The most profitable tank in World of Tanks. The most profitable tank in World of Tanks The most profitable tank in world of tanks


World of Tanks is the most popular online tank battle simulator in the world. There are simply no competitors to this game. Consequently, the guys from Wargaming, for the simple reason that they have baked such an excellent and, importantly, free game for humanity, quite rightly want to make money on it, so the development system /mmo_igry/world_of_tanks.html is such that after the 5th level the player begins to experience discomfort due to increased costs. The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans are: income seems to increase, but so do expenses. Costs are growing so rapidly that at the 8th level of technology, going to -15 thousand after an unsuccessful battle is not a problem. Rolling out levels 9-10 into a net profit is very difficult. Two conditions must be met: the team should not merge, the equipment should not be destroyed, and the number of shots, especially inaccurate ones, should not be too high. An ideal race should look like this: you started, your vehicle fired 5-7 times, and almost all the shells hit the target. Breaking through 2-3 thousand. The tank/art/tank itself is either without damage or with minimal damage. In all other cases, either an insignificant profit or a loss. Therefore, players drive circles on level 5 tanks to earn silver. But there is also premium technology, which is designed just for this.

So, World of Tanks and premium vehicles are levels 5-10 as of game version 0.9.6.

You can choose the most budget-friendly option for earning money, starting from 5 levels. Premium equipment in itself does not provide an advantage in battle, other than a slightly more loyal auto balance, but it allows you to earn more significantly.

So, among the most profitable equipment of the 5-6th level we can mention. Soviet: SU-85-I, Churchill III. German: T-25, Pz.Kpfw. IV American T-14, M4A2E4. British Excelsior and TOG II. Chinese Type 64. Japanese Chi-Nu Kai. Everything else is not worth your expense. No matter how much you like the same Dicker Max, SU-100Y or Ram II, they have serious drawbacks that will make earning money turn into torture.

We will not dwell seriously on these tanks, since they are not expensive, and, frankly speaking, they are not very useful. The choice of real masters is premium tanks of tier 8, or maybe 7, although the difference between them is striking. We will look at all tier 8 tanks.

But first, let's pay a little attention to Tier 7 tanks, which are also close enough to be worth buying, although they are losing out to their Tier 8 competitors. This can be clearly seen from the difference in cost.

So Soviet. One of the advantages is that the reload is as fast as that of a premium Pershing, while the SU is level seven, which is also very good; by level 9 it will be very rare to abandon it. Not the worst penetration and good damage. This PT is one of the best purchases that precede level 8. However, it also has enough disadvantages. It is maneuverable, but penetrates very easily, and the fast reloading is “compensated” by a very long aiming. In fact, this circumstance cancels out the successes during reloading, because it takes a long time to aim. However, the SU-122-44 is an excellent vehicle for the money.

Panther/M10. A fast, rapid-fire tank, with good penetration and aiming, which almost never throws at level 9. It is cheaper than the SU-122-44, but it cannot be said that it earns less. This is exactly the case when the price is calculated from the cost of damage per minute, and for the SU-122-44 it is 1000 more. The disadvantages here are the almost complete lack of armor, frequent fires on board, and explosions of ammunition. You won't be able to tank with this vehicle. In close combat it is also not reliable enough. It is best used at medium distances. Therefore, if you do not like to stay out of the thick of battle, this tank is not for you.

AT15a. British PT- a real barrier for everyone and everything if it stands in a narrow passage and protects the rear. This tank has a very original cannon. It is very weak, it has very low penetration, but it has excellent accuracy and aiming speed. From this gun you can, like a scalpel, disassemble the enemy into pieces, shooting at his vulnerable spots. If you encounter an AT15a, don't stand still, keep moving. The main advantage of this tank is its excellent armor, if you do not take into account the machine gun nest on the roof. As for the downsides, everything is clear here: once you drive to the rear of the AT15a, you can do whatever you want with it. A hulking, weakly armored tin can is unlikely to be able to save itself. He earns little money. The SU-122-44 is much cooler in this regard.

Now the eighth levels.

The worst thing you can buy is the IS-6. This tank is unreasonably expensive, has a not very good gun, mediocre armor, and, above all, is a regular guest in battles against levels 9-10.

