Card file of games for children 5 6 years old. Didactic games for children: the development of speech, sensory, physical development. Do-it-yourself card file with goals. The benefits of didactic games

Didactic games- a kind of games for the education and upbringing of children. Didactic games are specially created by teachers for teaching children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show educational and developmental influence. gaming activity. This is one of the methods active learning preschoolers and students elementary school, and this is no coincidence. The child will not sit and listen to a boring lecture or report, he will not remember anything, because he is not interested. The child loves to play. Therefore, pedagogy has combined the pleasant with the useful, playing didactic games, the child learns without suspecting it. He is interested. He remembers. We offer a lot of didactic games on completely different topics to educators and teachers primary school, as well as parents on the 7guru website.

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"Who needs what to work"

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the professions and tools necessary for each of them, to develop arbitrary memory.

Game rule: For a certain time, correctly parse pictures or objects by topic.

Game actions: Search, stack pictures or items by topic.

Game progress: A parcel with pictures or new toys for children to play came to the kindergarten. Having opened the parcel, the children determine that these are items necessary for the work of people of different professions. But on the road they all got mixed up and it is necessary to disassemble the items according to their respective professions.

The number of professions and tools can be different. (8 - 10).

"Create an Image"

Didactic task: Exercise in memorization geometric shapes and depicting these figures with gestures and postures.

Game rule: Depict geometric shapes using only gestures and poses.

Game actions: Memorize geometric shapes, depict them using gestures and poses.

game material: Paintings or toys depicting wild animals are hung in the assembly hall.

Game progress: Invite the children to go to the reserve, watch wild animals. You can’t talk loudly there, animals can get scared.

To transfer information, children are invited to memorize conditional words encrypted in geometric shapes. In the process of memorization, children should depict each of the objects with a pose, gesture (geometric figures are arranged in a row, from 8 to 10 figures).

As an "erasing" factor, you can use listening to an audio recording with the voices of the forest.

Walking around the reserve, children share their impressions with the help of encrypted words - figures, depicting them with postures and gestures.

"Don't Forget the Picture"

Didactic task: Exercise in memorizing geometric shapes located in each picture in different ways; find a paired picture from memory or collect a pattern from memory.

Game rules: Find in the environment the "number" (a set of geometric shapes) of the garage, the same as that of the car, be able to prove their similarity.

Game action: Search for familiar "numbers".

Game progress: Prepare in advance several paired cards (numbers) for cars and garages.

The teacher explains to the children that they will play the outdoor game "Cars".

But today each car will get its own number (a card on a string, put on by ours). You need to remember it well in order to put the car in your garage after the game, with the same number.

It's rainy today, the roads are very dirty. Dirt and flies from under the wheels to the room.

During the game, the numbers are turned over (splattered with mud). Children are encouraged to find their garage, with the same number as the car.

The number is invisible, it was "hidden" by dirt. Try to remember your car number and you will find your garage.

Option 2: A strong wind mixed up the numbers (geometric figures) on the garage number, you need to restore it.

"Code lock"

Didactic task: Exercise in memorizing the pattern, in reproducing it from memory.

Game rule: The front door will open if the lock code is entered correctly.

Game actions: Remember the pattern, reproduce the pattern from memory.

Game progress: Played as part of any story game where a door is needed in the story.

Eg. in story game"Home", before the child goes for a walk (school, shop, etc.), the mother introduces him to the new combination lock. Explains that if you forget the code, the door of the house will not open. On the inside of the door there is a code scheme (a card with a pattern consisting of multi-colored circles), on the outside there is a magnetic board with a set of multi-colored magnets.

Returning from a walk, the child needs to remember and “dial” the correct lock code.

Cards with a code pattern can be changed, as well as increase the number of circles.

"Enchanted Pouch"

Didactic task: Exercise children in distinguishing objects by touch in shape, material.

Game rule: Without peeping into the bag, find the necessary item.

Game actions: Search in the bag for a specific item.

Game material: A bag with a variety of small toys and plastic fruits (real ones if possible).

Game progress: “Santa Claus left (sent) a bag of toys for the kids. These toys must be donated to nursery group when the new kids arrive. But it won't be soon.

Baba Yaga decided to do harm again and put fresh fruits (vegetables) in the bag. Fruits from long storage deteriorate, toys will also deteriorate. She also bewitched the bag, if you open it, then everything will disappear.

Children are invited to carefully, without looking into the bag, to touch all the fruits (vegetables).

After all the fruits have been removed and the bag has been disenchanted, ask the children what, in their opinion, the toys are in the bag. After answering, compare them with the contents of the bag.

"Walking around the village"

Didactic task: To consolidate knowledge about the native village, about the location of its main buildings.

Game rule: For a certain time, correctly draw or build the main street of the village.

Game actions: Construction of the main street of the village.

Game progress: Before the game with the children, a targeted walk around the village is held. After a walk, the children, together with the teacher, draw up a plan - a diagram of the street of the village, mark the main buildings.

The scheme is hung in the group room. A few days later, the scheme for playing the game is given in middle group.

Guests come to the group (new toys). They are all interested in seeing the garden, and everything that is next to the garden.

It's already dark outside and you can't see anything. There are no diagrams either. Children are invited to build a street from building material.

After the construction is completed, children, together with toys, “walk” around the village and introduce guests to the buildings that are on the main street.

Option 2: scheme kindergarten, scheme of the kindergarten site.

" Shop"

Didactic task: To teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features; recognize an object by its description.

Game rule: Mom buys a toy if the child told her well about it, and she recognizes it.

Game actions: With a counting room, they choose the one to whom they will buy a toy; description of the toy.

Game progress: New toys have been brought to the store. A mother will be able to buy a toy for children if the child describes it well, describes it in detail (the item itself is not called) and she can recognize it in the store.


Two are playing. Each player has a set of buttons in front of them, and the sets are exactly the same. Within one set, not a single button is repeated. The number of buttons from the set used in the game depends on the level of difficulty of the latter: than harder game, the more buttons are used. To begin with, you can take only three buttons, but at the same time, the players have the whole set from which these buttons are selected. Each player has a playing field, which is a square divided into cells. The more difficult the game, the more cells in the square. For starters, you can take a playing field of four or six cells. So, the game starts with three buttons on the playing field of 4-6 cells. The starter of the game puts on his field three buttons from the set he has. The second participant in the game must look at the location of the buttons, remember where which one lies, after which the first one covers his field with a sheet, and the second must choose from his set and place the corresponding buttons on his field. Then the correct execution of the task is performed.

The game is made more difficult by the appearance more cells on the playing field and more buttons.

As a rule, children cannot cope with the game at first. They are invited to take each button in their hands, examine, feel, describe the appearance aloud, and also explain aloud to themselves where this button lies. If you follow this method of memorization, the result is usually not bad.


An adult tells the children who a chameleon is. He explains that this is a lizard that changes color depending on where it is, so that it is not noticeable.

Then the facilitator begins to ask the children questions, what color will the chameleon become if he sits in green grass, on a brown log, on a black stone, on chessboard etc. The guys must answer quickly, after which the correct and incorrect answers are discussed.

The game is played as a competition. At the beginning, the response time is not taken into account, it is only important to answer correctly. But then entered additional condition that the winner will be the one who gives the correct answer the fastest.

Instructions for carrying out. Before playing with children, it is advisable to repeat the colors of the rainbow and other color shades.

Note. This game develops the ability to navigate in different colors (this is important because some children do not know the names of colors, the ability to listen, reaction speed, etc.

"Neighbour, raise your hand"

The players, standing or sitting (depending on the agreement, form a circle. The driver is chosen by lot, who stands in the middle of the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and says loudly: “Hands!” The player to whom he addressed the driver continues to stand (sit without changing position. And both of his neighbors must raise one hand up (the neighbor on the right is left, and the neighbor on the left is right, that is, the hand that is closer to the player who is between them. If anyone If one of the guys made a mistake, then he changes with the leading roles.

