An outdoor game the children went to the kindergarten. Outdoor games for kindergarten kindergarten material on the topic. Who will reach the flag first

Outdoor games in kindergarten and at home.

Games are one of the forms of physical education of children in the family. N. K. Krupskaya, defining the role of the game in the education of the physical and moral qualities of the child, noted that the game is the need of a growing organism, it develops the physical strength of the child, quick wit, resourcefulness, initiative, develops organizational skills in children, develops endurance, etc. .

A. S. Makarenko attached great importance to the game. He believed that it was necessary to satisfy the child's passion for the game; It is necessary not only to give the child time to play, it is necessary to saturate his whole life with this game.

Games - a means of not only physical, but also moral education. During the game, children not only learn about the world, but also learn to act independently in various situations. The pedagogical value of games is enhanced by their emotionality. Children in the game experience different feelings: joy, interest, the will to win, and sometimes chagrin, annoyance. All these feelings create an emotional mood in children, on the basis of which the moral development of the personality takes place. AT gaming activity binding rules are combined with initiative, creative independence.

Games are divided into two types:sports and mobile.
Sport games are a more complex form of games. They strictly regulate the number of participants, time, rules. These games require participants to have a certain level of physical fitness and fitness.
Outdoor games more simple. They are divided into collective and individual. Collective outdoor games require the participation of several children or a whole group. In individual outdoor games, the child himself can change the conditions of the game, its goals, choose ways to achieve these goals. Every game has a story. Sometimes it is complex and reflects the real-life reality in a specific form, in other cases it is simplified or even completely invisible and appears only in the rules of the game.

P.F. Lesgaft considered outdoor games to be one of the most important means of physical education. He pointed out that in the process of playing the child learns to cope with the obstacles that are encountered in life. P.F. Lesgaft developed a methodology for organizing games, which is as follows:

1. The game must solve a specific problem, correspond to the strengths and abilities of the participants, create a positive emotional tone;
2. In conducting games, it is necessary to observe systematic and consistent; 3. The organizational activity of teachers or parents should be aimed at increasing the activity and independence of the participants in the game.

So mobile games - one of the effective means of physical and moral education of children. In a family setting, playing games has its own specifics. It is expressed both in the selection of games and in the method of their conduct. Parents should take into account that children's games not only reflect the processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality, but also contain activities that symbolize the transformative work of people in the process. real life. Therefore, when choosing games in a family environment, preference should be given to those in which a mobile character is combined with a certain creative beginning and independent decisions and active thinking take place.

One of the features of games in the family is the ability to use them to develop the abilities of children. Games for children are a test of creativity, so many children invent games, reproducing in them the type of activity to which they have an inclination and interest. For example, children with artistic abilities play amateur theatre, boys prone to military activities organize war games that they themselves come up with. Parents should encourage such games, help children in their organization, be interested in their progress and results. It should be borne in mind that games help children overcome such negative qualities as physical inertia, phlegm, etc. Children should not be overly patronized during games. Constant supervision of parents, endless remarks to children, excessive insurance deprive the game of the most valuable quality - spontaneity, and children - freedom of action, as a result of which interest in the game is lost. Parents may be present at the games as friendly spectators. It inspires children, increases their energy and interest in the game.

In order for children to observe the rules of the game, to prevent cruelty, rudeness, and risks dangerous to health, it is necessary to educate them from an early age in the ability to play.
In some games, especially sports, parents or older siblings can also participate. This increases the interest in the game in younger children. The game takes on a special meaning for them. In addition, such general games contribute to family cohesion.

When choosing games, parents should take into account the age and physical fitness of children. Games must be played on fresh air to promote the physical and moral development of children, strengthening their health. Should children be protected from any negative emotions in play activities? First, it's impossible in the game. Along with victories, there are defeats, with successes - failures. Consequently, it will not be possible to completely protect children from grief, annoyance and other negative emotions. Secondly, this should not be strived for, since negative emotions during play activities contribute to the moral hardening of children, prepare them to overcome life's difficulties.

Games for children must be organized all year round, because they are the best view active rest. Parents should prepare for the game: choose a place, prepare colorful equipment, distribute the players into equal teams. Games should gradually become more difficult, not allowing children to get bored with them.

An effective organization of the game is possible only in cases where children understand its content and rules well. At first, the game is played according to simplified rules, which become more complicated as you master the game. There is no need to spend a lot of time explaining the game - the children are looking forward to its beginning. Comments can be made during the game or during a break. You should stop the attention of children on the technical methods and tactics of the game.

It is necessary to place the players so that they can clearly see the driver and the head of the game. The explanation of the game should be carried out according to the following scheme: the name of the game, the role of the players and their places, the move, the goal and the rules of the game. The story should be short, coherent and accessible. If the game is not held for the first time, you only need to recall its rules. An important point in games is the distribution of players into teams. It can be carried out by calculating, by agreement of the players, by appointing captains who select teams for themselves. To conduct the game, one or more drivers are singled out, who play the role of catching up or running away, guessing by voice, etc. As a rule, each of the children wants to be the driver, so the drivers need to be changed more often. The driver is appointed by the head of the game or determined by lot - most often by "counting": the leader becomes the one on whom the last word of the "counting" falls. This method of determining the driver also contributes to the development of speech and memory in children. Parents should ensure that the game proceeds correctly, without excessive excitement. The game ends with summing up its results, identifying errors. This is of great educational value and teaches children to self-esteem.

Next, we provide a description of the games offered by various authors (V. G. Yakovlev, I. M. Korotkoe, E. V. Izop, Yu. V. Lebedinsky, L. Byleeva, etc.), as well as games developed and tested by the authors of this books. Games are selected taking into account the possibility of using them in the family under the guidance of parents or when organizing group independent games for children.

Games for children 3-4 years old

"Run to me!" Purpose: to improve the ability to perform movement on a signal and run in a straight line.

Children stand in a line 8-10 m from an adult. To his words: “Children, run to me!” they run, and an adult meets them with their arms outstretched and says: “Come running!”

"Bring a toy!"Purpose: to improve walking and running.

An adult offers the child to bring a toy that is 4-5 m away from him. The kid runs or goes after the toy and brings it. They thank the child, examine the toy with him and ask him to take it to its place. This game can be made more difficult by adding an additional task - to reach the toy along a "path" 25-30 cm wide (made of two ribbons or cords) and 3-4 m long. Repeat 4-5 times.

"Find your home."Purpose: to improve the ability to perform movements on a signal, quickly find your place.

On one side of the playground, children draw small circles on the ground (diameter 40-50 cm) - a “house”. To the words of an adult: “Children walk in the woods, walk, run, pick flowers,” they (within 30-40 seconds) diverge around the site, run, walk, bend over or squat to “pick a flower”. After the words: “Come on, children, don’t yawn, when you hear a beep - run away!” The adult gives the signal: "U-oo-oo." Children quickly run away to their "houses". Repeat 4-5 times.

"Mice and Cat" Purpose: to improve running and the ability to quickly find your place.

All children depict mice, one of them is a “cat”. "Mice" live in a mink (a circle on the side of the site). "Cat" is located on its opposite side. When the "cat" falls asleep, the "mice" run out of the mink and start looking for food. The "cat" wakes up and "catches" the mice, and they quickly run away to their hole. Repeat 4-5 times (change the leader after each repetition).

"Roll the ball." Purpose: to improve the ability to roll and catch the ball.

One child or several children squat (semicircle) 3 m from an adult. He rolls the ball to each of the children (in turn), and they catch it and return it in the opposite direction. The duration of the game is 4-5 minutes.

"Catch the ball." Purpose: to improve the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Children become in a circle. The teacher with a large ball in his hands (diameter 20-25 cm) stands in the middle of the circle and with the words "Peter: catch the ball" throws it to the boy. He catches the ball and throws it back. The duration of the game is 5-6 minutes.

"Step over the stick."Purpose: to improve balance and agility.

In the middle of the room, put a stick on two chairs (cubes) (height 15-20 cm). On one side of the room is a child, on the other side of the chair is a flag. The child approaches the stick, steps over it, approaches the flag, takes it and raises it up. Then he puts the flag on the chair and returns to his place (stepping over the stick). Repeat 3-4 times.

"Crawl to the flag."Purpose: to improve the skill in climbing on all fours.

