Divinity original sin 2 where to find Erma. Divinity: Original Sin. Walkthrough. Just what the doctor ordered


  1. Fort Joy Ghetto - the beginning of the quest.
  2. Caves - the end of the quest.

Immediately after you enter the Fort Joy ghetto, you will notice three characters talking to each other. If you intervene in the conversation, you will find out that the elf girl Elodie was late with the monthly payment that absolutely all residents must make to the camp overseer. Because of this, he sent two thugs to her, who were supposed to find and knock money out of the girl.

Choice #1: Help Elodie

If you side with the girl, the thugs will start a fight with you. First, they will start attacking Elodie, so you need to act quickly and efficiently. Before starting a conversation, it is best to get as close to them as possible, thanks to him you will not have to lose precious action points for getting closer during the battle.

After you win the battle, Elodie will take you to the Caverns, where you will learn some interesting facts about this location. After you complete your dialogue, the girls will reward you with a severed head. If you have an elf in your squad, then you can use his talent "Corpse Eater" to enrich your abilities.

Reward: 480 experience points and a severed head. Plus, if you follow the cave, you will be rewarded with several other items and one of four to choose from.

Choice #2: Kill Elodie

If you side with the thugs, you will fight against Elodie on their side. The elf is dangerous, but should not become a serious threat to you, and it is very likely that she will attack the thugs first. The main thing is not to rush and not to attack first.

If you help the thugs kill Elodie, you will receive experience points for the battle (half the previous choice), but no additional gratitude or reward.

Reward: 240 experience points.

Choice #3: Stay impartial

If you started a conversation, but in the end decided that you want to remain impartial, then you will witness a deal between Elodie and the thugs and further escape. Subsequently, you will find an elf in the Caves, but you will not be able to talk to her.

Reward: missing.

Choice #4: Ignoring the Quest

If you do not take any action from the available ones, then after some time, look for the corpse of Elodie at the location. So the quest will no longer be available.

Reward: missing.

mother's nightmare

Near the gates of Fort Joy, you will meet Farah (1), who is looking for her child. If you ask her if you can provide any help, she will give you a daughter's doll and ask you to find the child.

There is Jet next to her (1). If you talk to him, he will say that Farah really needs help, but not in finding a child. He says that the woman went mad after she lost her daughter, since Erma died some time ago and she has never been to Fort Joy.

You can go to Farah and say that Erma is dead. Farah will quickly realize that you have spoken to her companion and will accuse him of lying. This will end the quest.

Reward: 480 experience points.

Geist killer

  1. Fort Joy Ghetto - Magister Arnica.
  2. Fort Joy - Arnica flower.
  3. Fort Joy - Migo.

On one of the defensive walls right at the entrance to Fort Joy, you will find Magister Arnica. After you chat with her, he will ask you if you have seen Migo, her companion. Regardless of how the dialogue develops, she will offer you to find Migo. Arnika will also state that it is not worth returning without information about Migo.

Below you will find all available quest scenarios:

  • Kill Migo.
  • Reunite the family.

Kill Migo

Migo (3) can be found in the pool of blood on the beach near Fort Joy. Turns out he's turned into a corpse-eating monster. He will not attack you until you decide to communicate with him.

Migo is a very demanding opponent who, in addition to dealing high melee damage, can also use AoE abilities. Fighting him can cost you a lot of healing items, but in the end, you must defeat him. Migo drops a ring and a helmet.

Take the ring and take it to Magister Yarrow. Whether you tell her that you killed Migo or lie, you will have to confirm that you are telling the truth by showing the ring. It is very important that the ring is equipped on the main character. After the conversation, the quest will be completed and you will receive experience points.

Reward: 300 experience points.

reunite family

The second option for this quest is only possible if one of your party members has an Arnica flower (2). One of these plants can be found in the ruins near the tower, where you will meet Magister Borris (according to the story). Standing in front of the tower, go to the right, there will be ruins just a few steps away. If you're having trouble finding it, don't forget that you can hold down the ALT key to select active objects (items).

Start a conversation with Migo and give him a flower using the appropriate dialogue thread. The beast will confuse you with someone else and give you the ring. Return to Magister Arnika and tell her that you have found her companion. After you show the master the ring, you will be rewarded and the woman will go to the beach to see if you told the truth.

If you follow her and talk on the beach, she will tell you KEY, which can be used to open one of the doors in the fort. This is how the quest ends.

Reward: 600 experience points and master's key.

Captive elf

  1. Caves - Saheila.
  2. Field kitchen - Amiro, Griff.
  3. Fort Joy - Stingtail.

You will start the quest after talking to Saheila, assuming she survived her encounter with Loshe. It turns out that a woman can predict the future. If you don't doubt her abilities, you will unlock a dialogue where you can ask her how to escape from Fort Joy. She will tell you that the escape is connected with her friend, an elf named Amiro, who lived in the Caverns, but was kidnapped by Griff, the camp commandant. If you agree to find him, then she will give you another clue that the lizard is involved in all this.

You can find Amiro (2) in the camp kitchen area, but it turns out that the camp commander Griff (1) put him in prison. If you try to talk to the elf, Griff will join the conversation. If you agree to return the goods that were allegedly stolen by Amiro, then Griff will allow you to talk with the elf.

The elf will say that he has nothing to do with the theft and will state that he planned to escape from Fort Joy. He promises that he will show you an escape route if you help him get out of the cage. In addition, the elf will give you a hint - the one who stole the materials is constantly clearing his throat.

Return materials

To return the stolen items, follow the Caves. Approaching them, go west to find a small cape with a fishing camp.

The theft was carried out by a lizard named Stingtail, which you will find in the camp. You'll need a character with persuasion to get things back, so check your party members' stats before starting a conversation. Alternatively, you can also use a character with high agility.

NOTE. If your squad has a lizard Red Prince, then let him talk to the dreamer. This will advance the companion quest.

After you wake up the lizard, ask if he knows anything about the supplies that were stolen from the camp kitchen. This will start a dialogue that you must continue until the possibility of persuasion appears. Show your interest throughout the dialogue and finally use your dexterity to pick up and return the stolen items.

Reward: 240 experience points.

After that, you will be able to perform several actions:

  • Having returned things, betray the lizard and help with his massacre.
  • Return things, tell about the lizard, but do not help him to kill.
  • After returning things, protect the lizard.
  • Keep things for yourself

During a conversation with Griff, say that you have found a stolen plant. If you decide to return it, then the commandant will take the plant and ask who the thief is. Within the party, you may decide that the thief deserves to be punished.

If you tell the man about Stingtail, he will let Amiro go. Then you can talk to him, and during the conversation, the elf will point you to a secret passage from Fort Joy. At the same time, he will ask you to pass the amulet to the clairvoyant. If you accept this quest, then the entry "Tribe of Saheila" will appear in the journal. The passage of this quest will be described in another chapter.

Reward: 840 experience points.

Finally, Griff will send one of his men to kill Stingtail. If you help him with the lizard, you will get some gold, but you will betray the thief.

If you kill the lizard, you will miss the opportunity to complete two quests. The character is needed to continue the quests of companions - Sebilla and the Red Prince. Sebilla, by the way, is not far from him. If you don't talk to him about them, you won't be able to complete the quests.

Reward: 840 experience points and 50 gold units.

Protect the lizard

After talking with Griffa, confess that you have found the plant. If you decide to give the plant to the character, the commandant will ask you about the thief. You may decide that it is better to protect the lizard from the commandant.

After you refuse to give a name, the commandant will wish to arrest the main character. During the fight, it is worth considering placing units on the balcony above Griff - this will give you an additional damage bonus, and you will be able to destroy the enemy archer. If you win the battle, you can take the cage key from Griff's body and free Amiro. For this victory, you will receive a smaller reward than if you told about the lizard and helped to deal with it.

After you free Amiro, he will tell you about a secret passage from Fort Joy. At the same time, he will ask you to transfer the amulet to the clairvoyant, which will start the quest "Tribe of Saheila". Its description will be in a separate chapter.

Reward: 840 experience points.

Keep things for yourself

If you refuse to return things to the commandant, he will immediately start a battle against you. In this case, you will be able to defeat him and free Amiro, but still get less experience than if you punished the thief.

Reward: 840 experience points.


Note. This quest is a MUST, as you will receive the Teleportation skill as a reward.

  1. Fort Joy Ghetto - Gavin.
  2. Fort Joy - teleportation gloves.
  3. A secret alcove on the coast of Fort Joy - the entrance to the detention cells.
  4. Fort Joy - Harbor.

As you explore the Fort Joy ghetto, you will encounter a mysterious man who will ask you if you arrived here alone. You can confirm this even if your team is nearby. If you choose another option, then this quest will be unavailable.

If he contacted you earlier, and you ignored him (stating that you are not alone), you can talk to the character by choosing another member of the squad. And so the task will begin.

Assuming you have agreed to "leave" the squad, Gavin will reveal his secret escape plan, but it will require your help to carry it out. At the beginning of the game, this quest can be very difficult. We recommend that you pass it after reaching at least the fourth level.

Your help is to obtain an artifact that allows you to teleport over short distances. You can find teleportation gloves on the beach guarded by three very dangerous crocodiles. If you have enough strength, then there should be no problems destroying them, but you must be careful with slowing effects, since when attacking, the crocodile can slow several team members at once. It is better to diverge to the sides and not stand at one point.

In particular, pay attention to the crocodile surrounded by a magical barrier. He wears teleportation gloves that allow him to get close to your team. Avoid fire attacks and be careful about adding a lot of statuses.

After the fight, take the teleportation gloves from the crocodile and return to Gavin. The important thing is that the character who accepted the quest must equip these gloves on himself and start a dialogue with the NPC. This is the only way to run it!

Gavin will be very pleased that you managed to get the gloves and will ask for help. Follow him with your squad to the Secret Alcove location, where you will help him escape. There are two ways to do this.

Teleport Gavin to the beach

In this case, you need to teleport Gavin (1) to one of the available places on the beach (2). After Gavin lands on the beach, it turns out that he cannot help you get out of there.


Teleport Gavin to the rocks

In this scenario, Gavin will be able to get to the harbor. Initially, you can teleport Gavin to the rock (3) located just below the final destination. Then Gavin will teleport you to the same place and ask you to teleport him to another rock (4). After Gavin leaves you.

Note. This method will allow you to get into the caves under the island, where there is a queen of fire slugs, who had some dealings with Brakk.

Reward: 960 experience points and teleportation gloves.

Gavin's fate

At this moment of teleportation, the quest will be completed. If you are interested in what happened to Gavin, then you can follow him using the teleportation gloves. It is enough to teleport all team members to a certain place, and then use the equipment menu, transfer the gloves to someone else and teleport the last member of the squad.

After you follow Gavin, in both scenarios it will turn out that the character was killed by the masters. You will find his body depending on the previous decision - in the Fort of Joy or the harbor.

Pitcher of Withermoor's Souls

In the Caves you will meet a boy named Modi. It is easy to spot as it is played right next to the entrance. After you start a conversation, he will ask you to play with him. If you agree, you will find out that you have to play hide and seek.

Stage 1. Find a hatch

The first time, you will find it on a wooden pedestal (1). The boy will praise the hero for insight, and then hide again for the next round. You will now find it in a niche near the entrance (2). This time, Modi will decide that he needs to introduce you to his friend. If you do not have a lizard in your team, then you need to have a shovel with you, because otherwise you will not be able to continue this quest.

The boy will hide in a small cave (1) and suggest the best solution for you. You can take advantage of his offer after you find the mound (2). Use a shovel or lizard claws to find a hatch under the embankment.

Stage 2. Lord Withermoor

Luke leads to the Forgotten Cell. You can find the boy near the tall statue. Modi will tell you that this is his friend. After a short conversation, approach and interact with the statue. During the conversation, you will learn that Lord Withermoore turned to stone several thousand years ago. He asks you to take the spear of King Brakk from the chest, thanks to which he will be able to move again.

King Brakk's spear can be drawn or destroyed. If you choose the first option, then it will be in the inventory of the main character. However, in both cases, the character will no longer be a statue. It turns out that there is something more powerful than the spell that binds him. He will ask you to find the place in Fort Joy where his soul is trapped and release it.

Before leaving, ask the boy if he is ready to let go of his friend. Afterward, tell him that he owes you something for saving a friend. He will show you on the map the location of his most valuable treasure.

Stage 3. Entrance to the fort

After leaving the Caverns, head to the Sanctuary of the Seven mentioned by Withermoor. Interact with it and notice that an additional dialogue option will appear. Your character will pull the lever behind the statue, which will open a passage ahead.

After that, go down, but there will be no enemies here. But there are a huge number of chests that can contain treasure. Finally, you will reach the door. Next to it will be the image of the shrine. You can open the door by picking the lock, but for this to be possible, you need to use a character with the skill "Theft", at least the second level.

An alternative way to get to the location. Complete the Captured Elf quest by freeing Amiro to learn about the secret passage from Fort Joy. To get there, you will need to dig through the ground with the claws of a lizard or a shovel. After passing through the dungeon, you will find yourself in one of the chambers of Fort Joy.

We're talking about detention cells. Follow to the end of the corridor, where you will fight with the masters. You can spare a wounded magister unless you kill him during combat. But here you need a key that opens the upper level of the fort. The key is lying on the floor of the room. If you have difficulty finding it, then hold down the ALT key.

Stage 4. Pitchers of Souls

In the prison of Fort Joy, you must use the secret handle shown in the above screenshot. So you can open the secret path to the "Ancient Passage".

Along the way, you will come across two poison traps (1). If there is a tool to neutralize them, then you can use it. If there is none, then go through the first trap and wait until the negative impact (poisoning) disappears, and then heal the squad. Then do the same with the second trap. You can also use the Pyromancy ability, if available. Fire burns away the poison and gives you a safe passage.

You will now enter a large room (2) with five jugs in the center. One of them binds the soul of Lord Weathermoor, which you came here for. Before you do anything, look around and find the sarcophagus (3), but don't touch any of the jars.

Looming above the room is a statue of King Brakk (4) that you can interact with. After that, you will receive a message with the character's statement. The situation will be different if the action is performed by a character with a Loremaster. This will bring up a list of dialogue options, but no matter which one you choose, you will be able to re-interact with the statue and pick up Brakk's Leggings.

The screenshot below shows the jar that you need to interact with in order to progress through the quest. Under each of them there is a plaque with the name of Lord Withermoor. Nicknames will vary. You need a sign that says Withermoore the Supplicant.

Interacting with the wrong jug can cause additional opponents to spawn. If you want to get more experience, you can call them.

Finally, after you interact with the correct jug, you will see a dialog box. When you select the option associated with the action, a dialogue within the squad will start, where you, along with the characters, will have to decide what to do next.

Choice #1. destroy the jug

The energy locked in the jar will be released and Lord Withermoore will die and finally find his peace.

Reward: 1400 experience points.

Choice #2. Consume Energy

The jug's energy will be drained by the character that interacts with it. This is only possible after completing the quest "The Collar".

Reward: one resource point.

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There are several possible outcomes depending on what you say or do. You can let Elodie fight the extortionists alone, but in this case, she will die and you will not get anything. You can also stand up for the girl and help her kill Burro and Kahn. Finally, you can take the side of the extortionists - in this case, the battle against Elodie will become a mere formality.

1 - Elodie and extortionists, 2 - caves.

If you have the Rogue talent (Criminal), then you can convince the extortionists that Elodie is a cruel mythical character, and they will leave her alone. You can pay the thugs in gold, and then they will also leave Elodie alone.

If you help Elodie, you will need to follow her into the caves and pick up another reward - a severed head.


- 300 experience points if you and Elodie stop Burro and Kahn.

- Bonus 480 experience points if you choose to kill Burro and Kahn.

- Severed head (restores health if eaten by an elf character).

- Burro's club - can be obtained by searching his dead body. This is a nominal element, but, unfortunately, not so powerful.

- Improved group relations if you help Elodie.


Talk to Gavin, who will be located in the Fort Joy Ghetto, to start the Teleport quest. Go to the beach and pick up the teleportation gloves, having previously destroyed three salamanders. Go back to Gavin and tell him you have the gloves. Follow him to a hidden alcove and teleport the character over several ledges.

1 - Gavin, 2 - teleportation gloves, 3 - detention cells, 4 - harbor (where the masters will kill Gavin).

Crocodiles are dangerous opponents, so don't underestimate them - go into battle only if you have a full squad and almost every character has more or less worthy armor and weapons.

Try to position your characters further away from each other, as salamanders will often use teleportation and try to land directly on your heroes, dealing damage to them. Enemies also use rock throws to deal area damage and attack multiple targets at the same time. Also, try to stay away from oil barrels - enemy fire spells will allow them to set them on fire and deal damage to the entire squad at once. In addition, fire does minimal damage to salamanders themselves.

There are two oil barrels in this fight, one of which is at the entrance, and the other is in the distance, where the third salamander appears. The first barrel is usually broken by the nearest crocodile, so try to destroy it before the enemy.

Now you will have three options:

1. Destroy the log near you and go down through the hole to find yourself in the gap between the ledges, on a small beach. There is an entrance to a cave here - if you go through it, you will find yourself in the prison of Fort Joy. You will need to break open the door to the cell using a master key, use the large door to which the steps lead and get to the first floor of the fortress (and then you can explore the second one).

2. You can also go to the end of the corridor and defeat the kennel and his assistants to get the key to that very large door, as well as save Delorus.

3. The last way is to break open the large door in front of the cell you are in and escape using teleportation or climb the stairs to the Fort Joy camp.


- 600 experience points for each character for completing the quest.

- 120 experience points for killing a salamander - 360 for all.

– Gloves of teleportation.

– Rob Gavin is a side loot.

You can teleport Gavin to your side to kill him and take the loot yourself, or you can loot his body as the magisters will kill him anyway. It is also possible to rob him before teleporting through the canyon.

Fort Joy Arena

Go down into the dungeon under the Fort Joy ghetto by finding the right hatch in Griff's camp kitchen. Chat with Tola and she will ask if you are ready to fight for the title of champion - if you agree to a fight, you will have to fight four opponents. Therefore, it is better to first assemble a full squad, taking three of the available satellites into a group.

Defeat the opponents and the player will be rewarded with the title of Arena Champion. Completing this quest will allow you to speak to Blacksmith Nebora at the beginning of Fort Joy and ask her to remove the collar from the protagonist. However, keep in mind - if you are noticed by masters without a collar, they will immediately want to send the main character to prison. You can agree, or you can fight them.

Captive elf

Chat with the elf who is being held in a cage in Griff's camp kitchen, where there is a hatch leading to the Fort Joy arena. Griff will begin to appear, they say you can’t talk to him. Talk to the man and find out that he suspects the elf of stealing supplies. He is ready to let the elf go if you find the stolen items. Face the cave of Saheila and go to the right to find the bunkhouse of Stingtail, the lizard that stole the items, on the shore.

1 - Saheila, 2 - Amiro and Griff, 3 - Stingtail.

You will need to kill him to give oranges. Everything is twisted here - if there is Saheil in the detachment, then she will not allow anything to be done and will immediately kill Stingtail. If there is a Red Prince, then first he will ask you to talk with Stingtail.

Leave three characters in Stingtail's camp, and one go to Griff's camp kitchen. Give him the oranges and tell him who really stole them (if the player refuses to do this, Griff and his team will attack him).