And here KV-5, which is only on sale and usually comes in packs, is one of the best purchases you can make in this game. KV-5 is a money making machine. He is constantly thrown into the TOP. It has excellent armor, a high rate of fire and sufficient penetration. In addition, it is fast and heavy, which means it is good at ramming. The disadvantages are traditional: high profile, poor accuracy, and the hatch on the turret, which is very vulnerable for its vulnerability. However, if you decide to spend money on a premium tank, the KV-5 is the best choice.

8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger. A relatively inexpensive anti-tank vehicle with very powerful frontal armor and a strong gun. This tank has the highest damage per minute among all tier 8 competitors. Cons: high profile and low speed. Artillery will only target your tank. In general, this technique allows you to make good money, but you need to know how to manage it. The car is not for everyone, and definitely not for beginners.

Lowe. One of the most expensive tanks. Distinctive features: very good armor, as well as a very accurate and quite powerful gun. It's not a bad tank, but you shouldn't expect miracles from it. He is quite often thrown to level 9, which dismantle Levu very quickly. Of the minuses, of course, the penetration is rather weak. Tanking head-on against the same KV-4 will be very difficult. You will have to save yourself solely by the accuracy of the shot. Overall, this tank can be described as more fashionable and beautiful than practical. Although he also earns quite well, at least not worse than the same Jagdtiger.

A relatively new technique, for which they ask for the same amount as for a Super Pershing E26E4. In fact, this is an improved Panther. Those who feel confident riding a Panther can safely opt for this option. Advantages: accurate, quickly converged weapon with good penetration, as well as high speed. Typical medium tank support, on which you cannot tank, but rather go around the flank and drive through the meadows, bypassing urban development. Of the minuses - very weak armor. If this premium panther is thrown to the 9th level, and this happens, then there is almost nothing for it to catch there. In terms of earnings, the tank is noticeably worse than Leva, which is fully reflected in its cost (5000 coins cheaper). You should buy it only because you love the Panthers, or because your wallet is not thick enough.

E26E4. But if you don’t have 12 thousand gold coins, but only 7 thousand, then it’s better to buy E26E4, also known as Super Pershing. What is especially great about this tank is that it is very rarely thrown out of the TOP. Typical advantages of the Pershing: a fairly biting gun, as well as excellent armor. In a frontal battle, Pershing is a ricochet champion. A very unpleasant opponent. The downside is the slowness. It moves very slowly. Climbing uphill becomes a real test for the player's patience. But this has its own advantage: it is difficult to escape from the start and get into trouble. Pershing, as a rule, arrives in battle when much is already clear there. Without premium, on average you will receive 30-40 thousand silver per battle. With premium – about 70-80. Less than Leva, but the price of Pershing is almost two times lower. In general, a good, but difficult to master tank.

T-34. American big man, owner of an excellent gun. In terms of earnings characteristics, he is close to Lev. Has a more powerful, but less accurate and slower gun. His tower is practically impenetrable. The tower can be exposed to almost any enemy, but things are not so good below. The big disadvantage of the T34 is that, due to its powerful gun, it very often drops to levels 9-10. It's very difficult for him there. Overall, it’s a good tank, but, in the author’s opinion, it’s a bit expensive.

This is the only premium Frenchman of this level. Very good penetration and excellent maneuverability. Heavy tank, like almost all colleagues from French branch, in terms of speed and armor it is more similar to medium ones. If you are confident that you can play without exposing yourself to enemy shells, this tank is for you. Thanks to his gun, you will earn quite a lot of money. But if you rarely leave the battle without being wounded, then be prepared that the tank will disappoint you: it will always get through everyone.

112 . Well, now things have come to the Chinese. 112 is an almost complete copy of the IS-6, with slightly rebalanced armor. At the same time, 112 is noticeably more expensive than its Soviet prototype. To be honest, it feels like the cost of 112 is very high. It, like the IS-6, would be more suitable for a price of 9-10 thousand, but not 12. For this money you should take the Leva or the same FCM 50t, at least it’s more fun.

T-34-3. Another unreasonably expensive medium Chinese tank. For 11 thousand it is better to take Jagdtiger, there will be another thousand left. This is a fast tank that has an energetic, but not very accurate weapon. In general, its gun is almost worse than that of the T-44. If he collides with the T-54, then the Chinese have very little chance. But, if this tank is in the top, he can earn up to 50 thousand silver. But, if you prefer medium tanks, it is better to take the Panther mit 8.8. It is much cheaper, and it will have to meet with levels 9-10 much less often.

