Neverwinter Online review, pros and cons. Neverwinter Online review, pros and cons Neverwinter wiki english

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Overview of Neverwinter Online

In Europe Neverwinter Online came out in 2013, quickly gained its fans and by December was localized in the Russian Federation. Cryptic Studios is responsible for the development of the game, publishing activities are carried out by perfect world(They are also responsible for the Russian localization). What did fans like about the game?

The game is based on the Dungeos & Dragons universe, so there are no classes, races, mechanics that somehow contradict the canons of D&G. Of course, there is also no question of any literal observance here. classical rules board game. This is an MMORPG and that says it all!

Currently, a gamer can choose a character from nine races (elves, half-orcs, humans, dwarves, sun elves, halflings, tieflings, drow are available). Each race has its own unique bonuses. If we talk about classes, then there are six of them in the game: Warrior-Guardian, Fearless Warrior, Devoted Cleric, Wizard-Overlord, Hunter-Ranger and Rogue-Trickster. It should be noted that the developers are continuously working to increase the number of races and classes. Even at the time of release in Europe, there were much fewer of them.

During character creation, the gamer needs to allocate primary attribute points, although "allocation" is not quite the right term here. It is necessary to roll the dice until the option that is optimal falls out. Next, you need to choose your origin and Deity. On the game process given choice does not affect in any way, it is needed to "create a story" of the character. The game has a very average customization of appearance. Body type, facial features - it's all customizable. It remains only to choose a name for the hero and that's it, you can conquer the world of Neverwinter Online.

Neverwinter Online immediately throws the hero into combat conditions intrusions. But don't worry - the beginner tips explain everything in a way that's easy to understand, so even if this is your first MMO, you won't have any trouble understanding it. They won’t immediately overwhelm the hero with skills either, this applies to equipment and stats, some important choice won't either. The slots on the panel will open gradually, you will have to “start thinking” only from the tenth level. Compared to other MMORPGs, Neverwinter Online has a fixed number of skills.

- Auto-attack: two free, can be used constantly;
- Combat: three free ones are more powerful skills that have a cooldown;
– Daily: two, these skills are the most powerful. They are available only when the AP bar is full (OD is awarded for using combat and free skills);
- Passive skills: two.

Neverwinter Online, 8.0 out of 10 based on 39 ratings

Think about how you feel when you play your favorite game. What did you feel then? The satisfaction of having the last enemy defeated, the last riddle solved, the last obstacles overcome. The last job is done and then only the end of the game, the final video, credits about the developers and ... that's it. The game you put your heart into is over. Even those games that allow you to play after the end of the final quest are still finite. And this is an inexorable rule, because everything can be studied. I think it is not necessary to explain that infinity does not exist. What happens after the end of the game? And this is followed by a logical question - does the game have a sequel? And if there are additions, new part games or something like that, you can say that you are lucky. You can still live in wonderful world which you liked so much.

Today we will remember not all the completed games, but specific masterpieces united by the universe. Even the developers of some games in the series are different, but everything was implemented completely in the spirit of this universe. I think you already guessed that we are talking about the universes of Forgotten Realms, and the Dungeon & Dragons game system. Dungeons and dragons, yes. famous game system D&D, which is based on some of the best RPG games in history. Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate are the founding fathers of a whole family of games, which includes numerous additions, sequels and expansions. Then there was a great Neverwinter Nights, which radically changed the idea of ​​computer D&D. The second part, even more beautiful and advanced, using the new edition of the rules, generally delighted the crowds of fans. But... That was the end of it. We had to be content with only a variety of amateur mods and wait for the continuation. Which, by the way, no one promised. So we just hoped and waited.

As it turned out, we waited not in vain! Today we see the game reborn into something more than a simple masterpiece. And let a masterpiece by definition cannot be simple, but we see something unimaginable in front of us. We see before us the expansion of the universe, pushing the boundaries and boundaries, increasing the population of the world. We see before us an online game Neverwinter, which threatens to eclipse its predecessors, albeit not intended for the many thousands of players who would play it all together. But we will deal with all the details of the game a bit later. In the meantime, I want to say that Neverwinter Online is fully consistent with the spirit of all past games. You really will find yourself in the same universe, in familiar areas, with familiar gameplay ... But you will appreciate it yourself. And we are starting.

