Dragon age 2 walkthrough. Passage - Act I: Storyline (continued). Madmen won't take a detour

"I'll catch up - I'll kill!"

In the bright hall of the town hall, panting and slipping on turns, a formidable horned humanoid runs between the columns. He brandishes a huge sword, catching up with a puny archer who dodges, trying to get as far as possible from the point.

“Well, what good is that? the fleeing archer thinks grimly. “I, the famous Garrett Hawk, without five minutes the hero of the whole city,” and I’m running from some stupid Qunari. Why didn't I join the military?"

“Garrett shouldn’t have agreed to a duel,” the team standing at a distance laments to itself. “Now I would calmly stand under our cover and beat the horned creature with a bow.”

"I'll catch up - I'll kill," the qunari thinks, makes a dash and again gets hit in the face with a fiery arrow. “I won’t catch up - at least I’ll warm up.”

At the beginning of last year, an amazing event happened: for the first time in the seven years of the existence of the LCI magazine, the game received the highest possible rating. This game was . It earned a magazine rating of 100% and deservedly so, turning out to be an almost flawless role-playing game and a real breakthrough in the genre. Making the second part of the role-playing series, bioware decided to take the risk. The developers have greatly changed the role-playing and combat systems, interface, dialogues and story canons.

The strange young dwarf is still creepy. Good guy Yes, it hurts unearthly.

And here is a cameo - an elf familiar to us. Over the years, his habits have not changed at all.

The basis gameplay remained the same: the hero visits different locations, recruits a team, talks with people and fights with... bad people. But a lot has changed in the details. The names familiar to us are heard only at times, in idle conversations (only a couple of times the characters we know will flash in rare cameos). The action takes place not in Ferelden, but in a completely different country. The plot unwinds already without any participation of evil archdemons. And the wildest thing is that this time no one is saving the world and the scene is one single city.

Weird? Weird. Let's take a look at what BioWare has come up with as a result of bold experiments with dragon age 2 .

What is the wise dwarf sitting for?

It all starts with the templar prison, where a new prisoner is brought. However, contrary to the canons of the genre, it turns out not to be the main character, but a dubious-looking dwarf with an impudent physiognomy. During the interrogation, the dwarf, for the appearance of breaking down, begins to tell a story. Here it is just about a hero who can really only be of one race - human (alas, we are now unable to choose the origin of the hero and his race).

Dubious appearance is still a mild epithet in relation to this dwarf physiognomy.

“You are the Chosen One. And I just went out for a walk.”

The plot twist is oddly twisted. According to the canons, it is supposed to show the character's life before the forces of evil come. But here the approach is different: as soon as we choose the name, gender, class and appearance of the character, we see the hero running away with his family through the mountains and dales from the creatures of Darkness. One can only guess how he came to such a life, but there is no time, and only from the dialogues do we learn that the woman next to him is his mother, and the other woman (or man) is his sister (or brother).

Jumping around the post-Ostagar Ferelden ends with a meeting with a colorful sorceress, who bluntly calls our hero the Chosen One. According to the logic of things, the sorceress, and even with such bold statements, should be an important character, and not at all a banal episodic "piano". And the gloomy town of Kirkwall, where the Hawks who escaped from Ferelden are washed up by the waves, should be a small staging post on a journey to save the world.

But it is in this city and its environs that the hero Garrett Hawke will spend the next ten years. He will no longer face infernal evil. There is no need to save the world this time. All that is now required of Hawke is to understand the complex relationships between mages, templars, authorities, refugees, elves, dwarves, slavers, bandits, smugglers, demons, warlike horned humanoids ... and, of course, it would be nice to delve into the problems associates too.

Hello Andrassy

The main thing in such cases is to let the defender firmly cling to the monster and not let him go to the magicians.

Of course, in order to resolve political crises, you need to communicate a lot. And here one more unpleasant surprise awaits those wishing to chat: the brilliant dialogue system that everyone liked so much in Dragon Age: Origins is no more. Instead of a list of detailed answers - a choice in style mass effect : summary and a symbol denoting a general mood. No need to choose words - you still can’t guess exactly how the hero will formulate “humorous”, “persistent”, “resolute”, “aggressive” or “peaceful” answers. The awkward situation with the quest to exterminate the rats and the explanation to the guests, described in the review of Origins, is now impossible in principle. All plot-dialogue forks are easily foreseen, so the only trouble that threatens for the wrong answer is the disapproval of our companion.

The dialogue system from Mass Effect is a dubious choice for Dragon Age 2. Thankfully, this is the last of the game's notable shortcomings. Yes, and it is considered a disadvantage only against the background of the original, and in conversations with partners you quickly forget about it. The same companions of the hero are masterfully crafted, in best traditions bioware. A friendly dwarf with a crossbow (the same one from the introduction), an obsessed magician who is better not to be angered, a cynical conqueror of the seas, a conscientious warrior, an ever-embarrassed elf magician...

Previously, spiders sometimes turned into
mingled with beautiful women. Now it's just spiders.

At first it seems, however, that the elf is somehow too reminiscent of Tali, and Jack is visible in the "sea wolf". But the feeling of deja vu dissipates, one has only to get to know the team better. Companions present a lot of surprises. At key points in the plot, they make decisions based on their relationship to the main character. It also happens that a character with whom he went into the caves a hundred times on spiders and whom you know as flaky, suddenly intervenes in events, for good or for worse. If you drive the "friendship" indicator to negative, you should not expect that the character will help Hawk in the final battles. Garrett's associates also have their own desires, interests, and carefully guarded secrets.

The relationship of satellites to each other, according to tradition, is revealed in the conversations that they start in nature, behind the back of our hero. These "conversations in the ranks" are never repeated. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes informative - in any case, it can be very interesting to warm up your ears next to your comrades-in-arms, especially if you take a pirate with you: with indiscreet questions, she can make all the other fighting friends and Garrett himself blush.

The most indecent scene in the game is a conversation with an elf in a closed swimsuit.

Personal relationships in Dragon Age 2 are both good and not so good. On the one hand, taking care of companions is easy here. Key phrases in dialogues are marked with a “heart” icon, and rare gifts, for the most part, are not bought, but come across in prey - while the game itself makes a hint, they say, would you show a ring to someone, and a shield to someone. Yes, and the choice is rich - both for supporters of a serious relationship, and for lovers of non-committal relationships in the style of "Shepard vs. Jack". Political correctness has reached new heights: in the team, for example, there will be at least two males who are willing to accept the courtship of a male Hawke (and don't ask me how I knew this).

On the other hand, Dragon Age 2 is just obscenely decent when it comes down to it. Don't expect explicit scenes. Against the backdrop of the love pleasures of Dragon Age: Origins, and even more so Mass Effect, the local novels are, to put it mildly, chaste. This is strange, considering that the age ratings for the games are the same.

We are robots

And when the magician runs out of mana, he intercepts comfortably
staff and...

But love comes and goes, and bandits and all sorts of evil spirits lie in wait around every corner, so the choice of three companions for long trips (that is, to the nearest mountain) is primarily determined by the necessary abilities.

Combat system Dragon Age 2 has been redesigned almost to the ground and has become even more like those used in typical online games. Experience, levels, three points of characteristics - all this is familiar to us. But the specialization within each of the three classes (warrior, mage, robber) is determined by skill points, which characters are given one at a time at each level. These are practically the same talents - they are spent on skills of three types - active, passive and included.

Active are spells and actions, be it fireballs, heals, stuns, fade into invisibility, and everything else. Passive skills are "features" that strengthen the character in some area once and for all. With the skills turned on, it’s more interesting - these are kind of “auras” that give a boost to the hero or the entire squad (for example, magic resistance or increased damage), but at the same time take away part of the mana / energy bar from the hero. Sometimes a hero can turn on two or three different auras at once, but at the same time he will have a scanty stub of mana, so willy-nilly you have to choose priorities.

The protection of the entire squad is one of the supporting “auras” of the mage.

It is better to specialize the hero from the very beginning. A “tank” is a must in the team, and there will be no questions with its development: there are so many skills that enhance defense and attract monsters in the game that there may not even be enough talents for everything. With magicians, there are more options - there are many schools of magic, you can choose any one to your taste. In addition, magicians are relatively easy to create a spellcaster-healer hybrid. From a rogue, you can make a shooter with a bias towards control or a typical Azerothian rogue with invisibility, instant jumps behind a monster and accumulation / discharge of energy from dagger strikes.

Combat in Dragon Age 2 has become faster and more energetic, so the leisurely issuing of orders in pause mode is now a little out of place. Of course, you can do this, but the dynamics of the battle is lost. And here the improved system of "programming" the behavior of the characters will fit into the case.

It is most reliable when the team sticks together. The warrior ran ahead, but the ranged classes left behind
friend is insured.

In Origins, the ability to put into the hero algorithms such as “strong enemy - use a strong skill, health has fallen - heal” turned out to be a great innovation. Bots are the scourge of online worlds, but in Ferelden, the algorithmization of the behavior of partners turned out to be very useful. The only thing that seriously annoyed was the initial restrictions on the number of teams. Luckily, BioWare figured out that tying as many commands as possible to a character's skills looks crazy. In Dragon Age 2, these restrictions have been removed, and the character's companions (though not all and not always) are also programmed automatically, with each newfound skill, which eliminates the fuss.

There are much more options for conditions and actions when they occur. In addition, "behavioral patterns" appeared - that is, the hero can make several "programs" for all occasions. The choice of the program can also be entrusted to the hero - the transition from template to template can be easily made conditional, so that the hero can independently decide which algorithm to use and when! A lot can be forgiven for the increased autonomous intelligence of partners, which removes a lot of trouble from the player with micromanagement.

"Mixing and AOE"

Even a fragile sorceress can send a bad knight on a long flight with a magical kick.

The only problem with heroes left to their own discretion is that mages still sometimes strive to run away from the warrior and die there nicely. Of course, there is a button “everyone stand” in the game, but the button “keep behind the “tank”, a miracle in rags!” is really missing. However, if you don’t take “dagger” thieves into the team, you can pin heroes to one place without any extra reflection and bring enemies to them in batches. At the same time, this solves the problem with deadly traps, into which even robbers fall with enviable constancy.

It is useful to place heroes in the right places in advance, but this does not always help, especially in tight places (and gaming locations BioWare has always been like small intestines). It is better to put the magician not behind the warrior, but next to him, so that he can remove the “aggression” in time if the monster appears right in front of the magician.

First phase of the fight. The warrior is programmed not to swear if the magicians inadvertently thwart aggression.

Yes, that happens too. It used to be that monsters and bandits were at least a little bashful and were reborn in the style of "we came up from around the corner." Now they can suddenly hatch from the void right before our eyes. Undead and demons still somehow pretend that they are digging out from under the ground, and spiders - that they are descending from somewhere above, but sometimes the bandits are even too lazy to make a movement "like, I jumped off the roof." From time to time you find that another wave of enemies suddenly jumped out from under the feet of the magicians. So keep enemies close, and mages even closer.

The division into ordinary enemies, bosses and superbosses in the game has remained and even worsened. In battles with especially harmful dragons or elementals, “combat phases” are clearly visible. Anyone who is familiar with World of Warcraft, at least in a cap, will immediately realize that if a dragon takes off without warning and sits on a cliff, you have to wait for fiery spitting and a crowd of small dragons. If in a cave an evil elemental suddenly stopped and began to conjure, it is better not to guess why stalactite columns enter the interior of the cave.

Premonition about "but should we jump behind the column"
we were not deceived.

Someone will say that borrowing from online is bad. Not at all if it means convenience for the player! And playing Dragon Age 2 is really convenient, and just due to the fact that many good ideas in the series are taken from the popular virtual worlds. For example, the concept of "out of combat", removing the need to heal between battles. Or the lack of "friendly fire", without which it is now possible to easily flood enemies with napalm. The shooters are aided by the "run-and-shoot" hunting tactic, with which Garrett still managed to defeat the harmful Qunari from the introduction to the article. And the system of runes that are inserted into the "connectors" on clothes is very much like jewelry from World of Warcraft.

And there are many such examples. "Junk" loot (mostly moth-eaten scarves) is sold to merchants with a single button. Partners do not change their clothes throughout the game - their parameters increase with their growth in level (less hassle with the wardrobe, although in a sense this is a minus). When choosing a weapon or an element of a costume in a duffel bag (of course, a general one), the item is immediately clearly compared with what the hero is wearing. And everywhere - tips, tracking quests, reminders of what the hero is doing, and a detailed breakdown of the character's combat statistics. This is bad? It's comfortable!

How do they get along there?

The elves here are cute, but a little decadent. The print of inbreeding is already visible on the faces.

The world in Dragon Age 2 is still its own - gloomy, far from the typical "high fantasy" and somewhat similar to the universe of "The Witcher" by Sapkowski. What Ferelden, what the Free March - everywhere the same wars, banditry, poverty, refugees, oppressed elves and the complex relationship of magicians with the authorities.

The city of Kirkwall, where the Hawk family has taken, is also not a very pleasant place. With formidable towers over narrow streets, it is not for nothing that it resembles one huge prison. In ancient times, Kirkwall was the capital of slave owners - not only its architecture, but also creepy "sobbing" monuments and bas-reliefs remind of those times. Over all of Kirkwall rises the bulk of the Casemates, a vast prison that has found a useful use - there the templars keep the local Circle of magicians locked up. The knights are vigilantly watching every owner of a magical gift. They have reasons for this: according to the laws of this world, magic attracts the other world, and the saying “an inner demon sits in everyone” is very often justified when it comes to sorcery. So in order to avoid trouble, the templars do not let a single magician out of the Circle. The most unreliable are erased by the barbaric procedure of "pacification".

