Call of duty modern warfare 2 missions. Execution cannot be pardoned

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is the sixth and this moment last part of games Call Series of duty. Belongs to the Action genre in the first person. Like its predecessor, the fourth part of the game, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, the sixth describes the events taking place in our time. The game was released in November 2009. The project broke all possible sales records for computer games, no one had such a phenomenal popularity, either before or after. The plot is a direct continuation of the fourth part, but already five years after the events in it. The game Modern Warfare 2 offers the player to fight on the side of several fighters of the special services, as well as regular units.

Atmosphere in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

The developers managed the seemingly impossible! They managed to outdo themselves. Unbelievable but true - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 captures the player even faster and even stronger than its predecessor, the fourth part. If before everything looked cool, inimitable, then how to describe what the latest project from the Call of Duty series demonstrates at the moment? The game Modern Warfare 2 is simply gorgeous, and the graphics with its effects are generally on the verge of fantasy. The approach to the careful drawing of each frame brought fame and money to the developers, and the game - the unconditional status of the standard staged shooter. The direction of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is a separate issue, it is of such a level that if there were no plot in the games at all, it seems that no one would have noticed this. The creators perfectly thought out when and from which side the player will direct his gaze, and at the same time did everything to enhance his impressions even more. Since the story is told from several characters at once, Modern game Warfare 2 changes scenery faster than you can get used to it. One rich, dynamic mission is replaced by another, which only increases the amount of positive emotions. In this regard, the game is noticeably superior to almost any movie! This combination of chic graphics and sound design combines simply incomparably, the atmosphere is once again the main strong point of Call of Duty.

Gameplay in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Don't forget about gameplay updates either. There were more of them, updates, than with World at War, but some things remained unchanged. About everything in order.

First of all, what is worth noting is that finally the single player campaign was made longer, albeit not by much, but already nice. Modern warfare 2 online game not only retained the old positions, but also significantly improved! We'll stick with solo mode. The campaign itself has become even more exciting and varied - modern warfare 2 missions will take you to different parts of the world. You will visit the Russian mountains, and Afghanistan, and Rio de Janeiro, and even at the space station as an astronaut!

Another very nice gameplay innovation - the developers have finally fixed the restoration of killed enemies at fixed points, one after another ad infinitum, which is so annoying for many. Now, fortunately, this will not happen. In addition - even a certain element of stealth has appeared - if desired, the player will be able to complete some of the missions, hiding from enemies, remaining unnoticed and neutralizing enemies with sudden attacks from shelters. By the way, about the enemies. They have also been improved. grew them artificial intelligence, their equipment and weapons improved in places - for example, a bulletproof shield appeared, or another novelty - mobile machine gun turrets.

Overall, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2's gameplay is incredibly addictive, but nothing is perfect. Including here. An inattentive player will simply admire everything that happens on the screen, and an attentive one will certainly notice several serious flaws. The game Modern Warfare 2 looks perfect only on one condition - if you have accepted all of its "rules", you will follow and look only where the script says, and you will only do what the script says. Otherwise, the player will definitely stumble upon such indestructible chairs that cannot be moved even by a grenade explosion, will find bushes that, like the above chairs, take nothing, even a rocket launcher! The creators of the destruction system acted very simply - they calculated what the player could theoretically destroy in battle, made effects suitable for a particular place. Which partially compensates for the above shortcomings - glasses, monitors and other similar surfaces beat with a ring, electrical panels splash sparks, but alas - only in those places where it was provided by the developers.

Weapons Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

The game Modern Warfare 2 puts at your disposal the widest range of modern weapons from all over the world. We will list available weapon models by category.
Assault rifles: M16A4, AK-47, M4A1, FN FAL, Bushmaster ACR, FN SCAR-H, FAMAS, TAR-21, FN F2000.
Submachine guns: HK UMP, FN P90, HK MP5k, TDI Vector, IMI Mini Uzi, PP-2000.
Machine guns: L86 LSW, HK MG4, M240, RPD, Steyr AUG HBAR.
Shotguns: Franchi SPAS-12, Armsel Striker, Winchester M1887, AA-12, M1014, Winchester M1200 Defender, Shotgun.
Sniper Rifles: Barrett M82, WA2000, Intervention M200, SVD, M14 EBR.
Pistols: HK USP.45, Desert Eagle, Colt M1911A1, Colt Anaconda, M9.
Grenade launchers: M79, AT4, RPG-7, FGM-148 Javelin, FIM-92 Stinger.
Automatic pistols: Beretta 93R, Steyr TMP, Glock 18.
As you can see, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 weapons are amazing in their variety!


The game Modern Warfare 2 as a whole is simply amazing. Although not without flaws - it's just a crazy plot and script that upsets, inexpressive characters - there is not enough pronounced protagonist who would immediately fall in love with the public, like Gordon Freeman from half life or Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell. The game is overly staged, there is not even a hint of good physics here - it is quite possible to hit an enemy lying on his stomach with a pistol from a half-kilometer distance! Also, the plot, which is linear to the limit, cannot please, although there are already some advancements - at least thanks to the creators for turning off constantly respawning enemies. But all this fades against the backdrop of merits - the game Modern Warfare 2 has simply impeccable directing of virtually every frame, like in a good movie, or even better, stunning effects, continuous change of scenery and uniqueness delight game situations. It is also worth noting that modern warfare 2 system requirements can not be called serious, especially considering the quality of rendering textures. And some minor bugs are fixed by the modern warfare 2 patch. In general, the game is an absolute hit, despite minor flaws.

Act I

Training mission, first take a machine gun and shoot the way the commander wants - from the hip, aiming, over an obstacle, finally throw a grenade. After that, walk around the camp and listen to what the fighters say, learn a lot of interesting things, then go to the obstacle course, before passing you can choose a weapon to your liking, there is a rich choice. Passing the strip, try not to touch the figures of civilians and not to let the terrorists through - penalty seconds will be added for this. After passing you will be offered a level of difficulty depending on your speed, you can accept or choose the level of your choice.

Team player

The mission begins on the bank of a nameless river, and, of course, you need to cross to the other side, but that's bad luck - the bridge is destroyed, after a while a bridgelayer will arrive, but you need to clear the way for it. It seems that everyone around is doing their own thing, like eating chocolate or playing a mobile phone, what can we do alone - a couple of charges from a grenade launcher and the enemy will calm down.

Climb up and watch the building collapse. After that, you will have a short trip in an armored car, there is nothing to be afraid of - after all, you have a minigun in your hands that will warm your heart in difficult times. Don't shoot militiamen on the balcony, they're unarmed, and the Democratic American army "under no circumstances shoots the unarmed"... yeah, PR more, but oh well, as soon as the trip is over, go into the building and go up to the second floor - there are several militias dug in - they are armed, so you can treat them with a grenade.

Go downstairs and enter the school, before entering you can pick up a novelty - a pair of weapons, then, quickly assessing its uselessness, replace it with something like an AK or MP5, going up to the second floor, you will see that the terrorists have dug in the geography and physics classrooms - Destroy these enemies of science in long bursts and go down to the street. Through the quarter you will meet a small detachment of the enemy, having dealt with which, you will finally get to General Shepard.

rock climber

The surroundings are changing - now you are somewhere in the Tien Shan mountains. After admiring the views, we start climbing - to stick the hook, press and release the corresponding mouse buttons, it’s nothing complicated, getting upstairs, get ready for the jump, however, no matter how you run away, it will still be unsuccessful - Soap at the last second will pick you up in a spectacular pirouette.

