Management role-playing games. Business games in “Business Communications” classes at the university. formulating the goals of the business game

Have you noticed that employees are not involved in the work process, are scattered, and lack initiative? A business game will help solve these and many other problems. Read more about this method of influencing staff, as well as tips on how to conduct games, in the article. Bonus - 5 ready-made game scenarios.

From the article you will learn:

What does business game mean?

A business training game is a simulation of a work process, simulation and reproduction of real situations faced by employees. Participants perform actions that will lead to achieving the goal.

During the game, employees analyze a successful model of behavior, adopt it, and try to avoid those actions that led others to failure. It turns out that they gain experience through activity, communication in a business game, and this is considered the most successful way to assimilate information.

Experts from the HR Director magazine will tell you how to train sales managers in an unusual way. Conduct .

Reference : references to business games date back to the 17th and 18th centuries. Young military personnel were trained using imitation of actions. Gradually, this form of training and motivation spread across all industries, and many variations of games appeared, designed to develop personal and professional qualities.

Target business games determined by the leader. There are many of them today:

  • team formation;
  • getting employees to know each other;
  • personel assessment;
  • group entertainment;
  • competitions;
  • education.

After conducting business games with staff, the psychological climate in the team improves, employees develop excitement, they become motivated, involved and proactive.


The Delta company has expanded the number of services offered. Employees had to learn to work with a large number of different clients. Employees' workload has increased significantly. At the same time, some managers coped with it, but some did not. The manager Ilya decided to hold time-limited business games every day. He divided his colleagues so that each team had 1 strong player and several weak ones. While completing tasks, employees exchanged experiences, took examples from others, and jointly discussed shortcomings. Just a few weeks later, Ilya noticed that the problem, although not solved, had become less acute. The number of errors has decreased, the environment has returned to normal, and employees have become more confident.

Having a problem? Do the old-timers outlive the newbies? The HR Director magazine will tell you .

Features of business games

You need to select business games based on your needs, capabilities and other parameters. Expert practitioners identify 4 main areas:

  1. Educational games.
  2. Search games.
  3. Statement games.
  4. Mixed games.

All these games can be played both within the office and in specially designated areas. Tasks can be time-limited and compressed.

Both a group of experts and the direct organizers of the event can evaluate the actions of the staff.

With the help of a business game, you can not only upgrade your existing staff, but also recruit excellent specialists. Play a game with him and then analyze the results . You can do this correctly using the material “Personnel Systems”.

Differences between training and business games

Don't be confused trainings with business games - they have significant differences, so they cannot be interchangeable. The results also vary. To understand the features of both methods of employee development, you can compare the mandatory features of a business game and training.

Comparative characteristics


Signs of a business game

  • no restrictions or they are minimal;
  • a separate aspect of the situation is considered;
  • work with specific qualities and skills;
  • an expert acts who initially voices the theory and only then gives a practical task;
  • Students often work alone rather than in teams.
  • stages and rules are regulated;
  • the simulated situations include many factors;
  • minimum theory, maximum practice;
  • the opportunity to communicate with colleagues and cope with the task together;
  • it is based on the problem that the participants are working on.

Some employers organize on-site training for employees, for example, on weekends out of town or a week abroad. Experts from HR Director magazine will tell you whether it makes sense .

Examples of business games

  1. Bureau of Investigation

Target: team formation, team building, training in planning and working with information.

Time spending: 3-4 hours.

Number of persons: from 5.

Description: near Norfolk in the east of England, a strange crime was committed at a hotel. Invite the participant to compare known facts, evidence, and testimony in order to get on the trail of criminals and solve a detective puzzle.

Notes: fill in the plot with details in advance or improvise.

  1. Sky Work

Target: develop communication skills, teach how to solve business problems, conduct business negotiations, and plan.

Time spending: 3-4 hours.

Number of persons: from 12.

Description: participants imagine themselves as employees of an international company. They carry out large projects. The goal is to increase business profitability by completing the maximum number of tasks in a short time. Ask employees to propose ideas, create action plans, and defend their ideas.

Notes: you can conduct a business game while completing current projects, and summarize the results at the end of the month or six months.

Experts from System Personnel will talk about how to reward employees in a unique way .

  1. Main target

Target: increase sales efficiency, teach how to communicate with clients, present products or services, and establish psychological contact.

Time spending: 1-3 hours.

Number of persons: from 5.

Description: employees must motivate the client to purchase, identify his personal preferences, and increase the number of sales. Divide the team into groups, ask each of them to draw up a plan and defend it.

Note: you can organize a competition on the job, but in this case, employees will work with real clients of the company. Summarize your results based on the number of customers attracted, profit margin, or other parameters.

Use a ready-made case " " from the magazine "HR Director".

  1. With all my might

Target: development of communication skills, training in planning, decision making.

Time spending: 1-3 hours.

Number of persons: from 5 people.

Description: During the business game, a working day is recreated, filled with tasks of varying complexity. Set goals for your employees and monitor how they achieve them. The one who does the most things and makes the fewest mistakes wins.

  1. Stones and coins

Target: planning training, teamwork , risk management.

Time spending: 1-3 hours.

Number of persons: from 15 to 50 people.

Description: Participants are divided into competing teams. They must mine and sell gems. Invite participants to create an action plan and justify it.

Use other business games for communication or training. Develop them yourself or take standard tasks as a basis. The main thing is that employees do not know the correct decision in advance.

Tip #1. Clearly define your goals before choosing a game

Alternate serious tasks with entertaining ones. Employees should be interested.

