Which edition of dnd is better 5. Dungeons and dragons (Dungeons and Dragons). Board game "Dungeons and Dragons"

List of spells from Players Handbook D&D5 in Russian and English. Bard, Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard spells from Players Handbook, Dungeon Master Manual, Temple of Elemental Evil and Sword Coast Adventurers Guide with spells from different class archetypes.

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A spell card can be hidden from the general list by clicking on in the upper right corner of the card. In this case, the spell will disappear from the general list and its name will be displayed at the very bottom of the filter panel. If you click on the name, the spell will return to the general list.

Fortifying spells

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Spell highlight

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Once the cards are selected, you can do the following in bulk:

  • Change spell text font size. The font size for everyone will be the same as on the card, on which you click Plus or Minus to change the font size.
  • Change card width. Buttons in the menu will resize only selected cards, or all if there are no selected ones.
  • Pin/Unpin cards. Clicking on the lock icon on any of the cards all selected ones will be fixed. Similarly, when detaching pinned cards.
  • Hide cards. Clicking on the eye icon on any of the cards, all selected ones will be hidden.

Spell display

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Spell Seal

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If you want to print spells, it's best to do it through Chrome (handy print settings). For this you need:

  • press the key combination +[P]
And, if everything suits you, click the "Print" button, or:
  • in the window that appears, click "Advanced settings"
  • select fields "Personalized"
  • drag the fields with the mouse so that the cards are normally distributed on the sheet (remember that the printer usually prints with margins, if you make the margins too small, some of the cards may be cut off when printing)

If you have questions or suggestions - .

I hate Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition. Not even words are enough to describe how strong it is.

After reading the rules of the fifth edition ( also known as D&D Next), I felt grace and enlightenment - I even found peace and faith in humanity for a while.

Not for long.

The main company showed lukewarm interest ( it would even be more correct to speak of a negative value of interest), flipped through a couple of pages, and three out of four said "Ah, yes, nah, let's continue to drive the four - you like it so much!".

On jet propulsion, I flew to another company, in which I offered to play a five-shot one-shot. There we quickly agreed, played a session ( around August of this year), and only then we had an idea with a test different systems and settings in the form of one-shots.

So, although this report is the third on the site, chronologically it was our very first.

As a script, I used a draft of one module, which still did not have a chance to play. As it turned out later, the draft for the one-shot should have been finalized.

About the system.

D&D is a role-playing game of the heroic type. The main emphasis is on dungeon crawling, solving riddles, fighting traps and monsters - not in a realistic spirit ( high-level characters can literally be shot with a hundred arrows, and they will survive after that), but with a wide variety of tactics and solutions to different situations.

Characters are divided into classes that give access to certain abilities and improve certain parameters - for example, a mage is better able to counteract pressure on the psyche, a warrior is more tenacious and hits with weapons more often, and a barbarian does more damage.

Each class is better for a specific role, and it's highly desirable for the party to pick them up to complete as many tasks as possible - for example, it's highly desirable to go down to an average static dungeon with a dude rummaging around in traps and picking locks.

The overall power and experience of a character is measured in levels - a character of level 5 is stronger than a character of 4 or less. At the same time, getting a level, you can choose both the same class (making the character more highly specialized), and other classes (expanding its capabilities).

All situations are resolved with a d20 roll, the difficulty of the roll being set by the GM. Modifiers from various sources can be added to the result of the roll - one's own skill, favorable / unfavorable conditions and special abilities.

In addition, a character can have an advantage or a disadvantage. In both cases, 2 twenty-hedra are thrown at once - with an advantage, the largest result is chosen, with a hindrance, the smallest. If a character has both an advantage and a hindrance, then they neutralize each other.

During the battle, 20 is considered the best result - this is how an automatic hit (with critical damage) is applied. At the same time, 1 is an automatic miss.

After a hit, another die is rolled, the type of which depends on the weapon - a knife, for example, gives d4 damage, and a two-handed ax - d12.


We took the characters from the 6th level to see more possibilities.

But it was decided not to bother anyone with creating characters and scattering numbers - so they took pregens from here, and not very optimized ones.

Names were already taken right before the game, and again without bothering. Thus we got:

Able to cast spells, specializing in illusions. Among the spells - basically all sorts of crap to avert eyes and strengthen allies.

A two-meter cabinet with 62 hit points, a two-handed ax and battle rage. He runs around in his pants and blows off heads with wide swings of an ax.

The owner of the highest protection in the pack. Like any cleric in D&D, needed to quickly heal wounds.

A thief with a specialization "assassin" who knocks enemies out with a bow. He knows how to sneak, pick locks, delve into other people's pockets and disarm traps.

No one had any secrets - a pack for bluntly cutting out oncoming opponents. And what else, in general, to demand from a melon?


On the story of the differences between the five and the four and new goodies ( like advantages-disadvantages) took about half an hour. I think this makes the system good for beginners - the basics are quickly explained, no nuances need to be covered, and players don't need to know too much.

Along the way, he explained that our setting is just a D&D generic fantasy where you can meet a drow, beholder or duergar. I did it just to save our time so that we don’t have to focus on the local history, geography and other details we evaluated the system first of all, but the settings didn’t fucking give up on us.

The Party of Heroes had been resting in the city of Ambersain for several days. They were getting ready to start looking for some hack when a letter arrived with an invitation from the Aeronautics Club - a highly respected society that invents flying machines. The letter politely offered a high-paying job that needed delicate adventurers.

Without thinking twice, the heroes went to the Club. In front of the expensive Club building, they were slightly delayed by the doorman because of the appearance of the Crag Hack, and they had to wait a little more before the reception with the leaders ( if someone tried to eavesdrop under the door, they would hear the secretary talking "there came... er... visitors, with some unwashed half-orc" ).

There were two leaders - Meriwether Ambersine and Lewis Anchin. I described them as "two gentlemen in expensive clothes", and in general I tried to create a feeling of something old-fashioned and pompous. If someone paid attention to the name of one of them, then I would say that this guy is one of the descendants of the founders of the city, and that theoretically you can shake off more money.

The club needed the heroes to visit Corvus Tunnicleaf - a hereditary nobleman, an honorary member of the club, a brilliant inventor and an unbearable person. The club organized a competition every year, where the club members showed the devices and passed a special track on them somewhere near the city (for the sake of which spectators from the nearest regions even came to the city).

An eyewitness who lives near the Tunnicleaf estate said that he saw some kind of aircraft moving at a very high speed. The leaders of the Club suspected that Corvus had violated one of the most important rules in the construction of vehicles for the race - no magic in the design, neither for the construction of the apparatus, nor for direct work.

When the Club sent experts and politely asked to see the apparatus for testing, Tunnicleaf refused to do so. Here he would have simply been disqualified from racing, but Corvus grabbed a couple of points in the racing regulations, according to which he could not show the device before the start if the device was created with a non-disclosure agreement with a third party. Interestingly, for some reason the players did not ask what kind of contract this was, and if anyone in the Club had seen it.

Thus, officially the heroes were sent to Tunnicliffe to remind them of the overdue payment for some minor event - but in reality it was required to find the device, inspect for the presence of magic, and break it if any rules were violated - without harm to other property, health or the lives of Corvus himself and his servants ( the leaders of the Club were sure that this was the only way to keep Corvus from some trick that could disrupt or turn the race into a farce).

The party agreed to this task - of course, with an agreement to keep silent about the essence of the task and without signing any papers leading to the Club, but with an increased advance payment.

Going out into the street and looking at the bag of money, the players suddenly turned their attention to their belongings - everyone had only the simplest weapons and a rather meager inventory. A slightly strange moment for a pack of the 6th level, to be honest, albeit a pregenerated one.

It was immediately decided to fix it - Sunny received a magical bow (+1, the most simple and affordable), and all sorts of garbage was bought for the road for various situations. Satisfying craving for materialism ( as it turned out in further one-shots, quite ordinary for them), the party went to Tunnicleaf.

On my way.

Walking along the highway, at first the heroes observed the pastoral area around the city - mills, farms and wheat fields. Only after a couple of hours they reached the uninhabited lands that the road crossed.

There they were attacked by wild animals.

I decided to make the first fight as simple as possible so that both I and the guys could get into the nuances - why they were attacked by only four identical wolves (which were actually worgs from the Monster Manual with a "different skin"). The battlefield is an open road, next to which, for decency, a couple of pebbles and trees are drawn.

Here I must make one blot so that those who read this text do not make my mistake: the complexity of the encounter in the top five is calculated from the amount of exp given for the monsters, and then the resulting figure is superimposed on a simple plate with character levels, from which it follows, for example, that a character of the 6th level for breakfast will devour a monster / monsters for 300 exp.

Then the summed up exp from the enemies must be multiplied by a certain number (depending on the number of monsters) indicated in another plate. As a result, four worgs cost not 400 exp ( slightly above level "eat for breakfast" ), and 800 ( nearly "Say thanks if you survive" for one character). It was on multiplication that I fucked up, because I was brutally delighted “Hurrah, in the top five everything is much easier than in the four!” and didn't read this page.

That is why, when I set all the wolves on one character, he was almost torn into small pieces.

Yes, I'm great.

The wolves ran in from the side of the barbarian, he began to cut them out at an accelerated pace, and the battle lasted only a 3-4 round - however, the worgs had one very interesting ability: after their successful attack, the target must throw a strength saving throw in order not to fall.

I joyfully pounced on the dwarf wizard, and was quite surprised that rather frail (26 health, 13 defense), but friendly wolves very quickly reduced the magician's health to almost minus. Perhaps, without the help of the barbarian, the dwarf could have died.

Some of the wolves ran so as not to cause free attacks (attack of opportunity - the ability to hit the enemy when he runs past) and not to grab from the barbarian, and some specifically walked past him so that there was an occasion to make an important remark about free attacks.