Quickly return to the three heroes at Stingtail and attack the character that approaches him - this is the assassin sent by Griff. You can also let him deal with Stingtail, but then you will not gain additional experience, and you will also lose a good book dealer with pyromania skills.

If you fight the killer and kill him, you will receive 1000 experience points and another 600 for talking with Stingtail after he survives. With the character left in the kitchen, talk to Amiro to complete the quest and get Saheila's amulet and another quest, The Tribe of Saheila, from him.

Saheila tribe

The Captured Elf quest must be completed before the current quest becomes available. Once Amiro is rescued, head to the Caverns and talk to him and Saheila about the escape. Amiro will give you the Saheila Comb (amulet) right after you communicate with him when released from the cage.

You can also chat with Saheila inside the cave, the rest of the quest takes place in another location.

Geist killer

Before starting this quest, find an arnica flower that is on the beach in front of Fort Joy and in the ruins to the right of the main gate where the magisters (including Borris) stand. More precise coordinates are X212 and Y243. Go to Magister Arnika, who is at the gate of the fort, on top of the wall, and talk to the girl.

1 - master Arnica, 2 - arnica flower, 3 - Migo.

Look for Migo on a small beach to the left of the Saheila Cave. Chat with him and in the dialog box, select the item that will allow you to show the madman an arnica flower. Or you can just kill him.

Return to Arnika and show her the proof that you found Migo (if you showed him the flower, he will give you the ring). Follow her to Migo, chat with the characters again to complete the quest.


- If you kill Migo, you will get 1000 points for the kill and 300 points for telling about this Arnika and giving her the ring as proof. You will also receive Migo's Breastplate.

- If you do not kill, but report the location of Migo, you will get another 600 experience for talking with Arnica near Migo, as well as the master's key, with which you can escape from the fort.

In the early game, Migo is a very powerful opponent, so fighting him is not recommended.

Looking for Emmy

The player will be able to start the quest for Emmy by using a companion with the Animal Friend talent. Chat with Druzhok near the Caves where Saheila is located - the black dog will give you the key, which he will find after a few seconds a few meters from his location.

1 - Druzhok, 2 - entrance to the prison of Fort Joy, 3 - passage to the detention cells.

When you find yourself in the fortress of the masters, then go up to the second floor, which is above the prison, and go to the kennel's room. Calm down the dogs located here by using the Animal Friend skill by throwing a ball to distract them. On the other hand, you can convince Emmy that Buddy sent you. Return and tell Druzhok about what you saw in the fortress of the masters.

mother's nightmare

Chat with Farah and ask if there is anything you can do for her. She will ask for help in finding her missing daughter. Talk to Jeff standing next to you and find out that her daughter died a long time ago. Talk to Farah again and tell her that her daughter is dead.


The quest will appear from the very beginning of the game, as soon as you find yourself on the island with Fort Joy. The player will be able to remove the collar in two ways - win in the arena of Fort Joy and visit the blacksmith Nebora at the beginning of the ghetto to remove the collar from the protagonist, or save the Seeker leader Gareth during the "Cornered" quest and force the dwarves Leia and Duggan to remove the collars, returning back to the camp at the Sanctuary of Amadia.

1 - Nebora, 2 - entrance to the Arena, 3 - Leia (if you save Gareth).

Keep in mind that after removing the collar with the help of Nebora's blacksmith, all masters who find you will imprison the main character.

By removing the collar, you can collect the Source and use the appropriate skills.

Not childish game

When you are on the territory of the prison of Fort Joy, you will meet with a boy named Khan - he will be interrogated by two masters named Karin and Goa. Khan tried to pick the lock. If you saved Delorus inside the prison, who was interrogated by the psar, you will find out the secret password - you will need to tell it to the masters and they will leave the boy behind. If it was not possible to save Delorus, then you will have to fight with two masters. After killing them, talk to Khan and he will say that he ended up in the fort in order to find a friend of Verdas. In order to thank the protagonist, he will allow him to use a boat that sails on the coast behind Fort Joy, to the Echoing Marshes. So you can leave the fortress!

Khan and two masters.

Khan next time you will meet already in the Sanctuary of Amadia.

Pitcher of Withermoor's Souls

Head to the caves next to Fort Joy and talk to the Modi boy who is playing with another girl. Agree to play hide-and-seek, spot it twice, and then dig up the pile of dirt the character pointed to. Follow the path down and interact with Withermoore, a tall, petrified skeleton.

Mound in a cave.

You will need a character with high strength to pull the spear from the Withermoor (about 12 units). If you do not have the necessary strength, then you can attack and destroy the spear. Agree to help free his soul and he will tell you about a secret trap in the temple of the Fort Joy camp.

Go to the shrine of the seven and activate the trap door from the dialogue - you will find yourself in the underground area where the wandering altar is located - talk to her to unlock the teleport to the shrine. There will also be a locked door with a lever located on the left side of it. But the lock can also be cracked using master keys or bone fingers of the undead. You will now be in an area with detention cells - pick the lock at the top of the stairs or defeat the Houndmaster and his followers to get the key to the door.

This will take you to the second floor of the castle - don't worry about the silent monks as they won't attack you until you attack first. Follow the stairs opposite the place you came here from, and you will see other steps - go to the corner near them to find a lever on the wall that will lead to an underground chamber. You can install vases to stop the gas.

At the end of this corridor you will find some soul jars - you need to break the one that says "Withermoor Prayer". All others will spawn traps or a horde of skeletons that can kill low level heroes.

The necessary jug of souls.

Return to Withermoore and take the belt from his corpse. Later during the Gargoyle Labyrinth and A Fate Worse than Death quest, you will encounter Withermoore one last time as he helps you get through the Source barrier.


- 1400 experience points for destroying the jar of Withermoore's souls and freeing him.

- Lord Withermoore will help you in Brakka Tower behind the Gargoyle Maze, where you will also meet three undead.

- Alternatively, you can absorb the soul of Withermoore and get 1000 experience points. You won't get anything other than a Source point for this.

Gargoyle maze

To start this quest, you must go inside the labyrinth or get into it with the help of the vine located near the ledge. You can also automatically overcome the labyrinth if, before approaching the main entrance, you put Brakk's ring on the character - by showing it, you will confirm to the stone gargoyle that you are Brakk - it will teleport you to the other side of the labyrinth. But if you approached her for the first time without a ring, then you won’t be able to do it again.

You will need to look for burning skulls in order to open various doors and collect the maximum amount of loot scattered around the maze. Doors can also be hacked if you have a high enough level of Theft.

When entering the labyrinth in the center of the room, you can find a pressure plate in the floor. Step on it so that a skull appears on the table on the left. If the character leaves the stove, then the skull will disappear - hence the conclusion: you need to divide the team into four separate characters. Let one stand on the stove, and the other - takes the skull. Keep going through the gate, open the hatch that will lead you to the hatch on the opposite side of the wall.

Once in the room, place one character on the pressure plate in the center - beware of the traps on the floor. Send the second character through the door to the indicated place where the second pressure plate is located - and again you need to beware of traps on the ground. Take the skull using the third character.

As soon as you take the skull from the previous room, then go back and climb up the stairs. Go through the gate to the Historian, where you will need to kill several skeletons. In the center you can see a burning skeleton. To save the historian, you will need two skills - "Blood Rain" and "Blessing". If there is no first one, then you can attack one of your characters to shed blood under the feet of the burning historian. She will have to be blessed - she will need a Source point.

After saving the Historian, go through the next gate and place the character on the pressure plate - opposite him, a skull will appear in the room below. Go through the portal to find another skull.

Exit through the southern gate into the room where the historian was, and look for another skull on the corpse in the corridor. Head down the corridor to collect loot, but don't forget the traps scattered across the floor that ignite the gas cloud.

Go around the corner to find another skull on the corpse. This will be the last of the six skulls scattered around the labyrinth - go to the exit, enter the tower and get your reward.

A fate worse than death

Pass the gargoyle labyrinth, the description of which is found below, or automatically overcome this section using the ring of Brakk, which you will find in the treasury of the cursed king after the destruction of Trompdoy's illusions and his destruction. Enter inside the tower located behind the labyrinth.

Inside, talk to the three undead skeletons sitting at the table to start this quest. If you found jugs in the treasury of Brakk, broke them or absorbed souls, then the skeletons inside the tower will already be dead.

When you have done whatever you want with the souls, return to the room with the undead and complete the quest.

Optional: after searching the bodies of the undead, take the key from Tamsin's body to open the door deeper into Brakk's hideout.

Head into the inner area and move towards the large inlet with the source in the back. If you completed the quest "Jar of Withermoor's Souls" and broke the vessel itself, freeing the lord, then he will appear here and destroy the barrier blocking the path forward. If you did not complete this task or absorbed the soul of Withermoore, then use "Bless" on the lever to pull it.

Search the room and take the Tyrant's hands from the right sarcophagus. This is one of the armor sets of King Brakk, referred to as Tyrant Artifacts.

Healing Touch

Move to the Sanctuary of Amadia in the Rumbling Marsh, use the vines to climb up and you will see three injured characters. Use healing on them to restore each one.


- 1500 experience points for healing each of the three characters - a total of 4500.

- Skull amulet.

Artifacts of the Tyrant

We talked more about the location of each item of this armor in a separate article. Now let's briefly list the locations where they can be found:

- Look for the Tyrant's Leggings inside the Ancient Temple during the Withermoor's Jar of Souls quest.

- The helmet is located inside the destroyed ruins, where you need to save Gareth.

- Look for boots in a ruined tower without a roof, which is exposed to electricity - along the coast a little further from the place where you will meet Vindego.

The Heart of the Tyrant (breastplate) is in the treasury of King Brakk.

- Find the Hands of the Tyrant inside the Brakka Tower, which is described in the quest "A Fate Worse than Death".

Location of all parts.

Once you have a full set, equip it to get rid of the penalty of wearing an incomplete set of armor.

Rare loot

Meet Vindego on the ship. After escaping Fort Joy, you will encounter the witch again in the Hollow Marshes, on the beach.

When you rescue Gareth, the leader of the Seekers during the Cornered quest, talk to him in the Sanctuary of Amadia and find out that someone is trying to stop them on their journey.

If you have Ifan in your squad, he will say that the Lone Wolves hunt the awakened ones.

lone wolf

Note. To complete this quest, you must have Ifan ben Mezd in your squad ( main character or as a companion).

Chat with Ifan about what is inside Fort Joy and he will tell you and even show you the contract to kill Alexander.

Look for Magister Borris near the main gate leading to the Magisters' Court and to the prison door, talk to Ifan with him, or let your companion do it if ben Mezd is not the main character. Threaten Borris to avoid killing Saheila. Otherwise, the woman will have to be killed - look inside the caves. If Borris is dead, then simply search his corpse to get the information you need and advance on the quest.

Borris will tell you to find a man named Zaleskar. To do this, you will have to escape from Fort Joy and get to the hill not far from one of the exits, where the bridge is raised.

Call to arms

After you rescue Gareth from the Cornered quest, you will be instructed to meet him at the Sanctuary of Amadia to find out what to do next.

1 - Gareth in ruins, 2 - entrance to the cave of the skull, 3 - entrance to the dark cave, 4 - Sanctuary of Amadia, 5 - meeting with Gareth.


To complete the quest, you will need the Source skill "Blessing", for which you must complete the "Voices" quest. Start the quest in one of two places - go to the Sanctuary of Amadia and talk to the characters located there, or meet Tarlene near the old armory.

1 - Sanctuary of Amadia, 2 - Gareth.

You will learn that Gareth went to the old armory, which kept the weapons of King Brakk - the only way to destroy the Screaming, created by the masters. Go north to the old armory and look for Gareth surrounded by masters. Kill everyone with the master and chat with Gareth.

Gareth will tell the player to meet at the Sanctuary of Amadia. Talk to him in this place and then chat with Graciana. This quest is intertwined with the "Eternal Admirer" quest.


– 1200 experience points for killing a master knight.

- 2400 experience points for killing a Master Swordsman.

- 4800 experience points for killing a master ranger.

- 1700 experience points for the destruction of the inquisitor-magister.

Rings of Resistance

To start this quest, find a letter from Dallis called "The Hammer" warning the magisters about a group of Seekers (you must find the letter and be sure to read it). Enter the Detention Chambers under Fort Joy in Magister Hold and deal with the Houndmaster and his thugs. Master Delorus will be there - use a healing spell on him or give him a healing potion to learn how to leave the prison.

Master Atuza.

Climb to the second floor and find two masters, Goa and Karin, interrogating the Khan boy. Convince them to let the child go or kill them to help Khan. Chat now with the Khan himself and you can use his boat to leave Fort Joy.

Go to another part of the island, to the Sanctuary of Amadia, and chat with the Seekers. Head north to find Gareth in the ruins and help him fight off the Magisters. After killing everyone, take the cleansing wand, with which you can kill the Screaming.


After you save Gareth, go to the ruined ruins of Brakk's Armory. You'll need the Bless spell to get inside, so get inside after you can use it. Chat with Master Sang to find out what happened here, and then kill him for 1700 experience points (he dies anyway and asks you to finish him off - don't be cruel).

1 - entrance to the ruins, 2 - entrance to the insane enclave.

If you do not have a Source, then you can replenish it with a large container on the right, in the corner of the room. Use "Bless" on the lever opposite the door, and then pull it to get inside. This will start the quest.

Interact with the shrine while having one Source point on the main character - get 900 experience points.

Retrieve the Damaged Tyrant's Helm to advance the Artifacts of the Tyrant quest and complete the Armory quest. This helmet can be used to destroy the Screaming.

flaming pigs

After you have the "Blessing" skill obtained in the Treasury of King Brakk, you will find a small place in the Echoing Marshes where pigs walk. Burning pigs! If you need Source points, you can collect them by stepping on the puddles scattered around the area, or by visiting the armory described above, where there is a whole container. Bless any one pig to save it, after which the undead lizard Skapor will appear, with whom you can communicate. He will have to be killed.

1 - Burning pigs, 2 - Feder, 3 - Sanctuary of Amadia.

Once Scapor is dead (or if you managed to convince the enemy), then you will need to bless all the remaining pigs. You will receive 1800 experience points for killing the lizard, or 3000 if you can convince him not to interfere with you.

In addition, you will be rewarded with 600 experience points for blessing each pig.

When you bless all the pigs, do not rush to rejoice - there is one more, the last one. Go to the part of the island where the icy shore and the Winter Dragon Slane are located. A pig will be walking around here somewhere - talk to it with a character with the Animal Friend skill, offer to visit the Sanctuary of Amadia to escape. Go there too, interact with the statue of the goddess in the water so that it becomes healing. After that, invite the pig to swim in the water - it will turn into a girl.

cursed ring

While completing the quest in King Brakk's Treasury, the player will discover Brakk's ring after defeating Trompdoy and breaking his illusions.

Put on the ring to continue the quest, and it will curse the character. The player can remove the ring, but the curse on the character will remain until the "Bless" is used. If the player re-wears the ring after "Blessing", it will curse the character again.

Take the ring and give it to another party member to complete the quest.

The escape

"Escape" is the first quest you receive after being rescued from the ship, and it will be your main objective for the first half of your journey through Fort Joy's island.

Moving towards the camp, you will encounter two fiends of the Void. Defeat them to continue the quest. There are several options to leave Fort Joy, and one of them is to follow the route of the "Rings of Resistance" quest.

You can also kill Niles and get out of the fortress through the pipe located in his torture room. You can also escape across the bridge in the fort itself, but you will have to kill many masters.

After arriving at the Sanctuary of Amadia or assisting Gareth during the Cornered quest, return to the Sanctuary. The player will be informed that a cleansing wand is required to get rid of the Screaming.

It can be obtained from two places:

1. In the quest "Dragon without Source", after taking the wand from Radek, do not give it to the dragon.

2. Complete the quest "King Brakk's Treasury" to get another wand.

Eternal admirer

When the player first finds himself in the Sanctuary of Amadia, you should definitely talk to the masked priestess standing near the altar of wanderings. She will tell you about where Gareth went, who is looking for a weapon that drains the Source, which can change the course of the battle with the masters and the Screaming. She will send you north to Brakka armory, where Gareth will be. This quest is intertwined with the Cornered quest.

Needed pitcher.

Kill all the masters and talk to Gareth. Return to the Sanctuary of Amadia, chat with Gratian and she will tell you about another vault that the magisters don't even know about. She will also ask you to bring a jug with her soul from there. Go inside, take the jug and bring it to Gratiana. Chat with her and make a decision - absorb the soul of Gratsiana or give her a jug.

Sourceless Dragon

Travel to the icy lands outside of Fort Joy to find the Winter Dragon Slane chained to the ground. Destroy all the chains and then talk to the dragon. Slaine will tell you that in the south there is a cave in which the witch Radek lives, who captured the dragon. For this you will already receive 2100 experience points.

1 - Slane, 2 - entrance to the cave of the skull.

There is a nasty trap waiting for you inside the cave - remove it and cast the Rain spell to clear the entrance. Use Rain again and move along the right side of the cave to get around the obstacles. Move to the left as there is a second trap ahead.

Deal with it or make your way past it - it is much safer than the previous one. Next you will find the area where Radek lives.

Chat with the witch, and as soon as the battle begins, then get ready to fight not only with her, but also with other enemies. good strategy is to start a conversation with the witch with one character, and take the other three to the beginning of the room - enemies will not be able to surround your group.

Keep in mind that corpses have a level 4 Retribution and reflect a decent amount of damage to the attacker, so try not to kill yourself trying to destroy them. Corpses and bugs use ranged attacks, so try to make sure that your characters are not in the line of sight of opponents.

When Radek and her assistants are dead, then search her body to get a bloody rose and a cleansing wand.

After receiving the wand, you will advance on the quest "King Brakk's Treasury". Slane needs this wand, so if you want to end things peacefully, then give it to the dragon. Otherwise, you will have to fight him.

Slane will disappear after you give him the wand. You can see him again later, when you get close to the harbor where the Magisters are located and which is guarded by the Screamers. The dragon will destroy all the Screamers.

By combining a bloody rose with an empty potion bottle, you will receive a special potion that permanently increases all six attributes by one point (until that character is killed).


Learn about the Screamers from Tarlene. Rescue Gareth, who is surrounded by Magisters in the ruins of an old armory outside of Fort Joy. You can learn more about the Screaming from the corpse of Magister Farrey.

1 - Gareth, 2 - Gratian, 3 - entrance to the insane enclave, 4 - entrance to the cave of the skull, 5 - Slane, 6 - Alexander.

Return to the Sanctuary of Amadia and speak with Gratian about the Source weapon. Complete the quest "King Brakk's Treasury".

Use a Wand of Cleansing on any Screamer, and once it is empty, talk to Gratiana to replenish the wand's charge.

Head east and meet the blind master and his dead companions. You can either let him go or kill him. Find the letter nearby and read it to advance the quest.

Treasury of King Brakk

Find a journal that indicates the location of Brakk's treasury. The magazine is on the corpse of a woman on the same beach as three salamanders with teleportation gloves. To continue the quest, you need to level up and go from the fort to the swamps.

1 - meeting with Trompdoy, 2 - the second Trompdoy clones, 3 - Killing the real Trompdoy

You will encounter three infected salamanders: two fire and one poisonous, which can be identified by the corresponding color of the skin. Enter the mysterious cave marked on the map, for which you will already receive 2250 experience points. Move forward until you get to Trompdoy - the taunting elf will walk across the illusory bridge behind the crates. Inside the cave, try to open only old chests, as beautiful and patterned ones are a trap.