Taking part in the battles of the world of tanks, each tank brings a certain amount of credit (farming silver), which can be used in the game to improve the existing arsenal and acquire a new weapon or improve the skills of the crew, which is also important.

Each car brings a certain amount of credit

In this case, not only the winner, but also the losing team receives credit. The specific amount of silver received depends on the individual achievement of the player and his armored horse.

Combat vehicles vary in terms of profitability. In addition, a lot depends on the skills and knowledge of the player himself. One player can achieve more with a simple tank than another with an armed premium tank. Despite this, the question of which is the most profitable tank in World of Tanks worries many tankers.

Most likely, you need to look for the most profitable one among premium tanks, which, along with the low cost of charges and repairs, allow you to farm a larger amount of silver in one battle. Such premium vehicles are available at all levels from 2 to 8. Naturally, a premium tank of level 8 with a profitability of about 50 thousand credits, at first glance, seems more profitable than others, however seasoned players disagree.

Let's look at some of the tanks that are preferred, their pros and cons

1. 8.8 cm PaK 43 JagdTiger - has cheap shells, but its maneuverability leaves much to be desired;

2. KV - 5 - has a good rate of fire and cheap shells, has powerful armor, but is endowed with poor armor-piercing ability, as a result, in battle it loses to a well-armored opponent;

3. Some players call the German Lowe (translated as lion) profitable. This tank is very accurate and has excellent armor penetration, literally 10 accurate shots enough to accumulate about 70 thousand silver. But the lion also has a number of disadvantages. So its armor is rather weak, the transmission is located in the front, which is fraught with an increased fire hazard, in addition, it is somewhat slow.

According to many players, the most profitable tank in World of Tanks is the Type 59 Gold.

There are legends about this combat unit; they say that this machine is capable of bringing an unprecedented amount of credit from one battle. But few have been able to verify this. The fact is that you can only buy it for real and considerable (about $700) money. So, the question of the most profitable tank is open, the decision is up to each of the tankers.

Idea creation of World of Tanks, most likely, originated with the developers back in the days of eight-bit consoles and the game " Tank Battle" 9 years after the millennium, the game in beta version was submitted for testing to players from Russia and the CIS. Over the past few years, absolutely everything in the game has changed: tanks, nations, graphics and physics, but one thing has remained unchanged - pumping up the tank from level to level. True, to purchase new tanks you need silver (for premiums - gold). How to quickly earn silver and which is the most profitable WoT tank, we'll talk about it in this article.

Profitability theory

Of course, we can speak conditionally about the profitability of a particular tank. Cool players with statistics of 70-80% will be able to get constant profits even from level 8-9 tanks. Crooked gamers are quite capable of falling into the minus even by premium tank. After all, many factors influence the profitability of a particular tank.

So, in particular, silver is given for damage - damage inflicted on the enemy. The more damage you deal, the more silver you will receive at the end of the battle. But you need to take into account that damage by its light gives more silver. Therefore, tank destroyers are less suitable for farming silver, since most tank destroyer owners prefer the “bush style” of the game.

In addition to causing damage, silver can be obtained for highlighting enemy vehicles, capturing a base and knocking down a capture, assisting in the destruction of equipment, and for blocking damage with armor. Moreover, the last two were introduced into the game recently.

But after each battle you have to buy shells, equipment and repair the tank. The higher the level of the tank, the higher the repair cost. Shells for a lethal gun are more expensive than shells for a small-caliber gun.

Based on the foregoing, the most profitable vehicles include researchable tanks of levels 5-7. Tier 1-4 tanks do not allow you to deal much damage and therefore fall out of the list. Level 8-10 combat vehicles have expensive repairs and shells. Farming with them is simply unrealistic. Even if you earned a large number of credits in one battle, in the next you will be thrown to the bottom of the list, and you will spend all the silver you earned on repairs and shells.

Premium tanks

Premium cars are introduced into the game for the sole purpose of farming silver. And they have everything for this: an increased profitability ratio, low repair costs, cheap shells (for most vehicles). Of course the most profitable tank World of Tanks you need to look specifically among them. The game has introduced many premium tanks from the second to the eighth level inclusive. Undoubtedly, the most profitable are Tier 8 tanks, the average profitability of which without a premium account is 30-40 thousand net credits (minus repairs and shells).

