Assassin creed black flag walkthrough. Story line. III. Nassau, Bahamas

After watching the cutscene, use the navigation keys to get to the end of the ship and grab the steering wheel. Now our task is to sink enemy ships. Rotate the camera to see the location of the enemy. Having approached them for a sufficient hit of the guns, we turn the mouse and look over the side of the ship, aim right click mouse and shoot with the left. On the mini-map we catch the rest of the ships and destroy them.

There are burning barrels of gunpowder on the deck. An explosion was to be expected. We look at the memory of Edward. Waking up, Ed floats to the surface. Follow the objective marker to swim ashore. The next cutscene will begin. Chase the fleeing assassin. After running through the wooden bridge, climb the fortification with flowers to the very top and jump over the vine to the other side. Here is the first tower. Climb up and sync.

Take a Leap of Faith, as it was originally called, into a pile of leaves, then run after an assassin that appears on the horizon. Climb another wooden structure and run up the tree to jump into the water. There he will watch and shoot at Edward. Now Edward is serious. Run after him, not for the purpose of interest, but for the purpose of killing. When he stops, we carry out a series of blows with two swords and the enemy falls to the ground.

After reading a letter found on the assassin Duncan Walpole, Edward learned that they were waiting for him in Havana and we are talking about the award. Walpole's face has never been seen, but is recognized by the costume that is characteristic of the Order. Edward decides to keep the suit and earn some money.

We climb a tree and jump into the water, synchronizing the point. Get to the place where the enemies are guarding the location. While hiding in the bushes, whistle at nearby enemies to distract and silently kill/stun them without being seen. Jump from one bush to another, eliminating the enemy and getting close to the captured merchant. After talking with him, you need to swim to the ship, then swim out of the bay, maneuvering between rocks and small mounds of sand.

Sequence 2

Memory 1 | Merry Havana

Add. tasks:

- Grab a pickpocket

- Get away from guards by throwing smoke bombs

After an introductory course in Abstergo Entertainment and back to the Animus, follow Steed to the gun shop. New friend wants to buy himself a blade, but he will not forget about us either and will lend us a couple of reais to buy a sword. To find the tavern, climb the church and synchronize the point.

Jumping into the hay, you need to catch the thief. Run after him and when you get close, press [E] to grab him. After we meet with Steed at the tavern. A cutscene will load.

Now, following the instructions, learn various tricks, and then beat off the villains. Guards will flock to everything. We throw a smoke bomb (to choose, throw - [F]), rush to the leak and leave the area, hiding or leaving the chase.

Memory 2 | What about my sugar?

Add. tasks:

- Hire dancers and distract the guards

Unfortunately, the guards confiscated the sugar and took Edward's bag. We need to return the cards. To keep targets in sight, turn on Eagle Vision [V] and put on guard. Targets will be marked in yellow, enemies in red. Hire dancers along the way and follow the guards to blend into the crowd and not be seen when the guards turn around.

After the guards enter the restricted area, approach the two soldiers at the post and distract them with the help of the dancers. We go straight and climb the stairs, it is much more convenient to follow the target on the roofs. Follow the highlighted targets to the eavesdropping location by jumping from rooftop to rooftop and climbing trees. At the place, hire dancers and stay in the zone until the end of the conversation.

From the conversation it turns out that sugar and other things are kept in a castle. We approach the wooden platform and follow the captain. The best way to get inside is to climb up on the crates to the left of the main entrance and get inside through the roof. We jump into the hay and wait for the captain. Taking the key, we get out. You need to get into the prison of the fort.

You can recruit dancers again, distract the guards at the main entrance and get inside. But there is an easier and shorter way. There is a tree to the left of the entrance. We climb onto it and jump over to the wall of the prison. On the outside we climb to the left to the wall next to which our marker is located. To do this, you have to jump down to the windows below, go through them and climb up again. A guard will stand at the edge, we quickly rise and take it down on the go. The whole thing can be noticed by another guard standing nearby and begin to suspect. We hide behind the boxes and whistle. When he approaches, grab and kill. We interact with the door and take our own. We jump into the water and return to Steed Bonnet.

Memory 3 | Mr. Walpole, I presume?

Add. tasks:

-Complete the Rogers Shooting Challenge

-Clear the pockets of the Templars

We pass to the terrace of the governor's mansion, listening to the responses of the guards about our person, more precisely about the person of the late Duncan. After watching the video, you can shoot a little. Hit all targets. For 100% synchronization, you need to pass the test. The main thing in it is to shoot quickly and accurately. I advise you to start on the left side, because from that point all the targets will be visible.

Talk to the owners and get hidden blades from Julien Ducasse. Follow them to the training area to showcase your talents. Demonstrate various killing techniques, such as killing from cover, from behind a corner, in flight, etc. When finished, approach the owners and follow them to the mansion. The next cutscene will activate. Edward gave the artifact to the Magister.

Next comes the rite of entry into the Knights Templar. They want to find some Observatory. According to rumors, a tool of incredible power is hidden there. This device will allow the Templars to keep track of every person on Earth. All will become clear when they meet the Sage. Between rollers, clean the pockets of three Templars for 100% synchronization.

Memory 4 | The Man Called The Wise Man

Add. tasks:

- Use a pistol in combat

- Attack the Sage from above

After meeting with the Templars, find Senor Roberts, i.e. Sage. Only he can find the Observatory. Follow the Templars. When the assassins ambush, protect the target, it is preferable to kill the shooters on the roofs with a pistol. And so a couple more times, until we activate the next cut-scene. The Assassins killed the guards and freed the Sage, who fled. We follow him across the rooftops. For 100% synchronization, you need to jump on top of him. Edward gives the runner into the hands of the guards and receives his long-awaited reward from Torres.

Memory 5 | Any complaints?

Additional tasks:

- Avoid skirmishes

Eliminate two nearby guards on the way. Then move along the left side to the stairs, hiding in the vegetation and distracting the guards with a whistle. Turn on Eagle Vision [V] and look for the target. We need a guard who carries the key to the cage. He will go down the stairs and go to the bushes, immediately kill him and search the body.

We need to free the Sage. Climb onto the wall, go again on the left side, running from bushes to bushes. There will be a tower ahead. We ignore it and already pass through the right side to the target marker.

Upon entering the patio, the Templars, led by Torres, find and disarm Edward.

Memory 6 | Silver Fleet

Additional tasks:

- Kill 3 enemies from around the corner

- Free 23 pirates

Edward and a black friend are shackled on a ship. Click to release. Proceed to the end of the hold, removing enemies from around the corner by whistling at them. Grab your gear and head up to the deck. Let's free the pirates to come with us. For full synchronization, 23 people are needed - that's all.

Free the pirates at the end of the deck by getting rid of the enemies. On the left there will be a rope to fly over to the next ship. Jump down on one of the enemies and clear the deck using combos. Further along the bow of the ship, jump over to the next ship. Jump on the ships until you free 23 pirates.

Use the rope to move to the ship where you need to kill the captain. Then take the steering wheel and steal the ship. We look at the mini-map to determine the position of enemy ships and the desired destination. Use the onboard guns to hit small targets and finish off with falconet shots as you advance towards the target. On the way you will meet killer waves. You need to keep the bow of the ship straight, pointing at the wave to avoid significant damage. The entire fleet chasing us will be sunk and will only be left to dodge the typhoons, approaching the green marker.

Sequence 3

Memory 1 | Newly minted captain

Add. tasks:

- Shoot the iguana

- Kill an ocelot in the air

Before arriving in Nassau, Adewal advised to stock up on provisions on the island of Abaco. After landing, use the pistol to catch the necessary living creatures and cut off the skin. In the menu, you can create some useful things from the skins of animals. Craft an affordable pistol holster and improve Edward's health. Then return to the ship to Adeval and get the second pistol. It is now possible to make a series of shots by alternately pressing the button. Swim to the next marker to reach Nassau.

Memory 2 | Recruitment opened

Additional tasks:

-Kill 3 enemies by disarming them

-Save the pirate by breaking the rope with a bullet

After descending to the ground, go to the bar to meet Adewale and old friends. In these parts, you need to recruit a team for Jackdaw, but the royal fleet is walking around everywhere.

Free several groups of pirates and go to the stone fort at the top of the hill to find the gallows. We need to save the pirate who is about to be hanged. Shoot the rope with the pistol. Kill all the guards and return to the tavern.

Memory 3 | Robbery and robbery

Additional tasks:

-Kill 3 sailors with falconets

-Steal 20 crates of rum

After talking with Thatch and Hornigold, set sail on the ship to learn new things. Take out the spyglass [E] and find the Schooner. Once you get close enough, one volley and a falconet shot will be enough to board her.

Use Chain Cannonballs to do less damage to small ships. Then close in on the ship to begin boarding and use the falconets to the right and left of the steering wheel to shoot down the enemy crew. After killing the whole team, you will capture the ship and get its cargo. You can also decide what to do with the ship. On the this moment only the repair of "Galka" is available.
As soon as you have plundered a sufficient number of ships, let's go to the marker. Having sailed to Salt Key, anchor near the pier and go to the shop to buy a strong hull for Jackdaw. Return to the ship.

Memory 4 | Under the black flag

Additional tasks:

- Rob the pirate hunters

-Steal 30 bags of sugar

Having sailed out to sea, take a spyglass and find a brig with enough metal on board. Swim up and open fire with knippels. Try to stay behind the ship to get the least amount of damage. Board the brig and kill enough crew.

Grab a couple more brigs to get the right amount of metal. Now we are known. Jackdaw is now hunted by Pirate Hunters. Board their ship to reach 100% synchronization. It is marked with crossed red swords. Afterwards, head to Salt Key to lower your notoriety by bribing an official. Then get to the captain's cabin and buy onboard guns.

Memory 5 | sugar cane harvest

Additional tasks:

-Avoid skirmishes

-Damage signal bells

Swim to the objective marker to land on Andreas Island. Meet Kidd and follow him. Somewhere nearby is Beckford's attorney, who knows the location of the plantation. Climb up the rocks ahead and find him in the camp below. Activate Eagle Vision to mark the target. Follow him to the restricted area. Here he is talking about the plantation.

Run to Jackdaw and grab the helm before time runs out. Carefully follow the schooner. In the forbidden zone, avoid the line of sight of your ship for enemy ships, so as not to be attacked.
Along the way, Adewale is told about their difficult fate on one of the plantations. Once you reach your destination, moor at Cat Island.

Run along the coast in the direction of the green marker to overtake the attorney. Hide in the vegetation and eavesdrop on the conversation by following it using this method. After reaching the warehouse, you need to find the key to get inside. Return to the center of the plantation and turn on the eagle vision, with which you will find the owner of the key and mark the rest of the guards. In the same place, you can kill the guard at the post at the bell and damage it. The second bell will be to the right of the warehouse. After stealing the key, go into the warehouse and rob it.

Memory 6 | good defense

Additional tasks:

-Sink two boats with one broadside gun salvo

-Sink two ships with heavy cannonballs

Sail to the next island to meet Edward Thatch and James Kidd by the fire. Thatch offers to steal a Spanish galleon. Swim to the point where you need to find El Arco del Maestro - the ship of the line. Use the spyglass to identify the target. Once you find the galleon, keep a safe distance from it and start chasing. Also avoid enemy ships in this zone, but if you still fail, then try to hide from your pursuers by dropping barrels of gunpowder.

Next, the galleon starts firing mortar rounds, dodge the yellow circles on the water so as not to fall into the affected area. The Spanish fleet will appear on the horizon. Shoot them from a long distance to quickly hit small targets with one volley. To complete the second additional task, you must have purchased heavy cores. To use them, shoot in the same way as on-board guns, only without aiming (offhand). They are not very long-range, but they do much more damage.

Memory 7 | lonely madman

Additional tasks:

-Avoid skirmishes

-Kill Dukas in the air

Jump into the water. Stepping on the ground, climb the ruins to the very top and follow the marker. Hiding in the bushes, remove the first patrol. Going further, jump from the branch to the other two. Make your way through the jungle in this way until you reach the camp. Hiding in the bushes, go around the enemy and climb the tree ahead. Further on the way there will be two guards, go around them on the left, hiding in the bushes.