The child is on one side of the room. At a distance of 4-5 m from him, put a flag on the floor. The child is offered to crawl on all fours to the flag, take it, stand up and wave it over his head. Then put the flag on the floor and return to your seat. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Jump to the ball."Purpose: to improve the high jump from a place.

An adult holds a large ball in the net in his hand. The child is asked to jump up and touch the ball with both hands. The ball should be held 10-15 cm above the child's raised hand. Perform 3 series of jumps 6-8 times each. After each series - 15-25 s rest.

"My cheerful, ringing ball."Purpose: to improve the ability to coordinate their movements with words and jumping in place.

An adult makes a movement with his hand, as if knocking a ball, and recites:

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase you!"

The child, depicting a ball, jumps in place on both legs. At the end of the recitation, he stops. Repeat 3-4 times.

Games for children 4-5 years old

"Find an item."Purpose: to cultivate endurance and observation.

Two flags (objects) are hidden on the site (clearing in the forest). The child walks or runs around the playground. Near a hidden thing (object), an adult performs a clap in the palm of his hand or sings louder. The child stops and starts looking for the hidden thing. If he does not find it, he continues to walk and run around the site. for cotton or

The loud singing again stops near the hidden thing and looks for it. If he finds it, he raises the flags up and goes with them for an adult. Repeat 2-3 times.

"We are fun guys."

Children stand in a circle, one of them goes to the middle of the circle, this is a trap. Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and say:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three, catch!"

To the word "Catch!" the children run around the playground, and the trap catches them. After two children are caught, a new trap is chosen. Repeat 3-4 times.

"At the bear in the forest."Purpose: to improve running and the ability to perform movements on a signal.

They choose the driver - "bear". For him, a circle is drawn on the site (“lair”). On the opposite side of the site there is a “house” of children.

Children leave the "house", go towards the "bear's lair", collect "mushrooms", "berries" and also say the words:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us."

After these words, the "bear" runs out of the "lair" and begins to catch the children, and they run away to their "house". Repeat 3-4 times with another driver.

"Ball in a circle" Purpose: to improve the catching of the ball and the education of attention.

Children stand in a circle, the leader with a large ball in his hands stands in the middle of it and says a counting rhyme:

"One two Three,

You will catch the ball!

Whoever got the last word of the rhyme, he leaves the circle 2-3 steps back and catches the ball. If the ball is caught, he takes the place of the driver and the game continues. The duration of the game is 5-6 minutes.

"Aim better." Purpose: to improve throwing at the target.

Children stand at a distance of 3 m from a tree or hoop lying on the ground, and take turns throwing the ball, trying to hit the tree (hoop). When learning to throw at a target while walking, you can also use pebbles, cones, throwing them into a groove, hole, etc. Throw the ball with your right and left hands 8-10 times.

Children stand in a line, along a line drawn on the ground. They take turns throwing the ball (bumps) at a distance. An adult notes who threw the object the farthest. Throw the ball with the right and left hand at least 8-10 times.

"Get in the gate."Purpose: to improve rolling and catching the ball.

The child rolls the ball to his partner or an adult through the goal (between the legs of a chair or two cubes at a distance of 30 cm from each other). After the ball comes back from the partner, catches it with both hands. Repeat 12-14 times.

"Catch the moth."Purpose: to improve jumping up from a place. A “moth” cut out of paper or cardboard is attached to a stick (twig) 1 m long on a string. The adult holds the stick so that the "moth flies" over the child's head. The kid jumps up, trying to catch him. The duration of the game is 2-3 minutes.

"Who will collect more ribbons?"Purpose: to improve jumping up from a place.

A rope is pulled between two trees or racks. Multi-colored short ribbons (8-10) are thrown on it. Their ends should be 10-15 cm higher than the child's raised hand. Two or three children stand under the rope and start jumping up, trying to remove as many ribbons as possible. The winner is the one who collected the most ribbons. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

"Best Sculpture"Purpose: to develop a sense of balance.

Children are placed on the playground. They run, jump, dance. If an adult names any object or animal, they take a pose that corresponds to this name. For example, with the word "bunny", the children take the pose of a bunny, with the word - "watch" they lean left and right, depicting a clock pendulum, etc. At the end of the game, children are marked who have taken the most correct pose. The duration of the game is 4-5 minutes.

Games for children 5-6 years old

"Not afraid". Purpose: education of attention and development of dexterity.

Children stand in a circle and say: "I'm not afraid of the cold, I'm not afraid of frost." At the same time, they jump up, spread their arms to the sides and cross them in front of the chest. The driver - "frost" becomes in the middle of the circle. He tries to touch those children whose arms are outstretched to the sides. The one whom the “frost” catches (touches with his hand) stands motionless and does not take part in the game. End the game when 2-3 players are caught.

"Birds and Cuckoo".Purpose: improvement of running and orientation in space.

On one side of the playground, children draw small circles - “bird nests”. The driver - the "cuckoo" stands aside, he does not have a "nest". To the words: “The birds have flown!” children run out of the "nests" and scatter in different directions around the playground. "Cuckoo" flies with them.

To the words: "Birds home!" everyone runs quickly to their "nests", and the "cuckoo" tries to quickly occupy one of the "nests". A child whose "nest" is occupied becomes a "cuckoo". Repeat 4-5 times.

"Trap in a circle."

A circle is drawn on the ground (3-4 m in diameter). The trap becomes in the middle of the circle, the rest of the players - behind the circle.

After the words of an adult: “One, two, three - catch!” the children run across the circle, and the trap catches them (touches them with a hand). After 2-3 children are caught, a new trap is chosen. The duration of the game is 5-6 minutes.

"Who will roll the hoop faster?"Purpose: to improve running and agility.

On one side of the playground there are several children (two - four). At a distance of 8-10 m, they draw a line to which they must roll the hoop as quickly as possible.

At the signal of an adult, the children roll their hoop with a push of the palm. Whoever reaches the finish line the fastest wins. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Children and the wolf". Purpose: to improve running and jumping on both legs.

On one side of the playground, in front of a line drawn on the ground, there are children. On the opposite side, behind a tree (post, bench), one of them sits - the "wolf".

To the words: “Children walk in the forest, Walk, run, play, Mosquitoes are driven away” (repeat 2-3 times), the children disperse around the site and run in all directions. After the words: “Mosquitoes are driven away,” they jump up, clap their hands above their heads, as if driving away mosquitoes. To the words: “Children, hurry up, the wolf behind the tree, run,” they run out of the line, and the “wolf” catches them (touches them with a hand). After that, another driver is appointed. Repeat 3-4 times.


Adult says:

“The frog jumps along the path. She stretched out her legs, saw a mosquito, screamed ... "

The child continues: "Kwa-kva-kva." After that, performs 3-4 jumps in a row. If several people take part in the game, the adult says: “And behind the frog, the frog screams loudly ...” The second child finishes “Kwa-kva-kva” and starts jumping after the first. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Jumping Sparrows".Purpose: to improve long jump from a place.

A circle is drawn on the site (with a diameter of 2.5-3 m). In the middle of it becomes a "cat" (leader). The rest of the children - "sparrows" - stand outside the circle. They jump in and out of the circle. At this time, the "cat" tries to touch one of the "sparrows". When two of them are caught, another "cat" is chosen. The game lasts 5-6 minutes.

"From bump to bump."Purpose: to develop orientation in space and dexterity.

Several circles are drawn on the site (diameter 30-35 cm). The distance between them is 40-50 cm. These are “hummocks in the swamp”, along which the children must cross to the opposite side. If the game is played indoors, circles cut out of cardboard can be “bumps”. You can walk on them with wide steps, run or jump with a push of both legs, with a soft landing on half-bent legs. If the child stepped past the "hummock", he starts the game again. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Wolf in the ditch" Purpose: to improve the long jump with a run.

across the platform with two parallel lines they draw or lay out a “ditch” 80-100 cm wide from two jump ropes (ribbons). There is a driver in it - a “wolf”. The rest of the players are "goats". At the signal of an adult, “Goats in the field, the wolf in the ditch!” they run to the opposite side of the site and jump over the "ditch". The "wolf" tries to touch the jumping "goats" with his hand. After that, another leader is appointed. Repeat 4-5 times.

"Monkeys". Purpose: to develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

The driver shows various physical exercises, and all the other children of the "monkey" copy him. Whoever manages to repeat the exercise correctly becomes the leader (an adult tells you which exercise to perform). The game lasts 5-6 minutes.

"Swan geese". Purpose: to improve running and agility.