Historical background for ENT specialists

Almost a century has passed since the time when the Witch's pestilence roamed Faerûn, changing the outlines of the lands and mowing down crowds of inhabitants. Huge cities could not stand it, empires ceased to exist, the population is gradually recovering from all this. And only the ruins remained suitable for life, on which the old life is gradually reviving.

Everyone thought that Neverwinter, the largest, richest and most beautiful city in the North, was under the constant care of the gods. Pestilence seemed to pass by, catching the city with the very edge of his cloak. And this despite the fact that the entire Sword Coast was destroyed! But fate decided to take its toll. A volcano woke up, expelling clouds of ash and waves of lava that engulfed the city. Today, Neverwinter is slowly rebuilding, restoring its greatness. But this would not have happened without Neverember, Lord of Waterdeep. He became the city's patron and called out to the adventurers, relying on their strength and enthusiasm. He also hopes that for services to the city someday he will receive the crown at his disposal. But the evil will still lurks in the dark, so the heroes cannot be left without a deed worthy of their blades.

Races Neverwinter Online. The incarnation of heroes

So, in the game there are seven main races and two additional ones. Additional races are only available to players who have purchased one of the two Founder's Packs. But I will say right away that race, for the most part, gives such meager advantages that it should not even be considered as some kind of significant problem in balance. However, you will understand this yourself. As well as who is better to play, if we talk about classes. But first things first.

Human- the most common and versatile race of all. Humans are the majority in Faerûn. They perfectly adapt to any conditions, survive under any circumstances. They are not tied to morality or to any customs. They are everywhere. Humans have the following bonuses: Universal Defense (Increase Defense by 3%), Attribute Values ​​(Adds 2 points to any of the characteristics), Heroic Effort (Three heroic points as a gift at levels 10, 15 and 20 respectively).

half-elf- a cross between an elf and a man, which came out in a separate race. Both peoples were too loving for something new to come out of it. Often they can boast of the positive qualities of both races. It has the following racial bonuses: Amateur (Increases any non-class stat by one), Stat Scores (You gain +2 to Stamina and +2 to your choice of Charisma/Wisdom), Propensity to Success (+1% parry, crit, and gold gained ).

Forest Elf- forest dwellers who do not recognize any power over themselves. Perfect silent shooters, ready to kill anyone who crosses their borders. One has only to cross the border invisible to others, as you will find yourself in danger of immediate death. Not too friendly creatures who prefer weapon. They have the following racial bonuses: Elven Accuracy (+1% Crit), Stat Values ​​(+2 Agility and +2 Intelligence/Wisdom to choose from), Wild Walk (10% resistance to all slows).

Half-orc- a cross between an orc and a human, incorporating all the conflicting inclinations of both humans and orcs. They are distinguished by great physical strength and excellent endurance. Excellent warriors, ready to rush into any mess where you can wave an ax or fists. They have the following racial bonuses: Furious Offensive (the amount of critical damage is increased by 5%), Stat Value (+2 to agility and +2 to strength/stamina of your choice), Rapid Onslaught (Starting a fight, you gain 10% speed for 3 seconds ).

tieflings- a mixture of man and the devil. A separate race that constantly receives reminders of its past. Born wizards, they populate all of Faerûn, and aggregations of them can clearly point to different historical periods of devilish invasion of human settlements. They have the following racial bonuses: Blood Hunt (Your damage against targets with less than half life is increased by 5%), Stat Values ​​(+2 to Charisma and +2 to Stamina/Intelligence), Infernal Wrath (When you are hit, there are 10 % chance that the enemy's power will decrease by 5% for 5 seconds).

Halfling- a race famous for its short stature, love of profit, excellent ingenuity and nerves of steel. Preferring swampy areas, they constantly move. Only this race is capable of spreading rumors like this because of their constant migrations. They have the following racial bonuses: Agile Reflexes (+3% Parry), Attribute Value (+2 to Agility and +2 to Charisma/Stamina of your choice), Courage (10% resistance to all types of control).

dwarf- stocky inhabitants of Faerûn, dwarves believe they are related to rocks and steel. There is some truth in this, as dwarves are the most vigilant and hardy of the races. They have the following racial bonuses: Self-Defense (20% knockback and knockback resistance), Stat Values ​​(+2 stamina and +2 strength/wisdom to choose from), Unwavering Resolve (Damage overdue reduced by 10%).

drow- Residents of the city of Menzoberranzan, who grew up in the midst of perjury, betrayal and deceit. The great houses that rule the city are constantly vying for power, trying to take the lead and gain the indulgence of Lolth, the great spider queen. Tired of the constant strife, some drow come to the surface and try to live here. They have the following racial bonuses: Faerie Fire (When attacking, there is a 5% chance that the enemy will lose strength and defense by 6% for 4 seconds), Stat Values ​​​​(+2 to agility and +2 to charm / wisdom to choose from), Trance (time regeneration next to campfires is doubled).

moon elf - ...