Tip #2. Create a positive atmosphere

Don't start criticizing publicly if an employee is not coping. Otherwise he will lose motivation , the person will become unsure of his abilities. To get the maximum benefit from games, experts recommend focusing on shortcomings in general, but not pointing out the mistakes of a specific player.

Tip #3. Don't force employees

If you force employees to participate business games on weekends, after work or during lunch break - this will not bring any benefit, but will cause a wave of discontent.

Tip #4. Make sure players follow the rules

Control the process. If conflicts arise between participants, suppress them. Otherwise, instead of a positive result, you will achieve the exact opposite effect.

Tip #5. Do not play games during periods of increased load

Employees will not be able to concentrate and concentrate, as their thoughts will be occupied with other things.

Read about business games in the "Personnel System". In the material you will find types of games, stages of their implementation and ways to evaluate the results. Information will help you avoid common mistakes that lead to unpredictable results.

A business game is not only a teaching method, but also a way to create a cozy, friendly atmosphere in an organization. Stay close to your subordinates and actively participate in events. Come up with new and exciting tasks so that employees don’t feel bored or uninterested in completing them. Bring in experts if necessary.

An unlimited number of people can participate in the game. Initially, an individual assessment is given, then an overall assessment is achieved in groups of two people, then the groups are enlarged again, etc. At the final stage, all participants must agree among themselves and make a common group assessment.

Description of the game situation. Participants must put themselves in the shoes of the astronauts who made an unsuccessful landing on the moon. In this case, one option is considered, in which each of the participants imitates an astronaut who unsuccessfully landed on the moon alone, and another option, when there are many astronauts. In one case, participants make decisions individually, in the other – collectively. The crash of the spacecraft occurred at a distance of 300 km from a stationary base that had been operating on the Moon for a long time. After the crash, only items remained from the entire ship, the list of which is given below. The space crew will have to travel from the crash site to the base in three days. You can't be late, because... in three days the base will be mothballed and the last spaceship flies to Earth. All cosmonauts are in spacesuits with autonomous support. Moreover, the first 150 km must be walked in the shadow (absolute darkness), and the last 150 km - on the side of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. To speed up movement, it is necessary to throw out loads according to their preference, need and use. The task is to determine the sequence of ejection of the load.

The order of the game procedure.

The game procedure is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the level of analytical abilities of each participant is revealed.

To do this, everyone is given a special form of the game and asked to fill out the appropriate column according to the following rules:

1) Of the 14 items indicated in the list, you must sequentially throw out the less necessary ones and designate them with numbers from 14 to 1, i.e. The object thrown first is designated by number 14, the last one by number 1.

2) First, each player makes a decision independently, without any consultation with the other players.

3) Then all players form teams of 4-6 people, depending on the total number of players, thereby opening the second stage, and in a free exchange of opinions they develop a general collective decision on the order of throwing out objects.

4) The team leader reports the decision and defends it, involving the team if necessary.

5) Either the organizer of the game or a special jury can act as an arbitrator. In both cases, the main task is to identify the leader.

6) The order of throwing out items is recorded in a specific column in accordance with the standard assessment.

7) Half of the items (7) should be thrown away dark side Moon, and the remaining half - on the illuminated one.


FOR sales managers

"Customer Focused Selling"


A step-by-step walkthrough of the Company’s existing business process in the field of sales.

Development of negotiation skills with clients (working with objections, arguing economic benefits, etc.).

Practicing the coordination of working conditions (contracts) with clients based on the adopted corporate strategy.

Development and training of a joint strategy for interaction between the Company’s sales specialists and clients.

DAY 1 – “Effective start of interaction with the client”

Training block


Form of work


0. Explanation

goals and format


group launch


- group motivation;

- definition of forms

- interactions within teams;

- division into groups.

- trainer presentation;

- discussion in groups;

- presentation of the results of the groups’ work.

10.00 – 10.45

1. Goals and content of the business game

- understanding the role of clients;

- understanding the factors,

affecting work;

- formulating the goals of the business game;

- understanding of the content.

- trainer presentation;

- group discussion

10.45 - 11.00

Coffee pause

2. Personal contribution of the seller to the sales process

- Parameters of personal contribution: volume, direction, quality

- Personal qualities underlying personal contribution

- Personal contribution management

- trainer presentation;

- group discussion

11.00 – 11.45

3. Looking at the negotiating partner as a person

- Creating a positive, professional atmosphere

- Increasing the interlocutor’s interest in the issues discussed

- Attentive attitude to the interlocutor’s reaction during negotiations

- Confirmation of your own professional status

- Client typology

- trainer presentation;

- drawing up “portraits” of typical clients

11.45 – 13.00


3. The importance of professionalism in negotiations

- Professionalism in conducting negotiations from the point of view of the economic benefit of the company

- The essence of the negotiation process when discussing specialized issues

- Tasks of a professional in communicating with a client during negotiations

- trainer presentation;

- group negotiations on a neutral case;


14.00 - 16.30

Coffee pause

4. Preparation for negotiations

- Defining the purpose of negotiations

- Clarification of criteria influencing client decision-making

- Forecasting and taking into account possible objections

- Working out the structure of the conversation

- trainer presentation;

- fixation of material


16.45 - 17.15

5. Preparation for negotiations (practice)

- Preparation for interaction with the client withinpractical case(each team of participants receives a description of a typical situation: 1. client - an individual; 2. client - entity)

- case study;

- team work;

17.15 – 17.45


17.45 -18.00

DAY 2 – “Creating conditions for a positive conclusion to sales negotiations”

Training block


Form of work


Defining the Day 2 Format

Trainer presentation.