Cross the bridge and you will find yourself in an area where Trompdoy will attack you with three clones - a warrior, a ranger and a magician. Kill them for 1200 XP each. Don't touch the chest - it's just a trap. Continue along the path until you reach a mysterious room. There is treasure in a small area to the north.

Chat with the statue in the center and she will ask you to answer two questions. For the first question, select the top row, and for the second, the second. Earn 2950 experience points. Head east, where things will get even more difficult. Trompdoy attacks you with his clones again, but this time with stronger versions of them. You will fight two waves of enemies, but once you win, you will gain experience. Make sure to search all the bodies, and on the mage's corpse, find Brakk's ring, which starts the Cursed Ring quest.

The best way to fight him is to move the party to the platform to hide from the archers and mages. This will also make them move closer to you instead of the other way around. Go to the last room - the treasury. There will be piles of gold that you can pick up. Also take a cleansing wand and another artifact of the Tyrant - Brakk's breastplate. You don't need to free souls or absorb them, as one of them is part of the Eternal Admirer quest.

You can free Trompdoy from his bondage or not. Turn the corner and examine the statue. This will unlock the Blessing ability and extend the storyline. The quest will be completed - return to the Sanctuary of Amadia to continue the quest "Eternal Admirer".


- Loot from Trompdoy.

- Cleansing wand.

Blessing skill.

- Heart of the Tyrant.

The first battle will take place with three level six salamanders afflicted with the Void. They have fairly high armor and HP. If there is a character with the Animal Friend talent, you can run up to them and talk to one of the salamanders, and place the rest of the characters anywhere on the battlefield to get advantageous positions.

Note that red salamanders have a higher physical armor pool. but lower magic (when compared with the green salamander, which has everything exactly, but vice versa).

Also note that there is a burial mound near the green salamander, so don't forget to dig it up.

The "Voices" quest will begin after you complete the Troubled Waters training task and find yourself on the island with Fort Joy. While exploring the Echoing Marsh, you will hear several voices talking to the main character.

Ultimately, you will encounter the altar of the seven gods and be transported to the Halls of Echoes. This altar is in the treasury of King Brakk. After completing this quest, you will also receive progress records for the "Signs of Resistance" quest.

Guide in the making...

Act 1

Puzzle of Brakka

It consists in the fact that each word means one letter. You will find a hint of talking to a rat right outside the room.

Word 1

  • BRACCUS (Brakkus): B (bloody), R (rotten), A (thieves), C (very), C (very), U (terrible), S (boyfriend)
  • CUR (Mongrel): very, terrible, rotten

    Word 2

  • SOURCE (Source): S (calamity), O (devil), U (suffering), R (poison), C (hex), E (curse)
  • CURE (Cure): procession, suffering, burn, curse

    Brakkus Tower

    There are several different puzzles in this location, whose solutions you will find below:

    Closed gate next to the statue

    You will need to flip the lever that is hidden in the room on the other side of the main hall.

    You can get to it by clicking on the sewer grate door (the easiest way to get to it is to use the jump skill instead of fiddling with the door and fireballs).


    Here you just need to fill the well. To do this, use a rain spell over it.


    To do this, you just need to be able to take one point of the "Source" resource and add it to the "Mysterious Technique" that is located next to the barrier.


    To heal the historian, you need to put him on a bloody surface - use the Blood Rain spell. Then cast the Blessing spell on the blood. In addition, you can use the "Sacrifice of Flesh" spell several times, and then teleport the Historian to the blood. Finally, you can attack a teammate next to the historian and then teleport him to the blood.

    Cursed lever (where you save Gareth)

    All you have to do is bless the lever. As far as I know, it is impossible to save a soldier.

    Act 2

    Cemetery (Ryker area)

    Stunning Tomb

    To take the contents of the coffin, you must cast the Ice Armor spell on yourself. To free Kanna, talk to her, or kill her, throw a buff on her.

    Flaming Chest

    Talk to the salamander in Riker's house to get the password. To do this, you must be a lizard and be able to speak with animals (skill "Animal Friend"). Once you know the password, return to the burning chest and use the rain spell on either side of the flaming lizards. I think this is enough, but in addition, you can still bless the water. Then talk to the chest.



    Talk to the chest:

    Joanna's grave

    The first thing you need to do is find two buttons that allow you to open the wall to the tomb.

    Button 1:

    Button 2:

    Once you've done that, place some of your gear (I used a pot, but you can do it with gear as well, it won't do anything) on ​​the huge button in the farthest room. After that, use "Spiritual Vision" to see the levers on the wall. The hatch opening combination is middle lever, left lever, right lever.



    House of Mordus - "Elemental Puzzle"

    Use "Spiritual Vision" to see the solution (which appears at the top of the block of squares).

    Spiritual Vision:


    Flaming statue of the Prophet

    Light all the torches at the same time with a fireball or something like that.


    Act 3

    Mini-game in Luciana's Tomb

    The solution is shown in the screenshot below. It is worth adding that you may encounter a bug - the blood is not blessed, even after passing through the blessed fire.

    To solve this problem, use two teleportation pyramids. Throw one of them behind the blue barrier, then teleport to it, use the jump and get to the end of the blood pipe to bless it manually.

    Act 4

    Mini-game in Snapper Altar

    Set up pipes according to the example shown in the screenshot below. After that, you must fill the central bowl with blood - use the grate next to the altar (the "Bloody Rain" spell will help you). Then bless the chalice with a spell.

    Interact with the altar again and select the first option, after which the blood will begin to flow through the pipes.
  • Divinity: Original Sin 2. All secrets in game

    Right near the gates of Fort Joy, the heroes stumble upon a character named Farrah (1), who is trying to find her child. If you try to ask her if she can provide any help, then she will give you a personal favorite doll of her daughter and ask you to find the child.

    And next to it will be the next key character - Jet (1). From a conversation with him, you will learn that Farrah really needs help, but not in finding a child. He claims that the girl just went crazy after she lost her daughter some time ago when her daughter (Erma) died. In addition, Jet will say that Erma has never even been to Fort Joy.

    With this information, you can go back to Farrah and say that Erma is dead. Pharah, in turn, will quickly realize that you were talking to Jet, so she will accuse the heroes of lying. The task in turn will be completed.

    . Reward: Experience points - 480 XP.

    Quest: "Extortion"

    Divinity: Original Sin 2 Walkthrough

    The beginning of the task is the ghetto of Fort Joy (1). End of the quest - Caves (2). Immediately after you first enter the ghetto of Fort Joy, you will notice three bandits who are talking to an elf. Intervening in the conversation, the heroes learn that the elf girl named Elodie was late with the monthly payment, which absolutely all the inhabitants of the camp must pay to the overseer. Because of this situation, the warden sent two of his thugs to central square, the purpose of which is to find and knock money out of the girl. A man named Ifan ben Mezd will act as the girl's protector. If you engage in combat, Ifan will join your team. All options for passing the task "Extortion":


    Option - 1: Help Elodie

    Having defended the girl, the thugs will start a fight with your team and the first thing they will do is attack the elf, so you will have to act as quickly and efficiently as possible. So the first thing I recommend is to get as close as possible to the thugs before talking, so that you don’t have to spend action points on movement and take all the blow.

    After winning the battle, Elodie will take the heroes to the Caves, where you can, in turn, learn a lot interesting facts about the location. After the dialogue, the girls will give a severed head as a reward. And if there is an elf character in your squad, then you can use the Corpse Eater talent, thereby gaining a memory and a new ability.

    . Reward: Experience points - 480 XP. Plus, if you go further into the cave, then as a reward you will receive several useful items (including the head) and one of four items of your choice.


    Option - 2: Kill Elodie

    Taking the side of the bandits, you will have to kill Elodie. And although the girl will be dangerous opponents, but she does not pose a greater threat than thugs. In addition, it is most likely the thugs who will attack her first. The main thing is not to rush - do not attack first. After killing Elodie, you will only receive experience points and then half as much. There will be no additional reward.

    . Reward: Experience points - 240 XP.

    Option - 3: Stay neutral

    If you got into a conflict, but in the end decided to remain completely incessant, then you will simply become a witness to a deal between an elf and thugs. Well, further escape. In the future, Elodie can be found again in the Cave, but it will not work to talk to her.

    . Reward: Missing.

    Option - 4: Skip the task

    If you refuse to take any action from all available, then after a certain period of time you will find Elodie's corpse somewhere in the location. The task will be inaccessible and completely lost, so you won’t be able to get anything useful.

    . Reward: Missing.

    Quest: "The Captured Elf"

    Divinity 2. Passage of side quests

    The task will include three key points on the location: Caves - Saheila (1), Field Kitchen - Amiro, Griff (2), Fort Joy - Stingtail (3). This quest begins after talking to Saheila, suggesting that she managed to survive her encounter with Loshe. It turns out that a woman has the ability to predict the future. And if you do not doubt her abilities, then you will unlock the dialogue in which you can ask how exactly you can escape from Fort Joy. She will say that the escape is connected with her friend - an elf named Amir. Amir, in turn, lived in the Caverns, but was soon kidnapped by Griff, who is the commandant of the camp. And if you agree to find Amir, then after that she will give the next clue, in which some kind of lizard is involved.


    It will be possible to find Amir on the territory of the camp kitchen (2), but upon arrival it turns out that the commander of the camp, Griff (1), put the elf in prison. Moreover, if you make an attempt to talk with an elf, then Griff will immediately intervene in the dialogue. However, if you agree to return those goods that were stolen by the elf, then he will kindly give you the opportunity to talk with Amiro alone. The elf will report, in turn, that he has nothing to do with the theft, and moreover, he will declare that he planned to escape from Fort Joy altogether. In addition, he promises that he will show the way by which you can escape from this place if you help him get out of the cage. In addition, he will give a hint - the one who actually stole the goods is constantly clearing his throat.

    Option - 1: Return materials

    In order to return the stolen items, head back to the Caves. Once you reach them, turn away from them and head west. Move in this direction until you come across a cape with a small fishing camp.

    So, in fact, the theft was committed by a lizard named Stingtail, who, in fact, is located in this fishing camp. To return things, you will have to use a character with the skill of persuasion, so I recommend that you carefully study all the characteristics of the squad members before you start negotiations with the lizard. Alternatively, you can use a character with a high agility score.



    Attention! If in your squad this moment there is already a character named Red Prince, then give him the opportunity to talk with the dreamer. Thanks to this conversation, you will not advance a little on the task of the companion. But be careful, because if you approach him with the elf Sebilla, then she will kill him, because it was he who scarred her.


    When you wake up the lizard, ask him if he knows anything about the supplies that were stolen from the field kitchen. This will start a dialogue that will need to be continued until it is possible to convince the character. You will have to show interest throughout the dialogue until it becomes possible to use dexterity to return previously stolen items.

    . Reward: Experience points - 240 XP.

    When you have the stolen items, you can decide what to do next: 1 - return the items, thereby betraying the lizard and helping with his massacre; 2 - return things, tell about the lizard, but do not take part in his murder; 3 - return things and protect the lizard; 4 - keep the stolen things to yourself.

    During the dialogue with Griff, tell about the fact that you found the stolen plant. If you dare and return the plant, then the commandant will take the plant and ask about who the thief really is. Inside the team, it will be possible to decide that the thief still deserves punishment.

    If you tell Griff about Stingtail, then he will let Amir go. Then, of course, you can talk to him and during the dialogue, the team will learn about the secret passage from Fort Joy. However, at the same time, he will ask you to transfer the amulet to the clairvoyant. If you accept this task, then a new task will appear in the journal - “The Saheila Tribe” (look for the passage of this task below).

    . Reward: Experience points - 840 XP. Eventually, Griff will send one of his underlings to kill Stingtail. If you help a man in killing a thief, then you will receive some gold as an additional reward, but in the end you will betray the thief.

    If you kill the lizard, then you will lose the opportunity to complete the passage of two tasks. Stingtail is important for completing the tasks of companions - the Red Prince and Sebille. Sebilla, by the way, is nearby. If you do not talk to this character about the specified companions, then you will not be able to complete the tasks.

    . Reward: Experience points - 840 XP. Gold - 50.

    Option - 2: Protect Stingtail

    Talk to Griff and tell him that you found the plant. Having decided to give the plant to him, the commandant will immediately ask about the thief. In this option, you can decide that it is better to protect the lizard from harm.

    Boss - Griff (Overseer)

    To do this, you refuse to give the name of the thief, as a result of which the commandant decides to arrest the main character. The fight begins. Before the battle, I recommend that you think about placing long-range characters on the balcony, which is located directly above the warden - this will give a tangible additional bonus to damage in battle. In addition, it will be possible to kill the enemy archer without any problems. In case of victory, it will be possible to calmly pick up the overseer's key, with which you can unlock the cage and thereby free Amir. However, keep in mind that for this option of passage / decision, the heroes will receive a smaller reward, in contrast to the option in which you talk about the lizard and help the overseer deal with it.

    In any case, after the release of Amir, the heroes learn about a secret passage from Fort Joy. He will also again ask you to transfer the amulet to the clairvoyant, so by agreeing, you will receive an additional task: “The Tribe of Saheila” (Look for the passage of this quest below).

    . Reward: Experience points - 840 XP.

    Option - 3: Keep things to yourself

    Refusing to return the things to the commandant, he again immediately climbs to fight with you. In this case, again, you will have to defeat him and free Amir, but the experience will still be less than if you punish the thief.

    . Reward: Experience points - 840 XP.

    Quest: Killer Geist

    Divinity: Original Sin2. Walkthrough

    Fort "Joy" ghetto - master Arnika (1). Fort "Joy" - Arnica flower (2). Fort "Joy" - Migo. On one of the defensive walls (right next to the entrance to Fort Joy), you can stumble upon Master Arnica. After talking with her: she will try to ask you if you have seen Migo - her companion. And no matter how the dialogue develops further, she will ask you to find him. In addition, in the end, Arnika will report that it is better not to return without information about Migo. The task can be completed in two ways and all options for passing the task "Geist killer" described below:

    Magister Arnika

    Option - 1: Kill Migo

    So, Comrade Migo (3) can be found in a huge pool of blood on the beach near Fort Joy. Upon arrival, it turns out that he has turned into a monster that devours corpses. And he will not attack your heroes until you decide to communicate with him.

    Boss - Migo

    Migo is a rather demanding opponent who, in addition to dealing a huge amount of physical damage in melee, knows how to use AoE skills. Fighting him will cost a lot of strength, a large number of healing items and joint efforts. So before you go to him, make sure that you have at least four characters in your team. After defeating Migo, he will drop a helmet and a ring.

    Migo Location

    With the received ring, go to the master Arnika. Regardless of what you say to the master (kill Migo or lie), you will have to confirm it - show the ring. And it is very important that the ring is equipped on your hero. After that, the task will be completed, and as a reward you will receive experience and a ring.

    . Reward: Experience points - 300 XP.

    Option - 2: Reunite the family

    This quest option will only be available if one of the team members has an Arnica flower (2). One of these plants can be found in the nearby ruins (near the tower) - in the place where, according to the storyline, you will meet Master Borris. Standing right in front of the tower, go to the right side and literally in a couple of steps the necessary ruins will be located. If you experience any difficulties with the search, just hold down the "ALT" key to highlight active objects / items.

    As soon as you get the flower, go back to Migo and give the flower to him using the appropriate dialogue line. As a result, the beast will confuse the heroes with someone else and kindly hand over the ring. After that, you can safely return back to Master Arnika and tell that the satellite has been found. After showing the ring, you will receive a reward, and the woman will go to the beach to make sure that you told her the truth.

    And if you follow her straight to the beach, then she will, in the end, hand over the key, which can be used on one of the doors in the fort. This is how the quest will end.

    . Reward: Experience points - 600 XP. Master's Key.

    Quest: Withermoore's Jar of Souls

    Divinity: Original Sin2. Video walkthrough

    In the caves you can meet a boy named Modi. It's easy to spot him because he plays right next to the entrance. Starting a dialogue with him, he will ask you to play with him. By agreeing, you will find out that you have to play hide and seek.

    Step - 1: Find the hatch

    The first time the boy can be found on a wooden pedestal (1). He will praise the main character for his insight, after which he hides again. After that, it can be found in a niche near the entrance (2). And this time the boy will think it's time to introduce the hero to his friend. Moreover, if there is no lizard in the team, then you will have to have a shovel with you, because otherwise you will not be able to continue the passage of the task.

    The boy will hide in a small cave (1), after which he will recommend the best solution for you. You can use Modi's offer after you can find the mound (2). Use a shovel or the claws of a lizard to find a hidden hatch under the embankment.

    Step - 2: Lord Withermoor

    The found hatch will lead to a place called "Forgotten Chamber". The boy can be found near the tall statue. Modi will tell you that this is his secret friend. After a short conversation, talk to the statue. During the dialogue, the heroes learn that Lord Withermoore turned to stone a long time ago (several thousand years ago). He will ask you to take the spear of King Brakk from the chest, thanks to which he will be able to move again.

    The spear of King Brakk, in turn, can be either destroyed or pulled out. If you choose the second option, then in this case the spear will be in the inventory of the protagonist. However, in both the first and second cases, the character will still be imprisoned in the statue. It turns out that there is something more powerful than the spell that binds him. He will ask the heroes to find a place in Fort Joy where the lord's soul is trapped in order to get rid of the trap and free her.

    But before you leave this place, ask Modi if he is ready to let his friend go. In the end, tell him that he owes you something for saving a friend. As a result, the boy will show on the map the location of his most valuable treasure.

    Step - 3: Entrance to Fort "Joy"

    Secret entrance to the fort

    After leaving the Caverns, head straight to the place called "Sanctuary of the Seven" that Lord Withermoor mentioned. Upon arrival, interact with the sanctuary for an additional dialogue option to appear. AT a certain moment it will be possible to pull the lever behind the statue, which, in fact, will open a secret passage to the dungeon.

    Going down, there will be no enemies nearby, but for that there will be a large number of chests in which valuable treasure lies. However, now the main thing is to get to the doors, next to which there will be distorted shrines. You can open the doors with the help of hacking, but in order for the hacking to be successful, you will have to have a character with a pumped "Theft" skill, at least the second level.

    Although there is another way to get inside the location - by completing the "Captured Elf" task. After freeing the captive elf named Amir, the heroes learn of a secret passage that leads to freedom from Fort Joy. However, to get there, you will need to use either a shovel or the claws of the lizards to dig through the ground. But, one way or another, after passing through the dungeon, the heroes will find themselves in one of the cells of the fort.

    In general, we are talking about the cells of detention. Move to the very end of the corridor, where at the end you have to fight with the masters. It will be possible to spare the wounded master only if you do not kill him during the fight. Also here you will need a key that will open the upper level of the fort. The key can be found on the floor of the room. And if you have difficulty finding the key, then be sure to use the "ALT" key.

    Step - 4: Pitchers of Souls

    Secret lever

    Now you need to open the path to the "Ancient Passage" in the prison of Fort "Joy". To do this, you need to use the secret handle, which is presented in the screenshot above.