Neverwinter Online Classes - Choose Your Life Path

The game features several classes, each of which will give you a different style of play, completely unusual gameplay and will determine your entire gaming life. Total for this moment There are six classes, but one more is under development. Therefore, for now, we will analyze the main six classes.

Guardian Warrior- classic tank in the game. Perfectly owns various defensive techniques, protecting himself and his group. Always ahead of the group, ready to take the first blow. His shield is like a fortress wall, and his sword strikes all enemies without a miss. It has the following class advantages: Guardian (All frontal damage initially removes your defense indicator, stun and stun do not work), Forced Hatred (Taunt all nearby enemies), Recovery of a fighter (You convert almost all damage dealt into health), Dungeon Knowledge.

fearless warrior- classic dd, ready to deal tons of damage to the enemy. Two-handed sword, heavy armor, awesome fury will help you overcome any obstacles. Also, a fearless warrior can protect his allies with some efficiency. It has the following class advantages: Throw (You increase your speed to catch up with any evasive target), Punitive Onslaught (Dash forward through a crowd of enemies, causing them significant damage), Steel Avalanche (The Warrior jumps and knocks down all opponents with a shock wave), Dungeon knowledge.

Hunter Pathfinder- This class is a mixture of a melee fighter and a ranged fighter. Combining the latest technological innovations and primitive magic, they prefer a bow or two-handed weapon. Terrible opponents, capable of preventing the enemy from getting close to strike. They have the following class advantages: Choice of Distance (You choose whether you fight in melee or ranged combat, what your skills depend on), Interfering Shot (Immobilizing the enemy), Interfering Strike (The enemy constantly slows down), Unity with nature).

Wizard Overlord- the classic mage in the game who controls different types energy, directing them at the enemy. They have the following class advantages: Magic Arrow (Attack the enemy from a distance, the third hit will strengthen you for a while), Frost Strike (Freeze the enemy, causing him significant damage), Black Hole (Collects all enemies in a huge area in the center of the hole), Arcane Knowledge.

Devout Cleric- the only healer in the game that heals himself and allies. Despite its medicinal qualities, it can be a terrible fighter, attacking the enemy with holy magic. One of the hardest classes. It has the following class advantages: Astral Change (Attack and healing change at your will), Healing Word (Heals you and your target ally), Fire Strike (Pillar of holy flame that knocks all enemies aside), Theology.

Dodger rogue- such a thief, ready to become an assassin at will. Kills from the shadows, disorients the enemy by attacking with two daggers. Constant attacks deal massive damage to the enemy. It has the following class advantages: Stealth (go into the shadows and attack the enemy from behind, causing tremendous damage), Evasion and Lure (Leave your double, which is attacked by all opponents), Bloodbath (attack all enemies while you are being attacked impossible), sleight of hand.

But you can read all this description on the official website or when creating a character. In my opinion, it is much more important to tell personal impressions about the classes, which in the future will help you decide on the path of development that is most interesting for you. It is worth saying that I tried almost all the classes and they are all made in a surprisingly diverse way. The strange thing is that a full-fledged tank can only be a guardian, and no other class is able to perform all the necessary functions to protect the group. A fearless warrior, although listed as a possible semi-tank, can only replace a full-fledged tank if he is overgeared. Or, alternatively, at a low level. In the absence of a guardian, you may not even start your journey into a difficult dungeon. Therefore, we have, in fact, an irreplaceable class.

Further in the group, a Healer is required. As you understand, only a cleric can fulfill this role. In principle, with a very competent group, you can go through the dungeons using healing potions. But the sheer amount of money being spent on it clearly doesn't justify the effort. Now let's think about the fact that potions have a cooldown in combat and get the second mandatory role in the group. In total, you will have to have both a Guardian Warrior and a Cleric in the group in order to be able to go through difficult dungeons. Dungeons are designed for five people. The roles of a tank and a healer are firmly occupied with us, there are places left for three characters that deal damage. Basically, you can take anyone here. But, passing the dungeon, you will face another difficulty - a strong attack of large monsters. Hence the conclusion - we must not let them attack. Those. use controller.

