Library quest scenario for librarians. Literary quest "through the pages of your favorite books". Belousova E.V. - school librarian

Kirsanova Elena Ivanovna,
Deputy Director for Children
MBUK CBS, Taganrog

"Teenagers need special attention because at this age many of them stop reading. The task of librarians and other professionals who are aware of this feature of the mental and emotional development child, is to provide the young reader with a wide range of book products that meet his changing interests. (Readers' Rights. International Book Committee and International Publishers Association. 1992).

Teenagers are a very special category of readers, they tend to strive for constant change, new experiences, strong emotions. Traditional forms of work with modern teenagers are not always effective and attractive. What can we offer them?

The new form should be both exciting and informative, contain elements of competition, the opportunity to express oneself creatively, work individually and in a team, in other words, be extremely diverse and holistic at the same time. The so-called "quest" or "search game" fully meets these criteria.

What is a "quest"? It is obvious that the word "quest" came to the Russian language from English ("quest" - "search"). This concept itself comes from medieval literature, where it denoted a long and difficult journey of a hero, most often a knight, for some object, usually magical. On the path of the hero, there were numerous obstacles that he overcame thanks to his physical abilities, intellectual abilities or with the help of friends.

The search game has become a joint project of the Central City Children's Library named after M. Gorky, the Mariinsky Gymnasium and the author of the book "There were-there weren't Taganrog" I. Pashchenko. It included several stages and took place from 1 to 13 November.

Target: Formation of the patriotic consciousness of students and their sense of pride in their small Motherland.

The unique historical heritage of the city provides invaluable material not only for the current understanding, but also for its development in the future. It was the future in the broadest sense of the word that was oriented towards the historical and literary quest game "Taganrog - the unsolved city of Russia", which provided schoolchildren with a wonderful opportunity to once again turn to the history of Russia through the history of their native city, which more than 300 years ago became an outpost for the expansion and strengthening of the Russian empire.


To expand students' knowledge about the past and present of Taganrog.

To form students' skills in finding useful information in various media, processing and using it.

To promote the formation of aesthetic and moral values ​​in adolescents.

To promote the development of creative abilities of schoolchildren, communication skills, the ability to interact in a team.

Strengthen and expand the creative cooperation of the TsGDB them. M. Gorky with educational and cultural institutions and organizations of the city.

Target groups:

Students of grades 8-9 of the Mariinsky gymnasium.

Partner organizations:

  1. Taganrog State Literary and Historical-Architectural Museum-Reserve.
  2. Taganrog deanery of the Rostov-on-Don diocese.
  3. Palace of Youth in Taganrog.
  4. MOBUDOD City Music School named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  5. Hotel "Bristol".
  6. Theater Studio "SaD"
  7. Newspaper "Taganrogskaya Pravda", 5TNT, 23 TV channel.

Project stages:

-the first stage - preparatory (September-October): The quest was preceded by a lot of work: organizational and creative. On the basis of the TsGDB them. M. Gorky, a working group of like-minded people was created, which included representatives of the TsGDB them. Gorky, the head of the school library of the Mariinsky Gymnasium I. Kovalik, the author of "Tales of Taganrog" I. Pashchenko. For two months, the working group met weekly in the library. The working group develops the script, tasks and conditions for completing the tasks of the quest game, draws up a recommendatory list of local history literature, route lists, forms the composition of the expert council, assessment criteria, forms teams of participants, familiarizes the participants with the conditions of the game, deals with other organizational issues. First of all, these are agreements with those institutions that will become the objects of the game: the Bristol Hotel, the Museum of Local Lore, Chekhov's house, the Nikolsky Church, as well as participants in the main stage of the game: the Palace of Youth in Taganrog, the city music school named after Tchaikovsky, the theater studio "Garden". At the same time there is a search for sponsors.

The whole literary part of the game: “messages of the emperors”, “decree”, additional questions, assignments of the conditions for completing the tasks of the quest game, was taken over and talentedly implemented by the writer I. Pashchenko. The essence of the quest at the first stage was to sequentially search for encrypted objects in the historical part of the city, where puzzles of the coat of arms of Taganrog from different eras were hidden and solve additional questions-riddles on the history of the city for additional points. The winner of this stage was the team with the most points.

The participants in the game - 4 teams of students in grades 8-9 of the Mariinsky Gymnasium - begin the quest in the reading room of the library, where the mood of mystery and unusual action was created for them by a brilliant musical group led by N.N. Shmelev. (students of the music school) The teams received a chest with letters from the mysterious envoy of the emperors of Russia, whose fate intersected with the fate of Taganrog: Peter I, Catherine the Great, Alexander I and Alexander II. The teams are given envelopes with the first task-letter (large envelope), having guessed which the participants will determine the era and name of the emperor, the “author” of the letter (Peter I, Catherine II, Alexander I, Alexander II), determine the directions of their routes (streets in the city, connected with this era and the name of the emperor).

Having guessed the next task (small envelope), the team identifies the architectural object necessary for further search and then the next waypoints. At each point of the route, the participants of the game, in order to move on, independently find the necessary information and a piece of the puzzle. To search for answers to questions, it was allowed to use any reference sources, including Mobile Internet.As a result, the team must assemble the coat of arms of Taganrog from puzzles. The team captures the entire route on photo and video (if possible).