The fact is that in the fourth edition, a character / mob can grab a hare if, at a distance of a melee strike, he does not follow his defense ( pick your nose, run back and forth, cast a spell, do some fairly complex manipulations with small things, etc.), while in the top five this moment was simplified: now you can grab it, only leaving the cell at striking distance.

This certainly pleased all the casters, as both the gnawed dwarf lying on the ground and the embarrassed cleric threw spells without any hesitation, although they were surrounded.

Here they also felt well how strong the disadavantag's are: the lying dwarf, trying to cast something, threw cubes with him ( I reasoned that it was quite difficult to concentrate on the magic formulas, lying in the dust and frantically kicking from four wolves), and for all four rounds did not play no one good spell.

After chopping down the wolves and slightly putting the chewed dwarf in order, the heroes continued on their way. When it got dark, it was decided to spend the night in the field in order to be fresh and rested on the spot.


The grounds of the Tunnicleaf estate were surrounded by a fence, past which the heroes walked for about a kilometer before they found themselves in front of the gate.

No one came out to the ringing of a bell, a loud knock, and even just screams. They decided not to let Craig-Hack knock, fearing that he would blow the gate.

When it finally became clear that no one would come out, Sunny decided to simply climb over the gate, beyond which no one was found - dead silence, an empty three-story estate without a single glimpse in the dark windows, an empty gatehouse and a thick bolt on the gate.

Having somehow coped with the gate, the heroes looked into the watchman's house. Although at first glance it seemed that everything in it was normal, the cleric decided to stir up the floor covered with straw - and saw dried blood stains on the boards.

The entrance to the mansion was on the second floor, on the terrace, which was reached by a double staircase. After looking out the windows for a bit (some kind of rout reigned inside), Sunshine again decided to take the initiative and tried to open the front door. Almost immediately, something flew out through the thick oak door, punching through her shoulder and showering those around her with shrapnel.

Azazir immediately began to treat the injured thief, and Crag-Hack jumped inside the house with an ax unsheathed - but there was no one alive in the room, just a heavy, powerful crossbow, which fit to be called a miniature ballista, was aimed at the door.

Strictly speaking, it was not even quite a crossbow, but a massive mechanism with mounting screws that could be attached to almost any flat surface. The dwarf, after a careful examination, found the brand and the inscription "Magitek" - with some creak, recalling that it was some kind of duergar ( a race of underground dwarves famous for their nasty personalities) is a manufactory producing very expensive movements.

All together it looked somehow bad, especially considering that the whole house was turned upside down.

Having examined the top floor, the heroes did not find almost a single whole thing - all the furniture was broken, the paintings were removed from the walls ( holes in places), stacks of books were stored in one of the rooms, which, after viewing, were already much less carefully thrown into a pile by someone. As I hoped, everyone took the hint that something was being looked for here, and for quite a long time, and that Corvus was clearly in distress.

Carefully moving through the mansion, the heroes reached the kitchen, which was obviously used by someone from time to time and did not clean up after themselves too hard. There was also a staircase to the first floor.

The next room was used as a warehouse for food - and several bags and barrels were carelessly opened. In addition, the party came across second closed door in the entire mansion. Crag-Hack did not heed the arguments that there was a trap on the first one - he only grunted in response, and boldly pulled the handle towards himself.

Of course, another Magitek "wall-mounted crossbow" was hanging outside the door, and everyone was again showered with wooden chips from a thick crossbow bolt - this time, however, no one was hurt ( barbarian successfully dodged), but in the future they decided not to allow the half-orc to the doors.

Meeting with guests.

The lower floor was intended for servants - it was not so richly decorated ( but still looked good), and on the way they saw many barrels and boxes of provisions, as well as a dozen small living rooms.

There was still not a single living soul. In addition, there were no windows on the first floor, and all the lamps were clearly out for a long time and had not been used for several days - which made the characters even more suspicious ( at first, no one even wanted to light a torch, but they still had to do it - only Crag-Hack and Sunshine could more or less see in the dark).

Finally, they came to another locked door. While the others distracted Craig-Hack with the riddle "how to make a triangle out of two sticks," Sunny opened the door and cautiously peered into the room.

At first, everything seemed to her the same as in the rest of the rooms on the floor, but the others also joined in the inspection - moreover, taught by bitter experience, they decided not to even step over the threshold for the time being. The dwarf Vanshot was especially neat and meticulous, who saw the third trap - the third Magitek crossbow in a recess right above the entrance, and hastily built into the floor pressure plate, thanks to which the bolt should have hit right in the head of an inattentive guest.

So they, stepping over the slab and deciding not to mess around with turning off the Magitek crossbow, went into a cramped cellar filled with barrels up to the ceiling. As soon as they began to take a closer look at the room, the nearest mountain of rubbish stirred, from which some shapeless stone construct crawled out, and poisoned darts flew out of the darkness at them.

Perhaps it was at this moment that I began to admire the five.

Using just three monsters ( galeb dhur - the same stone, as it were, golem - and two svirfneblin - gnomes living deep underground), and trying to make the most of the narrow space with darkness, I managed to make a rather complex and interesting fight, for which I didn’t even have to make any special efforts - just open the Monster Manual and calculate the complexity of the collision.

The galeb dhura had a very high resistance to physical damage - which for some reason the rest of the players did not feel too much, leaving the barbarian to beat him. So he shattered the golem, dulling the ax along the way.

In addition, he could deal additional damage with a chance to drop the target ( which I did not use due to tightness), and create small copies of myself - which I did, taking advantage of the fortunate two-cell gap between the main group and the thief.

Svirfneblin were very dead, but they were small, nimble and well able to hide among the stones ( with which the walls of the first floor were finished - a slight stretch, I know, but I decided that it would do). They just threw poisoned darts, complicating the life of the adventurers, and just in case they carried small “war picks” (war pick).

The fight went something like this: Sunshine broke away from everyone and tried to talk to one of the svirfneblin as though she were a sentient being. He was firmly convinced that they did not see him, he became a little crazy and, out of fright, rushed to the back of the elf thief, starting to beat her hysterically with his pickaxe.

While Sunny was imbued with contempt for the humane view of the monsters, the others tried to cope with the galeb dhur and the little "galeb dhuryats", who happily knocked Azazir down and began to slowly turn his insides into a chop.

Separately, everyone was pleased with the second svirfneblin that jumped out of the darkness and hung on a Magitek crossbow. Realizing that a bolt would fly at someone at a very inopportune time, Oneshot decided to fire some more powerful spell, and used a beam of energy, after which the svirfneblin rolled off the crossbow in the form of blackened bones.

After the fight and a quick licking of their wounds, everyone returned to inspecting the premises - first of all by asking a question "Who are svirfneblin?". To which I gave another hint about what awaits them next - "these are deep gnomes who rarely come to the surface, but are often slaves to the duergar". For some reason, no one began to examine the remains of the galeb dhura and clarify "what to expect from the duergars".

Except dead gnomes ( from which all things were quite expectedly hacked), the heroes were also interested in the hatch in the floor, and the model of some complex (by local standards) mechanism. After a brief inspection, everyone came to the conclusion that this was a non-working prototype that ran on natural gas - no one understood what this thing was for, but everyone remembered it for the future.

Lower basement.

At first, the heroes wanted to stop and rest, but they didn’t really like the idea of ​​getting hit on the head from some creeping deep dwarf while resting - so they climbed down right away, with a reduced supply of spells.

The basement turned out to be a workshop - a short corridor led to another room, littered with boxes and tables with tools. There were a lot of sketches and diagrams on the walls, but even more papers lay on the floor - whoever invaded the mansion, he also managed to shake everything up here.

When the adventurers found the locked door in the workshop, the duergar unexpectedly attacked.

As I said above, I screwed up quite a bit in the combat difficulty calculation system, so instead of "hard" I accidentally changed the difficulty to "deadly". Oops.

A whole gang crawled out and surrounded the heroes from all sides - 3 svirfneblin and 6 duergar armed with hammers, one of which stood out for more skillfully made equipment and an eye patch.

I gave the leader the parameters of the warlord hobgoblin - it turned out to be a rather evil leader-swordsman, capable of doing a lot of damage in one turn and parrying enemy blows ( mechanically done, it's quite funny, simple and effective - once per turn, you can increase defense by 3 from melee).

Duergar were able to become invisible (which they did by ambushing) and increase in size for 1 minute - this way they took up more space and dealt more damage.

The fight was pretty tough for the heroes, no one passed the surprise test, so the dwarves got a round of surprise - a whole turn when they were the only ones to act, kicking almost all the characters properly. By the time the heroes began to act, everyone had lost from a third to a half of their hit points ( which made me further double-check if I screwed up something with the complexity).

For a couple of moves it even seemed to me that I was about to inadvertently put them all down (which is not so scary for a one-shot, perhaps), but the barbarian began to furiously knead the dwarves, and when two of them fell, the leader soberly assessed the strength of his henchmen.

The one-eyed duergar ordered everyone to retreat and he began to back away towards the exit upstairs, standing up if possible so as to block other people's attacks and prevent other dwarves from approaching - as a result, everyone except him managed to fall down. The ringleader was tied up, they did not pursue the runaways ( in my opinion in vain, in the future it should have caused big problems).

After cleaning the corpses, the heroes began to interrogate the duergar - he only scolded and insulted them in response ( a couple of intimidation and persuasion rolls were made, the results of which did not impress the seasoned thug too much). When Crag-Hack was about to break the leader's limbs one at a time, someone asked:

What's behind the workshop door?

See for yourself. The duergar grinned nastily.


Behind the door was Corvus Tunnicleaf, tied up, at first mistaking the adventurers for new tormentors. However, they tried to dispel the misunderstanding as soon as possible, and finally the distrust subsided when the ropes were removed from Corvus and he managed to kick the captive duergar in the kidneys a couple of times.