Soon you will meet a patrol, kill the enemy on the right, Soap will lay down the second one, do the same with the other patrol. Now you will have to split up - you will go to the camp and, risking your life, will look for a gas station, and at that moment Soap will sunbathe on a snowy slope, occasionally providing you with sniper support, expressed in the form of the destruction of two or three single militants ... thanks and On this.

A couple of soldiers are walking at the gate, remove them from the knife without noise and dust, then proceed through the small barracks to the airfield, cutting out the gaping soldiers along the way. Approaching the field, you will find an unpleasant surprise in the form of two cars and two more patrols - you can go quietly and unnoticed, as expected by the developers, or take good position and endure everyone, so as not to be tormented and not to hide. Personally, I advise the second, because. he himself tried to go stealthily five times, and each time it all came down to a banal mess, after which, due to the lack of an advantageous position, I invariably went to the nearest save point, so it’s better not to suffer, but if you have all the skills of Sam Fisher, then , of course, you will shadow slip past the enemy and reach the gas station.

Whatever path you choose, you will reach the gas station, and, having installed the explosives, rush to meet the captain, cutting out the gaping patrols along the way. Arriving at the place, go into the building and see what a good fellow Soup is. And why can't we? Go up to the second floor and pick up the hard drive, now you can go home ... but, no luck - the guards finally remembered why they were here, and Soap is about to have a hard time. It's good that there is a plan "B", and it's bad that we are the last to know about it, or rather the penultimate one - the guards, their mouths open, from the big bang that diversifies their gray everyday life, become easy targets. Keep on having fun, enemy reinforcements, equipped with snowmobiles, just arrived in time for you. Having dealt with them, go down the slope and shoot another group of pursuers.

Soon two snowmobiles will drive up to you, on which you will continue your way to the evacuation point. Do you think Soap will drive and you will have to shoot back? But no - we have a completely new Call of Duty, here you can control some equipment yourself, could you imagine this before? So we each get into our snowmobile and forward, to a brighter future, which, it seems, is going to overshadow enemy snowmobiles. In principle, you can shoot them with a pistol, but this is a great distraction, which in turn can lead to an unpleasantly close acquaintance with the tree, so just drive faster and it will be almost impossible to hit you, and only a helicopter can overshadow the situation.

In the end, you will reach a huge slope, after which there is a cliff, in order to overcome it you need to accelerate well, I think this will not be difficult for you.

Not a word in Russian

The infamous mission with the shooting of civilians at the airport, which is very reminiscent of Sheremetyevo, by the way, it was cut in the 1C version, but I will proceed from the fact that either you unlocked it, or you have pirated version, so I'll write the walkthrough anyway.

Attention! If you are melancholic, sentimental, or have a strong civic stance based on the inadmissibility of violence in computer games, then it’s better for you ... not to play this game, but to start breeding orchids, and if it’s just unpleasant for you to kill peace-loving compatriots, you can simply skip this mission, fortunately, there is such an opportunity - you will be asked as many as two times. But in this case, you will get completely confused in the plot, so I don’t advise you to do this, besides, no one obliges you to shoot civilians - a gang of your “friends”-thugs will deal with them even without you, so I’ll start describing the passage from the moment you step outside.

To meet you, in a friendly crowd, FSB operational officers will rush, for some reason dressed in the uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs they do not like. They will be armed with shields - another novelty in the series. Throw grenades to clear your way - that's basically the only good advice for dealing with protected opponents.

Having reached the ambulance, and having already prepared to evacuate, relax - you are not destined to return from this task - the terrorists will figure you out and put you to waste.


You are required to capture a lot of knowledgeable person, and in doing so, of course, we need him alive. Having driven up to the hotel, silently watch how four of your comrades fail in the fight against a single terrorist. You always have to do everything yourself - rush in pursuit, and without Ghost's signal, do not shoot, and after the signal, shoot exactly at the legs.

After a short pause, watch the maniac who woke up in Ghost happily search for high voltage wires, and go after the rest of the squad. You will have to make your way through the slums - a dead and very dangerous place. Your task is to make it dangerous for the terrorists living in it. In the first quarter, your entire squad will die, and then you will have to make your way alone. Move slowly and slowly (do not pay attention to the fact that your partners on the radio are urging you - they simply have nothing to do, so they have fun as best they can), check the corners, throw grenades, in general, understand one thing - you are caution itself. Special attention give to the dogs, try to destroy them before they attack you.

Whatever it was, sooner or later (if you're playing a veteran, then rather late), you will get to the villain, though they will capture him without your help. The question is, why did we come here at all?

Act II

The thing that Americans have been so afraid of for the past 60 years has happened - the Russians attacked America. Of course, the Americans have no chance, but hope, as you know, dies last.

Having got the opportunity to move freely, go to the alley on the right and deal with the newly arrived paratroopers, and continue moving forward in the gardens, soon, however, you will again have to return to the main street, and here the BMP is already waiting for you, now we need to remember the original one for a few moments Call of Duty - what would you do there in such a situation? That's right - they threw a smoke grenade and installed explosives, but we have a shortage of the latter (yes, the Americans also found out what it is), so we will restrict ourselves to the implementation of the first part of our plan.

Again, turning into the alley, clear the enemies at the diner, and run to your comrades through the avenue. Climbing onto the roof, you will see an automatic turret in front of you, which can be very conveniently placed in order to annoy the enemy well. The turret will cope with this perfectly - not a single enemy soldier will make it to the roof. The enemy, realizing that it is rotten to fight with a smart turret, will launch an attack from the other side, prudently hiding in a smoke screen. Now the turret will not help you, but you have a rifle with a thermal imager. Grab it and try to destroy as many enemies as you can with it, but it still won't be enough and the enemy will make it to the roof, but it will be quite easy to deal with him.

Soon, you will be informed about the arrival of two BMPs, and that in the diner, which we vacated a little earlier, there is a control panel for unmanned missiles. What didn't you say before? And now it’s not so easy to get through the avenue - infantry fighting vehicles interfere, but you can still get through - smoke grenades will help you. After making your way to the diner, grab the predater and lie down under the counter. Just look... all the opponents are visible to you, you can destroy all of them without getting out from under the counter... Isn't this power? HAHAHA (laughing with Homeric laughter).

We are required to destroy BMPs, but we need to destroy them last - first we will deal with the infantry, which sat down at the third in the diner area (here, after all, they eat - eateries on every corner), we will have to storm this diner after the destruction of the BMP, you can practically destroy everyone, with the exception of four people who have settled in the depths of the building, after we finally undermine the BMP, now run to the diner, which was just shelled and completely clear it, climb onto the roof and look for the turret with your eyes, which this time is not here. Well, nothing, but there is a predator, though you will soon be deprived of it, until this moment try to destroy as many infantry as possible. Also, a wizard in a blue helicopter will fly to you and show you for free ... no, not a movie, but Kuz'kin's mother. It is assumed that you will return to the previous diner, climb onto the roof, find a stigner there ... But all this is long and no longer a hunt, so you will have to repeat the feat of an Iraqi peasant and shoot down a turntable with an assault rifle.

After a few more attacks, a convoy will finally arrive, joining which will end the mission.


And again, Rio de Janeiro, where no one walks in white pants except us. Please note that at the beginning of the mission, to the right of you, the terrorist you were chasing earlier is tied to the wall, and, what a disgrace, he is still alive. Correct this unfortunate oversight, while no one sees - they will know how to run from us. Move behind the detachment, leaving mountains of corpses behind you, carefully watch the roofs of small attics - militants simply love to hide there.