Each team is accompanied by one representative from the TsGDB them. M. Gorky and the Mariinsky Gymnasium, which control the independence of the work of teams, fixes the points scored and penalty points in the route sheet, and are responsible for the safety of students.

Schematically, the route looks like this:

START (Central City Hospital named after M. Gorky) --- MOVEMENT along the historical mystery street --- STOP (Architectural object) ---- MOVEMENT to the historical monument ---- STOP (Monument) --- MOVEMENT to the end point of the route ----FINISH (Flash mob on the square)

This game aroused the most emotions among the participants, who, with eyes burning with excitement, solved tricky riddle questions, collected historical information and put together puzzles of Taganrog coats of arms from different eras found in hidden places. It seems that this sunny autumn day will someday become for them one of the most vivid childhood memories.

This stage of the game ended with a joint flash mob with the dance group of the Youth Palace of the city at the end point of the route - October Square.

Over the next days, with great inspiration, the guys creatively processed and designed those historical facts and materials that they managed to collect on the routes, because. it was on this that the final sum of all the points scored depended.

The Expert Council considers, analyzes and evaluates the materials of the second stage and the third stage provided by the teams;

Evaluation criteria for quest games:

  1. The passage of the team along the route of the game is evaluated in accordance with Appendix 1.
  2. Project protection is evaluated according to the following criteria:

Compliance with the goal, tasks of the quest game;

Creativity, creativity to the presentation and presentation of the material;

Compliance of the project with historical facts;

Aesthetic design of the work;

On November 13, the Central Children's Library hosted the final stage of the quest - the presentation and protection of the original electronic presentations-reports of the participating teams. Moreover, each presentation was unique, interesting and appreciated by the competent jury. The verdict of the jury was read by the great sovereign Pyotr Alekseevich, whose role was convincingly played by the actor of the youth theater "Garden" M. Lebed.


Summing up the results of the first library quest in Taganrog, it should be noted that the organization and holding of such events by libraries of various departments, their collaboration with talented writers, historians, and other interested parties gives a convincing impetus to the study of native history by teenagers through “live” communication with it, the formation of true local historians, who in the future may be able to write new pages in the annals of Taganrog.

  1. Activation of interest among teenagers in the history of their small homeland, in institutions involved in the preservation of the cultural heritage of the city;
  2. The development of communication skills and creativity in adolescents, the ability to find useful information from both traditional and non-traditional sources.
  3. Closer creative interaction between educational, cultural and other institutions and organizations of the city that are not indifferent to the problems of childhood.

literary journey

3rd grade

Target : V game form repeat and consolidate students' knowledge about the content of various fairy tales; to cultivate love and interest in reading, a sense of collectivism; develop logical thinking, memory, attention, communication skills, group work skills.

Equipment: visibility: technical equipment: travel route map, exhibition of books with fairy tales; "casket"; saucer; apple; " magic crystal»; spell texts; cut proverb “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it: a lesson for good fellows”: presentation of children's songs; presentation: crossword puzzle, fairy tale characters, physics minute; microphone, computer; multimedia board; handout - three sets of felt-tip pens; crosswords based on the fairy tales of A. Pushkin(three copies); forms "Draw a fairy-tale hero"; three sets of split cards "Pick up a pair"(names of magic items - fairy tale characters) ; team emblems for each participant; tournament table of game results; certificates for awards.

Conduct form : intellectual team travel game.


I . Introduction

1. Greetings

-Come in, hurry up, Our dear friends! Relax, have fun, You can't be bored here!

-We invite you to a literary journey!

The travel theme is so cute! Everyone is close to her! “What a charm these fairy tales are” - that’s how it sounds!

    Teams take part in the literary journey: "Magicians"(captain - ...), "Storytellers"(captain - ...), "Magicians"(captain -...).

    The competition is judged by a distinguished jury of...

    The teams will go on a journey along the route, to the huts of three beautiful girls: Zabava, Lyubava, Alyonushka. And interesting surprises will await you in the huts.

2. Watching the video "Tales".

3. Viewing an exhibition of books. A conversation about the meaning of fairy tales in people's lives

-We prepared and reviewed an exhibition of books with fairy tales. How diverse is the world of fairy tales! What kinds of fairy tales do you know? What are the main features of fairy tales? What is the significance of fairy tales in people's lives?

4. Acquisition of route sheets.

5. Familiarization of participants with the rules of the game.

Rules of the game

    If one question is asked to all teams, the team that first signaled a ready answer with a raised hand gets the right to answer. If a team gives an incorrect answer, other teams have the right to answer this question.

    If the questions are different for all teams, then the team that asked the question answers first. If a team makes a mistake, other teams have the right to answer this question.

    All tasks and answers to questions are evaluated by the jury in points.

-Good luck!

II. Main part

The teams according to the route sheets disperse to the huts-stations and carry out the tasks of the Russian beauties.


    Collective compilation of proverbs from cut inverted cards "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."Why do they say so?

