of everyone. The president needs to solve problems and build a work plan in the most important areas. Stages of the task:

  1. Identify the most important tasks (one from each team member) – 15 in total.
  2. Determine the rank of each task in terms of vital importance for the people of the country.
  3. Make a plan for solving the three most important tasks in stages - 3-5 stages.

To complete the task, the participants are given the text situation: “Imagine that you are the president of a country in which a revolution has recently taken place. As a result, the warring parties reconciled and agreed on equal rights for both sides. But during the civil war, most of the country suffered. Schools, hospitals, shops, houses, etc. have been destroyed. Many people do not have jobs and money, because the destruction has affected their jobs. In many regions, districts, cities, there is no leadership, police officers and other employees who suffered during the war. Children do not go to school, old people do not receive pensions. The streets are full of devastation and rubbish dumps after bombings and battles. People are afraid that they will die of hunger, or lawlessness will begin, that they will be deprived of what they have. There is panic among the people."

When completing a task, the semantic side of the task is evaluated, as well as how the team acted, how well they worked. For the completeness of the task is given from 5 to 15 points.

The final meeting of all participants "Manuscript of truth in the hands of everyone"

When the participants gather together in the hall, they receive a scroll - it is empty. The children are invited to analyze the resulting map - why the map of Russia is the same size as a person, what a person means for the country and what he can do for the country. The teams need to draw up a "Manuscript of Truth", a minimum of five points, which will reflect important values ​​​​for the preservation of statehood and respect for every citizen. Then each team reads it out.

Game "Who is our future?"

At the end of the game, the final stage is held, where the children gather all together. The facilitator asks the children questions that relate to citizenship, political attitudes of the people, etc. In response to the question, the participants must choose the answer “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know” and then move to the appropriate side of the hall. After everyone has taken their positions, there is a discussion about why they think the way they do.

Purpose: to promote the definition of citizenship, the development of patriotism among adolescents

List of sample questions for discussion (depending on how the conversation goes:

1. Is a country a state?

2. Is it good where we are not?

3. I know who a patriot is

4. I am a patriot

5. We are born with love for the Motherland

6. I can't do anything for my people

7. We know what needs to be done to get better

8. I feel good in my city

9. I feel good in my country

10. My country is me

As a result of the discussions, the participants are announced that the real name of the game is not "Where is our future?", but "Who is our future?". Because the future of the country is they, young, talented, gifted and capable. What is in their ability to change the city, the country, the world for the better. To walk the path of progress and development together, laying out our path with good intentions and enlisting the support of reliable friends. They are the basis of the country, the basis of the well-being of future generations!

Nomination: School, Lesson notes, GCD, patriotic education, 12-17 years old

Position: educational psychologist
Place of employment: GBOOU "Center for the support of gifted children" Strategy "
Location: Lipetsk, st. 40 years of October, 39

Patriotism is love for the Motherland. So in the simplest form, this difficult, multifaceted concept can be characterized. Why is patriotism a feeling that should be needed not only by the leaders of the country, but also by all its citizens, adults and children? Because only that person can be considered a truly harmonious personality who feels his involvement with the events of the past and responsibility for the present and future of his country.

How to explain to children brought up on overseas games and films why she is - love for the Motherland? In this difficult task, a special role is assigned to patriotic games for children, which teach the most important civil and human values ​​in an interesting and unobtrusive way.

Origins of patriotism

The education of patriotism in children begins at a very young age and continues at all stages of personality development. Home, yard, close people and good neighbors, lilacs under the windows - these are the first impressions of the baby, which will be remembered for a lifetime, no matter where fate throws them later.

Patriotic education of preschoolers and schoolchildren consists of several large blocks:

  • studying the history of one's country, its folklore and traditions, culture, achievements, studying the history of a small homeland: a city, a village, researching one's ancestry;
  • fostering respect for the defenders of the Motherland, for military exploits, awareness of one's own civil and military duty;
  • developing respect for the laws of your state and understanding the importance of their mandatory implementation;
  • formation of a responsible and respectful attitude to work and its results;
  • education of love and respect for the native nature, etc.

Playing and learning in kindergarten

Without games it is impossible to imagine either the development or education of the child. Especially it concerns younger age when many personality traits are laid, including a careful and respectful attitude towards one's native country and native city. Parents and teachers should in every possible way support the spark of interest in children, which can later develop into sincere love and respect for their country. Contests of crafts made from natural materials carefully collected in a park or autumn forest, drawing contests on the theme "My City", "My Russia", preparing stories about relatives who participated in hostilities and antiquities stored at home - all this helps kids to realize their belonging to a big country.