It is clear that the city sorcerers, seeing such a situation, try not to catch the eye of the templars. Nobody wants to be locked up. Some even go underground, where they turn a blind eye to the most dangerous blood magic. The more worries the knights have.

Qunari fighters are most easily recognized not even by their horns, but by their perpetually sour expressions.

The whole of Kirkwall is a complex tangle of interests and intrigues. Templars protect the common people from demons. Magicians resist persecution. The Church of Andraste is trying to reconcile one with the other. The viceroy is tormented by his unlucky son. City guards are knocked down, catching smugglers and slavers. The gnomes are gathering an expedition to suspicious dungeons. In the mountains near the city there is an elven camp, and in the port it is not clear why the militant horned humanoids of the Qunari decided to spend the winter - all with the face of Bruce Willis and with specific ideas about honor.

To resolve conflicts, to unravel conspiracies, to exhort the slow-witted and to expose the scoundrels will be Garrett Hawke. For a small-town adventure in Dragon Age 2, there are enough dilemmas and difficult questions. It's one thing when an army of darkness approaches the world. Another is when evil is hidden in people themselves. And often Hawke will have to make a choice when both sides are right about something and both are very wrong about something, when the law is contrary to morality, when the dimensions of two evils are very difficult to compare ... and then the satellites join in the conversation and also something they want. There are no easy ways here. And this means that everything is as it should be in a good role play.

Yes, Dragon Age 2 almost fell short of the bar set by the first part. The beginning of the game is stupid, the dialogues are truncated, and instead of saving the world, the hero is almost incessantly engaged in urban problems. But someone has to do it. There is only one archdemon, but there are many who want to go into politics - and they are able to do no less trouble. Swarms in one single Kirkwall can echo across the continent. And they will respond, laying the foundation for new times and new stories, and the templars, in search of such a hero that everyone needs, will interrogate his former companion, a gnome with a dubious appearance, for a long time and to no avail.

Whether they find Hawke or not, we will find out in the next Dragon Age.

Variety of tactics


The best view of this fight is with an arrow on the string of a trusty bow.

For the first playthrough of the game, I traditionally chose the rogue class and made a shooter out of it. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, there is only one shooter among the satellites. Secondly, hunters always best view on the battlefield. Thirdly, this work - do not beat the recumbent: know yourself that you have fallen on the nearest enemies, cover your own and from time to time cover the area with a rain of arrows.

The shooter can, at the very least, fight off the monster, and in especially neglected cases, go into invisibility, if, of course, he takes this ability. Being close to magicians, he can easily protect them. Moving ahead of the whole team, the shooter, being a robber, can be the first to detect and disarm traps. Don't underestimate them - towards the end of the game, falling into a trap can become fatal.

Finally, playing as a robber, you can unlock all the chests you encounter in a row without hesitation.

Detachment recruitment

We have a defender in the team - only one, but excellent! Without it, going into battle is like death! More precisely, without her, because in the role of a "tank" - a female warrior Aveline.

There will be no difficulties with the treatment of the team either. There will also be one or two promising magic healers among the associates. You can't make a doctor out of the elf Merrill alone. The magician Anders will cope best of all with the role of a healer and combat resurrector, although it may be uncomfortable for some people to constantly keep him behind (a demon found refuge in Anders).

What "killer" characters are preferable? I'm leaning towards ranged specializations - namely archer Varric or sorceress Merrill. It's not that the rogue Isabella and the warriors Carver and Fenris are bad... It's just that when the main group stays in one place and doesn't run anywhere, there is more order in the battle. By sticking together, ranged characters support each other. If the enemy inadvertently walks past the "tank" and tries to gnaw on three densely standing heroes, he will get three times more splashes. In addition, keeping the whole team in one place is useful for the implementation of the tactics of "bringing together and hitting the area." Now that there is no "friendly fire" in the game, you can easily make flamethrowers and napalm bombs from mages and shooters without any problems.

For your information: You can turn on "friendly fire" if you wish - for this you need to set the maximum level of difficulty.

Characteristics and parameters

The architecture of Kirkwall is unequivocally
but does not add to the landscape opti-
mysma. Maybe that's why the locals throw themselves at people?

Characteristics of the character in the game six.

    Force. It is necessary for warriors, and only for them. Increases weapon damage and the chance to hit an enemy - that is, accuracy, which here is called the strange term "Attack".

    Agility. Needed by robbers, and only by them. Increases Rogues' Hit Power, Accuracy ("Attack"), and Critical Hit Chance.

    Magic. Necessary for magicians, and only for them. Increases damage and accuracy from spells and from regular "shooting" with a staff. High magic parameters also protect against hostile magic, reducing the duration and damage.

    Cunning. Essential for rogues, although it theoretically increases defense (dodge ability) and critical strike damage for all classes. In addition, cunning determines the rogue's ability to disarm traps and open locks. At the beginning of the game, you can get by with 20 points, by the middle you need at least 30. The most difficult castles and traps will require 40 cunning points.

    Strength of will. Necessary for all classes, as it increases the supply of mana or energy (the same mana, but for robbers and warriors). The more mana a character has, the longer he will be able to deal damage, heal teammates, and stop monsters. If there is no mana, you will either have to drink an expensive potion (you can drink it again only after a certain “recharge” time), or hit enemies with a default attack.

    Endurance. First of all, a tank is needed. In the second place - classes that are in close contact with the enemy (warriors with two-handed weapons and robbers with daggers). Mages and shooters should not forget about endurance either, because even the best defender will not save you from the dragon's spit that has flown in or from the monster that appeared right in front of the frail magician.

Other character parameters are partly determined by characteristics (for example, defense), partly by equipment (armor), power-ups, or learned passive skills.

    Damage. The amount of health removed from a “conditional enemy in a vacuum” during a normal attack with a melee weapon, a shot from a bow, crossbow or staff. It is affected by the level of the weapon and the characteristic - strength or dexterity, depending on the class. Real damage is calculated based on the enemy's armor and magic resistance.

    Attack. The probability that a blow or shot will hit the target. Depending on the class, "attack" is affected by strength, agility, or magic. In addition, the chance of hitting a strong enemy or "boss" is much lower than a normal enemy.

    Protection. Chance to dodge enemy attacks. Protection is not a military parameter, but a robber one, as it depends on cunning. Warriors need little protection, they have their own ways to stay alive, taking on powerful blows.

    Armor. Reduces incoming physical damage (and only physical!). The higher the class of the monster, the less the impact absorption effect. Armor is a typical military parameter. And not only because there is a lot of armor on heavy armor and shields, but also because the high level of armor, as in the first part of Dragon Age, determines the high level of threat. That is, the monsters have not left their masochistic habits here either - seeing a rag magician and a warrior clad in armor in front of them, they will attack the warrior.

    Damage resistance. Subtracted from any incoming attack, both physical and magical. Usually found on items or in specific "tank" skill trees. Before high level it cannot be developed, but this is not necessary, because besides it, a lot of other things are subtracted from the damage.

    Magic resistance. It is subtracted from magical attacks. It turns out the same armor, but already acting against magical incoming damage. Magic resistance also reduces the duration of enemy spells on the hero.

    Persistence. Helps the character resist physical and magical effects that can incapacitate him (stun or knock him down) or impose a negative effect (such as ignite).

    Elemental Resilience There are five types: resistance to fire, cold, electricity, the forces of nature and the magic of the spirit. Usually it is found on things. There is a benefit from it, because it is quite difficult to develop resistance to magic in general, and things with protection from certain types of magic come across often. For example, if the future is a fight with dragons, it is better to equip the team (or at least the defender) with at least a couple of things that are resistant to fire.

The intricacies of the use of magic should be discussed separately.

Use of magic

Freeze, poor thing.

How not to pose against the background of such a trophy?

There are five types of magic in the game: fiery, icy, electric, natural and spirit magic. All of these are damage types. Curse, Slow, or Stun effects don't deal damage, so they don't technically have a type. Each magic staff has its own type of damage (I remind you that a magician can fire from staffs like magic wands in World of Warcraft - mana is not wasted).

Enemies in the game often have both vulnerability to some types of magic, as well as resistance and even immunity. Therefore, it is worth remembering that:

    dragons vulnerable to cold (they wanted to spit on the magic of fire from a high ledge - and they spit, with the same fire).

    Spiders vulnerable to electricity.

    Darkspawn(they are rare here, but nevertheless) vulnerable to the magic of the spirit and nature.

    Demonic Shadows(on the contrary, they meet at every turn) do not like electricity and the magic of nature.

    demons of desire(caught less often than we would like) are also afraid of electricity and the magic of nature.

    Demons of Wrath, red-hot and dangerous, should be cooled if possible.

    Blood Mages tend to hate spirit magic.

    stone golems vulnerable to cold and electricity.

    Qunari fighters the magic of cold and the magic of nature are very impressive.

In addition, mages can cast spells that inflict physical damage. Armor already saves from spells of this type of enemies, so it is slightly less effective against templars than against mages.

Which spells make sense to distribute to each mage in the team, we will tell a little further, in the section on companions.

Interclass interaction

Inter-class interaction is a new concept in the series that makes combat many times easier if used correctly. Its meaning is that some characters, with the help of specific skills, impose negative effects on enemies that enhance the effectiveness of specific skills of other characters.

“Another mad mage, third in a week. Probably, they are specially grown here somewhere. ”

Synergy of classes: the mage freezes, the shooter breaks.

Simply put, the mage casts an improved frost spell on enemies, and they become fragile for a while, and the warrior uses a skill that acts with a vengeance just on fragile enemies. Or, on the contrary, the warrior bruises the enemy with a shield and leads to a state of stun, and the magician casts a spell that hits with a vengeance or stuns the stunned enemies. Rogue skills impose a disorientation effect, under which there are also spells and warrior skills.

So the fight can be greatly facilitated if the characters are developed taking into account their interaction. This comes in especially handy late in the game when obscenely thick-skinned enemies start to come across.

The good news is that inter-class interaction is very easily hammered into character behavior algorithms. To force, for example, an arrow on the “Enemy is fragile” condition to use the “Use explosive arrow” action, you do not need to understand the commands for a long time.


In this section, we will talk about companions, their role in the team, and how to find an approach to them.


Class: warrior

The ideas of the templars are not always successful. Sometimes even the statues object.

Dossier: Younger brother of Garret (or Marian) Hawk. Initially set to compete with a brother or sister. He loves it when Hawk asks his advice in dialogue. Being a warrior, he strongly opposes magicians and supports the undertakings of the templars. Accordingly, it is easiest to make friends with him if you defiantly take the side of the templars in his presence.

Role: ordinary warrior, one piece. Carver, unlike most companions, does not have a unique skill tree - only five standard ones. You can make a brother both a fighter with two-handed weapons and a defender, but finding a suitable role for him is difficult. In the role of "tank" he will play worse than Aveline. In the role of the Damage Dealer, Fenris will outrun him. It turns out that Carver is a kind of "compensation" for the fragility of the protagonist, the magician.

It is interesting: Carver's and Bethany's appearances change depending on the chosen appearance and skin color of the protagonist or heroine. Brothers and sisters should be like each other!


Class: magician

Dossier: Garrett's younger sister or Marian Hawke, a renegade mage. He is afraid to fall into the Circle of magicians, diligently hides his gift and avoids communication with the templars. Good and simple. Childishly happy when Garrett asks her advice in a conversation. He doesn't like cruelty very much. The easiest way to make friends with her is by showing a good attitude towards mages and a prejudice towards templars.

Role: Bethany is worth her brother - she is a standard mage with five regular class skill trees, and she does not have her own. From it you can sculpt something to your liking - for example, a hybrid mage-healer. But she casts spells worse than Merrill, and heals worse than Anders.

For your information: Carver and Bethany will be companions of the hero in the introductory part of the game (escape from Ferelden), but only one of them will go further with the hero. Who exactly - it depends on the class of the protagonist. If Garrett is a magician, Carver will stay with him. If Garrett is a warrior or a rogue, Bethany will remain.


Class: warrior

Dossier: a stern warrior, a resident of Lothering. Joined the Hawk family while fleeing Ferelden. Once in Kirkwall, she decided to use her abilities in the city guard. Direct and honest. He does not know how to cheat and play up, which is why he often suffers.

As a guard, Aveline tries to uphold the law, but won't mind too much if Hawk breaks the letter of the law a little for the sake of justice (for example, to spare justice the hassle of a particularly incorrigible villain). But it is not recommended to break the law left and right in her presence. Especially Aveline does not like extortion. She likes demonstrative modesty in the style of “what are you, no thanks - this dragon would have died someday anyway.”

Role: of course, "tank"! And what else! If you take her with you in this role, then from the very first levels, start investing points in the strengthening skills of the Protector, Weapon and Shield branches. From the Warmonger branch, improved taunt and courage will come in handy. Aveline's own unique branch is called Protector, and it has a lot of goodies in it. Actually, Aveline simply does not have enough skill points to take all the available "tank" skills. Something will have to be sacrificed - it is possible that it is the "Defender" branch.