On one side of the site, the line indicates the "house of geese." On the opposite side stands the "shepherd". To the side of the "house" is the "den" where the "wolf" is located. The rest of the place is a "meadow" on which "geese graze". Shepherd - Geese Geese! Geese (in chorus) - Ha-ha-ha!

Shepherd - Do you want to eat?

Geese - Yes, yes, yes!

Shepherd - So fly!

Geese - We can't, The gray wolf under the mountain Doesn't let us go home.

Shepherd - So fly as you want, Just take care of your wings!

After these words, the “geese” run to their “house”, and the “wolf” catches them (touches them with a hand). Repeat with another driver ("wolf") 3-4 times.

"Fifteen". Purpose: to improve running, agility and orientation in space.

Several children take part in the game. One of them is the driver. Children run around the playground, and the driver tries to catch them (touch with his hand). The one who is touched by the hand becomes the leader. The duration of the game is 3-5 minutes.

"Fifteen, feet off the ground."Purpose: to improve running and agility.

In this game, you can’t catch those children who managed to stand on some object, a log, a bench, a stump, etc. It is necessary to agree in advance to which border of the playground (glade) children can run. The game lasts 4-6 minutes.

"Who is flying?" Purpose: to develop attention.

Children become in a circle, an adult names objects, birds, animals that fly and do not fly. Calling them, the teacher raises his hands up. For example, he says: “The sparrow flies, the stove flies, the plane flies, etc.” Children raise their hands up and say the word “flies” only if a really flying object is named. The game lasts 4-5 minutes.

"Toss and catch."Purpose: to improve catching the ball and running.

A rope is stretched on two posts (racks) at the height of the child's raised hand. He tosses the ball over the string and catches it on the opposite side. If several children are playing, then a competition can be held between them. The winner is the one who caught the ball more times for the stipulated number of throws (8-10 times).

"The ball in the goal." Purpose: to develop dexterity and accuracy of kicking.

From two chocks (towns) they make a gate 1 - 1.5 m wide. From a distance of 3-3.5 m, the child kicks the ball, trying to get into the gate. This game can be played as a competition between several children. The winner is the one who after 5-6 hits more times! 3 hit the goal.

"Don't give the ball." Purpose: to develop speed and agility.

Children stand in a circle and roll the ball to each other. The driver runs in a circle, trying to intercept the ball. If he managed to do this, the child who previously rolled the ball goes into the circle. Those who have never been a driver win. The game lasts 6-8 minutes.

"Hunters and Hares".Purpose: to improve throwing the ball at a moving target, running and jumping on both legs.

Choose a hunter. He stands on one side of the playground, the rest of the children ("bunnies") - on the other side of the playground, stand in their "minks" (circles drawn on the ground).

In the words of an adult:

"The bunnies jumped, the bunnies jumped, Into the green, into the woods."

"bunnies" go to the site and jump on both legs. To the word "Hunter!" they run away to their "burrows". "Hunter" at this time throws a ball at them. Whoever it hits becomes a "hunter". Repeat 4-5 times.

"Hit the ball." Purpose: to improve running and throwing at the target.

Children stand in a circle, leading in the middle of it with a ball in their hands. He throws the ball up and calls the name of one of the players. All the rest run around the court, and the child, whose name was called, tries to catch the ball. As soon as the ball is in his hands, he shouts "Stop!" Everyone must stop. The driver throws the ball at one of the players. If he managed to hit, that child takes the place of the driver, if not, then he again runs after the ball and again shouts “Stop!” playing, who at this moment run away from him. The driver has the right to 3 attempts, after which the game starts over. At the time of the throw, children should not run away to the side, but they can bend down, squat, deflect the body, etc. Repeat 4-5 times.

Competition games:

Such games are more acceptable for a small number of participants. They are grouped according to the motor quality, the development of which is mainly directed. Games-competitions can be used for preliminary preparation for collective games with a large number of participants, in which all the motor qualities of children will be manifested in the complex.

1. Power games - "Who is stronger?" for children 6-10 years old.

The competition is won by the one who more once or with heavy weights perform the following exercises:

1. Lifting bags of various weights (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 kg) repeatedly.
2. Flexion and extension of the arms in emphasis on the floor.
3. Squat with weights on the shoulders (repeatedly).

4. Throws a stuffed ball for a distance - from the chest, from the bottom up, from behind the head from a sitting position on the floor, legs apart.
5. Hanging on the gymnastic wall, repeatedly raising and lowering the legs.

2. Flexibility games for kids aged 5-10.

  1. “Lean down” - standing on a bench, the child, without bending his legs, should lean forward as low as possible. The winner is the one who can put his hands below the edge of the bench.
    2. “Hold your hands already” - holding a stick with both hands, the child twists in the shoulder joints. The winner is the one who, when gripping, will have the smallest distance between his hands.
    3. “Do the “split” - the child tries to spread his legs as much as possible in the front-to-back direction.
    4. "Moving arm (leg)" - lying on the floor, raise your arm as high as possible or while standing, raise your straight leg as high as possible.
    3. Games and endurance competitions for children aged 6-10.

1. "Running in a circle." On the site or clearing, 10 colored flags are set every 20 m. Near each of them are various items (toys, cones, buttons, etc.) according to the number of participants in the competition. On a signal, the children run from flag to flag, picking up one given object from each. Whoever runs to the finish line with 10 items first wins.
The game can be made more difficult by increasing the distance between the flags.
2. There are 5 flags in the clearing: at a distance of 50 m from the start - red-) -100 m - yellow + 60 m - blue + 40 m - black) -70 m - green. On command, the children start running. At each checkbox, they are marked, for example, they write the first letter of their name. The winner is the one who runs to the finish line first.
The game can be made more difficult by increasing the number of flags or the distance between them.

3. "Running to the landmark." Children are invited to run to some noticeable landmark - a tree, a bush, a house - and come back. The route can be from 300 to 600 m.
4. "Running in relay races." Children are divided into teams. On a signal, one representative from each team runs to the flag set at a distance of 50-200 m, pick up a bump there, come back and pass the bump to the next player of their team. The one who ran faster brings his team one point. Then the second couples run, etc. The team that scored more points becomes the winner.
The game can be repeated 2-3 times, each time changing the composition of the teams.
5. "The most enduring." For 2 minutes, children run in a circle from flag to flag, the distance between them is 30 m. One of the adults watches the time. On command "stop!" children stop. Everyone is told how far he has run. The winner is the one who runs the longest distance in 2 minutes.
6. "Jumper". A cord is stretched between two racks at a height of 20 cm above the child's raised hand. Children take turns standing under the cord and, at a signal, begin to jump up, each time reaching for the cord with their hands. The adult counts the number of jumps aloud. The exercise is stopped when, due to fatigue, the child cannot reach the cord above his head. Whoever makes the most jumps wins.

4. Games and speed competitions for children aged 6-10.

1. "Who is faster?" - run 20 or 30 m for a while; shuttle run - 4X30, i.e. 30 m back and forth; do more claps in 5 s (raise your arms through the sides up, clap over the head, lower down, touch the hips, etc.).
2. "Who will take more steps?" - children perform fast running in place, and parents count the number of movements. Whoever takes the most steps in 6 seconds wins.
Jumping games and competitions for children aged 6-9
1. “Who will jump further? - long jump from a place to a distance.
2. "Jump like a bunny" - perform three jumps on two legs for a distance.
3. "Who will jump higher?" - toys hang on threads at different heights. The winner is the one who gets the toy hanging at the highest height.
4. “Grasshoppers” - flowers are painted on the ground - daisies, bells, etc. Children jump from flower to flower (like grasshoppers), trying to spend as little time as possible “visiting” all the flowers.
5. "Don't get your feet wet" - a brook is drawn on the floor on the site or in the room. The child must jump over the stream at its widest point.
6. “Jump more precisely” - make marks at a distance of 15, 20 and 30 cm from the start line. You need to jump exactly this distance. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.
Variants of the game - jumping sideways, back, on one leg.

5. Games and competitions in balance exercises for children aged 6-9.

1. "Who can stand on one leg the longest?" - hands on the belt, bend the right leg and put the foot on the lower leg of the left leg, close your eyes. The time of the stable position is fixed.
Options: with different positions of the arms (forward, up, to the sides), legs (forward, sideways, back) or with objects (ball, dumbbells).
2. "Walk along the rail of the gymnastic bench" - as quickly as possible.
3. "Do not lose balance" - the player takes a certain position on one leg, standing on a bench, stool, cube. The winner is the one who holds the given pose the longest.
4. "Walk the line" - a 10-meter straight line is drawn on the floor. After two 360° turns, follow this line with eyes closed. The one who deviates the least from the line drawn wins.