    Be extremely careful along the way because there will be two poison traps (1). So if there is any tool in the inventory that will help to neutralize them, I recommend using it. If it is missing, then go through the first trap, then wait for the moment when the negative effect subsides (in this case, poisoning) in order to heal the squad members. After that, you can do the same with the second trap. You can also use the Pyromancy ability (if you have one in your arsenal), or the teleportation glove. As for pyromancy: the fire quickly burns the poison and makes it possible to pass on completely calmly.

    Entering a large room (2), in the center of which there are five jugs, you have to solve a small puzzle. One of these jars holds the soul of Lord Withermoore, but before taking any action, carefully examine everything around and find the sarcophagus (3), while trying not to touch any of the jars.

    Note that a statue of King Brakk (4) looms over the room - you can interact with it. After the interaction, you will receive a message with the character's comment. Moreover, the situation will be slightly different if you perform the same action with a character who has a pumped knowledge of the world skill. And although in this case a wider list with dialogue options will appear, the result will be the same - it will be possible to interact with the statue again and get Brakk's leggings.

    The screenshot below shows a jar that you need to interact with in order to continue the quest. Under each jug is a plaque bearing the name of Lord Withermoor. However, the catch is that the nicknames will be completely different. So you need a sign that says "Withermoore the Supplicant".

    If you use the wrong jar, then additional opponents will appear. However, if you want to get as much experience as possible, then call them. In any case, when you click on the correct jug, you will see a dialog box. After choosing the option that is associated with the action, start a dialogue within your squad, where a further decision is to be made among the characters.

    Option - 1: Destroy the jug

    In this case, the energy that was locked in the jar will be released, and Lord Withermoore will die, thereby gaining a long-awaited peace.

    . Reward: Experience points - 1400 XP.

    Option - 2: Consume Energy

    In this case, the energy that is sealed in the jar will be completely absorbed by the character who interacts with the jug. However, this action will be possible only after the "Collar" task has been completed.

    . Reward: One resource point.

    Coming here soon full walkthrough of all side missions in Divinity: Original Sin 2, so stay tuned for updates!

    One of the main advantages of the recently released creation of Larian Studios is the presence of a wide variety of additional tasks in it, and most of them are exciting adventures, and not banal "come-bring" puzzles. Some of them are intertwined with the main storyline, while others can be easily skipped if you want to concentrate all your attention on main story. However, some of these missions are very difficult to complete, so we decided to write detailed walkthrough side quests in Divinity: Original Sin 2.

    We add that if you are interested in completing personal companion quests, then we advise you to read the corresponding guide. It describes the completion of all the tasks of the companions.

    Fort Joy


    Once in a place called the ghetto of the fort "Joy", we pay attention to 3 characters who are quietly talking to each other. We intervene in their conversation and find out that an elf named Elodie was late with the payment that each resident is required to pay to the warden on a monthly basis. For this reason, he sent his henchmen to the girl to take money from her. Here we will find ourselves at a crossroads, as we can choose several ways to complete this quest at once.

    We decide to support Elodie

    If we decide to help the girl, the overseer's soldiers will attack our group. At first, they will try to damage the elf, and therefore you should act as quickly as possible. Before entering into a dialogue with the thugs, we approach them at a minimum distance - this will help us attack them at the beginning of the battle.

    After defeating the overseer's henchmen, Elodie decides to take us to the Cave, where we can learn a lot of interesting facts about this place. When the conversation stops, we will receive a severed head as a reward. If there is an elf in the party, you can use his talent "Corpse Eater" to enrich your skills.

    Prize: a severed head and 480 experience points. In addition, you can go deeper into the cave and find some more useful little things there.

    We decide to kill Elodie

    We can help the thugs get money out of the elf. This young lady is quite dangerous, but is unlikely to become a significant threat to us. In addition, first she will try to kill the overseer's people.

    Prize: 240 experience points per battle. Nothing else can be obtained, so the first option is still preferable.

    We decide to stay away

    We start a conversation, but then decide to choose a neutral side. In this case, Elodie will be able to negotiate with the bandits and run away. In the future, we will be able to meet her in the Caves, but she will not speak to us.

    Prize: no.

    We ignore the task

    We can completely ignore the conversation of passers-by and continue to carry out the main storyline. In this case, after a certain period of time, we will be able to find the corpse of an elf in the place where she usually lives. Of course, it will no longer be possible to complete the task after that.

    Prize: no.

    mother's nightmare

    Near the gates of Fort Joy we meet Faro, trying to find the child. We ask her if she needs our help. She will thank us and give the doll to her daughter so that it would be easier for us to find her.

    Not far from her, we speak with Jet, who will inform us that the woman really needs help, but not with the search for her daughter. The fact is that she lost her mind after the loss of a child. Erma, according to him, has long gone to another world and has never been to the fortress.

    We head to Farah and tell her that Erma is dead. The woman will understand that we talked with Jet and will say that he is lying. The task will be completed.

    Prize: 480 experience points.

    Geist killer

    Near the entrance to Fort Joy, on the protective wall, we speak with Master Arnica. She will ask us if we have recently met with Migo, her companion. Then she will ask you to find him, and also advise you not to return to her without information about Migo. We will have two choices.

    Killing Migo

    We go in search of Migo and find him on the beach near the fort in a pool of blood. We learn that he has become a terrible monster devouring human bodies. He won't attack us until we decide to talk to him.

    Migo is a very dangerous opponent who is not only capable of inflicting considerable damage in melee combat, but also using area-of-effect skills. The battle with him used up most of our supply of healing potions, but in the end we defeated him. A helmet and a ring fell from the monster.

    We take the ring and take it to Arnika. We can lie to her or say that it was we who dealt with Migo. In any case, we will need to show her the jewelry (we put it on the protagonist). After the dialogue, the quest will go to the completed section.

    Prize: 300 experience points and a helmet.

    family reunion

    This choice becomes available only if one of the companions has an Arnica flower. It can be found in the ruins near the turret, where, according to the plot, we must face Master Boris. We stand facing the tower, and then turn right and go into the ruins. Do not forget to press the Alt key to highlight all nearby objects.

    Next, we talk with Migo, give him a flower. The monster will get confused and give us the ring. We return to Arnika and tell where her companion is now. Show her the ring and get the reward. The girl will go to the beach.

    We follow the master, and then we speak with her again, but already on the beach area. She will give us a key designed to open one of the doors in the fort. This will complete the task.

    Prize: 600 experience points and master's key.

    Captive elf

    We talk with Saheila, believing that she was able to withstand the meeting with Loshe. As a result, we find out that this young lady is able to see the future. We believe in her gift to open a dialogue in which you can ask her how to escape from the fort. She will tell us that to escape you need to talk with Amiro - this is her elf friend. He used to dwell in the Caverns, but was recently discovered by Griff, the commander of the camp. We agree to find her friend and get an additional clue - a lizard is connected with this.

    We head to the camp kitchen and find out that Griff sent the elf to jail. When you try to chat with an elf, Griff will join the conversation. If we decide to bring him goods that Amiro may have stolen, then the commander will give us the opportunity to talk with the "long-eared". The elf will tell us that he did not steal anything, but was simply going to run away from Fort Joy. He will promise to show the way to freedom if we help him get out of the cage. Amiro will also say that the real criminal who stole the materials is coughing all the time.

    Return of materials

    To find the stolen things, we head to the Caves. Having reached them, we turn west and find a small cape with a camp of fishermen.

    We learn that the theft was committed by a lizard, whose name is Stingtail. To return the materials, you need a character who has a well-developed conviction, and therefore you should not start a conversation without the necessary characteristics. A character with a high dexterity parameter is also suitable.

    Note: If you have a Red Prince in your party, let him talk to the dreamer. This will advance the satellite's personal mission.

    So, we wake up the lizard from sleep and ask him what he knows about the supplies stolen from the kitchen. We continue the conversation until an option with persuasion arises. We can also take an interest in this character and use dexterity to recover all the stolen materials.

    Prize: 240 experience points.

    We will now have the following options to choose from:

    • We return supplies, betray the lizard and help with her murder.
    • We return the supplies, talk about the lizard, but do not help in killing him.
    • We return supplies and protect the lizard.
    • We leave all the items to ourselves.

    When talking with Griff, we tell him that we were able to find the stolen items. If we decide to return them to the commandant, he will immediately take things away and ask us who the real thief was. We decide to tell him the truth so that he will let the elf go. We speak with Amiro and find out where the secret exit from Fort Joy is located. He will also ask us to take the amulet and give it to Saheila. We agree and receive new quest, which can only be completed in the next chapter.

    Prize: 840 experience points. Griff decides to send his people to kill the lizard. You can help them and get some gold coins for it.

    If we deal with Stingtail, then we will not be able to go through two tasks at once. This NPC is needed to continue the personal tasks of the companions - the Red Prince and Sebilla. The latter, by the way, can be found next to the lizard camp. You should definitely talk to them about them to complete these quests.

    Prize: 840 experience points and 50 gold units.

    Saving the lizard

    We talk with Griff and tell him that we were able to find the plant. We give it to the commandant, but do not reveal to him the name of the thief. After that, Griff will decide to take the main character into custody and as a result, a new battle will begin.

    We place our fighters on the balcony above the opponents to get a bonus to damage and the opportunity to deal with the enemy archer. We defeat all opponents, take the key from the corpse of the commander and free the elf. Amiro will tell us about the hidden passage and give us an amulet that will need to be given to the clairvoyant.

    Prize: 840 experience points

    We leave everything to ourselves

    We decide to keep everything for ourselves. In this case, the commandant will immediately attack us. We defeat him and free the elf. However, then the reward will be less than if we decided to hand over the lizard.

    Prize: 840 experience points


    Note: In no case do not skip this quest, because as a reward for completing it you will be given the "Teleportation" ability.

    1. Here is Gavin
    2. Here you can find teleportation gloves.
    3. Here is the entrance leading to the detention cells.
    4. Harbor

    When exploring the ghetto Ford "Joy" will approach us a mysterious stranger who will ask us if we came here alone. We say yes, even if our satellites are nearby. If you choose another option, the quest will fail. However, you can cheat a little and take another character, and then talk to him again and answer positively to his question.

    Considering that we agree to “leave” our team, Gavin will reveal to us his brilliant plan, for the implementation of which he will need our help. For low-level characters, this task will seem extremely difficult, so it is worth completing it when you reach at least level 4.

    What is our help? It will be necessary to obtain a powerful artifact that makes it possible to teleport over considerable distances. You can find teleportation gloves on the beach guarded by 3 vicious crocodiles. If you have well-pumped characters, there will be no problems with them, but you still need to carefully consider their slowing down effects, because during an attack, the crocodile is able to slow down from two or more party members, so we place the characters far from each other.

    We pay special attention to the crocodile, which has a magical barrier. It is to us that he wears teleportation gloves, allowing him to instantly move to our fighters. We dodge his fiery attacks and try not to accumulate negative statuses.

    After defeating the monsters, take the gloves and return to Gavin. To start the desired conversation, we equip the artifact on the hero and send it to the desired NPC. Gavin will be glad that we were able to get the bracers and will ask you to help him escape. We follow him to a location called "Secret Alcove". There will be two choices here.

    Teleport Gavin to the beach

    We teleport Gavin to an open place on the beach. However, once he is in the right place, you will know that he will not be able to help us get out of the current place.

    Prize: 960 experience points and teleportation gloves

    Teleport Gavin to the rocks

    In this case, Gavin will be able to reach the harbor. First, teleport him to the rock, located slightly below the final destination. Next, Gavin will teleport you to him and ask you to move him to the next rock. Then he just leaves.

    Note: this method will give us the opportunity to go to the caves under the island and which are home to the queen of fire slugs. At one time, she did business with Brakk himself.

    Prize: 960 experience points and teleportation gloves.

    What happened to Gavin?

    After teleporting, the task will end, but if you want to find out what happened to Gavin, then you can go after him using gloves. You just need to move all the members of the group to the desired point, and then transfer the artifact to another to teleport the last member of the party.

    If you can follow this character, you will find out that the masters dealt with him, and this outcome awaits the boy in any case.

    Pitcher of Withermoor's Souls

    In the Caves, we can meet a child whose name is Modi. Finding him is quite easy, as he constantly plays near the entrance to the Caverns. After a conversation with him, we agree to play hide and seek.

    During the first game we are looking for a boy on a wooden pedestal. He will praise us for our attentiveness, and then ask us to play again. We agree again and look for him in a niche next to the entrance. After that, Modi will want to introduce us to his friend. Be sure to stock up on a shovel (or lizard), otherwise the quest will not work.

    The child will run into a small cave and offer us to dig in the ground to find a hatch. We find a mound and use the claws of a lizard or a shovel on it. As a result, we are looking for a hatch.

    Conversation with Lord Withermoor

    A hole in the floor will lead us to the Forgotten Chamber. We find a child next to a large statue. The boy will tell us that this is his best friend. We approach the statue and start a conversation with her. We learn that Lord Withermoor became a stone statue over a thousand years ago. He will ask us to find the spear of King Brakk in the chest, which will allow him to move again.

    We can get the spear or destroy it. When choosing the first option, it will appear in our inventory. In any case, the lord will no longer be a statue, but he still won't be able to walk. There is something else that does not allow him to move. He will ask us to find his soul and release it from captivity.

    Before leaving the location, we speak with the boy again. Then we inform him that he must somehow thank us for helping his friend. He will indicate on the map where his most valuable treasure is located.

    We enter the fort

    After leaving the Caverns, we head to the Sanctuary of the Seven, which Withermoor mentioned. We interact with him and notice a new dialogue option. Our hero will pull the lever behind the statue and open a passage a little ahead.

    Then we go down. There are no enemies here, but there are many chests where treasures can lie. Next, we reach the nearest door, not far from which a shrine will be depicted. We can break open the door if one of the characters has the skill "Theft" of the 2nd level.

    You can also get into this location by completing the "Captured Elf" quest. After the release, Amiro will inform us about a hidden passage. To use it, you just need to dig the ground with a shovel or lizard claws. After passing through the passage, we will find ourselves in one of the detention cells of Fort Joy.

    We go to the end of the corridor and fight with several masters. If the wounded master survives, then we can spare him. Next, we need a key that opens access to the upper level of the fort. It lies right on the floor in the same room. Hold down the Alt key to make searching easier.

    Finding jugs of souls

    Once in the prison of the fort, we use the secret handle, which is shown in the picture above. As a result, we open the path leading to the "Ancient Passage".

    Along the way, we will come across a couple of poison traps. They can be neutralized with a special tool. In its absence, we first go through one trap, wait until the negative status disappears, and then go through the second trap. Do not forget to heal all party members later. You can also get rid of the poison using the Pyromancy ability.

    Then we enter a large room, in the center of which there are 5 jugs. One of them contains the soul of Withermoore. We go to the sarcophagus, standing nearby. In no case do not touch the jugs.

    Above the room we find a statue of Brakka, available for interaction. If the hero has a low Perception parameter (or no Loremaster skill), then he will simply express his opinion about the statue. Otherwise, a list of dialogue options will appear and when choosing any of them, we will be able to get Brakk's leggings.

    The screenshot below shows a jug that you need to touch to complete this quest. Under all the jugs there is a sign with the name of Withermoore. We need the one that says: Withermoore the Supplicant.

    When you click on the wrong jugs, new opponents will appear on the location. We can call them if necessary to gain additional experience. After interacting with the desired jug, a dialog box will appear. After selecting the option associated with the action, we will start a conversation within the group to decide what to do with the jug.

    Destroying the jug

    Energy will be released from the jar, as a result of which Withermoore will finally be able to find the long-awaited peace.

    Prize: 1400 experience points

    Sucking out the energy

    We select one of the characters and interact with the jug to suck all the energy out of it. This option will only be available after completing the mission "The Collar".

    Prize: one Source Point.

    Looking for Emmy

    To start this quest, we need a character in the group that has the Animal Friend talent. Such satellites, for example, include Ifan ben Mezd. Then we head to the Caves and near the entrance we look for a dog, whose name is Druzhok. We talk with him and find out that the guards grabbed his friend - Emmy. We agree to help the four-legged and pick up the key next to the wreckage of the sea vessel, which the dog will point to us.

    1. Location of Druzhok
    2. Finding the entrance leading to the fort's prison
    3. Finding the entrance leading to the detention cells

    Emmy can be found in the prison of Fort Joy - she will sit in the kennel. We can reach it in two ways.

    Use the secret entrance to Fort Joy

    We are looking for a passage to the prison near the gate, which is guarded by Master Borriss and his minions. Those who have not been here before will have to get the key to open the gate - for this we defeat the guards. We find the key on the dead body of the master.

    We go to the fort through the caves

    This method becomes available only after completing the task "Teleport". We head to the "Secret Alcove" and move the entire party to the shore. Next, we go to the prison, passing through the passage into the cave. Here we stumble upon the Master Houndmaster, beating one of the masters (most likely, he betrayed them). We talk with the villain, and then we enter into battle with him.

    Do not place members of your party near the entrance to the chamber, as there are barrels of oil not far from it, which your enemies can blow up. During the battle, we try not to let Delorus die, because in this case he will tell us the password, thanks to which we can avoid the battle with two dangerous masters. Having defeated all the enemies, we pick up the key to the prison, lying on the nearest chair.

    Emmy manages to save

    After going to the prison, we go straight to the kennel's premises. You can recognize this place by 4 dogs walking here. We open the room with the key found at the prompt of Druzhka. After entering the room, a conversation starts with the character who previously chatted with Druzhok. We mention in the conversation the name of a friendly dog ​​and say that he wants to bring Emmy home. In this case, the dogs will not attack us. One of the dogs, by the way, is the same Emmy.

    Prize: 2200 experience points.

    Emmy can't be saved

    If you do not name Druzhka, then the dogs will instantly attack us. In this case Special attention you need to turn on animals with crossbows that cause huge damage. We use the door in the form of an obstacle for opponents.

    After completing the battle, we go into the bedroom and find a couple of valuable things, including the kennel's crossbow.

    Prize: 120 experience points per battle.

    We return to Druzhok and inform him about the death of Emmy. Of course, we will not receive any reward for this, and very few experience points will be issued.


    This quest can be completed in two ways. In the first of them, we will need to talk to at least one seeker located in the sanctuary of Amadia. We find out from him that Gareth, their head, went to look for weapons that could help them escape from Fort Joy, but he still has not returned. We agree to help them in search of Gareth.

    1. Location of the Sanctuary of Amadia
    2. Location of Gareth

    We are looking for Gareth in the Old Ruins - he will fight with several masters. If we have not previously talked with his companions, then the task starts by finding the location of this NPC. We pass along the path along the wall so as not to collide with Shriker (Screamer). Then we go inside and start a conversation with the masters. If we have a companion with a well-developed persuasion skill, we can convince them to leave by pretending to be a secret master. Further, we continue to go forward and encounter Gareth, who is fighting with a group of enemies. The quest can end with one of three endings.

    Saving Gareth

    We help Gareth in the battle with the masters and do not let him die during the battle. Then we talk to him. He will say that he can help us in removing the collars, and will mention his plan to escape from the fort with the help of the Magisters' boat. In the latter case, you will need a weapon that can damage Alexander. As a result, the task "Call to Arms" will open.

    Prize: 1800 experience points.

    Killing Gareth

    We stand on the side of the masters and easily kill the boy. However, in the event of his death, we will not be able to complete the "Call to Arms" task.

    Prize: 2240 experience points.