Upon reaching the city, you will need to find Julien Ducasse and kill him. You can go through without killing anyone, just moving through the shelters. After passing on the left side, we jump into the water and swim to the ship. Use [E] to avoid being seen by the guards on the pier. Swim from the other side of the ship and climb up the lines. Activating Eagle Vision will identify the target. Drop down a little and get a jump kill.


The administration invites us to their place. Melanie leads us to the elevator. Rise upward. At this moment, an IT specialist contacts us. Go to the office of the creative director, after the conversation, return to the workplace. The guy from the IT department calls us again and asks to download one file from a colleague's computer. Follow the marker and enter the room where you need to log into the animus. Bypassing the protection is easy, you just need to get on the green path. After hacking, we look at the file.

Sequence 4

  • Great Inagua, March 1716

Memory 1 | Old-old bay

Talk to James Kidd. Follow him through the jungle. He will lead Edward to a cluster of stone formations. Let's get in and interact. Arrange the symbols so that they fall on the objects on the ground. Then dig up the treasure.

Follow him further. Edward will be in a cave that leads to the estate. On the table is a map with the designation of the camps of the assassins. Behind the bars on the opposite wall there is a suit, you can open it by getting the keys, passing the tasks "Hunting the Templars".
After leaving the estate, proceed to the pier to meet with Kidd for the last time. It may be that the destination will not have a ship. In this case, download the mission from checkpoint. Bugs are such a thing.

Remembrance 2 | Nothing is true...

Additional tasks:

-Knock out 3 assassins

-Collect 4 treasures from chests

Arriving on the island, quietly make your way along the coast to our goal. Along the way, you can knock out 3 or more assassins. Treasures come across along the way, but not all. One will have to look in the thick of the enemy. Get to a large cluster of "enemy", quietly make your way to the left and climb the wall. Sneak along the left side, hiding the bodies in the bushes. Having met Kidd near the temple, Edward will meet with the assassins.

Memory 3 | The terrible secret of the Sage

Edward and James decide to search the Mayan temple to find out who the Sage is.

Follow Kidd to the bridge. When it collapses, go around on the left side. To open the door, you need to jump on the red block and lower it to the platform. Follow your partner further, the next mechanism will be broken.

Jump into the water. Dive [E] and swim after James. Oxygen is not infinite, so you will need to surface, and then dive again. Get to the foot of the temple. Kidd warns Edward about something that will make his head spin. Well, let's see. Climb up the wall and up the stairs.

To pass, you will need to solve the riddle of the statue. The point is to match the colored blocks with the colored platforms. Raise the blue block on the left with the counterweight (the block next to it) by jumping on it. Move the lever to the left so that the ring turns into a blue platform towards the blue block. Now jump on this blog and it will land on the platform. 1/3 of the door is open. Then take the lever and turn left again. It is necessary to remove the red block from the platform that is not suitable in color. Raise it in the way described earlier and pull the lever already to the right to match the greens. Well, it remains to compare the reds. Opening the door, Edward recognizes the physiognomy of the Sage in the face sculpture.

Memory 4 | Numerical superiority

Additional tasks:

-Kill 8 guards with darts

-Use berserk poison on 2 guards

Meet A-Tabai. The maps that Edward gave to the Templars led them to the Assassins' camp. Among the prisoners are Edward's people. Kidd gives us a new weapon - a blowpipe. With it, you can quietly disable the enemy.

Climb a tree and put the watchman on the tower to sleep with the help of a new weapon. Run to him and finish him off. Below the captives are guarded by two guards, use bersek poison on them and look at the spectacle. Search the bodies for poison darts. After freeing a group of people, go along the left side and put the next guard to sleep. Now climb the wall and shoot the guard near the stairs and the sentinel guarding the captives. You can also spend money on guards on both sides of the prisoners. Put them to sleep and kill them later.

2 sleep darts remaining until 100% sync. We go along the left side and save another group of prisoners. That's just on these two guards you can use the remaining sleep darts. For freeing you get a couple more darts. We go to the group under a canopy, they can already be killed in any way. But just be careful. Using the poison of the berserker, you must immediately kill the target, otherwise the guard will start killing the captives. Free the rest of the prisoners.

Sequence 5

  • Nassau, Bahamas, January 1717

Memory 1 | forts

Additional tasks:

- Damage the fort with a martira shot

- Kill an officer on the run

Templar Torres is going to appropriate the gold from the fort. But for now, it lies and waits for someone to steal it. Edward, along with Adewale, are about to attack the fort.

To successfully capture a fort, you need to destroy the ship protecting it. Otherwise, then you will need to be distracted by it. For this, mortar cores will come in handy. Make a couple of volleys on the ship. When approaching, use the knippels and move to the side to deal more damage with the onboard guns. Having sunk / disabled the ship, take on the fort. Also use mortars and side guns for destruction. The "speed of movement" mode will help you avoid shelling enemy mortars, so it will be easier to see the situation. After destroying the fort, climb inside and kill the officer. For 100% synchronization, you need to do this on the run. Now you can get inside and talk with Magister Torres.

Memory 2 | Wandering Trader

Additional tasks:

- Kill 4 gunners

- Kill 5 guards by stunning them with smoke bombs

Follow Torres and Prince. It is best to follow them on the roofs, at the same time you can kill the gunners (these are the guards marked with arrows). Having reached the place of eavesdropping, you can perform the second additional. exercise. Throw a smoke bomb near the two guards guarding the entrance and kill them. Do the same with two nearby. And only one remains. Take your pick, I chose the one by the hay cart. Follow the target while eavesdropping on the conversation until a cutscene starts.

Prince noticed the surveillance and lowered the guard on Edward. Fight off the enemies and run after Kidd to grab him and prevent him from killing the tasty target that he has been tracking for 2 weeks.

Memory 3 | male friendship

Additional tasks:

-Apply berserker venom on 2 brutes

-Sleep 2 gunners

First you need to disable the bells so that help does not arrive. We jump from the mill and run to the bushes near the camp. The poison of the berserker can be used immediately on two thugs walking in our direction. The next step is to put 2 gunners on the towers to sleep. Now we need to break the bells, but the guards will prevent us from doing this, so it will be easiest to kill them and then calmly do our job. We do this with all the bells.

Meet Kidd at the gate to the estate. Having removed her disguise, the girl pretends to be wounded and the guards let her inside, where she skillfully deals with them.

Get inside and get to the backyard. Prince will be in the gazebo. After the murder, the Sage will grab the girl hiding under a different name. She will escape, and the Sage will have time to raise the alarm. So many soldiers we will not master. We'll have to run. Climb onto the wagon, jump onto the tree and run forward. After choosing behind the walls of the mansion, leave the area and hide. Meet the girl. Edward learns the name of his girlfriend - Mary Reed.

Sequence 6

Memory 1 | Diving for drugs

Additional tasks:

- Collect 3 treasures from chests

- Don't get caught in the shark's teeth

Pirates led by Edward decided to change the city for the better. To begin with, rid the inhabitants of diseases. Edward suggested looking for medicines at the bottom of the sea in sunken ships. But this requires a bell to go down to the bottom. Buy a bell in the nearest shop, if there is no money, go through a contract to kill or sell goods.

Swim to the wreckage and click to dive underwater. Swim to the chest icon on the minimap. Find and open everything to achieve 100% sync. To replenish your air supply, swim up to the barrels and press [E]. Then open the illuminated hatch and swim to the bottom. There, drop the boards from the chest and take the medicine.

The exit is blocked. We'll have to find another way. Swim into the cave. Then it will be possible to surface and replenish the air. Further Edward will be carried by the current, dodge the rocks using the movement keys.

Swim to the shark habitat, replenish your oxygen and hide in the seaweed to avoid the shark's teeth. Use to quickly swim across to the seaweed.
Unfortunately, the found medicine turned out to be spoiled. We need to come up with a quiet way to find a cure, otherwise Edward Thatch will have his own way.

Memory 2 | Devil's Advocate

Additional tasks:

- Rescue the survivors

- Kill 3 guards by stunning them with smoke bombs

Thatch did something stupid - he attacked the English fleet in search of medicines. Now the team will have to protect Blackbeard from the attack of English warships. Rescue sailors in distress on your way to the zone. Swim into the search area, find Blackbeard's ship, Queen Anne's Revenge. Just head to Mayaguana Island and the ship will be moored near the pier.

Help Blackbeard deal with the English fleet on land. Use smoke bombs and kill the enemy to get 100% sync. Then take the helm of Thatch's ship and board the ship of the line. It remains only to kill the captain. One of the team members found the drugs, they've got Charleston's stamp on them.

Memory 3 | Siege of Charleston

Add. tasks:

- Put 3 crocodiles to sleep with darts

- Skin the crocodile

Edward offered Thatch his help in obtaining medicines from the inhabitants of Charleston.
Follow the gunboat. Swim around the watchtowers. Swim quietly so as not to run into land. At the post, go ashore and damage the bell so that the enemy does not raise the alarm. Get back to the ship.

Swim further and later sit down again. The gunboat stopped and the redcoats boarded the boat. Keep your eyes on the boat. Then it will be possible to euthanize two more crocodiles. When the enemy landed, eavesdrop on the conversation. The jackdaw was noticed. The captain takes off running. Follow him and kill him. Edward got the right amount of medicine. And he also took the ingredients for new portions.

Sequence 7


Olivier wants to meet with us to talk about the video we found. We meet Melanie at the elevator and go up. We were asked to wait, Olivier wants to talk to Melanie in person. Our friend IT-nick is contacting us again. We go along the marker, at the end of the corridor we go down the stairs. We already have level 2 access.

Find the control room. Connect and bypass protection. The point is to match the waves. We switch the numbers in one of the three columns and move on to another. It's easy. Connect to the camera in Olivier's office and observe. Their task is to find the Observatory as soon as possible.

Exit the room and go to the window. It will not work to get through the front door to Olivier's office, we use another way - the elevator. Climb up and enter the office. Now you need to hack the computer.

Another security system. Use the arrows to navigate the data. Purpose: Move data from the start point (left) to the destination (right). Security programs will destroy data if they stumble upon it, in which case you will return to the starting point.
Having finished, we go down to the hall. Stop, only our friend will distract the secretary. After talking with Sean and Rebecca, we return to the workplace, to the Animus.

Memory 1 | We demand negotiations

  • Nassau, Bahamas, July 1718

Additional tasks:

- Kill 3 guards from the ledge

- Damage the alarm bell

Woods Rogers arrived in Nassau. Watch out for the delegation heading towards the tavern. All the famous pirates will gather there. Then follow them all the way to the fort. Hide in the bushes at the entrance.

Then go around the fortress on the left side and climb up to the observation tower. There it will be necessary to perform additional. exercise. Hanging on the wall, you will drop 3 guards who have come to the edge.

Now we need to steal Chamberlain's plans. Drop down onto the two guards below and go to the opposite side of the fort. There you can go down and hide in the bushes. Then discreetly damage the bell.

Now it remains to pick up the plans. You can do it quietly or loudly. As you can see, I spared no one. After talking with the pirates, Roberts gave them a chance to surrender, or Nassau would be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Memory 2 | gunpowder plot

Add. tasks:

- Kill 4 guards in a single kill streak

- Use 10 darts on guard

Edward decided to flee Nassau and break the blockade to hell. To do this, you need resin and gunpowder. Kenway will find gunpowder.
In total, you need to steal 4 barrels. You go to one of the zones. Get involved in the fight and defeat everyone. It's easy to kill 4 guards in one series. The main thing is not to be interrupted, so react in time and make counter-attacks. Also, before you hit the thug, stun him and then carry out a decisive blow. Approach the barrel and hold [E] to steal.
Head to the next area. You should now have 10 darts in total. Just stand on the roof of a house and shoot at the enemy. As soon as everyone falls, take the barrel and go for the next one. Collect the remaining barrels.