Having reached a small square, you will meet fierce resistance there - two jeeps with machine guns, and countless snipers and submachine gunners. First of all, destroy the machine gunners, and the comrades should deal with the rest. After walking a couple more blocks, you will get to the bird market. Try not to hit any living creatures in cages, otherwise animal advocates will drag you through the courts. Having successfully passed this quarter, you will come out onto a miniature football field, on one of the fences of which the famous Russian word of three letters is written in bright large letters, it is not clear where it came from in Rio, what can I say ... Russians are everywhere.

Having perched on the roof, run after the detachment, and soon, you will need to jump again - come on, Soap, catch me! Oh, damn... my jo..., that is, life, has taken a heavy toll, and I'm afraid that crowd of terrorists approaching at great speed is not running to save you, in order to lynch you. You sowed the weapon somewhere, so a couple of prove that a good warrior must, in addition to everything else, run fast. If you hesitate, you will either be shot by inhospitable locals or you will miss the helicopter, so hurry up. The mission will end with a spectacular jump over the abyss.


And again the Americans, and again the Russians are doing them - a natural picture, because. everyone knows that our army is the strongest of all (yes, yes, I was paid extra in the Ministry of Defense so that I would popularize the army among young people). Your main task in this mission is simple and clear - you need to clear the city from the invaders-enemies of democracy. A Stryker is issued to help you, and this is not an aircraft, as the name might seem, but an armored vehicle with a heavy machine gun. In principle, if you are not in a hurry, you can just hide somewhere in a secluded place, and the car will do everything for you, you just need to indicate the goals to it in a timely manner. But this is very inconvenient, because the machine sometimes executes your order in a completely different way from what you want. Yes, and there are not so many opponents - we can handle it ourselves. Be careful - there are automatic turrets at one of the roadblocks - this is just a job for Stryker.

Once you're done with clearing the streets, head towards the enemy anti-aircraft guns and point out their coordinates to the gunners. Which, not sparing shells, will smash everything to the ground. Now your task is to save a very important person whose name we are not supposed to know. Move forward and soon you will see a house destroyed by a crashed plane. Quietly go inside - on the ground floor, a hungry Russian is digging in the refrigerator, who, as you know, sees nothing in Russia but vodka and caviar, and here there is such a variety ... of course, how can one resist here. Climb to the second floor and witness the untimely death of VIP "a. It looks like he shot himself, while having previously lost chess to a teddy bear - a good reason for suicide.

Should have rested yesterday

Despite the name, one of the easiest missions in the game. By the way, this is the same underwater mission that the developers promised us, and, by the way, it can be called underwater with a big stretch. As soon as you rise to the surface, grab the enemy by the legs and send him into the depths of the sea. Climb a tier higher and quietly finish off the lonely sentry, now you need to free the hostages - it's not difficult to do this, set the charge on the door, after which Rapid will turn on for five seconds, during which you must have time to save the hostages. If you do not have time, then try to enter from another door. Climb even higher, free the hostages according to the planned scheme, and mine the bodies to surprise the curious patrol.

It remains for you to break through to the top, to the last room with the hostages, the road there should not cause you any difficulties, the cleaning too. It remains only to evacuate.

If the peoples knew why we are fighting, it would never be possible to arrange at least one decent war.

Friedrich II

Terrorism never sleeps, and how can one sleep here when a monument to an extremist is erected near the walls of the Kremlin, with an engraved inscription “Imran Zakkhaev. Hero of the new Russia. Sleeplessness is guaranteed. Wait, wait, no need to look out the window and climb into Google - there is no iron knight there. More precisely, there is, but only in the imagination of the writers of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, who for some reason see Russia as such.

A new conflict occurred five years after the events of the first part. They killed one psychopath - the next one came in his place, a certain Vladimir Makarov, who quickly managed to gather people around him and swore an oath to take revenge on America and personally Captain Price for all sins. In order not to meddle in the United States on his own, he made sure that the entire Russian army was sent there: he shot civilians at the Moscow airport, and at the exit he left the body of a dying CIA agent who was sent to spy on him. But the massacre could have been stopped! Just one look at the magazine racks, where the chic editions of “Beer!”, “Comrade!”, “Drinking Vodka” and “Duck Hunter” were placed, and the terrorists would have burst into such laughter that they could only stop in the courtroom.

But what's done is done, and now hundreds of fighters and helicopters are flying across the Atlantic, in a fabulous way not getting on the radar and in the field of view of the military. What is Infinity Ward, an American company, however, self-criticism! And the Russians, in their view, are really a terrible people: without further ado, they took off and flew to chop up the country of hamburgers, having previously hacked into the Pentagon database at the snap of a finger. God bless, the usual landing force landed - the bears with formidable balalaikas were left at home.

Two units will fight the prevailing enemy forces - simple American rangers, who must disentangle scenario nonsense at home, and Task Force 141 special unit, under whose arches the best agents of SAS, MI-6 and other CIA have been gathered. They will have to work on the road: in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, in the mountains of Kazakhstan, in Kamchatka and in Afghanistan. Here you can climb, and descend from the mountain on cables, and showdown in the castle-prison Gulag (the whole level, by the way, resembles the movie "The Rock"), and underwater adventures, and much more. Rangers don't get bored either: they fight off several eateries from hungry Russians, clean up a small town in order to save at least one more of the inhabitants, and fight in Washington, dilapidated by an atomic bomb. Downpour, thunder, lightning and the taking of the White House are included.

Execution cannot be pardoned

A weak plot is just there to tie all these missions together, and it does a great job of that. Who cares why we kill Brazilian bandits and Russian scoundrels, the main thing is how we do it! Modern Warfare 2, I'm not afraid of this word, is the most spectacular action game in existence. And not only in gaming industry: new part Call of Duty beats most Hollywood blockbusters with ease, not even Bruce Willis and Chuck Norris can save.

Each level is the height of design skill. Half of the credit goes to the excellent graphics, thanks to which the chic scenery literally comes to life. The second half belongs to the staging of the scenes. It is even strange that in the credits there are no names of Spielberg or Bruckheimer, because how else to explain all this explosive madness that is happening on the screen. Mountaineering gives way to a pursuit of a Brazilian arms dealer, followed by a massacre with special forces in a shower prison and an atomic explosion, clearly visible from space. They put on you a cosmonaut suit, throw helicopters and planes on your head, force you to run through the cemetery of equipment, where terrorists and warriors fight each other, give you a ride on a boat and a snowmobile, shooting other riders along the way, and even send you to the airport to shoot peaceful Muscovites for the sake of good deed.

True, you are unlikely to see this level: it was cut out from the Russian version of the game. What this decision is connected with is unknown, but if it's all about political correctness, then it's time to close the cinemas and become like Australia, where the rights of the unfortunate zombies from Left 4 Dead 2 are protected. and it looks even more absurd than it really is. Was it really impossible to do as in Germany: leave the level, but shoot - to ban? Or, as in the Xbox 360 version, when you first load the game, ask if we are afraid of scenes of violence and swearing? Fortunately, the problem is solvable: it is enough to download just one file and throw it into the root folder in order to smash the airport together with Makarov.

A riot of special effects single player campaign lasts only seven hours. But is it really that bad? The game quickly carries us through sixteen levels, not letting us break away for a second. In the end, she reaches the peak of her spectacularity and, having reached it, says goodbye to us, unambiguously hinting at an early meeting. Was it worth stretching out the war on terrorism for fifteen or twenty hours? Definitely not, because even the brightest special effects can become boring, and memorable scenes can get boring. Everything is good in moderation, gentlemen.

Alone in the field

They are not destined to reach their destination.