Play at the set time. The child who has never been the leader wins.

Rules of the game. A player is considered a loser even when he only tried to raise the wrong hand. The driver must stop exactly opposite the player he is addressing.

"Falcon and Fox"

A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes flying movements with his hands (up, to the sides, forward) and also comes up with some more complex movements with his hands. A flock of falcons runs after the falcon and follows its movements. They must exactly repeat the movements of the falcon. Suddenly, a fox jumps out of a hole. The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

Rules of the game. The fox appears at the signal of the leader and catches those children who did not sit down.

"Remember the Order"

Purpose: to develop memory, attention.

Children line up in random order. The driver, looking at them, should turn away and list who is behind whom. Then another child becomes the leader. At the end of the game, those who completed the task without errors are noted.

"Who left?"

Purpose: develops memory, attention.

Children line up in random order. The driver, looking at them, turns away. At this time, at the direction of the teacher, one of the children leaves the room. The driver must turn around and guess which of the children is missing.

When one of the children leaves, the rest change places to confuse the driver.

"Magic number"

Goals: improve memory; fix mathematical account; develop coordination skills.

Material: number cards, rug or mat.

The teacher says that if you know the numbers well, you will enter the land of knowledge. For each, he tells his magic number.

Numbers are scattered on the rug (according to the number of participants in the game). The players remember their number given by the teacher. At the signal of the teacher, the participants run to the mat and look for their number, then run around the mat on the right and return to the starting point.

Children who completed the task quickly and correctly are noted. If there are many children in the group, you can hold a relay race.

"Describe the item"

Age: from 5 years old.

"Memorize Pictures"

Age: from 4 years old.

For this game, you need to prepare pictures in advance. Each picture should show one item. The game can be played as a competition between several children. The players look at the pictures, clean up and all name the pictures that they remember. You can name one picture in turn, the winner is the one who last remembers a picture that has not yet been named by others

13. "That's the pose"

Purpose: to develop motor and visual memory, arbitrary self-control, attention span.

The participants in the game take poses corresponding to a certain sport (a certain profession, the movement of an animal, etc.). The driver, looking at them, must remember, reproduce them and comment after all the children return to their original position.

The game can become more difficult: the driver repeats the poses of an increasing number of children.

The best drivers are marked.

Games for development various kinds memory

"What's gone"

For guys preschool age there is a game “What is missing? " ("What is missing"). Several items, toys are placed on the table. The child looks at them attentively for one or two minutes, and then turns away. At this point, the adult removes one of the items. The task of the child is to remember what item is missing (for children of older preschool age, a more complex option is offered - with the disappearance of two or more toys). Children's responses may vary. Depending on readiness, the child can find a toy on another table, in a room, at a more remote distance, choose a sign with the name of the toy, etc. This game has another option. The child needs to remember the location of the toy among others, and after the adult behind the screen violates this order, return it to its original place. The reverse version is also possible - the game “Who came to us? ", when an adult does not remove, but adds an object or several objects behind the screen.

There is another memory game - "The Box". It can be played by kids from 2 to 6 years old. The box is made up of small boxes that are placed in pairs and glued together. Their number is gradually increasing (up to 12 by the senior preschool age). An object is hidden in one of them in front of the child's eyes, after which the box is closed by a screen for a while. Then he is asked to find the object. -nem

Find it yourself

The visual memory of children is well developed by a game (similar to the "Box") called "Find It Yourself". For her, it is necessary to glue 4 and 3 matchboxes, placing them on top of each other so that 2 turrets are obtained. At the first stage of the game, for example, a button is placed in one of the boxes and the box is closed. The child is offered to show where they put the button, in which of the turrets and in which compartment. At the second, more difficult stage, 2 items are already hidden in different compartments of one of the turrets. At the third stage, objects are put into different turrets, and the child needs to remember where everything is. The baby can open the branches of the turret immediately after the object has been hidden (this is the development of short-term visual memory) or, for example, after half an hour, and for senior preschool age - the next day (development of long-term visual memory).

Learn the subject

An exercise for training tactile memory can be the game "Recognize the Object". A child of senior preschool age is blindfolded, and in turn placed in his outstretched hand various items. At the same time, their names are not pronounced aloud, the baby himself must guess what kind of thing it is. After a number of objects (3-10) is examined, he is offered to name all these things, moreover, in the order in which they were put into the hand. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that the child needs to perform 2 mental operations - recognition and memorization.

Marine knots

At older preschool age, you can develop a child's tactile memory by teaching him to tie sea knots (especially since this also helps the development of visual spatial imagination).

miraculous words

The auditory memory of older preschoolers is developed by the game "Wonderful Words". It is necessary to select 20 words that are related in meaning: 10 pairs should be obtained, for example: food-spoon, window-door, face-nose, apple-banana, cat-dog. These words are read to the child 3 times, moreover, the pairs stand out intonationally. After a while, the baby is repeated only the first words of the pairs, and the second he must remember. This is short-term auditory memory training. For the development of long-term memorization, you need to ask the preschooler to remember the second words of the pairs not immediately, but after half an hour.

Draw a figure

The child is shown 4-6 geometric shapes, and then they are asked to draw on paper those that he remembers. A more difficult option is to ask the young artist to reproduce the figures, given their size and color.

Who knows more

The game "Who knows more" is also intended for senior preschool age. The child is offered to name 5 objects of a given shape or color in one minute. For example - 5 round objects, or 5 red objects. The one who did not have time to name the items in the allotted time is out of the game. Replays don't count!

2. The game "Describe your neighbor" - the development of memory, attention, observation.

In principle, you can describe anything, not just a neighbor. The game is convenient because you can spend it with your child anywhere - on a walk, at home. You can arrange something like a competition. Together with your child, you choose an object familiar to both of you, a person ... anything. And you need to remember as many of its distinctive properties and signs as possible. You can name one by one, in turn. The loser is the one who cannot remember anything about the item when it is their turn.

3. The game "Puppeteer" - the development of motor memory.

Option 1. The teacher-"puppeteer" blindfolds the child and "leads" him, like a doll, along a simple route, holding his shoulders, in complete silence: 4-5 steps forward, stop, turn right, 2 steps back, turn left, 5-6 steps forward, etc.

Then the child is unleashed and asked to independently find the starting point of the route and go through it from beginning to end, remembering his movements.

Option 2. Children can do these exercises in pairs: one person is the "puppeteer", the other is the "doll".

Option 3. Movements can be gradually complicated by increasing the duration of the route and including a number of simple physical exercises: tilt the "doll", bend your arms, make you sit down, make a full turn over your left shoulder, etc.

4. "Do as I do!" (with matches) - development of memory and attention.

Children play in pairs. Initially, each child has 6 matches. One, the leader, lays out an arbitrary composition from 6 matches, then shows it to a partner for one or two seconds.

The partner from his matches lays out exactly the same figure from memory. Then the children switch roles. If the condition is successfully met, the number of matches gradually increases to 12-15.

Note: in principle, you can use not only matches, but also counting sticks, buttons, beads, pencils, hands, etc.

5. The game "We tell a fairy tale."

The amount of memory.

Age: 5 years and older

Option 1: the children sit in a circle, one begins to tell a fairy tale, the other continues. Everyone says 1 - 2 phrases, forcing the course of events in a fairy tale.

Option 2: choose the theme of the fairy tale. The task is not to go beyond the topic. Coming up with a fairy tale, children often kill, scare, destroy someone in it. In this case, at the end of the game, it is discussed to whom and why they want to talk about it, what feelings they experience.

6. Exercise "10 numbers"

The child is called 10 numbers. The child should try to remember them in the order in which they were called.

For example: 9 3 7 10 4 1 6 8 2 5

Game "Walking in the woods"

Purpose: development of visual memory;

Age: from 5 years old.