But even here, people’s opinions differ regarding the most profitable premium tank. It all depends on the player’s skills and his favorite tank class. For those who prefer to play tank destroyers, the premium 8.8 cm PaK 43 JagdTiger will be the farming machine. This is the same level 9 Yaga, but with a weaker gun. Shells for the gun are cheap, making it even easier to farm credits. But the tank, like its older brother, is slow-moving and requires “straight arms.”

For fans of heavy tanks, the choice is even greater. Many consider the KV-5 to be the best farming tank among heavy combat vehicles. Best armor at the level, a rapid-fire gun, cheap shells - all this allows you to take 40-50 thousand credits clean out of a “good” battle. But the gun’s weak armor penetration means that it is necessary to use expensive sub-caliber shells at a price of 4,400 silver apiece. As a result, when fighting with heavily armored enemies, farming credits turns into hard labor.

Many people prefer to buy German Lowe or American T34 for farming. As a matter of fact, an American can forgive any user for being crooked, since it has the highest armor penetration with a conventional projectile (248 mm). But playing on Lowe requires certain skills, since this is a support tank for which close combat is tantamount to death.

But the title of “most profitable premium tank” can be given to the Type 59 combat vehicle with the Gold prefix. This tank is only available on the Chinese server and has the best profitability in the game (twice higher than the regular Type 59). They say that this machine can take out 70-80 thousand silver from a battle without a premium.

"Credit" tanks

If you don’t want to invest money in the game, a farming machine can also be found among the researchable “credit” tanks. So, most players consider the Soviet KV-1 best farm tank Level 5. Excellent all-round armor (only the British AT-2 is better), a fast-firing top gun with 160 damage and cheap shells allow you to bring 10-15 thousand silver back from battle. When there was no division into the KV-1 and KV-2, the KV with the “shaitan gun” was rightfully considered the most farmable tank among all the vehicles presented in the game.

But to this day, many players prefer to ride the KV-2 with a high-explosive weapon, the damage of which is 700 units. Shells for this gun are cheaper than for the 122 mm KV-1S gun. If you play skillfully, the KV-2 will constantly bring you credits, and thanks to cumulative gains you can safely destroy level 8 tanks.

An overview of this tank can be seen in the following video:

As for the above KV-1S, the cost of shells for the top gun is more than 1000 silver. With the gunner's strabismus and the user's crooked hands, it is rarely possible to gain profit. But successful fighting and a couple thousand damage in battle will undoubtedly bring you a profit in the form of a couple tens of thousands of silver.

Among the six-tier tanks, one can also highlight the popular “Witch” - the American M18 Hellcat. A gun with high armor penetration for the sixth level, excellent one-time damage and a good rate of fire, coupled with excellent dynamic characteristics and a rotating turret, made the Hell an excellent farming machine.

Don't want to be at the epicenter of hostilities? Buy Soviet artillery SU-8 for farming. The alpha of the Sushki gun is almost 1000 units. With 3-4 thousand damage, which can be safely collected from battle to battle, it is possible to take out 25-30 thousand silver. Moreover, artillery is the only class of vehicles that more often remain alive after a battle. As a result, when winning, tank repairs are rarely required, and all expenses mainly go to the purchase of shells.

Among the seventh level tanks, there are only two vehicles that can be played with silver and fun. The American heavy tank T29 with a cast iron turret and a cannon from the high-level T32 is considered the most impressive level 7 tank. It is practically impossible to penetrate it into the tower, and high armor penetration of 198 mm and one-time damage of 320 units allow it to inflict 2-3 thousand damage in a “normal battle”.

Another vehicle that can farm at level seven is the Soviet tank destroyer SU-152 with a gun similar to the one installed on the KV-2. The 152-mm high explosive has an armor penetration of 135 mm (for a cumulative projectile - 250 mm). But at the same time, the gun deals a colossal damage of 700 units. 4-5 penetrations of the enemy with complete passage damage - and you are in the black.