According to Tunnicleaf, 3 years ago he won the Club competition by making a glider with three axes of rotation - this is how he did all the other inventors who built completely different variations of balloons and under-zeppelins.

However, it seemed to him that this was not enough - some other element in the design was needed so that it could develop more decent speed, traction and maneuverability. In his search, he came across an engineer from somewhere underground, duergar Kadol Thanotchisirikul (= 3 ), who, as a co-author of the apparatus, shared his development - gas engine.

For the past year and a half, Tunnicleaf and Thanotchisirikul have been building various forms of aircraft and a testing ground on which several prototypes have already been beaten - and were able to make a stable device that they were going to shock everyone at the next race ( their confidence in success was fully justified - 40 km / h against slow-moving balloons).

Except Kadol forgot to mention why he was on the surface at all: he was running from the technology concern Magitek, which had been chasing Kadol for the sake of his invention for several years. Several friends and relatives suffered, which is why he decided to leave as far as possible.

Cadol and most of the servants were at the training ground, preparing the apparatus for the race, but Tunnicliff was not lucky - he was kept in the basement for about a week, alternately torturing him and the three remaining servants.

Corvus was silent like partisans, although all three were tortured to death, and most of his fingers were broken and scars were left all over his body - he understood that this whole shobla would simply kill everyone at the training ground if he at least something to peep about his location.

After listening to this story to the end, Vanshot said something "accidentally" in the spirit "Great, and we're here to collect a fee for one club event...".

Corvus looked at the smeared gore "toll collectors" (especially keeping his eyes on Crag-Hack), and bluntly said that he knew why they were sent here. Vanshot tried to deny something, but Corvus simply offered to go with him to the training ground, see for himself in his honesty, and accept another contract - with the opportunity to wipe his nose at the Aeronautics Club.

Quickly getting ready for the road with anguish examining the ruined house), Corvus led the heroes to Kadol at the training ground. The road took about 8 hours off-road (excluding one more overnight stay in the undergrowth), and at night they were in place.

There they met Kadol ( limping on one leg, and looking at strangers with ill-concealed fear), and examined standing under a canopy airplane. In which, of course, there was not a drop of magic.

And in the same place, Corvus made them an offer - to tell the club leaders that everything is fine, to give them money for the event, and then come back here and prepare to pilot the machine at the races.

Everyone agreed, but it was already ten o'clock on the IRL clock - and the rest of the script was quite time consuming. We decided not to continue, because we saw everything that we wanted to see in the role-playing system.

It's a pity - the race promised to be very entertaining, as well as the preparation for it. I was going to make a separate non-trivial task of delivering the device to the launch (the surviving duergars would try to disrupt it), and greatly complicate the life of the aircraft crew - there would be "boarding duergars" that would have to be thrown off the wings of the aircraft, and traps of competitors, and even trying to escape the dragon: The ubiquitous dwarves would slander the local druid community that the gas engine would quickly screw up the whole ecology if seen in action, and the druids would take the problem to the forest-dwelling golden dragon Oxus.

But what they didn't play, they didn't play. It's a pity, but in the end all I had left was a plan of the route and a sketch of the aircraft.


From the funny: the players were in many ways much more adequate than I was used to ( in another pack, it's common to attack other adventurers, it's completely inhumane to torture prisoners, and... ahem... shit on tavern doorsteps), but at the same time less advanced.

I was surprised that they climbed into the mansion right away (they would have found another entrance and a pit with three corpses in the backyard), that they didn’t throw a knowledge check on opponents (the same galeb dhura would be picked up faster if they knew about its resistance to physical damage - yes and probably better prepared for an ambush, knowing that the duergar can be invisible), and that they managed to get into rather obvious traps as many as twice.

When discussing impressions, at first everyone said rather cautiously "the same eggs, only in profile"(relative to D&D 4), but soon agreed that the new system was much better than the old one. One of the players was even going to insist on changing the four to five in his campaign

I can say that the system is at least good for the master - it's easy to cut encounters, calculate difficulty and rewards, and in general it's easier to take into account things "behind the screen". All abilities have become simpler and clearer, the monsters from the first MM (Monster Manual) will last for a long time.

On the part of the master, you can only cling to the terrible structuring of spells and magic items - they are arranged alphabetically and not by type or at least power level, and translations additionally confuse - you can get quite confused in search of "treatment of small wounds", which in another translation became "healing of minor wounds."

On the part of the players, there are solid pluses in comparison with the four. Judge for yourself:

1. Battles have become faster, more dynamic, and there are distinct tactics in them, and not the boring "encounter-encounter-atville-atville-atville". To a large extent, the acceleration was affected by an adequate amount of health for both adventurers and monsters.

2. A bunch of modifiers disappeared, which is why you don’t have to calculate bonuses and minuses from the skill / parameter / level / things / weather / mood / desire of the left heel for half an hour - now a minimum of modifiers is used, and the main part of them is replaced by a system of advantages and disadvantages.

3. Returned to 20 levels instead of 30, returned normal spells (as in D&D 3.5 and before), returned an adequate multiclass.

Personally, in my opinion, making characters in the four is simply not interesting - they can do about the same thing, you have to look for differences between classes in the same archetype with a magnifying glass, and sometimes you can get more benefit from a new item, rather than a new level.

Now, although the system seems to have become simpler, the characters are being made much more individual and given a greater choice of development.

If you haven't played D&D or RPGs in general before, Fifth Edition is a great place to start.

There are clear and well-structured rules, a very stable balance ( fewer numbers - it's harder to ruin everything because of some mistake), and you do not need to study tons of books to make an adequate character who will not be devoured in the first battle.

The only serious drawback is the paucity of materials. The system was released relatively recently (late 2014), which is why there are few official books so far.

If you don't like 4, but are tired of the multi-volume and nuanced 3.5/Pathfinder (or don't want to try them at all), D&D 5 might be to your liking.

From behind the circles of the invisible skies, the Dragon revealed his forehead, - And the coming day was shrouded in a mist of irresistible troubles... Vladimir Solovyov, "Dragon"

Board game "Dungeons and Dragons"

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a well-known fantasy RPG brand. Several editions of the board game have been released around this world, many fiction books have been written, professional and amateur films have been shot, computer games have been created, and fanstaff has been released. The Dungeons and Dragons series of games (dungeons - dungeons, dragons - dragons) has countless fans.

About the game

  • Number of players: 2-8
  • Play time: from 40 min.
  • Age of players: 8+
  • Game mechanics: RPG / Role playing, Fantasy

The board game Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) has been coming out since the seventies. 20th century. Since 1997, it has been developed and released by Wizards of the Coast, which popularized the cult game Magic: The Gathering.

DnD is a tabletop role-playing game set in a fictional fantasy world of the Middle Ages in one of the settings (specially created worlds). It is based on fairly voluminous rules. Much, including the parameters of the characters, depends on the values ​​that have fallen on the dice.

During the Dungeons and Dragons game, players master the "dungeon", fight monsters, try not to fall into traps, complete a mission to, say, search for an artifact. This game can be completed in an hour or two. It is under such a base that desktop sets are produced that imitate game locations.

In a more complex but more common case, the plot is non-linear, players have to rely not only on their luck when rolling dice, but also on the ability to get used to the role, build social connections within the game, think a lot before doing something.

Plot engine - Dungeon Master (Dungeon Keeper). The world of the game is subject to him, it depends on him who and what the players will meet on their way.

The game is almost endless. You can get together for one evening, have one short session, go through a simple mission and disperse. You will have a good time, but you will not have time to develop your character. Fans drive the same game for months, years, pumping characters, exploring the world, enjoying the adventure.

Purpose of the game

Simply put, the goal of the game is to reach the heart of the dungeon, complete the mission, and gain experience points. Of course, as in a computer game, you can create a character from a number of parameters, mechanically move forward, slashing enemies, and finally reach. Many people like to play this way.

But the most delicious zest is not in this, but in the ability to really compose a character from scratch, as if in a book, with character, habits, past. And let him go through the usual scenarios, the player, having got used to the role, for a while will become not just a dice thrower, but part of a fascinating story, which he will largely write himself. Roleplaying is an essential part of RPGs, and for most, the goal of D&D is to play the game, not to win.


To say that there are a lot of materials related to DnD - don't say anything. The Dungeons and Dragons rule books alone number in the dozens. The basic ones in each edition are the Player’s Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the Monster Manual, a book that describes the notorious dragons and other monsters. There is additional books with spells, skills, new classes, items, storylines for the game, tactics tips, artbooks, and much more. They are different for different editions. Numerous Dungeons and Dragons articles have been written, and players and DMs share their experiences on the forums.

Packaging, design, localization

You can only talk about specific packaging in relation to a few games that are released as ready-made kits. Such as, "The Legend of Drizzt" or "Castle Revenloft" where you can go down into the caves or explore the dungeon with comfort and minimal effort - everything is ready for you, it remains only to assemble the playing field and select a character.

In most cases, DnD is a do-it-yourself game. Rulebooks, miniatures, playing fields, sets of dice, a screen that separates the Master from other players - everything is purchased separately.

The issue of localization famous game unfortunately very sad. Only one attempt was made to publish a rule book in Russian - a translation of the DnD 3.5 basic rules in 2006 - it was unsuccessful due to translators' mistakes. Therefore, now rulebooks can only be found on English language(as well as games in boxes), or download amateur translations on the Internet. That, however, does not stop fans of role-playing.


In the "boxed" version you can find a lot of interesting things. Here, for example, is the configuration of the game " The Legend of Drizzt: 40 plastic hero and monster figures, 32 regular dungeon tiles, 22 dungeon ending tiles, 1 dungeon start tile, 200 cards, 10 condition markers, 72 experience tokens, 12 monster experience tokens, 16 hero and monster tokens, 12 tokens time and treasure, tokens for duels, camps, strikes, attacks and other things, a twenty-sided die, a book of scenarios, game rules.