The best controller in the game is the overlord wizard. Although everyone is used to the stereotype that mages in games deal only the best damage and are not needed for anything else, this is not at all the case. The mage deals decent damage, but he is by no means the best. It will be useful to your group in the event that you need to ease the pressure on the group. Control and strong blows to the areas make the wizard-overlord also an almost indispensable member of the group. Although if there are no difficulties with groups, you can neglect them. On the other hand, to whom then to give the magic spheres that fall from opponents?

Now consider two more classes - the rogue and the hunter. Both classes wear different armor and different weapons. And, in fact, they do not compete with each other in clothing. But they compete in the championship in damage dealt. Often, an archer takes the lead in terms of damage for the entire dungeon due to trash, which is just tons. But, I think, it makes no sense to measure all the damage for a dungeon, since trash can be cleared with any composition with eyes closed. And always the main indicator was and is damage to the boss, since this is the apogee of any dungeon.

Here, in my opinion, a trickster rogue can give a small head start to a hunter. The trickster's attack, which allows him to avoid the special abilities of the boss that act on the territory (in simple terms - AoE), allows him to use his entire arsenal. At good tank the rogue takes no damage and spends half of the fight in stealth, which doubles his damage. Thus, we have just a machine for killing a single target, which, with proper use of abilities, is immune to AOE and which can unashamedly deal huge damage to a single target.

Features of game mechanics and clashes

First, it is worth immediately noting one feature of the game. In Neverwinter Online, there are no cumbersome panels for using your abilities. Looking back at most other games, we could see up to 40 (or more in some games) slots for spells, abilities, skills, and other things to do. Forget about it. Eight buttons. That's how many actively used skill slots there are in the game. But before we deal with them, we should divide the skills themselves into types.

Daily Skills- This is a spell with a very long time and cooldown conditions. Such an ultimatum argument. They are placed on buttons 1 and 2 (in the form of a circle). To restore this skill, you will have to beat enemies for a long, long time, accumulating action points. When the indicator in the center of the screen fills up, the daily skill will be ready to use.

Combat skills- having a relatively short (from 5 to 30 seconds) recovery period. These are the same spells and cooldowns that you are used to using in most games. It is noteworthy that you can only use 3 of these spells at a time by placing them in slots Q, E, R.

Free Skills- skills that you will use most often. They do not have a cooldown, they are constantly applied in one form or another. They are taken out on the LMB and RMB, respectively. It is they who in most cases give you the most Action Points for using the Daily skill.

In total, we have listed seven buttons. The eighth button - TAB - will give you a class-specific ability. The overlord wizard uses a protective sphere, the trickster rogue will go into stealth mode, the cleric will switch between attacking and healing ... And each class will be special.

Having dealt with the system of active abilities, it is impossible not to mention the development tree. A set of talents, active skills of all kinds, and passive skills that help you decide on your current play style, with the needs for current game actions. Choose those skills that will be needed right now. Choose their combinations wisely so that one skill complements another. As a result, you will get excellent combinations of abilities that can lead your group to victory.

In addition to active abilities, there are also passive skills. Here everything is somewhat simpler. You choose what you want to improve and... do it. Accordingly, choosing your play style and maximizing your efficiency. We will talk about options for different classes in other articles, for now we will move on. You will be able to increase your crit, your health, speed, the duration of any skills... Anything that passively affects you. But be careful! To reset the talents, you will have to purchase an expensive item!

Currency in the game. Payment types

Where there is play, there is trade. And where there is trade, there are also types of payment that can be applied. There are three types of currencies in Neverwinter Online, each of which we will analyze in detail, since many players are worried about the payment system in the game and the donation option. A donation should be inevitable, because we are not playing a game with a subscription, but an F2P project. I can assure you that in Neverwinter Online donation is the most forgiving. best options I have not seen almost anywhere. But we'll start with currency.

Gold- currency for most merchants. You get things and unnecessary garbage and sell them to the merchant. For this you get copper, silver, gold. In one gold - one hundred silver coins. One silver coin- one hundred copper. A standard well-known system that has been tested in many projects. For this currency, potions, ingredients for professions, scrolls will be bought - everything that most merchants have.