10.00 – 10.15

6. Finding out the client’s situation

Key areas of clarification

Terms of the transaction

Personal interests of the client representative

Decision making algorithm

- mini-lecture

- analysis of results using video recording

10.15 – 13.00


7. Argumentation during sales negotiations

- Analysis of the properties of the proposal used as arguments in negotiations

- Reasoned presentation of advantages and benefits based on demonstration of economic effect

- Effectively presenting arguments and proposals

- Dealing with client objections

- mini-lecture

- negotiations with conditional clients in a role-playing game format

- analysis of results using video recording

14.00 – 16.30

Coffee pause

8. Drawing up a commercial proposal taking into account the client’s characteristics

- Commercial proposal as the sum of the agreements reached

- Conditions for increasing the likelihood of making a purchase decision

- group work;

- presentation of the terms of the commercial offer from the position of respecting the interests of the company

16.45 – 17.45


17.45 – 18.00

Descriptions of the team building business game program

Purpose of the event:

Team building and creating a positive management culture.

Objectives of the event:

    increase team cohesion;

    gain experience in effective team interaction;

    improve methods for distributing duties and responsibilities, as well as roles between team members;

    unification around a common goal;

    avoiding conflict situations in the interaction process;

    development of joint decisions.




Problems solved during the exercise

15.00 – 15.20


Opening remarks by a representative of the Company and Consultants.

    Presentation of the feasibility of the event

    Setting goals for the upcoming event

    Presentation of the event format


Participants are divided into groups of 15-20 people. In each group, participants are divided into pairs. First, the first participant tells the second the most important thing about himself, then they change. Next, the first participant will present second group, and the second first.

Introduction of participants;

Formation of a friendly atmosphere;

Relieving tension among participants;

Establishing contact with the group.

16:00 – 16:30

"Rescuing Drowning People"

The exercise takes place in groups of 15-20 people.

Team members have small areas. The team's task is to stay together on the minimum number of "rafts".

    Team building

    Development of joint solutions

16.45 – 18.30

"Management Tower"

Participants are divided into 2 teams. Participants occupy certain roles in the team, and in accordance with these roles, their functions and limitations are determined (the distribution of people into roles occurs in accordance with the task).

The water conditions of the game are distributed (according to the roles). Put common task: Build a tower with certain parameters.

Communication rules are introduced (vertical communication, horizontal communication only between tops).

    Understanding the need to work as a team

Developing effective communication skills when solving a group problem;

Effective group decision making;

Avoiding conflict situations when making a joint decision.

18:45 – 19:45

Developing rules for effective teamwork in the financial sector.

Developing team effectiveness criteria.

Setting goals for the team. Participants are divided into mini-groups. Each mini-group develops its own set of rules based on its experience and the experience gained during the exercises. Next, the rules are presented in groups each other

    , are compiled into a single list, approved by groups.

    Team communication skills

    Presentation skills

19:45 – 20:00

Team decision making skills.


    Summarizing the material covered and the successes achieved

Developing a short action plan to achieve the desired goals.

Development of a business game script to suit the Customer’s needs in 3 days.

Despite the fact that the business game procedure has existed for decades, now corporate business games (CBG) are a new answer to the questions: “How to predict the development of business events?”, “How to influence the organization and the market?”, “How develop and train staff? A corporate business game is a full-scale event, designed for 8 to 36 hours of group work, with a single task and structure. (The business game as an element of training is not discussed here.) A business game is a conditional reproduction, imitation, simulation of a real situation, a real activity that the participants master. Of course, CDI topics can be different. Most often, the topics are related to changes planned in the company: new business processes, new divisions, product range expansion, entering new markets, mergers, necessary team interaction, etc. The topics are practically unlimited, the main thing is the ability to describe and structure them. In a corporate business game, the process of activity of managers and specialists is modeled, where the organization is viewed as a single whole, consisting of parts. The apogee of CDI is the complete imitation of changes implemented by the company using time scaling! The number of personnel who participate in the corporate business game ranges from 6 to 300 employees who are actually involved in the tasks being worked on. How are corporate business games created? This is a creative process in which two parties participate: game developers (representatives of the training company) and task designers (company employees). Moreover, the task for conducting a CDI should be one, for example, to debug the interaction of two structures (companies, divisions, etc.) or work out business processes when developing a new region, a new product, etc., and the subtasks solved in the process of CDI are more diverse. For example, the subtask of control, setting tasks, transmitting information, etc. In CDI, by prescribing business processes, you can really understand and see the reality of execution, where there are errors, where there is redundancy and where there is insufficient actions or resources. The client’s request must be carefully studied, and then the task must be translated into a business game, which is a semblance of real business life. Thus, clients have the opportunity to both see what is happening now and understand what changes to make in order for the company to function as productively as possible. And, probably most importantly, right in the business game, transformations are carried out both in people and in organizations that lead the company to new results! The cost is 30,000 rubles / day. Consultations by phone are free. A little more about business games: Participants are immersed in a pre-planned game situation, with its own pitfalls, which can simulate difficult work moments. A business game allows you to get out of the usual daily rhythm, look at the situation from the other side, and “play” in different ways. The gameplay allows you to relieve tension and, as a result, the potential of the participants is more fully released, which is then consolidated in real situations. “Long” sales, multi-move combinations, tenders, and operational developments are modeled very well for a business game, where it is important to think through every step and measure every action. The business game organically includes elements of business training, group and individual coaching, and a strategic session. A business game can simulate the events that are planned in the company and it is possible to analyze actions and results in advance. How easy a business game can be, how complex it can be, where the emphasis and priorities are placed - all these are changeable parameters, depending on the needs of the organization and the level of participants. In this format, you can do everything: make a manager feel like a director, a production worker feel like a salesperson, and a salesperson feel like an owner. A business game can provide an opportunity to understand another person more and look at business from a different angle. The course of a business game can always go where the organizer needs it. We can face a certain problem in a playful, emotional way and immediately find ways to solve it, in an innovative, non-routine way. In a business game, the personal qualities of the participants are very clearly demonstrated, so this format is often combined with the assessment of personnel for certain competencies. For example, when forming a personnel management reserve, since in the group work of a business game, the manifestation of leadership and organizational qualities, focus on results and achievements is inevitable. A business game allows you to unite a team and look at the hidden contradictions inherent in it.