    Letting Gareth Die

    We just take no action and let Gareth die at the hands of the masters. In this case, the mission "Call to Arms" will be blocked and we will not get any experience.

    Prize: no.

    Not childish game

    While in the prison of Fort Joy, you can stumble upon the masters of Goa and Karin, who caught Khan when he tried to pick the lock. If we failed to save Delorus' life earlier and, therefore, we did not find out the secret password, then we cannot do without a fight in this case. Having defeated the masters, we talk with Khan. He will report that he climbed here in search of a friend whose name is Verdas. To express his gratitude to us, he will offer to use his boat and leave the fort ghetto.

    As a result, Khan will be able to get to the coast, located near the Sanctuary of Amadia, in which other seekers live. They can tell us an interesting plan to escape from the fort, involving the theft of the magisters' ship.

    Treasury of King Brakk

    This task can be started in two ways. The first one involves reading a magazine that we can find next to Magilla's corpse. The second way is connected with finding a hidden passage leading straight to the shelter.

    Entering the cave, we immediately encounter Trompdoy, who will start to mock us, but we cannot do anything to him. When the dialogue is completed, we approach the 3rd boxes. Behind them is a bridge, which can only be seen if you get very close to it. We pass over the bridge and get into a dead end. At the end we find a reptile that helps to get to the ledge. In no case do we pass between the two ledges, since in this case we will need to engage in battle with other copies of Trompdoy. They will use attacks that hit the area and our team, standing in a small corridor, will be an excellent target for them.

    We head straight to the room with the statue located in the center. We can go further by giving two correct answers to the questions asked by the stone figure. Answers can be found.

    After a conversation with the statue, we pass through the opened door. Here we will again have to fight Trompdoy. The battle with him will end only after defeating real version enemy. However, it does not stand out against the background of copies. However, the true Trompdoy will attack you among the first wave, and therefore it is worth focusing your attention on it.

    We finish the fight and head to the vault, where there are jugs of souls. We find the one in which the soul of Trompdoy is hidden and after a short conversation we decide what to do with it.

    Destroying the jug

    As a result, we will release the energy that was locked in the vessel, and thereby free Trompdoy.

    Prize: 4200 experience points.

    Absorbing energy

    We interact with one of the heroes with a jug, drinking all the energy. This action will become available to us only when completing the "Collar" task.

    Prize: one Source Point.

    Healing Touch

    While in the Sanctuary of Amadia, we will be able to meet several seekers in serious condition. A short period of time will be allotted for their healing. If we do not have time to cure them within the time limit, they will die. You can heal the poor fellow with the help of various spells. When curing all 3 wounded, you can count on a valuable item from Simone.

    Prize: 300 experience points and one of the artifacts to choose from if all seekers are cured.


    1. The location of the passage leading to the ruined ruins.
    2. The location of the passage leading to the lunatic enclave.

    When visiting the Old Ruins, we can find a gate that leads straight to the Ruined Ruins. In this location we find the master, who is on the verge of death. We talk to him and find out exactly where we got.

    Our main target will be located right outside the gate. We pull the lever near the master to open the barrier. The lever will be cursed, so first we use a blessing spell on it. Then we open the gate and go inside.

    Here we find a chest that can only be opened if we have King Brakk's ring or one Source Point. In the absence of these things, we head to the treasury of Brakk, located in the enclave of madmen. The quest will end after we get a very valuable little thing from the chest.

    Prize: 1800 experience points and the Shrine of Braccus Rex.

    flaming pigs

    1. Location of flaming pigs
    2. Location of Feder
    3. Location of the Sanctuary of Amadia

    When exploring the island, we can stumble upon an area where several traps are placed and burnt pigs lie. We use the spell "Blessing" on all the pigs located at the location. After healing the first pig, you will have to fight a little.

    After healing the poor animals, we head to the beach where the dragon lives. There we find another pig - Feder. We talk with her and find out that she used to be a man. We go to the Sanctuary of Amadia.

    Again we speak with her, having reached the sanctuary. We suggest that Federa go to the place of healing, located next to the statue of Amadia. As a result, she will become a human again and will be able to offer us many interesting things for sale.

    Prize: 3600 experience points.

    Sourceless Dragon

    1. Location of Slane
    2. Location of the passage leading to the skull cave

    On the territory of the labyrinth we find a beach that is covered with ice. A caged dragon lives here. We destroy the totems located around the magical creature, and start a conversation with him. The dragon's name is Slane and he was locked up here by the terrible witch Radek. Only her cleansing wand can help him in breaking the spell. We agree to find the artifact and free Slane.

    Radek can be found in the skull cave, which is located next to the beach, and therefore it will be quite easy to find it, but it will be much more difficult to go through the cave, since there are traps at every step. In the absence of a special tool, we will have to personally experience all the negative statuses from traps. At the very end of the dungeon, we meet with a witch. She will not agree with our arguments, and therefore the battle with her cannot be avoided.

    Having defeated the sorceress, we search her body and find the wand. We return to Slane and choose one of the two finals.

    Give the dragon a wand

    In this case, the magical beast will destroy the spell that restrains it. He promises to help us in our time of dire peril.

    Prize: 4 good artifacts and a few more to choose from (depending on the class of the hero).

    Refusing to give the dragon a rod

    Then we have to fight with the reptile. The battle will be very difficult and bloody, so we advise you to prepare for it in advance.

    Prize: a large number of experience points

    A fate worse than death

    The task starts after hitting the tower located at the end of the gargoyle maze. Here we will meet 3 talking dead.

    During a conversation with the undead, we find out that all three are separated from reality. We can agree with their point of view or prove that they are wrong. However, here you need to carefully choose words, because if a dispute starts, then the undead will attack us. In the latter case, we move away from the enemies as quickly as possible, since it is completely impossible to kill them.

    The main goal of the quest is to find the vessels of the souls of the three walking dead. They can be found in the vault, which is opened during the mission "King Brakk's Treasury". The jugs are shown in the image below.

    We destroy the vessels

    In this case, the dead will be able to find eternal rest.

    Prize: a large number of experience points.

    Absorbing energy

    We suck out the energy of the vessels by one of the characters. This option will only be available after completing the quest "The Collar".

    Prize: one Source Point for each jar.

    Gargoyle maze

    At the entrance to the Sanctuary of Amadia, we will find a tower that has an entrance to the labyrinth. This quest starts immediately after we open the door that leads to this location.

    Dozens of traps are placed on the territory of the entire labyrinth, and to open the doors you will have to use them, which can be found on hidden altars and after using the portals. If you don't feel like wasting time looking for skulls, you can navigate the maze using teleportation.

    most convenient and safe route through the room with the source is shown in the image below. At the entrance, the gargoyle will unleash the dead on us, using fire strikes. In this battle, it is worth using the Blessing spell, which turns a simple flame into a sacred one, causing increased damage to the undead. Having won the battle, we go to the Historian and save him from the curse. To do this, you need to use a blessing on a pool filled with blood (created by the Blood Rain spell).

    The road to the tower leads through the door, located under the gargoyle. The quest will be considered completed when your heroes enter the ladder leading to the tower.

    Important: If you have already completed the quest related to the treasury of Brakk, and you have his ring, then you can show him to the gargoyles. In this case, the statue will recognize you as its owner and immediately teleport to the tower.

    Eternal admirer

    While in the Sanctuary of Amadia, we talk with Gratsiana. She will ask us to get a vessel with her soul. We agree and head to the treasury of King Brakk, which we managed to find earlier. The required jug is marked in the image below. When we take it in our hands, we will immediately understand that it contains the soul of Graziana.

    We return to the girl and pass the jug. She will tell us the story of her life and in the end the task will be considered completed.

    Prize: 2 valuable items and 4 more to choose from (you should choose depending on the classes of your heroes.

    Fort Joy Arena

    Here we will need to deal with all the enemies in the arena, and at least one member of the team must remain on their feet. We talk with a character standing near the arena to start the task.

    We get to the arena, using the hatch located in the camp kitchen. We are looking for the following coordinates: X: 215 Y: 131. Then we talk with the organizer of the battles and defeat all opponents. After the victory, we choose our reward.

    All members of our group will be automatically cured if at least one of them survived. We do not waste resurrection scrolls, knowing that we can win even with an incomplete squad. This guide details the passage of the Arena of the One.

    After completing the quest, we head to Nebora. She will be able to remove the collar from the main character when she finds out that he was able to become the champion of the arena.

    Reaper's Coast - Mastering the Power of the Source

    They won't get through

    Once on the coast of the Reaper, we talk with a child who calls himself Barin - he is on a broken bridge. You can also start this quest by talking to Mary, the guardian of the bridge.

    We go to the house of the defender of the bridge (we pass through the castle of the paladins and the cemetery) to deal with the monsters there. To open the gate, we need master keys and a well-pumped hacking skill.

    If Mary survives the battle, she will give us a reward. In her house, we can also find a key that opens Mary's hatch.

    Plundered caravan

    We can take this task after finding the caravan of masters located near the starting point of the location. We enter into a dialogue with the boy and the dwarfs who went crazy and find out that the fiends of the void grabbed the magician and took him to the Wrecker Cave dungeon.

    Then we speak with Raymond, who is in Driftwood, and then we tell Julian, the local master, about what happened.

    hide and seek

    While in Driftwood, we talk with two kids who play next to the docks - Harriet and Ben. We find out that their best friend tried to swim to Fort Joy, but then disappeared. They are worried about him and want to know what happened to him.

    We go to the point at the following coordinates (X: 450, Y: - 46) and find on the beach (located near the starting point of the location) a shark that has washed ashore. We speak with her and find out that she does not want to be in the water again, as some monsters live in it. We kill her, and then we search the corpse and find someone's leg. Let the elf eat it to find out that it belonged to Joe.

    Note: If there are no elves in your party, then you can choose Fane, put on a mask of reincarnations and make him an elf. As a result, he will be able to view the memories of dead people.

    We return to the kids and tell them what happened to their friend. As a result, the task will go to the section completed.

    Prize: 3000 experience points if we know the fate of the boy.

    When to count chickens

    We find a chicken coop on the coast of the Reaper, in which several chickens live. If there is a character with the Animal Friend talent in the group, we speak with one of the chickens (Big Marge). She will tell us that someone stole their eggs and ask us to find these priceless items for them.

    We head to the point indicated on the map and located a little north of the chicken coop, and then we deal with all the fiends of the Void. Almost all the eggs will be spoiled, but one of them still survived - it is located on the edge of the coast. We pick it up and return to the chickens.

    Big Marge will tell us where to find the treasure. To do this, you need to go to the back of the chicken coop and dig out the chest.

    Then we return to the chicken coop a little later (after completing two or three quests) and find a black Piskun chicken in it. We see that he killed all the chickens, but at the same time he treats us quite friendly. Moreover, he will start following us just like the black cat in the previous location.

    Use ghost vision to spawn the spirit of Big Marge. She will ask us to find the father of the chicken. We head to the point indicated on the map (X: 437, Y: 304) and find there the Magic Rooster, Piskun's father.

    He will tell us that it is necessary to deal with Piskun, since he is an ordinary killer. We can agree to kill the chicken or refuse it. In any case, we will have to fight him, as he will turn into an evil monster and will cause a dozen deadly chicks. After the victory, a chest will appear near the Magic Rooster, in which you can find several epic and legendary items.

    Prize: 5000 experience points and not bad things.

    Scientist Grebb

    Once in the fishing area of ​​​​Driftwood, we find a scientist named Grebb, who studies fish that are infected with the Void. We agree to eat 3 fish for the sake of the experiment.

    He will offer to eat brown, yellow or red fish. After that, the character will receive the "poisoned" status for several turns. But the researcher will give us a mixture of herbs, depending on the fish we have eaten. He will also advise us to mix the resulting plants with poisoned fish to enhance the effects of potions.

    One party member can only eat one fish, meaning you need 3 characters to eat all the fish. When talking to a scientist last hero who has not eaten anything, the quest will automatically end and you will receive a small amount of experience points.

    Note: Even hired companions can participate in this quest if you don't have a full party.

    Losses in the ledger

    In the Driftwood tavern, we can stumble upon a man whose name is Garvan. He will ask you to investigate a case related to missing supplies that were supposed to come along a trade route located in the western part of this area. We head to the indicated point and find a troll guarding the bridge there. We can send him to another world or help by completing the task "Competitors in business".

    We follow the trails of blood and meet a group of gnomes and their beast named Pasha. We can tell Garvan that his supplies have been destroyed or return the remaining wooden box to him. Or continue the investigation.

    We dig up the remains in a shallow grave and give them to the elf - he will find out that the merchant was killed not by the fiends of the void, but by his business colleague (you can also transform Fein into an elf using a mask of reincarnation and then he will be able to see exactly how the merchant died). Activate ghostly vision and talk to the merchant's ghost. We agree to avenge him in order to start the Aggressive Capture quest.

    As for Garvan, he only needs a box and the reward for it will directly depend on the contents of the box (what we decide to leave inside).

    Business competitors

    Trolls Marg and Gorg are trying to do the same business, and therefore are direct competitors. Everyone will ask us to deal with his competitor. We can help one of them, but we immediately note that trolls are extremely dangerous opponents, for example, Gorg can knock out a weak character with one blow. Therefore, it is worthwhile to properly prepare for the battle with these monsters.

    With the help of fire, you can remove the effect of blood regeneration from Gorg, and with the help of poisoning - from Marg.

    Aggressive grip

    So, after talking with the ghost of Liam (merchant) in the mission "Losses in the ledger", we find out exactly how the merchant died and agree to deal with his killer. You can also kill Garvan unnoticed - for this we feed him poisoned meat stew, which we craft from fish infected with the Void, and a simple stew. After that, he will head to the infirmary, located behind the tavern. If he sees us, he will immediately attack. We kill him and search the body. As a result, we get the severed head of Garvan. We pass it to Liam and find out the location of the treasure, which will become our reward.

    However, you can give the head to an elf and let him eat it to get the unique talent "Trader's Secrets", which increases the "Exchange" parameter by one point. However, in this case, Liam won't tell us where the treasure is.

    We can try to kill Garven right in the tavern. So that he does not become our enemy, we do not warn anyone about the attack. We pick up a poisonous weapon, cast rain next to it, and then infect a puddle with a poisonous weapon. Then we leave the tavern, stand on the street for a couple of minutes and quietly return to the building. We wait until Garvan dies - as a result, no one will know that we did it.

    It is also necessary to keep 1 thousand coins in reserve in order to bribe the most curious individuals who decide to interrogate you (we can simply convince them). Then we do not approach the tavern for a certain period of time, until everyone calms down and returns to their duties. After that, we can easily cut off Garvan's head.

    By the way, Liam's treasures can be found by yourself, so it's better to feed the elf's head.

    Web of carnal desires

    We head to the lower part of the location and look for an eccentric woman under Driftwood, whose name is Dorothea. We agree to look at her ring and choose one of the visions (they will all cause different reactions). Then she will ask us to talk to her alone around the corner, so we separate the squad and keep our companions away from the main character. Then we meet with a woman and watch how she becomes a giant spider. Here you will need to decide: let her kiss the protagonist or pick up a weapon and attack the monster.

    Attacking the giant spider

    We fight with the monster and defeat him. As a result, all members of our group will receive 4,000 experience points. We examine the body of the spider and find a couple of good daggers, a key and an idol of rebirth (automatically revives the hero upon death, if it is in the inventory).

    Let the spider kiss the hero

    The spider will immediately bite the protagonist in the neck, giving him the unique talent "Spider Bite". Its effect will depend on the previously chosen vision:

    • Towering Oak (increases Strength by 2 but decreases Constitution by 2).
    • Curved Feather (Increases Intelligence by 2 but decreases Constitution by 2).
    • Golden chest (adds 2000 gold to inventory, but reduces constitution by 2).
    • Dragon (increases intelligence by 2, but reduces constitution by 2).
    • Cocoon (Adds one Respawn Idol to Inventory, but reduces Constitution by 2).

    After the bite, we can let the spider leave or attack it. Note that although Dorothea will tell us to meet her alone, however, we can use the help of other heroes under our control, so the battle will be quite easy. To maximize the experience, it is worth kissing the spider with all the characters in the group, and the last to attack the monster.

    Grief will not flood

    We go to the Driftwood tavern and go up to the 2nd floor. There we find Captain Ableweather, who will give us the task to save her from the painful ringing. We use the ghostly vision skill and find a ghost in the room, torturing the girl. We convince the ghost to leave, thereby relieving the captain of the torment.

    Ableweather will then indicate the location of his compass on the map. We head to the right place and teleport one of the characters to open the hatch. Inside we find a compass, which is surrounded by fog. In order to get this item, we need Undead or a teleportation spell.

    strange cargo

    Having found Higba in a barrel of fish located in the fishing room (Missing Masters task), we can return him back or help him escape.

    When choosing the second option, we will need to take this NPC outside the Driftwood location, and it is necessary to avoid meeting with the masters. Using the mini-map, we track the location of the masters and do not forget to use stealth. However, you can do it easier and simply take Higb to the west of the port and, using teleportation, move him to the opposite shore.

    As a result, we get a small amount of experience points and a hint about who exactly is the real criminal (the cook who works in the tavern). We will also be able to find out where to look for Master Hanang. Among other things, we can teleport the NPC to the point indicated by the marker, and receive a reward for this. Even if you choose to escape, you can turn in Higba to the masters at any time.

    Love has a price

    We head to the Driftwood tavern and talk there with a man whose name is Lovrik. He will promise us to try something exotic. We give him a certain amount and get the key to the upper room.

    We go there alone and spend one night in the apartment. In the morning, bandits will break into us and begin to threaten us, demanding to give all the money. If the hero is Ifan ben Mezd, then the criminals will recognize him and quickly leave the room. Otherwise, we will either go to another world, or lose a considerable amount of money. Was the Red Prince left in the room? In this case, the lizard we met will become the Red Princess.

    We return to Lovrik and find out that he was forced to do this for the sake of his daughter. We ask the cook and find out that he was lying, but Lovrik will already run away from the tavern.

    Driftwood Arena

    Being in the Driftwood tavern, we go down to the basement and find an arena there where illegal fights are held. We agree to take part in them. In the first battle, we will have to fight with a blindfold, which will significantly reduce the accuracy and range of the hero, so we need to prepare well for the battle.

    In the second battle, you will need to fight with Murga, who fights like a villain. When she makes her second move, the fiends of the Void will appear on the arena. We defeat the monsters and kill Murga. As a result, we will get the title of the championship.

    In both battles, it is worth casting shields and various buffs on the characters in advance. We are not fond of transformations, since the bandage will still prevent most of these skills from being used. In the first battle, it is worth summoning creatures that may not be limited by bandages.

    If Murga cannot reach our characters before the fiends arise, then she will begin to fight with our common enemy. In this case, it is better to move away from her. Although the Worm does not pose the same danger as in the battle with Alexander, it can still ruin our lives, for example, it will impose fetters of pain. Sebilla is able to destroy them, but in this case a Source point will be spent.

    Level 3 geomancers should definitely purchase artillery mount in the market (one Source point and a lot of gold). With her help, we managed to quickly deal with Murga.

    Blazing Prophet

    We head to the Driftwood cliff and find a strange statue there, near which torches are installed. It is necessary to light them all at the same time, but they quickly go out. Therefore, we first create a surface from oil and use a fire spell on it. As a result, all torches will light up.

