Guide and walkthrough for "The Suffering: Prison Is Hell". The suffering: prison is hell: guides and walkthroughs

The Suffering is a classic survival horror. All the attributes of the genre are there: liters of blood, darkness, creepy and incomprehensible sounds, intricate plot, monsters that kill everyone in their path. In general, everything we were waiting for long winter evenings. One of the distinguishing features that distinguish the game from a host of similar ones is the ability to really play the hero. Not only the future, but also the past depends on your actions. I'm not afraid of a bold statement - in Suffering the character is made more seriously than in another role play. There is only one conclusion: play, be afraid and decide who your hero really is. And maybe you too...

Character skills

In order to avoid misunderstandings in the future, we will analyze the basics gameplay, as well as Torque's skills.

First, when porting the game to PC, a small but important feature was added. Now you are free to choose between third-person and first-person view. It cannot be said that the first-person view is more convenient (more often even vice versa), but in some situations ... For example, it is much easier to destroy witches that way.

If you prefer to play with a third-person view, then I hasten to please you. The well-known scourge of all ports from set-top boxes bypassed Suffering. The game has a normal fixed camera. However, this applies not only to the camera. Normal control and save system available.

Management in the game is implemented in a classic way for action. Detailed information about which keys are responsible for what, see the sidebar. Here we will look at the most important ones. Left mouse button - fire from the selected weapon. Right button- grenades.

Tork also knows a couple of acrobatic tricks. The first is throws to the side. Most often used in close combat to dodge a blow or a shot. The second is the ability to climb up. Here, in general, everything is simple. Climbing is allowed only on designated places. You can usually see them right away. However, in more detail about each of them is said in the passage. The third trick is dragging boxes, boxes, etc. Usually this ability is used when solving logic puzzles. You can also move a box of explosives. In fact, it usually doesn't make sense.

Our hero also knows how to use stationary weapons. This includes machine guns and searchlights. Monsters really do not like light, and from the bright they burn to the ground. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to stand under a bright light bulb and watch how they unsuccessfully try to get to you. True, this only applies to murderers. The rest of the light is unpleasant, but not fatal.

And finally, Tork's exclusive ability is to turn into a demon. To do this, you need to fill in the yellow scale next to health. It replenishes during kills. Having shot a heel or two of creatures, Torque is already angry enough and is ready to show everyone dark side myself. During the time that you are in the guise of a demon, you can do a lot of things. One hit is enough for almost all monsters (when you press the jump button, the demon will strike the ground with damage to all those who are nearby), and given that the scale depletes rather slowly... However, abuse of this ability, despite all its attractiveness, is not costs. Otherwise, you can get an unpleasant ending.



Sharpening was and remains the most common weapon in prisons. In this case, this is a pointed piece of the back of the bed, wrapped in a rag at the other end to make it easier to hold. Weak and useless weapon. Useful for destroying single monsters at the beginning of the game. it is also used to destroy barricades and other objects. Although in hopeless situation, when the ammo is at zero, it can come in handy later. Just getting into such a situation is not recommended.


The fire ax is a great tool for destroying monsters. The best weapon close combat. The power of impact is combined with good speed, which makes it the "choice of millions." Moreover, with a certain skill, you can safely deal with three or four monsters at the same time without harming your health. Unless, of course, monsters can't attack from a distance. I strongly advise you to practice handling an ax, so you will save a lot of ammo. Like sharpening, it can be used to destroy barricades.


A very large pistol. What caliber is unknown, but looking at the barrel, you are sure that it is not a small one. Main weapon in the first half of the game. It has a six-shot clip, high rate of fire and average penetration power. Subsequently, you can find a second pistol, which allows you to fire simultaneously with two hands. You need to use two at the same time, because towards the middle of the game the monsters become “fat”, and one pistol does a lousy job. remember also about the small clip. Reload it at any suitable moment if you don't want to end up with an empty magazine when an angry killer is already rushing towards you at full speed.


Seven rounds, good stopping power, but short range. True, the latter can hardly be considered a disadvantage. Most of the fights take place at close range. Magnificent weapon. With a successful shot at point-blank range, the monster is torn apart. If several monsters get hit by a shot, everyone will get it. The most used weapon in the second half of the game. True, a little upsets the maximum number of rounds that you can carry with you. Only 47 pieces. But, as the hero of the famous Soviet cartoon sang, "we will survive this trouble." And hardly any enemies.


Long range, lots of ammo per clip, high rate of fire, and not a particularly impressive weapon. The problem is the small lethal force of the cartridge (it is slightly higher than the pistol) and the constant shortage of ammunition. Shooting enemies is a matter of minutes, but finding a spare disk is not so easy. The only ones that the machine is really effective against are the witches. Ideally, standing far away, finish off the fiery creatures without being in danger of being hit by a flame.


To get a flamethrower, you need to carefully collect parts for it for half the game. You can't miss a single one. Although such ordeals are worth the effort. The lethal power and the area of ​​​​destruction do not leave the enemies the slightest chance of survival. You need to use it only in the most difficult situations, when a crowd of monsters has fallen on you. A couple of jets in different directions - and all the creatures lie on the ground, exhaling the smell of scorched flesh. Remember that it is impossible to find ammunition for it. Treat it like a weapon last day. Of course, in the passage it is written where to find all the details.

Gonzo Gun

A secret weapon created by the developers more as a joke. In addition, only 20 rounds (or what does it shoot with?), Which makes you think ten times before pulling the trigger. But lethal force exceeds all expectations. Most enemies die with one shot. And one of the final bosses needed four. Found at level 14 in secret place, and only if you did everything right on the second. You can read more about this in the walkthrough.

Machine gun

Stationary machine guns are only in those places where a massive invasion of monsters is expected soon. They have a monstrous rate of fire and lethal force. Ammo, which is nice, is endless. With him, even a dozen monsters will not be a big problem. On a low level of difficulty, it is enough to drive in different directions without even aiming. Enough for the eyes. True, you can not use a machine gun, but to destroy all the monsters manually. It's quite difficult, but real. But it's much more fun with him. Right?


Blinding Grenades

All monsters are children of the night and can't stand daylight, so blinding grenades are the perfect way to blind them for a couple of seconds. It doesn’t make much sense to use against singles, but against a crowd in a small room - that’s it. While the monsters are perplexedly rubbing their eyes with their hands, it's time to go over their heads with an axe.


Nobel's invention lives on and benefits people. A great tool to thin out the crowd from afar. With a successful hit, it can kill up to five creatures at once. It is not recommended to use it near because of the large explosion radius. A little advice on how to clear rooms. Run inside and wait for the monsters to appear. Then you run out and throw a checker inside. Usually no one can escape. Dynamite detonates either when it hits an enemy or when the fuse burns out. True, one question torments me - why is there so much dynamite in prison?

Molotov cocktails

Comrade Molotov's favorite weapon and faithful companion of Comrade Tork on his difficult journey. True, the concept of "Molotov cocktail" has long become a household term and refers to any combustible mixture poured into bottles. As, however, and poor Gatling, denoting "rate of fire." When hitting a hard surface, the bottle breaks and splashes burning liquid around. The monsters that fell under it run for a while, trying to bring down the flames, and then they will calm down forever. Molotov cocktails are especially effective against boils.


Almost a complete analogue of dynamite. The method of application is similar: got it, threw it, forgot it. The only difference is in the great lethal force. Appears towards the end of the game. True, finding “lemons” is quite difficult (this despite the fact that dynamite is lying around in packs on almost every corner), so use them carefully. Question number two - why are there grenades in prisons?

Grenades, dynamite, and others can detonate if they are hit by an explosion. So be careful not to accidentally deprive yourself of ammo. This also applies to gas cylinders, and boxes of explosives, scattered in abundance on the levels. It is worth hitting them a couple of times, as the irreparable happens. This can be used in the fight against monsters, but you should be careful not to cover you with an explosion.



Medkits restore approximately 30% of general level health. No more than nine packages can be carried at the same time. They are not found as often as we would like (this is especially true at high difficulty levels), so they need to be spent carefully, and only in really difficult situations. There is no point in using a first aid kit if you are only slightly injured. And also immediately grab onto it if you are seriously battered in a fight. Stay in a secluded corner, and after a while the standard of living itself will rise to half. Usually I used first-aid kits during the battle, when there was no time and opportunity to sit out and wait out the danger.


The flashlight is an almost complete copy of what we saw in Silent Hill. Apparently, Heather, passing by, dropped it. Or maybe James? The flashlight is used for the purpose for which it was created - illuminates dark corners. True, unlike his brother from Silent Hill, he needs batteries to work, and they are consumed very quickly. The number of batteries that can be carried in reserve is limited to nine.

In general, the flashlight is very useful thing, considering that most of the time you will have to walk in the dark and be afraid of scary monsters that strive to jump out from around the corner. If you don't want to walk in the dark and you don't want to be afraid, you can use little trick- it will allow you to not use a flashlight for almost the entire game.

After starting the game, go to the screen settings and unscrew the brightness to half. True, it has become much lighter and more pleasant? Of course, the game will lose some of the atmosphere of fear, but you will get rid of the constant ordeal in search of batteries.

By the way, there is a nasty bug here. Every time you exit the game, the brightness settings will reset to default.

lighting checkers

Illumination checkers serve the same purposes as a flashlight. Usually one checker is enough to completely illuminate a medium-sized room. You can carry no more than nine pieces with you at a time. They are quite common at the beginning of the game and gradually disappear towards the middle. You can find them, but much more difficult than at the beginning. Due to the ability to throw long distances, checkers can be used to check suspicious places. If anyone is, you will immediately see.



The very first monsters that you will meet on your way. They represent the embodiment of criminals after a date with the guillotine. Their heads are separated from the body and fastened with iron pins. Limbs cut off and replaced with steel blades. Assassins come in two types: with single and double blades on the hands. The latter are larger and more tenacious than their counterparts. They attack with a sharp attack and a blow with blades. They run fast and can crawl on the ceiling. They can get up in a deaf block, closing with blades. In this case, they can only be hit with a headshot. However, they do not pay much attention to the absence of a head. Toward the end of the game, individuals begin to meet that can be reborn after death. To prevent this from happening, after they fall to the ground, you need to butcher the body.

Despite the fact that the assassins run briskly, crawl along the ceilings and brandish large and sharp blades, you should not take them seriously. They are not as dangerous as it might seem at first. All this is to a large extent "playing for the public." They freeze for a moment before attacking, making them vulnerable. It is at this moment that you need to aim well and pull the trigger. If you are surrounded by several creatures at once, you cannot stay still. Constantly rush around them, jump, do somersaults and shoot as soon as someone is at gunpoint.


The Riflemen are the incarnations of fallen soldiers who fought during World War II on the island. True, there is a version that these are the souls of soldiers shot by the colonel on charges of treason. A whole arsenal of rifles is attached to the back, which they use very skillfully. Most often they jump out of the ground at the most unexpected moment. They have decent dimensions, which makes shooters an excellent target.

Big and clumsy monsters. The main thing in a collision is to shoot them before they start aiming. At this moment, they stand on four limbs and begin to twist the trunks on their backs. Avoiding a shot is difficult, but possible. A second before the salvo, you need to jump to the side. It is almost impossible to dodge with a strafe. Creatures skillfully shoot ahead.

It is best to destroy them from around the corner: they ran out, fired a couple of shots, hid back. unfortunately, this is not always possible. If there are several monsters, throw them from afar with dynamite. The best weapon against shooters is a shotgun. The highest level of skill is to substitute other monsters under the volley of your brothers.


In the 1970s, the prison began using lethal injections as a more "humane" means of execution. At the beginning of the cataclysm, 25 people were killed in this way. The injection is the embodiment of the torment and suffering of those executed with a lethal injection. Numerous syringes stuck into the body and a poisonous solution instead of blood cause them pain with every step. That is why they cannot walk, and are doomed to crawl on the ground.

An injection from afar throws syringes with a poisonous mixture, and from a distance it jumps on the player and tries to inject it in the neck. When poison gets into the blood, the character loses not only health, but also - temporarily - orientation in space. The injection usually lives near water. Or it just crawls out of the ground. Even after death, it can cause harm. The body begins to decompose, and poisonous gases come out, which cause significant damage to health. Therefore, you need to wait a couple of seconds until they evaporate.

If the injection jumped on you, alternately press the right and left mouse buttons. So you can throw it off yourself without giving you the opportunity to get an injection. Better weapons against injection - shotgun. Smear on the floor with one shot. In my list of the most vile creatures, it takes an honorable second place. If possible, just run past. Fighting with her (especially when there are 5-6 of them) is more expensive for yourself.


The appearance of the gallows occurred as a result of a bloody story, when the prisoners, outraged by the death of their comrades, flayed five guards alive and then hanged them. You will see it in one of the scenes. They look like stumps of human bodies with skin torn off. They live under the ceiling, from where they briskly descend on the very loop in which they were once hung, trying to suffocate the player. Their habitat can be distinguished by a blood stain on the ceiling.