    « Everything is in place!”

Each team received a set of cards. It is necessary to restore the full names of fairy-tale characters and the names of magic items, consisting of two parts. For example, Baba...(Yaga). Which team is the fastest?

Answers of the 1st team: Sivka-Burka, the Little Humpbacked Horse, a boy with a finger, a flying carpet, Elena the Beautiful, Winnie the Pooh, the frog princess.

Team II responses: Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich, famously one-eyed, Ole Lukoye, the invisible hat, Vasilisa the Wise, the seven-flowered flower.

Team III responses: walking boots, crocodile Gena, lifesaver, Humpty Dumpty, Miracle Yudo, Ivanushka the Fool, Marya Iskussnitsa.

3. Mathematics in fairy tales

Numbers in fairy tales

- Name the fairy tales, in the names or in the content of which there are numbers. Who will give more answers? (7kids, 7 gnomes, 7 heroes, 3 fat men, 3 bears, 3 girls under the window, 33 heroes, 40 robbers, a three-headed dragon...)

Logic tasks

Question to the team

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet went on an expedition in search of the North Pole. On the hike they took a rope with them(suddenly - come in handy!).On this rope they tied four knots. How many pieces are on the rope?(Five)

Question II team

Ellie went to the Emerald City, and on the way she met terrible dangers: a tiger, an ogre and an evil spider. She met the spider before the tiger, and the ogre later than the spider. Who did she meet first?(Spider)

Question III team

All the fairyland characters who have a car are very impatient. And the patient ones always stick the soles on their shoes with holes. To fix the sole, you need to weld the glue. Signor Tomato cannot stand the smell of glue and does not stick to the sole. Does Signor Tomato have a car?(Eat)

The opposite game

-I will say the names of fairy tales, giving them the opposite meaning. You must guess the correct name of the hidden fairy tale. For example, I will say: "Colorless cockerel." Means, we are talking about the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

    "Green Beret"("Little Red Riding Hood")

    "Barefoot Mouse"("Puss in Boots")

    "Girl - with a palm"("Boy - with a finger")


Near the seaside - a green oak, A golden chain on an oak that. And day and night the Cat Scientist Everything walks around the chain.

    Guys, what did Scientist Cat say?(Fairy tales)

    And now he wants to know how well you know fairy tales? You have to complete the tasks of the Scientific Cat.

    Solve the crossword "We love the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin."

-Which team will complete the task faster?

Horizontally: 3. “My light, ... tell me, tell me the whole truth: am I the sweetest in the world, all blush and whiter?”

    The great Russian poet, according to whose fairy tales this crossword puzzle was compiled.

    At the beginning of the tale, the old woman asked for a new one, and at the end she stayed with the broken one. 8. The sorceress-stepmother poisoned the princess with it.

  1. Vertically: 1. Sits on a knitting needle, inspects the borders and warns of danger. 2. A bird that helped Gvidon, and then became his wife. 4. The name of the dog from the same fairy tale as the witch with the princess(questions 3,8). 5. He hired Balda as a worker. 7. He was looking for Lyudmila all over the world and fought with Chernomor.


Horizontally: 3. Mirror. 5. Pushkin. 6. Trough. 8. Apple.

Vertically: 1. Cockerel. 2. Swan. 4. Sokolko. 5. Pop. 7. Ruslan.

    Game "Tell me a word"

-Complete the fixed expressions.

Questions to the I team Cunning as...(fox). Stubborn like...(donkey). Pouted like...(turkey). Trembling like aspen...(sheet)..

Questions II team Cowardly as...(hare). Sleepy like...(fly). Sings like...(nightingale). It's like...(fish).

Questions III team Clumsy as...(bear). Red like...(cancer). It crackles like...(magpie). Snobby like...(rooster).

    Fabulous physical minute

4. Get to know fairy tale characters.


A) Fruit and garden country, In one of the fairy tale books there is it. And in it the hero is a vegetable boy, He is brave, fair, mischievous!(Chippolino)

b) A girl appeared in a cup of a flower, And that girl was a little more than a marigold. The girl slept in a nutshell. What a girl, how sweet she is!(Thumbelina)

c) Evening would soon come, And the long-awaited hour has come, So that I can go to a fabulous ball in a gilded carriage. No one in the palace will know where I come from, what my name is, But as soon as midnight comes, I will return to my attic.(Cinderella)


Tasks of fairy wizards

    "What's in the chest?"

Look, here, in a high casket, a mysterious object is hidden. And the brave knight with a keen eye "Kept it for many years. And one of you who guesses What object lies inside, That same hour receives - Keys to the casket where the treasure is hidden.

- In the chest-"casket" are hidden objects that replaced television in fairy tales. With their help, you could see what was happening in distant kingdom, in the thirtieth statedonation.What is thisbehinditems?(Silversaucerand pouring apple)

    Magic crystal

-In addition to magical items, the heroes of fairy tales were also helped by magic spells cast on a magic word.crystall.

Which team will be able to read the spell of the Wizard of the Emerald City more clearly and more amicably with a tongue twister?

Bambara Chufara,


pickup truck,

Moriki scorns!