Astral Diamonds- Auction currency. We can say that this is the main currency of the game. The auction is available only for it, you will sell and buy things there exclusively for diamonds. How are they earned? An hourly prayer to the deity will give you a certain amount of diamonds. Performance daily quests, chests, professions - earning astral diamonds is quite simple. In addition, there is an exchange of Astral Diamonds. There you can convert them into a third currency, Xena. And vice versa, respectively.

Xena- equivalent real money in Game. The ratio at the time of writing was 1 to 3. That is. for 1 ruble you can buy three Zena. Once again, I draw your attention. Zens can be converted on the exchange both in one direction and in the other. This means that you can get all the things that are initially available exclusively for real money, without investing a single penny from your budget. Only time, everything else you can get in the game.

Now let's look at what you can buy for real money. It should be said right away that all those who want to buy the Sword of a Thousand Victories and kill all enemies with one click may not even hope for such a thing in Neverwinter Online. For real currency, you can get the biggest bags in the game (useful in order not to run too often to the merchant). During my leveling, I never thought about the fact that my basic bags, which are obtained from the quest, are not enough for me. You can also buy interesting mounts and companions for real currency. Again, only cosmetic differences. You can purchase additional cells at the bank or change your appearance. This does not affect the level of play of each specific individual. Thus, we can conclude that the donation in Neverwinter Online has absolutely no effect on the gameplay. Makes it a little more comfortable, but doesn't have a significant impact.

Atmosphere in Neverwinter Online

And the last thing I wanted to talk about the game in general. As a fan of the entire NwN series, Baldur's Gate and other DnD projects, and the entire DnD system as a whole, I expected that the developers would not be able to convey the atmosphere of a single computer game in Neverwinter Online. After all, it is difficult to feel like the main character in a world in which thousands of players are heroic at the same time. Therefore, accordingly, I was somewhat skeptical. Unfortunately, the experience of creating online games other companies on well-known series did not lead to anything good in my opinion.

When I came to Neverwinter Online, I saw that the game was made quite unusual. You do not seem to feel that you are just a powerless pawn in the game of thousands of players. Atmosphericity is verified to the smallest detail. At first I thought I just installed another game NwN series, it was so interesting to me. The process of creating a character, the first steps and training in the world, the first killed enemies - all this made me more and more think that I was back in the good old DnD projects. However, today we have the opportunity to get a good new D&D project, and this says a lot.

To sum up, I am ready to give the highest rating to Neverwinter Online in all respects. Play it, remember the places you have visited in other games, meet old and new heroes. Hurry and you can take the lead in this complex world where only a character strong in spirit and body can adequately exist.

Neverwinter - The most famous city in the universe Forgotten Realms, it is located on its northern side at the mouth of the Magic River. His Greatness amazed the guests, and the players of the MMORPG Neverwinter were driven into a daze. Everyone froze in anticipation, to walk along the winding, noisy lanes, through the market squares, where in their shadow one could find new friends, or clash swords with old enemies. The idea of ​​the designer was to make the city as cozy and attractive as possible. For whoever entered its walls remained here forever. However, the game impresses not only with the beauty of architecture. If you do not take into account the outdated graphics, then Neverwinter is an MMORPG as an example to others, with an interesting plot, many finds and various innovations:

D&D gameplay - The game does not constrain the restrictions, at the same time makes you think about any action.

Non-target system - Introduced for dynamic combat, now you need to aim at the enemy (or partner, if you are a healer), and with a successful jump, roll, block, you can easily evade the enemy's attack.

The form of "shares" - The standard base of elements - single, group dungeons and quests, has undergone changes, now everything here takes the form of "shares": for example, we are first offered to craft, go through the dungeon in an hour, then switch to PvP. And all this, of course, for additional bonuses. This prevents players from getting stuck and getting tired of the monotony.

Session - The developers took care of your time, a lot of quests appeared, single dungeons from the category "I went to play for half an hour"

Items from The Old Republic and EVE Online . - A craft has also been added, in which elements are added where the hero hires workers, and they, while you are doing your own thing. perform tasks for you.

Leadership system - A special profession that reveals the ability to lead mercenaries, they are looking for valuable things for you such as - game experience, money, as well as irreplaceable - healing potions.