This is enough to play more than one game in a company of 2 to 5 people.

In other cases, you will need: dice (four-, six-, eight-, ten-, twelve- and twenty-sided), they are sold in ready-made sets, character sheets (you can print or write by hand), rule books (at least basic).

Additionally, you can purchase or make miniatures of characters and monsters, a playing field for more convenient fights (they are turn-based), a beautiful screen for the Master (although he can fence off his notes with some big book).

In especially neglected cases, if the rules have already been learned by heart, you can use only a few sheets of paper in a box, a pencil, and download a special application for your smartphone to roll dice.

Number of players

The minimum number of players is two people, the leader and the player himself. But as a rule, the players ("party") go in companies of three or four people, so much more interesting and efficient. Perhaps more, but it complicates the gameplay.

An indispensable participant in the game - leading, he is the Dungeon Keeper, he is the Dungeon Master, DM or just the Master. His task is to lead the players through the story to the final.

How to play Dungeons & Dragons

The rules of Dungeons and Dragons for a beginner can seem very complicated. However, the way it is - dozens of books on hundreds of pages each are devoted to their subtleties. But this is for real fans, and for fans it's just a pleasure to spend the evening without straining too much, the basic rule book according to one of the latest editions of the system is enough.

In addition, the rules in Russian are not always available, which creates additional obstacles (but also an additional incentive to learn English for the sake of your favorite game). In particular, this has led to the fact that many players communicate in internal slang from mangled English names - and perfectly understand each other.

The master often does not use standard scripts, but comes up with own stories that the players have to go through. Moreover, stories with a variable development of events are valued more, depending not only on the will of the Master, but also on the decision of other participants to act one way or another. Of course, some lead strictly along one track (the so-called "rails"), but players often do not like this. "Rails" is good for beginners or those who are too lazy to turn on the fantasy to win back the character.


It is impossible to find published rulebooks in Russian. You will have to use books in English or search the net for private translations. But to complete the game, you still have to study the rules, and in advance - it’s unpleasant when the process slows down at the very beginning. interesting place because something urgently needs to be clarified.

Highlights of the rules

One of the basic rules is that the Master is always right. It is he who leads the story and decides what will happen now.

Roleplaying is just as important as mechanics. You can build relationships with other members of the squad, with NPCs that the DM speaks for, show character, reason, not just swing a sword.

All information about the character is recorded on a special sheet. Attributes, skills, weapons, personal items, how much money he has in his wallet and how much experience he has gained.

Experience Points ( XP, "expa") are awarded for a successfully completed mission, for killed enemies, at the discretion of the Master - for a good wagering. To reach each subsequent level (“level”), you need more and more points. Players start at level 1 and the maximum they can achieve is level 20.


Came out in 2000 third edition DnD, and based on the system d20 operating to this day. The key object, on which the fate of the characters literally depends, is a twenty-sided dice. The correct icosahedron has become a symbol of the game, and the desire to roll the "twenty" - the cherished desire of the players.

First of all, the cube (“dice”) rolls with skill testing and in combat. The rules describe in detail which dice the player rolls in which case, which penalties and bonuses apply. The final result is also affected by the parameters of the character. By the way, they are also rolled on dice at the beginning of the game, and do not stand by default.

The results depend, in fact, on three factors: the competent tactics of an individual player and the entire team (“party”), the behavior of the character described by the player, and luck, because it is impossible to predict what will fall on the die, even if you play as a magician. soothsayer.

Character attributes

All heroes have a mandatory set of attributes that reflect their physical and mental abilities. These are strength, dexterity, endurance and intelligence, wisdom, charm (charisma). They are “thrown out” at the stage of creating (“generating”) a character on three hexagons. Six results (maximum - 18) are distributed among the attributes at the discretion of the player.

In addition, there are racial bonuses and attribute penalties that are added to or subtracted from roll results. In particular, therefore, race and attributes must be considered when choosing a class.

Attributes are very slow, but they grow during the game, so you can initially spread them with a reserve for the future.

Separately go hit points(hit points, "hits"). They depend on the level, class and endurance.


Fighter, cleric, thief and mage- a classic, fairly balanced composition of the party, which can be assembled, regardless of the edition of the game. But in fact, the kit can be absolutely anything. You can make good heroes, you can make evil ones, you can make those who prefer to remain neutral in any situation.

For example, let's take base classes, which are available for selection in the game Dungeons and Dragons 3.5, released fifteen years ago, the most successful and popular.

List of main classes

  • Barbarian - uneducated, but primitively strong, powerful and hardy, he will stand shoulder to shoulder with a warrior, taking the main blow of the enemy.
  • Priest (cleric) - possesses divine powers, often the ideological leader of the party and the main healer. Powers depend on his wisdom, charisma, and which god he prays to.
  • Warrior (fighter) - as a rule, a "tank", holding back enemies and inflicting maximum damage on them. Usually strong and hardy.
  • A rogue (thief) is a multidisciplinary specialist in cleaning pockets, opening traps, penetrating where they were not invited, collecting information and deceiving the population with honest and not very methods. In combat, he prefers to hit in the back. His main qualities are dexterity and intelligence.
  • The bard is not only a musician who inspires with his talent for various accomplishments, but also the most charming character who has no equal in collecting information, diplomatic negotiations or seduction. And he does a little bit of magic too.
  • A paladin is always a kind and passionately religious character. A mighty warrior who knows how to heal, bless and destroy evil. Possesses powerful charisma.
  • Pathfinder (ranger) - an experienced and dexterous fellow who puts on the road without a map, catches rabbits for dinner and, if anything, fights off both the bear and the enemies.
  • Sorcerer - draws his magic from internal forces, and does not memorize spells from a book. Can be very powerful and timely support.
  • A wizard (wizard) is a learned magician who does not part with a spell book. Fireballs, magical arrows, and writing scrolls are his profile.
  • Druid - draws magical powers from nature and seeks to protect it. He is accompanied by an animal companion, which can also be far from useless.
  • A monk is a martial artist who does not need sharp weapons and heavy armor.

If the player is tight within the base class, he can take several classes, at least one for each level, and get a multi-class character. But it should be borne in mind that the multiclass imposes penalties on gaining experience points (“exps”).

Exist prestige classes with special abilities. In order to receive them, a number of conditions must be met.


Special skills (“fits”) are the “chips” of characters inherent in them personally or in their class. For example, if a warrior has the skill dissection and he kills an opponent on this turn, then he can attack another enemy.

New skills are acquired every few levels, but different classes have bonus "fits".


Skills ("skills") improve with each level. Their number depends on the class and intelligence bonus - from riding and the ability to sneak to the ability to read magic scrolls and conduct diplomatic negotiations.

Saving Throws

In cases where the character needs to protect himself from any negative effects, you need to make a saving throw. There are three types of them, and they depend on the class, level and corresponding attributes.

Reflexes- instant response. Needed, for example, when evading explosions, triggered traps. Improved by good dexterity.

Fortitude is an important indicator of health. Resistance to diseases, poisons, difficult weather conditions and overloads depends on it. The higher the stamina, the better the durability.

Will- the resistance of the mind to suggestions, ordinary and magical. Strong will from players with high wisdom.


Magic in the DnD system can be applied in different ways. If the surroundings do not require it, then the magician does not need soul energies, not in the outline pentagrams.

  • Magi daily memorize spells from their magic book ("spellbook"). The number of memorized and available spells depends on the level of the character. Every day you can memorize new spells, depending on the plans.
  • sorcerers do not have special books. Magic is their innate gift. They repeat spells daily, but they have fewer spells to choose from, and they cannot learn new ones at the current level.
  • Druids draw their magic from the forces of nature.
  • Clerics and paladins it is bestowed by their deity, who must offer prayers every day.
  • Bards, like sorcerers, use innate talents.

spell power depends on the level of the character, on the level of the spell itself and the attribute responsible for witchcraft. It is different for different classes: intelligence, wisdom, charisma.

In a calm environment, you can conjure without haste. In close combat, casting is much more difficult, a penalty is imposed on the character, and the spell may not work.

Magic Items

In addition to spells, there are magical items: artifacts, scrolls, wands, potions.

Potions can be used by any character who can open the cork and pour the contents of the bottle into their own or another character's mouth. The most popular potions of healing, they can be used even in battle.

Scrolls are written by magicians, contain a one-time spell. Anyone who can read magic (has the appropriate skill) can use them on a par with wizards.

Magic wands and staves are wielded by magicians and characters with the skill Use magic items. The wands carry 50 charges of a single spell. Staves can hold several different spells and can be recharged.

Magic weapons and magic armor work automatically, you just need to pick up a weapon and put on the armor.

The rest of the magical things act individually. For example, some artifact will work only if all its parts are put together.

This page lists existing translations of adventures published by 5 editions within Adventurer's League.

Adventure united in seasons.

Each of the seasons was accompanied by one or more big adventures, which was enough to grow from level 1 to at least level 6, however, these big adventures took place in a different region and playing them all in one game can be difficult for this reason, although it was not officially forbidden. Typically, the introductory parts (1-4 levels) of these adventures were allowed to be played in the form of special sessions − Encounters. They are not shown here.

There were also special adventures designed to be played at conventions - Epics, they are not given here, since they are poorly applicable for home sessions.

The last, most numerous, type of adventure, namely Expeditions, just shown here.

Subsequent quests can use information or items found in previous quests, but any quest can be played independently.