Taking resistance to magic and to stun or knockdown is highly desirable. These are great passive skills. In general, if in doubt, give preference to passive skills.


Another underground barmaglot welcomes guests to its cozy cave.

Class: robber

Dossier: a red-haired dwarf with a dubious appearance and a hefty chain around his neck. Contrary to the first impression, he is peaceful, outgoing and simple-minded. Likes to joke and laugh at a good joke. Calmly refers to both mages and templars. He will not mind if the main character wants to enrich himself at the expense of his neighbor. In general, it is very difficult to quarrel with Varric, so by the end of the game the hero will probably have good relationship.

Role: By profession, Varric is a marksman with good control abilities. He will always support in battle with his personal weapon - a hefty crossbow nicknamed Bianca. And he is the only companion who does not need to pick up weapons. In addition, it is very easy to choose a skill for a dwarf - develop the Bianca shooting branch and the personal Varric branch "Sharpshooter". Everything else is purely to taste.


Class: magician

Anders is a complex character: he is demon-possessed, slightly violent, and also stares at Hawke.

Dossier: renegade mage. A clear client of the templars, as he is possessed by a demon and from time to time loses control of himself. Hates templars for personal reasons. Hiding from them, but doing it badly, because out of the kindness of his soul he decided to become an underground doctor on a voluntary basis for the poorest residents of Kirkwall.

While being good with mages in general, Anders has a strong dislike for blood mages and demons. You should not try to negotiate with those and with others with him. But it is worth sympathizing with the magicians, as Anders melts.

Some of Anders' personal preferences are very specific.

Role: the perfect doctor. His personal branch "Revenge" is excellent, it should be taken almost entirely. But to delve into the general healing branch of "Creation" hardly makes sense. Take the heal, the aura, the enhanced heal, and roll with it. You can spend the remaining points on the "hybridization" of Anders, making him also a killer magician to your own liking. Personally, I like the Elements branch - there is meaningful damage everywhere and frosty fragility to help partners. But Sorcery also has some interesting stuff: the improved Mind Blast and the ever-fashionable Crushing Dungeon.


Visiting the elven ghetto for the first time, Merrill will be shocked by the lifestyle of her fellow tribesmen.

Class: magician

Dossier: Dalish elf. She left her tribesmen to join Hawke's team. Hobby - the study of dangerous areas of magic. Very inquisitive, loses her will at the sight of ancient artifacts. He does not disdain blood magic and communication with demons, which sometimes shocks Hawke and his companions. Shy, easily embarrassed. She tries to hide her feelings towards Hawk, which, however, she does not succeed well.

Merrill is a mage, and she won't like being treated badly by other mages. It is more difficult to make friends with her than with other members of the squad. Treat her gently, in no case criticize her actions and do not condemn her unusual and risky experiments.

Role: killer mage of the highest class. Her Dalish Outcast branch is questionable in places, but the merits of the Wrath of Elven aura are undeniable. If you don’t go further along the branch, you can make a magician out of Merrill according to your own taste - even fiery-ice, even crushing stone, even entropy.


Class: robber

Dossier: a pirate captain without a ship, a sort of female Jack Sparrow. One of the most prominent (in every sense) characters in the game. Hunts for money and does not hide it. By unknown reason avoids visiting some locations in the port. Sexually liberated. She tends to discuss topics that would make even seasoned Kirkwall brothel employees blush. It definitely makes sense to take her for a walk with the other girls on the team just to listen to their conversations.

Isabella knows how to say "no" to any annoying admirer.

Isabella is intimately familiar with Zevran, the entertaining elf from the first game. Having picked up a quest to search for a dangerous hired killer next to the brothel, be sure to take Isabella with you.

Honor, valor, chivalry - these concepts are little known to Isabella. Most of all she loves money. Brazen extortion for any reason is a good way to earn the respect of a pirate captain. Isabella's cherished dream is to get a new ship and go sailing with a crowd of muscular sailors.

Role: a robber with a pair of daggers and an excellent Brawler branch, in which there are simply no weak skills. But the problem of using Isabella's skills still remains. Rogues do good single-target damage in melee combat, but bosses are much rarer in the game than crowds of bandits or demons. In normal battles, Isabella is no longer so useful. In addition, the melee branches of rogues are not very well algorithmized, since they use combinations, discharges of combinations and fast movements. Only the auxiliary branch of control and weakening “Sabotage” fits well with the algorithm, but ... is it worth it?


Class: warrior

Dossier: former slave of a cruel mage. Subjected to an inhuman treatment of the skin with lyrium. Unable to bear the cruelty and humiliation, he fled from the owner and, pursued by his henchmen, tries to hide in Kirkwall.

Fenris suffers from amnesia and does not remember anything from his former life. Magic processing helped him become an outstanding warrior, but the experience of slavery made him a hater of magicians. In the conflict between sorcerers and templars, Fenris will side with the latter.

As an elf, Fenris has a rather broad outlook on certain aspects of personal relationships.

Role: two-handed fighter: Two-handed weapon branch is required, Vanguard and Warmonger are optional. Fenris' own branch, Tevinter Fugitive, has some interesting passive skills, but it's a little silly - the increased defense and increased damage when biting health don't mix well.

In general, the best warrior is a mage.

“Someone called for help? So there's work for Hawke's team again!"

Now you know what's what in Dragon Age 2. But it's up to you to choose who to be friends with and who to leave as rivals, which side to take in the game, and who to fight uncompromisingly. And remember that there is no Dark Lord in this game, which means there are no definite answers. Each mage and templar, elf and companion has its own truth. So do what your heart tells you.


Having chosen a class (mage, warrior, robber), as well as the gender of your character, we watch an introductory video in which a church seeker interrogates a rude gnome. The story that he decided to tell the girl begins with the battle for the village of Lothering. Garret Hawke (any name can be entered, but the surname cannot be changed) or the “Defender”, along with his sister, was ambushed by the “creatures of darkness”. When the relatives finish talking, we destroy the "Hurlocks" and at the same time get used to the controls. We agree to help Betoni (Hawk's sister), who will instantly deal with another group of opponents. The battle with the ogre shouldn't be too much trouble for you either, as Hawke has a couple of abilities that allow you to knock the thug to the ground. Once on the ground, the brute turns into easy prey for our blade. After the appearance of the dragon, the girl will interrupt the story of the dwarf, stating that she has never heard more nonsense in her life. Laughing, he will continue only this time the story will be true.

The Hawk family is assembled, but surrounded by darkspawn. We kill them and run further. After meeting with Aveline and Wesley, help them deal with a bunch of hurlocks, after which they will join our squad. A few dozen more opponents are next in line, though with a skilled warrior in the detachment (Aveline) it will not be difficult to deal with them. Having done this, we go to the clearing, where we again have to knock down a huge ogre, although this time it will be much more difficult to kill him, because in the “true” story, Hawk does not have those useful abilities. But you have a mage in your squad. Take Betony away from the monster and order them to throw fireballs at him, send Aveline with her sword to storm the giant, and act according to the situation (depending on the class chosen at the beginning). When the mangled carcass of the enemy falls to the ground with a roar, join the mother mourning her child. It is worth noting here that your sister may also appear in the place of the murdered brother, if at first you chose a magician as a class. Next, the passage for the Warrior - a man will be described.

There is no time for a funeral, as there are “creatures of darkness” on all sides. Destroy squad after squad until a cutscene starts, in which a terrible dragon incinerates your enemies. This dragon will be Flemeth, a witch from the wilds. She will demand a favor from us as payment for saving her life. It is necessary to deliver the amulet to the elder of the elves who settled in the Dalish forests. Agree. When she points to Wesley and asks to kill him, Aveline will get involved in the conversation. Convince her that the "filth" will one way or another destroy her husband, but only that she will do it for a long time and painfully. Offer Aveline your help or just watch how the girl kills her husband. A long road awaits you to Kirkvel - the city of slaves.

Upon arrival, talk to the guard who will send you to the templar. No one will let you into the city for no reason. You have to pay. Your mother was not in vain so eager to go to this city. According to her, her brother lives here - a very rich man. Tell the templar about it. He, in turn, will mention that a person with that name really lives in Kirkvel, only he is not a nobleman, but an ordinary rogue with a hole in his pocket. At this point, a group of armed men will decide to fight their way with a sword. Teach them a lesson. In gratitude for the help, the templar will promise to find your uncle. When the relative finally shows up, he will explain the situation to you.

You need to complete an assignment for one of the two local gangs. Choose for yourself, it will not affect the plot in any way (only weapons in the future). When you make a choice, take the quest and go to complete it. In one case, you are required to kill an evil traitor, and in the other, to expel a dishonest merchant from the city. If everything goes smoothly...

One year has passed.

Over the past year, Hawke has found fame in the "Lower City". Some fear him, others respect him, and still others lined up to hire him. Somewhere far away, a handful of "gray guards" defeated the "Pestilence", and Alistair, a friend of the gray guard who killed the "Archidemon", sat on the Fereldan throne. And right now, at a time when the creatures of darkness are especially weak, many treasure hunters went to the deep paths in search of treasures, relics, or adventures to the fifth point. One of these "adventurers" was a gnome who was gathering an expedition. Guess who wants to get into it ... that's right, Garrett Hawke. That's just the gnome in no way agrees to take it with him. The brother of that same dwarf, Varrik, comes to the rescue. He will tell us that his brother does not need protection, he needs a partner who will invest his money in the expedition. Collecting 50 gold coins is your first and main task. By the way, Varrik himself will join your squad.

Friend on guard.

Aveline didn't waste any time either. Having settled down in the service, after only a few months she received a promotion. You can find it in the Governor's Fortress. Talk to her, remember the old days and offer help. She will inform you that several patrols were ambushed and she urgently needs a man who wields a sword well. Accept the offer and head to the "ambush site" on Shattered Mountain. There you will be met by a bunch of well-armed pirates, among whom there will be a dozen archers. Varric and Betony will help you with archers, but you will have to deal with ordinary pirates yourself. Don't forget to search the corpses.

Returning to the fortress, Aveline will go with a report to the governor who will overlay it with a three-story building and threaten with imprisonment. Something is wrong here. Look at the duty schedule and talk to the girl who ran up to thank Aveline. The bag that she delivered this time turned out to be heavier than usual, and even the young guard was sent to certain death. Wait for the night (you can do this in the location selection menu) and run through the night city. And again the pirates. Deal with them and run to save the guy. The bandits who attacked you were in the "thieves' guild", and the documents that the local guards transported turned out to be very useful for them (thieves, tobish) reading.

The captain needs to be punished. Get to the "Governor's Fortress" and watch the cutscene. Aveline is now the captain of the guard, but you will receive a small fee for your help.

Long way home.

Time to pay back Flemeth. Step on the "shattered mountain" and go to the camp of the Dolly elves, where the Elder will meet you. After a short dialogue, she will indicate where to take the amulet and ask, take the “First” with her. "First" - Merrill will be waiting for us near the entrance to the caves. After talking with her, you will find out that she needs to go to Elfinage, but we will not know the reasons. Come into the dungeon. Here you will meet several spiders, among which there will be a poisonous spider that deals twice as much damage. After dealing with them, open the chest (I think Varric can help you with this) and go outside. Merrill will open the way to the cemetery with the help of blood magic. Scold her if you want to get a plus to the reputation with Aveline. After breaking through the crowds of skeletons, put the amulet on the altar and watch the cutscene. It turns out that all this time we carried in our pocket a piece of Flemeth, who, having foreseen the act of her daughter, enclosed a part of herself in a jewel. Talk to her and get 5 gold coins as a reward. It remains only to get to the city. Congratulations, you now have a real blood mage in your squad.

Prodigal son.

Walking through the elfinage, you can overhear the conversation between the elven girl and the guard. She asks to find her son. Talk to her and promise to help, then she will reveal the whole truth to you. Her son is an apostate magician, who, at the insistence of his mother, did not surrender to the templars, and when they came for him, he fled without leaving any news to his mother. She will tell you that you can ask about your son from his father, a merchant who has just arrived in the city. Feinrenel's father (boy's name) can be found in the market square, but before you go there, take Betoni to your squad. After talking with dad, ask him about his son, and then give a sign to Betoni, she will prove to the unfortunate father that she herself is hiding from the templars. Your path lies to Samson - a retired former templar.

Wait for the night and go to the marker on the map. Samson is a lyrium addict. Offer him silver or threaten to kill him, and when he starts talking, it turns out that he helps the children solely for his own benefit, and he sold Feinrenel to a certain guard who, according to rumors, locked him in some kind of warehouse. Immediately go to the port. Do not run straight to the goal, as here you can get rich quite well. True, pirates will stubbornly interfere with this, but when did it stop us. After climbing into the warehouse, defeat a handful of bandits, and then run to the marker on the minimap. A cornered mage will turn into a possessed one. Kill her, and when she collapses dead, take the note out of her pocket. After opening the chest located nearby, read the letter. It turns out that Feinrenel was sold into slavery. We are looking for the slave trader Danzik.

Upon arrival at the "cloaca" you will be met by a small detachment of mercenaries. Deal with them and follow to Danzik, who in fact turns out to be a very vile type. In a dialogue with him, you can choose any replica, since the outcome will still be the same (click on the second one, so you will look cooler). In the battle with the slave trader, beware of magic and as soon as you notice the ball glowing with blue light, run as fast as you can. When the villain is defeated, search his corpse and take the map of Ragged Shores, where we actually go.