1.What are the benefits of CDI for a company? We believe that the advantages of CDI are as follows. During a business game, employees do not just participate, as in a regular exercise, they live this moment, become emotionally involved in the activity, and perceive the game model realistically. In the process of work, cohesion increases; effective achievement of results is impossible without the participation of all training participants. “In order to build a strong wall of a house, it is necessary that every brick takes its place,” without the participation of everyone, a successful result is impossible. And in the game this is very clearly felt, felt by everyone.

2.Learning occurs collaboratively, simultaneously, but purposefully. Anthill effect. A business game involves learning in a single rhythm for all participants, however, in addition to the joint one, everyone also performs their own clearly defined role, which implies: working in a diverse mode, in a team mode, in an independent activity mode. These areas enhance the impact on the participant and require maximum return from him.

3.Communication during the game is as close as possible to real life. The effect of transition from card to treasure. The business game is real for the participants at the time of its implementation. At the time of the game, people see each other in roles, and as a result, interact with each other at the level of life relationships.

4.Individuality of the proposed game and increasing efficiency. Sieve effect, screening out husks. A business game increases efficiency if it is individually, personalized, as it returns people to the real conditions of their immediate activities and identifies possible problems. It is able to identify real conflicts, difficulties and moments of lengthy negotiations. This helps to identify real facts that hinder further possible development, and resolve them or identify them during a general group analysis.

5.Integrity, integrity and duration of the game. From one sprout to a forest. The integrity of the CDI and consistency allows you to recreate the entire gamut of corporate relationships, opportunities and difficulties. Step by step, moving forward in modeling, we create a complete picture.

And at the end, we want to give a few examples of CDI that have been implemented for clients. Using these examples, you can grasp the essence and understand the essence of corporate business games. KDI “DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW REGION” The concept of CDI and a description of the logic of the development of events. KDI is being built and developed as a simulation of the development of a new region. Several competitors simultaneously enter the market with a product line that is 80% identical in characteristics and 20% different. The same percentage ratio characterizes the company's advantages. The CDI proceeds as a series of natural stages for the formation and development of regional representation. During the game, before each logical block, the coach makes a theoretical insert on a particular topic. Then an introduction is given, which describes, firstly, the state of the external environment, and secondly, the goals set by the central office. Then a certain time is given to plan and implement certain actions. In a business game, time scaling is used, when, for example, every 10 - 20 minutes in the game is equal to one month in real life. In this way, key points are placed that control the success of a particular company. After each stage of the company’s development (the logical block of the business game), the results are summed up with team and individual points being awarded, which is reflected on a special indicative game sheet. The behavior of a particular team is also considered with analysis and recommendations for the future. Each block ends, as it begins, with a theoretical insert. The business game as a whole ends with a general summing up, awarding the winners and setting goals for self-development and the development of the reporting region. What participants receive and learn.

Model of behavior in real conditions.

Theoretical justification of competition methods.

Self-management and team management skills in realistic conditions.

Feedback (both quantitative and qualitative) about your benefits and weak points Oh.

Own development plan.

Logical blocks of a business game.

1.Market analysis and goal setting.

Market analysis, SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunities, threats).

Searching for dealers, studying strengths and weaknesses.

Subdealer research.

Consumer demand research.

Setting tasks and goals.

Types and subordination of goals:

§strategic goals,

§tactical goals,

§operational goals.

Planning of key areas of activity and the SMART model.

2.Access to the market.

Sequence of steps.

Selection and implementation of a strategy for interaction with dealers.

Agreement and agreements with dealers.

Contacts with sub-dealers.

3.Growth of representation.

Understanding of competitive position and marketing strategy.

§Leader, leadership contender, growing company, imitator, occupying a niche.

Development of tactical ways to implement the strategy.

Competitive analysis with development of related actions.

§Threat from market newcomers.

§Bargaining power of the firm's clients.

§Threat of substitute products.

§Intensity of rivalry between competing firms.

Impact on the distribution channel.

§Push and pull strategies.

§Influencing dealers and sub-dealers.

4.Maturity. Positioning of the company and product - highlighting distinctive sustainable advantages in relation to competitors in the eyes of customers.

Positioning of a product/service for selected target segments.

Positioning training for dealers and sub-dealers.

Sales promotion technologies.

Dealer incentives.

Subdealer incentives.

Description of business processes in sales. Optimization of information flows. Territorial analysis and classification of orders.

ABC – analysis (univariate).

Portfolio analysis (two-factor).

Classification of approaches to personal selling and awareness of one’s own role.

Trade that stimulates response.

Need-oriented trade.