Imagine that we are in the forest! I will call you the birds. You must remember the ones I missed. So: magpie, crow, swallow, thrush, robin.

Task number 1: name all the birds you know

Task number 2: the picture is removed. The child is asked to remember those birds that were named at the beginning of the game.

Game "Smells and Sounds"

Purpose: development of olfactory and tactile memory.

Age: from 5 years old.

Imagine it's raining. You stand at the window and look out into the street. What do you see? Tell. Imagine raindrops hitting glass. Remember how it rains. What is rain noise? The rain stopped and we went outside. Remember the smell of earth, grass after the rain. What do you think the smell of rain-washed grass can be compared to?

Taste and smell game

Purpose: development of olfactory memory.

Age: from 5 years old.

Task #1: Imagine a lemon.

What does it taste like?

Do you remember what lemon smells like? Tell me about it.

Imagine that you are holding a lemon in your hand. What do you feel?

Task number 2: draw a lemon.

Task number 3: imagine an orange.

What does it taste like?

Remember what an orange smells like.

What color is an orange?

Imagine that you are holding it in your hand. What do you feel?

Task number 4: draw an orange

Task number 5: Tell us the difference between a lemon and an orange. How are they similar.

7. Game "Snowballs"

Purpose: development of emotional memory.

Age: from 4 years old.

Let's mentally play snowballs.

Task number 1: imagine snow. Remember what color it is. Is it always white?

Remember how the sun makes the snow sparkle, what snow can be compared to on a clear winter sunny day.

Task number 2: Remember how the snow crunches under your feet. What do you think, with what can you compare the crunch of snow under a person’s feet.

Task number 3: Imagine that you are holding handfuls of snow in your hands. What are you doing a ball of snow. What do you feel?

Game "Riddles"

Purpose: development of auditory memory

Age: from 5 years old.

I will give you a riddle, and I ask you to draw a riddle.

Attention! What kind of forest animal

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than the head (hare)

Task number 1: What words can you say about a hare.

Task number 2: Remember and repeat the riddle?

8. Game "Videoscope".

Purpose: development of arbitrary visual memory

Age: from 5 years old.

Children sit in a circle. In a circle, 1 - 2 (later more) postcards are passed one after another. Approximately every 10 seconds, the teacher gives a signal (clap) and the children pass a card to their neighbor on the right and receive another one. When the cards have passed in a circle 2-3 times they are put aside. Ask the children to remember and tell what is shown on the 1st card and so on. The rest add what someone forgot.

9. Game "Describe the subject"

Purpose: development of arbitrary visual memory.

Age: from 5 years old.

1. children sit in a circle. The teacher passes the object around. Children carefully examine it and, on a signal, pass it to a neighbor. The object is removed, the children must describe it.

2. a child comes out, 5-6 objects are laid out in front of him. He examines them carefully. Then he turns away and gives a description of the objects (the description is possible according to the scheme: color, shape, material)

10. The game “Which toy is missing? »

Goal: development of visual memory, attention span.

Age: from 3 years old

Place 4-5 toys in front of the child for 1 minute, then ask the child to turn away and remove one of the toys. Question to the child: “What toy is missing? ". The game can be complicated: do not remove anything, but only swap toys; increase the number of toys. You can play 2-3 times a week.

11. The game "Retelling in a circle"

Purpose: development of auditory memorization

Age: from 5 years old.

The facilitator reads the text, the participants of the game listen carefully. The retelling begins with any of the players, then clockwise. Everyone speaks one sentence at a time, then all together listen to the text again and complete the retelling, correct the mistakes made

12. Word game

Purpose: development of auditory memory

Age: from 5 years old.

Now I will give you a few words. Try to remember them. Attention!

Falcon, sieve, pine, old man, barn, snow maiden.

Task 1: name the words that you remember.

Task 2: What do you think these words have in common.

Task 3: if you know how to spell the letter "c", then write it.

13. The game "We remember together."

Purpose: development of auditory memory.

One child names an object. The second repeats the named word and adds some of his own. The third child repeats the first two words and adds a third, and so on.

14. The game "Remember a couple."

Read the first row of words to the child and ask them to memorize them in pairs. Then read only the first word of each pair, and the child should name the second word of the pair.

1 row: doll - play, chicken - egg, knife - cut, horse - sleigh, book - read, butterfly - fly, sun - summer, brush - teeth, mouse - mink, snow - winter, rooster - scream, cow - milk , lamp - evening.

2 row: beetle - chair, feather - water, glasses - mistake, fish - fire, ax - jelly, castle - time, matches - sheep, dove - father, modeling - tram, boots - boiler, comb - evening, ring - plant , cup - sea.

15. The game "Pairs of pictures."

Purpose: development of semantic memory

Age: from 5 years old.

Prepare 7-8 pictures related to each other in meaning. Arrange them in pairs in front of the child. The picture on which the tree is drawn is placed next to the image of the forest. Invite the child to carefully consider all the pictures and try to remember. After 1-2 min. Remove the pictures from the right row. Ask the child to look at the remaining pictures and name the ones that have been removed.

16. The game "Listen and perform"

Purpose: development of motor memory.

Age: from 4 years old.

The facilitator calls aloud several movements without showing them. You need to do the movements in the order in which they were given.

17. The game "Birthday of the doll."

Purpose: development of visual and auditory memory.

The adult reports that the doll's birthday has come and guests will soon come to congratulate the birthday girl. And what is the name of the guests, they will find out later. An adult takes out 4-5 toys and calls their names. Then all the guests sit down at the table, and tea drinking begins. The child should treat everyone with tea, addressing by name. The game can be changed by inviting different guests to the doll and calling them different names. The number of guests is gradually increasing.

18. Game "Pair of words".

Purpose: development of semantic memory

Age: from 5 years old.

Invite the child to memorize a few words (you can start with 5-6 words). Presenting each of them in tandem with another word. For example: a cat is milk, a boy is a car. Ask the child to remember the second words. Then you name the first word, and the child must remember and name the second word. The task can be gradually complicated by increasing the number of pairs of words and selecting pairs of words with distant connections.

19. Exercise "Autumn".

Purpose: development of semantic memorization

Age: from 5 years old.

I will read you a poem. I ask you to draw what is said in this poem.

Summer has passed

Autumn has come

In fields and groves

Empty and sad

The birds have flown

The days got shorter.

The sun is not visible

Dark, dark nights.

After the drawing is completed, the poem is memorized.

20. Game "Shop"

Purpose: development of auditory memory

Age: from 4 years old.

The facilitator can send the child to the "shop" and ask him to remember all the items that need to be bought. They start with one or two items, increasing their number to 4-5. In this game, it is useful to change roles and the stores themselves can be different: “bakery”, “milk”, “toys”, etc. Supermarket

21. Didactic game "Where is my sister?"

The game is intended for children 5-7 years old, but adults can also play it. At least 2 people can play.

Purpose of the game: to develop voluntary attention. Learn to find significant differences between similar objects.

Materials: two, and preferably four sets of nesting dolls (two are exactly the same). You can use painted nesting dolls or dolls. For the game, images of dolls can be prepared, differing in clothing details, hairstyles, patterns on the dress. The more details the child has to consider, the more difficult it is to search.

Game progress: Nesting dolls are placed in a row or randomly in front of the child. The location of the figures matters: if they are arranged in a row, the search is facilitated, and if it is chaotic, it becomes more complicated and requires more attention from the child. One of the nesting dolls is on the side. Task: who will help this matryoshka find her sister faster? The child picks up a nesting doll, examines it. The leader, together with the rest of the players, gives a signal: “One, two, three - look!”. Then, they clap their hands 3 or 5 times. If during this time the child does not find a similar nesting doll among others, he sits down in place, and the search continues with another one. The signals are the same. The winning child receives a token. Then the next matryoshka appears, and the search continues. If the child copes with the task quickly, the number of claps decreases, and if with difficulty, it increases.