Where the inscription "To be continued" should have been, we are offered to complete a number of tasks in "Special Operations" - a new call mode of duty. It is a set of missions for which stars are awarded. Everything plays a role - from the selected difficulty level to the number of enemies killed. The best part is that you don’t have to struggle alone: ​​you can always invite a friend through Steam. Together, you will not only deal with the overwhelming number of Russians faster, but also learn how to work as a team, when one looks at the sinful earth from a turntable, and the second points out targets with a laser sight. "Special Operations" turned out to be much more difficult than the campaign, even though the action in them takes place at the same levels, only capitally cut

Collecting stars is, of course, a fun and interesting activity, but it’s much more pleasant to play with real players, especially since the multiplayer mode has always competed with single player for primacy and people's love. This time, the fight turned out to be especially hot, given the dissatisfaction of the players and the petition in Infinity Ward. What happened? In order to protect us from evil hackers, the developers decided to monitor them on their own, completely removing dedicated servers from the game and transferring it to the IWNet service. It turned out very similar to p2p with the Xbox 360.

It looks like this: you select the desired mode, turn on the search, and the computer itself selects the map and opponents. The machine then calculates which person has the best internet connection and makes that person the server. From here the legs of the first problem grow: if the “server” leaves the game, something happens to the connection, or an overly playful cat gnaws the last wire in its life - that's it, the end. And that's not counting the periodic glitches with sharp jumps back and forth by five meters.

The second stumbling block is those same hackers. In theory, they wanted to eradicate them, but in practice, "cheaters" walk around the game quite calmly, flaunting phenomenal vision through walls and maximum seventies levels, while completely unable to shoot.

The rest of the changes benefited Modern Warfare 2. The number of modes has grown from six to sixteen, the ability to run from a third person has finally appeared, the list of character abilities, weapons and modules for it has been updated. Well, new cards, of course, of which there are also sixteen. Their capacity, however, is not high - eighteen people maximum, but the dimensions are also not amazing.

When you enter the battlefield, you are prompted to choose one of the five existing classes. All of them are only good until you reach the right level to make your warrior. Yes, we earn experience points, which sooner or later raise our ward in rank. Experience is awarded not only for the massacre of enemies, but also for various tricks and beautiful moments, as well as for a series of murders and opening achievements.

With each new level, with each unlocked achievement, you get new nicknames, emblems, rewards, weapons and abilities. All this needs to be set up when creating the class, if you don't want to drag yourself down the bottom of the leaderboard forever. A character can only have two barrels, two types of grenades, three abilities, and a death streak reward. The latter is provided in case you are killed several times in a row, and you still can’t do anything. In this case, they will be pleased with an increase in health, the ability to steal an assassin class, and a few more useful things.

Unlike the first part of Modern Warfare, camouflage plays a really important role, especially on winter and forest maps. However, it will not always help: some cards will not let you win simply because your team was unlucky with the starting point. Unbalance is present at a good third of the levels, so do not be surprised by the constant votes "no" to a particular card.

Despite this, there are still enough players in the network. Yes, there are enough inconveniences for now, but there is nothing among them that could not be fixed with the next patch. The multiplayer mode has grown in breadth, has become more exciting, and the single-player campaign has elevated the spectacle in games to new level. Well, we hope that minor errors will be fixed soon and that the third part will have nothing to do with a joke video that is circulating on the Internet.

Before we talk about the passage, let's figure out how to survive and not die the death of the brave, but stupid already at the beginning of the battle.

  • On almost all tasks you go with partners - do not think that you can free the White (or Black?) House alone. Try not to run ahead of the locomotive and go, if not behind, then at least on a par with your teammates. Believe me, this will save you more than once.
  • At the sight of the enemy, immediately squat down: this will confuse him. And you will be given a few seconds for the control in the head. The crouch-lie-crouch chain also works well, the main thing is that the sight does not go astray.
  • Except in rare cases, the character is given a pistol as a secondary weapon. Do not rush to change it to something more powerful: when the store is empty and the enemy is nearby, it is faster to grab a small TT than to reload a rifle or machine gun. Well, or pull out a shotgun.
  • Don't forget to finish off heavily wounded enemies: after a few bullets, they may fall, but continue to shoot from this position. An unpleasant surprise - to get a bullet almost from the other world.


Well, now it's time to talk about the passage. Since we have an action movie in front of us, where frantic firefights prevail, but there is practically no place for tactics, we will limit ourselves to tips for each specific mission.

. D.D.B.T. By tradition, we are offered to undergo training and decide on difficulty level which, by the way, can be changed at any time.

Team player. The task is to find and destroy enemy troops in Afghanistan. True, it is more likely that they will find you when you drive through the narrow streets. At the beginning of the firefight, when you are sitting behind a machine gun in a jeep, firing on the roofs and upper floors: most of the enemies are hiding there. Do not forget to spin around all the time: the enemy is constantly changing his location. When you get out of the transport, follow your partners: they will lead you where you need to go.

Rock climber. Known level, shown on E 3 . Together with Soap, you have to pick up the control system module from the crashed satellite. Guess where he got to? That's right, to the Russians. Climbing with a mouse is not the most convenient activity, but as a reward you will receive a gun with a silencer and a heartbeat sensor. During a snowstorm, no one will notice you, but you will be aware of where the enemies are hiding. Try to shoot only in the head and do not attack large units: they can raise the alarm, and then the entire base will come running to crush the cockroach.

At the end you will ride a snowmobile, during which I advise you not to release the left mouse button and not go around the pine trees. Why? A third of them are "incorporeal", a third are cardboard and a third are plastic. At best, you will be thrown a couple of centimeters to the right or left, and no other consequences.

Hunting. Shell casings found at a Moscow airport have led Task Force 141 to Rio de Janeiro, where a notorious arms dealer is hiding. First you need to catch his right hand: as soon as he starts to run away, immediately rush into the chase and do not pay attention to your partners. You don't need to kill, a shot in the leg will be enough. Under torture, he will betray his employer: it's time for us to go to the favelas.

To be honest, there is no harder level than this in Modern Warfare 2. Near each hut there are a dozen or two armed and dangerous people, and the same number jump on the roofs. To complete the mission with a minimum of deaths, make it a rule to linger briefly in each house: open spaces are too dangerous. Use grenades and change the original weapon to an analogue of the famous "Chechnya" from Counter-Strike. In it, firstly, there are more cartridges, and secondly, in terms of lethality it cannot be compared with anything. And one more thing: watch out for the shadows, they will give you the position of their masters.

Wolverines. If you dreamed of destroying McDonald's or some other fast food, then you have a great chance to do it. You will be given to shoot Predator guided missiles and forced to deal with helicopters and several armored cars. In general - nothing complicated, except that the opponents stick like ants from a torn anthill.

Vespiary. It's time for the whole company to get out of the favelas, but the locals obviously don't want to let you go. At the very beginning, hide behind the brick wall on the right to periodically crawl out from behind it and shoot those who run on the roofs. When the Brazilians realize that the number is dead, go left to Soap. Here an invisible switch will work, and the gate will smash two jeeps with machine guns on the roof. Ignoring the "infantry", deal with the arrows.

Escape to the rescue helicopter is devoid of any difficulties, but when you fall off the roof and are left without a weapon ... Rush as fast as you can into the first open door, then the next, and so on until you are at the top. Well, there will already be signs that will help you not to fall down again.

Exodus. Now you are in a small American town where Russian troops are hiding. Stay close to the armored personnel carrier, don't forget to use underbarrel aiming for rocket and machine gun attacks, and everything will be fine.