Memory 3 | Get rid of the commodore

Additional tasks:

- Kill 3 guards from the surveillance zone

- Kill Commodore Chamberlain in the air

Commodore Peter Chamberlain ordered the sinking of the pirate ships. We'll have to stop him.

Follow the guards. At the post, hire dancers and divert the attention of the guards to get through. Then, walk across the rooftops to avoid being spotted in the restricted area. At the Queen's Stairs, put the 2 guards to the left of it and go forward. Drop down into the pile of leaves below and follow the guards into the bushes. Here you can finish the execution of the add. missions to kill from the bushes.

Following the commodore to the ship, it will be possible to kill him. Run across to the bushes near the fallen palm tree. Put the guard to sleep on the left and in the center, quickly climb onto the trunk of the palm tree and jump on the right guard. Effectively.

Now swim to the ship and climb up the lines that are at the stern of the ship. When the target is in the affected area, jump on it from above.

Memory 4 | fireman

Add. tasks:

- Sink 3 ships with a mortar

- Sink the ship with barrels

Edward, along with Charles Vane, break through the arrogant blockade and escape from Nassau.
Protect the fireship from attacking ships. Hit the furthest from the mortar, while fulfilling the conditions of the additional. tasks. When retreating, throw powder kegs to destroy one ship for 100% synchronization. Then get out of the blockade, following the marker.

Sequence 8

Memory 1 | Knowing no pity

  • Great Inagua, October 1718

Add. tasks:

- Kill 4 guards

- Hit a ship of the line with heavy cannonballs

Edward heads to North Carolina to convince Blackbeard to return home to Nassau. Titch has no intention of returning and wants to spend the rest of his life here. He also tells Ed that he once captured a ship and there were rumors that the Sage goes on the Princess.

Edward notices a strange man and decides to follow him. Chase the stranger while hiding in the crowd. Get to the place of eavesdropping and follow the target getting rid of the guards. After passing the arch, hide in the bushes and kill the guard, then run straight into the next bushes and go down the corridor. Remove the last guard and follow to the place where the cut-scene will start. The stranger will give a signal and the flotilla will attack the island.

Run to your ship "Galka". A ship of the line appeared on the horizon. Destroy it and board it. Shoot more mortars if you have a weakly modified ship. To knock out with heavy shots, get close to the ship and shoot offhand, just turn the camera on board and press [LMB]. As a result of the boarding, Titch is killed and Edward is pushed overboard. Swim to the Jackdaw and go to the open sea.

Memory 2 | Narcissistic Fools

Additional tasks:

- Deal damage to the "Royal Africa" ​​with an improved ram

- Use the cannon in the fort to sink the ship

Edward and Charles go looking for the Royal African Company ship to find out something about the ship "Princess".
Swim to the marker and find the ship. He will notice us and start running away. Chase him by shooting at the dropped barrels of gunpowder and avoiding the rocks. Later, Vane's ship would be disabled. Swim up to it so that the team can transfer to the Jackdaw.

Then board the enemy ship. Swim up to the enemy ship and hit him with the bow, but for this you must have an improved ram. Shoot the ship to a minimum and stay close so that the fort's guns point at you and then swim away. In such a case, Royal Africa will be damaged by the guns of the fort.
Jack Rackham betrayed Edward and Charles and threw them overboard.

Memory 3 | On a desert island

Additional tasks:

- Skin 3 animals

- Kill Wayne in the air

Edward and Wayne ended up on an island. The second campaign went mad. He became an enemy to Edward. He stole food and ran away.
Run through the jungle to the ruins, on top of which Vane stands. Climb up, and after synchronizing the point, jump down and catch up with the fool. At one point, Vane completely loses his mind and starts firing a pistol at Edward and throwing bombs. Hide behind the walls. When you reach the wooden structures, go around the barrels lying on them, otherwise you will take damage from the explosion. Below you can skin a couple of panthers.

Now Vane will settle down at the ruins. You need to go around them on the right, because he will destroy the forests straight ahead. Climb up the tower and jump on top of it. If he fails, he can be left alive.

Sequence 9

  • Great Inagua, May 1719
Edward made it home safely, stealing the schooner alone. And Adewale and Kidd took Jackdaw from Rackham.

Memory 1 | Just imagine

Additional tasks:

- Kill 4 goons

- Damage 2 bells

Edward learns that the Princess is sailing away from Kingston and he is heading straight there. Arriving in Kingston, Edward learns that Hornigold and Rogers live nearby, who are also interested in the Sage.

Enter the area and hide in the bushes. Remove two soldiers and a thug to damage the first bell and move on. There is another one on the right across the road, and one ahead. Choose any. You can find our "friends" between the houses behind linen hung out to dry. You can kill 3 thugs and one more when you get to the eavesdropping place.

Follow Hornigold and Rogers to another camp. There, climb into the hole in the fence and hide in the bushes, there you can quietly kill the thug.

Now follow along, staying in the eavesdropping area. Run to the bushes and kill one soldier, quickly run into the barn and climb up from the cart. Then get out on the tree and jump into the hay. Climb onto the roof of the next barn and approach the pier. Hornigold notices Edward's Jackdaw moored and hides, lowering his guard on us. Leave the area and hide.

Memory 2 | Trust deserved

Additional tasks:

- Get a double kill by killing Burgess and Cockram

- Free two pirates

After sinking several ships off the coast, throw the helm and go to the island in search of the Sage. Kill a group of soldiers, climb onto a stump, from it to a tree to get over the barrier. Press [V] to find the Sage in the area. To earn his trust, Edward offers to kill the Templars Burgess and Cockram.

Follow the path, killing or hiding from the guards. Reach the camp where the pirates are being held captive. Sneak in and kill the shooters ready to shoot them. But first, get rid of the gunners. It will be easy to get rid of the rest of the guards. Having reached the descent, remove the lone guards in turn. Now find a target in the search area and jump down for two from above.

Sequence 10

  • Mysterios, September 1719
Bartholomew Roberts gives Edward the coordinates of where he needs help. Only in this way will he tell Edward the location of the Observatory.

Memory 1 | Blackbeard's Gambit

Additional tasks:

- Avoid skirmishes

- Use the bungee to kill the captain

In search of treasure, the Sage decides to pass by the Portuguese ships under their own flag, stealing it from one of the ships.
We swim into the bay, there we throw the helm and jump into the water. Swim around it on the right side and climb onto the lines closest to you. The soldiers do not look in this direction and you can safely climb up. Kill the gunner and run to the next one. Climb to the very top and remove the flag. Return to Galka.

Sail slowly in search of Nosso Señor. Having identified the ship, you will have to take a walk again - to rob the chest. Swim to the shore and run to the passage, hiding in the bushes. Kill two guards, go forward and again hide in the bushes. Call the person walking nearby with a whistle and drag him into the bushes. Run from the bushes to the bushes to the tower and climb up, killing the gunner, it's even better if he notices you and goes down to check himself. And on the way there is a thug and one guard. If you have darts available, then the passage will not be difficult. Unfortunately I didn't have them. We clean the chest and swim to the Jackdaw.

Follow the ship while maneuvering between other ships and disembark to clear the shore. Climb up to the second tower and bungee bungee aboard, landing right on top of the captain. Plan for the captain to be almost under Edward at the time of landing. We capture the ship and swim to the marker, drowning everyone in our path.

Memory 2 | Murder and chaos

Additional tasks:

- Avoid skirmishes

- Find Hornigold avoiding skirmishes

- Kill Hornigold in the air

Meeting with Roberts, Edward led the tail. On board the Hornigold. Edward needs to track down and kill his old friend to stop him from finding the Observatory.

Swim into the search area and find Benjamin's ship using the spyglass. Also, don't get caught in the line of sight of enemy ships. Having overtaken the ship, swim on it and take it to the ram. Then finish off with heavy cannonballs and shoot at the zones with falconets.

Hornigold sent a dilapidated ship to the island and landed there with the team. Make your way to the stone structures to get to the side where Hornigold is located, you need to climb a tree from one side to another. Then go on the left side and climb the tower. Only a moment, and Edward jumps on Hornigold.

Memory 3 | Observatory

Additional tasks:

- Disarm all Guardians while unarmed

- Disarm 5 guards from the surveillance zone

Edward and Bartholomew Roberts make their way through the jungle to the entrance to the Observatory. One problem, the locals - the Keepers, protect this area from outsiders.

We run into the zone and hide in the bushes. They are not stupid either, so they do the same. Periodically, they will get up to look around, and then sit down again. At this point, you can jump from bushes to bushes. Turn on Eagle Vision to mark everyone. There are three of them. So get to the first one and knock it out. Then climb onto a tree branch and jump on the second one. Another one in the bushes nearby. Run over to him and strangle him. Zone cleared. Go to the next one. So clear all areas by reaching the Observatory.

Roberts kills the entire expedition, citing that they would go crazy if they saw what was beyond the gate. Take the chest with phials and follow the Sage. Place a chest near the building with the skull and watch the hologram. In Bortholomew's code there is no word about loyalty, so he calmly throws Edward into the water.

Climb up the blocks. We need to find a way out. He's at the very top. Run to the wall and climb it, then you will find a way to get to the exit. On the shore, the Sage threatens Edward with a Jamaican prison.

Sequence 11


The agent was thrown into the bunker. The system was hacked and while they are looking for a hacker, we will stay here. An IT nickname contacts us and gives us level 3 access. Welcome to the door. Using the tablet, get to the security room. Hack the computer there. Then follow the marker and hack the cloud server and watch the video, and then the hologram of Minerva/Juno(?). Go back to Animus.

Memory 1 | Suffering worse than death

  • Port Royal, April 1720

Additional tasks:

- Damage 3 signal bells

- Visit 2 old friends

Edward is brought to court, where Ann Bonnie and Mary Ridd are already being sentenced. They are given a reprieve due to pregnancy.
Distract the guard by making a few noises. A-Tabai came for Ann and Mary, but also rescued Edward in order to get help. We get the assassin's weapon.

There is no condition to raise an alarm, so just run to look for the bells. We get rid of the guards, after which you can safely damage the bells. Everything is simple.

The next thing to do is to visit old friends, namely Jack and Wayne. The first, or rather all that is left of him, sits in a cage on the right side of the map. The other is in the prison itself. Run to the marker and open the door inside.

After passing the corridor and reaching the guard, kill her and go to the highlighted cage. There you will find old Wayne humming a song under his breath. Go further along the corridors and free Mary Ridd. Take her to the exit. Then carry the body to the boat.

Memory 2 | fever

Edward has visions. Here you just need to do what is said. Walk/crawl forward. At the moment when you need to kill the highlighted target of the Sage, once is not enough, it remains to kill two of his copies.

Memory 3 | ...Everything is allowed

Additional tasks:

- Hang 2 guards with shengbiao

- Pull 3 guards with shengbiao

Edward returns to Tulum to repair the damage he did to the Assassins 6 years ago. Follow A-Tabai and repel the Spanish attack. Perform additional tasks, then kill 20 soldiers on the shore and the captain on the ship.

Sequence 12

  • Il-a-Vash, May 1721

Memory 1 | The end of the governor

Additional tasks:

-Kill a diplomat while hiding in a haystack

-Kill Rogers from the bench

Now we have a new quartermaster - Miss Bonnie. The first of three targets is Woods Rogers. Find the diplomat in the green zone. Follow him, at the moment when you need to kill the diplomat, climb the stairs to the buildings nearby and jump from him into the hay. Then it's just a matter of the blade.

Throwing on a raincoat, Edward gets to the reception. Pass the guard and immediately turn left and rush to the bench. Having finished the speech, Rogers will make a circle and pass by Edward, at this moment we unsheath the blade and shed his blood.

Memory 2 | Royal failure

Additional tasks:

- Kill 8 guards by exploding gunpowder barrels

- Kill Roberts with Shenbiao

Bartholomew Roberts is the second target on the list. Land on the beach and go to the road that leads up the hill. A lot of barrels will lie below, so collect the required number of guards and shoot into the barrel. Repeat several times if the first time you can not put the desired amount.