    Funny Artists Competition

- Which team will be better able to finish the fairy-tale hero in three minutes?

    A hat is drawn on the sheet.(Dunno)

    Boots and a cat's tail are drawn on the sheet.(Puss in Boots)

    The key is drawn on the sheet.(Pinocchio)

    Blitz Tournament

Each team will be asked 12 questions. You must give as many correct answers as possible. No more than five seconds are allotted for each question.

Questions of the 1st team

    Thumbelina's unfortunate fiancé who lived in the dungeon.(Mole)

    What did the Fairy turn into a carriage for Cinderella?(Pumpkin)

    What was the name of the doctor from the tale of Dunno "Shorty in the Sunny City"?(Pilyulkin)

    This fairy-tale heroine ran after the White Rabbit, but then turned into a deep well and ended up in an extraordinary country.(Alice)

    Who was deceived in the Land of Fools?(Pinocchio)

    As this hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by a pigtail from a wig, flew on a cannonball, turned an evil wolf inside out and shot a mad fur coat.(Baron Munchausen)

    His head is full of sawdust.(Winnie the Pooh)

    The girl Ellie was walking towards him with her friends.(Wizard Goodwin)

    Boa constrictor from the fairy tale "Mowgli".(Kaa)

    A character from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" who can smile and disappear.(Cat)

    What was the name of this cat?(Cheshire)

12) Who turnedVhuge lion,and then- in a smallmouse?(cannibal)

Questions II team

    It contained an egg with a needle, where the death of Koshchei the Immortal was concluded.(Duck)

    Rodents that fought the Nutcracker.(Rats)

    A vegetable with which you can compare shorties from the tale of Dunno in terms of height.(Cucumber)

    The surname of Mikhail Potapych from Russian fairy tales. (Toptygin)

    Favorite occupation of Znayka. (Reading)

    This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned by a dwarf into little man and traveled with a flock of geese.(Nils)

    An African animal that changed its appearance after meeting a crocodile on the banks of the Limpopo River.(Baby elephant)

    This fairy-tale character always carried an oil can with him so as not to rust in the rain.(Tin Woodman)

    Bear from the fairy tale "Mowgli".(Baloo)

    Whom did Alice meet while swimming in her tears?(Mouse)

    What did Alice like most about books?(Images)

12) Who taught the director a lesson puppet theater Karabas Barabas?(Pinocchio)

Questions III team

    Who sings songs in the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin?(Squirrel)

    The most well-read among Winnie the Pooh's friends.(Owl)

    What did Dunno draw on Pilyulkin's portrait instead of a nose?(Thermometer)

    A man with a propeller.(Carlson)

    Prophetic horse from Russian folk tales.(Sivka-Burka)

6) This hero of the fairy tale worked as a doctor on the ship. One day his ship was wrecked. He was captured by little people.(Gulliver)

    He has a green tuft on his head, pulling on which, you will cry a lot.(Chippolino)

    A traveling circus gymnast who leads the fight against the evil three fat men.(Tibul)

    This creature, sewn from straw, was the companion of the girl Ellie in a magical land.(Scarecrow)

    Panther from the fairy tale "Mowgli".(Bagheera)

    What happened to Alice when she ate the pie?( Grew)

    In which kingdom is the city with 10,000 mirrors on its streets?(Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors)

III. Conclusion. Summarizing.

comandy meet, and while the jury sums up, the results are the last competition"Guess the melody" . (the competition is held by presentation)

Game over message

    As you can see from our itinerary, our fabulous journey has come to an end. Was the trip exciting? Share your impressions!( Microphone Method )

    You guys are great! We tried to work together. It was clear from your answers that you love to read. You are attentive readers: you gave the right answers to the most difficult questions.

    Now we will learn about the results of the game. The floor is given to the jury.

Awards for teams

Final word

Fun party was with us

But the hour of farewell has already struck.

We wish you to meet again

Save the joy of the holiday!

Quest is a great solution for a holiday in the children's library. During the quest, guests of the holiday will be able to feel like real adventurers, solve charades and puzzles. The guys will receive the task: “to follow the trail of the heroes of the books”, and having coped with it they will receive a well-deserved reward! The quest is easy to organize using the script of the literary quest in the Heroes children's library.

The script of the literary quest in the children's library "Heroes"

The librarian meets the guys. To create a mysterious atmosphere, you can turn on background music.

Librarian: Hello guys, do you like books? (Children answer) What are your favorite book characters? (Children answer) Did you know that the characters in the books love you too? Books love to be read. They especially love neat and attentive readers. Today, all our readers are waiting for an award for attentiveness and accuracy, to get it you guys need to complete a quest from the heroes of our books. And we'll start the quest from here. Here, the heroes of the books left their footprints, follow the footsteps of the heroes and see where they will lead you and what lies there. The one who found the message from the heroes returns with the message back.

Task 1. "In the footsteps"

Children follow the footprints left by the heroes of the books (for example, bear footprints, human footprints, etc.) that lead them to the place where the card with the charade is hidden.

Librarian: the guys, the heroes of the books, left us clues in the form of charades, listen and guess.

Task 2. Charades.