I should have rested yesterday. All personnel are taken hostage on the drilling rig, and turrets are placed around the perimeter. What to do? Clean up, of course! How to get inside? From under the water. Remember two main points: first, do not change the secondary weapon (heat-seeking rifle) for anything else - it will come in handy when the battlefield is covered with smoke; secondly, during the release of the hostages, first look around, and then shoot - the terrorists are too close to the staff, and it is so easy to miss ...

The colony. For some reason, Makarov is interested in Prisoner #627, who is being held at the Gulag Castle. Your goal is to get him out. Once inside, do not listen to your partners and do not take a police shield - you do not need it. But dealing with special forces with such shields is a problem. During the battle in the shower, first take out the snipers on the second floor (they are easy to find by the red scope beam), and then throw grenades at the Russians. Another way to deal with the "turtles" is to go around from the back or approach from the side. Well, or shoot at the legs - whoever is more comfortable. By the way, guess who we just saved?

By my own will. Our ranger squad managed to break into Washington, where the Russians are - what blasphemy! They want to blow up the Washington Monument. The task is to break through to the roof of the captured government building and use a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher to hint that all American soldiers are ardent patriots.

An unfortunate accident. At first, obey Price in everything and do not make unnecessary movements: you are in Kamchatka, in a forest that is full of patrols with dogs. Do without unnecessary killings, and when you meet with Soap's team, you can safely climb into open combat. Just do not forget to change the second weapon (pistol) for something more serious.

Second sun. The difficulty here is one - a broken sight. After the atomic explosion, all electronics failed, so it became much more difficult to shoot. And it's not very pleasant to break through dark rooms in buildings: the enemies make great use of the shadow. Smoke them out with frag grenades, and then finish them off - this tactic will be the most appropriate.

Whiskey Hotel. What kind of hotel is this? Believe it or not, these are call signs for the White House, which urgently needs to be vacated. The most difficult thing is to break through to the Oval Office through the shelled trenches. Run to the left, hiding behind broken cars, helicopters and planes; it is advisable not to squat, but to lie down - even in shelter you can be noticed. After freeing the office, you need to get to the roof of the presidential residence in two minutes. Don't worry, this is more than enough time to take the Reichst... the White House.

Unfinished business. According to General Shepard, Makarov is hiding in a mansion on the Russian-Georgian border. The first problem is the mines, after the detonation of which the entire battlefield will be covered with a smoke screen. It is better to bypass it on the right, not forgetting to follow the snipers on the ledge on the left. The second difficulty is to defend for several minutes from waves of Russians. It is best to hide in the basement and methodically shoot the terrorists in the back. True, for some reason, autosave does not work here, so from time to time you need to go upstairs.

Enemy of my enemy. Makarov and Shepard's soldiers clashed in the aircraft graveyard, and you just have to break through this carnage. Hide in the corpses of aircraft and do not shoot unnecessarily: the enemies will kill each other without you.

Like in the old days. Shepard is hiding somewhere in the Afghan caves, which you will have to go along with Price. At first, do not draw too much attention to yourself and do not forget about night vision goggles. Try to bypass the enemy from the flanks, since there is such an opportunity at this level.

The final. During the boat chase, do not let go of the trigger even for a second, and after falling off the waterfall, be sure to finish off the two surviving soldiers from the helicopter. That's it, you've made it to the end. Enjoy watching!

On a note: after passing through the mission selection menu, the "Museum" opens - a real exhibition of equipment, weapons and moving wax figures of the main characters. And yes, you can kill them all if you want.

Multiplayer mode

For those who for some reason missed the Call of Duty games, I will briefly talk about the Modern Warfare online battle system. Unlike most action movies, here the character gains experience points. Most of them, of course, are given for defeating your opponents, and if you made a control to the head, knocked down the enemy from a long distance, avenged yourself or a friend - please, get a bonus.

In addition, there are various tests, from jumping from a height of 4.5 meters without harm to life to killing the enemy at the moment when he throws a grenade. For this, much more points are given than for simple "war games", but it's not so easy to turn everything around.

After accumulating a certain amount of points, you get levels that open access to weapon modules, game modes, nicknames, emblems, etc. True, all this can be obtained as a reward for completed tests.

Playing with one of the five featured classes at first, you'll soon have access to creating your own. In addition to the choice of primary and secondary weapons and camouflage, you will have to decide on abilities that range from high-speed reloading to invisibility to radars.

Create a class

They will deal with each other without you.

From who you decide to become on the battlefield, your success or lack of it largely depends. Is it really so difficult to create your own unique class? Not at all. It is quite another matter to make it as efficient as possible. To make it easier for you, we have prepared this little guide to the "constructor".

Primary weapon. It is divided into five categories: assault rifles(for all types of combat), submachine guns (for close and medium ranges), light machine guns (mainly for close ranges), sniper rifles(for all types of combat) and a police shield. How did the latter manage to get on this list? Well, it is used instead of the primary weapon to protect against bullets, while not saving at all from grenades and mines. If you get close enough to the enemy, you can hit him with a shield, but the main thing is not to expose yourself to a shot in the head or legs.

In addition to choosing a weapon, you can immediately decide on modules for it - sights, improved bullets, a heartbeat sensor, etc. Well, do not forget about camouflage: it very often helps out during battles on specific terrain, like

Additional weapon. It is divided into four types: automatic pistols (short and medium ranges), shotguns (short ranges), pistols (short and medium ranges), launchers (any ranges). Various modules are also attached to them, but the main thing is that over time it will be possible to run with two guns at once. Killing power will increase noticeably, but accuracy will suffer a little.

From myself I advise you to look at shotguns and grenade launchers. The former are a terrible force on small maps, especially when you have a couple of them in your hands, the latter can destroy even the most well-fortified shelters.

Equipment. Here we have the following things: fragmentation grenade, plastid (the same, but sticks to the surface or the enemy and explodes after a certain time), throwing knife, tactical landing (you can designate the place of respawn), armor shield (resistant to explosions), mine Claymore, C4 (detonable explosive).

Since all this opens up from level to level, there is not much choice, but I advise you to use grenades first, and when it works, switch to mines. Place half a meter from the entrance to some strategically important task. Why not on the doorstep? Well, who will step on a mine when it is in a conspicuous place?

Capabilities. Yours depends on them. additional features, whether it's looting or faster reloading. Abilities are divided into three groups, each of which is responsible for certain aspects of the character and weapons. Only one skill can be selected from one category; using several at once will not work. Any skill has both the original form and improved, which gives even more benefits. About them below.

A series of deaths. Even the most experienced players not immune to stray bullets or grenades. Well, from hackers, of course. If you died several times in a row, you will be granted some kind of plus from above: for example, an increase in health for ten seconds.

Series awards. Although they are not selected in the class creation menu, but in the Identity section, rewards must be chosen wisely, correctly calculating your strengths. They are issued for a series of murders - from three to twenty-five. You can jam enemy radars, call in combat helicopters and planes, fire missiles and even arrange a local doomsday that instantly ends the round.

Table 1
Series Awards
Number of kills Name Action
3 UAVShowing opponents on the minimap
4 SupplyCall for a cargo with a reward or ammunition
4 UAV jammingTemporary jamming of the enemy's radar
5 sentry gunResetting the Stationary Sentry Gun
5 "Predator"Rocket with remote control
6 airstrikeDirected airstrike call
7 "Harrier"Harrier fighter airstrike
7 HelicopterCall for support helicopter
8 special cargoDrop four awards or ammunition
9 "Pave Low"Heavily armed attack helicopter
9 "Stealth"Airstrike not defined by the player
11 Helicopter machine gunHelicopter gun control
11 AS-130Fighter weapon control
15 AMYJamming equipment and electronics of the enemy
25 nuclear chargeFinish the game with a big nuclear explosion

Ability 1


Ability: accelerated recharge.