    A rainbow will appear and enter into a dialogue with us. After the conversation, we will be able to indicate our reward.

    ugly duck

    We go to the farm, located north of Driftwood. There we find a sick chicken. With the "Scientist" tag and the "Animal Friend" talent, we convince the chicken that she is a hidden phoenix. To turn it into a fire bird, you just need to use some kind of fire spell on it.

    After that, the chicken will become a phoenix egg. We can either eat it or just leave it on the ground.

    bestial treatment

    On the same farm where we were when completing the previous quest, we find two cows that are actually people. We find out that they were turned into animals by a mysterious witch. To talk to cows, you need the Animal Friend talent. Of course, they would like to become human again, and therefore they will ask us to help them. To start the quest, simply select the key to the witch's house, located on the left side of the building, on the rock.

    The witch's house is opposite the cows. We go inside, using the previously found key, and find the witch's eye, which is necessary to turn the cows back into people. Next, open the hatch that leads to the dungeon (you need the skill of theft of the 4th level). In the absence of the appropriate skill, we look for a witch in the monastery forest and take the key to the basement from her. However, we will immediately warn you that the battle with her will be extremely difficult.

    In the dungeon, many explosive rats will attack us. We hit the holes in the walls to stop the kamikaze rats. We can also find a lever that opens the door. It can also be unlocked with the thievery skill or simply teleported inside.

    Here we look for the elixir of witches (we do not drink it, otherwise we will also become a cow) and her book, lying on a huge frog (we kill it). Thanks to the tags "Mystic" and "Scientist" we will be able to easily decipher the book. If you do not have them, then use the following recipe: boletus mushroom + growth stimulator + witch's eye.

    If we drink a witch's potion to turn into an animal, the task will automatically end and we will be given almost 11 thousand experience points. However, we advise you not to do this, because you can only craft one elixir, and you need to turn two cows into people.

    We create a potion and in the end we have two elixirs. We return to the cows and give them potions. As a result, for both cows we get almost 27 thousand experience points.

    Test of all seasons

    We go to the altar of wandering Driftwood, and then turn east and find the building of the elves, standing behind the river. Inside we find 4 statues that surround the brazier (the exact coordinates are X: 450, Y: 340).

    To pass the test, we attack the statues with various elemental skills, namely:

    • The spells "Hail Strike" or "Winter Blast" are suitable for the Hero of Winter.
    • The Static Cloud Arrow is suitable for the Hero of Autumn. We can also use a fire spell on the pool, and then wait for the steam to appear and shoot it with an electric spell.
    • The spell "Laser Beam" is suitable for the Hero of Summer.
    • The Blood Rain spell or the Flesh Sacrifice skill will work for the Hero of Spring.

    Note: You can summon a fiery slug (using the magician's ring) to activate the statue of Summer, because it can also use a beam. You can light the totem of Spring by attacking your companion, who must be placed near the statue (his blood must fall on it).

    We advise you to prepare for battle before lighting the totems, because after that we will be attacked by 4 enemies that are immune to a certain element. These are extremely strong enemies, especially if you are equal in level to them. Having defeated the heroes, we talk with the brazier and get the heart of the phoenix as a reward.

    Prize: 83k experience points for killing heroes, 52k experience points for completing a quest, a heart of a phoenix (give it to an elf so that he eats it and gets the Flaming Tongues skill) and a chest.

    Stranger in a foreign land

    Near the northern entrance of the cemetery we find the spirit of the lizard Willanx Kriva, who will ask us to dig up her corpse and throw it into the fire in order to bury her according to the traditions of her race. We take a shovel in our hands, dig out the body and raise the leg. Then we just throw it into the flame between the dragon statues. As a result, we take one of the four items as a reward.

    family business

    We head to the churchyard and find Tarkin next to the northern entrance to the Stonegarden cemetery. He will ask us to go to the cemetery, find the crypt of Joanna Surrey, located in the southern part of the location, and find an ancient artifact in it.

    To enter the tomb, we need to break the lock that hangs on the Door of the Shadow Tomb. This can be done with the help of a hero whose Theft is pumped to level 4 and above. We will also need lockpicks (if they are not available, then you can use the finger of the Undead character). There are no pumped thieves in the group? It doesn't matter, because in this case we can find the key to the crypt at Kvanna - we head to the center of the graveyard and look for the tomb, next to which the dog runs. We kill the dog, open the hatch and find the key and note we need.

    You can now enter the Surrey Crypt. We begin the study of the first room. We find a couple of buttons on the wall: one is on the right side of the entrance to the tomb, in a small niche, and the second is on the left side, on the opposite wall. We press each button and thereby open a secret passage.

    Lever puzzle solution

    In the new room we will see a sarcophagus and a locked gate. We choose our most living hero and use it to go to the next room, and then stand on the pressure plate. Unfortunately, simple items will not work on this board.

    Then we activate the skill "Ghostly Vision" to gain access to the 3rd levers on the wall. All levers correspond to certain magical effects. First, press the middle lever and wait until in the room where pressure plate and our hero, there will be no water. Then we pull the left lever and wait for the appearance of electricity. At the end, pull the right lever to create a sacred fire.

    As a result, the sarcophagus will move and open a hatch on the floor. We get down into it and make our way to a new room. First, we examine chests and mountains of gold coins in it, and then we raise the lid on the sarcophagus standing in the middle of the room.

    This sarcophagus will contain Mysterious Artifact, which we had to find for the quest giver. However, as soon as we try to get out of the tomb with this item, clay warriors will immediately attack us. The battle can be avoided by destroying all the statues before opening the sarcophagus. Besides, we can always just run away.

    Let's go to the Island of the Blood Moon

    We get out of the crypt and find Tarkin. We pass the artifact to him and learn from him that on the Island of the Blood Moon you can find another ancient thing. To get to this location, you must first go through the hidden bridge. We use ghostly vision in order to see the right road, and then we use teleportation to cross the bridge.

    We are also opening a new travel point located in the south of the island. This will help us move faster between locations in the future. Then we head to the northeast of the island. Here we find the hatch, which is hidden under the embankment. To find it, you need a hero with a well-pumped Perception. You can use the Peace of Mind spell to increase this parameter to its maximum value for a while.

    We go inside and find the forgotten library. We search the room, and then examine the back wall - we find a hidden passage in it. We go inside and get into secret room. Next, we select an Unusual blade from the altar.

    We return to Tarkin at the graveyard and give him the second part of the artifact, thereby completing the mission.

    If you can't find Tarkin in the graveyard, then you should move to the marker "Lady Vengeance" by using the boat on the shore. Then use the boat again, but already on the ship. Tarkin will most likely spawn right next to the boat.

    You can get into the crypt in another rather interesting way:

    1. Stand facing the ladder that leads to the crypt.
    2. Turn left and go forward.
    3. After descending from the hillock in front of the gate, take a look at the tomb, near which there are statues of knights with shields.
    4. Destroy or unlock the gate (the lever is on the right).
    5. Enter the tomb.
    6. Once in the tomb, do not touch anything, otherwise you will turn into stone.
    7. Use the Ice Armor or Bless spell.

    snake language

    We head to the cemetery and find the chest of the lizard, standing next to two statues spewing fire. Using telekinesis, we transfer it to a safe place and find out that a password is required to gain access to the contents of the chest. Unfortunately, turning Fane into a lizard will not work in this case, but the Red Prince can convince the chest to open if he asks well for it.

    We go to Riker's mansion and talk to the salamander who knows the password. To do this, we need a lizard character with the Animal Friend talent. After that, we return to the chest and say the code word.

    Note: By the way, if you try to teleport the chest out of the fire and break it, you can get treasures, but the quest will remain unsolved.

    existential crisis

    Walking along the northeastern slope of the cemetery, we hear a voice that asks for help (the desired place is located at coordinates X: 625; Y: 153). We approach and agree to dig up the remains. Having dug them out, we watch how a skeleton rises from the ground, whose name is Crispin and who dreams of becoming the best philosopher in the world. To do this, he will challenge us to a philosophical battle. If the hero who is talking to him does not belong to the undead, then we will need to prepare for the battle with him. Otherwise, we can immediately enter the battle with the skeleton.

    He prepared 3 tricky questions for us. If we answer incorrectly at least one of them, then our hero will immediately die. Most easy method, thanks to which you can defeat the failed philosopher, is the reading of 3 volumes of "The Essence of Being" ( we are talking about non-undead characters).

    If we are talking with a skeleton, playing for another walking dead, then we simply select phrases in the dialogues marked with [undead] tags. This will automatically lead us to victory. We can also try to answer all questions correctly using tags such as [jester], [mystic] and [scientist]. However, if we take into account the fact that one character cannot have all 3 tags, then we still have to use at least one book of The Essence of Being: the first volume gives an answer to the first question, the second to the second, and so on.

    You can find these books in Riker's mansion. The first volume is in personal account house owner. The next one can be found in the living room on the first floor, and the last one in the master bedroom on the second floor. However, we immediately note that taking these books is theft. In addition, we have to break open the door to get into the bedroom.

    If you answer the first question correctly, the skeleton should tremble. The second time he will scream, and the third time he will simply explode. As a result, we will complete the task and get more than 21 thousand experience points and a skill book "Corpse Explosion: Massive".

    Note: Fane, being an undead, is able to give the correct answers to all questions, and Lohse can correctly answer the first two questions, as he is a mystic and a jester.

    Shelter of heroes

    In the central part of the cemetery we find a lattice, behind which are the coffins of 4 famous heroes. We examine their graves to find out exactly where the 4 buried treasures are located. Without any problems, only 3 graves can be studied, however, if we try to study the fourth coffin, then dead heroes will immediately attack us. It is worth dealing with them one at a time, because after death they will begin to revive, and in a stronger form, that is, first we kill one skeleton twice, then the second, and so on.

    Then we go to the places marked on the map and look for the equipment of the dead heroes, thereby completing the tasks.

    Servants involuntarily

    Wandering around the cemetery, we find a watchman named Farima, who will tell us a terrible story about Riker. It turns out that he keeps all his servants with the help of magic, preventing them from leaving for another world. Therefore, the girl will ask us to kill Riker (can be found in his private office in his mansion).

    generous offer

    We get to the mansion in the cemetery where Riker lives. He will ask us to bring him a tablet in the caves located in the Black Mines. As a reward, he will be able to show us how to control the source. At the sawmill in the room owned by Rust, we can find a contract that says that Riker is a hired killer who received an order to destroy all believers.

    We leave for the Black Mines, located in the southeast of the Reaper's coast, and find the gate there, which is guarded by masters. With a travel pass issued by Raymond, we will be able to pass through this passage without any problems. Otherwise, you have to fight the guards.

    Going further, we find a magician in a white cassock interrogating a bricklayer (he is a student of Hannag and will be needed to complete the quest "On the last gasp"). We deal with the master, and then we fight with fiends.

    We pass to the opposite side of the harbor, where Anna guards the entrance to the mine. We deal with it and get inside the dungeon. This shaft will be full of oil pipes and traps. We use boxes to block pipes. You can also go through this location using teleportation. If there are two teleportation pyramids found by us in the secret room of Dallis, located on the ship "Lady Revenge", we leave one of them with one hero, and the second with another. Thus, we can easily transfer our entire group.

    Almost at the very end of the cave, the Screaming One will be waiting for us, who guards the altar of wanderings. We use the Purification skill (previously called Source Vampirism) to destroy it (a dead body lies on the destroyed bridge - if we teleport to it, we can find a note and a key).

    Note: If we have a special Wand of Purification, which can be found in Fort Joy, use its power and destroy the Screaming. Otherwise, you must definitely get rid of the Collar, master the Source and go through the ritual in the mission "Abrupt Awakening" in order to eventually get the desired skill.

    We continue to move forward and notice several masters in front who are fighting with the fiends of the Void. We deal with the monsters, and then we convince the surviving people that we are just walking around here. If the persuasion does not work, then we enter the battle with the masters. From the body of one of the opponents we take the key leading to the room nearby. Inside it we find a secret stone door (you can only see it from a very close distance). We open the door and find an unusual tool with which we will understand how to create masks (we will have to spend one source point).

    We get out of the excavation site and head to the workshop, in which we stumble upon a group of masters. We deal with them and destroy the gate (we use fire spells on barrels of oil), thereby opening the way to the Ancient Temple. Click on the device in the temple to get new information. We can find a clue to this puzzle in a book that lies on a dead body nearby. On the second page there is information that all the gods personify a certain element or attributes:

    • Ralik personifies the Earth.
    • Duna represents Air.
    • Tyr represents Blood.
    • Zorl represents Fire.
    • Vrogir personifies Fire.
    • Xantessa personifies Reason.
    • Amadia personifies Magic.

    The correct sequence is as follows: Amadia, Tyr, Duna, Zorl, Xantessa, Vrogir and Ralik.

    Hitting all the pillars in the right sequence, we observe the disappearance of the magical barrier. The thing we need lies in one of the boxes near the sarcophagus. We get it and return to Riker. If we touch the sarcophagus, then we have to fight a dangerous enemy.

    We head to Riker and give him the tablet. He uses a few souls of farmers to give us more source points (you can't get more than 3 pieces). After we enter the battle with Riker. Use the skill "Ghostly Vision" to see the souls of the defenders and immediately deal with them with the spell "Cleansing".

    On one's last legs

    Once in the Black Mines, we find masters planning to carry out the execution of a family consisting of several people. In this situation, you can prevent the masters from carrying out their plans in order to save all the peasants, or start watching the execution so as not to fight five masters of the 13th level.

    Having chosen the first option and saving the whole family, the mother will speak to us and say that her nephew was captured and sent to the oil rig. Ahead will be closed gates, near which there will be several more masters. We do not attack them, as they will be useful to us a little later. We pass through them using the underground tunnel located in the neighboring house, or by showing them a pass.

    We rise to the tower and speak with the master in white robes. When deciding to save Gvidane Rins, we attack the master after the first phrase. However, we will immediately warn you that this battle will become a real hell. If we refuse to fight, the prisoner will die, but we will be able to avoid difficult battle and kill the Master later.

    In the event of a battle on the tower, the prisoner will decide to help us with the magic of the Source. 4 masters will resist us. However, after a certain period of time, oil fiends will appear on the battlefield and everything around will catch fire. There will be fiery fiends that restore life in the fire. As a result, the entire site will burn with a terrible necroflame. We immediately send one of the heroes to the gates of the fortress in order to force five more masters to join the brawl. They will stand on our side and begin to fight with fiends. Do not forget to also prepare a lot of scrolls and spells that restore the magic shield, otherwise your characters will burn alive.

    If we decide not to get involved in the battle, then the next meeting with Jonathan may take place in one of the lower corners of the location. In the same place is Anna, who sells good things.

    After the liberation of Gwydain, we go to the monastery forest and tell Hannag about everything. As a result, she will teach us the knowledge of the origin.

    three altars

    We head to the Monastery Forest and go to the first altar, which can be found at the following coordinates X: 115, Y: 269. Here you will encounter a monster called the Weeping Abomination, to which 5 black wolves will come to help. We advise you to constantly stun the werewolf, otherwise he will quickly kill all your heroes thanks to endless OD. Having dealt with opponents, we interact with the altar and move on.

    The next altar is on the river. Go to the point: X: 414, Y: 301. Here we will have to fight the undead deer.

    We find the last altar at the following coordinates X: 482, Y: 260. As soon as we get close to it, we are immediately attacked by fiends of the Void.

    Valuable loot

    1. Location of the Saheila.
    2. The location of the elf camp.

    In case of successful persuasion of the elves to let us into the place where the ritual is being held, we wait until it is completed, and then we again talk with the sharp-eared ones. We find out that Saheila was kidnapped by the lone wolf Rust, who is holding her captive at the sawmill. With a high level of persuasion, we can convince the elves to leave the elf there.

    Next, we will need to go to the sawmill and penetrate it. Saheila is located on the second floor of one of the buildings. This location is patrolled by a lot of Rust's people, so we will either need to spend a lot of money or fight a lot of serious opponents.

    Another battle will be waiting for us on the second floor, where we have to fight Rust and his faithful bodyguards (wolves and crossbowmen). We try to be in a small room all the time in order to greatly simplify our battle. Having dealt with all the enemies, we free Saheila and agree to escort her to her fellow tribesmen. If we have already dealt with Rust's guys, then we will have no problems with this.

    Then we speak with the elf in the camp and learn how to collect an additional Source Point.

    Prize: 4 valuable items and 1 more item to choose from (depending on the class).

    Lost and found

    1. Location of the gnome Lagan

    Near Driftwood, you can stumble upon a fisherman's hut, where a dwarf lives, whose name is Lagan. He will ask us to find his ring, which he lost recently.

    Fortunately, we will not need to scour the whole location in search of a small trinket. The jewelry lies nearby at the point marked in the screenshot below. It will be found automatically as soon as our party approaches it at a minimum distance. As soon as we pick up the ring, fiends will immediately attack us.

    If Lagan stays alive, then we will have two options for completing this mission.

    We give the ring

    We talk with the gnome and in a conversation with him we confirm our desire to give him a ring. If we have a well-pumped conviction, we can ask for more gold.

    Prize: 5 thousand experience points and gold.

    We keep the ring

    We just keep the ring. Apparently, it is absolutely useless and costs relatively little.

    Prize: copper ring.

    Saheila tribe

    1. Elf camp location

    If we managed to help Amiro in Fort Joy, he will ask us to tell the rest of the elves living on the Reaper's Coast about what happened to Saheila. To do this, we will need to go to the elven camp.

    Once in the right place, we find an elf performing a mysterious ritual. We try to get closer, and then we start a conversation with the guard. This conversation can end in two endings.

    Getting permission

    With a high level of persuasion, we pass through the guard to the place where the ritual is being performed. This will give us the opportunity to go through two new tasks in the future: "Funeral Rites" and "Valuable Prey". In addition, we will get 5800 experience points.

    Getting rejected

    In this case, the elves will not even listen to us and will ask us to leave their camp, and the sooner the better. Of course, we will not receive any reward in this case.

    Funeral rites

    Having gained access to the sacred land of the elves, we allow one of the members of the group to participate in the ritual. He will need to raise one of the Pointy-Eared tribe (Sebilla will handle this best). It is also necessary to choose answer options in the dialogue that can impress the elves. Usually these are the topmost phrases.

    Prize: it directly depends on how much we were able to impress the elves, however, we are guaranteed to be given 4 valuable things and 1 powerful artifact to choose from (depending on the class).

    empty dreams

    1. Genie Lamp Location

    On the southern coast of the Reaper's Coast we look for a mysterious lamp, half buried in the sand. We interact with her, thereby calling the Genie. We learn that someone threw away the artifact, so its owner will behave very hostilely. This quest has two endings.

    Make a wish

    With a high persuasion parameter, we ask the Genie to fulfill our desire, and then peacefully disperse. We will be able to make a certain wish and the Genie will gladly fulfill it.

    Prize: 9750 experience points and a hidden little thing.

    Fighting the Genie

    If we fail to convince the Genie, we will have to fight him. The fight with this creature is quite simple. However, in the end, we will kill the Genie, and, therefore, we will not be able to receive a reward.

    Log like log

    Being at the sawmill, we approach the right building and activate the ghostly vision. We notice that one of the logs has a soul - we are talking about an elven living tree. It will ask us to deal with the foreman from the sawmill. We can find his soul in the southwest of the bridge located on the territory of the sawmill (the soul is indicated on the map).