Look for the boy in the caves of the slavers. When the cutscene starts, you will have a small choice. It is best if you ask for help from Varrik, who, with the help of a suspended tongue, will tell the bandit that Feinrenel is the illegitimate son of the governor. The frightened criminal will let the guy go and, in addition, will give you all his money. However, it is not necessary to let the reptile go, just keep in mind that he is an excellent warrior and will not let himself be offended just like that. In any case, after releasing the guy, talk to him. He definitely does not want to go to his mother and asks to be taken to the Dollars. You can send him into the circle, but then you will lose Betony's favor. If the boy goes unharmed to the wild elves, you will get a good increase in reputation with all members of the squad, the quest is completed, it remains only to inform the mother about her son's decision.

Powdery hopes.

On the way to the caves of the slavers from the previous quest, you can stumble upon the dwarf Jarvis in the company of several mercenaries. Help them get rid of the spiders and talk to Jarvis himself. He will tell you about an explosive powder, a recipe that only the Qunari, who have recently landed in Kirkwell, have a recipe for. No one is going to give him the recipe just like that, but if the dwarf destroys the hostile "tal-vogots", then the leader of the Qunari will think about his proposal. We are going to exterminate the "outcastes". When all the "tal-vogots" objectionable to the leader are dead, go to the port, where the dwarf will be waiting for you. Unfortunately, all of Jarvis' tales were lies. There was no agreement between him and the Qunari. After listening to the Arishok, claim your reward. In response to this, he will drive the dwarf away and pay you off.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

According to Varrick, a certain church sister is waiting for help in the lower part of the city. After waiting for the night, we go there. The gullible girl was attacked by bandits. Help her deal with them, and start a conversation. She refuses to talk outside and will point you to a house nearby. Come into it. Inside you will be met by an armed templar and the same church sister. She will ask to bring someone to the right place, but she will hint that the satellite is not ordinary.

An unusual companion would actually be a Qunari, wearing a special collar with chains and a sewn mouth. He was mutilated by his relatives because he once decided to go his own way. It will not be possible to take him out through the streets, since Pertis does not need extra witnesses. You have to go through the basement. Going down into the dungeon, you will stumble upon a flock of spiders, and after going a little forward, you will be ambushed by bandits. Joke it off and watch a scene in which Ketojan (a Qunari mage) scatters the attackers in the corners with a wave of his hand. With this thoughtless act, he will provoke the fury of the marauders. Deal with them and get out into the air.

At the exit from the cave, several dozen "tal-vogots" will be waiting for us, who will put forward their rights to Ketojan. The leader of this "gang" will offer us to give him the magician and then we will be forgiven for the crime. It turns out that these Qunari are some kind of templars who find renegade magicians, but unlike the church servants of the Qunari, such magicians are brutally killed. When the leader finds out that Hawke's sister is an apostate, he will order us to be killed. Get rid of the Qunari and watch the cutscene. Ketojan does not want to live, but refuses all kinds of offers. When the magician burns in flames, let out a bitter tear and return with a report to Pertis.

Family matters.

It's time to visit our beloved uncle. Entering the house, you will find a dispute between relatives. Your mother is not satisfied with the current state of affairs and she asks Gamelin to show her her father's will. Hesitating, the uncle tells about how he left the papers in the family estate when he lost it to the slave traders. An upset mother will go outside, and Betony will take you to a conversation. The brisk sister noticed how nervous Uncle Gamelin was when the conversation turned to the will. After conferring on the spot, the brother and sister decide to pay a visit to the current owner of the house and get him out of there, taking the will at the same time.

You can get inside through the basement in the "Cloaca". That's where we're heading. Once in the mansion, we kill the slave traders who came to the rescue and examine the rooms for money and other utensils useful in the household. In one of the chests you can find a worn portrait of your mother. Having stumbled upon the leader - slave traders, we kill him and remove a brand new armor from the corpse. When the cherished piece of paper is in your hands, talk to your sister and return to the "family house". Gamelin humiliates your mother again. This time he offered her to pay for accommodation or at least pay for food eaten. Fit in, waving your will in front of your uncle's nose. When he leaves, talk to your sister and give her the portrait found in the estate.


Having been in the "Hangman" and learning that the "Gray Guard" is located in the city, we go to the shop to Liren, a local healer. She will deny the fact that she is in touch with one of the "Greys", but will quickly split. At the exit we will be met by a gang of Ferelden residents threatening to kill us. Explain to them that you yourself are from Ferelden and then they will leave. We leave for the Cloaca, where Anders' lair is located.

Anders is a magician and part-time "gray guardian" who escaped from the order. Now he is engaged in the fact that he heals people with the help of his magical abilities. After passing through the room, laugh it off (the choice of the phrase will not play much importance) and explain to Anders the essence of the problem. "Quit for a favor" he will say and ask to get his old friend Karl out of the "Circle". All that is required of you is to appear at night in the "Upper City" and, in which case, help Anders fight off the templars.

Having climbed into the church, we go up to the top floor and talk with Karl. The poor man was turned into a pacified man after they discovered the letters sent to him by Anders. At this moment, several templars will attack us, among which there will be a very strong Templar - Lieutenant. Having dealt with the ministers of the church, make a decision: Kill Karl (who, by the way, asks to do it himself) or still leave him alive. After completing the task, Anders will join your squad, who, by the way, is an excellent healer, and also carries with him maps of the Deep Roads that we will need for the expedition.

The madmen will not go around.

Looking into the "Hangman" you will witness a scene in which a girl, having finished off three guys, calmly continues to drink alcohol from a glass. Talk to her. Isabella will ask us to follow the duel, as she is sure that Hyder (her opponent) will play dirty. Agree and, after waiting for the night, go to the Upper City. After dealing with a gang of pirates, talk to Isabella. As she thought, instead of Hyder, more than a dozen armed mercenaries appeared for the duel. Kill them all and head towards the church. Once inside, listen to the conversation between Isabella and Hyder and join the fight. At the end of the quest, a lively girl will join your squad.

Enemies are among us.

Wandering around the upper city, you can stumble upon a girl who asks for help from a templar. After talking with her, you will learn that Keran - her brother has disappeared somewhere. She will point you to people who might be able to help. We leave for the Casemates where, after talking with other templars, we learn from the fact that not only Keran, but also many other templars have disappeared. However, recently one of the missing returned. Having learned the place, the location of the camp of this templar, we follow there. On the spot, you will find Captain Cullen beating Wilmod (the same “missing” church minister). Unfortunately this will end. educational process turning the templar into a "possessed". Help Cullen deal with him and talk.

The captain will tell you that many templars visited the local brothel before disappearing. It's time to visit there, but no one will be frank with Cullen, but with the next stranger who comes, he will relax, perhaps someone will speak. We follow there. After talking with Vivika, we learn that all the missing church ministers visited the "Wizard from the East". Having risen to the top floor, we try to talk to the girl, but she offers to spend time a little differently. Refuse (well, or agree, it doesn’t really matter), and when she asks you to put a dagger to your throat and lightly slash your neck with it, ask Betony for help. It turns out that the "curiosity" has the strongest gift of suggestion, and it was she who sent the templars to the "ritual". Decide on the fate of the girl (kill or send to the Circle) and head to the Cloaca.

Having found a passage to the shelter of the "blood magicians", we go down there and deal with a handful of demons and the Possessed. When you find Keran, engage in a fight with the leader of the "blood mages" Terane. After the woman and all her minions are dead, take Keran to a safe place. It turns out that Terane, with the help of a "curiosity", took over the minds of the templars and turned them into vessels for demons. Keran also served as fuel for the dark magicians. Promise him not to reveal the whole truth to Captain Cullen and head to the Casemates, where you will receive a reward.

Merciful act.

To receive this task, you must go to your uncle's house and read the letter on the table. Some "friend" asks us to come to the specified place. Another will be the templar Trask, who could be met in the quest "Prodigal Son". From his words it will become known that the nearby cave is inhabited by magicians - apostates behind whom the templars are about to appear. You need to convince people that they are in danger.

Come into the cave. Seeing the approaching magician, get ready for battle. Turns out Trask didn't tell us everything. The people hiding in this cave practice blood magic. After cutting your way through the hordes of skeletons, talk to the fleeing mage. Decimus - their leader convinced the others that only blood magic would save them from the templars, but the young magician did not want to participate in this and decided to return to the Circle. Advise him to contact Trask and continue on your way.

When you get to Decimus, talk to him, and then join the fight. When he is defeated, his student will ask you for help. She does not want to return to the Circle, and the templars are about to descend here, but there is an easy way out. Kill Trask and get out of here while there's still time. You can agree, refuse, or offer something in between - to convince the templar that the magicians killed each other. We get to the surface. If you currently have Varric in your squad, ask him to hang noodles on the templar's ears. If not, try doing it yourself. When the church servants run away to explore the shore, accept thanks from the happy magicians.

What fell from the cart.

Talk to Isabella, when she is drinking alcohol in the Hanged Man, she will ask you to help one of her good friends. You can find him in the hangman's room. He will ask you to find a sample of the goods stolen from him, and you can determine whether it is cargo by the Orlesian seal. When you get to the port, talk to the workers who will send you to the main one. He will indicate in which warehouse the goods are located, but you will have to pay (there is another option, but the money will be returned anyway). Pay and go to the desired warehouse. The passage will be blocked by mercenaries. Reassure them that there is a fire in a neighboring warehouse, and they will rush to save their belongings. After making your way inside, kill the pirates and take a sample of the goods. Returning to the Hanged Man, inform Martin of your success. As a reward, you will receive a plus to reputation with Isabella and the money that you spent on bribery.

Free cheese.

Another letter. This time from your former employer, who recommended you as an excellent mercenary. After waiting for the night, go to the Lower City, where you start a conversation with the dwarf Anso, who is clearly nervous. It turns out that he secretly sells "lyrium" to the templars, but the last batch of goods was stolen from him by a gang of smugglers. The goods must be returned, and the harmful smugglers must be killed. We leave for the lair of bandits, which is located in the abandoned house of Elfinage. Strange, but the chest with what seemed to be such a valuable commodity was guarded by only a few mercenaries. We check the chest. Empty. We'll have to return with this news to Anso.

At the exit, about two dozen slave traders will be waiting for you. Having spoken a couple of words, they rush to the attack. Kill everyone and return to the dwarf. Along the way, you will come across a couple more bandits. Luckily, you won't have to fight them. The elf, for whom they actually hunted, will do this for you. Fenris - an elf who escaped from the slavers will ask you for help. It is necessary to get rid of Denerius - the head of this vile organization. We leave for the estate of the master, which is located in the upper district of the city.

Having made our way into the building, we proceed to search for Denerius. In the first room, we will be attacked by hostile spirits. After entering the hall, go up to the second floor and try to open the door. Locked up! Explore all the rooms on the first floor until you run into spirits again. One of them will have the key we need. Open the door and repel the demon attack. Denerius escaped. Listen to Fenris and search the chests in the room. After going outside, talk heart to heart with Fenris and invite him to join your squad.

Expedition to the deep trails.

Before you go on an expedition, complete all active quests and stock up on equipment. After completing all your business, talk to Bartrond. In the middle of the conversation, Hawke's mother will appear and ask if we are taking Betony with us on the deep paths. Here you need to understand that you will lose your brother / sister in any case, but leaving a relative in the city, you thereby save his life. Having formed a detachment (Varric cannot be changed), inform Bartrond that all preparations are completed and you are ready to go.

Upon arrival at the place, it turns out that the entrance is blocked. Varric will promise his brother that he will find a workaround. This is exactly what we will do. Turn right and run to the pointer on the map, destroying small groups of creatures of darkness along the way. Destroying the golem will be quite problematic. To win you need a good team game and brute force. When the bully collapses, we continue the path. Having met Sendel (the gnome boy from the first part), send him to his father, and make your way to the doors getting rid of the creatures of darkness. In the next room we have to fight the Ogre. Not only is the room quite small, but the floor is also covered with traps. After killing the giant, go to the next room. Before we had even moved away from the ogre, we were already being forced to fight the dragon. If some miracle happened and you survived, return with a report to Bartrond.

When the gnome's team sets up camp, Bodan will speak to you and thank you for saving his son. We continue to search for treasures. In one of the many rooms you will again have to defeat the golem, and at the same time several evil spirits. Entering the room with the artifact, we watch a scene in which the greedy Bartrund will leave us to die in captivity. After listening to Varric, we begin to look for another way out. Surprisingly, the exit is behind the next door, although it is locked, and only the ancient spirit has the key, which of course will not give it to us just like that. In return, we will have to destroy another spirit that bothers ours. Having run into the vault, get ready for a fight with the spirit. Killing him is not so easy (even on easy mode). When he shrinks into a ball, run back and hide behind the columns. After this procedure, he will not be able to resist a good 20-30 seconds, use this time wisely.

Having reached the treasure, order Varric to kill the spirit, but in the meantime fill your pockets with the contents of the chests. One of them contains the key to the surface. After opening the door, return to Kirkvel, where unpleasant news awaits you. Betony was taken to the Circle.

It's been 3 years...