6. Games that contribute to the training of visual functions in children 6-9 years old

1. "Remember and draw" - children are shown a table with various geometric shapes. After that, the children should draw these figures from memory. The winner is the one who remembers the figures more and arranges them in the order in which they are presented in the table. The game can be made more difficult by reducing the time to view the table.
2. "What did you see?" - children for a certain time (5, 10 or 15 s) are shown a picture with various items. Then the drawing is removed, and the children list the items that they remember.
3. "Calculate the table!" - children are shown a table on which the numbers are arranged in random order. The child must find them in ascending order. The one who completes the task faster wins.
4. "Who remembers better?" - 10 toys are placed on the table and shown to the children for 5 s. Then the toys are covered with a blanket, and the children must list them. Whoever remembers the most toys wins.
Options: offer to remember the sequence of the location of the toys, their color, size ^ reduce the display time.
5. "Who saw more?" - children are offered to go through a section of the forest (100 m) and tell who saw and remembered what.
Options: what I saw on the site, in the clearing, in the gym, in my room.
6. Eye training games - how many steps between chairs, room walls, various objects? The child checks the correctness of the answer himself, passing a given distance and counting the steps.
The one who makes the least mistakes wins.
7. "Get in the basket" - a basket is placed on the floor. Children throw the ball into the basket from a distance of 3-5 m.
The one with the most hits out of 5 attempts wins.
8. "Throwing at a given distance" - standing on the start line, throw the ball to the 5 m mark. The child whose ball falls closest to the given line wins.
The game can be made more difficult by increasing the distance of the throw, changing the way of throwing - from the chest, from behind the head, to the right, to the left, with one hand, etc.
9. "Hit the square" - standing in the center of a circle with a diameter of 6 m, try to hit the ball with a throw from the bottom forward into the squares (30X30 cm) located on the lines of the circle in front, behind and from the sides.

Any event with children in kindergarten is not an easy event. The main feature of the festive morning performances or daily activities are games. Outdoor games in kindergarten are the most important element in the upbringing and development of the child. It is games in kindergarten that form character, develop ingenuity and ingenuity in kids. It must be remembered that the game gives the child true joy, which penetrates deep into the soul and remains there forever.

For each age, their own outdoor games in kindergarten have been developed, which take into account the psychological and physiological characteristics of a particular age. Organization of events involves compulsory games in kindergarten, when both fairy-tale heroes and the children themselves become participants in entertaining and gaming activities. After the games in kindergarten, both children and parents will be satisfied! That is why the competent organization of games in kindergarten will give each child unforgettable emotions.

Games in kindergarten, in essence and method of conducting, can be divided into several types. In each type of games in kindergarten, despite the general similarities, there are differences.

Story games in kindergarten

STORY GAMES IN KINDERGARTEN are built on the basis of children's ideas of knowledge about the life around them. Different professions, modes of transport, natural phenomena, and especially often the habits of animals and birds: the cunning of a fox, the rudeness of a wolf, the speed of a hare, as well as thunder, rain, traffic - all this forms the basis for establishing the rules of the game in kindergarten.

Playing HORSE, kids run, raising their knees high, like horses.

The game is as follows: one of the children becomes a horse (usually the most mobile boy is chosen). Long ribbons are tied to his shoulders. Two or three children will immediately depict a wagon. They pick up a ribbon and shout "But-But !!!" make the horse run in a circle. All other children stand in a circle. The driver stops near each child, and the next passenger loudly says where he wants to go: to his grandmother, to his mother to work, to kindergarten. When the carriage with the passenger goes to the next circle, then all the children try to run synchronously, raising their legs high. And the horse, at the same time, can still buck. This game develops a "feeling of the elbow", as the wagon must go smoothly; children should not repeat the purpose of the trip, but come up with new ones each time. If one of the passengers or drivers loses the rhythm, then the teacher can remove such a child from the game, thinking, for example, that the wheel of the cart has broken. The game ends when all the children have rolled.

Reproducing the movement of the bunnies that run away from the terrible gray wolf in the game HARES AND THE WOLF, children jump like bunnies and hide where possible.

The game develops a quick reaction in children. At the beginning, all the bunny children jump and frolic at the edge of the forest. The edge of the forest is the middle of the playground in the playroom, which is furnished with chairs .. But, the teacher immediately warns that a terrible and hungry gray wolf is wandering through the forest somewhere nearby. And kids have to be on guard all the time. After a certain time, the teacher shouts: - Gray wolf!. All children should have time to hide behind the chairs. Whoever does not have time, the gray wolf grabs and impromptu drags him to his lair - the next room. This child is automatically out of the game. The game continues until all the rabbits have been caught.

The interactions of children are very close. Depicting a train, in the game ENGINE, the children move synchronously one after another, trying not to bump into the trailer ahead.

Children are a locomotive and wagons. All the children become one after another, take hold of the waist and begin to move synchronously. The teacher will preliminarily place chairs that will designate the area: stations, forest, bridge, house. The train must smoothly go around all the obstacles and safely reach the final station. At the same time, the trailers must move synchronously, slow down in advance at the station. In the course of the train, children-wagons should try not to run into the trailer in front. Otherwise, the teacher will announce the accident. All children in the group can take part in this game. Just like in the HORSE game, you can leave some trailers at passing stations. And the children have to figure out why the wagons are unhooked from the train: mail wagons, freight wagons and other reasons. It is good to place road signs regarding railway. Children will immediately learn the rules of behavior on the railway tracks.

In the game TRAFFIC LIGHT, child cars slow down and stop at a red light when the "traffic light" waves a red flag. At the words of the teacher - Rain, rain - the baby birds quickly fly away to their nests.

This game is simply a must to play more often so that the kids learn the rules of crossing the streets. One of the guys is chosen by a traffic light. He is given three circles in his hands: yellow, green, red. Raising the circles, the child depicts a traffic light. The remaining children are divided into: transport, pedestrians and policemen. All participants in the game must move along the intersection according to the established rules. Boys can portray cars, while everyone must come up with a brand, color and a peculiar “buzz”. Girls can carry strollers with dolls. The policeman stand guard and punish violators. Anyone who breaks the rules is out of the game.

Plotless games in kindergarten

Plotless GAMES IN KINDERGARTEN are very close to story games. The difference between them is only the lack of images that children imitate. Plotless games in kindergarten are based on the usual simple movements: running, catching, hiding. The basis of such games is certain motor tasks according to the simplest rules.

The first games: CATCH ME, SAVE, HOUSE make children move in the right direction after the teacher or escape from the catching up in a saving place - a house, where, according to the rules, they should not be caught.

In CATCH ME, children play regular chasing games. This game is best played in the courtyard of the garden, so that there is more space for those who run away.

If you determine in advance the places - houses where the catching up has no right to enter, then the game can be called SAVE THE HOUSE. Moreover, only one child can be in the house. Others should have time to occupy free houses. For one runaway house no. This game develops dexterity, ingenuity and fast running.

As they grow up, games are held with children in kindergarten: DON'T BE LATE, SAVE THE SUBJECT. The players must perform actions faster than others, find their place or save their object (this can be a cube, rattle or ring). During these games, educators force the child to be smart, dexterous and quick.

In the game DON'T BE LATE, the places that the children should take are predetermined. And for one child there is no such house. And at the announcement of the teacher, for example: - Rain, rain! - Children should each take their place. And the one who does not have enough space tries to take someone else's house, but on the condition that the house is still empty. If a child gapes and his house is occupied, then he automatically becomes without a house. In this game, you can come up with any roles for children: ants must hide from the rain, mice from a cat, birds from a hawk, bunnies from a wolf and others.

In the game TAKE CARE OF THE OBJECT, the task becomes more complicated. It is necessary not only, as in the previous one, to have time to escape yourself, but also to save your toy. During the game, children do the usual things: put dolls to sleep, carry loads in cars, stack pyramids, roll balls. At the warning of the educator, you yourself must hide from impending predators and take with you a doll, car, cubes or a ball. If someone drops their toy or forgets, then the game ends for them.

In games: ROLL THE BALL, THROW HIGH, GET IN THE GATE children gain skills and the ability to act with simple objects: balls, rings, balls. Children develop eye, dexterity, coordination of movements.