Contacting them is more expensive for yourself - it's easier to run past. They jump out so fast that you don’t even have time to raise the barrel for protection. If you do get hands on them, press the right and left mouse buttons as quickly as possible.


The drillers are the souls of those unfortunates who were buried alive. They look like a human body wrapped in a bag and wrapped in chains. They move underground, waiting for the right moment to attack. Their location can be determined by the characteristic trace formed during movement. Attack with chains attached to various parts body. Know two types of impact. Direct - aimed at a specific target, and circular, hitting everyone who was nearby.

Despite its formidable appearance, destroying the driller is quite simple. When you notice them approaching, freeze in place and carefully watch their movements. Ignore the fact that they crawl under you. They don't know how to attack. As soon as the driller crawled out of the ground, shoot him in the head. Although you can chop them with an ax. They quickly ran up, struck a series of blows - the corpse is ready. If the drillers attack with a crowd of other monsters, constantly jump from side to side, firing a shotgun at the nearest creature.


At the beginning of the 18th century, a slave ship was wrecked off the coast of the island. The owners decided that it was dangerous to let the slaves go free, and they left them locked in the hold, where they were eaten alive by rats. The abscesses are the embodiment of the souls of slaves who broke free and gained flesh. In this guise, they are doomed to exist forever.

Pretty harmless monsters if you know how to handle them. The main thing to remember is that they are not affected by bullets. An abscess can either be hacked to death with an ax, or burned, or blown up. Up close, they attack with a large mace. If they hit, Tork will be left with only his legs. True, you still need to manage to get hit. With their slowness, you can run away ten times while he raises his club. From afar - they release a flock of rats, and they explode picturesquely when they hit you. After death, a flock of rats is also released.

Better weapons are Molotov cocktails. They will immediately destroy the abscess and rats. You can throw dynamite at him. First one checker to undermine the monster. Then the second - to destroy the rats. It is better to collect a crowd of abscesses so as not to waste dynamite in vain. One checker can kill three or four monsters. If things are tight with explosives, first chop with an ax, and then shoot small creatures with a shotgun. Ulcers really dislike other monsters and constantly fight with them. At such moments, do not interfere, but wait for the end of the disassembly.


Witches are the embodiment of girls accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake at the end of the 17th century. At first they look like little girls in old dresses, but when approached, they transform into burning monsters. The most difficult opponents in the game. Firstly, they fly very fast, leaving a trail of fire behind them that causes quite a lot of damage. Secondly, they inflict a fiery blow that affects everyone who is nearby. And just a collision with them will not bring much joy. The best weapon against witches is a submachine gun. Just do not forget to destroy the remaining pile of ashes after their death. Otherwise, they will respawn again. Grenades and dynamite act on them somehow sluggishly, so it's better to leave them until better times. They first appear on the penultimate level.

Heroes of tragedy


The story begins with the fact that Torque is brought to the Abbot prison to carry out the sentence of the court. He is accused of killing his wife and children. The court imposed the death penalty. But not everything is so simple. Tork does not remember anything, and the evidence of his guilt is very doubtful. As soon as he is in the cell, strange things begin to happen around him. So who is he? A murderer or an innocent convict? Or something else? It's up to you to decide.

Dr. Killjoy

Doctor Killjoy is one of the island's ancient legends. The mad doctor performed monstrous experiments on the sick... and died under mysterious circumstances. He was reborn as a ghost that appears from the projectors of movie cameras. During the game you will learn a lot of interesting things about the doctor and his patients.


Horace's story is scary and sad at the same time. When he went to prison, he decided that his wife would not be safe without his protection. And during the next visit, he cut it into pieces. He ended his life in the electric chair. But death did not accept him. Now Horace is forced to wander forever as a ghost. Between death and life.


Not much is known about Hermes. Rumor has it that he once killed himself in a gas chamber. Now he has incarnated in the form of gas - killing and enjoying death. The most mysterious character of the whole trinity that will haunt you throughout the game.


Fellow travelers and simple counter for the game will be enough. Some of them will help you. Part of asking for help. Part of trying to kill. All this will be random and short-lived meetings. Tork must go his own way alone. These are meetings that give you choices. And allowing you to understand who you really are.


The passage is written for the game of medium difficulty. The difference between the difficulty levels is the survivability of the monsters, the damage dealt by Torque, and the number of items scattered on the maps. If at an easy level a single shot from a shotgun is enough for a simple monster, then at a difficult one it can easily withstand a couple of charges at close range.

For the convenience of orientation in space, you have at your disposal maps of the island and the prison, as well as, for a number of missions, more detailed maps the area where the action takes place.

The Worst Place on Earth

After the cell doors open, go to the exit from the block and watch the scene with the death of the guard. The door to the next cell is open. Run to your cellmate and pick up a knife. Another door flew out. Go to the control room. Inside you will find a level map and batteries for a flashlight. Don't forget to press the red button to unlock the passage.

Go out into the corridor and run to the shower room. There, pick up painkillers and batteries for a flashlight. Now run to the administration room. Collect all the useful items and go out into the corridor.

Run along it until you run into a prisoner. It's not worth following him. Drops to death. Approach the grate and wait for the next scene. Then go into the control room and unlock the door. Go down the hallway to the men's room. There you will meet the first monster. After his death, wait for the guard. You can kill him and pick up the weapon, or join in the fight against the monsters. Either way, you'll get the gun.

Go to the toilet and wait for another flash of memory. Then run to the locker room and pick up a flashlight. Go back to the guard. Now hurry up to the next level together. After unlocking the door to the hall, you will stumble upon two monsters. After they die, wait for the guard to decide to check the room with the electric chair. In vain he did it. Pick up his weapon (there is nothing interesting in the room) and go to the ward. There you will find a bunch of cans of painkillers and meet Hermes. Later you will get to know him better.

Dismantle the barricade in the corridor with the help of sharpening. The further path is blocked by a soda machine. Pull it out and go to the control room. There you will find another pack of painkillers. By the way, if you want to get "evil" karma points, pull the lever. A prisoner appears from nowhere in the electric chair, twitching.

After reaching the central hall, try to open the door to the control room. In response, it will be opened from the other side. By the way, the monster, when it gets off the ceiling, it is better to cut it with a knife. Nothing to waste ammo. Now you need to drag the statue blocking the door. Set it so that it prevents the second door from closing. Enter the control room and press the button. If everything is done correctly, the passage will be free. When you exit, another monster will attack you.

Go to the next control room. If you want, you can execute the guard in the gas chamber. Exit back to the corridor and move to the first turn to the right. Go to the gas chamber (you will come across a couple of monsters along the way). Once you're inside, Hermes will release the gas. Calmly. Wait for the monster to break the glass, run inside the hall and finish off the creature.

Now there is only one way. Into the basement. Run downstairs, remembering to grab ammo and painkillers from the shelves under the stairs.



Turn on the light and go down the corridor until you reach the boiler room, where you will meet Hermes, Dr. Killjoy and Horace. Meet - these are your new friends until the end of the game. After the conversation, monsters will climb on you in batches. After a while, the doctor will say that he wants to see the real Torque. After that, another scale will appear next to the health indicator. When it is full, you can turn into a demon. Which is what should be done. After the reverse transformation, the door below will open.

Walk straight down the corridor until you reach a place blocked by steam. Pull the wheel on the right to turn off the steam. Pull the lever in the next room as well. Behind should not weakly jerk. By the way, the consequences of this act will make themselves felt in the fourteenth level. Trust me, you won't regret it. Go back and climb into the hole in the wall. Inside, in addition to a bunch of ammo, you will find a second pistol. It's time to show the monsters Macedonian shooting.

Go back and climb up through the gap in the floor. After going a little forward, you will meet a new monster. It is better not to directly collide with him, but to shoot vilely from around the corner. If he hits, it won't show a little. Go to the workshop. From it you can get to the northern and western insulators. Which one you go to first doesn't really matter. You still need to clean both.

After the number of monsters is reduced to zero, go to the small room in the western isolation room and use the valve to open the door. Run straight along the corridor and talk to Horace, standing by the grate. Then go further until you reach the stairs. Climb up, pick up a machine gun and stock up on ammo. Now go to the exit from the level.

Run down the street, shooting monsters along the way. If you want, you can go to death row, but you will not find anything special there. When you reach the building, climb up using the stairs.

Abbott Prison Blues

After talking with Dallas, dismantle the barricade and drag the box. By the way, if you want Dallas to survive, I advise you to put the box back and lock your companion in the room. Then you can return for it. Although, to be honest, I don’t see much need for his company.

Go to Locker Room. Search the tables in the room for a map of the building. By the way, if Dallas is with you, he will pick up weapons, which makes him a little more useful. Now it's time for the control room. Click on the red button and search the cells. Get down to the level below.

A prisoner is sitting in one of the cells, he passionately wants to be locked up. I'm willing to bet that a couple of days ago he wanted the exact opposite. Go to the nearest control room and pull the lever. Now the prisoner is safe. Press the red button to unlock the doors. At the same time, a bunch of creatures with syringes will come running to you. Exit the control room and head down to the basement. There you will find a level map.

Now you need to choose how to get out into the street. There are two options.

The first is through the showers. From the control room, go through the east door. First, go into the opening on the right, where another flash of memory will visit you. Now go to the showers. To stop the flow of creatures, you need to turn off every shower. Or just run past them. When you reach a corridor blocked by fire, pull the lever to put out the flames. It remains to replenish supplies in the control room and run out into the street.

The second way is longer, but safer. Go to the corridor where a large puddle of water is energized. Shoot the shield to turn off the electricity. Now you have a long but easy journey ahead of you. Only in the courtyard you will meet a trio of prisoners who are ready to send you to the next world.

In any case, you will find yourself in the courtyard. Go to the tower and shoot the ladder to make it go down. Inside the tower you will find a map. Run to the library. On the way, do not forget to grab the instructions for the flamethrower. You will need it later. Without much delay in the library (monsters are constantly respawning), quickly drop into the office and go downstairs.

Quickly run through the hospital (monsters are endless) and enter the room with two hanging prisoners. The next boss is Hargrave. You could already see it on one of the monitors. To get to Hargrave, turn into a monster and run up the stairs. In the control room, you will find a hole in the floor leading to the room where the crazy sheriff has locked himself up. Having dealt with him, as well as with his henchmen, get up behind the machine gun and start shooting the creatures. It is best to constantly fire at the doorway. The dropout rate will be very low.

When the flow of creatures subsides, press the red button and go to the exit. The gates are closed. Climb onto the dustbin and climb up the parapet. When you reach the corridor, follow the child to the toilet. Wow surprise! Now step into the control room and press the red button. Again, no luck. Exit back and go through the door opposite.

No More Prisons

Pick up weapons for the machine gun in the tower and go down the stairs. Follow the path until you reach an area with spotlights. Here you will have to fight guards and monsters at the same time. It is better to run away and not climb on the rampage. Let them deal with each other first.

Run further, shooting everyone you meet along the way. You will meet an open tribune - a machine gun is installed there. Stand behind him and thin out the hordes of attackers. Then there will be a scene where they will show how the guard famously controls the monsters with a shotgun. After that, another wave of monsters will rush to the site. You can not fight them, but grab a shotgun (it lies by the burning table) and run into the building.

I Can Sleep When I'm Dead

Enter the control room and take the level card. After reaching the hanged guards, go straight ahead (to the right is a dead end). In the next control room, press the red button to open the gate and go right. There, through the glass, you will hear the screams of prisoners for help. Open the cells of the cell to set them free.

Come back. A couple of monsters are waiting for you in the toilet. Try a shotgun on them. It works very effectively. Go back to the corridor and, after meeting a new enemy in absentia, pick up the phone to talk to your wife. After the end of the conversation, a bunch of monsters will rush at you. But the exit is open.

In the dining room you will find another surprise from an old friend. To get out of the room, you need to put out the fire. Drag the soda machine to the floor drain. Now cut through the barricade in the small room and activate the fire safety system. I advise you to get out of the room as soon as possible. Monsters appear constantly, at regular intervals.

In the control room, press the button and run to the R-block. Watch out for hangmen jumping from the ceiling. In the control room below, press the two buttons to open the doors. Now you can choose the path you want to take. In fact, there is not much difference between them, so the choice is largely nominal. Personally, I jumped into the hole in the lower chamber and went through the dungeons.

Ultimately, you will still get to the boy. Follow him, shooting monsters along the way. After reaching the S-block, climb onto the bed, and then onto the roof. It remains to run a little forward to finish the level.


beautiful is gone

You are on the street again, and again there is only one way. Pick up ammo from the guard's body and jump down. Run into the guard tower and take valuables before it is filled with gas. Climb to the roof of the tower and jump over to the next building. Here you will meet a frightened guard who will run downstairs. Go into the room on the side and, after taking the ammunition, go down. Having calmed down a bit, the guard will agree to help you.

Follow him. In a long passage with spotlights, point the beam at the crowns of trees to stop jumping creatures. Point the last spotlight down into the field. You will need it later. Now push the crate down to explode the balloons. If it doesn't work, then just shoot from above. Get down.