System from EVE Online - It takes some time to complete a task in any profession, but with growth gaming experience you can now give mercenaries more tasks at the same time. As a result, the time to complete them will be reduced, and if you left the game, this will not mean at all that your character has stopped developing. Before leaving, you leave each worker with the right quest, and the next day you get new armor. in addition, the experience and money he has earned, experience and money.

The Foundry Editor - allows users to create their own quests and share them with others. You can create any missions, mini-companies - with battles, travels and riddles, single and group. While others are thinking about how to release patches, Cryptic, with the help of users, has invented an MMORPG that is updated almost every day.

Unique location - A few days left before the appearance of a completely new location, to access which players will have to fight, namely with each other.

Missions from players - a special interface has been created with information about the time, for their passage, ratings, reviews. All tasks are built depending on the level of the Main Hero, experience and rewards are also calculated for them. You can also, if you wish, donate a small amount to the best mission author to motivate him to a new creation.

Neverwinter is a shareware model - but at the same time, you can live in the game without paying a cent. But if you still want to equip yourself with the latest technology in the process of pumping, or get a horse before everyone else, you will have to unbutton your wallet.

Here is such an interesting finish - Neverwinter, to which special attention, almost no one paid, suddenly turned out to be almost the best online find of the first half of 2013. Instead of a banal "online toy", we got a largely innovative and thoughtful MMORPG. by "Forgotten Realms"

How to play Neverwinter online?

Neverwinter has a traditional block by IP address, but it is only enabled upon registration. Download anonymous TOR Browser, install, create an account with it. Then download and install the game client. The game is shareware.

If you play Path of Elixir, then by clicking on the link - you can buy orbs, which are so important in the universe of the popular MMORPG. Also, the service is absolutely not fooled, as the guarantor system operates and there are numerous customer reviews.

Foreword: This article is intended for newcomers to the game. Neverwinter Online or wanderers who have just started their journey and contains general recommendations and opportunities for leveling from level 1 to level 70.

1. [A little ENT "A] What is Neverwinter ( NeverWinter online)?

If you've never heard of the game series Neverwinter, then most likely, NWO for you is just MMORPG game from the MMO list. But if you nevertheless turned your attention to the description or looked at the review, then you already know that, first of all, this is part of the lore (Lore) of the aforementioned universe Dungeons & Dragons, which originates from the distant 70s in the form of a fantasy board game, which in turn influenced the creation of a series of manuals, books, games, and the development of an entire cult universe with various fantastic settings. In NWO, all action takes place in the expanses of the Faerûn subcontinent in one of the most popular settings called the Forgotten Realms (Forgotten Realms). [The same world was used to create the popular role play Baldur's Gate, whose fans, by the way, still play it and consider it one of best games of this genre.] I recommend to get acquainted with the books and information about the game / universe in more detail on my own, and we move on to the next blocks, which will contain more useful information about the game itself.

2. Beginning of the game, gradual development vs. quick start

Before starting the game, you need to decide on the choice of leveling style from level 1 to level 70. All this gap is original content, plot, dialogues, etc., which introduce you to the basic mechanics of the game and your class in general. We begin to engage in the full development of the character closer to the 70th level, or rather, immediately after reaching it, until this moment, it is absolutely not worth bothering with pumping. The only thing that needs to be determined is the race that best suits your class, as it cannot be changed in the future, except by purchasing a Draconid Seal. You can read more about suitable races.

A: I love MMOs / Fan of the series B: Inveterate MMO player / Straight up!

For you story line is a priority, you do not pursue instant success, but calmly and confidently enjoy the passage, gradually developing in the game.

In this case, you just need to follow the quest track, complete all the quests, even the secondary ones, explore every corner and enjoy the game (for the time being :D).

You feel free to skip most of the conversations, the plot is practically not interesting, the faster the maximum level of development is obtained, the better!

By choosing this approach, you can pump out quickly enough, it is worth doing only the main story campaign, skipping mountains of text.

You will fully unlock all initial content (including knowledge / notes / titles and upgrade initial campaigns + gifts) Highly fast pumping, 1-2 days to the maximum level with intensive play (below there will be a way to level up in a couple of hours with outside help)
You do not need outside help, you will be able to go to the goal on your own. Character development comes faster due to the availability of high-level content
Development will be quite slow, it will take at least weeks to reach the 70th Unfinished campaigns, lack of some gifts/knowledge/titles, most likely you will need to return for gifts in order to close everything.