…Thanks to the treasures found on the deep paths, Garrett Hawk turned from a poor mercenary into a nobleman. His sister Betony was taken away for a long training in the Circle of Magicians, and old friends fled to different corners of the city. But everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance. The Qunari who arrived in Kirkwal three years ago never sailed home, and instead began to make various demands. One of these requirements was Hawk. The viceroy suspects that a war is coming and asks us to talk to the Arishok if possible to settle the dispute amicably...

Finding a home.

When you leave the governor's fortress, Bodan will appear to you. He will once again thank you for saving his son, give you 50 gold coins earned for the expedition and inform you that someone is waiting for you at the Hawke estate. We'll go there. On the estate, you will often be visited by friends, as well as people who need help.

The main suspect.

Aveline visited Hawke. She asks to shut up the "detective" bothering her with his investigations. Moreover, all the accusations that he makes against citizens, in fact, turn out to be false. So this time, Emeric allegedly stumbled upon a serial killer cracking down on defenseless girls. That's just the captain, after no sane evidence was presented, he had to apologize to the "suspect" for a long time. Aveline begs us to silence the templar. How we do it, she does not care.

We leave for the Casemates, where Emerik is already waiting for us. He will tell the same as Aveline and will name the main suspect - Gascar Dupy. His estate is in the Upper City, but it's worth going there at night. After waiting for the sunset, we head straight to the house of the alleged killer. Emeric's words will become more like the truth when evil demons attack us.

After dealing with them, go up to the top floor. We will witness a scene in which a young girl begs for mercy on her. After talking with Dupy, it becomes clear that he is not a murderer, but an ordinary blood magician who wants to avenge his sister. The thing is that before her death, Gascar's sister received a bouquet of white lilies from someone, and a few days later she was found dead. From that day on, any girl who received the same "gift" would soon die. The woman begging to save her was supposed to be next, but Gascar kidnapped her just in time, intending to lead his sister's killer into a trap. But instead of him, Hawk came to the estate. Release the poor fellow and promise to look into this matter.

Time to report back to Emeric. Only a woman will stand in his place, assuring that Emeric received a letter and went to meet us. Step into the "dark alley" (a suitable meeting place) where the corpse of a curious templar and dozens of demons are waiting for us. When they all go back into the shadows, that same templar girl will arrive in time. Deceive her by telling her that you don't know where Dupyi is hiding.

Family matters.

While in the Hanged Man, talk to Varric. His sources say that Bartrund has returned to Kirkwell. It's time to take revenge on the vile traitor. When the sun sets, we go to the upper part of the city. The house we need looks abandoned, but we still climb inside. Control passes to Varric, who is forced to fight alone against a huge crowd of archers. True, this battle should not deliver any particular difficulties, since the “Bianca” kills with one shot, and the dwarf is almost immortal at all. Something is wrong here.

Apparently, this seemed suspicious not only to us, but also to the church sister, who, having scolded the dwarf, forced him to tell a true story.

Ahead of you are waiting for tedious battles with hundreds of crazy soldiers. When the reserves of warriors run out, a servant of Bartrund will jump out of the corner and tell about how his master went crazy because of the idol brought from the expedition. Open the door behind which Varrik's brother has taken refuge and, properly, hit him. The exhausted dwarf will collapse to the ground and tell how the idol took possession of his soul, how he forced him to kill, betray. At the moment, he sold the relic to some woman and does not know where she is doing him. Decide the fate of the gnome and go outside. If you leave Bartrund alive, you will get a new one. best friend in Varric's face.

Explosive service.

It's time to visit the Arishok. He will tell you about the stolen recipe for explosives, which actually turned out to be a recipe for a deadly poison. If this poison falls into the wrong hands, thousands of people in Kirkwall will die. The first suspect will be the dwarf Jarvis, who has been dreaming of getting the recipe for the famous "saar-kamek" for three years now. But this gnome disappeared without a trace a few months ago. We leave for the Underbelly where, after talking with a merchant from the guild, we learn that Jarvis may be hiding from smugglers. We jump into the hatch and break through the crowds of armed dwarf bodyguards. When you get to Jarvis, ask him about the poison, and he will lay out the whole truth for you. It turns out that he did not steal anything, but simply ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Release the gnome (or kill) and head to the alley where tragedy is about to happen.

We are late. Poison is already walking around one of the districts of the city. Examine the area and take the steel lock from the floor with the help of which it will be possible to close the poison barrel. Having done this, beat off the attack of the mercenaries. One of them will drop another lock. Fight off wave after wave until you clog all the gas barrels. When the last container is closed, the elf who framed Jarvis will come to us. Her motives may be noble, but the means she resorted to ruined too many lives. Time to teach her a lesson. After the death of the elf, go with a report to the Arishok.


Go to Anders' hospital and talk to him. He is worried that there are too many subdued magicians in the city. Moreover, he is sure that one of the templars started a "universal pacification." Crowds of zombie mages, what could be worse. Agree to help Anders get the papers confirming the plot and go to the tunnel under the casemates. Here a couple of smugglers will try to give us a warm welcome, but Hawk has no time, so we just kill them. Having reached the room where the templars are mocking the young mages, try to solve the matter peacefully. Nothing good will come of this, as the spirit of justice will take over Anders and he will rush into battle. Let's help " gray guard". After killing Sir Alrik (a templar who wants to pacify all magicians), take the documents from his corpse. When "justice" rushes to the poor girl, calm the magician and rise to the surface for a serious conversation with Anders.

Reflection in the mirror.

Visit Merrill in Elvenage. She will talk heart to heart with you and show you a mirror that she has been collecting piece by piece for many years. Unfortunately, despite the many efforts of the young elf, the mirror does not work as it should, and in order to fix it, you need to get a magic tool. The whole problem is that this tool is in the hands of the Keeper, whom Merrill is afraid of like fire. Keep a girl company, and she will thank you properly. Let's go to the dollars.

The keeper will gladly give us the relic, but first we have to complete a small task. In the cave, which is located nearby, a terrible creature called Wertherall settled and, as you probably already guessed, you need to kill it. Having reached the cave, go inside and deal with the local fauna. When you stumble upon an elf, try talking to him. Nothing good will come of this, because at the sight of Merill he will rush away. Unfortunately, the place he ran to turned out to be Venterall's lair and the monster killed the boy. Attack the creature. After the stone spirit, this fight should seem no more difficult than a walk along the lake. After defeating, console Merill crying over the body of a dead elf.

Returning to the guardian, accept the instrument from her and decide whether to give it to Merill or keep it for yourself. Following the first path, you will gain a new friend, and possibly a lover, but this is still far away.

Bitter pill.

Take Fenris on your team and head to the Shattered Mountain. On the way you will be stopped by slave traders and demanded to give them a slave. An enraged elf will rush into battle. When all opponents are killed, Fenris will untie the tongue of their leader. Having learned the name of the customer, go to the pit in the "cave pens" where Adriana's lair is located. Inside you will have to destroy a dozen mercenaries. Both simple and lying in the ground for decades. When you meet a young elf, listen to a heartbreaking story about her father and share money with her. Having made a "contribution to the liberation of slaves" continue to move towards the goal. In the battle with Adrianna, deal with her servants, and when she is left alone, attack her with the whole team. Before she dies, she will tell Fenris about his sister. After the elf kills the villainess, talk to him in his house.

Long way home.

I warn you this quest is the most boring way to waste your time.

After talking with Aveline, promise to complete a small task for her, namely to deliver a package to one of the guards. Having received the package, Donnik will look at us as idiots and put the “gift” on the far shelf. We return to Aveline. Again, without explaining anything, she will ask you to hang a fresh duty schedule on the wall. We do. To everyone's surprise, Donnik was assigned to be on duty at the "warmest" place - the Upper City. Some have been added to favorites. Let's go see Aveline. The Iron Lady has fallen in love, but is afraid to admit it to the guard. We'll have to intervene.

We go to Donnik and inform him about the "party" organized for all the guards, after which we wait for the sunset and head straight to the "gallows house". Aveline will never come, and you will have to drink purely in the company of men. When Donnik gets tired of all this, he will pack up and leave. Scold Aveline and think new plan. What could be more romantic than "Ragged Shore"? Smugglers, huge spiders and, of course, half-decomposed corpses. So Hawke thinks so, so he organized a patrol, to participate in which, as you probably already guessed, Aveline and Donnik

Our task is to destroy enemies and ignite signal beacons. After each hastily lit beacon, a scene is activated in which Aveline clumsily tries to court the guard. How did this couple bore me. Once again, Aveline was unable to confess her love to Donnik. Trying to explain everything to him will only confuse the guard more. Return to the barracks where, after talking with Aveline, you will finally complete this quest.

Find and lose again.

Arishok is not going to leave the city, but the war is not planned yet. Only this calms the governor, but recently something happened that could easily provoke that very war, exposing the race of people in an impartial light. Two Qunari envoys arrived at the governor's stronghold, but never returned to the port, and moreover, they did not even leave the fortress. The viceroy asks us to sort things out without making a fuss. Go to the Seneschal and find out the details. This case may be involved city ​​guard and the only place where traitors can spend their time is the Hanged Man. We'll go there.

In the Hanged Man, talk to Orvald, who accidentally let slip about the three "horned barbarians", ask who the employer is, and then calm down the drunken guard. The exhausted Orvald will give you the name of the customer, which surprisingly turns out to be a certain templar. We go to church. Having met an old friend Pertis, we learn that the same templar is her former bodyguard - Varnell. Having received the coordinates of his shelter, we go to visit. On the spot you will be met by a handful of fanatics led by a distraught templar. The Qunari have been slain, and it's up to you to defeat Sir Varnell and his minions. This is not easy to do in the first place because fanatics are armed with bows. In any case, you should first deal with the "small", and only then take on the templar. When Varnell dies, the Steward will come and ask what to do next. Offer to burn the corpses in order to hide the traces of beatings.

All that remains.

Returning to the Hawke estate, talk to Uncle Gamelin. He is dismayed because Liandra (your mother) didn't show up to meet him as promised. Having intervened in the conversation, the dwarf Bodan will report that in the morning a bouquet of white lilies was delivered to the woman. Doesn't it remind you of anything? We leave for Dupy (if you left him alive) the house, which is located in the Cloaca. Using blood magic, Gaskar will go on the trail of the girl Alesa, whom you saved in the Main Suspect quest. The blood stains on the floor should lead you to a hatch leading to the basement.

Below you will meet a flock of demons. Having dealt with them, inspect the corpse on the couch. Fortunately, this is not Hawk's mother, but the same Alessa. We continue the path. And again we deal with the demons. Before leaving, do not forget to search all the chests in the room. Finding ourselves face to face with a necromancer, we learn that Dupy is not a grieving brother, and all attempts to find the killer were only to learn the secrets of necromancy. Fortunately, Varrik, who realized in time, fired an arrow into his throat, saving us from the fight with the bastard. The necromancer did not kill for fun, he wanted to collect his dead wife ... piece by piece. It so happened that our mother was very similar to his late wife, and the bastard cut off her head.

When the battle starts, repel the attacks of the dead. Wave after wave until it's the magician's turn. After killing him, talk to the dying mother. It remains to inform the uncle of this tragic news.


Check the mail at Hawke Manor. Feinriel's mother asks to help her son again. She will be waiting for you at Elfinage. After talking with her, we learn that Feinriel is increasingly having nightmares. The keeper sent the boy into the shade so that he could overcome his demons, but he has not come to his senses for two days now. Let's help the young magician. Moreover, if you do not help him, the world will become one more "obsessed dreamwalker", and this will have a bad effect on the real world. Very bad. And if it happens that the boy is still curbed by demons, you will have to kill him.

Having formed a squad, we move forward. Having stumbled upon a demon, drive it away and go into the room on the left side. The demon in the guise of Feinriel's father is trying to take possession of the boy, scare the boy by saying that it is a demon, and when he runs away, talk to the demon. She will set one of the squad members on you. The fight will be easy, but now you have only two comrades.

Enter the second door (Feinriel's Pride). Another attempt to deceive the young magician failed. The evil demon will turn the second member of the squad against us, and he will also take part in the battle. Like last time, after the defeat, your partner will disappear. We continue on our way. Having met the spirit of Feinriel, talk to him. The guy wants to die so that he will never hear the whisper of demons again. Of course, you can take the easy way out and just stick a knife in his heart, but is that really what real heroes do? After you refuse the magician (well, or kill him), he will come out of the Shadow, pulling you out at the same time. It remains only to report this to the boy's mother and talk to those two comrades who betrayed you.

Following Kun.

The viceroy is again dissatisfied with the behavior of the Arishok. The fact is that his son (a big fan of the Qunari) went to the camp of the "horned barbarians" for the initiation of "Kun". Dumar asks us to take a walk to the port and ask the Qunari leader for details. The Arishok assures us that the son of the governor follows the path of the Kun voluntarily, and all the old connections after the initiation will no longer mean anything to him. Today, however, Cymus was called to church to say goodbye to everyone. Suspicious. We go to church after sunset.

The viceroy's son was killed and who would you think - Petris. Having set her fanatics on you, she will go after the Reverend Mother. Having dealt with the “coon-haters”, we watch a scene in which Petris is trying to denigrate Hawke, assuring the reverend mother that he supposedly killed the viceroy’s son, following the order of the Arishok. Having failed, Petris will receive an arrow in the forehead from the arriving Qunari. The viceroy weeps over his dead son, but we are off to carry out the penultimate task of this chapter.