On the site itself, you will have a serious fight. Stand in the center of the beam from the searchlight and watch the first monsters fry. When the arrows appear, take out your weapons and arrange a bloodbath.

When it becomes calm around, run into the building. There you will find a map. After that, get out onto the roof and, jumping down, step into the prison complex.

Darkest Night, Eternal


The workshop is full of monsters, so deal with them as quickly as possible. After the battle, pick up the ammo scattered around the corners. Break the box blocking the exit and get out into the street.

Pass through the cemetery and step to the left. There you will find sticks of dynamite. Now to the right. Along the way, you will encounter a bunch of hostile guards and a standard set of monsters. Follow the road until you reach a quarry. Climb down the stairs, shooting back at the monsters. Although you can just jump down the rocks and avoid the fight.

Enter the cave... Meet the new enemy. Creature harmful to disgust. Climb up the ladder and run through the hole in the fence.

Oblivion Regained

Go straight until you come across a detonator. Use it for its intended purpose and climb up the wreckage. In the cave itself, try to shoot carefully - there are a lot of boxes with explosives around. Caught on fresh air, go to career. Ignore the guards below, firing back at the creatures. They have enough worries without you. Get behind the crane control panel and bring down the rock onto the lava with a stone block. Get down downward and iditol further. Although you can go into the house on the other side of the cliff. To do this, you need to jump on the stairs.

When you reach a dead end, use the detonator to clear the passage. Now you can pass. In the hut on the left, you can thoroughly replenish ammunition. Having reached the next cliff, use the crane to help the prisoner to overcome it, and then place the stone so that he himself can pass.

Keep going until you come across two very strange girls. After the video, stand behind the control levers of the next crane and drop the water tower to extinguish the flame. Climb down and go through the cave.

You"ve Mistaken Me for Someone Else

Exit the cave and run to the hole in the fence. Climb over the fence and take the terrain map on the left. Run around the lake and listen to what the dead have to say. Then go to the gazebo, where you will meet your wife. Now it's time for the mansion. After killing the monsters in the yard, break the boxes and, dragging the cage from the entrance, go inside.

Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner

Once in the house, look around. Great choice where to go, no, so step into the kitchen. After killing the monsters, shoot the projector upstairs to unlock the door. Climb up the stairs. First, enter the room on the side. Pick up useful items and go to the library. In it you will find Sergey - the poor fellow from all the shocks has gone a little crazy. Maybe that's why he survived. He will ask you to turn on the electricity so that he can finally enjoy the music.

When the monsters run out and the doctor disappears, go to the locked door. Break the box on the wall and pick up the axe. Use it to cut the rope on the wall. The picture will fall down and block the beam of the projector. Break the boards on the door and step into the hallway.

In the corridor where you turned last time, turn left. Search open rooms and enter the room with your alter ego. Press the yellow button to destroy it and jump down. In the basement, go a little forward to trigger another scene. When the enemies are dead, pull out the cage between the cabinets to disable the projector. Come into the next room.

There is a generator in the far corner, you need to start it if you want to help Sergey. But for this you have to drain the water first. Use an ax to cut the boards on the sewer, located to the left of the generator. Now you can turn on the generator. Go up to Sergey and get "good" points to karma.

Go down the hall and go up the stairs. Search the cells for the mentally ill... In one of them you will find a guard thrashing in agony. Shoot him if you want to get "good" points. Pull the cage out of the third chamber and place it so that you can climb into the attic.

In the attic, approach the blue device and lower it down. After killing the monsters, destroy the projector that closes the double doors in the hall, and drag the box with the second projector blocking the way down. Go down the hall and go to the operating room.

In it, you must destroy five projectors in order to exterminate the doctor. Don't waste your time fighting monsters. The Doctor will revive them. Three projectors are easy to eliminate. The rest will have to deal with. Shoot the electrical box opposite the entrance to disable the fourth projector. Cut the rope to the right of the monster to lose the last one.

When the doctor disappears, press the button to activate the blue device. Stand under it to get a charge and throw an energy ball at the alter ego. Then jump out the window.

A Lonely Place to Die

Explore the area around the mansion and run out the gate. On the sides of the road there interesting places they should be visited. On the left is a house where Sergei was apparently sitting. How else to explain the presence of a hookah on the shelf? On the right is another excursion into the past.

After crossing the bridge, you will encounter another pack of monsters and find that some of them have learned to come to life after death. To prevent this from happening, shoot off the limbs while they are lying unconscious on the ground. Or blow it up with dynamite. Get off the road more often along the way. Often in the bushes you can find useful items. For example, on the right is a house, visiting which will open the archive. And also unleash a bunch of monsters.

After reaching the place engulfed in flames, run into the cave on the right. You will find many useful things there. To get around the fire, climb onto the rocks on the left. After going a little further, you will stumble upon a destroyed bridge. Run right. There is an old pickup truck. Use the jack to push him down.

Get down, but do not rush to get over to the other side. There are still things to do here. Follow the stream until you reach small beach. Another vision and realization that Tork can't swim. Deal with the monsters that have come running and return to the destroyed bridge. Get on the pickup truck and climb up.

Dancing at the Dawn of the Apocalypse

Follow the road until you meet Clem. Despite his venerable age, the grandfather quickly throws Molotov cocktails at the monsters. Help deal with the creatures and talk to him. He will ask you to help him escape from the island. Grab some dynamite and Molotov cocktails and follow the old man.

On the beach you will meet new monsters - these are abscesses. Really, cuties? Bullets do not take them, so either throw them with dynamite and Molotov cocktails, or chop them with an ax. Ulcers are clumsy creatures, so it is quite possible to get by with one axe.

Walk along the beach to the ruined ship. Wait until Clem asks you to stop the creatures climbing from inside the ship. Run inside and wait for the monster to break down the iron gate. Kill him and go up to the deck. Through the hole to the stern, shoot the barrels standing in the corner. When oil starts to flow out of them, throw a Molotov cocktail. Now the abscesses are over.

Go back to the beach and say goodbye to the old man. It remains to climb upper deck ship and get over to the drainpipe.


Immediately after the end of the scene, run to the stairs as quickly as possible. After a couple of seconds, hordes of rats will start jumping from above. Climbing up the stairs, take a break and look at the map. See the "Stash" lettering with circles circled next to it? They contain caches of weapons and ammunition. To get to them, you need to break the masonry in the wall, in the indicated place.

In general, the level is not difficult. Run forward and destroy the monsters. In the ammunition depot, you will have to solve a simple riddle. Rotate the levers so that all three holes are in the center.

In the medical lab, don't touch the monsters in the cage if you don't want to earn "evil" points. True, there is not enough logic in this. It is unlikely that a reasonable person will leave behind two bloodthirsty creatures. No matter how kind. It is unlikely that anyone would condemn him for this act. In any case, the choice is yours.

Pull the lever to open the lab. Where the corridor splits into two, go to the right. If you followed the instructions in the second level, then the promised surprise awaits you here. In the place indicated in the picture, drag the box and climb into the secret niche above. There you will find a superweapon. Just don't laugh. It really is the most powerful in the game. After step through the workshop, into the southern corridor. There Horace will open the door leading to the exit.

Go back to the cell where you started the game from. Along the way, you will meet another old friend. Listen to his chatter and move on. In the D-block, talk to your family and take their diagnosis from the cell. By the way, guess who wrote it.

When you pick up the diagnosis, the monster will break through the wall. Here is the passage. Get out through the hole and go down the stairs. In the corridor blocked by fire, wait until the rats show you the way out.

Who Wants to Deny Forever?

Pick up painkillers and jump down to the guards. Try to save them if you want to get "good" points. Run up to the opening in the wall and take up defense. Soon a horde of monsters will trample through them. When their flow subsides, go into the hut and listen to the radio.

Going back, you will find that another creature has helpfully opened the gate. Having reached the platform, kill the abscess with a Molotov cocktail and stand behind the machine gun. Now you have to have a fun shooting of monsters jumping out from behind the wall. When they are gone, go through the hole in the fence.

Death Be Not Proud

Go through the open gate. Drag the box to the building and climb onto the roof. Machine gun. How timely. Get up behind the trigger and shoot the monsters running below. After they die, jump down and shoot the piece of wood holding the bus. When he breaks through the gate, get out. Go forward along the road (ammunition on the right) until you run into prisoners. Nasty Hermes.

The road ahead is blocked by fire, but there is a way out. Explore the cliff to your right. Go down the path. Now you have a series of tedious jumps on the rocks. Just before you get out on the road, go to the place where the car crashed, and pick up ammunition and a pump. The latter is needed to create a flamethrower.

Pick up the ammo in the hut and go right into the woods. Having reached the three bloody pillars, watch the scene of the execution, and quickly get up behind the machine gun. Now a horde of monsters will begin to crawl out of the ground. And they will appear from all sides. "Don't yawn, give the cartridges."

When the carnage is over, go right. There you will find a hut. Locked up. Oh, what a cute box of dynamite! Pull it closer and blow it up. Clean out the hut and climb onto the roof.

Walking a little further, you will find a wrecked German experimental aircraft from the Second World War. So that's what the poor fellows were shot at the cliff for. They were Germans, and the colonel thought they had given the coordinates of the island to the dead pilots. However, stop worrying. Grab the box from the plane. Here it is, the last component of the flamethrower!! True, while using the newly acquired weapon I do not advise. Will come in handy later. In addition, you will not find fuel anymore. And finish off the running monsters with improvised means. Or just run away.

Now all things are done. Run into the cave, dodging sticks of dynamite along the way. I wonder who this crazy thrower is?

Single Bullet Theory

Run after the light of signal checkers. Just be careful. Dynamite will fly constantly and very accurately. When you reach a dead end, climb up the ledges. Keep moving. The only way is don't get lost. Having reached the next dead end, climb into the hatch in the ceiling. Here you are in the fort. However, it's too early to rejoice. First you need to get out alive.

Having reached the hall with the locked door, get up to the machine gun and blow up the boxes in the corner. Now shoot back from the surging hordes of monsters. When the attacks stop, go into the resulting hole. The mad bomber was captured. It serves him right. Will not be thrown by dynamite. Your choice is to free him or ... If you decide to get "good" points, drag the box with dynamite to the stalactites and blow it up from afar.

Once free, the prisoner will take on the role of a guide through the caves. By the way, even if you play an evil character, I do not advise you to kill him until he takes you through the catacombs. The path you will follow is the safest and easiest. Follow him until you reach the base of the lighthouse. If you want to kill him, do it before you climb up. Then it will be too late because...

Upstairs lurked the treacherous Hermes. Do not listen to his chatter, but quickly block the places where the gas comes from. Close the valves on the three pipes. Shoot the rope so that the box falls on the hatch. Explode the box under the manhole cover next to the firebox. Close the last hole in the floor with a drawer. Now you can take on the gas friend.

See the valve opposite the stove? Get a little ahead of him. So you protect yourself from attacks from Hermes from behind. All the jets of gas he releases will hit the pipes. When it starts to appear from the hole next to the furnace, run up to the valve and turn on the steam. Hermes must be pushed inside the stove. Now run up to the furnace and slam the lid. After that, it remains only to go through the opened door and climb the stairs.

And a Child Shall Lead Them

Search the lighthouse for valuable items and go outside. There are three girls walking around. When they see you, they will, of course, turn into fire monsters. It's time to get the machine. However, the guard will seriously help you. Just do not forget to destroy the heaps of ashes after their death. Otherwise, they will be reborn.

Somewhere I saw him ... Bah! All familiar faces. Remember the guard that led Tork to the cell at the very beginning of the game and told his partner about his crime? Didn't think it would last that long. However, Eduardo is not very happy to see you and hastily retreats from the battlefield.

Run to the right. At the guards' house, talk to Eduardo. He decides to join you. By the way, even if you play an evil character, I do not advise you to kill him. Eduardo will help a lot in the fight against monsters. To be honest, it was he who eliminated most of the witches. I only covered him from normal monsters. For some reason he really didn't want to shoot at them.

Follow him to the generator. Along the way, you will be bothered by hordes of burnt girls. The pickup truck will have a particularly serious struggle. After reaching the generator, run into the house. Pay no attention to the monsters. New ones constantly appear to replace the dead. Climb up and turn on the two spotlights. Direct the first to Eduardo to cover him from the killers. The second to the pit to stop the invasion.

Get down and start the generator. Now it's time to go back. Along the way, you will meet three witches dancing around the fire where they were once burned.

Having reached the caves, Eduardo will refuse to go down. I don't recommend you do this either. The number of troubles is disproportionately greater than the reward. But if you still decide... Three prisoners are sitting inside the cave. They need to be saved from monster attacks. Then you will get "good" karma points and some ammo. Don't forget to also run deep into the cave and climb up the ledges. There you will find a secret.

When you reach the lighthouse, go upstairs. The handle doesn't want to turn. I wonder what's the reason? A couple of blades got stuck in the gears. Knock them out with an ax and twist the handle. The lighthouse is on and spinning. Now climb to the very top. Tork's son tries to fly the swallow. Unsuccessfully.