Climbing up the hill, find Roberts at the very end of the camp. He decided to run away. Jump after him into the water and climb onto the floating Jackdaw. Chase royal luck and pour mortars. Having gone out to the open sea, the Spaniards will help you in destroying the ship. But that doesn't mean they won't touch you. Use mortars more actively. After destroying the ship, board it. In the case of killing Roberts with the help of shengbiao, it means hanging. So climb up the mast and hang it up.

Memory 3 | bad blood

Additional tasks:

-Avoid skirmishes

-Use 2 guards as a human shield

Penetrate the search area and find the target. Follow El Tiburon to the fort. On the left side, kill the dodger near the haystack, the captain and three training soldiers. Now we just climb onto the beams and on the other side we climb the wall. There we kill a soldier and jump on top of Torres. But Torres was not the Torres Edward expected. It is a trap.

Now you need to deal with El Tiburon. You can’t take him with regular punches, so you need to shoot him with a pistol until he lies down. Run away from him while reloading the cannon and use the two guards as a human shield, because he also has a weapon. It will eventually crash and you will get 100% sync.

Memory 4 | Eternal splinter

Additional tasks:

- Free 7 hostages

- Kill 4 guards with Observatory defenses

Get off the side of the ship and head towards the shore. Edward's latest victim is Laureano Torres. There, get to the observation room, along the way you can save the hostages. God, so many corpses. Just dotted. Now we are looking for hostages. But they are not marked on the map, so just run and look for enemies, there will definitely be prisoners somewhere nearby.

Go further, at the waterfall you need to climb a tree and get over them in order to overcome the water. Enter the Observatory. Climb onto the flying blocks and make your way to the platform with two guards on it. Kill them and look to the right. When the platform approaches the moving wall, jump onto it and use it to get to the other side.

Next, you will find yourself on a platform, from the floor of which energy fields are beating upwards. Stand near them and throw the attacking enemy by pressing [E] (twice) into this field. So you need to repeat 4 times. Climb the wall and climb to the right, avoiding the energy fields. Climb onto the beam between the two blocks and jump on the Magister.


Finally, the IT-nick was caught, but he did not want to give up. All the evidence pointed to us, but now it's clear who really did the hacking. Melanie says the video is ready. Check it out here or on Animus. Get back in the car and finish the story.

There is 1 more memory ahead, but it is presented in the form of cut-scenes.

Credits. Congratulations, you have completed the game.

The Assassin's Creed series began as a bold experiment: stealth action in a historical setting, open world, parkour... From the mere thought that you can climb any building, goosebumps ran through your body. It didn’t fit in my head - how much effort did Ubisoft put in to recreate the ancient cities in detail? After virtual walks around Acre and Damascus, there was no need for teaching aids, it was worth spending twenty hours playing the game - and you could start leading excursions around the Holy Land. Who knew that the piece, it would seem, the product will soon be put into mass production?

And here is the result - by the sixth part (not counting Bloodlines, Liberation and other spin-offs) there was no trace of the spirit of innovation. Characters, cities, eras changed, but not core mechanics. With each release, Assassin's Creed has grown more and more features (not all of which were useful) and gradually moved away from the original concept. In case of Black Flag the French finally broke family ties - even Desmond Miles has nothing to do with the previous parts of the game, and the emphasis was shifted from assassins to pirates.

"How to Become a Pirate in the Shortest Time"

About the new Assassin's Creed is better Ubisoft themselves said everything, albeit through Abstergo Industries: “Why don’t we just do what is for sale?” And indeed, despite the impressive list of changes, inside it is still the same game as six years ago. Developers compiled best ideas from early releases, brought to mind successful elements and chose a fresh setting - the Caribbean archipelago.

The new main character is Edward Kenway, the grandfather of Connor from Assassin's Creed 3. Tired of living on the verge of poverty, Kenway decides to try on a pirate bandanna - in his opinion, this way he can get rich and forget about living in a beggarly shack. The wife, however, did not approve of her husband's plans, and therefore had to part with her - all for the sake of a higher goal.

Jungle and Mayan mysteries make you remember Liberation once again.

After some time, Kenway, as he dreamed, ended up on a filibuster ship, but ... in the midst of a storm, he was attacked. Edward came face to face with a mysterious figure in a hood, but did not have time to do anything - a fire broke out in the powder store, the hero was blown overboard by an explosive wave, and the ship crashed.

Kenway comes to his senses on the shore of the island along with a mysterious fellow traveler - the same assassin who attacked the sea robbers. Assassin offers a deal: for a good price, he must be delivered to Havana. He does not know how to steer the ship, but he needs to get out of the abandoned island, and as soon as possible. However, the Robinsons do not find a common language - a member of the ancient order runs away, flashing his heels, Connor's grandfather rushes after him and kills him in the heat of the chase. The strange costume and unusual habits of the assassin force the corsair to search the pockets of the deceased, where he finds incomprehensible cards, a bizarre transparent cube and a letter that talks about a generous reward for the deliverer of this valuable cargo.

Kenway carries several pistols with him at once, so as not to waste time reloading.

Pretending to be Duncan Walpole (that was the name of the victim), the filibuster goes to Havana to meet with the governor. It turns out that Walpole betrayed his native order and stole important items in order to give them into the hands of the Templars. Enemies of the Assassins have been searching for an artifact for more than two decades, which, according to rumors, allows you to track any person on Earth, no matter where he is. Intrigued by the reward, Edward begins to cooperate with the Templars, but this does not last long: the amount paid does not satisfy the pirate, and he decides to restore justice - to appropriate the device for himself. It did not work out - Kenway is caught stealing and sent to prison on the governor's ship, from where he escapes with his new comrade Adeval. Together, they free other prisoners and capture the ship, which immediately passes under the command of Edward. The captain retreats, but like any pirate, he is still attracted by the idea of ​​​​getting a powerful artifact.

real hero

When Ubisoft said they wouldn't romanticize pirates, they weren't kidding. "Black Flag" is a much more serious and gloomy work than, say, "Pirates of the Caribbean" or Risen 2. Understanding this does not come immediately: the plot in the spirit of the "Mysterious Island" is confusing and sets you in a popcorn mood, after which you look at the characters and the events taking place with bewilderment - you expect jokes, mountains of gold and chilling stories about sea monsters, but instead you get wandering from port to port and missions about the extraction of drugs. And where, one wonders, is the epic shown in the trailers, why do we need the gray everyday life of sea vagrants? Everything becomes clear only in the second half of the game, when the intention of the French becomes more obvious.

Speaking about the open world, Ubisoft was a little cunning - cities and large islands are loaded when entering the docks.

Assassin's Creed 4 is not about Jack Sparrow and cursed treasures. Black Flag is about the fact that pirates do not leave the good life, and Edward is a vivid confirmation of this. Ubisoft, using his example, shows that there were no honest people among the corsairs: “It's not about need. I want to have food on the table that doesn't make me sick, I want to live within walls that hold back the wind. I want a decent life." Although Kenway did not become the most striking and charismatic character in the series - his character can be called stereotyped - but it's still a great progress. Prior to this, Assassin's Creed had never made an anti-hero the central face, people like Edward acted only as secondary villains.

They are real!

The authors tried to consider the pirates from a human point of view. The result was a collection of small but sad sketches: one filibuster sought to build a free republic, but died, another dreamed of the captain's rank all his life - he drank himself, the third was destined for piracy from birth, along with skin color - either that, or slave shackles. It is not surprising that most of the characters drown their longing in rum and forget themselves in the arms of available women.

The developers went too far with trying to revive the marine world - whales jump out of the water almost three times a minute.

Nevertheless, the search for an artifact has traditionally been at the center of the plot, and not at all the problems of a pirate life, and this, I must say, is somewhat frustrating. Yes, we are used to the fact that Assassin's Creed is primarily about adventure, that the series has always emphasized fantastic motives. It's okay, that's why we love it. But Black Flag is so good at showing the life of pirates, it is so different from previous releases with its atmosphere that you want more - less conventions, maximum realism, more powerful drama ...

Be that as it may, one can understand the company's decision: when you make such an expensive and large-scale project, designed for millions of players, it is difficult to deviate from the traditions that you have established with your own hands.

But a lot of plot holes and logical inconsistencies cannot be justified - the actions of individual characters make one doubt their mental health. For example, why did Walpole flare up when Edward, before making a deal with him, rightly asked if the assassin had money with him? The harmless question so angered the killer that he fled into the jungle, and when he saw that he was being chased, he opened fire on the pursuer. How smart it is to shoot the only person on the island who could take you to Havana!

The cities in the new Assassin's Creed are not as big as in the previous parts of the series, but they are all bright and colorful as one. The change in setting has definitely benefited Black Flag.

A separate farce is the tests prepared by the Templars. The members of the order wanted to make sure of Edward's skills and therefore forced him - surprise! - jump with a bare blade on hay dolls. That is, literally burrow into a haystack and, jumping out of there, plunge the blade into a scarecrow tied to a stick - yes, anyone can handle it! It's clear that this is a veiled training, but remember how in the first part Al-Mualim tested Altair's skills in real situations or how in the third Connor played hide-and-seek with friends. Here, Ubisoft decided not to try.

What's more, they didn't even try to show Edward's progress. As soon as he puts on the assassin's costume, he immediately begins to follow the "rituals" of the brotherhood: climb towers, perform leaps of faith, use eagle vision ... Firstly, where did he learn about all this, and secondly, where did he get acrobatic skills? Recall that Kenway is a simple pirate, while Altair and Ezio have been training for a long time, and Connor is not only a native Indian who has been climbing rocks and trees since childhood, but also a student of Achilles. A pirate, on the other hand, acquires his talents just like that, by magic. Genetic memory, no less!

prime time

But most of all, it's annoying that the writers pull out of nowhere characters who have not appeared on the screen for many hours. With every unexpected appearance of “extras”, you wrinkle your forehead and try to remember who it is, in fact, this?

The game is generally bad with the representation of the characters. If AC3 introduced the characters gradually, allowing them to get to know them better at first (which was worth one six-hour prologue), then in Black Flag the authors sometimes don’t even bother to name the character, he just appears in the frame, says a few insignificant phrases and disappears for a long time.

The French are great at solar games. From nature views to Black Flag and Far Cry 3 is breathtaking.

As a result, you begin to confuse one pirate with another, and the further the plot turns into a mess. Who, how, why? .. Perhaps the problem lies in the lead script writer of the game. Derby McDevitt is by no means a rookie, having credited Revelations, portable Bloodlines, Assassin's Creed 2 Discovery and the cartoon Assassin’s Creed: Embers, but before that he always relied on someone else’s material, he didn’t have to write characters from scratch, and the experience of introducing new faces into the narrative he had a cat cry. Why Ubisoft entrusted such an important project to McDevitt is a separate question. While the Black Flag script has its strengths, it clearly lacks logic and integrity.


"Black Flag" is spiritually much closer to the early games of the series: bright cities and truly high towers returned (Boston from the third part was not impressive in this regard), courtesans were replaced by dancers, and hired fighters can again be found on the streets. Remember how Altair saved civilians from the guards in the original Assassin's Creed? So, here you have to help out pirates from the sabers, not commoners. In gratitude, the sea wolves will not start riots and delay the guards, but will willingly join your team and help during missions.

Edward may suddenly be swept up by turbulent undercurrents. To survive, he will have to maneuver in a rushing stream.

The opportunity to equip a home has also returned. Now not only the main shelter, but also the territories adjacent to it can be improved. In the docks, you can build a shop for ship upgrades (it also serves to sell loot), a tavern, a shop with weapons, and many other structures. They even returned a bonus costume to the personal estate, hidden from the players behind strong bars. Find all the keys you need, and the luxurious attire is yours.

On the one hand, such comebacks cause a smile and bouts of nostalgia. On the other hand, this is still not good for the game: you remember something, but once again you don’t feel like doing the same thing at all.