You can complicate the game by adding a condition to it, under which the child should not look at the matryoshka - a sample during the search, but look for similarities only from memory. After the choice, the “two sisters” are compared and the leader determines whether the choice is correct or not. If errors are found, another child is included in the search or the player is allowed to find the "sister" by looking at the sample. The winner is the one who found the most "sisters" without errors.

22. Game "Cunning Dwarf" The game is intended for children 6-8 years old.

Purpose of the game: to develop voluntary attention and short-term memory.

Materials: a flat cardboard house with a cut-out window, a cap for a gnome (not necessary, but it will be more interesting with it), a set of paired pictures (exactly the same), pictures that differ from paired ones in 1 - 3 ways.

Game progress: An adult chooses a “cunning gnome” among the players who will be the leader. Then he tells the following story: a cunning dwarf kidnapped and bewitched animals and birds. And we must go in search of them and disenchant them. In the playroom, they find the gnome's house and knock on his door. The dwarf puts forward a condition: the children themselves must disenchant the animals and birds, but for this you need to be very careful. From the window of the house, the gnome only for a very short time shows the image of enchanted animals - because he does not want the children to find them! The child must remember what the bird or animal stolen by the gnome looks like, then find them among other similar images that the cunning gnome puts on purpose to confuse the players. If the child is wrong, the dwarf kidnaps him too, i.e. sits next to him. Then he shows another picture in the window, and the search continues.

The game is complicated by the fact that the cunning gnome sometimes offers children images that differ only in one or two details (for example, the same cats, in the same pose, but with different bows). This requires more attention from the participants in the game.

During the game or at its end, the “ransom” of the children abducted by the dwarf takes place. The gnome asks the children to guess riddles, remember tongue twisters, or complete some task: sing, dance, read poetry, etc. If the dwarf likes how his tasks are completed, then he lets the children go and the game continues.

Ekaterina Elaeva
Didactic games for children 5–6 years old






3. "MY CLOUD".



6. "YES OR NO".




10. "HUNTER".





15. "IT HAPPENS - IT DOESN'T HAPPEN" (with a ball).

16. "FIND A PAIR".






22. "BIRDS".

23. "DO NOT SNOOZE!" (birds wintering, migratory).







30. "THIRD WHEEL" (plants)


32."GOOD BAD".








40. "WHAT WHY?"




Target. Teach children understand the processes occurring in nature; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover.

move games. The teacher names different plants and shrubs, and the children choose only those that grow in the area. If they grow up, the children clap their hands or jump in one place (you can choose any movement, if not, the children are silent.

Plants: cherry, apple, palm, rosehip, currant, apricot, raspberry, orange, lemon, pear, pineapple, etc.


Target. To consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts; develop auditory attention.

move games.The teacher names the season: "Autumn". Then he lists the signs of different seasons (birds fly south; snowdrops have blossomed; leaves on the trees turn yellow; fluffy white snow falls). Children name an extra sign and explain their choice.

3. "MY CLOUD".

Target. Develop imagination, figurative perception of nature.

move games. Children sit on blankets or squat, look at the sky and floating clouds. The teacher offers to dream up and tell what the clouds look like, where they can swim.


Target. To consolidate the ability to classify and name insects.

move games. Children become in a circle, the host calls the insect (a fly, and passes the ball to a neighbor, he calls another insect (mosquito) etc. Whoever cannot answer, leaves the circle. The host speaks "Flying Insect - Butterfly" and passes the ball next answer: "Mosquito" etc. At the end of the circle, the leader calls "Hopper" and the game continues.


Target. To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of birds.

move games. The teacher calls the birds mixed up, whoever notices a mistake should clap their hands (sparrow, crow, fly, bullfinch, etc.).

6. "YES OR NO".

Target. Consolidate knowledge children about the signs of autumn.

move games. The teacher reads the poem, and the children should listen carefully and answer "Yes" or "No".

Do flowers bloom in autumn? Harvest the whole harvest?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn? Are the birds flying away?

Clouds cover the sun? Does it rain often?

Is the prickly wind coming? Do we get boots?

Do fogs float in autumn? The sun is shining very hot

Well, do birds build nests? Can children sunbathe?

Do the bugs come? Well, what should be done -

Animals mink close? Jackets, hats to wear?


Target. Pin skill children classify and name indoor and garden plants.

move games. Children become in a circle. The child names a houseplant (violet) and passes the ball to a neighbor, he calls another plant (begonia) etc. Whoever cannot answer, leaves the circle. In the second round, the leader names garden plants, and the game continues.


Target. To consolidate ideas about autumn changes in nature; develop creative imagination, observation.

move games. Children form a circle. The teacher offers to depict autumn weather with facial expressions, hand gestures, movements: It became cold (children shrivel, warm their hands, put on hats and scarves with gestures); cold rain is falling (open umbrellas, raise collars).


Target. Teach children compare objects recognize objects by description.

move games. One child guesses the animals, while the others must guess them according to the description.

10. "HUNTER".

Target. Exercise in the ability to classify and name animals.

move games. Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the site - a high chair. This "forest" ("lake", "pond"). AT "forest" heading off "hunter"- one of the players. Standing still he says these words: “I am going to the forest to hunt. I will hunt for…”. Here the child takes a step forward d and says: "Hare", takes the second step and names another animal, etc. You cannot name the same animal twice. The winner is the one who reaches "forests" ("lake", "pond") or moved on.


children about animate and inanimate nature.

move games. "Live" (non-living) nature, ”says the educator and passes one of the players an object (or throws the ball). Children name natural objects (the one indicated by the teacher).


Target. Teach children describe an object and recognize it by description.

move games. The teacher offers the player to describe the plant or make a riddle about it. Other children have to guess what kind of plant it is.


Target. Teach children describe birds according to their characteristics.

move games.Children are divided into two groups: one group describes the bird (or riddles, and the other must guess what kind of bird it is. Then the groups change places.


Target. Teach children recognize and name a plant by its leaf, find it in nature.

move games. Collection of leaves fallen from trees and shrubs. The teacher offers to find out from which tree or shrub the leaf is and find proof (similarity) with non-fallen leaves that have a variety of shapes.

15. "IT HAPPENS - IT DOESN'T HAPPEN" (with a ball).

Target. Develop memory, thinking, speed of reaction.

move games. The teacher pronounces the phrase and throws the ball, and the child nok should answer quickly: frost in summer (can not be); snow in winter (it happens); frost in summer (can not be); drops in summer (can not be).

16. "FIND A PAIR".

Target. Develop at children thinking, ingenuity.

move games. The teacher distributes t children one sheet at a time and says: "Wind started to blow. All the leaves have scattered. Hearing these words, the guys are spinning with leaves in their hands. dayo teacher t command: "One, two, three - find a couple!" Everyone should stand next to the tree whose leaf they hold in their hands.


Target. Consolidate knowledge children about appearance some trees and shrubs (trunk, leaves, fruits and seeds).

move games. Selected "forester", the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds for new plantings. "Forester"He speaks: "A lot of birches grow on my site (poplars, maples, let's collect seeds." "Forester" can only describe the tree without naming it. Children look for seeds, collect them and show them "forester". That one wins who scored more seeds and was not mistaken.


children about

move games. "What is man made?"- the teacher asks and throws the ball to the child. He answers: "The machine". After several replies children the teacher asks t new question: "What is created by nature?" Children name objects of nature.


Target. Consolidate and organize knowledge children about what is made by man, and what is given to man by nature.

move games. The teacher becomes in a circle, in his hands is a ball. He negotiates with the children in advance: the teacher names the objects, and the children answer with one word: "Man!" or "Nature!" For example, the teacher throws the ball to the child ncu and says: "The machine!", baby nok answers: "Man!" The one who made a mistake leaves the circle for one horse.