Catch the thief.

Go to the estate of Hawke, where you will see the scene of a quarrel between Aveline and Isabella. The captain of the guard asks to urgently go to the Arishok, and the robber begs to help her get the relic that was stolen from her many years ago. A thief in the city, and if you don't catch him now, Isabella won't live long enough to see the humans defeat the Qunari. Agree to the robber's request and go to the foundry district of the lower city. On the way to the desired house, we will be stopped by a small detachment of Qunari led by Stan and will demand the return of the relic. And since we do not have it, we will have to kill these Qunari. Opening up, Isabella admits that this relic was previously owned by the Qunari. After stealing it, Isabella traveled to Kirkwell, bringing a huge ship full of Kuhn's followers with her. And until the relic is in their hands, they will not leave the city. The robber will ask if you will give her the book as soon as you take it from the thief. Choose an answer and enter the cave.

Inside, a real battle will unfold. Mages on one side and Qunari on the other. You also have to kill the participants of both sides. Seeing a thief, Isabella will rush after him, but you. TO BATTLE! Having dealt with the warriors, go outside and search the dead Qunari. One of them will have a farewell note from Isabella, in which she asks her to excuse her, since she decided to give the relic to Castillen. It's time to go to the Qunari, but before that, finish all active tasks.

As Kuhn requires.

We leave for an audience with the Arishok. Aveline asks the head of the Qunari to give her the two elves involved in the murder of the guard, but the Arishok refuses, stating that they accepted the "Kun", which means they are now under his protection. After a brief argument between him and Aveline, the Qunari chief will order us killed. Only Hawk and Aveline will survive. The Qunari have launched an offensive against the city. Having chosen companions, we move to the city center, where the main battle takes place. Having run into a pack of Qunari, help the "Grey Guardian" deal with them and get a ring that increases the chance of a critical strike as a reward. Once you reach the Upper City, you will encounter Qunari warriors. After defeating them, watch a cutscene in which you will be rescued by Templar Commander Meredith. She will report that the Qunari are gathering people in the fortress and leave, but we continue on our way. After cutting your way to the tower, you should meet Archmage Orsino in the company of your sister. After exchanging a couple of dry phrases with her, talk to the arrived Meredith. Informing that you will lead the offensive, lead the detachment to the doors of the tower. Here you have to make a choice: kill a dozen "karashoks" or ask the magician Orsino to distract them.

Once inside the tower, deal with the Qunari, among whom there will be several mages, and then go through the large doors. The viceroy was executed, and all those who were dissatisfied were killed on the spot. Noticing us, Arishok offers to show himself in battle. After killing his strongest warriors, talk to the leader again. He is impressed and asks a reasonable question - "How to solve his problem without bloodshed." Isabella appeared to answer him, in whose hands is the book Arishok needed. The leader is definitely pleased and is going to get out of Kirkwall right there, but along with the book, he wants to take the thief as well. Having been refused, the Arishok will challenge you to a duel. Agree and get ready for a tough fight. I hope you stocked up on "red bottles".

After defeating the Arishok, the rest of the Qunari will leave, and you will be proclaimed "Defender of Kirkwall". At this point, Varric will be interrupted by a church sister. After a little chat, she promises to let the gnome go if he finishes his story.

It's been three years...

Along with the title of "Defender", Hawk received the respect of the entire city, as well as the word. The word weight, which is equivalent to the word of any ruler. But not only Hawk was affected by the changes. The Viceroy is dead, and the Templar Commander-in-Chief, Meredith, has taken his place. The magicians finally began to fight for their freedom, which caused the indignation of the templars. Once fighting shoulder to shoulder, Orsino and Meredith have now become bitter enemies, ready to plunge a knife into the heart of another at any moment.

And as it happened many times before, Orsino gathered people in order to arrange a riot. When Meredith arrives, reassure her by telling her that they are both wrong. After these words, the templar will poke your nose into the fact that it was the magician who killed your mother. The reverend mother will come to the noise and "pull the enemies to the corners." She thanked you and left.

Killing ravens.

Not far from the square where Orsino started a riot, you can find a man named Nunzio. Nunzio arrived from Antiva itself in order to catch the elf killer. According to his information, the elf took refuge where he would least stand out, namely in the Dolly camp. We'll go there. In the camp, find a girl named Varrel and ask about the killer. She will point to the cave, explaining that the elf did not intend to hide. It's weird, but worth checking out.

The cave is inhabited by spiders. We deal with them and follow the mark on the map. And Venterall again and again he must be killed. When a huge carcass of an insect falls to the ground, old acquaintance Zevran will come out from around the corner. Talk to him. It turns out that Nunzio is not a lawyer from Antiva, but a real bounty hunter. You can try to take Zevran to Nunzio, but then you cannot avoid a fight. It's best to let the elf go, because the "Crows" are after him because he refused to be a "hitman".

We return to Nunzio. When the killer finds out that we let the elf go, he will be very upset. True, this disorder will not be long, since Zevran himself will come to him, killing one of the "Crows" with a well-aimed knife in the eye. Once all Antian Crows have been defeated, talk to Zevran. In gratitude, he will give you one of his blades.


Go to Fenris's house where, after talking with him, we learn that, despite all his doubts, he contacted his sister, and she even agreed to meet him at the Hanged Man bar. The whole problem is that the elf is not entirely sure of the veracity of the information and asks to go with him in case of a trap. We need to help a friend. In The Hanged Man you will indeed meet the sister of Fenris, only she brought Danarius with her, who wants to get her slave back. Tell him that the elf does not belong to anyone, and join the fight. Once defeated, stop Fenris from killing his sister. When he releases the girl, she will tell how Fenris traded his life for the freedom of his mother and sister. After getting out of the Hanged Man, talk to the elf.


After "Justice" almost killed the girl in the caves, Anders decided to part with him forever. He wants to perform the ritual, but for this he will need two very rare ingredients. The first is "Dragon Stone". You can find it in the "Bone Pit", and the second - "saltpeter" (a mixture of concentrated urine and manure). "Saltpeter" can be obtained in the sewers under the Cloaca. After descending into the sewers, collect six samples of saltpeter, dealing with smugglers from time to time. After filling the flasks with this smelly slurry, we go to the "Bone Pit" for the "dragon stone". The pit is inhabited by poisonous spiders, which are looked after by the "Monstrous Spider" - I think a more detailed description is not needed. We kill the giant and collect several samples of the desired stone. Then we return to Anders' hospital.

The magician will again ask us for help. He needs to get into the church, but so that no one sees him. Hawk will have to distract the church mother. After entering the church, split up with Anders and go in search of the mistress of the church. You can find it on the second floor next to two golden statues. Chat with her about "Why don't you help the magicians?" until Anders arrives and takes you aside. The deed is done, it remains only to talk with the "gray guard" in his hospital.

No rest for sinners.

Castillon is in the city and wants to plant Isabella ... a knife in the belly. Naturally, the robber does not want to die, and therefore she asks us for help. She offers to find Castillon's right hand, Velasco. It's pointless to torture the guy, since he won't tell you anything anyway, so offer Bella to pull off a little scam. Let Velasco grab her, and then follow where the bandit goes. You can find Velasco in a brothel, where he spends the whole day. In the "Blossoming Rose" go into the room to Velasco, where he caresses some elf. Say all the "evil" lines and watch as Isabella is led away.

Once outside, follow Bella's illuminated footprints until you reach the Lower City. After descending into the lower city, continue to follow the marks until you reach the port warehouse. Breaking inside, deal with Velasco and remove the room key from his corpse. After talking with Isabella, open the room and look into the chest. Castillon decided to legalize the slave trade. After leaving the room, you will meet Castillon in person. Isabella is stupid again and offers him to exchange documents for freedom and a ship in the port. Agree with her or kill the bastard. One way or another, after getting rid of the slaver, talk to the girl in the Hanged Man.

On the loose.

After checking your mail, you will find that Meredith wants to talk to you. We leave for the Casemates, after which we go to visit the Templars. The templar will tell us that as a result of the rebellion of several of her employees, three magicians broke free. They need to be brought back before they mess up. For details, you should contact her assistant Elsa. Find out from her information about the magicians and head to the indicated points. For starters, it's worth visiting the Elfinage and asking your wife about her runaway husband. Nysa will tell how, after the visit of the templars, Khion appeared to her and asked to hide him. She refused, but he promised to return at sunset. After waiting for the night, we return to the Elfinage and find Khion conjuring over the corpse of poor Nysa. Khion is a blood mage, and therefore he must be killed. Having dealt with the elf, we proceed to the search for the next magician.

Our next stop will be the Cloaca. Ask the kids at Evelina's house. They will tell how a kind mage from Ferelden saved them when the Blight came. Upon arrival in Kirkwall, she immediately went to the local "Circle", but they locked her up, declaring her an "apostate." They will also mention that after the escape, the girl has changed a lot and has become aggressive. Pointing you to the sewers, the guys will run away. We go down. After dealing with a dozen ghosts and overcoming several traps, you will come face to face with Evelina. The girl is possessed by a demon and will also have to be killed. After talking with the children, console them and go to catch the last magician. Why do I think that he will not survive?

Having reached the Upper City, go to the estate "de Cogny" where the parents of that same runaway magician live. After talking with Emil's mother, you will hear another lie that she has not seen her son since she was six, but her husband will interrupt her, bursting into the room. Without noticing Hawke, he will begin to reprimand his wife for giving her son money. Promise your parents that you will not touch their son, and they will tell you that Emil, as if nothing had happened, gets drunk in the Hanged Man. I run there. After talking with Emil, you will find out that he is not a blood magician, but just a boy spreading rumors in order to please the girls. The guy is not dangerous, so you can let him go, thereby earning a good reputation with the magicians. The deed is done, so we return to Meredith with a report.

Haunted house.

Remember the house where we fought Varric's possessed brother? So the cunning dwarf wanted to sell the mansion, but not many people want to take a house in which everything is covered in blood and the smell of decaying flesh. But Varrick still found a man who agreed to buy a house without a preliminary inspection, but the trouble is that ghosts have appeared in this house, which do not allow buyers to live in peace in it. Varric suspects that the relic that Bartrund brought from the Deep Roads is to blame. It is necessary to destroy the problematic trinket.

Climbing into the house, we observe the pitiful attempts of ghosts to scare us. Having reached Bartrund's room, examine it and exit. Do not pay attention to the spirits that run past, as they are harmless. Finding the maid, try to find out where the idol is, but this will not bring results. Moreover, a stone golem will appear out of nowhere in the estate. After losing a certain amount of vital energy, he will disappear, and several ghosts will appear in his place. After destroying them, once again begin to "handle the pebble."

A defeated golem will leave behind a shard of an idol. Dissuade Varric from leaving him and take Sendel's artifact. As a reward for this, he will fry you a very useful rune. Go to the Hanged Man to speak with Varric.

New way.

Merrill is still trying to fix her mirror, but this time she wants to ask for help from the spirit "thanks" to which she became a bloodbender. Trying to convince her is pointless, so just agree. The spirit is contained in a relic, which can be found somewhere on the Shattered Mountain. Having formed a detachment, we head there. Having reached the idol, we learn that the Keeper wanted to save Merrill, realizing that as soon as she fixes the mirror, the demon will break out into the real world and devour the young elf. Therefore, she allowed the spirit to settle in herself, and it can only be destroyed by killing the vessel. After her speech, the Keeper will turn into a huge and rather strong monster.

When the demon's life is gone, the Keeper will reappear in its place, begging to be taken back to the clan. Realizing that this is a demon's trap, Merrill will pierce it with his sword. Comfort the girl and return to the Dollars. Well, then the messenger, bad news and severed heads, however, you will have to chop off your heads, since the Dollars, having heard about the death of Maratari, will rush into battle. You will have to massacre the entire elven camp while listening to Merrill lament about "what have I done". Genocide can be avoided by vilifying Merrill in front of the elves, but then there will be one less friend in the ranks of your friends. In any case, after you deal with the problems, talk to the elf in her shack.

service and error.

We check mail. We are approached by a certain Cullen who assures us that many complaints have been received against Aveline, that she exceeds her authority, takes pets and does not fulfill her duties as a captain of the guard at all. We go to Aveline, she will react very negatively to such accusations and offer to take a walk with her and her husband Donnik tonight. We agree and wait for the sunset, after which we head to the port area of ​​Kirkvol, having previously taken the page to our squad. After running around the area, you will stumble upon Donnik, famously cracking down on pirates. Hating ask him about work. The rumors about Aveline turned out to be false. It's time to talk to Cullen in the Casemates.

The templar will report that he did not doubt the captain, but as long as there are complaints, he is obliged to report this to the top. He will also tell you that most of the complaints come from the Lower City. You probably guessed where we are going now. On the spot, talk to guard Brenen. She will tell about another guard who joined the society "against the tyranny of guards and strangers." The meeting of this society will be held in the Underbelly, so we are heading there.

Jiven is already making a speech to his henchmen with might and main. Ask Aveline to speak up and get ready to fight. The former guard, although he looks rather weak, however, has an incredibly huge supply of vital energy, so the fight will be hot. After finishing with him, return to the Barracks. Aveline is a little worried, but her husband will calm her down.

Serve cold.