Black Flag is also secondary because Ubisoft is too actively integrating successful elements from one of its series into others. When playing Assassin’s Creed 4, you catch yourself thinking that the new creation of the French is downright woven from the ideas of related franchises: crafting migrated here straight from Far Cry 3, whistle distracting enemies - from the same place (Jason Brody used stones, well, not the point). It's not that bad - the new features have come in handy - but those who have seen the studio's other projects will not be surprised by Black Flag. The game has few distinctive features, even the main trump card, navigation, was “spoiled” to us in the third part. A total disappointment!

To prevent Edward from suffocating, the ship's crew lowers barrels of air to the bottom. In them, he can swim and calmly catch his breath.

And it would be nice if Ubisoft just borrowed ideas, but they managed to spoil something. So, from Far Cry 3, the "alarm" at the outposts was transferred: before making a fuss, you need to neutralize the bell. The mechanics itself is good and appropriate, but the French made a stupid restriction - you can only cut the bell ropes incognito. Well, why can't Kenway cut the string when he is surrounded by enemies? What, don't you raise your hands?

Day to come

Despite the fact that Desmond's story is over, "Black Flag" did not do without episodes in the real world. This time, Ubisoft assigned us the role of a specialist (attention!), Selecting material for the game about Edward Kenway! Yes, you read that right, the Templars are in the game development business at Black Flag! Well, how else could an ancient order enslave humanity?

Most of all, the levels in the present resemble the light version Deus Ex: Human Revolution : wandering around the Abstergo office, hacking computers, delving into the mail and eavesdropping on other people's conversations. In a word, nothing super interesting, but an unusual and fresh approach (a game in a game about game development, just some kind of "Beginning"!) catches and makes you explore room after room. And do not forget - be sure to read the correspondence of the studio employees, we took the quote from the beginning of the review from there.


Ubisoft listened to the feedback of players asking for more hide-and-seek in the haystacks, and seriously reduced the number of action missions, which did not benefit the game at all. In previous Assassin's Creed, excellent battles were set off by other flaws, but here the flaws are all in full view - there is simply nothing to be distracted by.

So, missions in cities are incredibly boring: almost always we either sneak up on someone, hiding in the crowd, or participate in the chase. Occasionally, Edward is assigned to infiltrate somewhere, but even here Ubisoft did not come up with anything new, all tasks are terribly typical, only the time of day, the place and the placement of the guards change. Moreover, stealth has become even more primitive, surveillance no longer requires any effort - you can turn on eagle vision and follow opponents right through the walls.

The same team of writers worked on Black Flag as on Revelations. Coincidence or not, but sometimes the game directly quotes episodes from Revelations.

Of course, stealth will not seem so outdated and clumsy to you if you approach the passage creatively. Deftly using darts with a potion that causes aggression, you can have some fun - for example, send mercenaries to fight with one part of the guard, pit the other against each other, and sit down in neighboring bushes and silently shoot enemies one at a time. But the problem is that the game does not push you to dissent in any way. Why complicate your life if there is always an easier option - to take a guarded point by force?

Differences in quality between story and side quests almost not. It often happens that the task can not be completed due to some trifle. An example is a mission where you need to protect Upton's assassin from pickpockets. It is worth the thief to jump to your goal - and that's it, restart. The task is extended for six or seven minutes, there are no checkpoints, so if you fail it, you will have to listen to the chatter of the barely weaving brothers again. Or here - Edward has to disable three bells by sneaking past the enemies. With outdated mechanics and stupid AI, this is easy to do not interested. What we, with our mouths open, looked at six years ago, today looks like an absurd farce. The French do not shy away from even such archaic tricks as "collect a certain amount of money, and then the plot will continue."

Shortly after arriving in North Carolina, one of the most powerful scenes in the game will take place. However, it was not without hackneyed clichés.

In turn, a completely open world came in handy. Exploration has always been fun in Assassin's Creed, but in the fourth installment, Ubisoft took on new level. Having climbed onto the deck, you can rush off wherever your eyes look, stop not far from the coast of some small island and, jumping into the water, swim to land. Feelings are indescribable.

Dozens of ports, ships scurrying back and forth, mysterious archipelagos, mysteries of ancient tribes, treasure maps, taking protected forts - you want to do everything at once. "Black Flag" makes you feel not even a pirate, but a discoverer, Magellan and Columbus rolled into one. The opportunity to drop everything and go into the sunset excites no less than the parkour in the first Assassin's Creed.

Of course, there are enough template locations here, you will meet more than one or two islands similar to each other, but the scale and the achieved effect are still impressive.

When the sea is rocking and a hurricane is raging

Messing around with the ship is a pleasure. The "Black Flag" has what was so lacking mass effect, - you are free to improve the Jackdaw (that's the name of Edward's ship) at your own discretion, at least take it apart to the carnations. You can change everything, from the stern to the sails.

Upgrades require not only money, but also materials for their manufacture. You will have to extract wood, metal and fabric on your own, robbing other ships. Ordinary task at first glance, but addictive - horror. You can find out what exactly the sailors are transporting with the help of a telescope: Edward's experienced eye will instantly determine what kind of ship is in front of you, what level it is and what is on board.

In addition to guns, the ship has explosive barrels that, if thrown overboard, turn into magnificent floating mines.

The funny thing is that the sick mechanics work in the marine part of the game. Take, for example, the episode in which Charles Wayne helps the protagonist break the British blockade and escape from Nassau. It seems to be a typical mission for Assassin's Creed - to accompany and protect the target from enemies. But on the water, the usual tasks feel completely different: raging waves, maneuvering among enemy frigates, swift approaches from the flanks, attempts to keep other people's ships in sight and not hit a comradely ship in one gulp cause genuine delight. In these moments, you give Ubisoft a standing ovation, forgetting about the sagging plot, monotonous missions, and stupid conventions - you forgive everything in general.

The characters, both villains and Kenway supporters, are boring and gray, not like the charismatic Templars from the third part. A pleasant exception was Blackbeard - that’s exactly who you can’t call other than the sea devil!

Naval battles, without any exaggeration, are incomparable. You will have to constantly maneuver, choose the right angle to attack and reckon with weather conditions that change in real time. The same storm can become both your enemy and friend, if you use the situation correctly. Ubisoft has seriously improved the simulation of water and wind, the waves are felt almost on a physical level, and if you go into a storm at full sail, you will be blown away sharply. Be warned: if you suffer from motion sickness, then the realism of Black Flag can really spoil the impression!

In such a turbulence, you need to manage to properly beat up an enemy ship, and then rush to board. If you deal with the crew, you will be given a choice - to dismantle the ship on boards, using spare parts to repair the Jackdaw, pardon the crew and thus improve your reputation, or take the captives on board.

Finally, it is necessary to mention that Black Flag is devilishly beautiful. Assassin's Creed 4 is best played on next generation consoles or PC. There are no cardinal differences between the versions, everything is much more prosaic - graphics and more a high resolution. At the sight of sunny Havana, wild jungle and the azure sea with visible corals, you want to drop everything and buy a ticket to the Bahamas, and what a delightful rain here ...

However, don't let the beauties fool you: Black Flag is an obsolete game. You are unlikely to regret the time or money spent, but this is the last AC that we are ready to accept in its current form. Yes, naval battles really excellent, the open world is good, and the pirate theme brought the right variety, but the base of Assassin's Creed has long been in need of repair. We are waiting for a full transition to the nextgen with a rethinking of the mechanics.

Replay Value:

Further more. Play hide and seek even under water! As in gta 5, here you can go to explore the depths of the sea: install a diving bell on the ship and dive to the bottom. So, in order not to be eaten by sharks, you need to disguise yourself in seaweed! Well, anything is better than the QTE wild animal encounters from Assassin's Creed 3 or Liberation.

The "By The Book" achievement in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is unlocked after completing all additional conditions in all memories except and . In total, AC4 has 78 additional tasks to be completed, differing from each other in duration and complexity of execution. After completing the main story, all tasks with incomplete additional conditions are displayed in the Progress Gauge (key ). When re-passing tasks, you do not need to fulfill the conditions already counted, marked in yellow.

To simplify the performance of some tasks, save checkpoints, which the game creates automatically when reaching intermediate marks in tasks, help. If this or that condition suddenly fails, then loading the save from the checkpoint will allow you to repeat the passage of the failed segment. Part of the progress will be lost, but this will allow you not to complete the task from the very beginning. To use control save during the passage of tasks, you need to open the main menu (key ), select the option "Load" and "Load from the last save point".

Passage of additional tasks with full synchronization in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag:


  1. Merry Havana
    • Grab a pickpocket: after inspecting the surroundings from the vantage point on the church, we go down, help Stidd Bonnet return the stolen purse. We catch the pickpocket on the run by pressing the [E] key close to the target, kick it once and clean the thief's pockets by pressing the [E] key. If the pickpocket dies, the condition will not be counted.
    • Walk away from a fight by throwing smoke bombs: in the tavern we fight off provocateurs, when the guards appear on the threshold of the institution and try to restore order, we select a smoke bomb in the inventory and throw Spanish soldiers into the crowd while they come to their senses, we hide in the narrow streets of the city.
  2. What about my sugar?
    • Hire dancers and distract the guards: when the pursued targets stop in the middle of a busy street, we hire dancers with the [E] key, we reach the scaffold, mix with the crowd, continue to pursue the captain, quietly penetrate into the courtyard, at the entrance we distract the guard with the help of dancers and steal the key from the pocket, attaching ourselves to the victim from behind and holding down the [E] key.
    • Avoid skirmishes: during the pursuit of targets, we do not attack anyone and do not raise the alarm, we penetrate the fort along the wall, from the viewpoint.
  3. Mr. Walpole, I presume?
    • Complete the Rogers Shooting Challenge: in the estate of Laureano Torres, we accept the challenge of Julien Ducasse and Woods Rogers, take out pistols, aim with the [RMB] key and shoot at six stuffed targets with the [LMB] key. After a training attempt, we agree to re-pass the test and hit all targets in 22 seconds.
    • Rob all the Templars: at a meeting with Laureano Torres, at a round table, we go through initiation into the Templars and clean the pockets of all those present by holding down the [E] key.
  4. The Man Called The Wise Man
    • Attack the Sage from above: we go along the streets of Havana, fighting off the assassins. When the Sage tries to escape, we run after him along the roofs of houses. As soon as he goes down to the ground, we reach the edge of the roof and jump on top of him. To jump, the [W] + keys must be held down and the [E] key pressed several times in the air, while the figure of the Sage must be highlighted with a white outline, which appears automatically when aiming at a target at a medium distance. You can practice jumping free mode on ordinary guards, jumping on them from the roofs of houses.
    • Use a pistol in combat: at the moments of the attack of the assassins, we fight off the raiders with shots from a pistol (key [F]).
  5. Any complaints?
    • Avoid skirmishes: while yawing through the fields, we do not raise the alarm and by dashes we get to the goal.
    • : we jump into the sugar cane, attract the guards with a whistle and strangle at close range with our bare hands.
  6. Silver Fleet
    • Free 23 pirates: we go around all the ships and free the captive pirates.
    • Kill guards around the corner (3/3): hide around the corner, call the guards with a whistle and twist with the left mouse button.