20. "GET IT BY YOUSELF" (option 1)

Target. Teach children make sentences with a given number of words.

move games.Provide children with key words: autumn, falling leaves, snow, snowflakes. ask children come up with sentences of 4, 5 words. The first child to make a proposal gets a token.

(option 2)

move games. The teacher appoints a leader and asks t topic: "Seasons", "Cloth", "Flowers", "Forest". The child makes up words and says them to everyone else, eg: "Flowers, insects, opened". Children should come up with as many sentences as possible so that these words sound in them.


Target. Develop the ability to group plants according to their structure (trees, shrubs).

move games. Children will "squirrels" and "bunnies" and one child "fox". "Squirrels" and "bunnies" running across the field. On signal: "Danger is a fox!" - "squirrels" run to the tree "Hares"- to the bushes. "A fox" catches those who perform the task incorrectly.

22. "BIRDS".

Target. To consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

move games. Children become in a circle. The host calls the bird (fish, animal, tree, for example, "sparrow" and passes the ball to a neighbor, he calls "crow" etc. Whoever cannot answer, he leaves the circle.

23. "DO NOT SNOOZE!" (birds wintering, migratory).

Target. Develop auditory attention, speed of reaction.

move games. Dayo caregiver t all children the names of birds and asks to carefully follow: as soon as their name is heard, they should stand up and clap their hands; who misses his name, goes out of games.

24. "NAME THREE ITEMS" (option 1).

Target. Exercise in the classification of objects.

move games. Children must name objects that correspond to this concept. The teacher says: "Flowers!" and throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Chamomile, cornflower, poppy".

(option 2)

The caregiver divides children into two teams. The first child names the flower and passes the ball to the other team. She must name three names of flowers and pass the ball to the first team, which, in turn, also names three flowers. The team that named flowers last wins.


Target. Consolidate and organize knowledge children about what is made by human hands, and what is by nature.

move games. “What is man made? - the teacher asks and throws the ball to the player. After several replies children he asks t new question: "What is created by nature?" The children answer.


Target. Learn to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; exercise in right choice words.

move games. caregiver (or child)starts a sentence: “I put on a warm coat because…”. The child who completes this sentence constitutes the beginning of a new one.


Target. Refine and deepen knowledge children about the seasons.

move games. The teacher calls the season and gives the chip to the child. The child names what happens at this time of the year and passes the chip to the next player. He adds a new definition and passes the token, and so on.


Target. Teach children find inaccuracies in the text.

move games.The teacher says: Listen carefully to the poem. Who will notice fables more, what does not actually happen?

Warm spring now. Likes to sit in the river.

Our grapes are ripe. And in winter among the branches

Horned horse in the meadow “Ga0ga-ga, the nightingale sang.

Jumping in the snow in summer. Quickly give me an answer -

Late autumn bear Is it true or not?

Children find inaccuracies and replace words and sentences to get it right.


Target. Learn to perceive a poetic text; educate aesthetic emotions and experiences; consolidate knowledge about the months of each season and the main features of the seasons.

move games. Writers and poets in their poems sing of the beauty of nature at different times of the year. The teacher reads a poem, and the children should highlight the signs of the season.

30. "THIRD WHEEL" (plants)

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of plants.

move games.The teacher tells the children: “You already know that plants can be cultivated and wild. I will now name the plants mixed: wild and cultivated. Whoever hears an error should clap their hands. For example: birch, poplar, apple tree; apple, plum, oak, etc.


Target. Learn to describe an object and recognize it by description; to form the ability to choose the most striking sign of a plant.

move games. The teacher invites the child to name one of the most characteristic features of the plant, the rest of the children must guess the plant itself. For example, a white trunk (Birch tree); red hat with white dots (fly agaric) etc.

32. "GOOD BAD".

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

move games. The teacher shows the children the schematic rules of behavior in nature. Children should tell as much as possible about what is shown in the pictures, what can and cannot be done, and why.


Target. Cultivate love for nature, the desire to take care of it.

move games.The teacher says: “There are many different kind words, they should be said to everyone more often. Kind words always help in life, and evil words harm. Remember kind words, when and how they are said. Come up with different kind words that you can refer to ... a cat, a flower, a doll. friend, etc.


Target. Learn to describe a bird and recognize by description.

move games. The teacher invites one child to describe a bird or make a riddle about it. Other children have to guess what kind of bird it is.


Target. Systematize knowledge children about garden plants.

move games.The driver describes any plant in the following order: shape, color, use. Children must recognize the plant from the description.


Target. Learn to classify objects according to certain criteria (according to the place of growth, according to the method of their application); develop speed of thinking, auditory attention, speech skills.

move games. The teacher asks about what is planted in the garden and asks children answer"Yes" if what he calls grows in a garden and "No" if it does not grow in the garden. Whoever makes a mistake will lose.


Target. Learn to notice the consequences of your actions in relation to nature.

move games. The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, as a result of which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to observe the measure and protect nature. For example: What happens if you pick all the flowers? destroy the butterflies?


Target. Strengthen knowledge about forest (garden) plants.

move games. The teacher chooses three children and ask them to name that grows in the forest. The teacher says: "Mushrooms!" Children must name the types of mushrooms in turn. The teacher tells other children: "Trees!" The children name the trees. The child who names the most plants wins.


Target. Teach children group plants by place of growth; describe their appearance.

move games. Children play the role of sellers and buyers. To make a purchase, you need to describe the plant you have chosen, but do not name it, but only say where it grows. The seller must guess what kind of flower it is, name it, then issue a purchase.

40. "WHAT WHY?"

Target. Learn to name the seasons and the corresponding months.

move games. The teacher calls the time of the year and passes the chip to the child, he must name the first month of this season and give the chip to another child who names the next month, etc. Then the teacher calls the month, and the children call the season.


Target. Learn to divide words into parts, pronounce each part of the word separately.

move games. Children are divided into two teams. The first team names the animal, and the second lists what it eats, trying to highlight two-syllable words, and then three-syllable ones.


Target. Consolidate knowledge children about insects.

move games. The teacher thinks of a word, but only says the first syllable. For example: the beginning of the word ko ... Children pick up words (mosquito). Whoever guesses first gets a chip. child wins with the most chips.

The teacher, leading the games of the pupils of the older group, takes into account their increased capabilities. At this age, children are characterized by curiosity, observation, interest in everything new, unusual: to guess the riddle themselves, to express a judgment, to find the correct solution to the problem. Children 5-6 years old do this with great enthusiasm.

With the expansion of the volume of knowledge, the nature of the mental activity of the children also changes. New forms of thinking are emerging. At the heart of the child's mental work is understanding, a process that is based on analysis and synthesis. With the development of thinking, the analysis becomes more and more detailed, and the synthesis more and more generalized and precise. Children are able to understand the relationship between surrounding objects and phenomena, the causes

observed phenomena, their features. The main thing in mental activity is the desire to learn new things: to acquire new knowledge, new ways of mental actions.

When selecting games, the main attention is paid to the degree of difficulty. game rules and actions, so that when they are performed, children show the efforts of the mind, will. When selecting objects, material for games, the educator also takes into account the change in the mental processes of children, so the main signs of differences in objects for games are less noticeable, sometimes hidden behind their external similarity. And vice versa, behind the external differences of objects it is necessary to detect their similarity.

Competition motives occupy an important place in children's games; they are given greater independence both in choosing a game and in creatively solving its problems.

During the game itself, the role of the educator also changes. But here, too, he clearly, emotionally acquaints children with new game, its content, rules and actions, clarifies their understanding by the players, participates in the game with them in order to find out how much its rules have been learned. Then he invites the children to play on their own, while at first he monitors the progress of the game, acts as an arbiter in conflict situations.

However, not all games require such active participation of the educator. Sometimes he may confine himself to explaining the rules of the game before it begins. Children of the older group can act independently without the participation of a teacher. This applies in particular to many printed board games.