Charades are written on cards. The librarian reads the first charade, the next one is read by the one who guessed the previous one. All guessed words must be written on the board (if there is one) or whatman paper.


My first syllable screams a child

My second syllable is the remnants of the fire.

My first syllable and last syllable - the fan at the stadium screamed

And I found the middle syllable in the garden.

(Ole - bow - oye)

Saves your head from the sun

Boys headdress

But if the first letter is replaced by a growl

That is a fairy-tale hero in front of you.

(Cap – Turnip)

First syllable - bad mood

The second syllable - there are two of them on the head.

(Angry - ear)

My first syllable is the name of the king

My second syllable is rest from the day.

(Karl - dream)

Librarian: and now you and I need to add the first letters of the names of the guessed characters and read what happens. The vowel may be repeated several times.

Children fold. It turns out "FROST"

Librarian: looking for a book that contains this tale.

Children are looking for a book. In the book, children find a puzzle.

Librarian: guys, you need to assemble the puzzle and see who is drawn there.

Task 3.

Children collect a puzzle on which there is an image of the shadows of the characters in the book. For example, the book Alice in Wonderland.

Librarian: Guys, what book do you think these characters are from? That's right, these are the characters from the book "Alice in Wonderland", we are looking for this book in our library!

Children find a book in it a letter.

Librarian guys look what a strange letter do you think what subject can help us read the letter? correct mirror. And in which book about Alice was the mirror? Correctly, “Alice Through the Looking Glass” is looking for this book, attaching a letter to the mirror and reading.

Task 4.

Letter: “Dear Readers! I'm going on an adventure again. This time we will travel through the country of Zazarkalye, where the whole world is a chessboard, and the main characters are pieces on chessboard. A journey full of unexpected events, meetings with extraordinary heroes and of course I have absolutely no idea where it will lead me. But still, for the most courageous travelers, I will leave the key where there is a description of the heroes of this book. Your Alice.

The children go in search of the key. Find the key in a chess book or on a chessboard.

Librarian: Guys, what do you think this key can open?

The children answer. Try on the key to the door. The reading room is open.

Librarian: here we are also waiting for a hint and not one. Hints are not to be found in books. We look and search.

Children examine the reading room, find clues written on the bottom of chess pieces standing in different places in the reading room on their own or with the help of a librarian. Number hints.

Librarian: guys, these numbers are a ciphered message. Let's think about how to decrypt it.

To decipher the message, you need to translate the numbers into letters. (Alphabet in numbers) and read the title of the book. For example: "14-1-21-4-13-10" is "Mowgli"

Librarian: the guys are looking for the book "Mowgli"

Children find a book in it, a map of the library with a note where the treasure is hidden.

Librarian: the guys look carefully at the map and go in search of the treasure.

With the help of the map, children find the treasure. Participant awards.

List of props for holding literary quest in the children's library: traces; cards with charades; whatman paper or board; puzzle with the image of the shadows of the heroes of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"; mirror; letter; key; library map; box with prizes according to the number of participants.

Theatrical quest game"Journey through the Book Ocean" is designed to organize extracurricular time in the subject (literature).

Characters :


baba yaga,

Harry Potter,

Keeper of the Avenue of Stars,

Winnie the Pooh,

Keeper of the Da Vinci Code




Greetings, friends, on our ship! Today we will have an unusual journey - we will go on a sea cruise on the Book Ocean. Our final stop is Treasure Island, where, as they say, pirates buried treasure in ancient times. The path will be difficult. At each stop, you will face serious trials, at the end of which you will receive the coveted word from the statement of a famous scientist. After passing all the tests, on Treasure Island you will have to collect a sentence from all the words. For better orientation, we will give you route maps. (Appendix No. 1. "Route map").

First stage: "Hut on chicken legs »

Baba Yaga holds the key:

Hello! What must I say to enter my hut! (Children say: "Hut, hut ..."). But in order to get the key, you need to solve the riddle. The mystery is fabulous, with humor.

Mystery : What is the name of the woman who first conquered the airspace and became the owner of the world's first aircraft. (Baba Yaga and stupa) 2 points. Well, of course, it's all I, Baba Yaga! Come in (gives the key). Do you want to know how old I am? Then guess the riddles and write down the riddles in numbers in order.Exercise : Guess the riddles and write down the riddles in numbers in order. You should get a number of FOUR digits. For each number - 1 point.

1. She stands among the sheet One, when the notebook is empty. With her nose up to the ceiling, She scolds the student. And like a heron among the marshes, she pecks at him for laziness. Though she has one leg, She is slender, proud, strict. Neither the crane nor the titmouse. And just ... (unit)

2. Complete the proverb: “I know how my ... fingers” (five)

3. Guess, guys, what is the figure of an acrobat? If it gets on its head, it will become exactly three more. (six) 4. Remember the words from the song “ Funny company”to the words of Sergei Mikhalkov: Beauty, beauty, We are taking with us a cat, Chizhik, a dog, a petka-buffoon, a monkey, a parrot. What a company!

Question: How many members did the company have? (six)

Answer:1566 years (for each correct digit in the correct order, 1 point)

And now on the road, along unknown paths, where there are traces of unseen animals.