World of Tanks Online-only 1st3rd Person Tank Action with RPG elements. The most exciting and beautiful game for those who like to upgrade equipment. Loves to play with cars. Distracted by the process of leveling up characters role playing games. Who loves to feel the rush of adrenaline in the blood. He is stupefied by a series of close victories. He cannot hold back a stingy male tear while standing at the top of the pedestal of glory and listening to the national anthem.

The game is shareware. There are two types of players playing in them:

    Freeloaders. Those who get a thrill from the game process. And he plans to do this for years on end. There's no point in paying. You can pump tanks and crews to the maximum. Accumulate a lot of silver. And there is nothing to deny yourself.

    Donors. Those for whom victory at any cost is very important. And a place in the ranking of players on the official website forum. Who wants to organize and lead a clan to wage wars on global map. Time-constrained and/or impatient. You'll have to pay.

One could call some vampires, and others donors. Some play at the expense of others. But the real vampires are the owners MMO games. And who are they robbing? Children! :)) And Saint Nicholas gave out toys and treats to children for free. It is blasphemy and sin to take money from a child for toys and sweets. And states’ connivance with entrepreneurs in this area of ​​activity is a crime against the nation. Everything related to the care and upbringing of a child should be removed from the commercial sphere. And all entrepreneurs, immediately after the registration procedure, are sent to labor camps for re-education. According to socio-psychological characteristics, they are socially dangerous individuals. There are no laws or moral standards for them. Maximizing profit is the main goal and meaning of existence. Talk about the social responsibility of business to society, guilds, charters is all empty ringing and talk in favor of the poor in order to reduce social tension and class hatred. The vast majority of enterprises should be state-owned. Nationalize everything. Leave only the illegal trade in drugs, weapons and live goods to entrepreneurs. So that there would be something to send them to labor camps for.

All players are donors. By and large, both donors and freeloaders pay the same. Alone with their time. Others - with money. Time, as we know, is money. And if you also take into account how much both of them spend on electricity and the Internet, then the costs of freeloaders and donors will be equal.

Everything is clear with the donor. If you want to win, pay real. How can a freeloader succeed? To earn money inside game currency, in this case silver, it is recommended:

Free cheese is only in the mousetrap. In fact, all these types of games are a trap for gamers. Most MMORPG players strive to upgrade their character, in this case a tank, as quickly as possible and, having reached the highest possible level, become an omnipotent likeness of a god, at least in the virtual world. The game process is addictive. A series of victories is intoxicating. Here you are, my dear. At a certain stage of ascent to Olympus, expenses increase like an avalanche and incomes also fall catastrophically, tending to zero. Victories happen less and less often, and the growing hole in your pocket causes depression. But I want to bend everyone over. Then pay to win by investing real money in the game.

There are at least three ways out to avoid the financial trap conditionally free games:

    Leave the game while saving your account. Only a strong-willed person can do this. Remember, they want to deprive you of your blood and sweat of your earned money through manipulation. Deprive them of this pleasure. Let those who get money easily and/or dishonestly pay for the game. Easy to get, easy to lose. You hate it when your brains are fucked using psychological techniques. You hate being dependent on anything. So turn off the game and don't log in. Your determination will be rewarded a hundredfold. After a couple of months, they will begin to invite you to return, attracting you with various tempting gifts. Agree, you already know that you can leave the game again at any moment.

    Create a new character and transfer to him the legacy of the previous one. Start-up capital. How great it is to start all over again. If youth knew, if old age could. And you will get a killer cocktail of youthful enthusiasm and the wisdom of an elder. This method does not apply to Wold of Tanks.

    Swing gradually. Don't run headlong up the level hill. The higher the level, the less oxygen. Learn more about the game's economy. Look for any ways to earn money. In war it’s like being out there. Owners of shareware games are not just sellers of entertainment. They play on your weaknesses. I don't encourage cheating. This is the other extreme. In addition, cheats can kill interest in any game.

2. Human factor. It is not the form that is important, but the content. No, not the tank's configuration. And his brain is the crew. No matter how beautiful a tank you buy, if there is an untrained crew inside, the tank is a pile of metal. Don't go to new tank until you upgrade your crew to 100%. Don't fire tankers by selling a tank. Retrain them. When using retraining, you can apply a little trick and save money - train the crew in battles to 100% of the main specialization and, without taking an additional skill, accumulate 40,000 experience or more. And only after this, retrain the crew at the Regimental School - this way you will immediately receive a 100% crew and additional working skills. This method also applies to Crash Courses, but it is too irrational.