Patriotic events include active games and entertainment, relay races and competitions:

  • "Message from the front"

For this relay race, children must be divided into two or more groups, in each group a captain must be chosen. Each team is given an envelope with a report cut into pieces. It can be a puzzle with a picture or in simple words, for example, "Victory". The captains are at the finish line. On command, the first participants run to the captain with one part of the dispatch, give it away and return to "their own", and the next participants carry the next part of the letter. The victory is awarded to the fastest team.

  • "Young Fighter Course"

A simple course for toddlers can be arranged in a spacious group or on the street. The young defenders of the Motherland will have to go through the "bog bumps", climb through the tunnel, bypass enemy mines, climb the hill and look through binoculars. Obstacles are easy to make from improvised materials, and the winner is determined by the results of the time for passing the strip by all participants.

Education of patriotism among schoolchildren

The school begins a deeper study of native history, literature, cultural and scientific achievements of Russia. Folklore performances, ancient folk games and fun. They are not only fascinating, but also help children learn a lot about their homeland. In middle and high school, quizzes and intellectual competitions on the topic of native history and culture are widespread, allowing children to show their knowledge, as well as staging excerpts from literature. military theme and historical reconstructions. As a rule, they are timed to coincide with Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day.

Many adults remember the legendary military-patriotic game Zarnitsa, which, albeit in game form, allowed you to feel the atmosphere of wartime and feel the feat of your country. Now games of this kind are being revived at the level of classes and schools. One alternative to Zarnitsa is the Oath game, which can be played indoors, such as in a school gym.

It includes 4 blocks:

  • "Political training" - checking the knowledge of young fighters about their native history, famous battles and military leaders;
  • "Physical training" - a complex of sports competitions between the participants of the game;
  • "Combat readiness" - competitions for knowledge of the theory and practice of combat;
  • "Combat Training" - a test of the ability to march.

According to the results of the competition, the best fighters worthy of service in the armed forces are identified. The winners are awarded duffel bags with valuable prizes.

So, loyalty to one's Fatherland is a noble feeling that must be nurtured from an early age. Games for children of patriotic content are a valuable element of the entire system of moral development of future worthy citizens of our society.

Attention! The site administration site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

it extracurricular activities I spent February 22, 2017 for elementary grades. But students of grades 5-7 decided to participate and helped the kids. It is dedicated to moral and patriotic education. Instill a healthy lifestyle.

Target: create conditions for joint leisure of children and parents during the event.


  • educational: formation of ideas about military professions and army disciplines.
  • developing: formation of the ability and skill to improve health and develop the basics of a healthy lifestyle among students;
  • educational: to cultivate feelings of mutual assistance, morality, patriotism, love for the motherland; responsiveness, the ability to listen to others;

Preliminary work. Divide the children into two teams "Paratroopers" and "Infantrymen", together with their parents, make shoulder straps for teams, sew on jackets, and prepare a field for relay races. Learn marching songs.

Time spending: February .


  • Stage 1 school gym,
  • Stage 2 school area.

Dress: winter jackets, knitted hats, gloves, scarves, comfortable winter shoes .

Members: students in grades 1–4 (10 boys and 10 girls), 3 parents in each team.

Jury composition: participants in local wars in Afghanistan Zuev V.I., and Chechnya Kuznetsova A.G., Kostenko A.A., physical education teacher.

Observer: nurse FAP n. Red Fighter.

Fans: classmates, high school students, class teachers, parents.

Leading: Romazanova N.I., primary school teacher.

Prizes: from parents.

Inventory: chip stands (2), ice rinks (2), skittles (10), hoops (2), small rubber balls (2), plastic buckets (2), homemade paper tanks (6), 2 m rope (2).

The number of equipment is designed for participants of 2 teams, the distance of relay races is small. In each relay - run around the Christmas tree and return to the team.

Building teams in the gym.

Event progress

In the gym.


Bow down the battle banners
At the sacred graves of dear ones,
The victorious people will not forget
their selfless heroes,
The living will never forget
About departed combat friends,
The flowers of the field will not wither
On the grave hills of the front,
And, admiring the green news,
Passing by these graves,
Remembered by children and grandchildren with love
Those who laid down their lives for them.

- Hello guys, every year we celebrate the Day of the Russian Army and Victory Day.

And we must not forget the heroes who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads, we must take from them an example of their courage, patriotism and love for our Motherland Russia. And in order to be worthy of them, we are obliged from the school desk to educate the ability to work, play sports, and be strong, strong, and today we will prove it to you. Let's play a military game

"ZARNITSA" and dedicate to all our countrymen the heroes of the fallen and the living. Together with you today your parents will take part in our game, they will also be participants.