In the games of children of the older group, the rules become more complicated, there are more of them in number. Therefore, the educator, before offering the children a game, must himself well learn these rules, the sequence of game actions.

How to finish the game? (This is important so that the children want to play it again.) Playing forfeits, honoring the winners, reporting a new version of the game that will be next time.

It is very important for the educator himself to analyze the game: whether it was successfully selected, whether the children have the necessary knowledge, ideas, skills to play it, whether everything was provided for in the organization of the situation and, most importantly, whether all the children were active enough in the game, what moral qualities were manifested and what social, moral qualities have been formed; for example, joy not only from one's own successes, but also from the successful actions of comrades, the ability to subordinate one's behavior to the rules of the game, the desire to communicate with peers.

At the end of the game, the educator will definitely evaluate both the children's correct solutions to game problems, and their moral actions, behavior, celebrate successes, and support those who have not yet succeeded in something.

The organization of didactic games for children of the older group thus requires a lot of thoughtful work from the educator and in the process of preparing for their conduct: enriching children with relevant knowledge, selecting material, and sometimes making it together with the children, organizing the environment for the game (where they will sit and children move, where they will hide objects, where to put material for games), and in the process of conducting the game itself, where you need to clearly define your role from its beginning to the end.

When selecting material for the game of children of the older group, the teacher provides for its use in a creative, sports game. For example, in the game "Shop" they sell not just toys, but sports equipment: rackets, balls, jump ropes, shuttlecocks, a referee's whistle, a net, etc. Having bought such items, the guys take them with them for a walk and organize sports entertainment there.

Children of the sixth year of life are preparing for schooling. How they are prepared for school depends on their successful assimilation of knowledge. Therefore, the educator when conducting didactic games Special attention draws on a clear, mandatory implementation by children of the rules of the game and behavior in the process of playing activities: organization, discipline, friendliness, respect for playmates, elders. All these qualities are essential for a future student.

Six-year-old children are the oldest in kindergarten, so they must be active, they must have a desire to help the younger ones, to do something for them. entertaining game, play with them, teach them to play interestingly. The educator takes all this into account when organizing the games of his pupils.

Games with objects

Make no mistake!

didactic task. Exercise children in distinguishing objects by material; consolidate knowledge about such properties of objects as hard, soft, dense, rough, smooth, shiny, matte.

Game rules. Collect items of the same quality in a basket, talk about the properties of items.

Game actions. The search for objects is carried out by links, they compete: whoever finds the most items of the same material, wins. The search begins and ends at the signal of the leader.

Game progress. The game begins with a short conversation between the teacher and the children about the objects that surround them in the group room.

The educator, in the course of the conversation, clarifies the knowledge of the children that there are a lot of objects in the group room and they are all made of some kind of material.

Now look at this toy! (Shows a nesting doll.) What do you think it is made of? (Children answer.) Yes, it is made of wood. What is this item made of? (Shows scissors. Children answer.) This object, you rightly said, is made of metal.

Come, Vika, to the table, pick up a nesting doll and scissors and say which is colder: scissors or a nesting doll. Correctly Vika said that the scissors are colder. Metal is cold, but wood is warmer.

Now tell me, what is this ball made of? (Shows a plastic ball. The children answer.) Yes, it is made of plastic. See how he bounces! How can you say about this property of plastic? (It is elastic. The ball jumps.) But what is this bubble made of? That's right, it's made of glass. What can be said about the properties of glass?

The teacher brings the children to the answer: it is fragile, it beats easily. Therefore, with objects made of glass, you must always be very careful.

- Now, guys, we will play the game "Do not make a mistake!". We will have four links. Let's choose a counting unit. We will give each leader a basket: a ball is pasted on this basket. (Shows a basket with a ball.) Here you will need to find and put all the objects made ... What are they made of?

“Plastic,” the children answer.

“And this basket has a picture of scissors pasted on it. This is where we collect all the items...

— Metal.

- And in this basket (a nesting doll is pasted on it) - we will add objects ...

— Wooden.

- In this basket we put all the items ...

— Glass.

- Start the search and end only on a signal: a blow to the tambourine. Whoever collects the most items wins.

Four linkers are chosen by counting. They take baskets and, together with the members of their squad (they should be equally divided), after the sound of the tambourine, they go to collect items. After the second blow to the tambourine, everyone approaches the teacher's table, lays out the objects in turn, recounts them, checks for mistakes, and talks about the properties of the objects.

At the end, the winning link is announced. The winners are greeted with applause.

The game can be varied by using objects made from other materials: cardboard, fabric, rubber, etc.

Whoever comes, let him take it!

Didactic task. To teach children to talk about the subject, highlighting its most characteristic features: color, shape, quality and its purpose; according to the description, find an object in a room or on a site (if the game is played on a site), recognize tools, machines, by whom they are used in work; develop attention, memory, thinking and speech.

Game rules. According to the description of the object, find it in a room or on a site, correctly name it. Who makes a mistake and brings not the item that was told, he pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Game actions. Guessing, guessing, searching for objects.

Game progress. The teacher reminds the children that recently they had a conversation in class about the fact that different objects, tools, and machines help people in their work. He speaks:

- Today we will play such a game: we have a lot of tools, cars (toys) in the group. You will choose one of them and tell us so that we know which tool or machine you are talking about. But you can't name an object. We ourselves must guess. Whoever guesses first will find this item and bring it here on the table.

— I guessed the item that the tailor needs. It's metallic. You can also make a riddle: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there is a carnation.” These are scissors,” says Vova.

- Go, Vova, bring and put the scissors on the table.

“Guess what it is,” the next participant continues the game. - Car, wheels, like a tank. He knows how to do everything: he plows, he sows, and he carries loads. Works on a collective farm.

The one who guessed (“It's a tractor!”) Comes up first and finds a tractor among the toys and also puts it on the table.

The game continues until different guns labor and machines will be on the teacher's desk. The game ends with acting out the forfeits of those who made a mistake and brought the wrong item.

didactic task. To teach children to compare objects, to notice signs of similarity in color, shape, size, material; develop observation, thinking, speech.

Game rules. Find two objects in the environment, be able to prove their similarity. The person pointed to by the arrow answers.

Game action. Search for similar items.

Game progress. Various items are prepared in advance and discreetly placed in the room.

The teacher reminds the children that they are surrounded by many objects, different and the same, similar and completely different.

Today we will find objects that are similar to each other. They can be similar in color, shape, size, material. Listen to the rules of the game. You need to walk around the room, select two similar objects and sit down. The one whom the arrow points to will tell you why he took these two items, what is their similarity.

Most often, children find similar objects by color, size. The hidden quality is difficult for them to detect. This game helps the children to solve the problem. For example, taking a teaspoon and a dump truck, the child explains his choice by saying that they are similar because they are made of metal. At first, such a combination of objects causes laughter in children.

- What are the similarities between a spoon and a dump truck? - the children are perplexed and laugh. Of course they don't look alike.

But the child who called them similar proves the correctness of his selection.

While playing, children learn to find signs of similarity in objects, which is much more difficult than to notice signs of their differences.

Do you know?

Didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge about sports, to arouse the desire to engage in them; educate interest in athletes, pride in their victories.

game rule. When choosing the items necessary for a given sport, correctly name the sport and items.

game action. Select pictures depicting different sports (see fig.).

Game progress. The teacher examines large pictures with the children, which depict sports subjects: games of football, hockey, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, rowing, etc .; talks with children, clarifies their knowledge. After handing out pictures to the children, the teacher invites them to choose the right items for each athlete. He draws the attention of children to objects that lie on the carpet: a hoop, a ribbon, a soccer ball, a stick, a puck, a racket, a shuttlecock, a boat, oars, etc. The children name them.

Now listen to the rules of the game. On a signal (whistle), you will find and put to the picture where one sport is drawn, those items that these athletes need. Be careful!