Solution-oriented trading.

Advisory trading.

Planning a strategy for the trading process (from an unfamiliar client to a regular one). Planning a negotiation strategy during a meeting (from greeting to farewell).

5.Difficult market situations, crises, unexpected actions of competitors and customers (using the example of this block, we consider such a topic as self-management, because it is in difficult situations a person’s ability to control himself and others is demonstrated). Planning and goal setting.

Main characteristics of targets. - Operational, tactical and strategic plans. - Understanding of key areas of activity. - Personel assessment.

Independent task setting.

Lead time. - Reality of implementation. - Clearly formulated expected result. - Description of the means to solve the problem and their availability. - Description of the algorithm for solving the problem (if the problem is not creative). - Attractiveness.

Making decisions.

6 decision making steps. - Errors when making decisions.

Control and evaluation of activities.

Control methods. - Minimization rule.

KDI “EFFECTIVE INTERACTION” The concept of the event. KDI “Effective Interaction” is aimed at developing interaction between two companies (supplier - client, company - distributor, etc.) or departments within the company (marketing - sales department, etc.) and any other structures. CDI “Effective Interaction” allows you to simulate the interaction of two (three or more) structures, diagnose strengths and weaknesses, and create new interaction technologies. In the process of implementing a business game, the necessary connections are debugged, polished, and participants acquire the necessary communication and cognitive skills that facilitate interaction. One of the properties of a business game is its versatility, which allows you to transfer tasks to real game playback mode, in which both solutions and further analysis of the causes occur. The problems solved in a business game are actual tasks that need to be worked out to improve the efficiency of the company. The structure of the game and its main elements depend on the immediate task, the number and level of participants, etc. Basic blocks of a business game.

1. In the business game “Effective Interaction”, the necessary theoretical material is used as a basis, a new game world is created, where the group is divided into 3-5 separate states. In this exercise, the contribution of each participant is required. The value of everyone's personal contribution to team work increases. Individual interest in creating a project makes the participants involved in the entire training process.

2. The introduction of objective elements into the created game world: the name of the state, its history, relations with local residents, political system, ethics and morality, economy, useful natural resources, culture, currency of states, forms of greetings and farewells between local residents, and so on. Correlation between the abstract and the real. The teams that have created their states have a sense of value, a comparison of the real and the fictional, i.e. yourself and your creation.

3.Creating interaction between game states and teams, holding internal games, for example:

onegotiations between delegates for the trade of resources, defending the individual interests of game states at the general “world” level,

onegotiations on exchange rates,

onegotiations on interaction technologies.

4. Strengthening cohesion within teams, defending interests, possible problems arising during negotiations are perceived more acutely, personally and emotionally. The difficulties that arise at this level reflect real difficulties of both a systemic and personal nature.

5.Analysis of real results. Correlating them with possible and predictable ones. Assignment of game team points, enhancing the spirit of competition. In the future, the game evaluation system lasts until the end of the business game, which is a strong motivator and an additional connecting link. Increased desire to win. Comparison of real results and the desire to perform activities more efficiently.

6.Continuation of group play and inclusion of real life elements. Introduction into the work process of tasks aimed at solving issues related to direct examples from the company’s field of activity. Eg:

Concluding contracts for the supply of goods. - Discussion of logistics problems. - Creation of a bank for storing and exchanging information. - Consolidation and division of territories, responsibilities and powers. - Merger of companies. - Redistribution of functions.

7. Immersion of participants in reality. Strengthening interaction. Diagnosis of real difficulties. Finding ways and means of new actions. Training in new communication and cognitive technologies. Consideration of nuances, taking into account individual personal characteristics.

8. A large final task that requires participants to use all available resources to realize an effective result. Due to full inclusion in game uniform interactions between participants reflect real moments from working practice as accurately as possible. The real state of affairs is simulated. Where everyone has their own responsibilities, transmission links are reflected, and the time and energy of each task are considered. A time scale is assigned (for example, 1 minute equals 3, 6, 12 hours). The interaction mechanism is launched. A lot is visible. Who is inactive, who is involved, which links are strong, which are broken. Where there is an overload of management, cash and commodity flows that is idle. Maximum simulation of reality!!!

9. In the final discussion there is a complete analysis of the entire process of the game, the difficulties and options offered by the participants. People and technologies, pros and cons, opportunities and dangers are considered. Invaluable analysis. Transfer to real interaction. Setting goals for the future.

We call programs of this format "General Staff", since the management team (leadership teams) essentially works as a “headquarters”, organizing and coordinating the activities of other business units (project teams).

To the program "General Staff" includes work with the following topics: integration of corporate values ​​(in behavioral manifestations), leadership, formation of a culture of support for the Leader, mentoring and constructive feedback, management processes (creation of IOD, goal setting, organization, coordination, motivation, control)

Advantages of this approach:

    The realism of the activities of program participants increases (closer to the business environment), the past experience of managers is in demand and used, and the experience gained in the program is transferred to business activities.

    The management team, by being visible and demonstrating effective and efficient performance, increases its authority among the staff. In addition, members of the management team, acting as an example, can transmit from top to bottom approaches and methods of work, standards of behavior and interaction, corporate values ​​and philosophy.

    Joint success is the result of the combined efforts of ALL program participants; as a result, motivation to work together increases, a sense of “we” develops, and identification with the company increases.

Another version of games that simulate solving problems of the full management cycle, but with a creative twist, are programs like “Making a Movie” and “Formula 1”.