Get down downward and run to the house of guards. Isn't it nice to see old acquaintances you killed? Or is it impossible to kill them at all? However, there is no time for reflection. Forward. To the final.

Last Breath Before Dying

The path to the docks is straight and full of monsters. In general, run, shoot and pick up ammunition scattered along the sides of the road. There is no point in saving ammo anymore. In the tunnel you will be attacked by two witches. When they are finished, climb onto the box and jump over the grate. Explode the box of dynamite to break the pipe. Now put the box on the hatch in the floor so that the water can flood the entire cave. The path is clear.

After reaching the broken bridge, approach the edge. Another old friend. Hermes. When he finishes talking, quickly get out of the way before you get run over by a bus. Pick up ammunition from the cache on the left and move to the other side. After walking a little down the road, Eduardo will leave you and run to save his family. You won't be able to follow him. The road was blocked by flames. However, you also have unfinished business.

Run to the docks, looking at the local sights along the way. For example, drowning girls. And what you won't see in just one day. When you reach the pier, go into the house. There you will find painkillers. Now it's time.

On the pier you have to fight with three monsters. The first is a demon that lives in Tork's soul. Get out the gonzo gun and take a couple of shots. What a shameful death for a demon. If there is no gonzo gun, get a flamethrower. If it’s not there either, finish it off from a machine gun or with a machine gun standing in the corner. The second is Tork’s double. and tear yourself apart.The third and last monster is the embodiment of Tork's wrath.Despite its solid size, it is the easiest opponent.Run up to the control panel, and lower it down.Now get charged and, when the monster crawls out onto the pier, shower it with energy In response, he will try to throw fireballs at you, but the attempt is clearly doomed to failure. It is enough to lazily run from side to side. Five steps to the right - five steps to the left. After his death, you will find out that Tork ... however, everyone has their own story. And your past.

The game is over, but Tork's story isn't over. Many questions remained unanswered. What happened on the island? What are the reasons for these strange events? And why was Torque chosen for the test? In the next issues of the magazine "Best computer games» expect an article dedicated to game secrets and various endings.


Guides and Walkthroughs

The Suffering is a classic survival horror. All the attributes of the genre are there: liters of blood, darkness, creepy and incomprehensible sounds, intricate plot, monsters that kill everyone in their path. In general, everything we were waiting for long winter evenings. One of the distinguishing features that distinguish the game from a host of similar ones is the ability to really play the hero. Not only the future, but also the past depends on your actions. I'm not afraid of a bold statement - in Suffering the character is made more seriously than in other role-playing games. There is only one conclusion: play, be afraid and decide who your hero really is. And maybe you too...

Character skills

In order to avoid misunderstandings in the future, we will analyze the basics of the gameplay, as well as the skills of Torque.

First, when porting the game to PC, a small but important feature was added. Now you are free to choose between third-person and first-person view. It cannot be said that the first-person view is more convenient (more often even vice versa), but in some situations ... For example, it is much easier to destroy witches that way.

If you prefer to play with a third-person view, then I hasten to please you. The well-known scourge of all ports from set-top boxes bypassed Suffering. The game has a normal fixed camera. However, this applies not only to the camera. Normal control and save system available.

Management in the game is implemented in a classic way for action. For more information about which keys are responsible for what, see the sidebar. Here we will look at the most important ones. Left mouse button - fire from the selected weapon. Right button - grenades.

Tork also knows a couple of acrobatic tricks. The first is throws to the side. Most often used in close combat to dodge a blow or a shot. The second is the ability to climb up. Here, in general, everything is simple. Climbing is allowed only on designated places. You can usually see them right away. However, in more detail about each of them is said in the passage. The third trick is dragging boxes, boxes, etc. Usually this ability is used when solving logic puzzles. You can also move a box of explosives. In fact, it usually doesn't make sense.

Our hero also knows how to use stationary weapons. This includes machine guns and searchlights. Monsters really do not like light, and from the bright they burn to the ground. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to stand under a bright light bulb and watch how they unsuccessfully try to get to you. True, this only applies to murderers. The rest of the light is unpleasant, but not fatal.

And finally, Tork's exclusive ability is to turn into a demon. To do this, you need to fill in the yellow scale next to health. It replenishes during kills. Having shot a heel or two of creatures, Tork is already angry enough and ready to show everyone the dark side of himself. During the time that you are in the guise of a demon, you can do a lot of things. One hit is enough for almost all monsters (when you press the jump button, the demon will strike the ground with damage to all those who are nearby), and given that the scale depletes rather slowly... However, abuse of this ability, despite all its attractiveness, is not costs. Otherwise, you can get an unpleasant ending.



Sharpening was and remains the most common weapon in prisons. In this case, this is a pointed piece of the back of the bed, wrapped in a rag at the other end to make it easier to hold. Weak and useless weapon. Useful for destroying single monsters at the beginning of the game. it is also used to destroy barricades and other objects. Although in a hopeless situation, when the cartridges are at zero, it may come in handy later. Just getting into such a situation is not recommended.


The fire ax is a great tool for destroying monsters. The best melee weapon. The power of impact is combined with good speed, which makes it the "choice of millions." Moreover, with a certain skill, you can safely deal with three or four monsters at the same time without harming your health. Unless, of course, monsters can't attack from a distance. I strongly advise you to practice handling an ax, so you will save a lot of ammo. Like sharpening, it can be used to destroy barricades.


A very large pistol. What caliber is unknown, but looking at the barrel, you are sure that it is not a small one. Main weapon in the first half of the game. It has a six-shot clip, high rate of fire and average penetration power. Subsequently, you can find a second pistol, which allows you to fire simultaneously with two hands. You need to use two at the same time, because towards the middle of the game the monsters become “fat”, and one pistol does a lousy job. remember also about the small clip. Reload it at any suitable moment if you don't want to end up with an empty magazine when an angry killer is already rushing towards you at full speed.


Seven rounds, good stopping power, but short range. True, the latter can hardly be considered a disadvantage. Most of the fights take place at close range. Magnificent weapon. With a successful shot at point-blank range, the monster is torn apart. If several monsters get hit by a shot, everyone will get it. The most used weapon in the second half of the game. True, a little upsets the maximum number of rounds that you can carry with you. Only 47 pieces. But, as the hero of the famous Soviet cartoon sang, "we will survive this trouble." And hardly any enemies.


Long range, lots of ammo per clip, high rate of fire, and not a particularly impressive weapon. The problem is the small lethal force of the cartridge (it is slightly higher than the pistol) and the constant shortage of ammunition. Shooting enemies is a matter of minutes, but finding a spare disk is not so easy. The only ones the machine is really effective against are the witches. Ideally, standing far away, finish off the fiery creatures without being in danger of being hit by a flame.


To get a flamethrower, you need to carefully collect parts for it for half the game. You can't miss a single one. Although such ordeals are worth the effort. The lethal power and the area of ​​​​destruction do not leave the enemies the slightest chance of survival. You need to use it only in the most difficult situations, when a crowd of monsters has fallen on you. A couple of jets in different directions - and all the creatures lie on the ground, exhaling the smell of singed flesh. Remember that it is impossible to find ammunition for it. Treat it like a weapon of the last day. Of course, in the passage it is written where to find all the details.

Gonzo Gun

A secret weapon created by the developers more as a joke. In addition, only 20 rounds (or what does it shoot with?), Which makes you think ten times before pulling the trigger. But lethal force exceeds all expectations. Most enemies die with one shot. And one of the final bosses needed four. Found at level 14 in a secret place, and only if you did everything right on the second. You can read more about this in the walkthrough.

Machine gun

Stationary machine guns are only in those places where a massive invasion of monsters is expected soon. They have a monstrous rate of fire and lethal force. Ammo, which is nice, is endless. With him, even a dozen monsters will not be a big problem. On a low level of difficulty, it is enough to drive in different directions without even aiming. Enough for the eyes. True, you can not use a machine gun, but to destroy all the monsters manually. It's quite difficult, but real. But it's much more fun with him. Right?


Blinding Grenades

All monsters are children of the night and can't stand daylight, so blinding grenades are the perfect way to blind them for a couple of seconds. It doesn't make much sense to use against singles, but against a crowd in a small room - that's it. While the monsters are perplexedly rubbing their eyes with their hands, it's time to go over their heads with an axe.


Nobel's invention lives on and benefits people. A great tool to thin out the crowd from afar. With a successful hit, it can kill up to five creatures at once. It is not recommended to use it near because of the large explosion radius. A little advice on how to clear rooms. Run inside and wait for the monsters to appear. Then you run out and throw a checker inside. Usually no one can escape. Dynamite detonates either when it hits an enemy or when the fuse burns out. True, one question torments me - why is there so much dynamite in prison?

Molotov cocktails

Comrade Molotov's favorite weapon and faithful companion of Comrade Tork on his difficult journey. True, the concept of "Molotov cocktail" has long become a household term and refers to any combustible mixture poured into bottles. As, however, and poor Gatling, denoting "rate of fire." When hitting a hard surface, the bottle breaks and splashes burning liquid around. The monsters that fell under it run for a while, trying to bring down the flames, and then they will calm down forever. Molotov cocktails are especially effective against boils.


Almost a complete analogue of dynamite. The method of application is similar: got it, threw it, forgot it. The only difference is in the large lethal force. Appears towards the end of the game. True, finding “lemons” is quite difficult (this despite the fact that dynamite is lying around in packs on almost every corner), so use them carefully. Question number two - why are there grenades in prisons?

Grenades, dynamite, and others can detonate if they are hit by an explosion. So be careful not to accidentally deprive yourself of ammo. This also applies to gas cylinders, and boxes of explosives, scattered in abundance on the levels. It is worth hitting them a couple of times, as the irreparable happens. This can be used in the fight against monsters, but you should be careful not to cover you with an explosion.



Medkits restore approximately 30% of your total health. No more than nine packages can be carried at the same time. They are not found as often as we would like (this is especially true at high difficulty levels), so they need to be spent carefully, and only in really difficult situations. There is no point in using a first aid kit if you are only slightly injured. And also immediately grab onto it if you are seriously battered in a fight. Stay in a secluded corner, and after a while the standard of living itself will rise to half. Usually I used first-aid kits during the battle, when there was no time and opportunity to sit out and wait out the danger.


The flashlight is almost a complete copy of what we saw in Silent Hill. Apparently, Heather, passing by, dropped it. Or maybe James? The flashlight is used for the purpose for which it was created - illuminates dark corners. True, unlike his brother from Silent Hill, he needs batteries to work, and they are consumed very quickly. The number of batteries that can be carried in reserve is limited to nine.

In general, a flashlight is a very useful thing, considering that most of the time you will have to walk in the dark and be afraid of scary monsters that strive to jump out from around the corner. If you don't want to walk in the dark and you don't want to be afraid, you can use a little trick - it will allow you to not use a flashlight for almost the entire game.

After starting the game, go to the screen settings and unscrew the brightness to half. True, it has become much lighter and more pleasant? Of course, the game will lose some of the atmosphere of fear, but you will get rid of the constant ordeal in search of batteries.

By the way, there is a nasty bug here. Every time you exit the game, the brightness settings will reset to default.

lighting checkers

Illumination checkers serve the same purposes as a flashlight. Usually one checker is enough to completely illuminate a medium-sized room. You can carry no more than nine pieces with you at a time. They are quite common at the beginning of the game and gradually disappear towards the middle. You can find them, but much more difficult than at the beginning. Due to the ability to throw long distances, checkers can be used to check suspicious places. If anyone is there, you will immediately see.



The very first monsters that you will meet on your way. They represent the embodiment of criminals after a date with the guillotine. Their heads are separated from the body and fastened with iron pins. Limbs cut off and replaced with steel blades. Assassins come in two types: with single and double blades on the hands. The latter are larger and more tenacious than their counterparts. They attack with a sharp attack and a blow with blades. They run fast and can crawl on the ceiling. They can get up in a deaf block, closing with blades. In this case, they can only be hit with a headshot. However, they do not pay much attention to the absence of a head. Toward the end of the game, individuals begin to meet that can be reborn after death. To prevent this from happening, after they fall to the ground, you need to butcher the body.

Despite the fact that the assassins run briskly, crawl along the ceilings and brandish large and sharp blades, you should not take them seriously. They are not as dangerous as it might seem at first. All this is to a large extent "playing for the public." They freeze for a moment before attacking, making them vulnerable. It is at this moment that you need to aim well and pull the trigger. If you are surrounded by several creatures at once, you cannot stay still. Constantly rush around them, jump, do somersaults and shoot as soon as someone is at gunpoint.


The Riflemen are the incarnations of fallen soldiers who fought during World War II on the island. True, there is a version that these are the souls of soldiers shot by the colonel on charges of treason. A whole arsenal of rifles is attached to the back, which they use very skillfully. Most often they jump out of the ground at the most unexpected moment. They have decent dimensions, which makes shooters an excellent target.