– I am glad to welcome veterans of combat operations in the Republic of Afghanistan Zuev V.I., participants of local wars in Chechnya Kuznetsov A.G. to our holiday. and Kostenko A.A..

Congratulations and parting words of veterans.

Danila M.:

Shoulder straps sewn on, map studied
And the banner is hidden securely in the forest.
And our guys are soldiers today,
Today the guys are playing war!

Sofia Yu.:

Scouts, snipers, even sappers,
Stages are difficult, but they must be passed
– Hurry, boys, this is not the time for arguments!
And my heart is pounding in my chest!

Ilya K.:

Today you are schoolchildren, just boys,
Zarnitsa is our favorite game!
And tomorrow, perhaps already ordinary -
Soldiers, whom the country will be proud of!

Jury presentation. Command presentation.


Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly
And in the ranks to go hunting -
Waiting for you, soldier, ... infantry.
Team « Foot soldiers»
The plane flies like a bird
There is an air border.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a military ... pilot
Team " Paratroopers»

Stage 1: Competition review of the system and songs.

Stage 2: Go outside.

Distribution of route lists of relay races to teams.

Stage 3: Receipt of route sheets, take their positions.

Relay 1. "Overcoming the swamp or partisan path"

The teams line up in columns one at a time, behind the front-start line, and on the team must go along one path without going to the side, go to a certain mark of -2.5 meters.

Relay 2. "Artillerymen"


"Long live the gunners -
Defenders of our lands
projectile carriers,
Gunners hitting the target!

In turn, all team members shoot down tanks with snowballs. (Models of tanks made of cardboard).

Relay 3. "Communicators"

On command, all participants, with an interval of 10 seconds, run to the hoop, crawl into it (without hitting it), take the ip: lying on their stomach, perform three rolls forward, then get up, run to the mark where the threads lie - task tie them with any knot to make one long rope, for which they must all hold on.

Relay 4. "Quiz"

Riddles about military professions.


Team "Infantry":

Who are the guys on the border
Protects our land
To work and study
Could our people calmly?
(border guard)

Team "Paratroopers":

He is ready for fire and battle,
Protecting you and me.
He goes on patrol and into the city,
Will not leave the post (soldier)

Team "Infantry":

The car rushes into battle again,
Caterpillars cut the ground
That car in a clean field
Controlled. (tanker)

Team "Paratroopers":

Two caterpillars crawl
A tower with a cannon is being brought. (tank)

Team "Paratroopers":

You can be a sailor
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And on a military ... (ship)

Team "Infantry":

The plane flies like a bird
There is an air border.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a military man... (pilot)

Team "Paratroopers":

Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly
And in the ranks to go hunting -
Waiting for you, soldier, ... (infantry)

Team "Infantry":

The brother said, "Don't rush!
You're better off in school!
Will you be an excellent student -
You will become ... (border guard)

Teacher: Well done and this task is up to you, we continue our lightning.

Relay 5. "Snipers"

Find mines - skittles buried in the snow - 5 pieces for each team.

Jury word.

Relay 6. "Carry the wounded"

Two participants carry the third - 2 meters.

Relay race 7. "The capture of Sapun-mountain"

All participants must first climb the mountain and leave it on the ice, and climb again and line up there in a column of two.


The field kitchen arrived - (the school cooks prepared buckwheat porridge with meat and tea.)

Teachertalks about the veterans of the Second World War veterans living in our village.

Veterans talk about their combat operations in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Teacher: People!

As long as hearts are beating - remember!
At what cost is happiness won, please remember!
Sending your song in flight, remember!
About those who will not come, will not sing, remember!

Teacher: And now, before the final stage of the task.

Relay 8. "Reconnaissance"

Teams receive a package - "encryption", which contains drawings: a zebra, a sock, a watermelon, a boy, an apple. From the first letters of these words, children must make up the key word - BANNER. A diagram is attached to it - a drawing, according to which the team members must go through and find this banner, hidden in a conditional place. Whichever team finds the flag first is the winner.

Building teams.

The word of the jury summing up the lightning.

Teams will be awarded for 1st place and 2nd place.


Serve, guys, they believe in you and love you!
Our defenders are the sons of Russia!
May the sky above you be cloudless
Serve, boys, without knowing the war!!!

Rewarding all participants with sweet prizes.

Intellectual and patriotic game for 7-8 grades for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Chos L.N., Mymrikova E.V.