Gives a signal. After all the items are put to the corresponding pictures, the children check if there are any mistakes.

The game consolidates knowledge about sports, about sports equipment, and also brings up interest in sports. The game can end with a conversation about Soviet athletes - champions of the competition, looking at pictures, photographs on sports topics.

Then the teacher offers the items that were used in the game to take with you for a walk and play sport games on one's own.

Whose clothes?

Didactic task. Raise in children an interest in people of different professions; clarify knowledge about work clothes; to learn to distinguish people of different professions by work clothes: postman, miner, builder, doctor, diver, pilot, electric welder, etc.

Game rules. By working clothes, determine the profession, find the right picture and show it to children. For a correct answer, the player receives a chip.

game action. Dressing dolls in work clothes.

Game progress. Before starting the game, the teacher clarifies the children's knowledge of working clothes, finds out if they noticed that people work in special clothes and that you can find out who they work by their clothes. Show pictures:

- Look, children (in the picture, a civil aviation pilot), is it possible to find out by the clothes who is shown in the picture? Yes. This is a pilot. How did you guess?

Children talk about the cap, suit, shoulder straps. Then the teacher reads poems from L. Kuklin's book “Who is dressed like that”.

The worker works quickly and dexterously.

The working uniform is called overalls.

Every job has its own clothes

My book will tell you about it.


For work shift

The miner will go to the mine.

Miners wear helmets

Safety helmets.

He will go underground

On the high-speed elevator.

canvas robe

Bumps up on him.

Both blast furnaces and factories

Delivered on time

mining booty -

Choice corner!

electric welder

Have you seen how he controls fire?

He wears an iron mask.

Here a house is being built - look in the morning:

He is sitting in the wind in a quilted jacket.

He cooked the pillars of mighty bridges,

He cooked ships from huge sheets ...

He can weld iron with iron!

He is a good wizard, what can I say!

The teacher shows pictures showing clothing models of people of different professions, and the children will recognize: a miner, a builder, a doctor, a postman, a diver, a pilot, an electric welder, etc.

Then the teacher offers to dress the dolls in clothes that have been sewn and prepared in advance for this game. All dolls are then used in independent creative games. The teacher advises the children how to play with them (depending on the impressions received and knowledge about different professions).

Tops and roots

Didactic task. To consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have both tops and roots; exercise in compiling a whole plant from its parts.

Game rules. You can search for your vershok or spine only on a signal. It is impossible to pair up with the same player all the time, you have to look for another pair.

Game actions. Search for a couple; composition of the whole plant.

Game progress. Option 1. After harvesting in his garden, the teacher gathers the children, shows them what a good harvest they have grown, and praises them for their useful work. Then he clarifies the knowledge of children that some plants have edible roots - roots, others have fruits - tops, and some plants have both tops and roots. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

- Today we will play a game called "Tops and Roots". We have tops and roots of plants - vegetables on the table. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other - roots. (Children are divided into two groups.)

There are vegetables on the table here; the children of the first group take an apex in their hand, and the children of the second - by the spine. So, did you get everything? And now, on a signal (clap your hands), you all scatter around the site and run in all directions. When you hear the signal “One, two, three - find your pair!”, Quickly find a pair for yourself: to your top - a spine.

The game is repeated, but it is already necessary to look for another vershok (or spine). You can't pair up with the same player all the time.

Option 2. Tops (or roots) stand still. Only one subgroup of guys runs around the playground. The teacher gives the command: “Roots, find your tops!” Children should become so that the tops and root are one.

The correctness of the task can be checked by the “magic gate” (the teacher and one of the children), through which all couples pass. So that interest in the game does not fade away, you can offer to exchange tops and roots. AT senior group for this game, you should take vegetables with subtle differences in the tops, for example, parsley and carrots, turnips and radishes. You can put sprigs of dill - let the children look for their roots. If the player did not find it, then the dill roots are inedible, which means that he was left without a pair.

Board-printed games for children 5-6 years old

Who built this house?

Didactic task. To systematize the knowledge of children about who builds houses, about the sequence in building a house, about tools and machines that help people in construction; to cultivate respect for the profession of builders, the desire to take on the role of builders in creative games.

Game rules. Choose small cards according to the pattern on big maps. Whoever closes all the cells on the map first gets a chip. Card exchange. Whoever gets the most chips is declared the winner of the game.

Game actions. Search for cards. Competition.

Game progress. The teacher, together with the children, examines large maps on which architects, builders, and finishers are drawn. A short conversation is held about the content of the pictures, about the stages in the construction of a house, about people, machines, tools used at a construction site. The teacher shows small pictures that show the details of a large map. Then he invites the children to take one big map and on a signal (knocks the cube on the table) pick up the right cars, close the cells on the cards with them. Whoever finds the right cards first and without error and correctly names all the mechanisms wins.

The game can be continued, then the children exchange cards or the composition of the players changes.

You can finish the game by talking with children about caring for your home, for green spaces near it, that is, for everything that was created by the labor of people.

According to the same principle, a game is played on the theme "Transport". It systematizes, deepens the knowledge of children about what means of transportation people use on land, on water, in the air.

For the game, large cards are prepared depicting the earth, sky, sea. To them, children select small cards with different types of transport: for example, for a large card where the earth is drawn, they select pictures such as a bus, trolleybus, bicycle, tram, train, metro, etc.

As in the first game, here the number of pictures must be the same. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly closes all the empty cells on large cards.

Guests of Moscow

Didactic task. Clarify, consolidate children's knowledge about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow (see fig.), cultivate love for the main city of our country, a desire to learn more about its sights.

Game rules. Describe a picture with views of Moscow, guess a part of the city from the description, find the same picture.

Game actions. Choice of guides, imitation of tourists traveling by car around Moscow.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children about how many guests come to Moscow from other cities, union republics and other countries. Everyone wants to see our beautiful city and its sights.

We will play guides today. A guide is a person who accompanies guests, shows them, tells them interestingly about what they will see. I have a car in my hands (a toy Volga). Here on it you will carry guests. Each guide will show only one place, and another guide will take guests to another. Look, I have a cube in my hands. There are numbers on it: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And on the playing field, the pictures also have their own number. If the cube falls so that the number 3 is on top, then you will need to take guests to this place, you will see the number 3 in the picture. You need to drive down the street by car as indicated by the arrows. Having stopped, it is necessary to tell what kind of building or place it is in Moscow, what guests could see there. Everyone else is listening intently. Whoever guessed this place first finds the same picture on his desk and shows it. If the answer is correct, he becomes a guide; also with the help of a cube determines where to take the guests, what to show, what to tell.

For this game, it is necessary to have two sets of identical pictures (postcards), from which the sights, places, structures familiar to children are selected.

At the end of the game, the teacher thanks the guides for their good work, expresses confidence that the guests of the capital were satisfied with their excursion.

Complication in the game is possible by increasing the pictures on the playing field.

This game can be played in order to consolidate knowledge not only about Moscow, but also about your hometown, village. The teacher uses sets of postcards about many cities. If there are two sets of postcards about his city, he will be able to successfully conduct a game-travel with children around his native city, village, state farm. It is only necessary to select plots from sets of pictures that reflect the sights of their native city familiar to children.

Collect the picture

didactic task. Exercise children in compiling a whole picture from separate parts; through the content of the pictures to consolidate children's knowledge about different types labor on the collective farm; to cultivate interest in grain growers, vegetable growers, livestock breeders.

game rule. For a certain time, it is correct to assemble a whole picture from parts.

Game actions. Search, folding parts of the picture.

Game progress. The teacher, together with the children, examines pictures depicting different types of agricultural labor (for example, sowing, harvesting bread, planting seedlings, picking vegetables, making hay, caring for calves, etc.). Explaining the rules of the game, the teacher recalls the already known rule of how to put together a whole picture from separate parts.