    For the first time, games as a means of teaching practical action began to be used in military organizations. Before the start of hostilities, the leadership held a kind of games in which they practiced the actions of the command staff in connection with the upcoming military operation. Depending on the analysis of specific conditions (reconnaissance, assessment of the situation, enemy forces, friendly forces and means, goals and objectives, coordination of actions with other units), a decision was made.

    Concentration and centralization of production and capital, mass production, mass armies, and the increased role of various kinds of headquarters have created new conditions for simulation games. Command and staff exercises (CSE) began to be conducted in the armies of European and Asian countries, especially active in the 20-30s before the Second World War. In the USA, this process unfolded only during the Second World War and intensified in the post-war period, growing into modern conditions to gigantic and expensive NATO exercises.

    In the national economy, the method of imitation games was first used in 1932 in Russia. The business game was held at the Leningrad Engineering and Technical Institute, its author M.M. Birshtein. The results of this game became the basis for conducting economic experiments at one weaving factory and in subsequent business practice.

    The first machine game was organized in 1955 by the so-called non-profit American corporation RAND Corporation. Its participants are US Air Force logistics officers. The goal of the game was to optimize costs and organize supplies for the US Air Force in the country and at numerous military bases beyond its borders. Using computers, business games were first organized by the American Management Association in 1956, and the following year, 1957, 20 presidents of the largest US firms took part in such a game.

    In modern conditions, business games are widely held in many countries:

    In the process of training managers and other leaders in universities and secondary specialized educational institutions;

    In the process of production and sales of products at enterprises and in the service sector to develop the most informed decisions, as well as when designing new and reconstructing old enterprises:

    During R&D;

    In ministries, departments, associations and unions in the sphere of production, trade, financial sector, service sector, in the military economy and the armed forces.

    In this workshop, business games are developed only for educational purposes to teach the basics of management after students have completed practical training at enterprises.

    When preparing for games, you need to consider:

    1) production experience of the trainees, availability of industrial practice (work in industrial, commercial, financial, non-production spheres) and, depending on this, set goals, objectives, game conditions and determine its scenario;

    2) interests of students, their predisposition to certain types of management activities when distributing roles in the game;

    3) the amount of time allocated by thematic plans for conducting practical classes and business games;

    4) the ability of students to obtain information necessary for making decisions on economic (production, financial, sales, etc.) issues. In cases of information limitations, it is necessary to provide “standard” data prepared by the teachers themselves (directories, standards, regulations, decrees and orders, standard forms of business documentation, etc.);

    5) conditional nature educational games, simplifying situations, reducing the actually necessary time frame for completing work.

    Practical task

    To participate in business games, think over and fill out the form.


    Full Name

    Faculty, course, group.

    Practical work experience, length of service, specialty (available as an elective).

    In which area of ​​work do you show the greatest interest: industry, construction, transport, communications, agriculture, finance, trade, service sector, etc. (underline or add as necessary)?

    In what capacity do you intend to take part in the game?

    Which of your fellow students do you intend to collaborate with in the business game and in what capacity?

    What literature on management do you have?

    Will you be preparing coursework or dissertation work on management?

    Have you participated in business games in other academic disciplines, and if so, in what capacity?



    Preparing the game.

    Game director:

    1) prepares initial data characterizing the financial and economic state of the enterprise that the student is to manage;

    2) analyzes the personal data of the game participants and pre-plans the distribution game roles;

    3) develops a game script and conducts a brief briefing with the participants;

    4) determines the rules and output of the game.

    Game participants:

    1) study the necessary literature on the topic;

    2) preliminarily determine in what position they would like to take part in the game;

    3) draw up a short approximate list of rights and responsibilities for these positions;

    4) prepare for discussion in the group the organizational structure of the enterprise and services, the nature of the products (services) produced, the name and brand name.

    Purpose of the game.

    Instilling practical skills in holding meetings and conferences, collective discussion of organizational issues and decision-making, familiarization and mastering the procedure for working with financial and economic indicators.

    Conditions of the game.

    The enterprise was conditionally established and has been operating for several years in a large industrial center. Has buildings, structures, machines, tools, equipment, raw materials and supplies. Sales and deliveries are carried out without hindrance. Staffed with personnel other than management.

    This organization is a joint-stock enterprise, privatized in 1994, and belongs to the second group of enterprises (see Economic Bulletin of Russia. 1994. No. 2. P. 21-23) with a book value of fixed assets of more than 1.5 million rubles. In terms of January 1, 1997, taking into account the coefficient, the value of the funds was 10.5 billion rubles. The number of employees is 10,001 people.

    Vacant positions: general director, his deputy, chief engineer, chief accountant, head of personnel management, head of the planning and financial department, head of the production and technical department, head of the supply and sales department, head of the quality control and certification department, legal adviser. If the number of participants in the game allows, then two people are appointed to each position, or vacant positions of heads of buildings, workshops and sections are provided.

    The issued shares are distributed according to Option 1 of the State Privatization Program: 25% of the authorized capital of registered preferred shares - to members of the labor collective (non-voting shares), 10% of ordinary shares by private subscription with a discount of 30% of their par value - to members of the labor collective, 51% of ordinary shares shares - to the property fund, 5% of ordinary shares - to the administration of the enterprise, 9% of shares were sold at auction at a commercial rate.

    The company produces products for industrial purposes (according to the choice and interests of the majority of students in the group: ferrous or non-ferrous metals, casting or stamping of parts, assembly of engines, dynamos, production of bearings, agricultural machinery and equipment, mineral fertilizers, timber, etc.).

    Game script.