Name Levels Time watch Link to translation
DDHC-HotDQ Hoard of the Dragon Queen Lvl: 1-7 hard cover LINK
The Tyranny of the Dragons is an epic tale told in two adventures, beginning with the events of Hoard of the Dragon Queen and ending with the adventure The Rise of Tiamat. Hoard of the Dragon Queen is designed for a group of 1st level characters, who will reach 7th or even 8th level at the end of this adventure. The adventure is designed for a party of four characters.
DDHC-RoT Rise of Tiamat Lvl: 8-15 hard cover LINK
Translation of the adventure The Rise of Tiamat according to the fifth edition for levels 8-15. The adventure takes place in Forgotten Realms and is a continuation of Hoard of the Dragon Queen - Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure (translation is also available on this site).
DDEX1-1 Defiance in Phlan Lvl: 1-2 1 hour (5 adventures of an hour each) LINK
The Cult of the Dragon has come to Phlan, an island of lawlessness in the Moonsea. With the local authorities unable to stop the cult, other factions - the Harpers, the Order of the Gauntlet, the Emerald Enclave, the Lords' Alliance and even the Zhentarim - will have to thwart their sinister plans. Join the fight in one of five different missions against the cult. An introductory adventure for level 1 characters.
DDEX1-2 Secrets of Sokol Keep Lvl: 1-4 LINK
Decades have passed since Sokol Fortress was reclaimed and a small garrison was stationed there, along with a lighthouse to assist the ships. Now the beacon is out and the garrison is gone. There are rumors in Phlan that something ancient has been discovered under the fortress, from a time earlier than when the priests of Tyr built a small fortress. Reveal the secrets of the Sokol fortress! Adventure for characters 1-4 levels.
DDEX1-3 Shadow on the Moonsea 4h
Life at the Moonsea is not easy. Bandits, pirates and cruel lords rule these lands, threatening those who try to live honestly here. Now, a new scourge is prowling these waters: A ghost ship is attacking small coastal villages, leaving its victims whispering about the "eye of the dracolich". Join the adventure and discover the truth behind this menace! Adventure for characters 1-4 levels.
DDEX1-4 Dues for the Dead Lvl: 1-4 4h LINK
For years, the Order of the Quiet Shroud has cared for the dead at Valingen Cemetery, providing eternal rest for the dead. Now their peace has been disturbed by a necromancer looking for the key to reactivate the Pool of Radiance. Adventure for characters 1-4 levels.
DDEX1-5 The Courting of Fire Lvl: 1-4 4h LINK
The exiled cultist and his kobold minions have been seen searching for a long time. forgotten ruins in the Dragonspire Mountains. According to rumors, he is looking for a precious gift for the terrible dragon that lives there. What he wants to achieve with this is unclear, but this clearly will not bring good to the inhabitants of Phlan. Adventure for characters 1-4 levels.
DDEX1-6 The Scroll Thief Lvl: 1-4 4h LINK
Skoljar Square is a relatively quiet corner of Phlan, but a series of mysterious thefts has worried the heads of various schools in the area. The appeals of the heads to the Black Fist went unanswered, and the Lord Sage of Phlan decides to turn to you and your kind to bring those behind these crimes to justice. Adventure for characters 1-4 levels.
DDEX1-7 Drums in the Marsh 4h
For the last few nights, drums have been heard in the wind that blows from the Twilight Marsh. Every morning someone disappears from nearby farms, leaving only faint claw marks leading into the swamp. Can you help find the missing and bring justice to the kidnappers. Adventure for characters 1st-4th level.
DDEX1-8 Tales Trees Tell Lvl: 1-4 4h
Despite their shaky alliance with the Trembling Wood elves, they will not tolerate intrusions, especially from humans around Phlan. A carpenter's recent trip into the woods may have created a diplomatic conflict. Can you help find him and appease the elves? Adventure for heroes 1-4 levels.
DDEX1-9 Outlaws of the Iron Route Lvl: 1-4 4h LINK
The Iron Road, an important trade route east of Phlan, has fallen victim to attacks by rival gangs. An exiled Black Fist officer commands a band of bandit-turned mercenaries, while a mysterious dragonborn sorceress leads the outrageous savages from the north. In their war for control of the trade route, the orga- nized merchants are suffering, as well as Phlan, who lacks the goods they bring. The adventurers must strike back and reopen a vital road. Adventure for characters 1-4 levels.
DDEX1-10 Tyranny in Phlan Lvl: 5-10 4h LINK
Shattered Malice has arrived. The future of the Cinnabar Throne and the lives of Phlan's inhabitants are at stake. The Cult of the Dragon is triumphant, and the Black Fist is powerless to fight it. How will the factions of the city react to this threat? Will Flan hold his own this time? The first part under the emerald claws.
4-hour adventure for characters level 5-10.
DDEX1-11 Dark Pyramid of Sorcerer's Isle 8h (two 4h slots)
The long-abandoned pyramid on Sorcerer's Isle has recently emitted magical energy that warps creatures and the land around it. The Cult of the Dragon and the Red Wizards of Thay have noticed this, and now you must prevent this power, whatever it is, from falling into their hands. An adventure for characters from levels 5 to 10.
DDEX1-12 Raiders of the Twilight March 4h
Treasures of the black dragon have been discovered in the Twilight Marsh, and there are mysteries that interest the factions. The dragon is looting through the villages and the treasures are left unguarded. It's time to rob his lair! An adventure for characters from level 5 to 10.
DDEX1-13 Pool of Radiance Resurgent Lvl: 5-10 4h LINK
Vorgansharax rules Phlan, using the Cult of the Dragon to expand his malign influence. But the green dragon seeks more than control of the besieged city. His goal - absolute power is literally under his nose. Will he be able to restore the Pool of Radiance and rise to a higher social level among the Kindred?

This adventure is a continuation of DDEX1-10 "Tyranny in Phlan" and the second part of the series "Under the Emerald Claws".

DDEX1-14 escape from Phlan 4h
Three notable citizens of Phlan who have rebelled against the dragon's tyrannical rule seek safety and refuge beyond the Moonsea. Can you free those who are so important to the factions before it's too late? Adventure for characters 5-10 levels.


Name Levels Time watch Link to translation
DDEX2-1 City of Danger Lvl: 1-2, optimized for 1st LINK
On the southern shores of the Moonsea, the inhabitants of Mulmaster ek out an existence where others would have given up a long time ago - in a bleak city where corruption runs rampant and the Church of Baine dominates all. In these five short introductory adventures, you will walk through the City of Danger, meet its inhabitants, see the sights and see for yourself how it got its sinister nickname.
DDEX2-2 Embers of Elmwood Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
An abandoned raft floats into Mulmaster Harbor carrying a young woman. In her delirium of hunger, she seems only able to utter two words, "fire and ashes." The only clue to her identity is an ornate tattoo. Has the woman lost her mind or is something bad going on?
DDEX2-3 Drowned Tower Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
You have met a character claiming to be a member of the Brotherhood of the Cloak who is investigating unusual incidents involving some of his brethren. Prudence is vital, for there are rumors that there is a connection between the inhabitants of the Tower of Arcane Might and one of the elemental cults.
Can you uncover the truth?
DDEX2-4 Mayhem in the Earthspur Mines Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
Veined with precious rocks and stones, the Stonespire Mountains to the west have long been a prized resource for all who can mine them. One of these mines has stopped working, and the only thing that worries more than a delay in deliveries is the fate of the Soldier Brotherhood, sent to find out what happened to the miners. Although the mine is located in the Gor region, once controlled by reclusive dwarves, the Ludwakazar clan is not so bold as to break the long-standing peace with Mulmaster. Or could it still?
DDEX2-5 Flames of Kythorn Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
During a summer drought, a series of arson attacks swept across Mulmaster. Accusations of these deeds, as an expression of popular discontent, rained down on the Thayans, the inhabitants of the ghetto, violent sailors, refugees from Phlan and many others. Can you solve this mystery before the city goes up in flames?
DDEX2-6 Breath of the Yellow Rose Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
The monks of the Monastery of the Yellow Rose have long retired to their abodes atop the Stonespire Mountains, practicing their unusual lifestyle, which is said to have granted them longevity. Nowadays, their prescriptions for diets and breath control practices have become fashionable among the wealthy in Mulmaster. But as some of these practitioners began to die of suffocation and starvation, others began to question the correctness of the monastic regulations. Is it just deadly ignorance, or are dangerous winds blowing among wealthy and powerful Mulmasters?
DDEX2-7 Bounty in the Bog Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
The soldier brethren are tired of the daring gang that has taken refuge in the Flooded Forest to the south. You have been called in to deal with this problem and to make trade on the Northern Road safe again. However, the true cause of the bandit attacks is something more than primitive banditry. Can you stop it?
DDEX2-8 Foulness Beneath Mulmaster Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
The sewers of Mulmaster have always been dangerous, with countless stories of bandits, assassins, or worse lurking beneath the streets of Danger City. But these stories pale in comparison to a new threat to Mulmaster, a disturbing occurrence - a strange corpse has recently been found. You have to learn the horrific truth about what is hidden under the city.
DDEX2-9 Eye of the Tempest Lvl: 5-10 8 hours, double duration LINK
A storm of unparalleled fury has been ravaging the peaks of the Earthspur Mountains for a tenday, and the Monastery of the Yellow Rose sits in its eye for now. Some monks have fled the monastery to the safety of Mulmaster and beseech you to convince their more obstinate brothers to retreat to the city before the eye of the storm shifts, and the monestary is in terrible danger. Can you brave the elements and convince the monks to escape?
DDEX2-10 Cloaks and Shadows Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
DDEX2-11 Oubliette of Fort Iron Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
When Fort Iron was taken from the duergar who inhabited it, much of their subterranean quarters were never fully explored. An ancient oubliette has been discovered and its contents have disturbed the miners. Can the mine and the miners be saved from the dangers of the Oubliette of Fort Iron?
DDEX2-12 Dark Rites at Fort Dalton Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Fort Dalton along the River Lis was destroyed long ago. Now rumors tell of foul cults practicing their dark rites within the fort's ruins. Are the rumors of elemental cults true or are the rumors a cover for some other sinister plot?
DDEX2-13 The Howling Void Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
A bastion of the Cult of the Howling Wind has been located beneath the Monastery of the Yellow Rose in the bowels of the Earthspur Mountains. In order to thwart the cult's plans for Mulmaster's destruction, you must delve into the depths and quell the storm within. While their winds still blow, none in Mulmaster are truly safe.
DDEX2-14 The Sword of Selfaril Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
Details: The fabled sword of Selfaril is told to bestow wisdom and power upon whomever wields it, so naturally its discovery has caused quite a stir in Mulmaster. All of this is complicated when a masked benefactor claims to not only know the truth about the blade, but also how it can be used to benefit the oppressed people of Mulmaster. Can it truly change Mulmaster for the better?
DDEX2-15 Black Heart of Vengeance Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
Details: Aleyd Burral, the Risen Hero of Phlan has sounded the call to battle! Intent on retaking her home of Phlan, Aleyd has amassed a surprising amount of support from the citizenry of Phlan, including that of the High Blade himself. But as lofty as her goals might be, the honor-bound warrior seems willing to sacrifice much in her quest-including everything she once stood for.
DDEX2-16 Boltsmelter's Book Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
A dwarven expedition has stopped in Mulmaster for much-needed supplies. Furgis Boltsmelter, their founder and leader, is looking for some “no questions asked” protection for the duration of his stay in the city. Whatever he is trying to protect may not stay hidden for long. Can you keep his secret treasure out of the wrong hands?