A very important point in both options is third-party help or factors that accelerate character development:

Do not forget to go through the fight and the dungeon available to you several times a day in order to receive astral diamonds and process them into ab, which will be very useful to us in the future, also always pray on time and do not throw things out of your inventory just like that, most of them can be sold for gold that might come in handy someday.

If this is not your first character and you need to get to level 70 as soon as possible, for example, for an additional seal artifact, this method of gaining experience on bears in the guild fortress will suit you.

You need:

  1. Guild access. As an option to join or create your own.
  2. Find a person who will kill them, the stronger the better, for example, ask someone from the guild to help. (I personally did it myself in 2 windows (not prohibited by the rules), with a character of only 9000 ops, since I have several accounts, but in extreme cases you can ask a friend or his acc for a while).
  3. Come to the point, bind the desired character to yourself with the /follow command in the case of 2 windows, and run to kill the bear camp respawn cd (poor bears:s).

Path and spawn locations for bears, respawn time 1 minute.

3. Tipping point.

After reaching level 60-70 in the game Neverwinter Online across the universe Dungeons & Dragons many doors, locations, campaigns, development paths are opening up for us, in general, new content in which it is quite difficult to survive. At this stage, you need to do a lot of things, the passage of the direct story campaign is almost completely replaced by repetitive daily / weekly quests - dailies that you need to complete in order to receive campaign resources, gifts and astral diamonds, do not forget to process the diamonds received for daily rewards and move on character development, going through charandara campaigns and beater fights, at the end of which you can get a random artifact or a horse of even epic quality, or at least a cloak for 5% bonus experience, which will not be superfluous when leveling from 60th to 70th. If you haven't joined a guild yet, do so. By the time you get level 70, you should have about 4500 opp, if you haven’t bought or upgraded things before that time, then the first thing you need to do is upgrade your equipment in order to get a sufficient item level (7500/8400) to enter the epic dungeons, without it you will have less opportunity to get ab and items. Also, before this paragraph, you must definitely read 1 of the game guides for the class you have chosen in order to understand the general meaning of the mechanics and the need for certain skills / stats / items and, if necessary, use the free retraining token. It is important to find a guide that does not rely on top items and items, since at the beginning we simply cannot have them due to a number of reasons and not chase after the mighty overclocking, but increase at least a few thousand penetrating damage in order to break through creeps, later steeper pumping, we can completely forget about it, but at first there should be several thousand penetrating damage.

Initial equipment, what to wear? There are actually many options:

After buying things and rings, you need to insert at least 7 stones into them, the cost is very low, and bonuses already make you feel comfortable when passing almost any dungeon.

Artifacts: In addition to the initial artifact, do not forget to complete the quest to get the seal of your class, both seals should be upgraded immediately to blue, since the cost is again very small. Also, if you have a small amount of ABs, consider buying a cheap belt/cloak/artifact artifact set, like a Lost, and upgrade them to blue. The necklace and belt will cost 10k ab they should be taken immediately, and the horn is a little more expensive, from 75.000.

Companions: First of all, it is worth buying an amplifier companion (list at the link), which transfers all its parameters to you and dress it in cheap things with 7th stones. The minimum cost in the case of a quasi (20.000 ab) will provide a decent increase to the stats at the initial levels.

Mounts: One of the good first mounts is a buckskin mount, worth 35k, and a judge's patience bonus, the rest can be safely put any green, and insert the desired blue / green signs on the sign bonuses.

Weapons: During the passage of the spiral stronghold, you will receive fire weapons, to replace which in the future you can buy or ask someone to craft a howling / drowned set and push it to blue. Auction price for such a set ranges from 150k for 2 pieces, but the cost of crafting them is much lower, so always ask people in the chat / guild about crafting cheaper.

In total, in just a few days, provided that we ran through campaigns / dungeons / skirmishes / fortresses and earned ab, we get a playable character who can safely run through all the dungeons and feel confident for almost meager investments. Finally, my personal screen of pumping such an initial character in 1 day on bears: Alas, I already had the initial budget in the form of ingots and ab, and the artifact fell from the first run on the beater, but to farm 250k ab in a few days, even a week, gradually disenchanting things for seals and rings and processing diamonds obtained from dungeons / fights is not difficult, this is a slightly separate topic about which I will probably write later, do not forget to check collections for items and where they fall from, read actual guides and browse the forum, but for now that's all, thank you all for your attention, and good luck!