- But now we have one more rule: you need to add up quickly. Start folding the picture and finish on a signal: hitting the table with a cube, the teacher clarifies the rules of the game.

Having distributed the pictures according to the number of players, the teacher says: “Begin!” and hits the table with a cube. Children choose the necessary parts of their picture from the box on the table. Whoever put the picture together first gets a token. Then you can exchange pictures and repeat the game. The teacher draws attention to those who cannot yet quickly follow the rules of the game, encourages them, asks those who quickly add up the picture to help a friend.

For this game, you must have two sets of pictures: one consists of whole pictures, the other of their parts (at least 9 - 12).

zoological domino

Didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals; cultivate intelligence, attention.

Game rule. Whoever puts all their cards first is the winner.

Game actions. Be attentive, do not miss a move, put your card on time.

Game progress. The cards depict wild and domestic animals. Four people play. The cards are laid out face down. Children are invited to count 6 cards. Then the teacher reminds the rules of the game: you can only put the same picture next to it. If there is no picture, the child skips a turn. If one of the players is left without cards, he is considered to have won the game. The game is repeated, but at the same time it is necessary to shuffle the cards and take others.

By the same principle, the game "Botanical Lotto" is played, during which children's knowledge of plants is assimilated and systematized.

Travel around the city

Didactic task. Consolidation of knowledge about the native city: who lives in it, works, what kind of transport, how it is decorated.

Game rule. Select only those pictures that correspond to the task for their group: people, transport, labor, decoration of the city.

Game actions. Image search. Signal action.

Game progress. The teacher selects different pictures in advance: some depict residents of the city (schoolchildren, a mother with children, a grandmother with a basket, students, etc.); on others - the labor of people (builders, postman, drivers, painters, etc.); transport (tram, bus, trolleybus, bicycle, motorcycle); buildings and decorations of the city (post office, shop - crockery, books, food, fountain, square, sculpture).

Pictures are laid out on tables in different places in the group room.

With the help of a counter, children are divided into four groups of two or three people. Each group is given a task: one is to see who lives in the city and collect pictures of people; the other is what people drive, collect pictures of vehicles; the third - pictures, which reproduced the diverse work of people; fourth - to consider and select pictures with drawings of beautiful buildings of the city, its decorations.

At the signal of the driver, travelers walk around the room and select the pictures they need, the rest are waiting for their return, watching them.

Returning to their places, travelers put pictures on a stand (each group is separate from the other). The participants of each group tell why they took these pictures, what is shown on them. The winner is the group whose players did not make a mistake and quickly placed their pictures. The game is repeated, while it is necessary to replace some pictures.

What grows where?

didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between objects; group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independence of thinking.

game rule. Compete, who will most likely select and close empty cells with pictures of plants on large maps, on which a forest, field, garden, orchard is drawn.

Game actions. Children, competing, select pictures and close empty places.

Game progress. Players receive a large map with different landscapes; small cards are in the box. At the signal of the driver, the children select small cards in accordance with the pattern on the large card. The winner is the one who quickly closed all the empty cells and correctly named the plants.

In this game, the names of cereals and mushrooms cause difficulty, so children are introduced to them in advance during classes and excursions. The guys exchange cards, small cards are shuffled, and the game continues.

In order for interest in the game not to fade away, cards with new types of plants are introduced into it.

Didactic games for kindergarten. Senior group

Description: This material is intended to help teachers and educators, students of preschool schools.
Catalog of didactic games for older preschoolers.
Games with objects.
"Make no mistake."
Purpose: to exercise children in distinguishing objects by material; consolidate knowledge about such properties of an object: as hard, soft, flat, rough, smooth, shiny, matte.
"Whoever comes, let him take it."
Purpose: to teach children a story about an object, highlighting its most characteristic features: color, shape, quality and its purpose; according to the description, find an object in the room; to recognize the tools of labor, by whom they are used in work; develop attention, memory, thinking, speech.
"Similar - not similar."
Purpose: to teach to compare an object, to notice a sign of similarity in color, shape, size, material; develop observation, thinking, speech.
"Whose clothes?"
Purpose: to educate children's interest in people of different professions; clarify knowledge about work clothes; to teach, to distinguish by working clothes, people of different professions: a postman, a miner, a builder, a doctor, a diver, a pilot, an electric welder.
"Tops and Roots".
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have edible tops and roots; exercise in compiling a whole plant and its parts.
"What changed".
Purpose: to educate children in observation, the ability to notice minor, subtle changes that have occurred with objects: they replaced the bow on the pigtail of the doll, changed the shoes, unbuttoned the button.
"What is the item for?"
To develop in children intelligence, activity and independence of thinking; to consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of household items, tools, tools; develop respect for them.
"Who bothered?"
To expand, clarify children's knowledge about the work of people, to cultivate interest in the work of adults, respect for them
Desktop printed games.
"Who built this house?"
Purpose: to systematize children's knowledge about who builds houses, about the sequence in building a house, about tools and machines that help people in construction; to cultivate respect for the profession of builders, the desire to take on the role of builders in creative games.
"Guests of Moscow".
Purpose: to clarify, consolidate the knowledge of children about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, to cultivate love for the main city of our country, the desire to learn more about its sights.
"Collect a picture."
Purpose: to exercise children in compiling a whole picture from separate parts; through the content of the pictures, to consolidate the knowledge of children about different types of labor on the collective farm; to cultivate interest in grain growers, vegetable growers, livestock breeders.
"Zoological Domino".
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about wild and domestic animals; cultivate intelligence, attention.
"City Journey".
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the native city: who lives in it, works, what kind of transport, how it is decorated.
"What grows where?"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between objects; group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independence of thinking.
"Who to be?".
Purpose: to consolidate, deepen children's knowledge about different types of agricultural labor; to cultivate respect for the workers of the village, the desire to take on roles in creative games on the themes of the labor of agricultural workers.
"From what and by whom it is made."
Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge that their dresses and suits are made of cotton fabric.
"Smart Machines".
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge that people are helped in work different cars: to teach to group machines on one basis: according to their purpose.
"Who quickly".
Purpose: to clarify and expand children's knowledge about sports: winter and summer; to cultivate the desire to engage in physical education, sports, to develop the speed of reaction to the signal; expand children's vocabulary.
Word games.
"Guess it."
Purpose: to teach children to describe an object without looking at it; identify essential features; recognize an item from a description.
"Toy shop".
Purpose: to teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features; recognize an object by its description.
Purpose: to cultivate the ability to be observant, to activate the speech of children.
"What kind of bird?"
Purpose: to teach children to describe birds by characteristic features and recognize them by description.
Name three things.
Purpose: To exercise children in the classification of objects.
"Birds (animals, fish)".
Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to classify and name animals, birds, fish.
"Who needs what?"
Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of objects, the ability to name the object necessary for people of a certain profession.
Purpose: to develop in children auditory attention, speed of thinking.
"Who will name more objects?".
Purpose: to teach children to classify objects according to the place of their production.
"Nature and Man".
Purpose: to consolidate, systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.
“And if…”
Purpose: to cultivate intelligence, resourcefulness, the ability to apply knowledge in accordance with the circumstances.
"Broken phone".
Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children.
"Flies - does not fly."
Purpose: to develop auditory attention in children, to cultivate endurance.
"Where we were, we will not say."
Purpose: to develop in children resourcefulness, ingenuity, the ability to transform.
"Find a rhyme."
Purpose: to teach children to choose rhyming words.
"Does it happen or not?"
Purpose: to develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments.
"Well no".
Purpose: to teach children to think, logically raise questions, make the right conclusions.
"Similar - not similar."
Purpose: to teach children to compare objects, find signs of difference, similarity in them, recognize objects by description.
"Answer quickly."
Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to classify objects (by color, shape, quality); teach them to think and respond quickly.
"Come up with an offer."
Purpose: to develop children's speech activity, speed of thinking.