    The teacher appoints an initiative group from among the game participants and sets them the task of preparing and holding a meeting of the enterprise team with the agenda “Elections of senior management of the enterprise.” Next, the game follows a scenario determined by the actions of the initiative group and the progress of the meeting, in which all students participate. After the elections and appointment of game participants to positions, they must familiarize themselves with their rights and responsibilities for the positions they occupy (despite all the conventions of the training session).

    If the “personnel issues” are successfully resolved, the manager will give a number of introductory tasks to all participants in the game and monitor their implementation:

    1. The General Director distributes 5% of ordinary shares (100 pcs.) among the administration of the enterprise.

    2. Each manager should draw up a diagram of the organizational structure of his department and determine vertical and horizontal communications.

    3. Consider the numerical composition of your units by profession, specialty and qualifications.

    4. Provide game participants with initial data on the following indicators:

    Headcount of the enterprise………………………………………………………………

    Cost of fixed assets (production)…………………….

    Cost of working capital (turnover rate - 4 turns per year)…

    Annual production volume (in current prices) excluding tax on

    Additional cost………………………………………………….

    Production costs


    material costs……………………………………………………………….

    labor costs……………………………………………………………..

    depreciation of fixed assets………………………………………..

    contributions for social needs……………………………………

    other expenses………………………………………………………….

    profit subject to tax……………………………..

    After completing the introductory tasks, the game director listens to reports from all managers, sorts out any disagreements that have arisen between top and middle management and provides time to formalize the decisions made in writing.

    There is a lot of material on the Internet today trainings And business games on different topics. However, oddly enough, it is not so easy to find projects aimed at the quality of information transfer and task setting. Especially if these are not games invented by coaches, some of which were not used in practice at all.

    I found this out when an acquaintance supervisor asked to recommend interesting communication games for transmitting information. They gathered for the New Year holidays with the whole company outside the city for three whole days: and New Year meet, play sports, and unite the team. To make it both useful and fun.

    I liked the idea (although, to be honest, I’m not sure that it’s appropriate for a New Year’s corporate party, anyway, training ).

    So, after rummaging around on the Internet, I didn’t find anything new (I’m surprised). If anyone knows, tell me! As a result, I decided to remember all the most interesting things that I had encountered during communications trainings with my participation and collect them in one place. Since I did this kind of work, it would be great if it helps someone else.

    I took part in most of the games myself, and watched some from the sidelines. I didn't manage to collect much, but it was tested in practice. At the same time, I improved some points a little and accompanied them with comments. So, let's begin!

    I have selected from collected games three groups:

    • Games aimed at the ability to convey information.
    • Games aimed at setting goals.
    • Games aimed at organizing teamwork with tasks.

    Games aimed at the quality of information transfer

    These are the simplest and most common games, quite often used in communications training, consulting, sales and others where skills are required to clearly convey information from one person to another.

    There are many variations of games on this theme, but they can be conditionally grouped into two groups: “draw or assemble something” and “transmit information orally.” They are usually assembled either from paper or from straight lines, such as matches (toothpicks, counting sticks, whatever is on hand). Well, they draw what they like.

    No. 1 – Assemble a geometric figure

    The essence of the game: a certain figure is prepared in advance, cut into pieces so that several simple geometric shapes are obtained (circle, square, triangle, etc.). Two people are positioned in such a way as not to see each other (for example, they sit back to back, or on opposite sides of the board). One person sees in front of him assembled figure(drawn). The second one is given the cut parts.

    The task is to convey information in words in such a way as to assemble the desired figure. The result is compared with the sample. The more complex the chosen figure, the more interesting (but also more difficult). You can time different pairs using the same figure. As practice shows, the best results come from those who can clearly present information (this is a proven fact). Colors can also be used. Samples of children's appliqués, which can be found in large quantities on the Internet, are well suited for figures. For example, these:

    Or less obvious and not entirely logical, like this elephant:

    For those who prefer it, you can cut it into smaller pieces.

    Well, if there are no pictures, then you can...

    No. 2 – Assemble a figure from matches

    Everything is similar to the previous version with figures, but the figure is made up of matches (or other straight sticks). At first glance, this is simpler, but not always. We must strive for an exact match of the picture.

    If a person does not have patience or cannot present information consistently, the task will be difficult to complete. Sometimes it’s strange from the outside to watch how people struggle with the simplest figure. Time also matters. After all, effectiveness in such exercises lies not only in “whether they can or not” - they can. But how quickly is the goal of the exercise. Example of possible schemes:

    #3 – Draw a figure

    Again, everything is similar, only instead of folding the figure, you need to draw it on paper. This task is more difficult, since the figures can be rearranged if something goes wrong, and a drawing is a drawing. You can draw anything you want. The main thing is that it does not require drawing skills, i.e. also simple geometric shapes.

    No. 4 – Broken phone

    Broken Phone is a classic game everyone has known since childhood. Only " like an adult"looks a little more complicated.

    The task is this: it is necessary to convey the most significant information along the chain, and preferably as accurately as possible. For the transmitted information, it is advisable to use an intricate story of 10 lines. Of course, there is no need to tell each other in each other’s ears so that no one hears. The process is organized like this: everyone goes out the door (except for the leader and the first participant). The presenter reads a story from a piece of paper to the first participant. The second one's name is. The first one tells him. Etc. Everyone who spoke sits down, listens and writes down their observations, in which area and how important information was lost.