Big and clumsy monsters. The main thing in a collision is to shoot them before they start aiming. At this moment, they stand on four limbs and begin to twist the trunks on their backs. Avoiding a shot is difficult, but possible. A second before the salvo, you need to jump to the side. It is almost impossible to dodge with a strafe. Creatures skillfully shoot ahead.

It is best to destroy them from around the corner: they ran out, fired a couple of shots, hid back. unfortunately, this is not always possible. If there are several monsters, throw them from afar with dynamite. The best weapon against shooters is a shotgun. The highest level of skill is to expose other monsters to the volley of your brothers.


In the 1970s, the prison began using lethal injections as a more "humane" means of execution. At the beginning of the cataclysm, 25 people were killed in this way. The injection is the embodiment of the torment and suffering of those executed with a lethal injection. Numerous syringes stuck into the body and a poisonous solution instead of blood cause them pain with every step. That is why they cannot walk, and are doomed to crawl on the ground.

An injection from afar throws syringes with a poisonous mixture, and from a distance it jumps on the player and tries to inject it in the neck. When poison gets into the blood, the character loses not only health, but also - temporarily - orientation in space. The injection usually lives near water. Or it just crawls out of the ground. Even after death, it can cause harm. The body begins to decompose, and poisonous gases come out, which cause significant damage to health. Therefore, you need to wait a couple of seconds until they evaporate.

If the injection jumped on you, alternately press the right and left mouse buttons. So you can throw it off yourself without giving you the opportunity to get an injection. The best weapon against injection is a shotgun. Smear on the floor with one shot. In my list of the most vile creatures, it takes an honorable second place. If possible, just run past. Fighting with her (especially when there are 5-6 of them) is more expensive for yourself.


The appearance of the gallows occurred as a result of a bloody story, when the prisoners, outraged by the death of their comrades, flayed five guards alive and then hanged them. You will see it in one of the scenes. They look like stumps of human bodies with skin torn off. They live under the ceiling, from where they briskly descend on the very loop in which they were once hung, trying to suffocate the player. Their habitat can be distinguished by a blood stain on the ceiling.

Contacting them is more expensive for yourself - it's easier to run past. They jump out so fast that you don’t even have time to raise the barrel for protection. If you do get hands on them, press the right and left mouse buttons as quickly as possible.


Drillers are the souls of those unfortunates who were buried alive. They look like a human body wrapped in a bag and wrapped in chains. They move underground, waiting for the right moment to attack. Their location can be determined by the characteristic trace formed during movement. They attack with chains attached to various parts of the body. Know two types of impact. Direct - aimed at a specific target, and circular, hitting everyone who was nearby.

Despite its formidable appearance, destroying the driller is quite simple. When you notice them approaching, freeze in place and carefully watch their movements. Ignore the fact that they crawl under you. They don't know how to attack. As soon as the driller crawled out of the ground, shoot him in the head. Although you can chop them with an ax. They quickly ran up, struck a series of blows - the corpse is ready. If the drillers attack with a crowd of other monsters, constantly jump from side to side, firing a shotgun at the nearest creature.


At the beginning of the 18th century, a slave ship was wrecked off the coast of the island. The owners decided that it was dangerous to let the slaves go free, and they left them locked in the hold, where they were eaten alive by rats. The abscesses are the embodiment of the souls of slaves who broke free and gained flesh. In this guise, they are doomed to exist forever.

Pretty harmless monsters if you know how to handle them. The main thing to remember is that they are not affected by bullets. An abscess can either be hacked to death with an ax, or burned, or blown up. Up close, they attack with a large mace. If they hit, only legs will remain from Tork. True, you still need to manage to get hit. With their slowness, you can run away ten times while he raises his club. From afar - they release a flock of rats, and they explode picturesquely when they hit you. After death, a flock of rats is also released.

Better weapons are Molotov cocktails. They will immediately destroy the abscess and rats. You can throw dynamite at him. First one checker to undermine the monster. Then the second - to destroy the rats. It is better to collect a crowd of abscesses so as not to waste dynamite in vain. One checker can kill three or four monsters. If things are tight with explosives, first chop with an ax, and then shoot small creatures with a shotgun. Ulcers really dislike other monsters and constantly fight with them. At such moments, do not interfere, but wait for the end of the disassembly.


Witches are the embodiment of girls accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake at the end of the 17th century. At first they look like little girls in old dresses, but when approached, they transform into burning monsters. The most difficult opponents in the game. Firstly, they fly very fast, leaving a trail of fire behind them that causes quite a lot of damage. Secondly, they inflict a fiery blow that affects everyone who is nearby. And just a collision with them will not bring much joy. The best weapon against witches is a submachine gun. Just do not forget to destroy the remaining pile of ashes after their death. Otherwise, they will respawn again. Grenades and dynamite act on them somehow sluggishly, so it's better to leave them until better times. They first appear on the penultimate level.

Heroes of tragedy


The story begins with the fact that Torque is brought to the Abbot prison to carry out the sentence of the court. He is accused of killing his wife and children. The court imposed capital punishment - the death penalty. But not everything is so simple. Tork does not remember anything, and the evidence of his guilt is very doubtful. As soon as he is in the cell, strange things begin to happen around him. So who is he? A murderer or an innocent convict? Or something else? It's up to you to decide.

Dr. Killjoy

Doctor Killjoy is one of the island's ancient legends. The mad doctor performed monstrous experiments on the sick... and died under mysterious circumstances. He was reborn as a ghost that appears from the projectors of movie cameras. During the game you will learn a lot of interesting things about the doctor and his patients.


Horace's story is scary and sad at the same time. When he went to prison, he decided that his wife would not be safe without his protection. And during the next visit, he cut it into pieces. He ended his life in the electric chair. But death did not accept him. Now Horace is forced to wander forever as a ghost. Between death and life.


Not much is known about Hermes. Rumor has it that he once killed himself in a gas chamber. Now he has incarnated in the form of gas - killing and enjoying death. The most mysterious character of the whole trinity that will haunt you throughout the game.


Fellow travelers and simple counter for the game will be enough. Some of them will help you. Part of asking for help. Part of trying to kill. All this will be random and short-lived meetings. Tork must go his own way alone. These are meetings that give you choices. And allowing you to understand who you really are.


The passage is written for the game of medium difficulty. The difference between the difficulty levels is the survivability of the monsters, the damage dealt by Torque, and the number of items scattered on the maps. If at an easy level a single shot from a shotgun is enough for a simple monster, then at a difficult one it can easily withstand a couple of charges at close range.

For the convenience of orientation in space, maps of the island and the prison are at your disposal, as well as, for a number of missions, more detailed maps of the area where the action takes place.

The Worst Place on Earth

After the cell doors open, go to the exit from the block and watch the scene with the death of the guard. The door to the next cell is open. Run to your cellmate and pick up a knife. Another door flew out. Go to the control room. Inside you will find a level map and batteries for a flashlight. Don't forget to press the red button to unlock the passage.

Go out into the corridor and run to the shower room. There, pick up painkillers and batteries for a flashlight. Now run to the administration room. Collect all the useful items and go out into the corridor.

Run along it until you run into a prisoner. It's not worth following him. Drops to death. Approach the grate and wait for the next scene. Then go into the control room and unlock the door. Go down the hallway to the men's room. There you will meet the first monster. After his death, wait for the guard. You can kill him and pick up the weapon, or join in the fight against the monsters. Either way, you'll get the gun.

Go to the toilet and wait for another flash of memory. Then run to the locker room and pick up a flashlight. Go back to the guard. Now hurry up to the next level together. After unlocking the door to the hall, you will stumble upon two monsters. After they die, wait for the guard to decide to check the room with the electric chair. In vain he did it. Pick up his weapon (there is nothing interesting in the room) and go to the ward. There you will find a bunch of cans of painkillers and meet Hermes. Later you will get to know him better.

Dismantle the barricade in the corridor with the help of sharpening. The further path is blocked by a soda machine. Pull it out and go to the control room. There you will find another pack of painkillers. By the way, if you want to get "evil" karma points, pull the lever. A prisoner appears from nowhere in the electric chair, twitching.

After reaching the central hall, try to open the door to the control room. In response, it will be opened from the other side. By the way, the monster, when it gets off the ceiling, it is better to cut it with a knife. Nothing to waste ammo. Now you need to drag the statue blocking the door. Set it so that it prevents the second door from closing. Enter the control room and press the button. If everything is done correctly, the passage will be free. When you exit, another monster will attack you.

Go to the next control room. If you want, you can execute the guard in the gas chamber. Exit back to the corridor and move to the first turn to the right. Go to the gas chamber (you will come across a couple of monsters along the way). Once you're inside, Hermes will release the gas. Calmly. Wait for the monster to break the glass, run inside the hall and finish off the creature.

Now there is only one way. Into the basement. Run downstairs, remembering to grab ammo and painkillers from the shelves under the stairs.



Turn on the light and go down the corridor until you reach the boiler room, where you will meet Hermes, Dr. Killjoy and Horace. Meet - these are your new friends until the end of the game. After the conversation, monsters will climb on you in batches. After a while, the doctor will say that he wants to see the real Torque. After that, another scale will appear next to the health indicator. When it is full, you can turn into a demon. Which is what should be done. After the reverse transformation, the door below will open.

Walk straight down the corridor until you reach a place blocked by steam. Pull the wheel on the right to turn off the steam. Pull the lever in the next room as well. Behind should not weakly jerk. By the way, the consequences of this act will make themselves felt in the fourteenth level. Trust me, you won't regret it. Go back and climb into the hole in the wall. Inside, in addition to a bunch of ammo, you will find a second pistol. It's time to show the monsters Macedonian shooting.

Go back and climb up through the gap in the floor. After going a little forward, you will meet a new monster. It is better not to directly collide with him, but to shoot vilely from around the corner. If he hits, it won't show a little. Go to the workshop. From it you can get to the northern and western insulators. Which one you go to first doesn't really matter. You still need to clean both.

After the number of monsters is reduced to zero, go to the small room in the western isolation room and use the valve to open the door. Run straight along the corridor and talk to Horace, standing by the grate. Then go further until you reach the stairs. Climb up, pick up a machine gun and stock up on ammo. Now go to the exit from the level.

Slumber of the Dead

After walking along the corridor to the end, turn right. Now we have to view one scene ... Turn on the monitor and enjoy. You still cannot change what is happening. Exit back to the corridor and step into the previously locked door. Behind her is Dallas. If you want to get a bias to the "evil" ending - shoot. If not, take it with you.

Run down the street, shooting monsters along the way. If you want, you can go to death row, but you will not find anything special there. When you reach the building, climb up using the stairs.

Abbott Prison Blues

After talking with Dallas, dismantle the barricade and drag the box. By the way, if you want Dallas to survive, I advise you to put the box back and lock your companion in the room. Then you can return for it. Although, to be honest, I don’t see much need for his company.

Go to Locker Room. Search the tables in the room for a map of the building. By the way, if Dallas is with you, he will pick up weapons, which makes him a little more useful. Now it's time for the control room. Click on the red button and search the cells. Get down to the level below.

A prisoner is sitting in one of the cells, he passionately wants to be locked up. I'm willing to bet that a couple of days ago he wanted the exact opposite. Go to the nearest control room and pull the lever. Now the prisoner is safe. Press the red button to unlock the doors. At the same time, a bunch of creatures with syringes will come running to you. Exit the control room and head down to the basement. There you will find a level map.

Now you need to choose how to get out into the street. There are two options.

The first is through the showers. From the control room, go through the east door. First, go into the opening on the right, where another flash of memory will visit you. Now go to the showers. To stop the flow of creatures, you need to turn off every shower. Or just run past them. When you reach a corridor blocked by fire, pull the lever to put out the flames. It remains to replenish supplies in the control room and run out into the street.

The second way is longer, but safer. Go to the corridor where a large puddle of water is energized. Shoot the shield to turn off the electricity. Now you have a long but easy journey ahead of you. Only in the courtyard you will meet a trio of prisoners who are ready to send you to the next world.

In any case, you will find yourself in the courtyard. Go to the tower and shoot the ladder to make it go down. Inside the tower you will find a map. Run to the library. On the way, do not forget to grab the instructions for the flamethrower. You will need it later. Without much delay in the library (monsters are constantly respawning), quickly drop into the office and go downstairs.

Quickly run through the hospital (monsters are endless) and enter the room with two hanging prisoners. The next boss is Hargrave. You could already see it on one of the monitors. To get to Hargrave, turn into a monster and run up the stairs. In the control room, you will find a hole in the floor leading to the room where the crazy sheriff has locked himself up. Having dealt with him, as well as with his henchmen, get up behind the machine gun and start shooting the creatures. It is best to constantly fire at the doorway. The dropout rate will be very low.

When the flow of creatures subsides, press the red button and go to the exit. The gates are closed. Climb onto the dustbin and climb up the parapet. When you reach the corridor, follow the child to the toilet. Wow surprise! Now step into the control room and press the red button. Again, no luck. Exit back and go through the door opposite.

No More Prisons

Pick up weapons for the machine gun in the tower and go down the stairs. Follow the path until you reach an area with spotlights. Here you will have to fight guards and monsters at the same time. It is better to run away and not climb on the rampage. Let them deal with each other first.