  1. Newly minted captain
    • Shoot the iguana: stock up on ammo, go hunting on the island of Abaco, find the iguana, aim with the right mouse button and shoot from a distance with a pistol with the left mouse button.
    • Shoot the ocelot in the air: we climb a tree in the central or eastern part of the island, wait for the appearance of an ocelot and, in a jump, stab the animal with hidden blades.
  2. Recruitment opened
    • Kill guards by disarming them (3/3): we start the battle with the guards without weapons, with empty hands, by pressing the key. During an enemy attack, we first block the blow with the [E] key, then we take away the weapon with the [Space] key and finish off the disarmed enemy.
    • Save the pirate by breaking the rope with a bullet: sneak up to the scaffold from the side of the bushes or the flag, take out a gun and shoot at the rope to save the captain from an inglorious death.
  3. Robbery and robbery
    • Kill sailors with a falconet (3/3): when boarding the schooner, we approach the falconets at the side, press the [E] key and start shooting the crew of the enemy ship. It is important to shoot accurately, as the number of projectiles is limited.
    • Steal Rum (20): after boarding, we pick up all the valuable cargo from the schooner and.
  4. Under the black flag
    • Rob a pirate hunter: We attack merchant ships, increase the level of fame and wait for the appearance of pirate hunters. We capture the ship with red sails and take all the contents of the holds. The higher the level of fame, the more powerful ships are sent to hunt for Edward Kenway.
    • Steal Sugar (30): we find a pirate hunter with sugar on board and after the victory we take the goods. If there is little or no sugar, we capture other ships. The spyglass allows you to find out about the contents of the holds before the battle (hold down the [E] key). When hovering over a ship, it shows the level of the ship and the goods being transported.
  5. sugar cane harvest
    • Avoid skirmishes: while spying on the solicitor's ship of the line, we avoid skirmishes with enemy patrol ships guarding troubled waters. If the alert indicator of enemy patrol ships turns red, combat will begin and the condition will fail.
    • : we get to the attorney on Cat Island, eavesdrop on the conversation, silently make our way through the reed fields. While searching for the key to the barn, we get rid of the guards and cut off the tongues of the bells. If you act carefully, then a massacre can be avoided, limiting itself to only two victims.
  6. good defense
    • Sink two boats with a single broadside gun salvo: we find the battleship La Arca del Maestro, follow it on its heels, keep our distance and try not to catch the eye of enemy ships. We leave from mortar attacks, we wait for the appearance of enemy reinforcements. We come close to the schooners. When several schooners follow the same trajectory and line up with each other, we shoot with heavy cannonballs. One volley is usually enough to destroy several ships at once.
    • Sink ships with heavy cannonballs: To get 100% synchronization, you need to buy the ability to shoot heavy cores in the captain's cabin. To fire heavy cannonballs, turn the camera towards the side of the Jackdaw and press the left mouse button. If you first start aiming with the right mouse button, then the shot will be made with ordinary cannonballs, which does not meet the conditions.
  7. lonely madman
    • Avoid skirmishes: before leaving the jungle, do not raise the alarm, if you engage in battle with at least one enemy, the condition for obtaining full synchronization will fail.
    • Kill Ducasse in the air: we get to the harbor in a roundabout way, jump into the water and swim to the ship of the line, quietly climb the mast and kill Julien Ducasse in a jump with hidden blades.


  1. Nothing is true...
    • Knock out assassins (3/3): we secretly make our way to the Mayan ruins, along the way we attract the attention of the assassins with a whistle and perform chokeholds with our bare hands. For 100% synchronization, weapons cannot be used.
    • Collect treasures from chests (4/4): during the search for James Kidd, we examine the coast, jungle and ruins, find chests and take all the treasures. Chests are marked on the global map.
  2. The terrible secret of the Sage
    • Put the guards to sleep with darts (8/8): we go down to the coast, we clean the territory, we shoot enemies from the blowpipe and we trample the paralyzed bodies with our feet.
    • Use berserk poison on guard (2/2): Periodically, instead of darts with sleeping pills, we use berserk venom to pit enemies and not waste projectiles. There is no need to kill the poisoned, they die on their own. Stocks of darts are replenished when inspecting bodies.


  1. forts
    • Damage a fort with a mortar shot: before attacking the fort in the captain's cabin, we buy . Mortar cores will allow you to attack enemy ships and buildings from a great distance. To fire a mortar, hold down the [Q] key, aim at the target and press the left mouse button. One shot will be enough to fulfill the condition.
    • Kill an officer on the run: when capturing the fort, after the destruction of the fortifications, we run into the courtyard, among the fighting we find an officer and on the run we stab him with hidden blades by pressing the [E] key near the victim.
  2. Wandering Trader
    • Kill gunners (4/4): chasing Laurence Prince and Torres, moving on the rooftops, killing all the shooters - you can't miss a single one. It is important to do this carefully so as not to attract the attention of others and not raise the alarm. From a long distance, it is better to kill shooters on the roofs with throwing knives, darts with sleeping pills only temporarily incapacitate targets and they need to be finished off with their feet. Hidden blades work great up close.
    • Kill guards by stunning them with smoke bombs (5/5): periodically descend from the rooftops to the ground, kill the guards blocking the road to the protected areas, or organize a massacre in the cemetery at the last stage of the pursuit, using a smoke bomb and hidden blades.
  3. male friendship
    • Apply berserk poison on brutes (2/2): on the reed fields we find pot-bellied soldiers, shoot at them from a blowpipe with berserk poison, look at the dance with axes.
    • Put the gunners to sleep with darts (2/2): we repeat the same with the arrows on the towers, only this time we use darts with sleeping pills (the soldiers can not be finished off).


  1. Diving for drugs
    • Collect treasures from chests (3/3): we go down in a diving bell to the wreckage of San Ignacio, examine the remains of ships, take treasures from chests.
    • Don't get caught in the shark's teeth: together with the medicine, we swim out of the underwater cave into the open space, make our way past the sharks, hide in the moments of danger in the algae, swim to the diving bell and rise to the surface to the Jackdaw. In the last cave, you can find a Special Corps to improve the ship, so do not rush to leave the place ahead of time.
  2. Devil's Advocate
    • Rescue survivors (5/5): we follow on the heels of "Queen Anne's Revenge", from time to time we catch sailors on rafts from the water with the [Space] key. Sinking sailors are marked on the mini-map with special icons in the form of a floating man.
    • Kill guards by stunning them with smoke bombs (3/3): we find Blackbeard's moored three-masted frigate near Mayaguana Island, help a friend defeat opponents, actively use smoke bombs and hidden blades in battle.
  3. Siege of Charleston
    • Sleep the crocodiles with darts (3/3): we make our way through the swamps after the boat, shoot the crocodiles in the water with the help of sleeping darts.
    • Freshen up the crocodile: After putting to sleep, we kill the crocodile and peel off the skin.


  1. We demand negotiations
    • Damage the alarm bell: we penetrate imperceptibly into the fortress, where Woods Rogers and Commodore Chamberlain took refuge for negotiations, sneak up on the signal bells, cut off the tongue.
    • Kill the guards from the ledge (3/3): we climb the wall to the upper level of the fortress, mark with eagle vision the sentries patrolling the territory along the perimeter, wait until they are at the edge, at this moment we grab the victim by the caftan and drop it down with the left mouse button.
  2. gunpowder plot
    • Kill 4 guards in a single kill streak: find a protected area, provoke several guards when a fight starts, block enemy attacks with the [E] key, carry out a counterattack with the left mouse button and quickly switch to neighboring targets with the [W], [A], [S], [D] keys. The last enemy can be killed with a pistol using the [F] key. A series of four kills in a row is enough to fulfill the condition for 100% synchronization. If the squad has an officer, a thug or a dodger, then a series of murders must begin with them.
    • Use darts on guard (10/10): stock up on berserk venom darts, run all over Nassau and shoot the guards with the thugs from the blowpipe.
  3. Get rid of the commodore
    • Kill guards from the surveillance zone (3/3): sneak up on the guards from the back, drag them into the bushes and finish them off with hidden blades. Whistling will help to attract the attention of enemies and make it easier to complete the task.
    • Kill Chamberlain in the air: we get to the pier with a battleship, climb imperceptibly along the cables to the mast and stab the commodore in a jump.
  4. fireman
    • Sink a ship with a mortar (3/3): we accompany the "Royal Phoenix", as soon as enemy schooners appear on the horizon, we open fire from mortars. To aim, use the [Q] key, and to shoot from a mortar, use the left mouse button.
    • Sink the ship with powder kegs: we collect more enemy schooners around us, turn the camera to the stern of the ship and start dumping the ignited barrels of gunpowder into the water to sink the pursuers.


  1. Knowing no pity
    • Kill guards (4/4): we pursue the spy, we hide among people and vegetation, so as not to attract attention, we kill the guards along the way.
    • Hit a ship of the line with heavy shots (1/1): we leave the ship in the bay, attack the battleship. To fulfill the synchronization conditions, the winning shot must be fired with heavy cannonballs. The upgrade is bought in the captain's cabin.
  2. Narcissistic Fools
    • Deal damage to King's Africa with an upgraded ram: we pursue the fugitive, with falconets we clear the way from barrels of gunpowder, go out into the bay and approach the target. We crash into the side of the ship with an improved ram. One touch will be enough for the condition to be counted. No need to sink the ship. An improved ram is sold in the captain's cabin on the Jackdaw.
    • Use the guns in the fort to sink the ship: together with the "Royal Africa" ​​there will be several enemy ships in the bay, we are trying to lure the enemies under the fort's shots. As soon as the shells sink at least one ship, the synchronization condition will be met. Usually a couple of shots are enough for the ship to sink.
  3. On the desert island
    • Refresh the animals (3/3): in search of Wayne, we make our way through the jungle, along the way we kill animals and rip off the skins.
    • Kill Wayne in the air: take cover from the shots and bombs of Wayne for stone slabs, go around the ancient building on the right side, climb along the collapsed arches and the wall to the very top to the viewpoint, from where we jump on Wayne and try to bring our friend to his senses.


  1. Just imagine
    • Kill the goons (4/4): during the search for Hornigold and Rogers on the first farm, he kills three thugs, we kill the last one at the docks, where the traitors will go later, after finding them with eagle vision.
    • Damage signal bells (2/2): we make our way through the sugar cane plantations, find signal bells and quietly disable them.
  2. Trust deserved
    • Get a double kill on Cockram and Burges: we reach the lower village in the Portuguese camp on Principe, we wait for the moment when former pirates will go to collect a team to sail on a mission. The blow can be applied from the back while running with two hidden blades or by jumping from the roof of the house, next to which they will pass at the very beginning of the path.
    • Free the Pirates (2/2): carefully make our way along the upper part of the Portuguese camp, save the Sage Pirates from being shot. First we get rid of the officer, then we quietly kill the shooters so that they do not have time to carry out the sentence.


  1. Blackbeard's Gambit
    • Avoid skirmishes: we find a Portuguese ship, steal a flag, sail under a false flag through the entire naval base, never raising the alarm.
    • Use the bungee to kill the captain: before capturing a ship of the line with a crystal phial on board, at the exit from the Portuguese naval base, we climb the tower, cling to the bungee and kill the captain of the ship with hidden blades. It is important to correctly time the jump so that the captain is near the captain's cabin, then Edward will land exactly on his head. If there are sleep darts in stock, then you can first immobilize the soldier closest to the tower, standing on the deck of the ship, and then kill the captain with a bungee jump. The jump is made with the left mouse button at the moment when the captain's figure is highlighted with a white outline for a moment. In case of failure, you should load the game from the checkpoint, then you will not have to go through the task from the very beginning. Or jump overboard and repeat the action again if the alarm was not raised after the jump.
  2. Murder and chaos
    • Find Hornigold while avoiding skirmishes: we go in search of Hornigold, we find the ship of the traitor near the rocks, southeast of Santanilla. When approaching the target, we carefully bypass the patrol ships, do not engage in battles with anyone and do not raise the alarm.
    • Kill Hornigold in the air: when the pretty battered "Benjamin" moored to the island, we land on the shore, quietly make our way through the enemy ranks, climb the hill, and then to the tower with a viewpoint and kill Hornigold in a jump.
  3. Observatory
    • Disable the guards from the surveillance zone (5/5): we remove the weapon (key ), carefully make our way through the jungle, carefully study the situation with eagle vision, run through the branches of trees above the heads of the Guardians, descend on the opposite side of the first clearing and successively strangle each Guardian from the back. You need to sneak up only when they sit motionless in the bushes.
    • Disable all Guardians while unarmed: After neutralizing five of the Guardians from the surveillance zone, the remaining ones can be neutralized with the help of sleep darts and kicks in the ass.