Guardians of "traces of unseen animals",

Decoration of the place: traces of animals are painted on the floor and hung on the walls

5 sentries near five riddle tracks (you can offer any riddles). Each footprint is a puzzle 1 point.

Second phase

Harry Potter: Hello. You have arrived at Book Jungle Island. To get the coveted key, guess the riddle:

Though not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talks to us

In plain language (BOOK)

I offer you "Library Adventures"

Exercise : choose 2 people from the team who in 1 minute will find a book on the bookshelves, an excerpt from which you will read together. 5 points

“Tom went outside with a bucket of lime and a long brush. He looked around the fence, dipped his brush into the lime with a sigh, ran the brush over the plank, looked at the fence: how much was left to paint, sighed again and sank to the ground in despair.

Ben emerged from the gate. He jumped, danced and ate an apple. Tom saw him, and suddenly he had a brilliant idea! Tom took the brush and calmly set to work, not paying attention to Ben: he will make a smear, step back - admire his work.

And now your road lies through the Island, the name of which must be guessed right now, and get the coveted points.

Exercise : The name consists of the phrase “noun in I.p. + noun in R.p. ":

Ex. I.p. is a road in a park or garden, planted on both sides with trees or shrubs.

Ex. R.p is the answer to the riddle “Golden coals are scattered across the sky” 5 points. "Avenue of Stars" (board of honor "Pride of the school").

Third stage

Decoration of the place "Avenue of Stars".

Signpost on which it is written: “If you go to the right, you will not find anything. If you go to the left, you will find the “Green Island”.

Guess where to go and get extra points.


1. Nearby is a repository of knowledge about plants, animals, humans (Biology room - 1 point)

2. Name the owner of this repository and its translation (Victoria "victory" - 1 point)

Fourth stage

Design of the place "Green Island".

Flowers, umbrella and items from the Lost and Found.

Winnie the Pooh: Hello everyone. May your days be sweet. Oh, UMBRELLA! Who lost it? (what literary hero (heroine)?

Answer: MARY POPPINS - 1 point

Yes! How sad it is to lose your things... Remember the story about my friend's lost tail? So I decided to organize a Lost and Found Bureau.

Exercise: in 1-2 minutes to guess the heroes of literary works or the name that could lose these items: 1 point for each + 1 point for the title of the work + 1 point for the author.





queen stepmother

Pot with a ball

Winnie the Pooh


Papa Carlo




Fly Tsokotukha





You can use any other items from literary works: cream (“Master and Margarita”), spindle (“Sleeping Princess”), checkers (“Dead Souls”), microscope (“Lefty”) and others.

Fifth stage

Hello. You are on the Peninsula of Unsolved Mysteries.

Quest "The Da Vinci Code" 1: The great Leonardo da Vinci encrypted the names of the writers. Among the letter confusion, find as many names of writers as possible. Maximum 13 points (1 point for last name).


Sixth stage

Sweet Dreams Island

Carlson: “A moderately well-fed, but terribly handsome man greets you in the very dawn of his strength. You all know that I am a sweet tooth. Especially jams. But it's not easy to get to it. Help... Huh?!

Exercise : "Who owns what?" Match the words in the left column with the appropriate proper nouns.

seventh stage

Pirate : Yeah, gotcha! How dare you enter our territory? Do you have any idea who you got to and what we will do with you now ?!

I am dashing sea ​​rover,

The devil himself has not been my brother for a long time.

I am an enemy to anyone in the sea,

I need a black flag.

My shelter in the sea

I rob ships there.

And it happens that I drown

And I hoard treasures.

Such a landscape is sweet to the eye:

Waves, fight, boarding.

I love robbery to live

And be friends with sharks

What? Do you want to find a treasure? And finding the treasure is not easy. Here's a note for you. And the marine semaphore alphabet will help you solve it.


The guys find a chest with a treasure (candy - gold coins). They open it, there is a "BOMB" (an inflated balloon with the inscription "Minus 5" and the ticking of a clock).

Note: The ticking clock can be downloaded from the Internet.

It is necessary to complete the final task in 1 minute, otherwise the “Bomb” will explode (the ball will burst)

Final task: Put together the "parts" of the quote

"Books -

thought ships,


by the waves of time

and carefully carrying their

precious labor

from generation to generation".


for students in grades 5-8

Purpose: popularization of books and reading, development of ingenuity, ingenuity, creative skills, ability to navigate in the library, education of a culture of reading and the need for it, aesthetic perception fiction.

Characters: presenter, literary heroes: Dunno, Little Prince, Pappy Longstocking, Mary Poppins.

Equipment: audio recordingssongs "The Little Prince" N. Dobronravova, music. M. Tariverdieva, songs "Surprise" "Lady Perfection",k / f "Pappy Longstocking", music. V. Dashkevich, sl. Y. Kim, colored daisies according to the number of participants, a magic hat for drawing lots, costumes for literary characters.