The game ROLL THE BALL requires, first of all, skill and attentiveness. It is necessary on a flat area (car body, puppet stroller) to hold the ball a certain distance. The game is usually played in the form of a relay race. The guys are divided into two teams, and which will carry the balls faster and more carefully, that one will win.

It is better to play the game FLY HIGH in the open air so as not to harm the windows and the toy. Each player must throw the ball up. Whoever throws the highest, he won.

GET IN THE GATE - it's more difficult game with a ball. A gate is installed in advance: it can be a sandbox in the yard or the distance between sports ladders. There must be a safe environment for the ball around. From a certain distance, children must hit the gate with a ball. Anyone who doesn't hit is out of the game.

Plotless games in kindergarten include such as: Skittles, BALL SCHOOL. Children are already performing more complex movements: throwing the ball, rolling the ball at the target, throwing and catching.

Pins are set at a certain distance. Throw the ball to knock it down. This game also develops accuracy and eye. It is necessary to take a closer look and accurately throw the ball so that it hits the target.

Game exercises, like games in kindergarten - these are methodically organized activities that are specially selected for the physical education of kids. Their essence lies in the performance of specific tasks. Moreover, children always have fun and with passion perform games in kindergarten: Crawl to the Rattle, GET IN THE GATE, ROLL THE DOLL. In game exercises, it is important that the child understands the essence of the task. To do this, it is necessary to correctly reproduce the movements shown by the teacher.

In the game Crawl to the Rattle, the child has to get to the rattle by any means. The game is usually played by dividing the team into parts. Certain obstacles are set along the way: you have to crawl under a chair, jump over a skittle, let a car pass, lower a rattle into a bucket, and others. Children learn to run, jump, avoid obstacles.

The ROLL A DOLL game will teach children not only respect for toys, but also the ability to dress themselves. Each child participating in the game must, at the direction of the teacher, dress his doll for a walk down the street in a stroller. Children should carefully remember what to put on the doll so that she does not catch a cold and does not freeze. It is necessary to properly seat the doll in the stroller, cover it and roll it along a certain path. The winner will be the one who dresses the doll best of all, at the same time treats it carefully, rolls it carefully and does it the fastest. It is also important to consider how the child will talk to the doll. This will help him in communicating with younger children and his sisters and brothers.

Each child performs game exercises according to the separate instructions of the leader, it all depends on the children's capabilities. In many exercises there is a plot character, as in the game: ON THE BRIDGE, THROUGH THE STREAK, ON BERRIES. This makes the movements the most interesting for children. Kids try to accurately perform motor tasks and remember them. The teacher at this time monitors each child, in case of problems in performance, offers to do the exercise again.

In the game ON THE BRIDGE, the children are told that we are in front of a big river. You can offer to come up with a name for it, this will expand knowledge of geography. From cubes or pebbles it is necessary to lay out a path - a bridge. The teacher invites the children to cross the bridge by depicting a person, an animal, a car. Especially interesting and fun, children depict famous animals: a cat, a cow, an elephant hippopotamus, a goat. Everyone tries to show their character individually, brightly, colorfully, so that the children would guess without a clue who crosses the bridge.

In the game THROUGH THE STREAK or STREAK, the children, holding hands in pairs and raising them high, depict a stream. In this case, one child must be without a couple. It passes through a brook, chooses a mate for itself and forms a continuation of the brook. The remaining one player goes to the beginning of the stream, also chooses a pair. And so the brook runs.

For the game BY BERRIES, participants need baskets or buckets. Small toys are scattered on the floor: cubes, balls, rattles. At the direction of the teacher, the children begin to collect "berries". Whoever fills his basket or his bucket faster, he goes to the second round of the game. In the second round, you also need to tell what is in the bucket. At the same time, it is necessary to show ingenuity and imagination in the same way that children should present real berries and mushrooms in a bucket. The winner will be the one who tells more and more interesting about his campaign for berries and the collected gifts of the forest.

Game exercises differ from outdoor games in kindergarten in that the tasks of direct teaching are already more clearly and consciously presented in the exercises. Game exercises are widely used in the classroom physical education, when carrying out individual work on the development various movements with kids.

GAMES IN KINDERGARTEN-FUN are widely used in work with children preschool age. For physical development they are not of particular value, but are often held at various events in kindergartens: leisure evenings, sports holidays, matinees. All motor tasks in such games are performed not quite under normal conditions.

Often, such games in kindergarten include an element of competition: you have to run with a spoon in your hand and at the same time keep the ball in the spoon. Quickly climb into the bag and run or jump a certain distance. Often you need to perform some blindfolded movements, for example: kick the ball with your foot, draw a picture, water the horse, recognize a friend, put the balls in the basket and others.

All the games that educators and teachers conduct with children in nurseries preschool institutions, children perceive cheerfully and lively. Such amusements are never erased from memory, but remain bright and colorful events for life.

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Today I want to talk with you about children's outdoor games in kindergarten. I think this topic is very relevant not only for educators, but also for parents. I want to note that I recently wrote an article on the topic rules of outdoor games in the younger group. If you want, then read it. She is very knowledgeable and helpful.

For many kindergarten teachers, the most important and pressing problem is what to do with children. This is understandable, because it is simply impossible to do with lessons alone. Preschool children are teeming with energy. They need to take it somewhere. And here the ideal solution is outdoor games. By the way, outdoor games perfectly stimulate the development of dexterity, ingenuity and ingenuity! It turns out that the children are at work and it is easier for the educators. I'm not talking about how fun it will be for everyone together. With this approach to education, children will be happy to start going to kindergarten, because there will be games!

Well, shall we play?

Catch the ball.

For this game you will need balloons and adult lungs. Blow up some balloons. Give the task to the players so that the balls always fly and do not fall to the floor. Let them blow on them or throw them up with their hands.

Blow on the ball.

Another game with balloons. Inflates the number of balls how many players there will be. Children stand in a line and each is given a ball with the name of the player. The task is to blow on the ball to the finish line. The first one wins. This game perfectly develops the lungs of children, so it can be played as often as possible and not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

Get dressed.

it team game. Divide the children equally into two teams. Put one jacket and one hat on two chairs. Each of the players, on a signal, must run up to a chair and put on. Dressed, undressed and stepped aside. Then the next player runs up and does the same. The winner is the team in which all the players put on the fastest. Such a game is more suitable for middle and older groups, since the kids are unlikely to be able to put on a jacket or other clothes themselves.

Felt boots.

It seems to me that such a mobile game is suitable for junior groups. Again, the children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a pair of boots and not just boots, but adults. Children should fit right into their shoes. Also, children are given one flag each. A chair is placed in front of each team at a distance of approximately 5 meters. The first players from the team must run to their chair, go around it in a circle and go back, passing the flag to the next player. The team in which the last player completed this relay race first wins.

Catch the ball.

This ball game is about manual dexterity. More suitable for medium and senior group. Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The most awkward player who did not catch the ball is penalized. Punishment - stand on one leg and catch the ball. If he does not catch the ball, then his punishment is aggravated - to stand on one knee. At the next failure, he will need to get on two knees. But if the punished player catches the ball, then all previous failures are forgiven.


This is an active endurance game in kindergarten. Children line up in a straight line. At the same time, they should squat down, and keep their hands on their sides. Task - you need to jump to the finish line, for example, to the opposite wall. The one who jumps first wins. And anyone who stumbles during the race is out of the game.

Crows and sparrows.

In this game, children are divided into two teams. One team is called sparrows, the other is called crows. The teacher explains the task to each team. For example, the “sparrows” team, as soon as they are called, should lie on the floor, and the “crows” team should stand on the chairs. All movements are performed quickly. The one who messed up is out of the team and the game. Those who have more players left in the team at the end of the game win.

Put on your hat.

This is very fun game to the music. Children stand in a circle. The teacher turns on the music and gives them a women's hat. The children pass it on to each other. The teacher suddenly stops the music, and the player who has the hat in his hands must quickly put it on his head and walk in a circle with a woman's gait. If he hesitates, he is out of the game. By the way, instead of a women's hat, you can use a cowboy or military cap. Then here you will need to portray a cowboy or a soldier.

Catch me.

Of the children, the two most dexterous are chosen. Their task is to catch other players. To do this, they must join hands to make a circle (ring) and catch other children with this ring. The caught player steps aside.