    We use the spell associated with the absorption of souls (“Cleansing”) on this spirit, and again go to the log to receive our reward. By the way, this skill can be obtained by passing story mission"Sharp Awakening"

    Prize: 25950 experience points and a great shield.

    Persistent Spirit

    While at the sawmill, we activate a ghostly vision and find a mute spirit named Sirus Oates there.

    We find out that it was burned by the lone wolf Pigsbane, who is still defiling the earth with his existence. The Spirit will ask us to avenge our death. We kill Pigsbane (its location is indicated on the map), return to the customer and collect our reward.

    former lovers

    While at the sawmill, we activate the ghostly vision and find the ghost of a girl there, whose name is Edie Engrim.

    We find out that she was killed by a former lover who calls himself Firewater. He went to this terrible crime in order to undergo his initiation and join a group of lone wolves. She wants us to make him say her name again. Only in this way can she calm down and go to another world. We force the boy to tell Edie, and then we return to the girl for a reward.

    Not by washing, so by skating

    Popam to the camp of lone wolves, we are looking for a character whose name is Corbin Day. We talk with him and learn his sad story.

    It turns out that Rust Anlon forcibly brought him to the coast and now makes him work as a laborer for wolves. We deal with Rust according to the plot, and then we talk with Corbin again, telling him that he is now free. We can invite him to board the Lady Vengeance.

    Kill Reward

    With the help of a ghostly vision, we find the soul of a deer and agree to help her find a wreath woven from wild flowers. We dig out the place where the deer and the poacher who killed the animal were buried, and we find the necessary item there.

    An eye for an eye

    We use the “Ghostly Vision” skill, being at the sawmill (which is the location of the Lone Wolves group) and look for the soul of the magician. She will ask us to kill the archer named True Eye in order to take revenge on him. We kill the criminal, and then return to the spirit for a reward.

    We can get different rewards from him:

    • We tell him that we like the air to get the Airturgy skill.
    • We tell him that we like water to get the Hydrosophist skill.
    • We tell him that we like the land to get the Geomancy skill.
    • We tell him that we need the power of the Source and absorb the soul of the master.


    Being at the sawmill, we use the “Ghostly Vision” skill and look for the spirit of the lizard, who calls himself the Black Widowmaker, who was a famous sender of lone wolves.

    We learn that another member of the gang, Snake Root, killed him. He will ask us to kill her. We can either help him and kill the poisoner (her location is marked on the map), or refuse and absorb the soul of the lizard.

    No laughing matter

    Once at the sawmill, we activate the ghostly vision and look for the spirit of the gravedigger, who was recently dealt with by Dremoseka. He will ask us to find out where she hid the gold after killing him.

    We head to the target, talk to it and click on the phrase marked with the tag [mystic] in the dialogue. As a result, she will see the Gravedigger in a dream and tell where the treasure is buried. We head to the west coast, dig out the treasure chest and tell the employer about everything. If we deal with all the wolves before we take this quest, then it will no longer be possible to complete it.

    reward to the finder

    We use "Ghostly Vision" at the flayer's sawmill and find a ghost belonging to the paladin.

    We talk with the paladin and find out what he needs. Next, we take the head of the mummy and pass it to the quest giver. The mission is quite simple, as all places are marked with signs. After handing over the head, the quest will end.

    Dangerous to yourself and others

    We head northeast from the cemetery and find the healer's house there. In it we find a doctor named Swann. We convince him to trust us and tell us about his problem. We find out that he has an infected seeker in his basement, whose name is Natalie.

    We follow the doctor to the basement (we can just hack it) and find a sick girl. Here we will have two ways: send the patient to another world or try to cope with her illness. If we approach her with a hero that does not have the "Scientist" tag, then we will not be able to cure her. In this case, we will need to deal with all the enemies that appear nearby.

    If our character has the “Scientist” tag, then he will be able to find out that the seeker received a trepanation wound. The healer will ask us to spare the girl during the battle so that he can heal her later. We enter the fight with Natalie's nightmares. We will be able to beat the girl, but this should be done carefully so as not to inadvertently kill.

    For each monster killed, we will get almost 11 thousand experience points. When deciding to help Natalie, first you need to weaken her by lowering the scale of her life to a minimum. But once we do that, all the monsters will be gone. Therefore, to get the maximum amount of experience, you should first deal with the monsters, and only then attack the girl.

    As a result, we will cure Natalie and get about 13.5 thousand more experience points. We speak with the healer and receive as a reward one valuable artifact to choose from. In addition, our relationship with this character will improve and he will decide to sell us health elixirs at a 50 percent discount. As a result, the task will be completed.

    If the patient dies during the operation, then we will not receive any experience points. In addition, the relationship with the doctor will seriously deteriorate. As a result, we will only have experience from killed monsters.

    Buried past

    To start this quest, we go south from Driftwood and reach the house located at the following coordinates X: 380, Y: 274. We are looking for Gareth here, who stands above Master Jonathan. After a short conversation, we can convince Gareth (you need high Intelligence or Memory) to release or kill Jonathan. Regardless of the choice made, we will still be able to attack and kill the master on our own if we wish.

    Otherwise, Gareth will decide to spare his enemy and head to the Paradise Hills. Then, when the inscription "We were able to convince Gareth of ..." appears in the journal in the above task, we will be able to continue the quest.

    We find Gareth in the Paradise Hills. He will bury the corpses of his parents. Near the house are a couple of paladins. On the right side of the boy are gloves belonging to the killer of his father and mother. The paladins won't let us in. You must either convince them or kill them.

    In the house we find four silent killers. We activate the ghostly vision and look for the souls of Gareth's parents. They will tell us that they do not want their son to start revenge, but to remain a hero. Gareth will then enter and ask us to deal with the silent ones personally. We can allow him and then he will go on the road of revenge or dissuade him so that he continues to do good in the form of a hero.

    Then the ghosts will tell us that Jonathan sent the killers. Gareth will ask us to deal with him. We head to the Black Mines and find the master near the oil rig. We kill him and take the ring as evidence. We take it to Gareth to complete the task.

    Opposites attract

    We head to Riker's house and go into the basement. There we find a turtle named Betty and Rory the rat. If you have the “Animal Friend” talent, we talk with the animals and find out that the turtle is in love with the rat.

    We use various food and lure the rodent to the turtle. Then we observe how a new pair is formed.

    Blood Moon Island

    monster hunter

    We head to the Monastic Forest and go to the eastern part of the location. There we find a small house, near which there is a cage with two demons. We learn that they were able to catch the master of the Source named Jaan (we met him in the first Original Sin). We approach him and immediately get almost 15 thousand experience points.

    During a conversation with the hunter, we agree to his request to go to the island of the Blood Moon and deal with a dangerous demon called Lawyer. If there is Louse in our group, we allow her to talk with Jaan to increase her reputation by 10 units. He will agree to help the girl if our party deals with the demon. As a result, we will get another 7.5 thousand experience points.

    In the hunter's house, be sure to look for a book called "Decorated Psalter". We will need it to complete one of the above tasks. It is worth reading it with a hero with the tag "Scientist" for an additional 14.5 thousand points (he must do this first).

    We head to the island of the Blood Moon, using a ghostly vision next to a broken bridge, located near the altar of wandering (Driftwood fields) or going to the port (Monastery Forest). We can easily teleport to the desired location by passing through the ghostly bridge. Once on the island, we head to the demon camp and talk there with the Lawyer. Next, we agree to complete his personal mission to gain additional experience points.

    If you wish, you can deal with the demon in the first meeting. However, we do not recommend doing this, because in this case the opportunity to complete the Lawyer quest, which will turn out to be quite profitable, will be lost.

    Having dealt with the masters of the Black Ring, who surrounded the tree, we can then do away with the Advocate himself. A dog and 3 characters will help him in the battle (the second dog will sit on the beach - we can deal with it separately and earn about 7 thousand more points). Before you attack the demon, you should deal with the pickpocket Basatana. Unfortunately, the monster will give relatively little experience (7 thousand), but it will be possible to take good loot from its corpse.

    For killing the dog and three of the Lawyer's henchmen, we will get about 36,000 more experience points. After their destruction, be sure to search the body of Basatan and find a scroll. Do not forget to also clear the location of all kinds of monsters in order to gain additional experience and items.

    After killing the demon, you will need to find out his name. We report to the hunter Jaan, and then we approach the Ancestral Tree and activate the "Ghostly Vision". We speak with the spirit of the tree and find out the name of the arch-demon.

    To talk with the Tree, you need to reveal its name, recorded in the journal of the archivist, located in the Archives, which are located on the island (its location is indicated in the screenshot below). We call the name and get more than 66 thousand experience points. Then we find out the name of the arch-demon that settled in Dr. Daeva.

    To detect the entrance to the Archives, a very high Intelligence parameter is required. We go inside (50.5 thousand experience points) and find out the necessary information. At the end, we go to Jaan and tell him about the death of the Lawyer, receiving another 36 thousand. When talking with him, you can get the same amount of experience points a second time. Having revealed the name to the hunter, we complete this task and receive a reward. If there is Lowse in the group, Jaan will try to help her, but will not be able to. Afterwards, he will head towards the "Lady of Vengeance" to face the arch-demon later.

    Secrets of the Blood Moon Island

    This quest appears in the journal after the revelation that the Black Ring is trying to get through the fog of death that surrounds the island. Once in this location, go to the place shown in the screenshot below - this is the passage leading to the Archives.

    Just for getting inside this structure, we will get more than 50 thousand experience points. We will also be able to use the "Ghostly Vision" and talk with the ghost of the Archivist. Regardless of the phrases we choose, we will get another 14.5 thousand. In the Archives we find a journal belonging to the archivist and read it. This will help us figure out the name of the Ancestral Tree - Eleaness.

    We go a little further and determine that the wall is an illusion that hides the door (this will require a high Intelligence parameter). We select a strange blade to get 50 thousand experience points. We interact with the lizard hero (the Red Prince will do) to make out the inscriptions on the blade. There is also a closed Tenebrium chest that consumes one Source point on interaction. We use the master key and open it. It contains a green pyramid of teleportation. The blue pyramids can be found in Dallis' quarters on the galley.

    The tree is located in the central part of the island. The Masters of the Black Ring crowded around him. They will attack us as soon as they see us if we fail the conversation test. We approach the tree and attack the opponents. We advise you to take the task "Lawyer" first of all to get additional experience points for killing masters.

    If we have not yet dealt with the Lawyer, then he will not let us chat with the Tree, and therefore we will have to kill him. His death is also required to complete the previous task. Then we speak with the Tree and call its name in order to learn all the secrets and get more than 66 thousand experience points. We learn that a powerful arch-demon, whose name is Adramalich, penetrated Dr. Daeva (we are talking about the quest "Doctor's Prescriptions"). This will complete the task.


    We head to the island of the Blood Moon, using the port located in the Monastery Forest (preparing to spend a small amount of gold coins), or the "Ghostly Vision" spell near the destroyed bridge, located near the altar of wanderings (fields of Driftwood). Choosing the second option, we step onto the spiritual bridge and teleport to the island. We can also use Spread Your Wings to move between supports.

    Having reached the desired location, we head to the demon camp, located in the western part of the island near the beach, and talk with the Lawyer there. We agree to deal with the masters of the Black Ring, who are standing next to the Ancestral Tree. We call him the king of fiends of the Void, so that the battle begins. The demon and his allies will take our side.

    Note: Taking advantage of the chaos on the battlefield, we can quickly deal with the Lawyer. However, in this case, we will not receive experience points for completing his quest.

    For helping the demon, we will get an additional Source point. If we already have 3 slots, then he will simply give us a book with a random skill. Near the tree, we will have to fight with four masters, some of which are able to summon golems (29 thousand points are given for killing them).

    After the massacre of the masters, a Lawyer will appear who will show us where the Nameless Island is located. The task will end on this, however, we can still attack the demon and thereby complete the previous tasks.

    Forgotten and damned

    We head to the island and near the entrance to the bridge, consisting of fragments, we find a map lying near the fire. It shows the location of the archive, three statues and a forge. Near the Advocate's camp, we find a statue that holds some secret, but it will not be possible to move it.

    To activate these statues, you will need the book "Taming the Sacred Fire". It is also called the "Decorated Psalter" (this name it bears until it is studied by a hero with the tag "Scientist"). We can find this book in one of 3 places:

    • In Jaan's house (we talked about how to find the book in the Monster Hunter quest).
    • In the archives located in the northeast of the location.
    • One of the Masters of the Black Ring, who can be fought near the Ancestral Tree.

    To decipher this book, you will need a character with the "Scientist" tag. After reading it, we will receive 14.5 thousand experience points. Now we can open the dungeons under the statues. However, before heading to the first of them, we go to the north of the island and look for an ancient forge (coordinates - X: 317, Y: 479). There we create silver levers from silver ingots. You will need two handles for the second and third dungeons. The ingots lie not far from the forge and on the corpse of the Black Ring, lying in an unfinished crypt.

    In the south of the location, not far from the demon squad, there are 3 dungeons. We use the book to destroy the statues and get inside. Each of the dungeons is associated with its own separate task. By the way, the quests “Bound by Pain” and “Uplifting Deception” will require us to have silver levers in our inventory.

    In the Archives, you can find out that living beings are imprisoned in dungeons, in which powerful demons have moved. Unfortunately, the healers were unable to cure them. As a result, they were simply locked in the dungeons so that they would not get out.

    The screenshot above shows an unfinished dungeon with nothing of value except a silver ingot. But it's still worth exploring to complete this quest. Next, we will consider 3 tasks, without which you will not be able to complete the current mission.

    Uplifting deceit

    After entering the dungeon, the entrance to which is indicated in the screenshot below, you will see a mechanism with a broken lever. When we try to use the previously created handle, nothing will happen. Therefore, we turn on the "Ghostly Vision" and find the spirit of Robert, who stands near the statue. We talk with him and convince him to open the door for us to kill the demon.

    We enter the room and go forward a little. If one of our heroes absorbs the energy of the Source, which is in a puddle, then the lizard will immediately speak to him. Therefore, we proceed with caution. If we agree to release Rajarima, then she will suck out all the Source points from the character and get out, which will immediately lead to a battle. She will then unleash a storm of arrows capable of causing significant damage to our group. It will be necessary to deal with the obsessed as soon as possible.

    If we don't release the demoness, then we'll need to defeat her in an argument. If successful, Rajarima will not be able to take the Source points from our heroes and get out to freedom. Next, you just need to kill her with ranged spells or arrows.

    However, it's easiest to just attack the enemy from high ground before talking to him. We rise somewhere higher and begin to fire at the lizard. After her death, we receive a reward in the form of 58 thousand experience points. Then we speak with the spirit and tell him about what happened in the dungeon.

    Bound by pain

    The entrance to the second dungeon is listed below. We make our way into it and turn on the “Ghostly Vision” skill to chat with the ghost of brother Calvin. Then we go forward and repair the destroyed mechanism using the silver handle. Then again we talk with the spirit and persuade him to open the door. To do this, you will need to perform a speech test, which requires a high Intelligence parameter. If we choose Memory, we can pass the test even with 5 units of persuasion.

    Having opened the door, we will come across a possessed gnome who will ask us to destroy all the pillars. After the destruction of these structures, the dwarf, of course, will become free, and therefore the battle will start. Unlike the previous opponent, the dwarf will be much weaker. For defeating him, we will receive almost 29 thousand experience points.

    When the dwarf dies, a demon named Morr Rottenmaw will arise. Without further ado, he will immediately attack our group. Of course, he will be more dangerous than a gnome, but still should not pose any serious problems for us. True, he has one dirty ability - there is a small chance that when hitting him, our character will become possessed and attack his own comrades. In this case, we beat our friend until he comes to his senses or dies (you can then resurrect). When the enemy leaves the body of our character, we attack him again in a crowd. For killing him, they give about 22 thousand experience points.

    There is a bug in this fight where the hero that deals the final blow to the demon gets the Demon Invasion debuff, but does not become Possessed. The battle will end, but the debuff will not go anywhere. It will disappear only after we deal fatal damage to the character. But in the end, a demon will get out of it and the battle will begin again.

    There is an alternative way to complete the quest that allows you to save the gnome. To do this, we just need to beat the dwarf with the same hero without killing him. Most likely, you will have to impose healing on him so that he does not die. We continue to attack him until he falls, and then we destroy the pillars.

    When the pillars collapse, the demon will exit the dwarf's body without killing him. Then we act as before - we kill the demon, trying not to touch it too often. We receive a reward in the form of experience, and then we talk with the gnome. A conversation with him will allow us to get about 36 thousand more experience points. Don't forget to also talk to Calvin for an additional reward. This will complete the task.


    The entrance to the last dungeon is marked below. We enter it and use the "Ghostly Vision" to talk with brother Morgan. He will ask us to save a little girl who is imprisoned in this dungeon. We agree or just lie to him so that he opens the door.

    Once inside, before talking with the child, we will need to talk with the cat (requires the Animal Friend talent) and pass a speech test. In case of failure, we will have to deal with the fluffy. If we pass the test, we can approach the girl. Next, we destroy the Source chains that fetter the child and talk to him (if the speech test is not passed, the girl will not wake up). It will not be possible to kill the girl, since she is invulnerable to any blows and spells. So the death of a cat will lead to the failure of the task.

    After talking with the child, we will receive 14.5 thousand experience points and will be able to move her to the ship, where she can be saved from obsession. We speak with Morgan and receive a reward for our actions. This will complete the quest.

    In addition, we will be able to complete the "Forgotten and Damned" task, which required us to explore all 3 dungeons and destroy the demons.


    We study the journal of the archivist, which we can find in the Archives located in the northeastern part of the location. As a result, we will find out the name of the Ancestor Tree.

    Then we head to the ruins located in the west of the island (several demons live here) and use the “Ghostly Vision” skill. Find the ghost of the druid and talk to him. He will ask us to save the Tree from suffering. This object is located in the central part of the level. However, in order to reach it, we will have to deal with the members of the Black Circle.

    Next, we talk with the Tree, using the spell to talk with the spirits. As a result, we ease his suffering. Here we, most likely, will also have to deal with the demons, the battle with which is necessary to advance along the Louse quest chain.

    Then the Tree will tell us that we need to deal with a doctor possessed by an arch-demon. To complete this quest and receive a reward, we again speak with the druid's ghost.

    Just what the doctor ordered

    After talking with the Ancestral Tree and revealing the name of the supreme demon, we head to Jaan and find out from him where the doctor is hiding. It turns out that the prince of darkness is in the city of Arx and pretends to be a local doctor. Once in the desired location, we first study the place where the wedding celebration takes place (task "Secrets of the Dwarves"). We find out that given demon sent the gnomes a wedding cake with explosives.

    Then we leave the school of the city and enter into a dialogue with the unfortunate citizen. He will give us a message that the doctor is grateful for the service rendered to him on the island of the Blood Moon (in case we helped the Lawyer). Then we kill Lord Kemm (mission "Vault of Linder Kemm") or Isbale (task "Secrets of the Dwarves") to receive an invitation from the doctor.

    Next, we head to the Black House, located in the northeastern part of Arks. Near it we will meet Ailment. We speak with her and she will transfer our group to the reality of the demon. Here we will see a lot of candles. We smell them and make a difficult moral choice - this will increase our characteristics. Then we go to the room where the demon is located.