Event progress

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I'm very glad to see you. We are in the library. (He gestures around the hall.) Our meeting is not accidental. It takes place during the days of the theater project (and what theater does without literary works?) and is timed to coincide with the week of children's books, which has traditionally been held in the country in late March - early April since 1943 during the spring school holidays at the initiative of the children's writer Lev Kassil . And on April 2, the birthday of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, as a sign of deep respect and love for his work, the whole world celebrates International Children's Book Day since 1967.

The whole history of the human mind is connected with books and libraries. This is not a calm story at all. They fought for books, they burned them, lost them, found them, opened them in the thickness of cities buried by time, saved them from enemy invasion as the most expensive. Today's library seems to be the epitome of silence, peace and order. As always, she serves the people.


What does the word library mean? (The guys answer.) Translated from the Greek, "biblio" means "book", "teka" - storage., "Library" - "storehouse of books."

And tell me, how often do you visit here or in other libraries? Maybe you can tell what they are for? (Guys answer.) Well done, guys! You love books and often come to visit us.

The story of the library of the sanatorium. N. K. Krupskaya.

Our library contains about 3500 volumes of fiction. In addition, it also contains textbooks for students in grades 1-9. And its creation began back in 193 ..., when the head of the pedagogical department of the sanatorium asked N. K. Krupskaya, who worked in the People's Commissariat of Education, to help organize the educational process for children who were here for long-term treatment. At that time, osteoarticular tuberculosis was treated in the sanatorium, this process was very long, the children were deprived of the opportunity to attend a regular school. With the direct participation of N. K. Krupskaya, books, stationery, school supplies were sent to the sanatorium, a school was organized, circles began to work. This was such a difficult path for children to knowledge.

In order to navigate this boundless sea of ​​books, you need to know how the library works. This is what we have to learn today. We will comprehend wisdom in the form of team competitions. To begin with, we will decide on the teams and names, draw lots, and you will choose the captains yourself. The draw will take place in an unusual literary vein. In our magic hat there are tasks - the names of works where there are numbers. Enter the correct answer - and you will find out your serial number and table number.

There is a draw.


Veltistov E. "A million and ... a day of vacation"

Schwartz E. "... brother"

Olesha Yu. "... fat man"

Ushinsky K. "... desires"

Team names

Bookworms, Know-it-alls, Children of Taurida, Smarties and smarties.

Team competitions will be held in the form of a literary quiz, a quest and a final task. The team with the most points will be awarded diplomas and cups in the evening. I wish you all good luck and victory! So, let's get down to the literary quiz. (The results are recorded on a portable board.)

Literary quiz

    He lived in a closet under the stairs in the house of his uncle and aunt Petunia and was a hereditary wizard. Who is this literary character? (Harry Potter.)

    The real name of this American writer is Samuel Clemens. He is the author of books

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnck, The Prince and the Pauper. Give him a pseudonym. (Mark Twain.)

    Why did the gold coin stick to the bottom of Ali Baba's measure in the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"? (The bottom was smeared with honey.)

    Remember the spell in R. Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli". ("You and I are of the same blood, you and I.")

    What was the name of the book's predecessor, a rolled-up canvas made of papyrus? (Scroll.)

    What were the names of the two brothers who compiled the first Slavic alphabet? (Cyril and Methodius.)

    What is the name of the list of all printed items available in the library? (Catalog.)

    What is a "library"? (Collection of books.)

    Name the largest library in our country. (The Russian State Library in Moscow, the fund is about 30 million copies.)

    What was the name of the housing in which the old man and the old woman lived from A. S. Pushkin's Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish? (Dugout.)

Blitz Poll " My favorite book"

Leading: Well done boys! You are true lovers of books and reading. Now we will conduct a blitz survey “My favorite book”. On the tables in front of you are colored daisies. I will ask you to take pens and write your last name and first name, age, the name of your favorite literary work on the petals. And each of you will be able to take part in the campaign to study the reader's interests and plant your own flower in our meadow. (Guys do the task.)

The game "Recognize the hero by description." Getting to know the characters Works - assistants leading.

Leading: And now I want to introduce you to my assistants. I think you will be glad to meet them and recognize these heroes of literary works.

This character is restless and restless, wears a wide-brimmed blue hat and green tie, and loves bright colors. (Dunno comes out under the audio recording of the song "Surprise")


For some reason, everyone in the world knows about me.

Adults and children know even on the Moon.

I don’t want to boast in vain, but I’ll tell you honestly,

What others can't do, I've known for a long time.

Leading: All the property of this miracle nanny consists of an umbrella and a tapestry bag. Who is she? Mary Poppins from the story of Pamela Travers. (Comes out under the audio recording of the song "Wind of Change" or "Lady Perfection")


I'm here for a few minutes

But are Mary Poppins waiting here?

If you save a hundred rubles,

You are rich, you are rich

If you meet Mary Poppins

That is the moment of success!

Hello adults! Hello children!

We will say “no” to green boredom!

Dear children, dear children!

I send my kind "hello" to everyone!

Leading: And our next guest is a very unusual and restless girl. She lives in Villa Chicken, sleeps with her feet on the pillow, comes home walking backwards, rolls the dough right on the floor and keeps the horse on the veranda. Guess who it is? Of course, Pippi is a long stocking. (Comes out under the audio recording of a song from the movie “Pappy Longstocking”, music by V. Dashkevich, lyrics by Yu. Kim.)