Goals: to promote a deepening of interest in the history of the Motherland, to form in children a positive moral assessment of the defenders of their native land; to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the past of their people, to promote students' awareness of themselves as part of Russian history and culture; to promote the development of skills of joint activity, reasonable, friendly communication during the game.

Equipment: exhibition of paintings on the topic, schemes of famous battles, portraits of the heroes of the Russian land, presentation on the topic.

Game plan:

1. Introductory speech of the teacher with the involvement of readers

2. Story about the days of military glory of Russia (presentation)

3. Interactive conversation

4. Warm-up "Shootout"

5. Competition "Commanders"

6. "Military wisdom"

7. Military crossword

8. "Catch the Date"

9. "Connoisseurs of history"

10. creative work commands (may be homework)

Preparatory work with kids:

1) the class is divided into groups;

2) in two weeks, students are given a plan for preparing for the game (remember the events, literary works dedicated to them);

3) reference to dates, historical figures, which will be discussed.

I . Introduction by the teacher.

The history of our Motherland is like a huge tree on which there are no leaves to count. And everything that we do good, adds strength to it. But every tree has roots. Roots feed the tree and bind it to the ground. Roots are what we lived yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, a thousand years ago.

This is our history. These are our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

More than once, brave Russian soldiers had to defend their homeland from foreigners, to participate in fierce battles in which the fate of the country was decided. A good memory of Russian soldiers has remained for centuries and to this day, as the most courageous, fearless, honest, devoted to the Fatherland.

Presentation "Glory to the army!"(on an interactive whiteboard, verses sound against its background)

For everything we have now

For every happy hour we have

Thank you brave soldiers

That defended the world once.

Thanks to the Russian army,

Thank you fathers and grandfathers

Because the sun shines on us.

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniforms,

That the glory of the flag is multiplied,

And in a difficult and dangerous age

Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded.

In all ages the Russian warrior

He won with his heroism

He deserves praise

For the honor of Russia - he gave his life.

We will glorify all who are on guard of the Fatherland,

Let us glorify the best sons of mankind.

II . History teacher's story about the days of Russian military glory: presentation "Calendar anniversaries»

In 1995, the State Duma of Russia adopted a law according to which 15 days of military glory were established in Russia.

Each date is an outstanding victory for Russian weapons (15 slides)

III . Intelligent Conversation

In Russia, February 23 is a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of the Russian Armed Forces. It is celebrated in all troops: land, sea, air. On this day in Russia, not only the military, but all men are congratulated, because service in the Armed Forces is the sacred duty of every man.

Names on our board: Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, F.F. Ushakov, G.K. Zhukov, M.V. Lomonosov.

How do the notes relate to the topic of our intellectual games?

(Children's answers, teacher's summary)

So let's start the game. Teams, take your seats.

I shootout contest.

Each team is asked to answer 10 questions (1 word)

I team

1. Ground forces operating on foot (Infantry)

2. Aircraft with propeller (Helicopter)

3. Anti-aircraft gun with a female name ("Katyusha")

4. What were the first warriors called? (Druzhinniki)

5. The building where the soldiers live? (Barracks)

6. Headdress of a sailor (Speakless cap)

7. First Russian firearms(Pishchal)

8. Type of edged weapons of naval officers (Dirk)

9. What weapons are called "pocket artillery"? (Grenade)

10. Military tunic (Mundir)

II team

1. All ships of the Armed Forces (Navy)

2. Offensive operation (Attack)

3. Teenager studying military on a ship? (Cabin boy)

4. Cart for a machine gun during the civil war (Tachanka)

5. Clothes loved by sailors (Vest)

6. Marksman (Sniper)

7. Warrior in the time of Ivan the Terrible (Sagittarius)

8. What metal were the first guns made of? (Iron)

9. Ancient Russian weapons. 3-letter name (Sword)

10. Review of troops (Parade)

II competition "Commanders"

There are 10 portraits on the screen, the guys should mark only the generals, military leaders.

    Alexander Nevskiy

    Dmitry Donskoy

    Kuzma Minin

    Dmitry Pozharsky

    Ivan the Terrible

    A.V. Suvorov

    M.I. Glinka

    M.I. Kutuzov

    Ermak Timofeevich

    M.B. Barclay de Tolly

III Competition "Military Wisdom"(students are given cards with parts of proverbs).

Gather the scattered words of proverbs and you will read military wisdom.

A skilled fighter - well done everywhere.

Hard to learn, easy to fight.

To study military affairs is always useful.