Archmage Orsino is looking to meet you. Go to him in the Casemates and talk. Orsino suspects several magicians of treason and asks to get into some kind of secret meeting that will be held today in the Upper City. He himself cannot go to it, because, having left the Circle, he will automatically be enrolled in those who will be at the meeting. Wait for the night and go to this gathering. There you will be met by a bunch of templars and a couple of mages. When they see you, they will attack. After killing everyone, search their bodies, one of them you will find a note that says about their secret headquarters in a warehouse. Guess where we're going now?

Arriving at the warehouse, we deal with a crowd of templars. When the fighting subsides, Keran will appear and tell about the plot to remove Meredith from her post. He will also mention that the conspirators kidnapped your sister. Having received the coordinates of their shelter, we go there. Having burst into a gathering of rebellious magicians, try to solve the matter peacefully. Nothing good will come of this, and the apostate whose life you once saved will order you to be killed. There were many who wanted to. When only cooling corpses remain of the mages and templars, talk to the rescued Betony. At the end of the conversation, Meredith's warriors will arrive. Explain to them what happened in this clearing and return to Orsino with a report.

Last straw.

There will be a war. The war between the templars and magicians, and you need to make a choice - which side will you be on. Choosing for whom, you will fight, kill opponents and then decide the fate of Anders, because of which all the unrest in Kirkvel began. It is possible to describe what will happen next in a few words: Templars kill magicians, magicians become possessed. We kill everyone who meets on the way, and when we get to Orsino, we try to settle the matter peacefully. Meredith wants to kill every magician, every last one. She gives us time to prepare for battle and leaves. Talk to all your associates and then get ready for a fight. After destroying the first wave of templars, we watch a scene of how Orsino, using blood magic, turned himself into something terrible, but it is worth noting that it is quite strong.

Having defeated the monster, we hasten to get out of the Casemates. A distraught Meredith orders the templars to attack the Protector, but they refuse, and then she herself rushes into battle. It turns out that all this time she was driven crazy by the idol (the one we found on the deep paths) from which her sword was forged. Having lost one quarter of her life energy, the girl will use the power of the idol and revive the huge statues at the entrance. When Meredith falls, the Guardian's story will be interrupted. And even Varric doesn't know what happened to him next.

Choose a character class and gender - a warrior and a man, respectively. After the introductory video, together with our partner, we fight off the attacks of the hurlocks. We use all kinds of skills, and at the end we deal with the ogre mini-boss. We dodge his blows and try to attack from behind. During conversations, we choose only positive options, focusing on the icons. Let's watch the video. We continue to customize our hero. We change the appearance to our liking, decide on the name, and most importantly, choose the events of the original Dragon age. This will be the default story, i.e. Hero of Ferelden.

Death of Lothering.

Together with the family we move forward, destroying the hordes of hurlocks. On the way, we also examine the corpses in search of useful items. Do not forget to improve the performance with each level increase. Each character has its own development branch. For example, Sister Bethany has more well-developed magical abilities. It would be right to continue to develop them, and not switch to improving combat skills. We save a couple who are hostile against us. But as long as we are all united common problem they will be on our team. Dealing with another ogre this time will be more difficult. When the level of health decreases, use a healing potion. We try not to fall under his battering rams and powerful blows. Unfortunately, our brother Carver is being killed. We continue the fight, as a dragon suddenly appears, cracks down on a large horde and transforms into a man. It turns out to be the witch Flemeth, who happily agrees to help us if we deliver some package. Aveline's husband has been wounded and infected with corruption. So that he does not die a long and painful death, we leave his fate in the hands of his wife.

Long way home.

We speak with the guard at the gates of the castle. He directs us to Captain Ewald. We get to it, guided by the mini-map. We deal with the raging deserters. After this act, the captain agrees to help us. Three days later, Gamelin appears. He reports that in order to get into the city you need to get acquainted with some personalities. We find Atenril and Miiran in the courtyard. First, it's best to take the task from Miiran to kill. But instead, cash in on gold and let go of the target. The guard will still have to be destroyed. Then we speak with Atenril and get the task. We intimidate the merchant on the square with the help of Aveline, open the chest and return to the employer. We speak with Gamelin and watch the video.
To go on an expedition to the Deep Roads, we must accumulate 50 gold. To do this, you can perform additional quests.

Friend on guard.

Aveline has tasked us with clearing the ambush site on Broken Mountain of pirates. Having successfully completed the task, we return back to Aveline. After the video, we look at the duty schedule. We leave the location and switch to the night. We get to the Lower City and save Donnik from the robbers. We return to the barracks.

New house?

We leave for the Lower City to Hamelin's house. We approach the desk and read the news from Atenril. We speak with Mom, then with Bethany. We leave the house, select the Cloaca on the map and move there. On the way we kill thugs and mercenaries. Through the basement door we get into the estate. Even stronger opponents await us in the cellar, as well as a mini-boss. We get into the room and inspect the chests. We take some gold and a will. We return to the mother.

Business conversation.

We get to the "Hangman", which is located in the Lower City. To do this, open the local map and carefully study it. In the tavern we speak with Varric (he should be in our team).


We go to Liren's shop, she will help us establish contact with Gray Warden. After talking with her, we leave the shop and immediately some people stand in front of us. We give the floor to Bethany, after which they leave. We leave for the Cloaca and find a hospital there. We talk with the Guardian (healer). He will help us if we complete one task. We leave the location, switch to the night and go to the Upper City. We meet Anders at the gates of the church and go inside together. We rise to the second floor to Karl. We destroy the arrived templars. Then, during the dialogue with Carl, select the "Do not kill" branch.

Long way home.

We leave for the Shattered Mountain to transfer the amulet to Flemeth. A certain elf reports that with the help of this amulet it is necessary to perform a ritual. With us, she sends Merril, who will help to perform the ritual. We advance to the altar, clearing the path from the corpses. Then we pass through the caves, where spiders are waiting for us. From there we get to the cemetery. We remove the barrier and in front of the altar we repel the attack. Do not forget to inspect the corpses, one of them must contain gold coins. We carry out the ritual and return to the camp.

That's all, there is very little left before the expedition. We accumulate the required amount of gold by completing additional quests, and we get a card by completing the quest "Pacify".

Expedition to the Deep Roads.

We go to the Upper City and get to the merchant guild, guided by the map. We speak with Bartrand. He reports that the expedition will drag on for several weeks, so it is worth completing all your business in Kirkwall. If there are unfinished tasks in the Rumors list, then you will not be able to go on an expedition. Arriving at the place, we find that the path is littered. Dwarf Bodan asks to find the boy. The only enemies that will meet on our way are Harlocks. We save Sandal and he gets to the camp on his own, and we continue to look for a workaround. After a series of hurlocks, Ogre will appear, which is quite easy to kill. Next is the Dragon, which, even with characters of level 10, at an average level of difficulty, is quite difficult to deal with. The main thing is to use the terrain correctly and give the rogue and mage the opportunity to use their skills as efficiently as possible. We find a detour and return to the camp. We speak with Bartrand. We continue to move forward. We deal with several ghosts and with a stone golem. We find ourselves in a new location, where we find something very expensive. Bartrand locks us up and we are forced to find another way. Weaker opponents were replaced by stronger ones - the Savages. Having met another golem, we communicate with him, in the dialogue we resort to the help of Bethany. He will help us get out if we kill some creature in the crypt. To destroy the Stone Spirit, we do this: we attack and, if necessary, heal. When he teleports to the center, quickly hide behind the column and wait. Next, we go out and beat the enemies that have appeared, and it is best to order our partners. Then we attack the spirit until it revives. After the victory, the golem will arrive. He wants us to take only the key and not touch the treasure. We, of course, refuse his offer and destroy him. We take everything that is in the chests. While wandering along the trails, Bethany becomes infected with filth and asks to be killed. We return home with bad news. After the video, we speak with the governor Dumar.

We leave the governor's fortress and meet Bodan at the exit. He tells us that they are waiting for us at home. Focusing on the mini - map we get to our estate.

The main suspect.

We leave for the Casemates. On the square we find Emerik and communicate with him. We switch to the night and get to the estate of Gascar Dupuis, which is located in the Upper City. Inside, several ghosts and one demon await us. We agree to help Gaskar. We return to Emeric to tell about his innocence. A woman in the square informs that Emeric has left recently. We switch back to the night and go to the alley next to the Cloaca. It will no longer be possible to save Emeric, so we simply clean the area from ghosts.

Explosive service.

In the port we go to the Qunari camp and speak with the Arishok. We receive the task and go in search of Javaris. In the cesspool we communicate with a local barker who sells his goods. Right around the corner we penetrate into the tunnels, through the Pit of smugglers. Along the way, we deal with numerous thugs, and when we go out into the wilderness, we kill the mercenaries. We speak with Javaris and release him. There was a leak of poisonous fumes in an alley near the Lower City. Cleaning the area from mercenaries, we select the keys and block the barrels with the source of poisoning. We kill the elf and a few more mercenaries. We inform the Arishok about what happened and about those involved in the theft of poisonous gas. We return to the governor and report on the work done.

Find and lose again.

In the governor's fortress we communicate with Bran. At night we go to the Hanged Man. We find Orvald, get the truth out of him and deal with him and his friends. We get to the Church to find out the truth. There we meet Petris. She invites us to an afternoon gathering to confirm her suspicions about the Qunari. Our fears were confirmed: Varnell kidnapped the Qunari and executed them. We destroy the fanatics and Varnell. Opponents are mostly weak, but they take the number. The main thing is not to let mages and robbers using small arms be surrounded. Also, do not forget to treat them in time. When the governor arrives, we advise him to burn the corpses of the Qunari.

All that remains.

We learn from our uncle that our mother is missing. At night we go out to the streets of the Lower City in search of her. We speak with the tramp and find out details from him, giving some silver. We follow the trail of blood. They lead us to the Foundry. We continue to follow the tracks until we come across a secret hatch in the corner of the mini-map. We move along the basement, destroying ghosts and corpses. At the end, we hold several waves of attacks and kill Quentin.

Following Kun.

In the estate we read a letter from the governor Dumar. Let's go talk to him. He asks for the return of his son, who migrated to the side of the Qunari. In the Qunari Camp we communicate with Arishok. Seamus was lured into the church, so we'll sneak in at night to see him. As it turns out, he was killed. We deal with the fanatics, and when the Lady appears, we tell her about the bad plans of Petris.

Kuhn requirements.

Arriving at the estate, we meet Aveline and agree to help her. But before doing this, it is necessary to complete all your affairs, as in the case before the expedition. Aveline will be waiting in front of the Qunari Camp gates. Arishok reacts aggressively to the proposal to arrest the criminals and the battle begins. We move along the streets of the Lower City, cracking down on karashoks and ashhaads. We break through to the Upper City and continue the battle until Meredith appears. We get to the Governor's Fortress, destroying the robbers, who also show aggression against the qunari, and the karashoks. Occasionally, stans appear, distinguished by good armor, but weak attacks. We unite with Meredith and another elf - a sorcerer. Having settled the dispute, we lead the team and order the elf to distract the Qunari standing at the entrance. The main battle with the Arishok should be started by first destroying the rest of the Qunari. The Arishok has a large supply of health, in addition to this, his counter-attacks deal quite serious damage. But these attacks are easy to predict and dodge or retreat in time. Even if all partners die and we remain 1 on 1, then the chances of winning are high. We save the city and get the status "Defender of Kirkwall".

Three years later.

On the square we become a witness to another debate between Meredith and Orsino. We bow our choice to the side of the sorcerer.

We go to the estate and read a letter from Commander Meredith.

On the loose.

We leave for the Casemates to meet with Meredith. We find her in the Hall of the Templars and agree to the task. We speak with her assistant Elsa. Let's find out about the three magicians - apostates. In two cases, we act according to the same scheme: we question the witness, find the apostate and kill him. We are looking for Evelina - in the Cloaca, Khion - in the Lower City. In the latter case, we ask the parents of Emile de Copies. They report his location. We leave for the Hanged Man and kindly accompany Emil to the templars.

Serve cold.

After reading the letter from the sorcerer Orsino, we go to meet him in the Casemates. We get the task to find out why the magicians and templars meet at night in the Upper City. We destroy the conspirators and go to the Port, then to the Ragged Coast. We save Aveline, we kill Grace and her followers. We return to Orsino with the news.

Last straw.

We receive another letter and go to the Casemates. From there we are sent to the square, where the final and irrevocable battle between the magicians and the templars unfolded. We have to choose which side we are on. Choosing mages. Our goal is the templars, we move along the streets, destroying them. In Porto, the demon of pride awaits us. He is strong when paired with a blood mage. Therefore, it is desirable to first destroy the magician and ghosts, only then proceed to the demon. We get to the Casemate and speak with Orsin to join the battle against the templars led by Meredith. We hold a wave of multiple, but not very strong opponents. Orsin is furious, so he uses blood magic and turns into a huge creature. It is able to drain the life force from allies to replenish its health. We attack from all sides until it is freed from the body. We do these steps several times. Then we try to leave the Casemates. Ahead of the last fight with Meredith. She has extremely strong armor, but also lacks special abilities. Meredith also periodically sends large iron statues that are not dangerous. Let's watch the final video.