Run further, shooting everyone you meet along the way. You will meet an open tribune - a machine gun is installed there. Stand behind him and thin out the hordes of attackers. Then there will be a scene where they will show how the guard famously controls the monsters with a shotgun. After that, another wave of monsters will rush to the site. You can not fight them, but grab a shotgun (it lies by the burning table) and run into the building.

I Can Sleep When I'm Dead

Enter the control room and take the level card. After reaching the hanged guards, go straight (on the right - a dead end). In the next control room, press the red button to open the gate and go right. There, through the glass, you will hear the screams of prisoners for help. Open the cells of the cell to set them free.

Come back. A couple of monsters are waiting for you in the toilet. Try a shotgun on them. It works very effectively. Go back to the corridor and, after meeting a new enemy in absentia, pick up the phone to talk to your wife. After the end of the conversation, a bunch of monsters will rush at you. But the exit is open.

In the dining room you will find another surprise from an old friend. To get out of the room, you need to put out the fire. Drag the soda machine to the floor drain. Now cut through the barricade in the small room and activate the fire safety system. I advise you to get out of the room as soon as possible. Monsters appear constantly, at regular intervals.

In the control room, press the button and run to the R-block. Watch out for hangmen jumping from the ceiling. In the control room below, press the two buttons to open the doors. Now you can choose the path you want to take. In fact, there is not much difference between them, so the choice is largely nominal. Personally, I jumped into the hole in the lower chamber and went through the dungeons.

Ultimately, you will still get to the boy. Follow him, shooting monsters along the way. After reaching the S-block, climb onto the bed, and then onto the roof. It remains to run a little forward to finish the level.


beautiful is gone

You are on the street again, and again there is only one way. Pick up ammo from the guard's body and jump down. Run into the guard tower and take valuables before it is filled with gas. Climb to the roof of the tower and jump over to the next building. Here you will meet a frightened guard who will run downstairs. Go into the room on the side and, after taking the ammunition, go down. Having calmed down a bit, the guard will agree to help you.

Follow him. In a long passage with spotlights, point the beam at the crowns of trees to stop jumping creatures. Point the last spotlight down into the field. You will need it later. Now push the crate down to explode the balloons. If it doesn't work, then just shoot from above. Get down.

On the site itself, you will have a serious fight. Stand in the center of the beam from the searchlight and watch the first monsters fry. When the arrows appear, take out your weapons and arrange a bloodbath.

When it becomes calm around, run into the building. There you will find a map. After that, get out onto the roof and, jumping down, step into the prison complex.

Darkest Night, Eternal


The workshop is full of monsters, so deal with them as quickly as possible. After the battle, pick up the ammo scattered around the corners. Break the box blocking the exit and get out into the street.

Pass through the cemetery and step to the left. There you will find sticks of dynamite. Now to the right. Along the way, you will encounter a bunch of hostile guards and a standard set of monsters. Follow the road until you reach a quarry. Climb down the stairs, shooting back at the monsters. Although you can just jump down the rocks and avoid the fight.

Enter the cave... Meet the new enemy. Creature harmful to disgust. Climb up the ladder and run through the hole in the fence.

Oblivion Regained

Go straight until you come across a detonator. Use it for its intended purpose and climb up the wreckage. In the cave itself, try to shoot carefully - there are a lot of boxes with explosives around. Once in the fresh air, go to the quarry. Ignore the guards below, firing back at the creatures. They have enough worries without you. Get behind the crane control panel and bring down the rock onto the lava with a stone block. Get down downward and iditol further. Although you can go into the house on the other side of the cliff. To do this, you need to jump on the stairs.

When you reach a dead end, use the detonator to clear the passage. Now you can pass. In the hut on the left, you can thoroughly replenish ammunition. Having reached the next cliff, use the crane to help the prisoner to overcome it, and then place the stone so that he himself can pass.

Keep going until you come across two very strange girls. After the video, stand behind the control levers of the next crane and drop the water tower to extinguish the flame. Climb down and go through the cave.

You"ve Mistaken Me for Someone Else

Exit the cave and run to the hole in the fence. Climb over the fence and take the terrain map on the left. Run around the lake and listen to what the dead have to say. Then go to the gazebo, where you will meet your wife. Now it's time for the mansion. After killing the monsters in the yard, break the boxes and, dragging the cage from the entrance, go inside.

Hate the Sin, Not the Sinner

Once in the house - look around. There is not much choice where to go, so go to the kitchen. After killing the monsters, shoot the projector upstairs to unlock the door. Climb up the stairs. First, enter the room on the side. Pick up useful items and go to the library. In it you will find Sergey - the poor fellow from all the shocks has gone a little crazy. Maybe that's why he survived. He will ask you to turn on the electricity so that he can finally enjoy the music.

Go to the toilet. There you will find a couple of useful items. It's time to move on. Return to the library and jump down the hall. After an instructive conversation with the doctor, go to the corridor opposite. Where it bifurcates, turn right and go into the theatre.

When the monsters run out and the doctor disappears, go to the locked door. Break the box on the wall and pick up the axe. Use it to cut the rope on the wall. The picture will fall down and block the beam of the projector. Break the boards on the door and step into the hallway.

In the corridor where you turned last time, turn left. Search open rooms and enter the room with your alter ego. Press the yellow button to destroy it and jump down. In the basement, go a little forward to trigger another scene. When the enemies are dead, pull out the cage between the cabinets to disable the projector. Come into the next room.

There is a generator in the far corner, you need to start it if you want to help Sergey. But for this you have to drain the water first. Use an ax to cut the boards on the sewer, located to the left of the generator. Now you can turn on the generator. Go up to Sergey and get "good" points to karma.

Go down the hall and go up the stairs. Search the cells for the mentally ill... In one of them you will find a guard thrashing in agony. Shoot him if you want to get "good" points. Pull the cage out of the third chamber and place it so that you can climb into the attic.

In the attic, approach the blue device and lower it down. After killing the monsters, destroy the projector that closes the double doors in the hall, and drag the box with the second projector blocking the way down. Go down the hall and go to the operating room.

In it, you must destroy five projectors in order to exterminate the doctor. Don't waste your time fighting monsters. The Doctor will revive them. Three projectors are easy to eliminate. The rest will have to deal with. Shoot the electrical box opposite the entrance to disable the fourth projector. Cut the rope to the right of the monster to lose the last one.

When the doctor disappears, press the button to activate the blue device. Stand under it to get a charge and throw an energy ball at the alter ego. Then jump out the window.

A Lonely Place to Die

Explore the area around the mansion and run out the gate. There are interesting places on the sides of the road, they should be visited. On the left is a house where Sergei was apparently sitting. How else to explain the presence of a hookah on the shelf? On the right is another excursion into the past.

After crossing the bridge, you will encounter another pack of monsters and find that some of them have learned to come to life after death. To prevent this from happening, shoot off the limbs while they are lying unconscious on the ground. Or blow it up with dynamite. Get off the road more often along the way. Often in the bushes you can find useful items. For example, on the right is a house, visiting which will open the archive. And also unleash a bunch of monsters.

After reaching the place engulfed in flames, run into the cave on the right. You will find many useful things there. To get around the fire, climb onto the rocks on the left. After going a little further, you will stumble upon a destroyed bridge. Run right. There is an old pickup truck. Use the jack to push him down.

Get down, but do not rush to get over to the other side. There are still things to do here. Follow the stream until you come to a small beach. Another vision and realization that Tork can't swim. Deal with the monsters that have come running and return to the destroyed bridge. Get on the pickup truck and climb up.

Dancing at the Dawn of the Apocalypse

Follow the road until you meet Clem. Despite his venerable age, the grandfather quickly throws Molotov cocktails at the monsters. Help deal with the creatures and talk to him. He will ask you to help him escape from the island. Grab some dynamite and Molotov cocktails and follow the old man.

On the beach you will meet new monsters - these are abscesses. Really, cuties? Bullets do not take them, so either throw them with dynamite and Molotov cocktails, or chop them with an ax. Ulcers are clumsy creatures, so it is quite possible to get by with one ax.

Walk along the beach to the ruined ship. Wait until Clem asks you to stop the creatures climbing from inside the ship. Run inside and wait for the monster to break down the iron gate. Kill him and go up to the deck. Through the hole to the stern, shoot the barrels standing in the corner. When oil starts to flow out of them, throw a Molotov cocktail. Now the abscesses are over.

Go back to the beach and say goodbye to the old man. It remains to climb onto the upper deck of the ship and move to the drainpipe.


Immediately after the end of the scene, run to the stairs as quickly as possible. After a couple of seconds, hordes of rats will start jumping from above. Climbing up the stairs, take a break and look at the map. See the "Stash" lettering with circles circled next to it? They contain caches of weapons and ammunition. To get to them, you need to break the masonry in the wall, in the indicated place.

In general, the level is not difficult. Run forward and destroy the monsters. In the ammunition depot, you will have to solve a simple riddle. Rotate the levers so that all three holes are in the center.

In the medical lab, don't touch the monsters in the cage if you don't want to earn "evil" points. True, there is not enough logic in this. It is unlikely that a reasonable person will leave behind two bloodthirsty creatures. No matter how kind. It is unlikely that anyone would condemn him for this act. In any case, the choice is yours.

Pull the lever to open the lab. Where the corridor splits into two, go to the right. If you followed the instructions in the second level, then the promised surprise awaits you here. In the place indicated in the picture, drag the box and climb into the secret niche above. There you will find a superweapon. Just don't laugh. It really is the most powerful in the game. After step through the workshop, into the southern corridor. There Horace will open the door leading to the exit.

An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind

Go upstairs to the room with the electric chair. Your old friend. True, already in the role of the boss. Your task is to destroy five electrical panels when the protective field falls off them. Until this happens, stand still and jump over the electric field hitting the floor. When all shields are destroyed, pull the lever. Horace is dead.

From your actions throughout the game depends on its ending. For example, in my case, hired killers are to blame for the death of Torka's family.

Go back to the cell where you started the game from. Along the way, you will meet another old friend. Listen to his chatter and move on. In the D-block, talk to your family and take their diagnosis from the cell. By the way, guess who wrote it.

When you pick up the diagnosis, the monster will break through the wall. Here is the passage. Get out through the hole and go down the stairs. In the corridor blocked by fire, wait until the rats show you the way out.

Who Wants to Deny Forever?

Pick up painkillers and jump down to the guards. Try to save them if you want to get "good" points. Run up to the opening in the wall and take up defense. Soon a horde of monsters will trample through them. When their flow subsides, go into the hut and listen to the radio.

Going back, you will find that another creature has helpfully opened the gate. Having reached the platform, kill the abscess with a Molotov cocktail and stand behind the machine gun. Now you have to have a fun shooting of monsters jumping out from behind the wall. When they are gone, go through the hole in the fence.

Death Be Not Proud

Go through the open gate. Drag the box to the building and climb onto the roof. Machine gun. How timely. Get up behind the trigger and shoot the monsters running below. After they die, jump down and shoot the piece of wood holding the bus. When he breaks through the gate, get out. Go forward along the road (ammunition on the right) until you run into prisoners. Nasty Hermes.

The road ahead is blocked by fire, but there is a way out. Explore the cliff to your right. Go down the path. Now you have a series of tedious jumps on the rocks. Just before you get out on the road, go to the place where the car crashed, and pick up ammunition and a pump. The latter is needed to create a flamethrower.

Pick up the ammo in the hut and go right into the woods. Having reached the three bloody pillars, watch the scene of the execution, and quickly get up behind the machine gun. Now a horde of monsters will begin to crawl out of the ground. And they will appear from all sides. "Don't yawn, give the cartridges."

When the carnage is over, go right. There you will find a hut. Locked up. Oh, what a cute box of dynamite! Pull it closer and blow it up. Clean out the hut and climb onto the roof.

Walking a little further, you will find a wrecked German experimental aircraft from the Second World War. So that's what the poor fellows were shot at the cliff for. They were Germans, and the colonel thought they had given the coordinates of the island to the dead pilots. However, stop worrying. Grab the box from the plane. Here it is, the last component of the flamethrower!! True, while using the newly acquired weapon I do not advise. Will come in handy later. In addition, you will not find fuel anymore. And finish off the running monsters with improvised means. Or just run away.

Now all things are done. Run into the cave, dodging sticks of dynamite along the way. I wonder who this crazy thrower is?

Single Bullet Theory

Run after the light of signal checkers. Just be careful. Dynamite will fly constantly and very accurately. When you reach a dead end, climb up the ledges. Keep moving. There is only one way - do not get lost. Having reached the next dead end, climb into the hatch in the ceiling. Here you are in the fort. However, it's too early to rejoice. First you need to get out alive.

Having reached the hall with the locked door, get up to the machine gun and blow up the boxes in the corner. Now shoot back from the surging hordes of monsters. When the attacks stop, go into the resulting hole. The mad bomber was captured. It serves him right. Will not be thrown by dynamite. Your choice is to free him or ... If you decide to get "good" points, drag the box with dynamite to the stalactites and blow it up from afar.