Name Levels Time watch Link to translation
DDEX3-1 Hunted in Hillsfar Lvl: 1-2, optimized for 1st 1 hour (includes 5 mini-adventures of 1 hour each) LINK
In the village of Elfotree, not far from the oppressive city of Hillsfar, strange and unpleasant things have recently begun to happen, which has put the locals almost on the verge between life and death. Five notorious factions have gathered at the edge of the Cormanthor Forest to find out what's going on here. Is it the machinations of the rulers of Hillsfar, or something more?
DDEX3-2 Chains of Blood Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
DDEX3-3 The Occupation of Szith Morcane Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
Agents of the fire giants of Maerimydra, a city in the Underdark, have overtaken the drow outpost of Szith Morcane. The factions seek out adventurers to free the outpost’s leaders for questioning on the giants’ activities. Can you extricate them before it's too late? .
DDEX3-4 It's All in the Blood Lvl: 11-16 8 h LINK
Rumors of faceless demonic creatures have been steadily rising in the Hillsfar region, and it is said that far below the surface of Faerun, nestled in the bowels of the underdark, ancient terrors are stirring. The imperiled drow of Szith Morcaine have extended an intriguing offer, but can the drow be trusted, and for how long?
DDEX3-5 Bane of the Tradeways Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Times are hard in the Hillsfar countryside, especially for those of non-human ancestry. Unscrupulous merchants in league with the hated Red Plumes bleed local farmers and artisans dry. Perhaps some of those loot-laden caravans coming and going from Hillsfar could use a bit of liberation?
DDEX3-6 No Foolish Matter Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Some of the villages around Hillsfar have been stricken with a strange disease.
Rumor has it that a traveling carnival visited them before. Coincidence? Or is there something sinister here?
DDEX3-7 Herald of the Moon Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
Elanil Elassidil, an elf bard with a rich heritage, has summoned agents she can trust. It seems that the time has come to reveal to the world a piece of the history of the elves deprived of attention.
Meira Faerenduil, the lost knight of Myth Drannor, has been discovered and must be returned to civilization.
DDEX3-8 The Malady of Elventree Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
An escaped duergar slave stumbles into the village of Elventree. With her she brings a malady that grips the small settlement in a bout of madness that seems unshakable. Can you find the source of the madness and save yourself and the village’s inhabitants?
DDEX3-9 The Way Down Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
The recent discovery of an entrance to the Underdark has set local leaders on edge. In a display of initiative, the First Lord of Hillsfar has ordered the construction of defensive structures surrounding what locals have begun to call “The Waydown.” You have been charged with escorting an emissary back to his home in the Underdark without alerting the Red Plumes.
DDEX3-10 Quelling the Horde Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
The Red Plumes have increased patrols in the region surrounding Hillsfar, and a string of disappearances has followed in their wake. Naturally, this has roused the suspicion of the factions. Join your factions and find out the truth behind the missing farmers.
DDEX3-11 The Quest for Sporedome Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
In the search for allies in the Underdark, you are called upon to travel through the recently opened Waydown sinkhole to find the lost myconid colony of Sporedome. It is said that they once cultivated a strain of mushrooms that could protect one from falling into madness. Can this be the cure for the rapidly spreading onslaught of insanity?
DDEX3-12 Hillsfar Reclaimed Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
It's time to strike back at Hillsfar. Elanil Elassidil entrusts you with obtaining valuable information that can be used to strike at the ruler of Hillsfar himself, First Lord Thorin Numberthal. The only problem is that what you need is outside the city walls. The first part of Six Knives for Thorin Nomertal.
DDEX3-13 Writing in the Dark Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
An unexpected envoy arrives in Sporedome and offers to give aid against the fire giants of Maerimydra, if you are willing to help his people with a small problem.
DDEX3-14 Death on the Wall Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
First Lord Thorin Nomerthal and several of his advisors are about to leave Hillsfar to inspect the Wall, with only a small contingent of Red Plumes escorting them. It's time to strike!
The second part of Six Knives for Thorin Nomertal. A two-hour adventure for characters level 1-4.
DDEX3-15 Szith Morcane Unbound Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
DDEX3-16 Assault on Maerimydra Lvl: 11-16 8 h LINK
With allies gained from denizens of the Underdark, the former drown enclave of Szith Morcane is on the precipice of being retaken. During the battle for Szith Morcane, secrets of the drow community are revealed. What will you do with this knowledge, and how will it affect the outcome of the conflict?


Name Levels Time watch Link to translation
DDAL4-1 Suits of the Mists Lvl: 1-2 1 hour (includes 5 mini-adventures of 1-2 hours each) LINK
Strange things are happening on the coast of the Moonsea. The factions call on everyone to investigate the mysterious events taking place in the vicinity of the city of Phlan. A whisper is heard in the darkness, and invisible and terrible creatures roam in the fog. This fog separates our world and another, much more creepy. We need to uncover the secrets before it's too late!
DDAL4-2 The Beast Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Something strange is going on in the Trembling Forest. So strange that even the elves of the Green House left their settlement to seek help from new neighbors. But their stories of the mysterious beast have not found sympathy, especially among the Vistani, whom the elves blame for their troubles. You have to return to the Trembling Forest again to find out the terrible truth!
DDAL4-3 The Executioner Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Locals spread rumors about the appearance of an ancient relic in a remote farming village. Your group will definitely not be alone looking for her, but can you afford not to succeed in this mission? And why don't they keep it for themselves?
DDAL4-4 The Marionette Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
At the burgomaster's dinner party, the fortune teller Vistani calls you by name and shares what she saw in the future: an army of the dead, a beautiful powder box, and a beautiful but dangerous woman. Now the burgomaster wants to know why you matter more than him...
DDAL4-5 The Seer Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
It's time to leave the village of Orashnoe behind and explore the county of Barovia. But along the way, you happened to meet an unusual tribe of people who are not trusted by other inhabitants of the Demiplane of Horror. Are the Vistani really capable of seeing into the future, or are they just tricks and deceit?
DDAL4-6 The Ghost Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
Old hatreds live on, but sometimes it is necessary to set aside personal animosities for the sake of the common good. Hag Janie is green-toothed and can prove extremely helpful in the hardships that lie ahead. A difficult task awaits you, because the Dark forces of Barovia have their eyes and ears everywhere. Gravegaze closely follows your every move.
DDAL4-7 The Innocent Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
The mists take you deeper into the Glumpy Swamp to the lair of great evil. There, the unliving son of a dead god awaits death, which constantly eludes him. Will you give him peace or realize what role he plays in what is to come?
DDAL4-8 The Broken One Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
The village of Orashnoe is buried in winter snow and faced famine. An unknown beast destroyed the cattle prepared to pay Lord Strahd's tax, and plunged the village into panic and chaos. Can you find the monster and save the village from starvation or worse?
DDAL4-9 The Tempter Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
The people of Orašnoe are in despair. The village is on the verge of starvation and the chances of surviving the harsh winter are fading. Even if there were enough food and supplies, the time comes to pay taxes to Lord Strahd, and the ruler of Barovia does not accept excuses instead of payment. The burgomaster and other villagers have recently learned of a rich estate that can solve both problems. It's a temptation he can't resist. Or can?
DDAL4-10 The Artifact Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
The Cloaks of Mulmaster have taken an interest in your progress, and may be looking to sponsor adventurers for future work. You’ve been offered an interview with one of their ranking members at the Theater of the Stars, but you never know what to expect in the City of Danger.
DDAL4-11 The Donjon Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
The village of Oranou is panicked when a group of Bloodhand orcs appear at the edge of the woods. They bring news and an unusual request that reveals a new foe.
DDAL4-12 The Raven Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
The Bloodhand orcs have a prisoner that may hold the answers to the strange goings on and the key to stopping the enemy.

What can you do to convince them to hand the prisoner over?

DDAL4-13 The Horseman Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
An unknown force is inciting the people and creatures of the idyllic Greenhall to commit horrific acts of murder and carnage.

Can the adventurers quell the towering rage of the rampaging Horseman?

DDAL4-14 The Darklord Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
The enemy is revealed, but time short and if you are not successful in your mission to Mount Baratok, love will never die.