  1. Suffering worse than death
    • Damage signal bells (3/3): we carefully make our way through the territory of the prison, imperceptibly get rid of the guards, after cleaning we cut off the tongues of the alarm bells.
    • Visit old friends (2/2): the first old friend, Jack Rackham, sits in a cage suspended from a post to the right of the central gate of the prison; the remains of a tear-head are blown by all the winds. The second old friend, Charles Vane, miraculously survived on a desert island and is sitting in one of the cells in the prison (in the first large hall from the entrance). To interact with friends, just get close and press the [E] key. The skeleton of Jack Rackham must be inspected immediately, on the way back the interaction button disappears.
  2. …Everything is allowed
    • Hang guards with shengbiao (2/2): run towards the shore marked with a marker, climb the tree branches, highlight the target with a white outline by tilting the camera forward or backward with the mouse, hold down the [F] key, and then press the [S] key to hang the victim with shengbiao.
    • Pull the guards with shengbiao (3/3): on the way to the coast, attack the Spanish soldiers at close range shengbiao, select the target and press the [F] key.


  1. The end of the governor
    • Kill a diplomat while hiding in a haystack: in the market we find an Italian diplomat with an eagle's eye, we immediately get rid of two bodyguards, approaching from behind and simultaneously killing both with hidden blades. Then we act ahead of the curve: we leave the target alone, run to the first guarded yard, climb to the roof of the house, jump into the haystack, wait for the diplomat to appear, kill and take away the clothes.
    • Kill Rogers from the bench: from the main entrance we go to the left, sit down on a bench under the canopy of the house and wait for the approach of the former governor of the Bahamas, and then press the left mouse button and stab the target.
  2. Royal failure
    • Kill a guard by exploding gunpowder barrels (8/8): opposite the road to the hill we hide in the bushes, wait for 40 seconds for the appearance of an enemy detachment of five people, who comes from the main camp. When the guards stop near the barrels of gunpowder lying on the road, we shoot at one of them with a pistol. With the right calculation, one shot can kill seven people at once. We make another explosion of barrels near the signal bell on the right side of the road to the hill. We hide in the bushes, wait for the patrol and shoot at the barrel with a pistol at the moment the guards approach.
    • Kill Roberts with Shengbiao: we are chasing the "Royal Luck", we stop and go to the boarding. When the ships collide with the sides, we rise to the mast of the enemy ship, find Roberts among the soldiers, stop above him, switch to shengbiao (key ) in the inventory. And as soon as the contour of the Sage's body turns white, we start the shengbiao with the [F] key and hang it with the [S] key.
  3. bad blood
    • Avoid skirmishes: before the task, we replenish the stocks of darts, find Laureano Torres with his retinue behind the fountain in the courtyard of the cathedral, pursue the target on the roofs, clear the path from the gunners with the help of sleeping darts. We quietly penetrate the fort along the northwestern wall and tree branches. We start the ascent from the side of the tower with a viewpoint.
    • Use the guards as a human shield (2/2): before El Tiburon's shot, we grab the guard by the collar with the [Space] key and, like a human shield, hide from bullets. Killing El Tiburon in AC4 will help headshots with a pistol. New guards appear in the courtyard after the commander is seriously injured.
  4. Eternal splinter
    • Free the hostages (7/7): on the way to the Observatory, we save the Guardians from execution, untie their hands and free them. In front of each group of hostages there is a gunner with a gun, so as not to provoke a massacre, we begin the attacks with sleeping pills. First we put the gunner to sleep, and then we deal with the remaining guards. All three groups of hostages are located within the red guarded zone: at the entrance to the cave - two hostages, on the lower tier of the cave - two, on the upper tier - three.
    • Kill a guard with Observatory Defense (4/4): during the battle on the observation deck in the Observatory, we block enemy attacks with the [E] key, then hold down one of the [W], [A], [S] or [D] keys to select the direction of movement of the victim and press the [E] key a couple of times to push the victim in the chosen direction. To fulfill the conditions, you need to push the guards into the sunny walls that appear from the cracks in the floor.

Part 1
Cape Bonavista
June, 1715

Memory 1
"Edward Kenway"

Two years ago, Edward Kenway left for free bread, promising his beloved Caroline to return and live as a white man. One day pirate ship where Edward worked was attacked. At the time of the skirmish, we notice an assassin on one of the enemy ships. We get to the helm and take control of the ship. The side cannons have a limited field of view, so we always try to turn the ship sideways towards the enemies. Not having time to rejoice at the victory, the powder kegs on board almost instantly ignite. Taking advantage of the panic, the assassin kills the captain, after which an explosion occurs.

Steed Bonnet.

We rise to the surface and reach the shore. The exhausted and wounded assassin asks for help to get him to Havana. Frightened, do not understand why, he hides in the jungle. We run along the path, cross the abyss along the bridge and cross the water. We climb to the very top of the wooden structures. If desired, you can climb to the viewpoint and synchronize with the terrain. We jump into the haystack and continue the chase. After the shot, the pursuit will enter the final phase. We catch up with the assassin Duncan Walpole and engage in a fight with him. We use counterattacks and techniques to break through the defense. Having defeated the enemy, we get a letter from the governor Laureano Torres y Ayala from his bag. He is waiting for Duncan with valuable cards and an unusual crystal cube in Havana. The Governor does not know Duncan by sight, so it will not be difficult to impersonate him.

Dressed in an assassin's costume, we get to the restricted area. The royal guards have captured a merchant ship, and the guards are holding the merchant. Jumping into a stack of leaves, we wait for the moment when the enemy is nearby. We whistle to attract his attention and subsequently quickly and silently deal with him. You can also hide in dense thickets. We get closer to single enemies, lure them with a whistle and neutralize them. We will destroy the remaining three with brute force, suddenly attacking from the back. Meet the merchant Steed Bonnet. We introduce ourselves to him as Duncan. The captain was killed, so we will lead the ship. We swim to it, stand at the helm and get out of the bay. On sharp turns, we slow down so as not to run aground or crash into rocks.

The present

The Pattern 17 Project is studying the memory of Desmond Miles' DNA after his death. In particular, as a new employee, we will have to immerse ourselves in the life of a pirate-assassin Edward Kenway. At the request of Melanie, we look at the lamps above the screen and in the floor. We follow the leader to the reception. Having received the communicator, turn on the miracle device and continue to follow Melanie. We contact the icon inside the elevator and press the button indicated on the tablet screen. Meet the boss - Olivier Garneau. Let's proceed to the workplace, where we have our personal Animus, and connect to the system.

Part 2
Havana, Cuba
July, 1715

Memory 1
"Jolly Havana"

Steed negotiated with Spanish merchants to sell sugar. We accompany the merchant to the local tavern. On the way, we will stop at a weapon shop and purchase the English broadsword blade. We climb onto the roof of the church, then to the top of the tower and synchronize with the terrain. A thief attacked Steed and took his bag. Jumping down, we rush in pursuit of the fugitive. To complete an additional task, you need to jump on the pickpocket and knock him to the ground, but, in no case, do not kill him! We search the body and return to Steed, who is already waiting for us near the tavern. What kind of booze does without a fight? We counterattack the attacking opponents. We carry out a couple of throws, injury and knockout. We finish the rest in any way possible. The guards ran up to the noise. Use the smoke bomb, climb onto the roof and leave the red area on the minimap as soon as possible. We try not to catch the eye of other guards so that we do not have to make up for additional meters.

Memory 2
"But what about my sugar?"

Walking through Abstergo, you can't help but feel like you're in the office of the game's developers.

Meet with Steed at the port. He also got on well. We find out that the bag with materials intended for the governor was in the hands of the guards. Eagle Vision allows you to quickly spot targets and enemies in a crowd. They can also be marked so as not to be overlooked, even if they hide behind buildings. It is enough just to look in their direction for a couple of seconds to fix it. We immediately hire dancers and pursue the guards. Girls will be an excellent cover, providing inconspicuous movement. Dancers can distract guards building along the aisles. Once will be enough to complete additional task. It is also not worth using their services all the time. It is much faster and less costly to move around the rooftops. The guard meets a certain gentleman who is taken to Captain Mendoza. The bells will announce the beginning of the hanging. Without delay, we rush for the goals. When they stop, we will get lost among the group of dancers and, without leaving the marked area, we eavesdrop on the conversation.

After hanging, follow the captain. He will not stay long in the forbidden zone - it is better not to go there. Only if there are no dancers with us who will distract the guards on the move so that we can catch up with the captain and rob him from behind. In the first option, you need to follow the captain and, as soon as there are no guards nearby, commit a theft.

We go around the fort on the right side, swim up to the wall and hang on the edge near the side door. One of the guards keeps coming out. As soon as he goes back inside, we follow him and neutralize both guards one by one, sneaking up from behind. We follow the rest of the enemies through the mini-map. We pass into the next room and through the window we get out. Having jumped onto the beam, we pull ourselves up by the upper ledge, jump over to the neighboring ledge, drop lower and jump onto the next beam. We climb up to the ledge, wait for the enemy and drop him down. On the mini-map, we follow the views of the guards. When they turn away, you need to have time to pull yourself up and go to the boxes. The shooters are watching us more closely, but if you stand behind cover for a while, they will forget about us. We make our way to the room and return the bag. We turn right, jump into the water and meet with Steed at the pier.

Memory 3
"Mr. Walpole, I presume?"

We get to the governor's estate and head to the shooting range. Meet Woods Rogers and Julien Ducasse. Before meeting with Laureano, let's practice shooting. We hit all the specified targets. Then we interact with Woods and go through the targets again, but now for a limited time. Before that, it is best to fully reload the guns. We stand approximately in the middle for best view. Having successfully completed the test, we communicate with Julien and follow the owners. They have prepared trials for us in which we will have to destroy targets with the help of a hidden blade. We approach any of the targets and use the blade. Hiding in a haystack, we attack a nearby target. Further, we mix with the crowd near the building and, without leaving it, we attack the target. We climb onto the roof, look towards the target and, by pressing the appropriate button, hit it in the jump. And the last thing: we quickly head towards the target and, on the run, pierce it through with a powerful blow.

Governor Laureano Torres.

Duncan betrayed the brotherhood of the Assassins and decided to join the side of the Templars. Woodson hunts down and exterminates pirates, and Julien sells all kinds of weapons: from ordinary blades to heavy cannons. We pass the cards and the crystal cube to the governor. At a secret meeting, we are all initiated into Templars. Then the furnace will go to the forgotten Observatory in the West Indies. There is something of powerful power that allows you to follow every person on Earth. A sage named Roberts fell into the hands of the Templars, who has valuable information about the location of the Observatory. Until the conversation is over, we rob Woodson, Julien and Lauresne, getting close to them from the back.

Memory 4
"The Man Called Sage"

In addition to the Templars, Roberts is of great interest to the Assassins. We escort the allies to Torres' house. When the assassins attack, we kill one of them with a shot from a pistol. We try not to go far from Torres, so that if necessary we can protect him. Thanks to the efforts of opponents, the Wise Man manages to escape. Let's chase after him. To complete an additional task, you need to attack him from above. The fugitive himself often climbs onto the roofs of buildings. When he descends, we will have a chance to catch up with him and make a jump. We often press the corresponding button so as not to miss the moment. For good work, we receive an award from the governor.

Memory 5
"Any complaints?"

After discussing with Steed the power of a powerful artifact inside the Observatory and the prospects after its sale, we go to the Sage. Having penetrated into the restricted area, we destroy single guards. Be sure to make three kills while in thick grass, if necessary, luring opponents with a whistle. We get to the green zone, activate eagle vision and track down the yellow target. After neutralizing it, we search the body and take the key.

Climb up the wall to the left of the stairs. We wait for the enemy and, when he approaches, we drop him down. We move forward along the left wall. We follow the guards on the mini-map and try not to leave them behind us. Having reached the next wall, we climb it on the cart. Having unlocked the door, we find the killed guards. The sage is not here, but Torres arrived and accused us of releasing him.

Memory 6
"Silver Fleet"

Together with a friend in misfortune, we are freed from the shackles by pressing the button shown. We stand near the boxes at the aisle, whistle and neutralize the approaching enemy. We run to the next corner, making sure that the guard is in the far position. And last opponent we wait near the boxes to the left of the passage. We take our things from the table.