The players become in a circle. The leader is in the center of the circle. He must take a thick rope or rope and twist it along the bottom, trying to touch the legs of other players with it. The players, in turn, jump up so that the fishing rod does not hit them. Whoever fails is out of the game.


This game is suitable for children. New Year's matinees. The teacher says: “We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and different Christmas trees grow in the forest: wide, low, high and thin. At the word "high" players raise their hands up, "low" - squat and lower their hands, "wide" - expand the circle, "thin" - narrow the circle. The next time the teacher says these words out of order, but randomly, trying to confuse the children.


Outdoor games in kindergarten should be not only for dexterity, but also for attentiveness. For example, the game "Beasts". Children choose their driver, who will play the role of the Owl. The duties of an owl include only hunting. All other children are forest animals. The teacher says "day". The players begin to run around the room and have fun, but with the word "night" they freeze and an owl comes out to hunt. Everyone who moves or makes any sound becomes the prey of an owl, that is, leaves the game.


Children stand in a circle with arms outstretched in front. Pre-selected two drivers run in a circle in opposite directions and try to touch the palms of the participants. Those who are touched are frozen and out of the game.


One of the players becomes a bunny and gets up in an educated round dance. Children lead a round dance and sing:

Zainka, dance,
Grey, jump.
Turn around, turn sideways
Circle, turn sideways!
Is there a place for a hare to jump out,
There is a gray where to jump out!

An impromptu bunny needs to try to jump out of the round dance.

Guess what animal.

The driver sits with his back to all the children. Each player takes turns approaching him and making a sound, imitating any animal, such as a cow. The driver guesses what kind of animal it is.

Guess who.

The driver again sits with his back to the rest of the children. Those in turn come up to him and say any word. The task of the driver is to guess the name of the speaker.


Two participants are selected. Before each put one symbolic prize. The host calls the numbers in a spread, for example, 1,5,9,15,20,33,39,65, etc. e. As soon as the number 3 is pronounced, the players must grab their prize. The one who gets there first wins.

Air, water, earth.

Such a game is not only mobile, but also focused on children's ingenuity. The players sit in a circle. The host walks in front of them and says "earth, air, water" each time changing the arrangement of words. Stopping near any child, the leader pronounces a word, for example, “earth”. And the child in response must portray any animal walking on the ground. With the word "water" the player depicts a fish, and with the word "air" - a bird.

Feed the rabbit.

A rabbit with a carved mouth is drawn on thick paper. The players line up. The first is given a carrot and blindfolded. The task is to put a carrot in the rabbit's mouth. If he fails, he is out of the game. After completing the task, the player passes the carrot to the next.

Get into the hole.

You need to play this outdoor game in kindergarten on the street during a walk. The teacher digs 3 identical holes in the sand at a distance of 0.5 m. The player takes a couple of steps away from the hole and throws a small ball into it. If he hits, then he goes to the second hole, and then to the third. Then everything repeats, but in reverse order. But if the player does not hit the first hole, then he leaves the game.


With different colored crayons, the presenter draws winding and intersecting “paths” on the asphalt. Players must choose a "path" for themselves and go through it to the finish line, never leaving the race.

Steal a carrot.

The teacher draws a circle with a diameter of 8 m. Puts 10 cubes in the circle. In this game, the circle symbolizes the garden, and the cubes symbolize the carrot. One guard is selected from the players. His task is to protect the carrots. The rest of the players become hares. They should try to steal those carrots from the garden circle. Whoever the "watchman" catches is out of the game. The winner is the most dexterous, that is, the one who stole the carrot and was not caught by the “watchman”.


A game of skill and speed! Several participants join hands and form a circle. The rest depict birds and insects, for example, butterflies, bees, flies, mosquitoes, titmice, etc. The host gives a signal and the “trap” opens - the children in the circle raise their hands up. At this time, all birds and insects can walk, run and jump in a trap. The following signal is emitted and the trap closes. All those who did not have time to run out of the "trap" are trapped and stand in a circle, replacing other participants, and they become birds. There are no winners in this game. Here, the main thing is fun and laughter!

Offer these outdoor games in kindergarten. I'm sure your teachers will be very grateful to you. I will do so, because no matter how I ask my son what he did in the kindergarten, he always answers me in the same way - they played “The Sea Worries Once”. He was simply tired of playing in the “sea”, the poor thing. And if I show the teachers my selection of outdoor games, I think they will not be offended, but at least somehow diversify the gray everyday life of my son. He loves to play with me various games both mobile and logical. Good girl!

"Pass the Ball"

Purpose: to develop the ability to perform movements rhythmically, coordinating with words,

and also on a signal, exercise in passing the ball, in turning the body to the right and

to the left, in throwing at a moving target, in a run with dodging, fix

the skill of building in a circle.

Game description

Playing children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other.

The teacher gives one of the players a ball (6-8 cm in diameter). By word

teacher "start" the children begin to pass the ball to each other in one

direction. All playing at the same time (in chorus) clearly say:

Get in the gate"

With the help of a teacher, children are distributed in pairs and stand at a distance

4-6 steps from one another. Between each pair in the middle are installed

gates - from cubes, skittles or twigs. Each pair receives one ball and

rolls it to each other through the gate.

Rules: roll the ball without hitting the goal; repel vigorously one or

with two hands (as directed by the teacher).

a drawn line or a laid rope. Each has four balls

or sandbag. At the signal of the teacher, the children throw 2 times

right and left hand, then run to the balls, pick them up and return

Rules: be sure to throw with one and the other hand; run after bags

only on signal.

"Get in the Circle"

Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps from the one lying in the center.

a large hoop or circle (made of rope or drawn on the ground)

with a diameter of 1-1.5 m. In the hands of children, sandbags or other objects

for throwing. On a signal, they throw objects into the circle with their right and left hands,

on another signal, they are taken out of the circle. The teacher notes those who managed

Rules: throw and take only on a signal; try to get into the hoop;

throw with one, while repeating with the other hand. "Throw it higher"

The teacher distributes balls with a diameter of 12-15 cm to the children and offers to play

with them, throwing up and trying to catch after the throw.

Rules: first throw low to be able to catch; catch the ball

hands, without pressing to the chest; if the ball has fallen, it can be picked up and

continue the exercise.

"Hit Your Target"

The teacher sets or hangs 2-3 vertical targets. It may

be a hoop with a cardboard circle in the middle, a target shield, a snow figure

with an object convenient for throwing (a fox with a bun, a hare with a basket). Before

targets at a distance of 1.5-2 m, a strip 40 cm wide is indicated. On it

in front of each goal are buckets with balls, cones, bags of

sand. 2-3 children stand up to the buckets, take objects and throw them at the target

one and the other hand. Collect thrown objects in buckets, go out

other players.

Rules: throw on a signal with the hand indicated by the teacher; gather

objects after everyone has thrown; to throw, not

out of the band.

"Through the swamp"

On a platform of bricks (flat plywood measuring 15X20 cm)

2-3 tracks 3 m long are laid out. The distance between the bricks

10-15 cm. 2-3 children get up at the first bricks and, on a signal, go along


Rules: stand only on the bricks, without touching the floor: reach the end

"Hen and Chicks"

Children are located behind a rope suspended at a height of 25 cm.

mother hen calls chickens for a walk. They step over the rope and scatter

by site. At the signal "big bird" they run away. teacher at this time

lowers the rope.

Rules: step over after the signal, without pushing, keeping balance on

one leg; run away after the signal.

"The bear is walking on the bridge"

Boards are laid on the ground (width 25 cm, length 2-2.5 m). Behind them on high

the raised hand of the child is hung on a rope ribbons. Respectively

children are called to the number of boards, they get on all fours and, on a signal, crawl to the end of the board. Get off the board, jump up, take off one at a time

ribbon. Bears get raspberries. When all the children crawl, the teacher

offers to run with ribbons around the site. At the signal, everyone gathers

the teacher hangs the ribbons on the rope. The game is repeated.

Rules: walk on the bench on all fours (on the feet and palms); reach

to the end of the board.

"Whirl - don't fall!"

In walking games “We have fun”, “Couples for a walk”, “Sun and

rain” a short-term slow circling in place is introduced.

"Move Wider"

Hoops (plastic or

flat plywood with a diameter of 60 cm), in each row 5-6 hoops. 2-3

children, on a signal, step from hoop to hoop. When they reach the end, they jump

clap their hands and return.

Rules: go with an intermediate step in the hoop, but without going beyond its edges,

do not touch the hoops.