Once free, the prisoner will take on the role of a guide through the caves. By the way, even if you play an evil character, I do not advise you to kill him until he takes you through the catacombs. The path you will follow is the safest and easiest. Follow him until you reach the base of the lighthouse. If you want to kill him, do it before you climb up. Then it will be too late because...

Upstairs lurked the treacherous Hermes. Do not listen to his chatter, but quickly block the places where the gas comes from. Close the valves on the three pipes. Shoot the rope so that the box falls on the hatch. Explode the box under the manhole cover next to the firebox. Close the last hole in the floor with a drawer. Now you can take on the gas friend.

See the valve opposite the stove? Get a little ahead of him. So you protect yourself from attacks from Hermes from behind. All the jets of gas he releases will hit the pipes. When it starts to appear from the hole next to the furnace, run up to the valve and turn on the steam. Hermes must be pushed inside the stove. Now run up to the furnace and slam the lid. After that, it remains only to go through the opened door and climb the stairs.

And a Child Shall Lead Them

Search the lighthouse for valuable items and go outside. There are three girls walking around. When they see you, they will, of course, turn into fire monsters. It's time to get the machine. However, the guard will seriously help you. Just do not forget to destroy the heaps of ashes after their death. Otherwise, they will be reborn.

Somewhere I saw him ... Bah! All familiar faces. Remember the guard that led Tork to the cell at the very beginning of the game and told his partner about his crime? Didn't think it would last that long. However, Eduardo is not very happy to see you and hastily retreats from the battlefield.

Run to the right. At the guards' house, talk to Eduardo. He decides to join you. By the way, even if you play an evil character, I do not advise you to kill him. Eduardo will help a lot in the fight against monsters. To be honest, it was he who eliminated most of the witches. I only covered him from normal monsters. For some reason he really didn't want to shoot at them.

Follow him to the generator. Along the way, you will be bothered by hordes of burnt girls. The pickup truck will have a particularly serious struggle. After reaching the generator, run into the house. Pay no attention to the monsters. New ones constantly appear to replace the dead. Climb up and turn on the two spotlights. Direct the first to Eduardo to cover him from the killers. The second to the pit to stop the invasion.

Get down and start the generator. Now it's time to go back. Along the way, you will meet three witches dancing around the fire where they were once burned.

Having reached the caves, Eduardo will refuse to go down. I don't recommend you do this either. The number of troubles is disproportionately greater than the reward. But if you still decide... Three prisoners are sitting inside the cave. They need to be saved from monster attacks. Then you will get "good" karma points and some ammo. Don't forget to also run deep into the cave and climb up the ledges. There you will find a secret.

When you reach the lighthouse, go upstairs. The handle doesn't want to turn. I wonder what's the reason? A couple of blades got stuck in the gears. Knock them out with an ax and twist the handle. The lighthouse is on and spinning. Now climb to the very top. Tork's son tries to fly the swallow. Unsuccessfully.

Get down downward and run to the house of guards. Isn't it nice to see old acquaintances you killed? Or is it impossible to kill them at all? However, there is no time for reflection. Forward. To the final.

Last Breath Before Dying

The path to the docks is straight and full of monsters. In general, run, shoot and pick up ammunition scattered along the sides of the road. There is no point in saving ammo anymore. In the tunnel you will be attacked by two witches. When they are finished, climb onto the box and jump over the grate. Explode the box of dynamite to break the pipe. Now put the box on the hatch in the floor so that the water can flood the entire cave. The path is clear.

After reaching the broken bridge, approach the edge. Another old friend. Hermes. When he finishes talking, quickly get out of the way before you get run over by a bus. Pick up ammunition from the cache on the left and move to the other side. After walking a little down the road, Eduardo will leave you and run to save his family. You won't be able to follow him. The road was blocked by flames. However, you also have unfinished business.

Run to the docks, looking at the local sights along the way. For example, drowning girls. And what you won't see in just one day. When you reach the pier, go into the house. There you will find painkillers. Now it's time.

On the pier you have to fight with three monsters. The first is a demon that lives in Tork's soul. Get out the gonzo gun and take a couple of shots. What a shameful death for a demon. If there is no gonzo gun, get a flamethrower. If it’s not there either, finish it off from a machine gun or with a machine gun standing in the corner. The second one is Tork’s double. and tear yourself apart.The third and last monster is the embodiment of Tork's wrath.Despite its solid size, it is the easiest opponent.Run up to the control panel, and lower it down.Now get charged and, when the monster crawls out onto the pier, throw it with energy In response, he will try to throw fireballs at you, but the attempt is clearly doomed to failure. It is enough to lazily run from side to side. Five steps to the right - five to the left. After his death, you will find out that Tork ... however, everyone has their own story. And your past.

The game is over, but Tork's story isn't over. Many questions remained unanswered. What happened on the island? What are the reasons for these strange events? And why was Torque chosen for the test? Expect an article on game secrets and different endings in the next issues of the Best Computer Games magazine.

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Name: The Suffering

Genre: survival horror

Platform: PC, PS2, Xbox

Release year: 2004

Developers: Surreal Software, Midway Games

Similar games: Manhunt, The Suffering: Ties That Bind, BloodRayne

Lived alone good guy. He had a beloved wife, of chocolate blood, as many as two little sons, and he himself was fickle in mood. And so he lived, he lived, he did not know grief, until one day an unpleasant oversight happened. He found members of his beloved family, lying lifeless in the blood. And then the guy thought: “What happened?” The police officers, either passing by for donuts, or already habitues of this apartment, asked similar questions, but in somewhat different interpretations. Our guy was truly a good fellow and did not crush the skulls of uninvited guests in uniform, he listened to good advice, and went to stay for a while in places not so remote. In order for the maid not to interfere with the blood to clean up from the floor, apparently, to brighten up the forced loneliness in the company of tough guys in orange robes .

Today we will talk about the game The Suffering (eng. "suffering"), a sample of survival-horror released in 2004. The game was developed jointly by two studios: Surreal Software and Midway Games. Monsters and levels were designed by Stan Winston, the head of which is none other than the creator of graphics for Terminator, Alien and Predator. Published in Russia by the New Disc» in two versions - the original and fully Russified. The Russian version was voiced by Leonid Volodarsky, familiar to everyone from the buzzing translations of video cassettes of the 90s. Ten years ago, you would have been drawn to tiled rooms from this, but today, and even then, in 2004, it sounded very colorful, reminiscent of the spirit of bygone times. But we'll talk about the Russian version later. To begin with, let's plunge into the abyss of horror lurking in the vastness of the island of Karnati.

First impression

The game starts with... a prison? Yes Yes. Where are otherworldly forces most often found according to the scriptwriters of everything and everything? In prisons and hospitals. Damn it, where else would they appear, not in cemeteries, after all?!

Our hero Tork, a prisoner in the Abbott prison, located on the island of Karnati cut off from the world, is led by some guards, asking if he wet his wife or not. Or maybe salted or peppered, and then ate raw? What's the difference! All the same, the protagonist, dressed in rather nice orange pants, remains silent for the most part, and the guards unanimously come to the conclusion that the road to him is straight to death row. We will see who will send whom and how many times to the suicide bombers, only they will give control of Tork to us ...

To the accompaniment of a skirmish of prisoners in the cells, you are locked up alone. The character maintains an enviable balance, and the only action that betrays his dissatisfaction with what is happening is throwing a slipper at the wall. And then… here some crap starts to happen. The light is cut out. The convicts start to panic, and then die completely from the paws of some monsters, which for the time being are not shown to us. When the screams subside, we finally switch to direct control our Alter ego, the earth is shaken by a weak tremor, and now Tork, with an insidious grin, steps on the blood-drenched expanses of the island of violence and vice.

First of all, I rushed to see what was happening with the chatterboxes, screamers and other inhabitants of this block, but, as it turned out, they were all out of breath. I think it's called emotional burnout. And that African-American with a sharpening in his belly is an obvious suicide. Where only looked prison psychologists? It is worth going up to the only door in the room to see how a person can literally blow his brains out of this phrase. A certain creature with metal rods instead of limbs is brutally cracking down on a guard who has come running to reassure us and inspire faith in a brighter future. After that, the door of one of the cells collapses, the sharpening from the prisoner's belly migrates to Tork's callused hands. Now it is possible and on the embrasure with the chest.

Eyes corns splashed all over the area krovischa. Here they either crushed everyone in a row, or held a ketchup party. Although no, still the first. Look, some stump of a body slipped into the ventilation. You can’t see anything, even gouge out your eye, someone is shooting somewhere, terrible sounds do not allow you to loosen your grip on the mouse ... Moving forward, I diligently shooed every corner, near a small shower room in one of the lockers I even found a corpse stocked up by some thrifty monster . Well, what is happening around is very, very impressive! He did the right thing by reducing the brightness, wandering through the prison corridors in the dark is just horror. As soon as we got out of the shower room, the phone rang… But Torque and I did not approach him. We have enough emotions. Running through some rooms, now and then we become witnesses of minor incidents: either the window will shatter for a penny, then someone will start knocking on the door, or even something will run through in the distance. Creepy…

At one fine moment, when Tork got to the first checkpoint, a guy gnawed from the side of the hip crawled out from around the corner, and after him came out ... quakozyabra! You can't say otherwise! Instead of arms and legs, some kind of sticks, he looks lustfully in our direction with Tork. I had to subdue him with a couple of sharpening blows. Not bad! Beast gave out pretty decent and interesting animation, and behaved unpredictably - it would climb the ceiling, then it would start twitching like a dubstep fan. Beems! But some type in uniform and with a revolver got out of the latrine. He immediately pointed the barrel at me, began to persuade me to stay where I was and not to move. I understand that there is a choice, soak it or not? Yah! I suppose you stole the whitefish from the last package that my grandmother sent me? Take a breath, turn, take a breath! Like this! Lie next to the stickleg! Give me the revolver! What do we have next? Yeah, a flashlight in one of the rooms, a staircase... By the way, in the toilet, Tork catches a glitch related to his son. In general, there are a lot of glitches. You play here and you feel like a drug addict. Tork, instead of first-aid kits, throws some kind of Zomborium, or Zombium ... Maybe this is a drug-horror? Like Mother's Inferno? No, everything was much more psychedelic there.

I go down the stairs, run through a certain control room, open the door, go in and ... Before I have time to orient myself, several more sticklegs fly right at me! A trained eye, a reaction brought to automaticity and remarkable courage did not let me down, and I retreated to the menu, and I went to drink tea myself ... Oh, fuck it all! Damn screamers! Why the hell did you sit down to play at night?

So let's continue. The battle was short-lived, Tork laid down all the opponents and saw some, judging by the appearance, drunk on Raiden's beer, yelling in a voice that was not his own and pouring lightning in all directions, broke boxes, moved cabinets. He reached a certain corridor, but, having heard an interested scream nearby, he retreated again ...

Scary, atmospheric, darkness all around, monsters… Not bad for the first impression.

The technical side of the coin

With regards to graphics. Worthy. It does not shine with beauty, but it does not cause bewilderment either. Especially if you remember the year of publication. From little things: main character breathes, stains with blood after hand-to-hand fights, steam comes out of the mouth in the cold. The animations of both monsters and all other characters are pleasing. Monsters lack polygons, but their insane appearance and the behavior is so impressive that you forget about such trifles. Types with pins instead of arms and legs, legless freaks hanged, some kind of half-human half-worms jumping out of the ground ... And also girls, first coming towards you, and then flashing with bright fire ... It can be seen that the game was created with attention to to the smallest detail and with skill! What about the location? The interior here, though meager, but the darkness, blood, the amount of action mixed with all sorts of screamers, creepy corridors, hallucinations and other obscurantism simply do not allow you to pay attention to minor flaws. In the end, not a single graphics. The game has a soul, and the soul is very aggressive, crazy and frightening.

Sooner or later, but we are released into the fresh air, where the prison masquerade continues to please the eye. Particular sympathy was caused by the local fog. And in conjunction with thoughtful locations, a bunch of small, not immediately noticeable details, numerous hiding places in which you can find a couple of extra batteries or a box of 12-gauge cartridges ... It's nice to realize that there are old games that even today may not be embarrassed to go out without marathon! The game is good...

...until you switch to first-person mode. The appearance of the weapon is striking, it looks so clumsy up close. The videos are made on the engine of the game itself, you can even turn off and on the flashlight hanging on Torque's chest while watching them. One more detail: all humanoid-type characters in the game, even if they do not have weapons in their hands, hold their fingers as if they have weapons, but they are invisible.

What about convenience?

Management is convenient, although there are unusually many keys involved. The camera works well, who is tired of looking at clumsy weapons - there is a third-person view.

Also, get ready for glitches. Personally, during the passage, I encountered the following: ground textures disappearing into fucking nothingness, dull characters who can fall into a lethargic sleep and no longer move, even if you start firing at them. Here I met, for example, a cowardly guard who wanted to go with me. I agreed, led him to the shelter, crushing the monsters, and take this vertuhai muzzle and hang at one fine moment. I ran around him, shot from a revolver near his ear, then could not stand it, shot into the chest with a shotgun, and the fellow did not lose his head - he fell through the floor, thereby leaving me to myself. What else. One of the local bosses, a dude in a cowboy hat, can become immortal. In short, patches are needed.