Now we need a ship and a crew of pirates. We get out on the deck and act at our discretion - covertly or in open combat. The second option is much easier and faster. The first option involves hiding around corners and watching the guards' route for a long time. Each ship contains captive pirates. For the main task, it is enough to release eighteen people + five for the additional one. We move from one ship to another along the masts or water. Having finished with the release, we move to the noted brig and carry out its capture. We stand at the helm and go to the indicated point. To resist the flotilla led by the ships is beyond our power. Therefore, we leave the red area as soon as possible, simultaneously firing at the frigates from various guns. We follow the weather phenomena on the mini-map. We go around typhoons and turn the ship in advance to face the killer waves in order to overcome them without damage and loss of the crew.

Memory 1
"New Captain"

Adewale is unhappy with Edward's promotion to captain. As compensation, we offer him to choose any position on the ship. He agrees to the quartermaster. We call the brig "Jackdaw" - in honor of the bird from Edward's childhood. On the advice of Adewale, we go to the nearest island to replenish food and water supplies. We leave the ship near the shore and swim to the island on our own. We will shoot one of the iguanas with a pistol. They can be found right on the beach. We will kill one of the ocelots by jumping from a tree. There are many fallen trees on the island. We climb one of them and wait for prey. After butchering all four bodies, the main menu will open. Choose "Crafts", make a holster and improve health. We return to the brig, interact with Adewale and get a pistol.

Nassau, Bahamas
September 1715

Memory 2
"Set open"

Meet up with friends Edward Thatch (Blackbeard) and Ben Hornigold. Both are notorious personalities in the pirate society. Our brig is still in need of fresh blood, so let's look for candidates. All of them are marked on the mini-map. We get to the indicated points, deal with the guards and recruit pirates. Three need to be killed, after disarming. We should not have weapons in our hands, we fight with our fists. We counterattack the attackers and click on the "Disarm" button. Having replenished the crew, we go to the gallows. We select from behind and, without entering the red zone, we aim at the rope and shoot at it. After destroying the guards, we free the prisoner and return to the tavern. We tell our friends about the Observatory. They are skeptical of the idea of ​​finding a powerful artifact, preferring the more tangible loot of gold.

Memory 3
"Robbery and robbery"

Enlisting the support of Ben, we go to the open sea. He will teach us the basics naval battles and boarding already wrecked ships. We look through the spyglass, find the schooner and mark it. On all sails we rush to the goal. Each ship has a status bar, which in turn displays a small red bar. If you overdo it with shelling, then the ship will sink and then we will get only half of the cargo. If you do not take it to the extreme, but stop the fire in time, then you can come close to the ship and start boarding. While the pirates are trying to throw cables on the enemy schooner, we will use the falconet near the helm. To complete an additional task, you need to kill three opponents with a weapon. We move to the enemy ship, deal with the remaining crew members and carry out the capture of the ship.

Edward Thatch (Blackbeard).

Having repaired the Jackdaw, we continue robbery attacks on all the same schooners. Do not forget that the spyglass helps to determine in advance what kind of cargo the ship is carrying. To complete an additional task, you need to get twenty barrels of rum. Having received the required amount of cargo, we set off for Salt Key. We moor at the pier, run to the bench and get a solid hull for the Jackdaw.

Memory 4
"Under the Black Flag"

Let's go for metal mining. We use a telescope to find the ships that carry the cargo we need. We will also need thirty bags of sugar. Above the ship status bar is another small bar. After it is filled, a warship will pull up to help the merchant ships. He is distinguished by exceptional preparedness and can repulse the most notorious pirates. The next step will be an attack on a warship. Sooner or later he will find us. We do not expose ourselves to rams, we actively fire from side cannons, and then we fire at weak spots from a falconet. After capturing the ship, we return to Salt Key and bribe a local official to get rid of a bad reputation. We are purchasing another upgrade for the Jackdaw - side guns. This time we will do it from the ship's cabin.

Memory 5
"Sugar Cane Harvest"

With the support of James Kidd, we will go to the man of Peter Beckford, who will lead us to one of the many plantations. James will turn right, and we will go forward and activate eagle vision to recognize attorney Beckford. We keep our distance and pursue the target, if necessary, mixing with the crowd and hiding in the bushes. It is not necessary to enter the forbidden zone at all; we look at the attorney and, as soon as the timer appears, we quickly return to the "Daw".

Standing at the helm, we begin the pursuit of the target on the water. Entering the restricted area, we avoid collisions with enemy ships. We go around them for a mile, because no one knows in which direction they will venture to swim. To perform an additional task, we must not be detected. We moor at a nearby pier behind the pursued ship. We have exactly fifty seconds to get to the attorney. We quickly rush to the first bell and neutralize two guards with hidden blades on the run. We disable the bell and get to the bushes near the target. Without leaving the marked zone, we pursue the attorney. When he disperses with the guard, ahead of him, we run to the bushes near the second bell. After the attorney reprimands the drunkard, we wait for his departure and neutralize the enemy. The warehouse is locked, so we go to the tower and with the help of eagle vision, we calculate the owner of the key. As usual, we hide in the bushes along the guard's route, lure him with a whistle and destroy him. We unlock the doors of the warehouse and pick up a large amount of cargo.

Memory 6
"Good Defense"

Before starting the task, we get an improvement for the Jackdaw - heavy cannonballs for onboard guns. Ammunition can be bought from the harbor captains in the harbor. Together with Blackbeard, we set off in search of the La Arca del Maestro ship. We get to the red zone and immediately go to the green. Not to notice such a colossus will not be easy. Its field of view stretches for hundreds of meters. However, we use a spyglass and mark the battleship of the sixtieth level. We keep a distance from him and lead the pursuit without colliding with other enemy ships.

James Kidd.

Ahead of us, Charles Vane, an old acquaintance of Blackbeard, attacks the ship. Having suffered a fiasco, "La Arca del Maestro" turns all its power against us too. On all sails we move around the territory, avoiding damage from mortars. Thanks to high speed, we will be able to leave the shelling zone in time. The Spanish ships will soon arrive. We destroy two with heavy cores. To do this, we swim closer to the opponents and, without aiming, we shoot from the onboard cannons. Two more ships must be destroyed with one volley from the onboard guns. We leave the enemies with a minimum amount of health. The longer we hold the aiming button, the more closely the cores will fly. Taking aim, we shoot almost immediately to cover as large an area as possible and hit several enemies.

While we fought, the main ship managed to escape. And he went to the island, which controls Julien Ducasse.

Now, in the passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you can go to your ship and head to the exclamation mark, which is located near Long Bay. As soon as you get there, you can immediately start the task. Head into the jungle and navigate through them , killing enemies along the way.

After you completely clear the location, you can catch your breath a little and go north. Look around and find the treasure. Jump into the water and swim to the search area, turn in the direction where the bushes grow, and go right. Be careful because three opponents are attacking now. Disarm them first before they use their guns. Also use sleep darts on them. Continue playing Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and move through the swamp, and then jump onto the platforms. Put the next enemy to sleep, and when the second one attacks, kill. Then activate Eagle Vision to see all the enemies settled in the west and north Sneak up on them and neutralize them, then head to the eastern part of the location and eliminate the last living enemy.

Look around and go towards the caves. Then get out to the coastal strip and save. Climb back into the cave and hide in it. Get the barrel and kill three fighters. It is worth saying that when they are sitting, then you will not be able to attack them, and they - how else. So do not take risks, it is better to wait a bit until the enemies get up. You can use a sleeping dart on one of them, and weapons on all the others. Having dealt with these enemies, go further and remove the next ones.

Head to the topmost level and arm yourself with sleep darts to use them to take down the gunner. Move across the bridge and try to remember the number and location of the enemies that have settled on the other side. Then take the most convenient position and send everyone to sleep and find a passage to get out through it. Be careful, as two opponents will attack now, deal with them, and then pick up the utilities scattered around.

Now, in the passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you should head east and reach the end of the location to find the enemy there and put him to sleep. Then run up to the water and dive into it to take cover and shoot at two more opponents. Regarding the third a fighter, then he can be killed in close combat when you find yourself near the point where you have already been before climbing into the cave, but a little lower.

Move to the southern part of the location and look for the guard who has settled in a small cave. Then wait until he turns away and move down to get to the jungle. Activate Eagle Vision and find the fighters crouched in the bushes. Then try to calm the situation as quietly as possible. Now go to the northern part and you will find yourself near the waterfall. Near it, you should look to the left and notice another fighter. He also needs to be killed if you want to loot the chests.

Move to the southern part of the location to find yourself in a new territory. Just be careful, as there are a lot of patrols here and they go often. Wait for them and put them to sleep. Run upstairs and save. Then look around to find another Fighter. It is worth noting that it can be destroyed from the air. As soon as another enemy appears near you, kill him without drawing attention. Continue through Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and go to the Mayan stele.

Approach Roberts and move after him. As soon as you pass through the laboratory, you will be able to find a crate. Watch the video and climb up. But you won't be able to get to the topmost level because the path will be blocked. So head north and climb up the wall. Then you can jump onto the rock and slide down it. Then go to the corsairs on the beach and talk. After that, the task will be considered completed.

Our days

After you receive a message from John and Lemay, explore the area, not missing the chance to hack all the computers and read the notes lying on the tables. Now, in the passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, go into the room from which video surveillance is being conducted. Then proceed to solve a simple problem. You just need to set the following correct sequence of numbers: 3-5-77. As soon as you complete the task, then go to north room and find the server in it.Disable it and put the following sequence: 3-7-7-7.After that, remote access is activated, and you can get the information you need.Watch the video and get out of here.

Episode 11

Memory 1: Suffer without dying

Once the video ends, you can do the following:
1) Wait until everything ends by itself;
2) Go to the grate and rattle it to get the guard's attention.

But whatever you decide, in the further passage of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, you need to run to the left, jump onto the boxes and climb a tree. Then jump into a haystack and hide. Wait for the guard to approach to finish him off. Then you need wait for the captain and his retinue to turn away.Quickly start running towards the bell and smash it.

Then quickly run for cover before you get caught. You should not leave the guard alive, because he can cause significant damage later, so it's better to neutralize him immediately. Move to the opposite side and deal with the next two guards. Just do everything quietly, in order to avoid trouble.

If the fighters notice losses in their ranks, they will instantly raise a panic. Therefore, it is better for you to immediately destroy them or drag the lifeless bodies to where they will not be discovered soon. And if they find it, then we will not scatter in a crowd, but one at a time. So lure them out there and finish them off. Then play again.

It is worth noting that you do not have to complete the entire game in stealth mode. First, because in additional quests nothing is said about it. And secondly, it is not necessary to give the opponents the opportunity to be too close to the desired bell. If now the alarm is raised in the passage of the game Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag, then there will be much more problems. I advise you to shoot those fighters who want to get to the bell.

Then move to the southwest direction and go to the fence. Wait a little while the patrolmen pass to deal with them. I advise you to carefully monitor the guards during the battle and ensure that they turn away. Because otherwise the attack can be very dangerous. After the enemies die, move across the road and approach the crates. Hide behind them and wait until the enemies appear. Use the whistle as bait and kill them. Then run to the bell and remove the last guard from there.

After disabling the bell, you can move forward when you see two opponents, hide in the bushes and wait until they disperse. Try to destroy the one closest to you, the very first. Continue playing Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and wait, the second one will return. Whistle again and kill him. Keep your way back, dealing with enemies along the way.

You can move to the south and meet there Rackham imprisoned in a cage. Approach it and click on the active key that appears on the monitor. Only in this way will you be able to complete one of the additional objectives. Then climb along the wall through the scaffolding and the bell and look north. You can see the gunner there. Wait a bit for him to turn away and sneak up close to put him to sleep with a sleep dart.

After a while, the opponents attack. Don't think too long, just destroy them. Then jump down to those boxes that are not far away. If you see that the gunner sees another 10 dreams, then calmly move north, not paying attention to him. Then move along the wall and hide in the bushes. Now we need to wait for the fighter to approach. He will come out of the ditch. Try to finish him off as quickly as possible, because otherwise he will cause a lot of problems when completing this task in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Then return to the bushes and wait until it becomes quiet around and get out of there.