    We note right away that the supreme demon has a level 20, so it will be extremely difficult to fight him. In addition, at the beginning we will have a little talk with him. He will offer us a deal - help in the battle with Dallis for half of the divinity that we can get at the end of the game. If we agree, then the contract will have to be sealed with blood (this decision seriously affects the ending). In case of refusal, the demon will immediately attack us. We recommend that you first deal with the nurses restoring the life of the arch-demon. We used physical attacks against them, as they had powerful magic armor.

    After killing the nurses, we again speak with the doctor, who will turn into a huge demon. We immediately spend all the Source points so that the enemy cannot suck them out of us. We kill the enemy, and then we talk with Louse.

    Note: You can throw a box containing death mist at an enemy to instantly kill them.

    We go down to the basement of the demon and find Jaan there, locked in a cage. In addition, there will be many rooms closed with magic. They can be easily unlocked with a simple master key. We found Quinn's armor here, giving the character levitation.

    Nameless Island

    Familiar face

    If we managed to save Delorus in the prison of Fort Joy, then we will be able to meet him on a small hill, located not far from the beginning of the location. He will ask us for permission to join our group, and in return he will tell useful information about Alexander and the Black Circle.

    We accompany the poor fellow of the 9th level to the temple of the elves and leave him there with friends. This character is rather frail, so you should not count on him to help in battles. Moreover, we will have to constantly protect him from various monsters.

    Looking for revenge

    The warriors will tell us that Alexander is already on the island and has set up camp in the north. You can find it at the top of the elf temple. There we will also meet Gareth, who will fight with the bishop. If we manage to calm him down, he will return to the ship and await our arrival. The easiest way to convince him is with Intelligence, since the requirements for Memory or Strength will be much higher. In addition, it will be much easier for us to convey our point of view to him if we were able to stop him from killing the silent monks earlier.

    If we decide to kill Alexander, then later we will be able to give his stump to the leader of the Black Circle, who will happily explain to us how to get to the Academy. However, you can go there directly, using the southern entrance.

    If we spare Alexander, then we still have to fight him in the Arena. Therefore, it is best to side with the Black Circle and deal with the bishop, and you can do this together with Gareth for the maximum reward. Don't forget to take the enemy's head later.

    • About 70 thousand experience points if we convince Gareth not to attack Alexander.
    • Over 200 thousand points and a divine artifact if we kill Alexander paired with Gareth (we will get another 100 points if Delorus remains alive).
    • A little over 40 thousand points if we defend Alexander and kill Gareth.


    At this location, we can encounter a large number of members of the Black Circle. We can convince all of them that lone wolves are traveling with you so that they remain neutral for us. As a result, we will be able to complete their quests and trade with them. If the persuasion does not work, then we will either need to bypass their parking lot, or kill all members of this cult.

    To complete this quest, you must complete two quests related to the leader of the Black Circle: "The reduction of the herd" and "An unusual visitor."

    Unusual visitor

    We head to the temple of Ralik (people) and see how the masters are fighting the Black Circle. If we decide to help the masters, then the survivors will tell us that Alexander is on top of the elven temple. We find the bishop there and talk with him. If we agree to help him deal with the leader of the Black Circle, then he will give us a hood that can dispel enemy illusions.

    We go east from the temple of people and find a cave of trolls there (the entrance is indicated in the screenshot below). We go inside and use the artifact of Alexander to remove the illusory cobblestone standing behind the altar. Thus, we will be able to get to the White-faced.

    We kill the leader of the cult and tell Alexander about it. He will tell us how to get into the Academy.

    Note: In one of Whiteface's chests, you can find a handle for the scythe of the Redeemer, which Almira will ask you to get.

    herd reduction

    We will receive this task only when we decide to side with the Black Circle. In this case, the brotherhood will tell us how to get into the Academy, if we agree to kill all our companions and clean their corpses from the "filth". There can be no bloodshed if we convince them to kneel before the God King. After that, White-faced will give us the necessary capacitor.

    mother tree

    Once in the temple of the elves, we talk with the local priestess. She will ask us to find an important descendant of the elves. Let's go to the top of the Tree.

    Note: This quest can also be obtained from the Raptor Prince of Shadows, which is located in the lava area in the southern part of the location.

    The offspring of the Tree will ask us to deal with the Prince of Shadows and bring his heart. At the exit, Saheila will talk to us, who will offer to destroy the heart of the Mother Tree. We deal with the Prince and bring the heart, receiving for this the talent "Deep Roots", which increases Memory by 3 units.

    The Tree will then want to talk to Sebilla (if she is in the group). She will tell us that Sebilla is to become the new Mother Tree. If we refuse, the elves will attack us, but our companion will remain alive. We kill the Tree, thereby freeing the elves and getting out of the temple.

    Mercy of the Watcher

    We find an undead observer in the north of the Dune Temple (gnomes). He will ask us to deal with the awakened dwarf knight, who, in his opinion, was swallowed up by the void.

    You can find the Knight of Dune inside the above temple. we will have to go through a large number of traps and deal with the defender. It's safer to send one hero and then teleport all the rest to him with the help of teleportation pyramids.

    After killing the knight, we activate the "Ghostly Vision" and find out what exactly happened here. Interact with the altar to find out more information about Dune. Then we return to the observer and talk about the completion of the quest. As a reward, we receive from him an amulet with the Guardian Angel skill.

    In the clouds

    We learn that the Temple of Amadia flies high in the sky. We can get there only by using the teleportation skill in the southwest of the island. Then we will need to climb up using the vines.

    Once in the temple, we find a statue near the starting point. We pray near her for a random buff.

    Note: Being in the cloud temple, after applying the first movement in the north of the location, we find a small floating island, on which there is a Stone with an engraving. We put it in inventory, as we will need it in the future to open the door with a face.

    We use teleportation to explore the temple of wizards and overcome many barriers. We are faced with a follower of Amadia, who will ask us to activate 3 runes in order to free ourselves from captivity. After activating the first rune, the barrier will disappear, but you still cannot do without teleportation. After freeing the follower, we get the gloves of the goddess from him if there is Fein in the group, who is actually the avatar of Amadia.

    scientific pursuit

    Once in the library of the Academy, we use the "Ghostly Vision" skill and talk with the ghost of Taryan. She will ask you to find the soul of his mistress. We can find it in the forbidden section of the library. We teleport one of our satellites to this part with the help of a puddle of the Source. Then we tell Rayalade about her soulmate and return to Taryan to collect the reward.

    test site

    Having found the teacher's office in the Academy, which can be accessed with the help of an ordinary master key, we find a portal located behind this room. It leads to a hidden arena. We pass through it, turn on the "Ghostly Vision" and talk to the ghost of the bird. We agree with her request and start the battle with the Great Defender.

    First, we activate the capacitor behind the Defender to create a powerful beam, and then with the help of mirrors we change the direction of the laser so that it hits the boss directly. As a result, he will be stunned. We advise you to use the elixir of invisibility to pull off this whole operation without being noticed.

    We search the body of the Defender and find the blade of the scythe, which will be needed in the future to free Vindego. We speak with the bird again, and then we teleport to the upper room, where you can find a good rune.

    The power of mercy

    We head to the camp of the Black Circle and find the witch Vindego in the side rooms, who sank our ship at the very beginning. We deal with her, but it will not work to absorb her soul, since she will immediately disappear.


    Battle at the gate

    Once near the bridge leading to Arx, we notice how the paladins are fighting with the vampires of the void of the 18th level. We defeat the monsters, and then we talk with the captain. He will thank us and let us into the city without question.


    We pass into the city and notice that the paladins are cracking down on all the masters who have contacted the Black Circle. We go to the courtyard of the barracks and meet a girl who will ask us not to let her wife be executed - a paladin named de Selby, who did not follow the order (killing defenseless masters). We are trying to convince Lord Kemm to forgive the paladin, or we are conducting an appropriate investigation.

    If we manage to save the paladin, then we will be able to meet her in the dungeon of the masters. She will tell us interesting information about the lord.

    Linder Kemm vault

    After saving the paladin from execution in the previous quest, we meet with her in prison. She will inform us that the lord hides dirty secrets in his vault. If we free Vindego during the passage of the task "The Power of Mercy", then we will find out that Kemm is a minion of the god-king at all.

    We head to the city square of Arks and find an artist there who draws bloody pictures. We use the "Ghostly Vision" and notice the spirit belonging to the painter's father. We talk with him and find out that the local lord keeps in his hiding place a rare painting called "The Second Passion of Lucian". We note right away that it was stolen. It can be purchased from the kids in the local thieves guild, but this requires a character with a high Persuasion parameter. We can find out where the entrance to the guild is from the girl at the local school.

    As for the entrance to Linder Kemm's vault, it is located right in his garden. Pull the lever to open the hatch. Then we pass through the hole that appears and find ourselves in a small dungeon.

    Here we have to face several automatons that patrol the area. We can either sneak past them (in the presence of a small party), or engage in a fight with them (they can be killed with a spell that drains the Source). We get to the end of the vault, use the "Ghostly Vision" and put the picture bought from the children in the guild in an empty frame. As a result, a passage to the secret room will open.

    Here we find another picture, which is connected in a certain way with responsibility. We take it and leave the room. Next, click on the book that is on the shelf on the right. A stone door will open, behind which there is a hatch.

    We pass through the hatch and get into the temple of the king-god. We talk with him, and then click on the sign located on the ground. It will say that only the god-king knows the burden of responsibility. We recall that earlier we found a painting with a similar name - we take it and put it on the altar. As a result, we will be able to open the hatch, with which you can get into the Arhu prison.

    Lord Arhu was closed here by Linder Kemm. To free him, you need to activate the "Ghostly Vision", and then use the skill of draining the source to defeat the two tormentors of the lord.

    Note: On a statue located nearby, you can find a scythe Redeemer, which we may need to complete certain quests.

    After the release of Lord Arhu, four warriors of the Black Circle will appear and attack us. Later, Kemm himself will come, with whom he also has to fight. If we want to keep Arch alive, then we keep him as far away from other enemies as possible by using the teleportation skill. However, even if he goes to another world, we can still talk to him using the "Ghostly Vision". As soon as we defeat all the enemies, Lord Arhu will tell us how the puzzle located in the cathedral is being solved.

    Quest for Lord Arhu

    Lord Arhu is in Linder Kemm's vault. Above, we talked in detail about how to get into it. In the end, we will be able to reach the prison, in which there is a prisoner held by two ghosts. We destroy them by sucking out the Source, and then we fight with Lord Kemm and his henchmen.

    After that, Lord Arhu will be free, and we can chat with him to find out how to get past the puzzle located in the cathedral. By the way, in order for Arhu to survive in battle, it is necessary to teleport him away from enemies and help him if necessary.

    Master of Dreams and Nightmares

    Being in the storehouse of the masters, which is located directly under their barracks, we can find a book called "Report on the Toy Dealer". As a result, we will learn a lot of interesting things about this character and get the corresponding quest. There is an alternative way to get this task - we talk with Lord Arhu and learn from him about Jefferson, who can help us get into the cathedral. We go to the toy store and convince the seller to cooperate with us. He will give our hero an amulet capable of storing the Source. We fill it and return to Zanders.

    Then again we communicate with the merchant. Again we try to convince him. If successful, he will tell us that to get into the divine tomb, you need a special scroll of atonement. Luckily for us, this magical piece of paper is right in the shop on the 2nd floor. The password to the box with the scroll will be revealed to us by Zanders himself.

    We don’t hang our heads if we didn’t manage to convince the puppeteer, because we can just get to the 2nd floor and open the box where the scroll lies. We will need this item and the amulet to open the hatch located in the cathedral.

    The last stronghold of the masters

    Having reached the barracks belonging to the masters, we see that the paladins are trying to find the secret entrance to the secret room. The hatch they can't find is in a room with a lot of traps underneath a couple of crates.

    To the south of the kitchen, we can find the ghost of Marvell, who knows the correct password for the hatch, but it will be extremely difficult to get this combination from him, so we try to open the hatch ourselves. To do this, you need to specify 4 phrases in a certain order. In the bedroom nearby there are signs on which these phrases are written, but only 2 of them can be seen. The correct combination looks like this:

    1. Purity of thought.
    2. Body discipline.
    3. order in society.
    4. Loyalty to the Divine.

    After solving the riddle, we will gain experience, and the ghost will disappear, so if we need a source, then we should suck out their spirit before entering the password. We pass into the basement and near the southern wall we find a button that opens the entrance to the treasury of the masters. We go down and find another closed hatch.

    In the basement we find large paintings hanging on the walls. We move them aside, but do not put them in inventory and do not remove them from the walls. Behind them we find 4 buttons that must be pressed in a certain sequence (the names of the paintings):

    1. Intelligence.
    2. Society.
    3. Body.
    4. Divinity.

    As a result, we will gain access to another secret room where the ghost of Hux lives. Next to him we find the White Master's Key, with which we will be able to go to the lower level.

    At the bottom we encounter Master Raymond and three Geist bodyguards. Before the battle, he will set fire to everything, so you have to fight him on fire. Having defeated this enemy, we search the room and find the diaries of Raymond and Dallis, in which all the plans of the main villains are revealed. At the same time, a new quest "Revival of the King" will begin.

    The rebirth of the king

    On the lower level, we can also find a book lying near the table and informing about who Dallis is going to resurrect. We return to the echo hall and talk there with the necromancer Tarkin, who will report that he really helped Dallis, but only under the threat of death. In order to somehow atone for his sins, he will give us the Anathema - this is one of the best two-handed weapons in the game.

    Missing prisoners

    We enter the prison and talk with the paladins. We find out from them that earlier the masters tried to find out where several prisoners disappeared. Now the paladins have taken up this matter, but they cannot advance on it.

    When we deal with Isbale in the "Secrets of the Dwarves" task, we will be able to find these prisoners in the girl's laboratory. They will all end up dead, as the life was sucked out of them to get the Source.

    The power of mercy

    On the Nameless Island in the Black Circle camp, we can find a letter that talks about Vindego. We will be able to meet her again in the underground prison of the masters, located in their barracks. To get into this part of the location, we convince two paladins that we will be able to overcome it.

    If we decide to release the woman, then first of all we give her a certain amount of coins to improve relations with her. Then we press the switch and thereby open the cage. As a result, she will teach us the skill "Charm Netherfiend" and inform that Linder Kemm is now the new general of the god king and is helping him in advancing the interests of demons. Dwarf Isbale also serves the demons.

    With the Redeemer scythe, we can release the witch from her oath to the god-king. However, if we have only one of the two scythes (the first can be collected on the Nameless Island, and the second can be found in Kemm's vault), then we will not be able to help the Red Princess when completing the Red Prince's personal quest.

    Mistakes of the past

    We will need to get into the master's prison, which we can get into with the help of sewers. First, we use the "Ghostly Vision" in the barracks, and then we talk with Winslow. We agree to help him in search of Banne. The body of this character lies near the sewer. Apply the vision again and talk to his ghost. Now we can go inside the sewers.

    In a boarded up room in a small cage, we notice a boy whose name is Karon. He is awakened, raised by the order, but ultimately determined to go against them. We turn on the "Ghostly Vision" and find dead seekers who want to leave the boy in a cage forever. If we break the cage, then the boy will attack us and he will have to be killed.

    If we decide to spare the boy and leave the room, then we will definitely return to it again. We will see that the cell is empty. Climb up and head to the western quarter. Here, the maddened Karon will attack everyone he meets on his way. We enter into battle with him and kill him. This will complete the quest.

    Old means golden

    Heading to western part of the city and we find a merchant selling antiques and waiting for Appraiser Kat not far from the house of Lord Kemm. We go into the mansion and talk to the girl. We convince her to reveal her secrets and she will ask us to find 3 expensive artifacts that lie in Linder Kemm's vault. We talked about how to get into it in the task of the same name. Inside we have to fight with several automatons.

    After finding all the relics, we return to the Appraiser and receive our well-deserved reward.

    Lessons are over

    We go to the southeast of the city and find a school there, which was occupied by outcasts and excommunicated monks. We talk with the girl and convince her to show us where the thieves guild is located. Then we speak with Beryl Griff and tell him about Griff, who lived in Fort Joy, in order to get additional experience points.

    This Griff will ask us for a favor - he wants to restore the school, and for this he first needs to drive out all the outcasts. We go to Sister Skori and convince her to leave (you can use force). Then we return to Griff and take away his well-deserved reward.

    Secrets of the Dwarves

    There are several methods for activating this quest, but all of them are related to getting into the dwarf wedding, which is held in the northeast of the location. We head to the right place and look for a drunken dwarf near the building, from whom you can bargain for an invitation and get to the wedding. We can also go to this celebration of life through the sewers (beware of fog spiders) or the backyard. In the latter case, we approach the mansion of the wisest, move to the northern balcony of the building and find pebbles on the left wall, along which we can climb the wall.

    Once in the courtyard, we find many corpses killed by the fiends of the void. We study the statues to search for traces of monsters near the pipes. We use the "Ghostly Vision" and talk with the spirits of the dead guests. Next, click on the wedding cake, which will immediately explode and enemies will come out of it. We destroy them, and then we find out from the guard who sent the sweet treat. This donor will turn out to be a mysterious doctor, whom we have already heard about from the Ancestral Tree. It is under his guise that the supreme demon is hiding. For more information, see the quest "Just what the doctor ordered".

    Next we head to the sewers. To do this, we find the key to it on a dead body lying on the northern balcony of the dwarf courtyard, and then we go down to the basement of the house where the surviving daughter-in-law is located, and take a bottle called “Lulabelle Honey Wine” from the counter. As a result, a secret ladder will go down and we will be able to open the sewer hatch.

    We head to the second level of the sewer and go east. There we find a strange hole in the wall. We destroy it and thus get into the courthouse. There we meet the queen, who was constantly manipulated by her adviser named Isbeil. If earlier we managed to talk with the witch Vindego, then we tell the queen that Isbale works for the Black Circle. As a result, Justinia will not fight us. Next, we fight with the gnome and members of the Black Circle. The battle will prove to be tough as all the enemies will be at the top. We use the skill of fast movement in order to quickly get out of the pit.

    After the fight, use "Ghostly Vision" and talk with Isbale's ghost to find out her motives. Then we find a secret door in the left corner of the hall and find the queen. We speak with Justinia and decide what to do with her. We can attack her, as she tried to poison all the inhabitants of Arx, or spare her, because in fact she was simply manipulated. Next, we study the room for experiments conducted on the awakened ones, and go outside.


    To complete this task, we need a special scythe Redeemer. It can either be found in Lord Arhu's dungeon, or assembled from two parts lying on the Nameless Isle. Without this weapon, it will not be possible to save the Red Princess. As for the consulate building, it is located in the northwest of Arks. To get inside, you need a hero with well-pumped Hack and Theft parameters. We get them to the fountain, and then we go to the door, which can either be cracked or opened with the key lying nearby.

    Then, with the help of teleportation pyramids, we reunite our team. We use the "Ghostly Vision" and look for the portal. We pass through it and get into the arena. Here we fight with the reflections of the villains that we could meet earlier. We destroy all the mirrors from afar, thereby avoiding the battle.

    After we head to the door and move to another location. We talk with the seeker near the portal and find out where the Red Princess can be found. With the help of a scythe, we release her from the oath made to the god-king. We use the fiery breath of the Red Prince to create a dragon, and then we leave the dream.