A couple of words deserves domestic localization. It caused great controversy among the players, as not everyone liked the one-voiced gundosing translation. However, it is the old man Volodarsky who creates a simply colossal flavor, forcing us to recall the horror films of the VHS era. But only fans of retro will appreciate it.

Textures (posters, inscriptions, notes, etc.) are translated with high quality, without errors and omissions, while maintaining the original style of the game. Menus, subtitles and downloads are similar.

Summing up the chart, put the rating "good":

"cons" - low-poly models, creepy faces of characters, monotony of the interior, videos on the game engine.

"pluses" - colorful appearance of monsters, change of locations, interestingly made hallucinations of the main character, skillful use of darkness to mask flaws, special effects, attention to detail in all components of the game, low demands on computer resources.

The result on the graph of the convenience of the game- "satisfactory":

"cons" - game errors, both caused by the age of the game, and profaned by the developers.

"pluses" - convenient management.

The result of the column soundtrack- "perfect":

"cons" - not everyone will like the localized version of the game, stylized as retro.

"pros" - atmospheric, believable and timely.

Game atmosphere and everything that accompanies it

1. Plot. The plot Suffering certainly arouses interest.

Tork, a father of two children and a faithful husband, is accused of murdering his own family and is sent to spend time in Abbott Prison, which is on the island of Karnati, Maryland. The mere name of this institution inspires fear not only in prisoners, but also in experienced guards. For many years, things have been going on here that are usually not written in newspapers and are not talked about on TV: experiments, executions, torture, and so on.

But is the punishment proportionate? Did Tork become an innocent victim of justice that did not understand everything to the end, or did he receive it according to his deeds? Did he kill his family members? It's up to you to find out.

When the protagonist is transferred from one building to another, something strange happens: out of nowhere, hordes of all kinds of monsters appear. In the current mess, when the prisoners rush to their guards, the guards try to take control of the situation, and the monsters cut into shreds everyone who turns up under their arm, Tork tries to get out of the island, finding out along the way whether he was the cause of the death of his wife and children.

On his way, which runs through the prison blocks, their environs, forests, mines, a psychiatric hospital, a cemetery, a port and other local attractions, the main character meets other people: prisoners and guards. All of them are trying to survive in hell that has reigned, but whether Tork will help them or covet their weapons is up to you. Should I help the cowardly guard get to the radio room? Should we finish off the limbless and tormented prisoner of the “felt room”? It's up to the player to decide. How you act in relation to the NPC depends on the ending, which will tell whether he killed his family or not. There are three of them: aggressive, peaceful and neutral.

The passage is mostly linear, that is, we don’t have much freedom of movement, except for small forks, when you can either complicate or simplify the path, but there are plenty of moments where you have to make a moral choice. At the same time, everything is implemented quite competently and there is no feeling of a deaf corridor along which you are led throughout the game. The merit of this is interesting locations, almost continuous action, variety game situations and an interesting plot.

2. Monsters. Of particular interest is the local bestiary: each monster symbolizes a type of death penalty, ranging from hanging to the injection of poison. How they ended up in our world remains a mystery, but there is no doubt that they are something like a punishment for the inhabitants of the island, a warning to humanity. A hint that not a single atrocity goes unpunished, even if life has long left the offender. The situation is somewhat similar to what is happening in the legendary town of Silent Hill: the island of Karnati has accumulated too much dark energy. So much so that it began to splash over the edge of the vessel, throwing into our reality the vices and sins that had become flesh: junkies studded with syringes, through the veins of which an explosive mixture of poisons runs; blind shooters, ready to open fire at any sound from a handful of rifles ingrown into the back, as well as many others ...

Monsters require an individual approach when destroying them, and battles involving several of their species can sometimes become a real test. In addition to ordinary enemies, there are bosses. These are not resting maniacs and psychopaths who remained prisoners of the island even after death: Dr. Killjoy (a crazy doctor who conducted monstrous experiments on prisoners on the island), Hermes (a ghost that appears in the form of toxic green gas) and Horace (who killed his own wife and was executed on electric chair).

The battles take place almost non-stop, the amount of action for a period of time literally rolls over here, there are often not enough cartridges, and the monsters are all stick and stick. The game, whatever you say, is of the old school, which means that it does not hold hardcore.

3. Weapons. In his wanderings around the island, Tork will acquire a small arsenal that allows him to resist nightmarish creatures: a sharpener, a fire ax, six-shot revolvers, a sawn-off pump-action shotgun, the legendary Thompson submachine gun with a disk magazine, various throwing weapons (fireworks, TNT checkers, regular and flash-bang grenades, Molotov cocktails). ), as well as two secret types of annihilation. This is a flamethrower, which can be assembled from parts scattered throughout the locations (I personally found a canister near the entrance to the dungeons, and a pump - from an abandoned pickup truck in the forest), and Gonzo Gun - an incredibly powerful nozzle that is found in a cache.

In addition, our protagonist has a useful skill. This is madness. Falling into it, Tork transforms into a monster that tears apart enemies with one poke. To reincarnate, you need to fill the scale of rage by killing enemies.

4. Atmosphere. That's something, and with her the game has everything on highest level. Of all the games in the genre, The Suffering most fully and colorfully conveys the atmosphere of a prison, and not just a prison, but a terrible place where they burned, poisoned, hung, shot people, mocked them, executed and tortured prisoners of war. Every room of the prison, every step along the paths of the local forest, every stone of the caves, everything is saturated with the spirit of horror, hopelessness and madness. Many things contribute to this: peculiar “flashbacks” in the form of hallucinations and phone calls, briefly telling about the events of the past, the tragic stories of characters who, like Tork, were trapped in the island, the hopeless darkness that surrounded the surroundings, the experiences of the main character, the ghost that appears to him dead wife, blood and cruelty, overflowing every game frame.

Outcome. Rating of The Suffering

In technical terms, the game is attractive, but not perfect, but there is no time to pay special attention to this: uniform madness that happens before your eyes, uncompromisingness, bloodiness and cruelty, seasoned with an intriguing storyline and a colorful scene of action - all this will drag out, shading other shortcomings.

This game is not recommended for people who abhor blood and dismemberment, but for all other fans of the survival-horror genre, it will be an exciting, nerve-wracking adventure in the world of a crazy prison, where destinies break and nightmares are born.

Grades on a five-point scale:

Graphics - "satisfactory"

Sound is excellent

Convenience - "satisfactory"

The plot is excellent

Atmosphere - excellent

Replay value - "good"

The overall rating is "good". An indisputable masterpiece of the 18+ survival-horror genre, endowed with its own, well-executed idea.

Name of the game:
Game release year: 2006
Game genre: Action-Survival Horror (Action Survival Horror)
Game developer: Surreal Software (Surreal Software)
Game publisher: Midway Games (Midway Games)
Game publisher in Russia: New Disc (ND Games)
Game edition type: License
Game interface language: RU (Russian)
Game Voice Language: RU (Russian)
Tablet: Present (NoCD / NoDVD included)
Game archive size: 1.53 GB (weighs 1.68 GB after installation)

System requirements (minimum):
Operating system: Microsoft® Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Pentium IV 1 GHz
RAM: 128 MB
Hard disk space: 2 GB
Video card: 64 MB
P.S. Do not forget to play around with the game settings before starting the game and choose the optimal parameters for yourself. Also, do not forget to update drivers, DirectX, Visual C ++ and other system components in a timely manner.

Description of the game The Suffering: Ties That Bind:
It was thought that the attack was left far behind and the protagonist of the game - the jailer named Torque (Torque), managed to forever leave the hellish island (infernal island), teeming with sinister monsters. But horror found Tork in his hometown - Baltimore is occupied by the same nightmarish creatures. Fighting off sickening hellish monsters, Tork continues to recreate in his mind the life story that landed him straight behind bars. Just as before, madness breaks his mind (reason), and the terrible creature sitting in him wants to break free.

Features of the game Suffering (Suffering): Blood Ties:
- A previously unknown combination of chilling horror (horror) with a somewhat crazy adrenaline action.
- Bestiary beats many records for perversion(perversities) and monstrosity.
- 14 types of different weapons and 3 types of throwing grenades (throwing grenades).
- Mysterious Heroes play an ambiguous role in Tork's life.
- A very large city of Baltimore is captured by hellish creatures, and in order to be saved - you need to go all the way to the end, spraying death and destruction.

How to download The game Suffering: Ties That Bind and install and run it:
Click on the button "Download"a little lower.The installation image of the game, tablet and other game files are packed intoRAR archive, to unpack them, you must have the WinRAR archiver installed.Download atbigspeed archivethe-suffering-ties-that-bind.rar. Next, double-click on the archive with the left mouse button, the archive window will open. Then also click on the file raspakovka.txt (notepad). Read carefully about how to unpack the game. If you encounter any error while unpacking, please refer to With this information . Then mount the unpacked image The.Suffering-Krovnie.uzi.2006.PC.iso to Daemon Tools virtual drive latest version. Autorun should start automatically. If this does not happen, go to "My Computer / Computer" and double-click the left mouse button on the virtual drive. Install the game following the instructions of the installer. After installation, unload the image from the daimon (daemon) tools. Don't start the game yet. Go to the Crack folder, take 2 files sufferingttb.exe and sufferingttb.rfl there and throw them into the game folder, replacing the original files. In the Crack folder there will also be a Levels folder, and in it a 07_prison_industry folder. Find exactly the same Levels folder in the game folder and drop the 07_Prison_industry folder into it, also replacing all the files. Launch the game from the shortcut on the desktop or by double-clicking on Suffering2.exe in the root of the game folder. As a rule, nothing complicated. Any user will understand. Everything is very simple and easy. Good game in The Suffering: Ties That Bind!

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It seemed that the danger was left behind and the main protagonist - a prisoner named Tork, was lucky enough to leave the hellish peninsula for good, teeming with nasty monsters. But the nightmare caught up with him in his hometown - Baltimore is captured by the same nightmarish monsters. Fighting off nauseating hellish creatures, Tork does not stop remembering the dramatic epic of his own life, which led him to jail. As before, madness tears his mind, and a terrible creature, sitting in it, strives to break free. The Suffering: Ties That Bind is a development of an action movie with a view from the back, made exactly according to the patterns of the first part. Jailer Tork returns home, where he is again obliged to cope with the raging evil spirits. Stages of the same type do not shine with thoughtfulness, and the monsters are very clumsy to be afraid of them. Alas, the continuation did not overshadow the original, but only took over its weak points.

The Suffering 2. Ties That Bind - The development of the famous game in the manner of horor. In The Suffering: Ties That Bind, the protagonist gets to his native Baltimore, but hellish creatures and terrible freaks also managed to sneak away from the island and are now killing everything and absolutely everything in their path. The protagonist expects to once again enter into a fierce battle with the creatures of horror and find out what actually happened on the day when his family was killed. The video game has been replenished with brand new monsters and spectacular tools for their elimination, and the plot is still as dramatic. Tork is expected in Baltimore newest heroes, which will play a diverse significance in his fate. Tork is obliged to find out the truth - no matter how terrible it may be. The main protagonist, Tork, suffers from memory lapses and at times goes into a rage. It's not unusual that he didn't have a life. On charges of murdering his wife and 2 kids, Tork ends up in the most terrible prison in the United States - Abbot State Penitentiary. Nevertheless, the verdict was never carried out: it is not clear where the monsters came from and decided that it was only their prerogative to destroy ...

Tork arranges his own judgments on this pretext, so that even a shower of human blood is not obliged to stop him! It will be necessary to spend a lot of time, coming up with cunning tricks, and use various weapons, so that in the dark, with virtually no chance of success, orient yourself with nasty monsters and escape. Destroy monsters easier, being in a state of indomitable rage and feral rage! But wherever you are, whether it be the narrow black corridors of the prison or the twilight of the street, you always need to keep one thing in mind: death is near. When at every rustle in the dark you begin to look around warily, you should express gratitude to everyone and absolutely everything for the fact that the population of the earth invented a flashlight and a shotgun! Collecting news by particle, in the end, Tork will be able to find out what happened in essence and whether the verdict handed down to him was fair. Statement of The Suffering: It seemed that the danger was left behind and the main protagonist - a prisoner named Tork, was lucky enough to leave the hellish peninsula full of nasty monsters for good. But the nightmare caught up with him in his hometown - Baltimore is captured by the same nightmarish monsters. Fighting off nauseating hellish creatures, Tork does not stop remembering the dramatic epic of his own life, which led him to jail. As before, madness tears his mind, and a terrible creature, sitting in it, strives to break free.

System requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Processor: Pentium III 1 GHz
RAM: 128MB
Hard disk space: 2 GB
Sound card: DirectX
Video card: Video adapter with 32 MB memory
Size: 1.24GB