Name Levels Time watch Link to translation
DDAL05-01 Treasures of the Broken Hoard Lvl: 1-2, optimized for 1st 1 hour (includes 5 mini-adventures of 1 hour each) LINK
A renowned relic hunter is looking for adventurers to help her find treasure caches left behind by the defeated followers of the Cult of the Dragon. Her maps and notes
can lead you to great wealth or to a terrible death. I wonder if other groups also have plans for these treasures?
Five 1-hour mini-adventures for heroes of levels 1-2
DDAL050 2 The Black Road Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Caravans have difficulty getting to Parnast via the Black Road. Organized attacks by orcs and other monsters working together confuse people. Few know that an extraordinarily intelligent hill giant named Evil Fruul is to blame. SEER sends her ambassador, Hsing, to hire
your party to escort a caravan with a special cargo destined for the Sanctuary of Axes in Parnast and find out who is behind it.
DDAL050 3 uninvited guests Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
The Ax Sanctuary has been restored, and Ragnar Redtooth, once implicated in the Cult of the Dragon, is trying to reclaim his reputation in Parnast by sponsoring the feast. He had only to get meat for the feast. The Windy Forest is rich in loot, but the townspeople are busy at work, and Evil Fruul's minions are still a cause for concern. What can go wrong on a simple hunt?
DDAL05-04 In Dire Need Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
An expedition of dwarven warriors from the Citadel of Adbar was surrounded by ogres from the Ice Spires and their allies. Immediate assistance is required or the dwarves will be destroyed. The Seer sends you to help in the hope that you can save the dwarves and their precious cargo - a stone tablet with the secrets of ancient runic magic.
DDAL05-05 A Dish Best Served Cold Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
Stagwick's long peace with the giantkind is threatened by the Blood Riders fomenting feuds with the local giant tribe. When word of the strange happenings in the Ice Spires reaches the good King Hartwick, he cannot remain unconcerned. Can you quench the thirst for revenge of the giants?
DDAL05-06 Beneath the Fetid Chelimber Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
The ruined wizard tower in the Marsh of Chelimber may hold a clue to defeating the super-intelligent hill giant, Bad Fruul, and prevent him troubling the town of Parnast. To find the tower, adventurers must overcome the watery magic of the fetid marsh and discover or clear a route to the ruins of a previously lost tower.
DDAL05-07 Chelimber's Descent Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Deep in the Marsh of Chelimber lie the ruins of a great wizard's tower. SEER has received ntelligence, which she imparts via her emissary Hsing, that deep beneath the marsh in the mains of an old tower is knowledge of older magics. This could be just what Parnast needs to resist the onslaught of Bad Fruul and his armies!
DDAL050 8 Durlag's Tower Lvl: 11-16 4 h LINK
East of Beregost, nestled in the outskirts of the Wood of Sharp Teeth, Durlag's Tower has intrigued and yet stymied adventurers for decades. Stuffed full of mechanical traps and arcane wards, and rumored to be inhabited by fiends, very few have managed to extract any REAL treasure from the former home of Durlag Trollkiller. However, a powerful item in the ancient fight against the giants is said to be housed there, and the cloud giant Baron Rajiram has committed significant resources towards recovering it. After a pleasant tea in her garden, SEER calls upon you to beat him there and put a stop to his efforts!
DDAL05-09 Durlag's Tomb Lvl: 11-16 4 h LINK
East of Beregost, nestled in the outskirts of the Wood of Sharp Teeth, Durlag's Tower has intrigued and yet stymied adventurers for decades. Stuffed full of mechanical traps and arcane wards, and rumored to be inhabited by fiends, very few have managed to extract any REAL treasure from the former home of Durlag Trollkiller. However, a powerful item in the ancient fight against the giants is said to be housed there, and the cloud giant Baron Rajiram has committed significant resources towards recovering it. After a pleasant tea in her garden, SEER calls upon you to beat him there and put a stop to his efforts! Part of 2 of 2.
DDAL05-10 Giant Diplomacy Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
SEER has learned of an attempt to intimidate Gralm, an ettin, and his followers into joining Bad Fruul's army. HSING comes forth to communicate that she wants you to see if you can find some way to either insure Gralm remains neutral, or to encourage the creature to challenge Bad Fruul to single combat in the hopes that he might wrest control of the hill giant's forces and turn them back from Parnast.
DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
The origin of runes has long been lost to the majority of sages and wizards, save those with giant blood. However, with the shattering of the Ordning, the magic of runes has once again emerged into the Realms. Adventurers must delve into a ruined complex beneath the Spine of the World, suspected by SEER to be the birthplace of that arcane tradition.
DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
Bad Fruul and his minions have been threatening to overtake the town of Parnast for some time, and intelligence provided by SEER (via HSING) confirms that an attack is imminent. Despite this, the town is at risk from within as internal politics threaten to tear it apart. It is up to adventurers to resolve the infighting in Parnast and prepare the town for the hill giant's onslaught.
DDAL05-13 Jarl Rising Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
The frost giants of the Ice Mountains have long held to the belief that a great Jarl will one day step forward to unite the families as Konung (king). With the Ordning shattered, Jarl Ryndölg believes that if he can locate Hartkiller’s Horn, a legendary artifact among giant-kind, he could be the one. He may very well have found what he is looking for. A great clarion call has echoed across the Hartsvale for two days, and the giants are all marching north, has Ryndölg done just that?
DDAL05-14 Reeducation Lvl: 11-16 4 h LINK
HSING bears foul news: SEER has been captured. While exploring the ruins of Ulcaster in search of knowledge pertaining to runes (or perhaps even how to create them), they were separated and now the pseudodragon fears the worst. Without SEER’s guidance, the efforts of the assembled factions in these recent events may all be for naught!
DDAL05-15 Reclamation Lvl: 11-16 4 h LINK
SEER has been rescued along with Ulcaster, the infamous Archmage that founded a wizard's school that is now in ruins in the foot hills of The Cloud Peaks. However, while leaving to get the two to safety a cloud ship arrived, unloading a shipload of pirates on the ruins. SEER knows what they are after and needs the heroes to stop them and their leader.
DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege Lvl: 1-4 4 h LINK
Despite the adventurers' best efforts, more creatures joined under Bad Fruul's banner. No longer content to simply attack caravans or isolated homesteads, the hill giant warlord descends upon Parnast at the head of a great force of humanoids. SEER warns the adventurers (directly now) in time to rally the town and prepare defenses, but a heroic effort is required to break the siege.
DDAL05-17 Hartkiller's Horn Lvl: 5-10 4 h LINK
Claiming to possess Hartkiller's Horn, Ryndölg makes his move to take control of the Hartsvale. The non-giant residents have been pressed to declare their allegiance or be destroyed. Do they wear fealty to Jarl Ryndölg, or is there another option? Is there another contender to the throne? Sometimes the best choices can be the most dangerous
DDAL05-18 The Mysterious Isle Lvl: 17-20 4 h LINK
DDAL05-19 The Eye of Xxiphu Lvl: 17-20 4 h LINK
Baron Rajiram's forces have secured the Nelanther Isles and have scoured the Sword Coast for treasures. Now they have begun to explore a mysterious island that recently just popped into existence nearby. SEER seems to believe that an aboleth artifact is their goal. It is up to the adventurers, in competition with the baron, as well as aboleths, the Kraken Society, and the mysterious caretaker of the island, to locate the Eye of Xxiphu and avert catastrophic disaster.


Name Levels Time watch Link to translation
DDAL06-01 A Thousand Tiny Deaths Lvl: 1-4 2 h LINK
The promises of glory and the chance of riches draws you to Blasingdell, a small village nearthe infamous Stone Tooth. Within the rocky mountain lay the dwarven stronghold Khundrukarand the fabled Forge of Fury, to which a chance encounter provides you with the location of ahither-to unknown entrance. Are you brave enough to explore this mystery? Will it lead you to wealth or to your doom?
DDEX6-2 The Redemption of Kelvan Lvl: 5-10 2 h LINK
A strange, foreign wizard calling himself Kelvan has appeared at the same time a mountain materializes out of thin air. He asks you to recover the Gloomblade from a Netherese ruin in order to help him with his research into this strange new mountain.
DDEX6-3 Crypt of the Death Giants Lvl: 17-20 2 h LINK
A magical storm builds over the Anauroch desert bringing portents of death and destruction to Faerûn. Giants imbued with the power of death itself threaten to permanently destroy the giant Ordning and small folk in their wake. Can you stop these unnatural giants and those that seek to control them?

Dungeons and Dragons is extremely famous in the west role system. Unfortunately, in our country it has not received such a wide distribution. But its influence on culture cannot be overestimated, and every computer player directly or indirectly encounters it. It has served as the basis for hundreds of books and a dozen computer games. And thousands more games were made under her invisible influence. read "Dark Elf" Salvatore? Heard about "Saga of the Spear" Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman? played in Baldur's Gate or « Neverwinter Nights» ? Maybe you caught the cartoon series in your childhood "Dragon Dungeons?". And all this diversity is just the retinue of the king, the great role-playing system D&D.

What is a role-playing system and why is it needed? This is a set of rules that describes the interactions of characters in a fictional world. And it is required so that four or five friends can get together and participate in an epic fantasy adventure. One of the players becomes the leader, Dungeon Master-om. He must prepare the scenario of the adventure in advance and think carefully about the place where it will take place. The rest of the players create one for themselves character, thinking through their biography, appearance and setting game characteristics. When the preparation is over, the facilitator will begin to tell the story, and the players will describe their actions in it. The master describes the situation to the players, speaks on behalf of the characters in this world, draws maps of dungeons. Players also move the figures of heroes, and speak on their behalf, trying to get used to the shoes of their characters.

Host: You see a giant rift in the ground, in which ominous flames dance. The air here is very stuffy and saturated with the smell of sulfur.
Player: I'm running and jumping over the rift, shouting "Lee-and-ira Jae-e-enkins"!
Master: You don't make it to the other side of the pit and you burn in the fire!
Craftsman: Roll the die and add your Jump skill to it. Let's see if you can overcome the difficulty class 30!

Player: My score is only 23, damn!
Master: Now I'll roll the dice to determine fall damage and third-degree burns...