No two Napoleons are born in the same century

IV Competition Crossword "Military"


1. What sailors serve. 3. What all soldiers protect. 5. Lies in the ground, if you step on it, it will explode. 6. What does a soldier have on his feet? 7. One in the field is not...

8. What they throw and say: "Lie down!"


2. What animal sometimes also serves? 4. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up? 8. Hospital for wounded soldiers. 9. Special pocket for a pistol. 10. Equipment for the protection of the air border. 11. Winter outerwear of a soldier. 12. Vehicle on tracks.



1. Ship. 3. Motherland. 5. Mina. 6. Boots. 7. Warrior. 8. Grenade

Vertically: 2. Dog. 3. Army.

8. Hospital. 9. Holster. 10. Airplane.

11. Overcoat. 12. Tank

V competition "Catch the date"

"Let's lay down with bones, but we will not disgrace the Russian land!" - with these words, as with holy prayer and faith, our ancestors went to the enemies in different troubled times. Let us remember what dates the poetic lines will remind us of.

1. Kiev froze, died out overnight,

There was a terrible time when

The Mongols went to Russia like an avalanche

On an autumn day, across the bare steppe,

Topcha dry feather grasses.

(1237 - the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars)

2. The sovereign read and, calm and strict,

turned to the Akhmetov people.

Threw the label to the ground

morocco boot

And he said: "We will not pay tribute."

(1480 - the end of the Horde yoke)

3. Ahead on sonorous ice floes,

Thundering with heavy scales,

The Livonians are riding in a formidable wedge,

Pig iron head.

(1242 - Battle on the Ice)

4. Behind the soldiers Nepryadva.

On the left is a foggy Don.

And the great space is only for two,

Only divided into two camps.

(1380 - Battle of Kulikovo)

5. Shelves closed their ranks,

Arrows scattered in the bushes,

Balls are rolling, bullets are whistling,

Cold bayonets hung.

Sons of beloved victory,

The Swedes are rushing through the fire of the trenches.

(1709 - Battle of Poltava)

6. The heir of the Terrible was guilty

In the troubled years...

These days, Nizhny Novgorod Minin

Addressed to the Russian people.

A large crowd gathered

Moscow was liberated from enemies.

Such is the meaning in history

Words gaining power.

(1611 - the second militia, the liberation of Russia from foreign invaders - the Poles)

7. And so they found a large field.

There is a roam where at will!

They built a redoubt.

Our ears are on top.

A little morning lit up the guns

And forests blue tops -

The French are right here.

(1812 - Battle of Borodino)

8. Here, at the junction near Moscow,

Managed our twenty-eight

Stand up against the armor,

That crumpled the pines like ears of corn.

But twenty-eight is not a span

They did not retreat, standing up with a grenade,

Klochkov could say about tanks:

"They are less than two per brother"

VI competition "Connoisseurs"

When did the regular army appear in Russia? At times

    Dmitry Donskoy

Who was the first field marshal of Russia?

    A.V. Suvorov

    M.I. Kutuzov

    B. P. Sheremetiev

What did the old Russian expression "break the spear" mean?

    Join the battle

    Lose the battle

    break spear

How many battles did A.V. Suvorov?

    No one

Against whom did Minin and Pozharsky lead the people's militia?

  • French

What was the name of the "grandfather" of the Russian fleet?


As whom did the Poles use Ivan Susanin?

  • Explorer

What war did the famous Tsar Cannon take part in?

    With the Poles

    With the Swedes

    In no

Which of the great commanders did not get tired of teaching soldiers: “Speed ​​is needed, but haste is harmful”, “Discipline is the mother of victory”?


    A.V. Suvorov

    P.I. Bagration

What city did Batu order to call "Evil" for resisting?

  • Kozelsk

Which commander owns the words: “With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost?”

    P.I. Bagration

    A. Nevsky

    M.I. Kutuzov

Which commander was awarded the honorary title of "Marshal of Victory" by the people?

    G.K. Malinovsky

    G.K. Zhukov

    I.S. Konev

How many hero cities were awarded for courage in the Great Patriotic War in Russia?

VII Creative work of teams

The speaker's speech on the topic: "What should be the defender of the Motherland?" (The topic should be covered in 1 minute).

VIII . Summarizing

IX . Final word of the teacher

To be a defender of the Motherland, a patriot of the Fatherland, to serve it with dignity, faithfully, and, if necessary, life itself, was considered a great honor for a citizen of Russia at all times. It is no coincidence that the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin wrote: "The history of ancestors is always curious for those who deserve to have a Fatherland."