Pro:+ faster aiming.

One of the two really important skills in the first group: fast reloading is important for those who are not used to switching to secondary weapons, and without instant aiming, you can’t bring down even a third of opponents. At first, it is better to use the "Sleight of Hand".


Ability: two modules for the main weapon.

Pro:+ two modules for secondary weapons.

Perhaps the most important and useful skill in the first category. Agree, than to choose between a sight and an underbarrel grenade launcher, it is better to use both. In most situations, two modules are indispensable, so I advise you to turn on "Decoration" as soon as you get the right level.

Fighting machine

Ability: increased damage from bullets.

Pro:+ Dealing increased damage to vehicles.

The first and one of the two best skills of the second line. It is useful up to level 25, when there are not so many open weapons yet and they hit rather weakly. Of course, one hit in the head is enough even from a pistol, but the bullet does not always fly in the forehead, does it?


Ability: rewards require one less kill.

Pro:+ For a series of deaths, one less death is needed.

Completely unnecessary skill for a number of reasons. The main thing is this: the need to kill one person less is only at first, in the future - what's the difference, to deal with seventeen or eighteen opponents?


Ability: increased explosion damage.

Pro:+ increased air support damage.

Another useless skill: most victories are won with firearms, in extreme cases - a knife, but not mines and grenades. Yes, and the damage of fighters and helicopters is already significant, it is not worth increasing it.

Ability 3


Ability: accuracy when firing from the hip.

Pro:+ prolonged breath holding.

It is far from always possible to aim at the sight of an enemy, especially when it comes to a distance of three to four meters. This is where the “quick and dead” principle comes into play, and poor weapon accuracy can ruin everything. Well, when you get to small maps like Rust, there is often not much to say about aimed fire.


Ability: invisibility for heart rate sensors.

Pro:+ silent movement.

Unlike Counter-Strike and several other online action games, in Modern Warfare 2 the sound of footsteps plays almost no role. As for invisibility for heart rate sensors, “Cold Blood” from the second branch is much more useful.


Ability: you can survive death and within 10 seconds try to take revenge.

Pro:+ Equipment can be used.

After the character is mortally wounded, he does not die, but falls to the ground and can crawl and shoot for another ten seconds. Sounds good, but the surprise will be unpleasant only for beginners: the rest will notice that the victim is still twitching, and the red name above the head does not disappear. But is it worth giving up a second chance because of this?

Game Modes

The developers decided that if we were to go out, it would be necessary with music, and offered us as many as sixteen game modes over the network. This is against six in the first part! What's new, what's worth? And now we'll find out.

  • Team fight. The classic mode of any online action movie. Two teams of four to six people deal with each other until one of them reaches 7500 points or until the time runs out.
  • Team fight, mercenaries. The same thing, only the compositions are shuffled all the time.
  • Every man for himself. Four or eight guys armed to the teeth run from side to side and methodically shoot each other. Nothing new.
  • Superiority. There are three flags on the map, for the capture and control of which the team receives points. Whoever reaches the maximum first wins.
  • Ground Wars. " Team Battle" and "Superiority" with an increased number of players: from twelve to eighteen. Yes, the number "32" is definitely not enough, which would make it possible to arrange a real meat grinder.
  • Destruction. In the allotted time, one team must mine and blow up two enemy objects, and the other team must protect them. Then there is a change of sides. Some maps are simply unbearable to play.
  • Sabotage. There is a neutral bomb on the level, which must be captured in order to blow up the enemy object. The first one to do this wins.
  • Headquarters, pro. There is a headquarters on the map, which can be captured thirty seconds after the start. Points drop for controlling him. If the enemy team manages to kill the "privatizers", they must destroy the object, after which a new one will appear.
  • Bomb. The task is to capture and destroy key objects. No respawn, so be careful.
  • Capture the Flag. Small maps, dynamic skirmishes, and the goal has long been known: steal the flag from the enemy base and bring it to your own.
  • Team fight, from the third person. " Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, and Obliteration from a third-person perspective.
  • Bomb, increased complexity, ricochet. The same "Bomb", only with a disabled interface, more lethal force of weapons and the ability to injure your own. But if you hit a friend, the damage will instantly return to you.
  • Team battle, increased difficulty. Everything is the same, only the damage is not returned.
  • Fight in a cage, from the third person. The cage, in fact, has nothing to do with a real cage: you and another poor fellow are released on the map so that you check who is cooler.
  • Team fight, express. The usual "Team Fight" with a shorter pause between rounds.
  • Mix. A sort of roulette: what will fall, you will play.

1 2 All

Act I

Training mission, first take a machine gun and shoot the way the commander wants - from the hip, aiming, over an obstacle, finally throw a grenade. After that, walk around the camp and listen to what the fighters say, learn a lot of interesting things, then go to the obstacle course, before passing you can choose a weapon to your liking, there is a rich choice. Passing the strip, try not to touch the figures of civilians and not to let the terrorists through - penalty seconds will be added for this. After passing you will be offered a level of difficulty depending on your speed, you can accept or choose the level of your choice.

Team player

The mission begins on the bank of a nameless river, and, of course, you need to cross to the other side, but that's bad luck - the bridge is destroyed, after a while a bridgelayer will arrive, but you need to clear the way for it. It seems that everyone around is doing their own thing, like eating chocolate or playing a mobile phone, what can we do alone - a couple of charges from a grenade launcher and the enemy will calm down.

Climb up and watch the building collapse. After that, you will have a short trip in an armored car, there is nothing to be afraid of - after all, you have a minigun in your hands that will warm your heart in difficult times. Don't shoot militiamen on the balcony, they're unarmed, and the Democratic American army "under no circumstances shoots the unarmed"... yeah, PR more, but oh well, as soon as the trip is over, go into the building and go up to the second floor - there are several militias dug in - they are armed, so you can treat them with a grenade.

Go downstairs and enter the school, before entering you can pick up a novelty - a pair of weapons, then, quickly assessing its uselessness, replace it with something like an AK or MP5, going up to the second floor, you will see that the terrorists have dug in the geography and physics classrooms - Destroy these enemies of science in long bursts and go down to the street. Through the quarter you will meet a small detachment of the enemy, having dealt with which, you will finally get to General Shepard.

rock climber

The surroundings are changing - now you are somewhere in the Tien Shan mountains. After admiring the views, we start climbing - to stick the hook, press and release the corresponding mouse buttons, it’s nothing complicated, getting upstairs, get ready for the jump, however, no matter how you run away, it will still be unsuccessful - Soap at the last second will pick you up in a spectacular pirouette.

Soon you will meet a patrol, kill the enemy on the right, Soap will lay down the second one, do the same with the other patrol. Now you will have to split up - you will go to the camp and, risking your life, will look for a gas station, and at that moment Soap will sunbathe on a snowy slope, occasionally providing you with sniper support, expressed in the form of the destruction of two or three single militants ... thanks and On this.

A couple of soldiers are walking at the gate, remove them from the knife without noise and dust, then proceed through the small barracks to the airfield, cutting out the gaping soldiers along the way. Approaching the field, you will find an unpleasant surprise in the form of two cars and two more patrols - you can go quietly and unnoticed, as expected by the developers, or take a good position and take out everyone so as not to suffer and hide. Personally, I advise the second, because. he himself tried to go stealthily five times, and each time it all came down to a banal mess, after which, due to the lack of an advantageous position, I invariably went to the nearest save point, so it’s better not to suffer, but if you have all the skills of Sam Fisher, then , of course, you will shadow slip past the enemy and reach the gas station.