Gary Gygax plays with death in D&D

D&D started in 1971 when Gary Gygax created the first prototype role-playing system, Chainmail, which described the characteristics of fantasy characters. In the same year, the first adventure script was released by Dave Arneson. This is how it started Long story Dungeons and Dragons. The system has withstood many editions and changed owners more than once. Giant editions of rulebooks were rewritten and reprinted. The success of the system was resounding in the beginning, but it has not lost popularity even now. What is the secret? It would seem, why all these difficulties with dice and rule books when you can just play a PC RPG?

Great Adventures. This is how it happens in reality.

And so - in the imagination of the players.

And there is only one reason - the freedom of action, to which computer games cannot approach even a cannon shot. Have you ever been annoyed by scripted doors in computer games that cannot be opened ahead of time? Fences through which it is impossible to get into forbidden locations? Villains with whom it is impossible to agree? Or vice versa, characters who cannot be killed, although you really want to? Plot twists that you can't really change? Similar restrictions in a tabletop role-playing game no in principle. There, your character is free to go anywhere, and do what he pleases. Yes, the host has a script supposed plot development. But you, as a player, are always able to give the presenter a surprise! Give the dragon a poisoned princess instead of fighting it! Find and kill the main villain two acts before the finale! Break the wall out in the labyrinth that you are tired of going through! Become the greatest hero or the most vile champion of evil! You simply do not limit anything, the system only determines the probability of success of a particular action. And in incomprehensible situations, the leader makes the final decision. Yes, of course, there is no graphics engine here and all the action takes place in the imagination. But the player's fantasy is actually cooler than any engine.

Character Creation.

Let's take a look at some common RPG concepts that you might have heard about.


Alignment- a system of formal designation of the worldview of characters, first appeared in D&D. However, the inhabitants of the Internet really liked this thing and now it has spread widely in isolation from the role-based basis. The bottom line is that each character is characterized on a scale of kindness (evil-neutral-good) and decency (chaotic-neutral-law-abiding). The combination of these parameters gives 9 basic worldview archetypes . parody scales worldviews everyone must have seen it.

munchkin is not only the famous board game by Steve Jackson, actively parodying D&D, but also a certain type of role-playing player. Munchkins are those who do not bother with playing their role, but simply want to defeat everyone. Munchkins love to create extremely cool characters, they know the rules well and always interpret them in their favor. The only thing such players want from the game is to earn maximum experience points and equip the coolest things.

d20- a designation for a 20-sided gaming dice, which is the main one in the game. When a character declares an action whose success is not obvious (making an attack, jumping over a chasm, picking a lock), he rolls this die and adds a bonus to the result, depending on the features of his character. If the received number exceeded the one previously assigned by the Master difficulty class (DC, difficult class) is a success! Need for the game and other bones, such as 8-sided and 4-sided. There are 6 main types in total.

The evolution of dice.

Actually, various bonuses, characteristics of characters and the rules for their creation are described inPlayer's Handbook. The host will find everything you need to create an unforgettable adventure inMaster's Guide (Dungeon Master's Guide). Monsters that players may encounter are described inBestiaries (Monster Manual). The bestiary here is simply huge, but some D&D monsters stand out in particular and are a kind of hallmark of the system.


Evil Eye (Beholder)- one of the most recognizable and replicated D&D monsters. And in truth, he looks unusual and the battles with him come out amazingly interesting. Each eye of this creature shoots a beam with a special effect. One eye subjugates the will, the second erases into powder, and the other plunges into sleep.

Gelatinous cube ) is another common monster. He cannot boast of the ferocity of a beholder. All he does is crawl ominously onto the player and begin to slowly and painfully digest him, at the same time dissolving weapons and equipment. When you try to chop it with a sword, it is divided into smaller independent cubes.

Illithid ) are sinister slavers from the Underdark who feed on brains. They are highly intelligent, with telepathy and mind control abilities. Few things terrify a player more than losing control of a character. A controlled barbarian may well kill half of his comrades before they have time to deal with the hated illithid. It is also interesting that the illithid is the head. Literally. Because the rest of the body is simply usurped by a squid-like illithid larva from some sentient being.

Aboleth- Another psionic monster, it looks like a hefty fish with tentacles. Its characteristic feature is 3 eyes arranged in a column. Aboleths are cunning and dangerous opponents, for which they are loved by leaders and players. Like illithids, they are able to control the mind, as well as create illusions. Aboleths' bodies are covered in slime, the contact of which causes a terrible and intractable disease that turns the skin into a transparent membrane. But their most important feature is an unlimited life span combined with a constantly developing brain. As a consequence of this - the unimaginable abyss of knowledge and intelligence beyond imagination.

What players can potentially encounter is determined by the pre-selected setting. Settingis the game world in which the action takes place. Each setting is described separate series additional rulebooks. At the time of the second edition of D&D, the number of settings exceeded a dozen, and they were all connected by a common cosmology. At the moment, only a few game worlds are officially supported, which, however, does not prevent playing in the settings of the past.


Forgotten Realms- the most elaborate setting of the system. There are cities famous for computer games Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter. There is the city glorified by Salvatore dark elves Menzoberranzan. This is where most famous heroes come from. Drizzt Do'Urden and ending Elminster.

Planescape- the most unusual D&D setting, support for which, unfortunately, has been discontinued a long time ago. Unusual races, impossible places and unique modules dedicated to solving eternal philosophical questions. This setting formed the basis of the cult computer game Planescape: Torment.

Eberron- a young, but rapidly developing setting that combines elements of noir, detective and adventure novel. Eberron is a world of magic made indistinguishable from technology. Lightning railways, airships on an elemental drive and of course the semi-dead robots "forged" (warforged), created to fight in the Last War. Games made in this setting dragonshard and Dungeons & Dragons Online.

A robot air pirate is robbing a lightning train. The whole essence of Eberron in one picture.

But one setting is not enough to start the game. The host needsmodule- a scenario of the game with a description of key places, characters and plot twists. A great many modules came out, some of them served as the basis for computer games. For example, a computer gameThe Temple of Elemental Evilbased on the same name board adventure. However, experienced craftsmen do not use ready-made modules, preferring to write scripts on their own.

Tomb of Horros- this is most famousanddeadliest modulethroughout the history of role-playing games and therefore deserves special mention. Of course, every leader can make a module for killing players. However, only Gary Gygax managed to create a module that kills so damn sophisticated, scary and methodical, but at the same time leaving really smart heroes a chance to succeed. This adventure was created as the final test for the most experienced players and the coolest characters. The ominous demilich Acererak made this dungeon so nightmarish not by chance and not in a rush, but only the finale of the adventure will put everything in its place.

Dozens of ingenious traps, a few but terrible opponents, an ever-growing atmosphere of horror, hopelessness and paranoia guarantees you an unforgettable experience. No, the monsters will not jump around the corner when the leader shouts "Boo!". Just any wrong step here becomes the last. By the way, one of the most famous traps of the Tomb kills stupid and careless adventurers instantly and without any checks. The coolness of the character doesn't matter.

Gary Gygax leads the players through the Tomb of Horrors.
“Throw a bone to see if you will weep. And if so, how much."

The whole truth about D&D

It should be noted that the world of role-playing games does not end with the D&D system. It's just that it's the most popular. There are many other systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are just a few examples:


Pathfinder-RPG is a side branch on the glorious Dungeons and Dragons tree. It continues the tradition of the D&D 3.5 rules, creatively developing them and fixing a number of old problems and difficulties. At the same time, the system retains compatibility with almost all material 3.5. All the information you need about Pathfinder can be found at d20pfsrd.com. The system is highly recommended for study. The only difficulty in getting acquainted with Pathfinder is that the material of the system has not been translated into Russian. And those who have difficulties with English should first study the Russified D&D material of editions 3.5 or 4 ( Thanks aldarin and pegasoff for their comments).

Ars Magica (The Art of Magic)- role-playing system with an emphasis on magical art. Instead of using ready-made spells, the player can create them on the go using the magic constructor. To date, five editions of the system have already been released.

GURPS- the brainchild of Steve Jackson, the creator of the game Munchkin. This is a universal system of rules that can be applied in any game world. It is based on a system of points, which, when creating a character, are spent on attributes, the choice of advantages and disadvantages.

ECLIPSE PHASE- role-playing system dedicated to the future of mankind. Clones, cyborgs, implants, supercomputers and spaceflight. Transhumanists should love it.

Age of Aquarius- domestic role-playing system for games in the style of urban fantasy, with glamorous vampires and werewolves. To date, the second edition has been published.

Interested role playing but don't know where to start?

Here's what you'll need:
1.Player's Handbook, Craftsman's Guide, and Bestiary selected edition. You can download these books in Russian on the Phantom Fantasy Studio website (many thanks to them for the translations). You should know the basics of the rules, but reading books from cover to cover is unnecessary and pointless. Just keep books handy as a reference. On the site you can find books of edition 3,5 and 4. Users who speak English are advised to study the Pathfinder system instead.

2. At least one type of each game dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20). Several six-sided cubes are better. You can buy the kit in an online store or make it yourself by printing bone patterns on thick paper and gluing them together. Another option is electronic generator programs.

3.Map, chips and markers. Line a sheet of paper (A2, the larger the better) by hand or on a plotter into 2.5 cm cells and cover it with thermal film. On it you will draw dungeons and castles that players will fall into. To get started, just take cardboard squares as chips.

4.Game module. You can come up with it yourself, but for starters, it's better to use ready-made ones (like this one). Maintaining the finished module is very simple - everything is there, from literary descriptions of landscapes to the characteristics of monsters. Read it in full, but be ready to improvise, because the actions of the players cannot be fully predicted.

5. Character sheets. Download (for example from here) and print them on A4 paper according to the number of players. Help them create characters, explain the basics of the system.

And let the great adventure begin!

Even ponies play D&D!
(By the way, in the first season of MlP, you can find out that Twilight Sparkle knows 25 spells, including Telekinesis, which in the framework of D&D 3.5 corresponds to a Wizard of the 10th level with an intelligence of 18)