    Then they draw conclusions. In this exercise, not only short-term memory is important, but also the ability to isolate the main thing from the flow of information. It should be noted that when you listen for the first time, it is difficult to grasp what exactly is important, because you don’t know what the story is about, and some single little thing may turn out to be important.

    During the transfer of information, you can ask again and clarify. But in this case the time must be limited.

    The text can be some little-known historical fact, an entertaining story from the life of animals, or simply the text of a business letter with facts, figures and instructions.

    There are "extensions" of the game:

    The most difficult option is when you select logic problem, which the last participant must guess. After all, if important details are lost, it will be very difficult to guess.

    If you have difficulty preparing the text, there is another option for a damaged phone. They take a picture that shows a lot of details (anything, even a work of art, even a collage). The first one carefully studies the picture, then they begin to transmit it along the chain according to the same scheme. At the end they compare and exchange opinions.

    Problem setting game

    No. 5 – The leader in a hurry

    The essence of the game is as follows. The director sets an urgent task to the head of the department. Since he is in a hurry (no matter where: on a plane, an emergency meeting, the main thing is that the director will not be available to clarify the information again), he transfers the task through his secretary. The manager, in turn, delegates the task to his subordinate. (That is, the chain Director - secretary - head of department - employee). If you wish, you can shorten the chain by one person, but this will greatly simplify the task.

    The game can be played in two versions: only oral communication or with recording on paper (these are different tasks and the result will be different).

    The task can only be clarified by the person who delegated it. The task itself should be formulated simply and clearly, but contain many small details that are important for its accurate execution. Maybe even confused in some way.

    For example: “Maria, tell Sergei Viktorovich, the head of the financial department, to go into the accounting department and find a red folder on the shelf to the right of the door on the third shelf from the top. There are three red folders on the shelf, and they are not labeled. He only needs one, the one on the left. In the folder you need to find the audit report of the Business Finance company. There will be a report from the “Business Formula” company nearby, I don’t need it, I only need “Business Finance”. Let him re-read this report, make notes, scan it and send it to me by email. I need the report in literally an hour, I want to look at it on the plane.”

    This is a short and easy example, use your imagination!

    The effect is more visual if the final performer is given a description of the situation that he observes while performing the task.

    At the end, a conclusion is drawn: was the final performer able to complete the task? What stopped him?

    Games aimed at organizing teamwork with tasks

    #6 – Collect cards

    Perhaps the most strong game on goal setting, which I have seen in communications trainings. If you come across more effective ones, please tell us.

    The task itself is simple and everyone can handle it, the question is how many iterations.

    This game is aimed both at a clear statement of the task by a top-level manager, and at the ability to organize work by department heads, as well as communication skills between departments.

    A sufficiently large number of participants is required (preferably a multiple of the number of cards, excluding leaders; it is better to use a deck of 54 cards). For example, we have four departments with three employees each, for a total of 12 people. If you deal them four cards each, you get 48, the rest can be distributed as you wish. Leaders don't have maps.

    The main condition is that you cannot talk. No one can. All communication is only in writing. The director sets the task to the heads of the department. Department heads set tasks for their employees.

    To organize communications you will need paper. I recommend using colored note paper (which is in square blocks). It’s also worth handing out a pack of paper clips. It’s good if each department has its own color - then you can count the number of iterations.

    Goal: complete the task set by the director in the most effective way (with less communication).

    The director sets a task for the managers (in writing, of course). The task is to collect cards that are identical in some way. For example, all cards of the same suit (all spades), all cards of the same value (all tens), etc. Each department head has his own task. In the simplest case, tasks are non-conflicting, that is, everyone can complete a task without violating the interests of another department. In more complex cases, tasks may overlap.

    For example, if one department needs to collect all the crosses, then the second department will not be able to collect all the kings. The combinations can be different, which makes the game more interesting - you can adjust the difficulty. You can diversify the game by removing the required card(none of the participants should know).

    The chain of communication is as follows:

    • The director communicates only with department heads.
    • Department heads can only communicate with employees of their own department or heads of other departments. Accordingly, an employee can only contact his supervisor. If he needs to contact another department, he does it through his boss.

    All requests are carried out only on paper. We remember that we cannot speak. Staples are used to secure related queries (questions and answers) together, as well as to attach a card to a query.

    The result is used to calculate the number of iterations that each department had to make. But that's not all. It is worth analyzing some solutions. For example, what did managers do when they discovered that they could not complete their tasks at the same time? Someone will try to “pull the blanket over themselves,” someone will decide to help another, and someone will offer the director to make a decision.

    The game is quite funny, even for those watching. To feel it, you have to try it. It is especially interesting when the interests of departments intersect. I think there will be something to discuss.

    No. 7 – Puzzles

    I’ll end the New Year’s story about communication games with a simple puzzle game. Despite its simplicity, it is also interesting. The idea is that puzzles should be assembled collectively, and the game itself is aimed at self-organization teams, that is, there is no leader here.

    The bottom line is this: only the presenter sees the picture. He tells what he sees and answers questions if participants ask them. The team collects the picture.

    Goal: collect as quickly as possible.

    It is advisable that there be quite a lot of puzzle elements, otherwise it will be inconvenient for everyone. The team must decide for themselves how they will complete the puzzle. There are various options:

    • He starts collecting alone, everyone just helps him.
    • They divide the task of painting objects between different people, then quickly join them together.
    • Other scenarios are possible, it depends on the team, the presence of a leader in the team and its coherence.

    Advice: do not use very common well-known pictures. There are times when a puzzle is put together instantly by one person simply because he and his child have already put it together 50 times :). It just won't be interesting.