Whatever path you choose, you will reach the gas station, and, having installed the explosives, rush to meet the captain, cutting out the gaping patrols along the way. Arriving at the place, go into the building and see what a good fellow Soup is. And why can't we? Go up to the second floor and pick up the hard drive, now you can go home ... but, no luck - the guards finally remembered why they were here, and Soap is about to have a hard time. It's good that there is a plan "B", and it's bad that we are the last to know about it, or rather the penultimate one - the guards, their mouths open, from the big bang that diversifies their gray everyday life, become easy targets. Keep on having fun, enemy reinforcements, equipped with snowmobiles, just arrived in time for you. Having dealt with them, go down the slope and shoot another group of pursuers.

Soon two snowmobiles will drive up to you, on which you will continue your way to the evacuation point. Do you think Soap will drive and you will have to shoot back? But no - we have a completely new Call of Duty, here you can control some equipment yourself, could you imagine this before? So we each get into our snowmobile and forward, to a brighter future, which, it seems, is going to overshadow enemy snowmobiles. In principle, you can shoot them with a pistol, but this is a great distraction, which in turn can lead to an unpleasantly close acquaintance with the tree, so just drive faster and it will be almost impossible to hit you, and only a helicopter can overshadow the situation.

In the end, you will reach a huge slope, after which there is a cliff, in order to overcome it you need to accelerate well, I think this will not be difficult for you.

Not a word in Russian

The infamous mission with the shooting of civilians at the airport, very reminiscent of Sheremetyevo, by the way, it was cut in the 1C version, but I will proceed from the fact that either you unlocked it or you have a pirated version, so I’ll write the walkthrough anyway.

Attention! If you are melancholic, sentimental, or you have a strong civic stance based on the inadmissibility of violence in computer games, then you better ... not play this game, but grow orchids, and if you just don’t like killing peace-loving compatriots, you can do this mission simply skip it, fortunately, there is such an opportunity - you will be asked as many as two whole times. But in this case, you will get completely confused in the plot, so I don’t advise you to do this, besides, no one obliges you to shoot civilians - a gang of your “friends”-thugs will deal with them even without you, so I’ll start describing the passage from the moment you step outside.

To meet you, in a friendly crowd, FSB operational officers will rush, for some reason dressed in the uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs they do not like. They will be armed with shields - another novelty in the series. Throw grenades to clear your way - that's basically the only good advice for dealing with protected opponents.

Having reached the ambulance, and having already prepared to evacuate, relax - you are not destined to return from this task - the terrorists will figure you out and put you to waste.


You are required to capture a lot of knowledgeable person, and in doing so, of course, we need him alive. Having driven up to the hotel, silently watch how four of your comrades fail in the fight against a single terrorist. You always have to do everything yourself - rush in pursuit, and without Ghost's signal, do not shoot, and after the signal, shoot exactly at the legs.

After a short pause, watch the maniac who woke up in Ghost happily search for high voltage wires, and go after the rest of the squad. You will have to make your way through the slums - a dead and very dangerous place. Your task is to make it dangerous for the terrorists living in it. In the first quarter, your entire squad will die, and then you will have to make your way alone. Move slowly and slowly (do not pay attention to the fact that your partners on the radio are urging you - they simply have nothing to do, so they have fun as best they can), check the corners, throw grenades, in general, understand one thing - you are caution itself. Pay special attention to dogs, try to destroy them before they attack you.

Whatever it was, sooner or later (if you're playing a veteran, then rather late), you will get to the villain, though they will capture him without your help. The question is, why did we come here at all?

Act II

The thing that Americans have been so afraid of for the past 60 years has happened - the Russians attacked America. Of course, the Americans have no chance, but hope, as you know, dies last.

Having got the opportunity to move freely, go to the alley on the right and deal with the newly arrived paratroopers, and continue moving forward in the gardens, soon, however, you will again have to return to the main street, and here the BMP is already waiting for you, now we need to remember the original one for a few moments Call of Duty - what would you do there in such a situation? That's right - they threw a smoke grenade and installed explosives, but we have a shortage of the latter (yes, the Americans also found out what it is), so we will restrict ourselves to the implementation of the first part of our plan.

Again, turning into the alley, clear the enemies at the diner, and run to your comrades through the avenue. Climbing onto the roof, you will see an automatic turret in front of you, which can be very conveniently placed in order to annoy the enemy well. The turret will cope with this perfectly - not a single enemy soldier will make it to the roof. The enemy, realizing that it is rotten to fight with a smart turret, will launch an attack from the other side, prudently hiding in a smoke screen. Now the turret will not help you, but you have a rifle with a thermal imager. Grab it and try to destroy as many enemies as you can with it, but it still won't be enough and the enemy will make it to the roof, but it will be quite easy to deal with him.

Soon, you will be informed about the arrival of two BMPs, and that in the diner, which we vacated a little earlier, there is a control panel for unmanned missiles. What didn't you say before? And now it’s not so easy to get through the avenue - infantry fighting vehicles interfere, but you can still get through - smoke grenades will help you. After making your way to the diner, grab the predater and lie down under the counter. Just look... all the opponents are visible to you, you can destroy all of them without getting out from under the counter... Isn't this power? HAHAHA (laughing with Homeric laughter).

We are required to destroy BMPs, but we need to destroy them last - first we will deal with the infantry, which sat down at the third in the diner area (here, after all, they eat - eateries on every corner), we will have to storm this diner after the destruction of the BMP, you can practically destroy everyone, with the exception of four people who have settled in the depths of the building, after we finally undermine the BMP, now run to the diner, which was just shelled and completely clear it, climb onto the roof and look for the turret with your eyes, which this time is not here. Well, nothing, but there is a predator, though you will soon be deprived of it, until this moment try to destroy as many infantry as possible. Also, a wizard in a blue helicopter will fly to you and show you for free ... no, not a movie, but Kuz'kin's mother. It is assumed that you will return to the previous diner, climb onto the roof, find a stigner there ... But all this is long and no longer a hunt, so you will have to repeat the feat of an Iraqi peasant and shoot down a turntable with an assault rifle.

After a few more attacks, a convoy will finally arrive, joining which will end the mission.


And again, Rio de Janeiro, where no one walks in white pants except us. Please note that at the beginning of the mission, to the right of you, the terrorist you were chasing earlier is tied to the wall, and, what a disgrace, he is still alive. Correct this unfortunate oversight, while no one sees - they will know how to run from us. Move behind the detachment, leaving mountains of corpses behind you, carefully watch the roofs of small attics - militants simply love to hide there.

Having reached a small square, you will meet fierce resistance there - two jeeps with machine guns, and countless snipers and submachine gunners. First of all, destroy the machine gunners, and the comrades should deal with the rest. After walking a couple more blocks, you will get to the bird market. Try not to hit any living creatures in cages, otherwise animal advocates will drag you through the courts. Having successfully passed this quarter, you will come out onto a miniature football field, on one of the fences of which the famous Russian word of three letters is written in bright large letters, it is not clear where it came from in Rio, what can I say ... Russians are everywhere.

Having perched on the roof, run after the detachment, and soon, you will need to jump again - come on, Soap, catch me! Oh, damn... my jo..., that is, life, has taken a heavy toll, and I'm afraid that crowd of terrorists approaching at great speed is not running to save you, in order to lynch you. You sowed the weapon somewhere, so a couple of prove that a good warrior must, in addition to everything else, run fast. If you hesitate, you will either be shot by inhospitable locals or you will miss the helicopter, so hurry up. The mission will end with a spectacular jump over the abyss.