3. Before selling the tank, install the initial components. Do not sell the remaining blocks from the warehouse. Maybe you want to return the sold tank.

Since thanks to updates the situation with the profitability of tanks is changing, there is no clear answer to the question of which tank is the most profitable of all times: “Buy a ******* tank and you will bathe in silver like Uncle Scrooge McDuck in gold!” We can only say that up to level IV inclusive, no problems should arise. Above are possible options.

Profitable Tanks

The most profitable tanks at the time of writing these lines


M8A1 IV level. It features good mobility, good visibility, a variety of weapons and small dimensions. However, it is worth remembering the weak armor and slowly rotating turret, which, due to the open top, significantly increases the vehicle's vulnerability to landmines.
Price: 130,000.00 Ag

M4 Sherman American medium tank V level. It has excellent maneuverability and a flexible choice of weapons, but weak armor and a high silhouette. Price: 350,500.00 Ag

T25 AT American anti-tank self-propelled artillery installation VII level. The vehicle is a kind of American answer to the JagdPanther - somewhat inferior weapons are compensated by a lower silhouette and better mobility.

Price: 1,327,000.00 Ag

M26 Pershing American medium tank VIII level. Strong weapons and fairly good armor make this tank a serious threat. However, one should not overestimate the Pershing’s capabilities: its dynamics cannot be called very good, and its high silhouette increases its vulnerability.
Price: 2,403,000.00 Ag

T28 Prototype American anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit VIII level. It has a limited turret rotation angle and slightly less frontal armor than its turretless counterpart, but the turret allows it to successfully shoot from around corners.
Price: 2,650,000.00 Ag


Hetzer IV level. It has good frontal armor and a wide range of weapons, but poor visibility and thin side armor.
Price: 127,000.00 Ag

PzKpfw IV
German medium tank V level. This tank, after installing a Schmalturm turret and a 7.5 cm KwK 42 L/70 gun, becomes a very formidable vehicle, capable of causing trouble to any enemy it may encounter. Has average armor and mediocre mobility.
Price: 373,000.00 Ag

German anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount VII level. The Jagdpanther combines good firepower with excellent performance. Can lead accurate shooting at long distances or support an attack.
Price: 1,345,000.00 Ag

VK3002(DB) German medium tank VII level. It is distinguished by high mobility and reliable frontal armor. Can be used both in the first line and as a support vehicle.
Price: 1,369,000.00 Ag


D1 French light tank II level. It has good armor, good maneuverability, but low mobility and weapons for close combat.
Price: 3,800.00 Ag

Hotchkiss H35
French light tank II level. It has good armor, but mediocre weapons and poor dynamics, which, coupled with low speed, makes it unsuitable for maneuverable combat. However, in the role of a defender, the tank looks much better - the armor of the tank can withstand many hits, and the weakness of the weapons becomes not so critical at short and medium distances.
Price: 4,200.00 Ag

AMX 40 French light tank IV level. It has the best protection at its level due to thick ricochet armor. However, mobility leaves much to be desired, and the weapons cannot boast of great firepower.
Price: 147,500.00 Ag

BDR G1B French heavy tank V level. It has weak armor and low speed due to its outdated chassis. However, the tank also has the advantage of an excellent 90 mm gun.
Price: 400,000.00 Ag


SU-85 Soviet anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit V level. The mediocre armor of this vehicle and small review are compensated by good guns, and dynamic characteristics allow them to support the attack of allied tanks. Price: 414,000.00 Ag

KV-3 Soviet heavy tank Level VII, armored and well-armed. It fulfills its role well: pushing through defenses and holding back enemy tanks, but at the same time the tank is extremely slow and clumsy.

Price: 1,390,000.00 Ag

Soviet heavy tank VIII level, intended for assault or flanking attacks. It has good speed and powerful weapons, but poor visibility, long aiming times and a vulnerable ammunition rack. Price: 2,568,500.00 Ag

Object 704
Tier IX Soviet anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit. The combination of decent speed, good camouflage and a powerful gun allows you to feel confident in any situation. Price: 3,660,000.00 Ag

The Most Profitable or Farming Tanks on the Development Tree are marked with 3 coins