"Sun and Rain"

Children stand in a circle.-

“The sun looks out the window, (They go in a circle.)

Shines into our room.

“We will clap our hands, (Clap standing still.)

Very happy with the sun.

Top-top-top-top! (Rhythmically stomping in place.)

Clap-clap-clap-clap! (Rhythmically clapping hands)

At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” the children run away. The teacher says

"The sun is shining", The game is repeated.

"Couples for a walk"

On one side of the platform, cords (chairs, racks) form a gate.

Children, holding hands, stand in pairs (arbitrarily, whoever wants with whom),

the teacher helps them with this. At the signal "let's go for a walk" children in pairs

pass through the gate, and then disperse around the site. Here they can

jump, sit down - "we pick berries, flowers." On the signal "let's go home"

the babies again stand in pairs and pass through the gate.

Rules: walk in pairs, holding hands; coordinate their movements

to lag behind and not to get ahead; give way when passing the gate. Complication: make another gate and offer to pass through the gate

who will be closer at the signal "let's go home

"Find your house"

Children sit along the side of the playground or room. At the signal of the teacher

"Let's go for a walk" the children disperse around the site wherever they want. By word

teacher "home" everyone runs back and takes any free place.

Then the game is repeated.

"Mice and Cat"

Children - "mice" sit in "minks" - on chairs or a bench set

along the walls of the room, or to the sides of the site in one of the corners of the site

a “cat” is sitting, the role of which is played by the teacher. The cat falls asleep and

only then the mice scatter around the room. But the cat is waking up

meows and begins to catch the mice, which run into their minks and occupy

their seats on the chairs. After all the mice returned to their

places, the cat once again walks around the room, and then returns to its

place, falls asleep and the game is repeated.

The teacher can use a toy cat in the game.

Children stand in a column one at a time on one side of the playground or along the wall

rooms. The first standing in the column is a “locomotive”, the rest are “cars”.

The teacher gives a beep, and the children begin to move forward; at first

slowly, then faster and finally go on a run (with a slow

movement can pronounce the sound "choo-choo-choo"). "The train pulls up to

station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and


The teacher regulates the pace and duration of the movement of children.

At first, the educator himself leads the column, and then puts in front more

active child. "Birds in the nest"

At different ends of the site or sides of the room, 3-4 "nests" are installed

(high chairs are placed or large circles are drawn). Children are "birds"

placed in nests. At the signal of the teacher, the birds fly out of their

nests and scatter all over the site. The teacher feeds the birds

one, then on the other side of the site. Children squat down

hitting his knees with his fingertips (pecking food). After the words

teacher "birds in the nests" the children run to their places. "Shaggy dog"

One of the children portrays a "dog"; he lies on the rug on his stomach, head

lays on outstretched hands. The rest of the children quietly approach

to him under the reading of poetry by the educator:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

In your paws, sticking your nose.

Quietly he lies

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see if something happens.

The dog jumps up, starts barking, the children run away. The dog is chasing them.

When all the children scatter and hide, the dog again lies down on the rug. The game

repeats with a new driver.

"Sparrows and a cat"

Children stand along the walls on benches on large cubes or in hoops,

laid on the floor. These are “sparrows on the roof” or “in nests”.

At a distance sits a "cat", the role of which is played by one of the children. "Sparrows

flew away, ”the teacher says. Sparrows jump off the roof or

jump out of the nest and, spreading their wings, that is, stretching their arms to the sides,

running loose around the room. The cat is sleeping. But here she is

wakes up, says "meow-meow" and runs to catch up with sparrows, which

should hide from her on the roof or nests, taking their places.

Having caught the sparrows, the cat takes them to his house.

"The Frogs"

In the middle of the site draw a large circle or put a cord in the shape of a circle.

A group of children is located on the edge of the circle, the rest are sitting on chairs,

placed on one side of the site. With children sitting on

chairs, the teacher says the following words:

Here are the frogs along the path

Jumping, legs outstretched,

Kwa - kva - kva, kva - kva - kva,

They jump with their legs outstretched.

Children standing in a circle jump up, depicting frogs. At the end

poems sitting on chairs clap their hands (scare frogs);

frogs jump in the swamp jump over the line - and quietly

squat down. "The mother hen and chickens"

Children pretend to be "chickens". And the educator is a "brood hen". On one side

a place fenced with a rope - a "house" where chickens are placed with

mother hen (the rope is pulled between trees or two racks on

height 40-50 cm). The mother hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of

stern. After a while, she calls the chickens: "ko - ko - ko - ko." By

to this signal, all the chickens crawl under the rope, run to the hen and, together with

they walk around the playground. When the teacher says "big bird", everyone

chickens run home.

The teacher says "big bird" only after all the children

crawled under the rope and ran a little.

"Take care of the item"

Children form a circle. One of the players is in the middle of the circle

(leading), the rest stand with their legs somewhat apart and holding their hands behind

back (s.p.) At the feet of each child lies a cube (or other object).

The driver tries to take this cube. Wanting to save him, playing

crouches, covers the cubes with his hands and does not let him touch him. How

only the driver leaves, the player gets up.


At one end of the playground: the teacher is a trap, at the other - the children. Children

approach the trap by jumping on two legs under the sentence,

spoken by the teacher:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

At the end of the words, the children run away to their places, the trap catches them.

"Find Your Color"

Children receive flags of 3-4 colors: one - red, others - blue, third -

yellow, and are grouped by 4-6 people in different corners of the room. In every

corner, the teacher puts a colored flag on the stand (red, blue,

At the signal of the teacher “let's go for a walk”, the children disperse around the playground

in groups or alone. At the signal of the teacher "find your color" children

run to the flag of the corresponding color. "Find a mate" For the game, you need to prepare flags for the number of children. Half

flags of one color - the rest of another. Children receive one

checkbox. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter around the playground. Differently

At the signal, children with the same flags find a mate.

The game must accept an odd number of children so that one of

players were left without a pair. Addressing the left child without a partner,

all the chorus players say:

Vanya, Vanya do not yawn choose a pair for yourself.

Then, at the stroke of the tambourine, the children scatter again, and the game is repeated.


Children stand along the wall of the room or side of the playground in a column in pairs,

holding each other's hand. With their free hand they hold the cord, the ends

which are tied (one holds with his right hand the other with his left). caregiver

is in one of the corners of the room and holds three colored flags in his hand -

yellow, red, green. The teacher raises the green flag, and

children are running, the tram is moving. Having run to the teacher, the children look, not

whether the color of the flag has changed: if green is raised, the movement continues if

a yellow or red flag has appeared, the children stop and wait for

a green color will appear so that you can move again

"Catch me"

Children sit on chairs placed against one of the walls of the room or on

side of the site. “Catch up with me,” the teacher offers and runs to

opposite side of the site. Children run after the teacher. Trying

catch him. Then the teacher says again: “Catch up with me,” and runs to

opposite side. And the kids are chasing him again. After two runs

children sit on chairs and rest. Then the game restarts.

The game is best played with a small number of children.


Children become couples. In a pair, one is a “horse”. The other is a "carrier".

The reins are used, or the children hold each other by the belt. caregiver

Let's go, let's go, nuts, nuts

To the baby for a turnip, for a boy,

for sweeties, for hunchbacks.

With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm under

pronunciation of the educator: "Hop, hop." They run until the teacher

won’t say: “Whoa.” “At the bear in the forest”

A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. beyond the line

a distance of 3-2 steps from it, a place for a bear is outlined. On the

the opposite side is indicated by the line "children's house". caregiver

chooses a bear. The teacher says let's go for a walk. Children go and talk

The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I run berries,

But the bear does not sleep, everything growls at us.

The bear must sit in its place. When the players say

the last “growl”, the bear gets up with a growl and catches up with the children, who

run to their home. The caught child, the bear leads to itself.

After the bear catches 3 - 2, a new bear is chosen.


A group of children stand at one end of the playground. The teacher gives everyone

a stick 50-60 cm long. Children sit on a stick astride and jump on

opposite side of the site, depicting horsemen, trying not to

bump into each other and do not touch objects, equipment

located on the site.

During the game, the teacher may suggest that the children move faster or

slower in different directions. When children learn to run fast,

competitions can be arranged.

Children stand inside a large hoop (diameter 1 m.), Hold it in

lowered hands: one - at one side of the rim. The other is at

opposite side, one after the other. First child is a driver

taxi, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path. Through

some time they switch roles.