I'm a cheerful girl

I never miss

I am a big dreamer

And a beauty - no matter where!

I don't like to go to school

I like to rest

And dream of the blue sea

And ride a horse!

Leading: This hero loves to travel, watch sunsets, takes care of his planet and an amazing rose, suffers from loneliness.

A little prince:

The little prince, the golden-haired child...
My voice is quiet, and the call is so affectionate,
With faith in a fairy tale, I live forever,

Maybe that's why I'm not growing?

Leading : Maybe that's why you don't grow up?
You can't accept the world of boring adults.
The little prince, a boy from a fairy tale,
You look into the boundless space without fear,
You know that distant stars warm
Those who believe in their light without a doubt,
Those who entrusted their dreams to them...
And you became especially dear to them ...

Leading : Well, the warm-up was successful, now let's move on to the quest and we will learn to navigate in the library. The books on the shelves are arranged in a certain order - alphabetically, and on the shelves you can see thematic rubricators-separators: adventures, detective stories, fairy tales, wonderful Crimea, etc. Now each of the teams will receive route sheet, will have to follow the signs, find their rack and complete tasks at each of the 4 stations. Each of the teams at the station can earn from 1 to 5 points. When counting, points for the quiz and the final task are added to them, and thus the winning team is determined. Tips - books located on the shelves.

Station "Tales"

    Name 5 storytellers. Let the books on the shelf serve as hints.

    Who lives in this fabulous home? Find the book on the shelf.

In the light, what a miracle:

An island in the sea lies

The city stands on the island,

With golden-domed churches,

With towers and gardens;

Spruce grows in front of the palace ... (Prince Gvidon from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin)

    Who was the cause of the misfortunes of Eliza and her brothers from the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen. (Evil stepmother.)

    What character of the Russian folk tale are we talking about:

gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove,

Ride through the village

And he married a princess. (Emelya from a Russian folk tale.)

    Cat rescued from poverty

Presented to the king

He speaks in a loud voice

Call ... (Marquis Carabas from Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots".) Find the book of Charles Perrault's fairy tales on the shelf.

Station "This Wonderful Crimea"

1. Remember the name of our peninsula, which has been attached to it since ancient times. You will be prompted by the name of one of the participating teams. (Tavria, Taurica, Taurida.)

2. Name hero cities Crimea. (Kerch, Sevastopol). Find reference guides for these cities on the bookshelf.

3. What city was the capital of the Bosporan kingdom? (Bosporus - modern Kerch.)

4. Name the Russian writers known to you who visited the Crimea. (A. S. Pushkin,

N. V. Gogol, A. Griboyedov, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, I. Bunin, M. Gorky, A. Kuprin,

V. G. Korolenko, M. Bulgakov, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Akhmatova, etc.)

5. What city of Crimea has the historical names Kerkinitida and Gezlev? (Evpatoria.) Find the guide on the shelf.

Station "Detective"

    Which writer was the founder of the detective genre? (Edgar Poe.) Find books by this author on the bookshelf.

3. What musical instrument was Sherlock Holmes, the hero of stories, fond of playing?

A. Conan Doyle? (On a violin.)

4. Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple are the heroes of the writer's works ... (Agatha Christie.) Find her books on the shelf.

5. Name the constant companion and assistant of Sherlock Holmes. (Dr. Watson.)

Fantasy and Adventure Station

2. On whose behalf is the story told in the novel Treasure Island by R. L. Stevenson? The text of the novel may be a clue to you. (On behalf of the main character, Jimmy Hawkins.)

3. This French writer and geographer, one of the founders of the science fiction genre, predicted scientific discoveries and inventions in various fields: airplane, helicopter, space flight, video communication and television. Say his name.

(Jules Verne.) Find his books on the shelf.

4. Which of the heroes of the famous novel by Jules Verne broke all ties with human society and retired to the ocean to feel free? Find a clue in the novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. (Captain Nemo.)

5. Walter Scott's adventure novel Ivanhoe with a gripping plot takes us to the era of medieval England. Where was the writer from? (From Scotland.) The answer can be found in the preface to the novel.

Leading: Well, you completed the quest, successfully orienting yourself in the library, showed your knowledge, but also realized, of course, that you still have a lot to learn. And a faithful and reliable assistant, a book, will help you enrich your knowledge. Now you have the final test - you need to remember and write down as many proverbs, sayings, riddles about the book and knowledge in 1 minute. Time has gone!

Host: So our event in you has come to an end. The game is over, but the learning process continues. So I say to you - goodbye, until we meet again!

Before parting, we want to say parting lines.


You have many friends.

And they live around.

But of all good friends

The book is the most best friend!


The book is your friend and comrade.

We take it everywhere.

'Cause she'll help you

Both in study and in work!

Mary Poppins:

Books first pages

We are welcomed from a young age

And carry you like birds

Flying white light.

A little prince:

Who walks around the world with a book,

Who knows how to be friends with her,

This book always helps

Learn, work and live!

Leading : Read books and come to the library! Thank you all for your attention and participation!