And again the Americans, and again the Russians are doing them - a natural picture, because. everyone knows that our army is the strongest of all (yes, yes, I was paid extra in the Ministry of Defense so that I would popularize the army among young people). Your main task in this mission is simple and clear - you need to clear the city from the invaders-enemies of democracy. A Stryker is issued to help you, and this is not an aircraft, as the name might seem, but an armored vehicle with a heavy machine gun. In principle, if you are not in a hurry, you can just hide somewhere in a secluded place, and the car will do everything for you, you just need to indicate the goals to it in a timely manner. But this is very inconvenient, because the machine sometimes executes your order in a completely different way from what you want. Yes, and there are not so many opponents - we can handle it ourselves. Be careful - there are automatic turrets at one of the roadblocks - this is just a job for Stryker.

Once you're done with clearing the streets, head towards the enemy anti-aircraft guns and point out their coordinates to the gunners. Which, not sparing shells, will smash everything to the ground. Now your task is to save a very important person whose name we are not supposed to know. Move forward and soon you will see a house destroyed by a crashed plane. Quietly go inside - on the ground floor, a hungry Russian is digging in the refrigerator, who, as you know, sees nothing in Russia but vodka and caviar, and here there is such a variety ... of course, how can one resist here. Climb to the second floor and witness the untimely death of VIP "a. It looks like he shot himself, while having previously lost chess to a teddy bear - a good reason for suicide.

Should have rested yesterday

Despite the name, one of the easiest missions in the game. By the way, this is the same underwater mission that the developers promised us, and, by the way, it can be called underwater with a big stretch. As soon as you rise to the surface, grab the enemy by the legs and send him into the depths of the sea. Climb a tier higher and quietly finish off the lonely sentry, now you need to free the hostages - it's not difficult to do this, set the charge on the door, after which Rapid will turn on for five seconds, during which you must have time to save the hostages. If you do not have time, then try to enter from another door. Climb even higher, free the hostages according to the planned scheme, and mine the bodies to surprise the curious patrol.

It remains for you to break through to the top, to the last room with the hostages, the road there should not cause you any difficulties, the cleaning too. It remains only to evacuate.

Before the start of the level, a warning is displayed that the content of the level may be offensive to some players. The level is preceded by a video briefing of the situation: CIA agent Joseph Allen, under the name of Alexei Borodin, is secretly embedded in a Russian terrorist group led by ultranationalist Vladimir Makarov. The player controls exactly this agent in this mission. At the start of the level, Makarov instructs the team not to speak Russian to make it look like an American terrorist attack. The group then moves to the airport terminal and opens fire on the civilians inside. The player has the right to shoot at civilians or not to interfere in what is happening. FSB officers arrive there, and Allen must help the terrorists escape from the airport. At the end of the level, after the FSB officers have been stopped and two terrorists have been killed, the player climbs into a vehicle disguised as an ambulance in hopes of escaping with the terrorist group. However, Makarov, already aware of a CIA agent on his team, shoots Allen and leaves his body, which is found by the FSB, thus leaving evidence of US military action. In addition, in the last mission "Museum" there is a room in which a police officer and several terrorists are moving against the background of the airport from the mission. Before pressing the red button, everyone from the group, as well as others in the hall, can be shot with impunity, but after that all the surviving characters in the hall (including one dog) will attack the player

  • Paste this file into zone\english folder

    Originally posted by Example:

    D:\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2\zone\english

  • And the mission "Not a word in Russian" is completely unlocked, that is, it must be selected in the list of missions, or it will begin immediately after the mission "Rock Climber", as it should have been.

    Originally posted by El Yar:

    On multiplayer, this will not harm, because, the Russian version in Russia is censored, because of the deputies



Correction of Russian voice acting (Multiplayer)

UPDATE (04/04/2016) - Added "Lazy Edition"

Probably, the owners of the Russian version of CoD MW2 have already "enjoyed" all the "charms" of voice acting from our localizers?
A large number of phrases in multiplayer are not translated. Do you remember the repeated phrases "Grenade, grenade", "This one is, this one is"?
This case will certainly not be fixed officially. Therefore, I offer you a method for fixing these problems manually. Do not forget that you are downloading only some of the corrected voice acting files, and not the full voice acting itself. Don't even try to install the corrected files over the English localization.

List of fixes:

Untranslated English phrases are replaced by Russian ones.
Removed a jamb of localizers - repetitive phrases and fragments at the end of phrases.
Correction authors: wbr, Cepe7a. Taken from

Most likely, maybe I will make an assembled version of the corrected voice acting, so as not to do dances with a tambourine. It all depends on how useful this section is for you.

Originally posted by Fabler on "lazy version":

I made an assembled version of the corrected voice acting due to the appearance of "crooked" personalities.
All you need to do is below step by step:

  1. Download the archive from the link
  2. Extract the contents of the archive to the game folder along the path "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2\main" with a replacement.
  3. ???????
  4. PROFIT!


Do you have WinRar archiver downloaded? If not, download. Without it, we will not be able to make the necessary changes in the game files. Extract the file (archive) from the Fix Voices MW2 archive. And so, in fact, we have the downloaded file "localized_russian_iw99". Open it with the WinRaR archiver. We see the "sound" folder inside the archive - this is what we need to move with a replacement in the desired archive. Put aside the open archive, just minimize the window. Actually go to our game, look for the folder "localized_russian_iw08" along the way "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2\main".

Now, if you have found the desired folder, open it with an archiver, we see a folder called "sound" inside the archive. Now expand that window with the downloaded archive. Move the "sound" folder to another open archive (this is the archive that you opened from the root folder of the game) with the replacement of files. If it is not clear how to move the file, then you simply hold down the sound folder from the archive with a mouse click, and move it to another archive, is it so difficult?

  • There will be no account blocking. I've been playing with patched files for about 5 years and have never been banned for modifying voice files.
  • I do not recommend running a cache integrity check, I am not responsible for possible errors in the game.

    Actually, that's all. Play with corrected Russian voice acting). Have a good game!

Correction of Russian voice acting (Single, CO-OP, Multiplayer)

UPDATE (17/03/2017) - Localization fixes re-uploaded to Google Drive.

If you play not only multiplayer, then you will definitely encounter similar jambs of translators in the Campaign and Special Operations. But don't worry, as this has also been fixed.

List of fixes:

  1. Untranslated phrases have been removed
  2. Underperforming phrases have been sped up.
  3. The untranslated phrase of Prisoner 627 has been replaced.
  4. A bug with General Shepard on the last level has been fixed.
  5. All of the above multiplayer fixes.

Originally posted by Zerberus:

The first link is fixes for the already installed Russian language, and the second is a complete translation with fixes for foreign versions. Do not try to install corrected files over English localization. A full translation is provided for those who for some reason have foreign versions of the game without the Russian language.

Installation and replacement:

  1. Download the archive from the link.
  2. Open archive.
  3. Similarly, in no case do not check the cache in steam.
  4. Ready!

Installation of full localization:

  1. Make sure you have WinRar installed.
  2. Go to the game folder, open the main folder and delete all localized files.
  3. Return to the game folder, open the zone folder and delete the folder of the language in which you have the game installed.
  4. Download the archive from the link.
  5. Open archive.
  6. Move all files from the archive to the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 folder, confirming the replacement.
  7. Still, in no case do not check the cache in the incentive.
  8. Ready!
P.S.: Zerberus sincerely thanks the authors of El Yar and Fabler for the permission to publish these corrections and wishes them all the best!