This quest is given to you by a Qunari warrior standing at the entrance to the port. He is trying to find out where the patrolmen sent to the Ragged Shore have gone. You, as an outstanding figure, were suspected of having killed them. Travel to the location indicated by the Qunari. You will find the Qunari dead, next to them there will be a possessed in the company of ghosts who will attack you as well. Return to the port and report what you saw to the Qunari. In exchange, you will receive 1 golden and two-handed sword Binky's Solace.

Honoring the Fallen

Collect all three amulets of the dead hunters when you explore the cave with the varterall on Merrill's Reflection in the Mirror quest, and return them to Keeper Maretari.

Midnight Meeting/Midnight Meeting

This quest will only appear if you killed the templars during story quest the first act "Act of Mercy". After receiving the letter, meet with the Templar lieutenant, who is trying to find out what happened to his missing brethren. Either dialogue option will result in a fight and this will complete the quest.

A Debt in the Family

(thanks to TiMac for adding)
This quest is issued by the templar novice Margit in the Casemates. She laments that Keran's family is deeply in debt to the Tevinter pawnbroker Senestra the Serpent and asks you to convince her to forgive her debts.
Senestra herself can be found at night in the port. When talking with her, she immediately throws a couple of phrases that it would be nice to kill Hawk, because. many will pay well for it. The battle is not difficult and after winning the quest will automatically end. Reward - 750 experience.

Problem Specialist/The Fixer

You can only get this quest if, during the story quest "Find and Lost Again", you decided to burn the bodies of the Qunari.
In this case, upon returning home, a letter will be waiting for you, where an unknown anonymous person offers you a job to destroy some corpses. They are not marked with markers and you have to find them yourself. There are four in total:
1. In the cesspool in the southern part, not far from Black Jack.
2. Lower City, night, Residential Quarter.
3. Port - night, office of the head of the port.
4. Ragged Coast, Western part, slightly south of the western exit to the world map.

You can just get rid of the bodies, as you are offered - in this case, after you find each corpse, a quest marker will appear on the map - where exactly to get rid of it. In this case, you will have to fight the opposite bandit faction at the body in the Ragged Shore and later you will receive a reward from the letter (I only had experience - 1500 points).

You can kill the bandits guarding the corpses in the Port and the Low City without getting rid of the bodies. In this case, you will receive a reward from the faction on the Ragged Shore.

Forbidden Knowledge

Tarone's books on black magic are hidden in and around Kirkwall. We will either find out about this in a letter from Idunn (if you did not kill her during the first act quest "Enemies Among Us"), or after we find any of the books on our own.
We need to find all the books and either destroy them, or read and acquire forbidden knowledge (+2 stat points, but they are given only once, even if you read all the books). If you just take books without reading them, then they will turn into garbage and are only suitable for sale. True, they cost almost 90 silver coins.

Books are located:
1. In the Church, on the balcony to the right of the entrance. When destroyed, demons, ghosts, witchcraft horrors, possessed appear.
2. In the Governor's Fortress in the hall with the throne. When destroyed, demons, ghosts, possessed, and witchcraft horror also appear.
3. On the Ragged Coast. From the entrance to the shore we run along the upper path, at the intersection of the paths we see the opened passage to the Damp Cave. Let's go there. The cave is small, beautiful and sinister, a small dragon lives in front of the tome, after reading or destroying it, a revenant and other undead will appear.
4. In the Bone Pit after completing the "Cave of the Dead" quest there. The cave next to this cave will be reopened and will lead us to a small dungeon with a book. After reading, the Desire Demon and other spirits appear.
5. In the Forgotten Taig (new cave on the Broken Mountain). This is the most difficult place of the five, the fight before the destruction of the tome will be much more difficult than after. guard the book different types undead, possessed, rage demons, golems, Desire Demon, revenant and Arcane Horror to boot. After all this, a single revenant with a small detachment of undead, crawling out into the world after reading a book, seems like a trifle, hardly worthy of attention.
Note - in the room with the book there is a peaceful golem-seller with a good assortment of goods.

After you destroy all five tomes, go to the Underbelly. A passage to a new dungeon has opened there, it is marked with a quest arrow.
Buy bottles of potions, take the strongest and most well-equipped members of the squad with you, and only after that go to complete this quest. There are master class traps in the Forgotten Lair, so be careful. It is better to take a robber with you - some traps cannot be bypassed.
There will be a Black Grimoire in the dungeon - after we destroy it, quite strong opponents will appear - these are the demons of anger, the possessed, the undead and other equally cute comrades, including the Immortal Horror Zebenkek, for killing which you will receive a special achievement. All opponents are strong - there will be no "ordinary" enemies dying from one to three hits. You can run back to the beginning of the dungeon as soon as the fight starts - then only some opponents will follow you and it will be easier to deal with them in parts. One Sebenkek is not so dangerous.
Note: You can read the Black Grimoire and get stat points - the demons will spawn as expected and the quest will be completed, with all the books listed as destroyed in the journal (probably a bug).

Miss Selby Quests:

(These quests only appear if, during the Act of Mercy quest in the first act, you set the mages free.)
A certain Lady Selby, whose sister was subdued by the templars, will be waiting for you in one of the back streets of the Port during the day. You can take several quests on her board:

Find and Rescue/Search and Rescue

Terry, one of the Starkhaven mages you saved in the last part, asks you to find her renegade friend, who is being held by bounty hunters somewhere on the Ragged Shore. Go to the indicated cave, kill the bounty hunters and free the mage girl. You will receive a reward from Mrs. Selby - 1 gold.

How to Frame a Templar

A group of mages asks you to relieve them of the pressure of the templar Konrad Wernhart, slandering him and exposing him unreliable before the leadership of the order. To do this, go to the Hanged Man and talk to the tipsy templar Roderick. Whatever version of the accusation you choose, it will make the right impression on him.
Then go to the Casemates and observe the hassle of the assistant port chief with the official. To the right of them, behind the counter with weapons for sale, you will see a scroll with an order for the supply of confiscated lyrium. Enter Conrad's name on the document and give it to the port worker, who is right there, in the opposite corner of the courtyard from the entrance. Then return to Mrs. Selby, get 1 gold as a reward and read on the board a letter of thanks from the magicians describing the punishment that befell Conrad Wernhart.

Church quests:

Elves at Large

(this announcement only appears if you persuaded Feinriel to go to the Circle in Act 1 during the Prodigal Son quest)
Deal with a group of Dalish elves who recently unsuccessfully attempted to free Faenriel from the Circle. To do this, go to the Ragged Shore. There you will find elves and a group of mercenaries who have already tracked them down. During the subsequent conversation, you can take the side of either the elves or the mercenaries and kill the opposite grouping.

Bounty Hunter

(These quests only appear if, during the Act of Mercy quest in Act 1, you persuaded the mages to return to the Circle. This quest and Mrs. Selby's quests are mutually exclusive.)
Find and deal with three fugitive mages. Unlike the previous quest, you cannot negotiate with them - they attack as soon as you try to start a conversation. Each mage will summon demons, the undead, and the Possessed as reinforcements.

Black Jack is located in the southern part of the Cloaca (where Danzig used to be).
Hebora de Soller hides in the western part of Ragged Shore.
Innley of Starkhaven is on Broken Mountain, in the part of it where the elven graveyard is located, at the very end of the path.

Sketchy on the Details

(This quest does not depend on whether you took the side of the templars or mages in the first act)
Deal with several gangs that are chasing Sketch for some reason (your old friend, if you played Leliana's Song DLC ​​in the Beginning).

Gangs that you have to eliminate:
Night Kirkwall, High City, on the way to the governor's palace - "Avengers of Denerim"
Night "Hangman", at the back rooms on the second floor - "Beards of Rivaini"
Lower City, Den, northern part, not far from the Elfinage - Antiva Killers
Casemates, Den, a dead end near the herbalist Solivitus - Tal-Vashot group.
The sewer, night, approximately in the center of the map, members of the Gnomish Charter.

After that, go to the Port at night and report to the Sketch that you saved him from his pursuers. In version 1.01, the quest is buggy and remains unfinished in the journal after that.

Street Cleanup

Quests similar to the first part - rid the Night Kirkwall of gangs and get a reward from a Friend in the night "Gallowsman"

Good Night Girls/Ladies Lights Out

After you defeat several groups of "Night Sisters" operating at night in the High City, a note will fall into your hands indicating the place where the head of this group, "Blessed" Gillian, and her closest assistants are hiding. Go into the building and destroy everyone who attacks you (there are a lot of them and they are strong, they attack in a rather cramped room, so it's better to take contact warriors and one healer mage into the party).

Low City/The Lowdowns

Clear the night Port of the Undercut gangs, after which you will be given an indication of the whereabouts of their leader. Go to the indicated place and kill everyone. Examine the alley well - not all opponents appear at once, sometimes for their appearance you need to go into some side dead end.

Urban Generation/Hometown Breed

Similar to the two previous quests, but you need to deal with the "Dog People", who are trying to take control of the night Lower City. There are quite a few archers among the members of this gang, including the leader himself. As in the previous quest, you may need to carefully examine the alley with the leader in order to get all the gang members to appear.

Lost and found:

- The Eyes of Azure Jamos
If you decide to visit the elven cemetery, then at the altar, where in the first part you performed the ritual with the amulet, a crazy magician will attack you. From his corpse, you can take two precious stone. Give them to Azur Jaimos in the Casemates.
Be careful - in addition to the crazy magician in the cemetery, a group of undead led by the Shadow Assassin will attack you. A fight with her can be avoided completely if you lure the magician a little further from his starting point.
- Flawless Pants/The One True Pantaloons
You will pick up this item from the corpse of one of the opponents you killed during the Anders quest "Dissent". Give it to the owner in High City.
- Seal of Old God Dumat
Picked up from a box in the Underpass, which can be accessed from the Port at night. Give it to Bolund in High City.
- Wentworth's Sixth Finger
You will find this in one of the bags on the surface of the Bone Pit mine. Give it to Sister Philias in the Upper City.
- Waxler's Hat
Picked up from a bag in the Underpass, which can be accessed from the Port at night. Give it to the owner, who is found at night in the Hanged Man.
- Piece of Canvas/Swath of the Jackyard
You can pick up this item from the corpse of Fell Orden, the leader of the bandits you killed while following the quest "Pirates on the Cliffs". Give it to the Watcher in the Port.
- Body Gerralt "South Song" / "South-Song" Gerralt's Corpse
Found in the Forgotten Taig (a cave on the Shattered Mountain, where one of the volumes of Forbidden Knowledge is also located). Present it to Gerralt "Wisdom of the East" in the Lower City.
- Rusty Knife/Ream-Rot Knife
Picked up on the Shattered Mountain, not far from the exit of the cave to the elven graveyard. Give it to Fudge at the Lower City Mining Site.
- Lyrium Wine/Lyrium-Laced Bilge Hoop
Picked up in the Deep Roads if you went there on the quest "Fool's Gold". Give it to the Whiskey Master in Underbelly.
- Goosegirl Cameo
On the corpse of Hebor de Soller (quest "Headhunter") pick up a cameo and give it to Vors de Soller in the Lower City.
In version 1.01 this quest is buggy and the cameo is almost never on the body.

Death of Lothering

If you played the demo, then the beginning of the game is no longer a surprise to you.

So, your first acquaintance with the game begins. On the Diablo II-shaped screen, select the class and gender. Unlike the first part, you cannot choose a race - as in Mass Effect, only little people are available.

Getting familiar with the combat system. For this purpose, a legion of Darkspawn will fall upon you. We show them a goat, and also press the number keys, testing combat techniques. Later, a huge battle ogre will attack. You can't die in this episode. After the victory, you will be given to choose the appearance of the character. Epic Fail! It's supposed to be done BEFORE the game starts! It turns out that at first we play for one character, and then BAM! Already for another. However, this misunderstanding is brightened up by a wide variety of appearance settings. You can sculpt anyone you want, even characters from the first part. You can also import a save from Dragon here. Age Origins.

Finally, you receive your creation. We examine the area, search the corpses, kill the creatures of darkness. Along the way, we grow in level. Soon we meet a married couple of templars. A very unpleasant company, considering that we have an apostate sister. Unfortunately, you can't kill them. We move on, we meet the pt-mage and the company. You have to kill in that order. We collect loot and do not forget to increase the level.

The next fight is quite difficult. A huge evil ogre opposes you. Depending on your class, either a brother (if your class is a rogue/warrior) or a sister (if your class is a mage) will die. First you need to deal with his retinue, try not to engage in battle with the ogre until you kill all the pt. Well, then just make sure that the team does not rest. Then there will be another wave of Fri, and, finally, salvation in the form of a long cut-scene.

This ends the duplication of the demo.

Welcome to Kirkwall, Free Marches. However, they are not allowed into the city, you will have to linger in its port. We must find our kinsman, Hamelin Amell. Walk through the crowd. The guard will stop you. Ask permission to speak to the commander. Climb up the stairs. There, the deserted warriors of Ferelden argue with a guard to let them in. Get involved in an argument. Kill the deserters. In gratitude, the guard will bring your relative. Alas, just like that, he cannot lead you into the city. You will have to work out by hiring in a criminal gang. Which one is up to you.

On the one hand, untidy-looking people are mercenaries, on the other, elf smugglers. The mercenaries will ask you to kill the merchant, and the smugglers will ask you to collect the debt. Your choices will determine some of the quests you receive in the future.