2-3 pairs of children can play at the same time, and if the area allows, then

more. When the children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can

give the task to run in different directions, make stops. Can place

stops are flagged. At the stop, the passengers change, one

gets out of the taxi, the other sits down.

"Hares and the wolf"

Rabbit children hide behind bushes and trees. To the side behind the bush is

wolf. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, frolic. By

the teacher’s signal: “The wolf is coming” - the hares run away and hide behind bushes, undertrees. The wolf is trying to catch up with them. The game can use a small

Stutterers jump hop, hop

to the green meadow.

Grass is nibbled, eaten.

listening carefully

Is the wolf coming?

Children perform the actions described in the poem. FROM

at the end, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.

A child playing the role of a wolf should be away from the bushes where

hiding children - rabbits

On one side of the room, chairs are arranged in a semi-circle,

inside the semicircle. These are rabbit cells. On the opposite side of the house

watchman. In the middle is a lawn on which the rabbits are released.

walk. Children stand from the back of the chairs, at the direction of the teacher, they

squat down - rabbits sit in cages. caretaker caretaker

goes to the cage and releases the rabbits into the meadow: the children one by one

crawl out from under the chairs, and then jump, moving forward along the entire

lawn. At the signal of the educator “Run into the cages!” the rabbits are back

back to their seats, crawling under the chairs again.

The teacher must ensure that the children, crawling under the chairs,

tried not to hit them with their backs. Arcs can be used instead of chairs

for crawling or placed on the seats of chairs sticks, slats.

"Where the Bell Rings"

Children sit or stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks them

face the wall and don't turn around. At this time the babysitter with a bell

hides from them, for example, behind a closet. The teacher suggests listening to

the sound where the bell rings, and find it. Children turn and walk on

sound, find it, then gather near the caregiver. Meanwhile babysitter

moves to another place - and the game is repeated.

Children should not look where the nanny is hiding. For this, the teacher

gathers it around him and diverts their attention. ring the bell

Quietly at first, then louder.

"Do not be late"

The teacher lays out the cubes on the floor. Children stand at the cubes. By

at the signal of the teacher, they scatter throughout the room, at the signal “Do not

be late!” run to the cubes. Initially, children can run up to anyone

free object, they gradually get used to taking their place. At

repetition of the game, you can offer children to run like horses. During the game, the teacher makes sure that the children run away from the cubes further,

did not bump into each other, helped each other find their cube when

a signal will sound.

"Chickens in the Garden"

A large space is limited in the middle of the site - a garden. FROM

on one side is his caretaker's house, on the other, a chicken coop, with chickens in it. Role

the caretaker is performed by the teacher or one of the children. At the signal "chicken

walking" children crawl under the cords and walk in the garden, look for food, run.

The watchman notices chickens in the garden and drives them away - he claps his hands, saying

"shoo-shoo". Chickens run away, crawl under the cord and hide in the house. watchman

walks around the garden and also returns home.

Each child chooses a house for himself. It could be a flat hoop…. By

On a signal, the children choose the playground and run in different directions. On the

the “find your house” signal is occupied by houses.

Children should run easily, in different directions, not bump into; not

run up to the house until the signal "Hurry in the circle"

On the site they draw a circle with a diameter of 4 meters in the middle - a smaller circle

2 meters in diameter. children walk one after another in a large circle. Between

The educator walks in a large and small circle. At the signal: "rather in a circle",

children try to run into a small circle, the teacher catches them, caught

stop in place. Then they again become in a circle.

Complication: the teacher chooses an assistant.

"Guys have a strict order"

At the first signal, the players scatter from the line and

say the slogan “The guys have a strict order, they know all their places, well,

trumpet more cheerfully: tra - ta ta, tra - ta-ta. On the second signal, everything is fast

are lined up.

You can first get up vacancies but by the end of the year in its place.

"My cheerful sonorous ball"

Children stand in a circle of a teacher with a basket of small balls in the center.

We all say the words together:

My cheerful sonorous ball

Where did you run to

Red, yellow, blue

Do not keep up with you At the end of the words, the teacher throws the balls up so that they

scattered in different directions. Children should quickly put them back in

"Smooth Circle"

Children, holding hands, rhythmically walk in a circle, say:

"In an even circle one after another

We go step by step, stand still!

Together, do it like this!”

With the end of the words, they stop and repeat the movements that

shows the teacher, for example, turn around, bend over. Need

rhythmically go in a circle, keeping the interval; don't go into the circle.


Children are scattered around the room. The teacher says the following words:

"Silence at the pond does not sway the water

The reeds do not make noise, the baby falls asleep.

As soon as the teacher has finished saying the words, the children lie down on the floor and

imitate sleep.

The teacher walks between the children and notes who is fast asleep (does not move)


All children are "bunnies". The teacher says:

Bunnies are sitting in a field on a hillock,

They warm their paws, they move them.

(Children make movements (jump, move their hands). After a minute, the children and the teacher speak)

The frost has become stronger,

We'll freeze standing like this.

To warm up quickly

Let's jump more fun.

(Children run down the hill and start running, patting their paws.)


The educator is a "locomotive". All children are "carriages". The "locomotive" is buzzing and the "train" is moving. Children move their hands and say:


Here is our train

wheels are rattling.

And in our train

the guys are sitting.


The locomotive puffs.

Far, far away he took the guys.

The teacher says:

Stop. Stop.

Come on out, let's go for a walk."

Children "walk" around the room.


Children are shown a picture of an owl beforehand. One of the children is an "owl". The rest are "birds". "Owl" sits on a tree (chair).

The rest of the children run around her, cautiously approaching her.

The teacher reads:

Owl Owl,

big head,

Sitting on a tree

turns his head,

Looking in all directions

Yes, suddenly how to fly.

"Owl" begins to catch "birds". The caught "bird" becomes an "owl".

Chickens and rooster.

Guys - “hens” are sitting at one of the walls. A "rooster" walks at a great distance. In one of the corners of the "Cat's House" room, a "cat" is sitting in it.

The teacher sits with the "hens", pointing to the walking "rooster", sings:

Petya in yellow boots

Walks on the sand

And then how to scream



Come out chickens

Collect crumbs.

There are many flies here

On my track.

A "cat" runs out, all the children run into the house.


In the middle of the hall lies a thin cord in the shape of a circle. The children are standing in a circle. The teacher says:

Here is a frog on the path

Jumping with outstretched legs

Kwa-kva, kva-kva-kva,

Jumps, legs outstretched.

Children jump on two legs, moving forward in a circle. The teacher claps his hands - scares the "frogs"; kids squat down - "frogs" jump into the "swamp".

Repeat 2-3 times.

We stomp our feet.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

We give hands.

(Children join hands to form a circle.)

And we run around

And we run around.

(Everyone is running, the teacher says: “Stop.” The kids stop.)

Shaggy dog.

The children sit on one side of the room. One child on the opposite side depicts a dog. The children in a crowd quietly approach him, and the teacher at this time says:

Here lies the shaggy dog,

Burying your nose in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

Not dozing, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see: something will happen?

"Dog" jumps out and barks loudly. Children run away, the dog catches up with them.


Children depict bees, run around the room, wave their arms - wings, buzz. The bear appears. The teacher says:

The bear is walking

Honey will take away from the bees,

Bees home.

"Bees" fly into a corner - a beehive. "Bear" goes there too. "Bees" says:

This hive is our house

Go away, bear, from us,


They flap their wings, chase away the bear. They fly away from him, running around the room. "Bear" catches them.


Children hold hands and stand in a circle. At the first words of the song, the circle stretches and stretches. On the last word “burst” - the circle breaks, and the children run to the center of the circle.

bubble inflated,

Inflated big

Inflated big

Don't screw up like that.

Sh-sh-sh - burst.

The game is repeated again.


Children portray moths. The teacher sings, the children run, waving their arms like wings.

On the green in the meadow

Moths fly.

And from flower to flower

They flutter merrily.

Aunt went out to the meadow,

And in her hands is a net.

Watch out, moth

Fly away quickly, my friend!

Children run away, and the teacher catches them with a net.


Children are birds. Each bird makes its own nest; it could be a circle drawn on the floor with chalk. Each bird sits in its own nest. The teacher reads:

Birds sit in nests

And they look out into the street.

Everyone wants to fly

And they all flew away.

Birds fly out of their nests and fly around the room. On a signal (beep, call), they return to the nests.